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Rev 3 to Crisis Mgt Plan Implementing Procedure EDA-9, Environ Monitoring for Emergency Conditions for McGuire Nuclear Station
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/1989
From: Harris R
EDA-9, NUDOCS 8909130270
Download: ML20247C183 (26)


- . . =- _ .- .



,, 1. 1


- P.O. box 33189 CHARLOTTE. N.C. 28242 :

HALB. TUCKER retzenowe-

!, , vms ranssosww -- (704) 373-4531' 7- muotaan ruonuonow y.s September.c7,L1989 U.-'S. Nuclear; Regulatory Commission

' Document.ControlLDesk-Washington,-D.-C.. 20555 i:


-l l Subjects McGuire. Nuclear' Station Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370~-

, Catawba Nuclear Station LDocket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 Oconee Nuclear Station Docket Nos. 50-269,.50-270 and 50-287-Emergency Dose Assessment Manual ~


Attached for NRC use and review ist Revision: 3 to EDA--9 dated

~ September.5, 1989 of.the Duke Power Company, Emergency Dose-Assessment. Manual.

-:By copy of-this letter two copies are being provided to NRC, Region II,. Atlanta.

..Very truly_yours,

c. .


.. -Hal B. Tucker KLC klc-attachment l t V

i .p909130270spopo7 , / i )

p . p.DR ADOCK 05000269 FDC

./ '

I ,(


\JJH\ EDAM.001 i l


i ,,

.s TABLE OF CONTENTS EDA-1 Procedure for Estimating Food Chain Doses Under Post-Accident Conditions (Rev. 2)

EDA-2 Off-Site Dose Projections for Catawba Nuclear Station (Rev. 4)

EDA-3 off-Site Dose Projections for McGuire Nuclear Station (Rev. 3)

EDA-4 Off-Site Dose Projections for Oconee Nuclear Station (Rev. 3)

EDA-5 Mesorem, Jr. Atmospheric Dispersion and Dose Assessment Model Users Manual, Version 4A Catawba (Rev. 0) {

EDA-6 Mesorem, Jr. Atmospheric Dispersion and Dose Assessment Model Users Manusi, Version 4A McGuire (Rev. 0)

EDA-7 Mesorem, Jr. Atmospheric Dispersion and Dose Assessment Model Users Manual, Version 4A Oconee (Rev. 0)

EDA-8 Environmental Monitoring for Emergency Conditions for Catawba Nuclear Station (Rev. 5)

EDA-9 Environmental Monitoring for Emergency Conditions for McGuiro Nuclear Station (Rev. 3)

EDA-10 Environmental Monitoring for Emergency Conditions for Oconee Nuclear Station (Rev. 0)

\emk\ tab 1 cont.001

. 4'; V, L .,



" Environmental Monitoring for Emergency Conditions for McGuire Nuclear Station" e

%f fKwn Approved By 94~/s?

Date 'i I

f~ ~ .

Rev. 3 September 5, 1989



1 C.. I s . 4 .l



> -. . EDA-9 l: A, e

, 5 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING FOR EMERGENCY CONDITIONS FOR MCGUIRE NUCLEAR' STATION 1.0 Purpose l 1.1 To provide a systematic method for identifying airborne plumes or liquid effluents, and obtaining field data indicative of the radiation exposure to the general public, following a release of radioactive material. )

, -2.0 References 2.1 Station Directive 3.8.1 " Site Assembly and Evacuation".

2.2 HP/0/B/1009/20, " Manual Procedure for Offsite Dose Projections".

2.3 HP/0/B.1009/16, " Distribution of KI Tablets in the Event of a Radioiodine Release".  !

2.4 Station Radiation Protection Manual; Section 15.21, " Set-Up and ,  ;

Operation of the Quantum Portable MCA System".

2.5 PT/0/A/4600/11-(A,B,C), " Function Check of Emergency Vehicle and

"' Equipment."- ,


'2.6 Crisis Management Implementing Procedures, CMIP-7, " Radiological i Assessment Group Implementing Procedure."

2.7 Crisis Management Plan, Section H, " Emergency Facility and I 1

Equipment,"Section I, " Accident Assessment".  !

2.8 Duke Power Company Radio Operators Manual.  ;

1 2.9 System Radiation Protection Manual, Duke Power Company, Rev. 4.

2.10 NUREG-0654, Rev. 1, " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants". ,

2.11 FEMA REP-2, Rev. 1, " Guidance on Offsite Emergency Radiation Measurement Systems, Phase 1 - Airborne Release". j 2.12 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20.

3.0 Precautions and Limitations

' 3 -. 1 Enclosure 5.1, SRWP 98, contains protective clothing, dosimetry, and respiratory equipment criteria for field monitoring. Depending upon


conditions, the Field Monitoring Coordinator (FMC) in either the Technical Support Center (TSC) or in the Crisis Management Center (CMC) can change these criteria.


4. <.

L ,  !- 3.2 FMT members should follow the protective guidance as listed in Jr~N' Enclos'tre 5.1. s

( )

i- / 3.3 Upon activation of the CMC, the FMC in the TSC will become an extension of the CMC organization and will direct the Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) undec the guidance of the CMC's FMC. The CMC FMC will monitor FMT communications and report field measurements to the CMC Dose Assessment Coordinator as appropriate.

3.4 The Field Monitoring Teams (FMTs) should park vehicles completely off the road when sampling and use emergency flashers while stopped.

3.5 Once a release has occurred, vehicle windows should be closed with ventilation off or ventilation on recirculation to minimize contamination until the plume area is identified.

3.6 Each FMT shall maintain open radio communications with the FMC. If the radio becomes inonerable, telephone:

FMC at TSC (telephone #) or 4674 FMC at CMC (704) 382-0735/0736 for MNS, CNS or (803) 885-4804 ior ONS t

3.7 Ensure that count rate meter is on and is monitored during transport to sampling locations.


. 3.8 If any equipment becomes inoperable, notify the FMC and await further instructions.

3.9 Personnel not trained for emergency response may assist a trained Radiation Protection technician to do surveys and/or drive the vehicle.

3.10 The radio operator should follow the radio operation guidance described in reference 2.9; providing pertinent, general information.

Care should be taken to NOT provide detailed, specific plant information.

3.11 During a drill, repeat the statement, "This is a drill, this is a drill" with each radio transmission.

NOTE: The base radio call sign is (WQC700).

The nobile unit radio call sign if (KA82138).

3.12 Environmental sampling during emergency conditions shall not replace, but rather supplement normal environmental monitoring.

3.13 During drills / exercises FMT shall not be required to don


s_/ Respirators. Thi= is to assure safe vehicle operation during drill / exercise. Earing emergency situations respirators use may be required.


__m m_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - __

, 4

, ' 4.0 Procedure

/~*(, 4.1 Field Monitoring Team (FMT) Activation

! 1

'_/ 4.1.1 Form as many survey teams and sampling van teams as possible, based'upon the number of personnel available and field monitoring required.

NOTE: For any backup sampling vans from other stations, the call sign shall be preceded by the station name (ex. (0conee) sample van 1). I 4.1.2 Initial survey FMT will perform a survey of the security

, area boundary fence, as directed by the FMC.

4.1.3 Activate remaining FMTs'in accordance with Enclosure 5.2.

NOTE: Emergency materials / equipment available to FMTs are listed in station reference 2.6.

4.1.4 The FMC should ensure that at least one FMT member from tAe

-4 affected station is on each FMT in the e ent that backup i

(,,, sampling vans /FMT members are provided from other stations.

4.2 Locating and Tracking the Plume 4.2.1 Unless otherwise directed by the FMC, the FMTs will generally be dispatched as follows:

Alpha, -

performance' of beta / gamma radiation surveys Bravo, on the edges of the suspected area to Charlie, determine plume boundaries, utilizing a Delta station vehicle.

Sample -

performance of air sample surveys, beta / gamma Van 1, 2 radiation surveys and mobile analyses at or beyond the site boundary fence, utilizing an emergency van.

Sample -

performance of beta / gamma radiation surveys Boat on adjacent lake areas, utilizing an 1, 2, etc. emergency boat.

l f' x NOTE: If not dose prohibitive, the FMC may direct the

.s, FMTs to traverse the plume.

L l'

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4.2.2; The FMC will direct FMTs to systematically survey the jfk > '

' suspected areas in a continuous mode and to obtain air.


[. samples and beta / gamma measurements'as conditions warrant s

'. utilizing, quadrants, major roads, and/or. predetermined


sampling 1ocations.

4.2.2;1 Each quadrant. consists.of a four square mile area 4 , .(two miles on each side). This area is then" sub-divided into'four'sub-quadrants of one square.

m'ile each..

gy ' A quadrant on the EPZ Map will be identified by, 1),the letter

h. >

depicting the column and 2) the number depicting the row (ex.

- H-12). A sub quadrant will be described s

as either the upper left (UL),

upper right- (UR), lower lef t, (LL),

or lower right (LR).

f? - Major roadways' delineate major-territ'ories surrounding the plant. Either all or a portion.

'of these sections-would be expected to be affected to some degree by radioactivity released 1~ from the plant. Major roadways are therefore utilized to provide access to suspected regions (outer' edges, leading edge (s), centerline) of'the-plume, as necessary. Major roadways on the EPZ map are identified by numerical

, designations and responsibility-level (federal, state, county'or city) designations. Selected roadways on the EPZ map are identitled by a specific name, rather than a numerical responsibility designation.

[ Each predetermined sampling location is denoted Q by a (colored) dot on the map. The sampling point designator indicates the protective action i

l. i w =w __ : _ ____ _ _ _- -

y; 3 a :s: . ' - .

B ., , .. c V y -

.5 O < <

4 ,

. zone the' point;is in and the mileage from the

,YT , plant.-

[ $_.


$ The FMC should use the points as.

p landmarks when directing.the teams.


. The point locations can be read j i 4 directly.from the map or from the;  ;

directions in Enclosure 5.3.

4.2;2.4 While enroute and at sampling locations, survey' q

. teams shall report the maximum. radiation level'to L I the FMC. Sample van teams shall report the maximum I radiation level of the instantaneous cloud, the; average radiation level while inside the plume,  !

and air sample' data to the FMC. l 14.2.3: The FMC may use Enclosure 5.4 as a-log to document R instructions to the; radio operator regarding FMT movement.- -)

and utilization. -l 4.2.4 The radio operator may use Enclosure 5.5 or site area maps

'(/ to record FMT movement and field data such as beta /gac'ma surveys, air samples, and/or'special samples.

4.2.5 The FMC should periodically provide information to the FMTs {

on the emergency classification, wind speed, wind j direction, zones affected and other pertinent information, using Enclosure 5.6. Typically information provided by the .j 4 Emergency ~ Coordinator or Recovery Manager during P.A. )1 announcements could be used to update FMT's.- j 4.2.6 The FMC should periodically check and track FMT member's l

.i radiation exposures, using Enclosure 5.7. l 4.3 Special Sampling, as directed: ,j 4.3.1 Collect additional special samples including but not  ;

limited to: smears of surrounding areas, integrated dose i over a period of time with TLDs, vegetation, sediment, water, and milk, as requested by the FMC. Label and save each for analysis.

. NOTE: FMTs may also be requested to retrieve and  ;

replace environmental air samplers and/or TLDs.

j,) ,

h , d ' f. _

p} w3 J' '

, To collect' vegetation samples, use the. shears to '

cut enough broad leaf vegetation to fill'a

(( ,


Kf 12"x12. poly bag.

e To collect a soil sample, estimate one square-foot of soil and dig outLonelinch deep. To collect a water.. sample,.use the limnological

g. _

sampling equipment to fill _a one gallon cubitainer. ,

L Smears should be taken on stationary, horizontal surfaces', e.g. mailboxes, gas pumps, etc.,

NOT on Automobiles I l '4.4' FMT Turnover x 4.4.1 FMTs shall be relieved as directed by the' FMC.

4.4.2 The FMTs shall provide. turnover to the relief FMTs,.

consisting of1the following: .j . Dose rates and other sample data from areas.

previously surveyed.' Sampling van emergency supplies or emergency ki1!:

pg inventory consumed.

V Equipment operating status. Any sampling problems. Emergency classification.

- ' Wind speed. Wind d uection.' Zones affected.

.4.4.3 FMTs shall turn-in all data sheets to the FMC as directed.

'4.4.4 Following turnover, relieved FMT numbers should report to a -

counting facility designated by the FMC for a post-job BBA.

5.0 Enclosures-5.1 SRWP #98' 5.2 Suggested Field Monitoring Team Checklist for Initial Response 5.3 Predetermined Sampling Locations (including Air, TLD, Water and Milk

= Sample Locations) 5.4 FMC Instruction Log 5.5 Field Monitoring Survey Data Sheet

' ' 5.6 Periodic Status Update for Field Monitoring Teams 5.7 Field Monitoring Team Radiation Exposure Record

~- -


  • DUKE POWER COMPan Enclosure 5.1 MMUIRE NUC'. EAR STATIC 3 Page 1 of _ ,

Time 1000 (S)RWP Number 89-48 Rev. O P90NCUTE CUMCBG l kto 07/17/89 AED EQUIPIENT REQUIRED Job Description Field Monitorino Team Fmroency Response Activities -

Job Classification Refer to Cr==mts Section & B C D E

[x] ikxx!

Disposable . . . ... x

. . . .OR . . . . x Location: Building / Unit N/A Room / Elevation N/A Area 10 Mile EPZ Wetsuit . . . . . . . .

[x] C lls

[x] Notify fMC prior to start of work or changing work locations. #******** *

[x] Contact fMC for expected conditions during job. . . e 0R. . . . . x

[x]UtilizeRCZ/laundrybins/&Radioactivevastecontainers. Wetsuit * * * * * * * *

[ ] Radiation Protection approval required prior to sweeping, brusbing, grisilag, ************

welding, or use of c mpressed air and solvents. ' ' ' I I

[ ] Provide for adequate system drainage and provide absorbent s terial to pick ,

ap water. ********** * *

[ ] Lay dovu polyethylene arx!/or canvas to protect work surfaces and limit Rubber. . . . . . . . . x x contamination. ********

[)SetuplocalexboustsystemwithHEPAfilterforproperventilation. * ******

[x] Enter time in RC&/RCZ on Daily Exposure Time Record Carti. "***I ****** '

[ ] Review area Radiological Status Sheet prior to entry. Leather . . . . . . . .

[x] Low d ee-rate arm s am identified. ************

gx ] Personnel / tool / equipment monitoring required when leaving RCA/RCZ.


REFER TO CGEEtf!S SECTHE PGl MIIITIIERL IESTEDCD3S/IEymnafim Disposable ...... x x Cloth . . . . . . . . .

M 6 Protect. m m Rubber. . . . . ... . . x x c g g Heavy Rubber. . . . . .

TYPE l x Radiation Level [x] Pre-JobPriefing ,

[x] Continuous

[ ]Alpba _x_ Contamination [x] Post-Job Debriefing

[] Intermittent

[]StartofWork [x] Beta '_ x_ Lirborne Particulate []ToolList [ ] 30 Punermat. OUTER

[] Tup. Shielding CImrrar

[]DoseController [ ]Gama _x _&irborne Iodine

[] [x] Beta- Gaseous &ctivity [x] Post-iob BBA [x] e e- TLD. . . . . x x x x

g g, Extremity TLD * * * * *

[] Neutron mental sheets for specific []&dditionalSheet { Low Range Pocket Dosimeter x x x x Righ Range Pocket Dosimeter x x x x Extremity Pocket Dosimeter.

Eatice: Eadi radiatim scrter is r==pna=4hla for W h e a h Digital Alaming Dosimeter.

rates and the locution of los dose-rate waiting ames. Eadi radiatim i worker is r==pr==ihim for in11rwing the requirenets of this Br.


Full-Face Particulate .


  • Information/ Direction provided by FMC D: Core Dammae
  • Release air Line* * * * * * * *

! A: No Core Damoe No Release Outside of vehicle: Contamination SCBA* * * * * * * * *

  • B: No Core Damace : Release 450 ccre with HP 710/260 on PM-14 AirSuppliedSuit/ Hood.

C: Core Damme : No Release or E-120 or E-520

SRWP (S)RWP (S)RWP lApproval Radiation Protection Approval Terminated l

Manager or RP General Supervisor (Date/ Time) Radiation Protect. Title Date/fime Radiation Protection Title Date/ Time l ,

IC: Supervisor / Worker S&C Radiation Protection Change Roam Control Point RP Shift ALARA l

= . .


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[ [' j ,

. EDA-9

. Enclosure 5.2.

m 74 3.,.

Example Guidelines for' Field Monitoring Teams.

L1. Obtain vehicle' keys, where applicable.


ei suitable area for Equipment Dispatch / Checkout.


4. Check instruments and take readings of area.
5. Ensure that Kits / Equipment have not been tampered with.

If so, take appropriate actions.

6. Make radio contact with the FMC.

i 7.LStart vehicle engines,'particularly the Sampling Vans, to stabilize"inside temperature for.MCA Detectors. If needed, L'


obtain gas for vehicle. t pg' 8. Report status to FMC, particularly any equipment problems, malfunctions, radiological conditions, etc.

9. When depart from site, notify the FMC and await further instructions.

-10. Ensure that TLDs, dosecard, and High and Low range pocket

. dosimeters.are donned and serial numbersLare noted for y later transmission to FMC via radio.

L 11. When directed, teams shall be dispatched as per RP Manual Section 18.2/FMC direction to assigned locations.

NOTE: (These items are only suggested guidelines and are intended to be an aid in the effective completion of Procedural requirements during an Emergency Activation.)


7---- ..

6 .> m . ..

EDA-9 7_ ,

Enclosure 5.3

.' ') Page 1 of 18 N._/.


-Davidson Intakes - Sector A (North-Northeast) 5-6 miles Sample elevation - 736' Accessible by land on SR 2195 (Torrence Chapel Road)

Charlotte Intakes - Section E (South) 5-6 miles Sample elevation 635' - Unit 1 intake 640 - Unit 2 intake 637' - Unit 3 intake j-~v Accessible by lahd on SR 2004 (Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road)

'k ) . _ ,

(Pump Station Road)

NOTE: 1. Full lake elevation is 760'.

2. Catawba River spillway elevation (for Charlotte intakes) is 647'6" l
  • ,\~

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'This enclosure is meant to provide a guide to one who is not familiar with the environmental'TLD. sample route. Appropriate deviations from'this sequence and

' route may be made as necessary.

A. . Sample location numbers:

143 - Point of land north of intake pumps.

144 - On'the fence, at air sampling site #120,.near R.P. Boat House.


'145 - On the: fence, at air sampling site #121, near. guard house at Training and Technology Center.

146 - Shoreline of' discharge canal, below the bridge 147.- On the~ fence, the Training and Technology. Center, Environmental

' Labo ratory.-

148 . Second utility pole on the right-hand side of McGuire Construction Entrance, t

'149 - Near site fence, 200 feet east of U-2 Access Road on Hwy.;73.

J150 - On.the sa:e fence, 800 feet west of U-2. Access Road on Hwy. 73.

-151 -~ Fence. east side inside O.C. (Owner Controlled) Gate #2.

152 - Near railroad tracks west of N.P. (Nuclear Production) entrance.

-153 - Clearing on the left, inside O.C. (Owner Controlled) Gate #4 (S.

River Gate).

154 - Edge of river bank, access 0.C. (Owner Controlled) Gate #5 (Lower

~ Dam Access).

i- 155 - Bottom of earthen dam embankment, access 0.C. (Owner Controlled)

Gate #6 (Lower Dam Access).

156 - Top of earthen dam, access 0.C. (owner Controlled) Gate #7.

157 - Williamson access area sign on the Mecklenburg Neck.

158 - End of state maintained Road #2189 (Bethel Church Road).

159 - Anchorage Marine Shipyard at Holiday Harbor Marina, p 160 - On the fence, at Anchorage Maine Showroom.

161 - Main power pole at the intersection of Hwy. #21 and Sam Furr Road.

162 - Fist power pole at the intersection of Gilead Road and State Road

  1. 2139.


f ' J. . f ;.. . \

y. . .: .. ~ ,
31. EDA-9 Enclosure 5.3 i

s Page--3 of 18-. .!

_. .163 - Duke Power substation at. the intersection of Hambright Road and o

V .McCoy Road (State Road #2138).

164 Power pole' at the intersection of Beatties Ford Road and Hambright -

Road. i l

165 - Approximately 2 miles down power plant road from River Bend Steam Station.

166 - Water tank across from River Bend Steam Station. i 167 - Behind Lucia Volunteer Fire Department.

168.- Power pole at State Road #1511 at Killiam Creek.


?169 .Last power pole on Kincaid Road. _j 170 .Second utility pole on right from intersection of Hwy. #73 and I State Road #1386. l

-l 1

171 - Utility pole'at Triangle Hardware. j 1

172 - Power pole at. the home of T.L. McConnell.  ;

t' - d 173 - Power pole at the home of M.S. Glover. I 174 - On the fence, at air sampling site #134, near East Lincoln Junior

\ High School.

. 1 175 - Utility pole at the home of Steve Mooneyhan. j


176 - Behind.the home or R.G. McGee, on cedar post. '!

, ^l 177.- Power pole at the home of J.R. Leonard. j i

178 - Duke Power Substation at Florida Steel Corporation. '

179 - Power pole at the home of Dan Rains.

180 - Mooresville Water Treatment Plant. l 181.- Davidson Vater Treatraent Plant. l I

182 - On the fence, at air sampling site #133, at Cornelius substation.

183 .Iritake pumping station for Charlotte drinking water, Gar Lake.

B. Directions to sampling locations:

NOTE: . Contact Security at Ext. 4460 to open all 0.C. (Owner l i

/ ' Controlled) Gates.


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EDA-9 h

c' Enclosure 5.3

, , s , Page 4 ofs18 u d,

-T V


Locatihn #156 IProceed to the McGuire Nuclear Station main' entrance h4M '


and then follow-the black _ topped road to behind the paved parking lots. Continue on this road until it:

M becomes a dirt' road then turn onto the"first: dirt road on the.right.. At the.end of this. road, turn _right again-

i. _

!and proceed up;the incline-to the'right. 'At'the top of l the incline, 'make' a- sharp lef t turn and follow ' to . the top of the dam embankment. Enter O.C. Gate #7'and travel the length of the dam, until you: reach the concrete dam portion of Cowan's. Ford Dam. The TLD will be on your left'near the base of the cement, barrier.

Return to the place where the dirt. road becomes a


Location #154-

'(WSW) black topped road and turn onto the dirt road'on'the right. Follow the dirt-road to the SMS Supply Shelter

~ -

and turn right.. Continue until you enter 0.C. Gate #5-then follow thefdirt/ grass path. As the path bends to the right, there is a grassy embankment on the left.

-The TLD is located in a plastic bag tied to a stake beside a rocky area s'400 feet from the top of_the embankment..

Location #155 .From the grassy embankment, return to the dirt / grass (W); path and proceed to the.end of the path. The TLD'is. t


located on the,right in a plastic bag tied to a stake.

Exit' O.C. Gate #5. Return to road in from of~

Location #153

_(SW) . Chemistry. Waste Treatment Building. -Bear to the right and proceed'to 0.C. Gate #4. Go through 0.C. Gate,#4 to a clearing on the left (approximately halfway down the road toward the continuous water sampler). The TLD is located in the clearing near the edge of the embankment in a plastic bag.

Location'#151 The TLD-is located on the left as you leave O.C. Gate (S) #2 approximately 50 feet on the left across the cement drainage pipe just' before the S.P.. entrance.

Location #152 Exit past the'McGuire entrance and turn right'onto

. (SSW) Hwy. #73. The TLD is located at the RR right-of-way approximately 200 feet west of the S.P._ entrance, in a clear bag.

Location #150 Drive east of Hwy. #73. The TLD is located on the

_ (SSE) double' gates at the site fence in a plastic bag.

Location #149 The TLD is located near the site fence approximately 25 (SE) feet off Hwy.. #73 and approximately 300 feet east of-Location #150 between two stakes under some pine tree-s.

Location #148 Drive east on Hwy. #73., Turn left at the Construction (ESE) Entrance. The TLD is located on the second utility pole holding the overhang direction sign on the right side of

  • ~- the road.

_ L.___ma.__ --om --__--__._.--___.___m m.. - . . _

EDA-9 Enclosure 5.3 Page 5 of 18

/'~~Y Location #147 Continue toward the McGuire Construction entrance.

( ,) '

(E) Turn right into the Environmental Laboratory. The TLD is located on the fence, on the right near the small blue storage building.

Location #146 Turn right into the Training and Technology Center.

(ENE) The TLD is located on a utility pole on the right just before you cross the bridge.

Location #145 Proceed to the guard house at the Training and (NE) Technology Center. The TLD is located to the right of the guard house on the knoll. It is attached to the fence at air sampling site #121.

Location #143 Proceed past the guard house and Training Center.

(N) Bear left on the first dirt road you come to, then right on the second gravel road you come to. Follow this road to the point. The TLD is in a clear bag at the very end of the island.

Location #144 Return from the point and turn left where the two dirt (NNE) roads intersect. Follow this road until it intersects the main road and turn left. The TLD is located on your left, on the fence at air sampling site #120 near i Radiation Protection boathouse, e

'/\_x/ ) Location #158 Return to Hwy. #73 and tura left. At the. intersection of Bethel Church Road. (S.R. #2189) and Hwy. #73 turn (NNE) left. The TLD is on the last power pole on the left of Bethel Church Road. (corner of Lola and Bethel Church Road).

Location #159 Return to Hwy. #73,. turn left, and turn left on (NE) Henderson Road leading to Anchorage Maine shipyard at Holiday Harbor Marina. Follow this road to marina area.

The TLD is on the power pole behind the shipyard warehouse.

Location #160 Return to Hwy. #73, turn left and follow Hwy, #73 (ENE) until it crosses over I-77. Take the first right after crossing I-77. Follow Hwy. #21 until it intersects S.R.

  1. 2147. Anchorage Marina showroom will be on the left.

The TLD is on the fenca surrounding the showroom.

Location #161 Return to Hwy. #21 and proceed south. The TLD is (E) located on the right on the main power pole that feeds the meter pole at the intersection of Hwy. #21 and Sam Furr Road.




.* .. i EDA-9 j Enclosure 5.3 i Page 6 of 18 j- Location #178 Follow Hwy. #21 until it intersects Gilead Road and j

  • 1\_ / turn left. Follow Gilead Road until it intersects Hwy.

(SE) 1

  1. 1155 (Old Statesville Hwy.) and turn to the right.

Follow Hwy. #115S until you come to Florida Steel in the i Croft Community. The TLD is on the fence inside the Duke Power substation to the right of Florida Steel, as you approach the plant.

Location #179 Return to Hwy. #115 and turn left. Follow Hwy. #115N (ESE) until it is joined by Eastfield Road. Turn right on Eastfield Road. Follow Eastfield Road until it intersects Prosperity Church Road. Turn right on Prosperity Church Road. The TLD is located approximately 2 miles down the road on the right, on the.

telephone pole across from a ' red barn' house.

Location #163 Return to Hwy. #115 and turn right. Proceed to (SE) Hambright Road (S.R. #2117) and turn left. Proceed to McCoy Road (S.R. #2120) and turn left. The TLD is on the right, inside the fence at the Duke Power substation at the right back leg of the transformer.

Location #164 From Hwy. #115 turn left onto Hambright Road. Follow (SSE) Hambright Road until it intersects Beatties Ford Road,t The TLD is located on the left on the power pole where fS these two roads intersect.

Location #162 Turn right onto Beatties Ford Road and follow it until (ESE) it intersects Gilead Road. Turn right onto Gilead Road.

Follow Gilead Road to Ramson Road (S.R. #2139) and turn left. The TLD is located on the left on a power pole in front of the David Young residence.

Location #182 Return to Hwy. #115 and turn left. Follow Hwy. #115N (ENE) into Cornelius. Turn right off to Hwy. #115N, just past the First Union National Bank in front of Fred's Shoe Shop, than left on Zion Street. The next TLD is located on the right, inside the Duke Power substation, at air sampling site #133.

Location #181 Return to Hwy. #115, and turn r'ght. Follow Hwy.

(NE) #115N until it intersects with Potts Street (street just before railroad overpass) and turn left. Follow Potts Street until it intersects with W. Walnut Street and turn left. The TLD is located on the power pole at the rear of the Davidson Water Works Building. The Davidson Water Works Building will be the first building on the right after turning onto W. Walnut Street.

Location #157 Proceed to the end of Walnut Street and turn left onto j (N) Gamble Road. There will be a Day Care area in front of

/ your. Turn right at the end of this road onto Jetton

's Road. Follow this road until it ends and turn left.

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, ,7 < Location #157. You will"see'I-77. Go north on I-77. Take exit #33

' [S]

s f(cont'd)- "off I-77, turn left,; cross back over I-77. Follow this 1 road until it intersects S.R. #1100 (Brawley Schoolt i Road) turn.left on S.R. #110 and follow this road.until

.it intersects S.R. #2160. Llow S.R. #2160 until you see the Duke' Power sign at the Williamson Access area.

The TLD is-in a clear. bag on the sign post.

Location #180 Brawley School-Road and follow to stop sign.

Continue. straight toward Mooresville. Turn-left onto

. Hwy. #21N.. Follow Hwy #21N. The Mooresville Water.

Treatment Plant is on the left approximately .5' mile up

. Hwy.L#21N. The'on the telephone pole near.the parking lot. on .the right, L Location #173' Return to Hwy. #150 and turn right. Follow Hwy. #150W' (N) to'the Grey-Seal: Paint store and turn-left. Proceed to-the caution light in-Denver and turn left. Follow-Campground Road (into_ Catawba County)

-intersects S.R. #1899 (just before .Barkley's Mini Market) and turn left. Follow S.R. S.R. #1845 and turn left.. Follow S.R. #1845 until it intersects S.R. #1981.and turn-left. The TLD is. located on the fist power pole-on your left. .

3 Location #172 . Return to Campground Road and turn left toward Denver.

1 (NNW). .

Pass Barkley's Mini-Mart on the right. Proceed to

'Fairfield Drive in-the Westport Community. Turn left-onto Fairfield Road and follow'unti1~it intersects S.R.

  1. 1389 to Lake Shore. Turn left onto Golf Course Lane.

The TLD is located on the telephone pole in the front yard of house number 625.

Location #171 Return to Hwy. #16 south. The TLD is located at the (NW) south side of the Triangle Hardware Store on the utility.


Location #170 Return to Hwy. #16 south. Follow Hwy. #16S until it (WNW) ' intersects Hwy. #73. Turn right onto Hwy. #73. Follow Hwy. #73 until it intersects S.R. #1386. Turn left on S.R. 1386. The TLD is located up an embankment on the second utility pole on the.'right from the intersection.

Location #174 Return to Hwy. #73W. The TLD is located at East (WNW) Lincoln Junior High, west of the main campus beside the well house. The TLD is on the fence at the air sampling site #134.

Location #175 Return to Hwy. #73, turn right and follow Hwy. #73 (WNW) until it joins Hwy. #27. Follow Hwy. #27 into Boger City. At the intersection of Hwy. #27 and Buffalo

  • Shoals Rd. (S.R. #1003, in front of Carolina Shopping

'k Center) turn right. Follow this road until it intersects with Highland Rd. Turn left on to Highland a;d then right onto Hoyle. The TLD is located on the right side of a utility building at the residence of Steve Mooneyhan, the 5th house on the right.


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'f]- -Location #176- Return to Hwy. #27 and turn left, follow Hwy. #27E ss _,/ ! (SW) through Stanley. At the intersection of Hwy. #27E and

i. Dallas Road turn to the right. Follow E. Dallas Road, until it intersects S. Main Street and turn left.

Follow Hwy. #275 (to the right of Nichol's Service Station.and Grocery) until it intersects S.R. #2001 (dirt road) and turn left. Follow S.R. #2001 until it intersects S.R. #2393 (hard surface road) and turn left.

The TLD is located on a cedar post in the back yard at the home of R.G. McGee. His is=the 9th house on the left of S.R. #2393.

Location #168 Return to Hwy. #16 and turn left. Continue-north on (WSW) Hwy. #16 until it intersects Old Plank Road (S.R. #1511) and turn left. The TLD is located on the left on the last power pole before crossing Killiam Creek.

Location #169 Return to Hwy. #16 and turn left. Follow Hwy. #16 (W) until it intersects Kincaid Road. (Kincaid Road is the road immediately north of Hills Chapel United Methodist Church on Hwy. #16). Turn left on Kincaid Road. The TLD is located on the last power pole on the right at the end of the road, t

Location #167 Return to Hwy. #16 and turn right. The next TLD is

,- s (SW) located on the left hand side of the road behind the i Lucia Volunteer Fire Department Building. It is in a

's- clear bag at the edge of the trees.

Location #166 Turn left onto Hwy. #16 and proceed to Power Plant (SSW) Road. The next TLD is located on your right, on the water tank across from River Bend Steam Station.

Location #165 Proceed down Power Plant Road for approximately 2 (S) miles. The TLD is on the fence post on the right at the sharp bend (90 ) in the road.

Location #177 Return to Hwy. #16 and turn left. Follow Hwy #16S (S). until it intersects Kentberry Drive in the coulwood Community and turn to the right. Turn left at the intersection of Kentberry and Belmorrow Drive. The TLD is located on the power pole in the front yard of J.R.

Leonard at 908 Belmorrow Drive.

Location #183 Return to Hwy. #16 and turn left. Turn right at the (S) intersection of Mt. Holly-Huntersville Rd. (S.R.

(control) #2204). Follow Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road to Pump Station Road (S.R. #2001) and turn right. Follow Pump House Road until it dead ends. The TLD is located along the river bank just at the edge of the tall grass in a clear bag.



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LIST OF DESIGNATED MILK SAMPLE LOCATIONS This. enclosure is meant to provide a guide to one who is not familiar with the environmental milk sample route. Appropriate deviations from this sequence and 1 route may be made as necessary. ( ;

5. ' Milk Samples A. Sample location numbers:  ;

4 139 - William Cook Dairy 138 - Henry Cook Dairy i '

140 - David Kidd Dairy 141 - Keever Dairy B. Directions to sampling locations: j Location #138 Turn left when leaving MNS main entrance and William Cook Dairy proceed to Oliver Hager Rd. (SR #2142) on your .

right. Follow road to the large main house. t i

Behind the house is a garage storage area. The  !

,m . .

milk will be in a refrigerator in the' garage area.

( )

V Location #138 Return to Hwy. 73 and turn left. Proceed to Henry Cook Dairy Beatties Ford Rd. (Rd. beside Phillips 73 General Store) and turn left. Follow Beatties Ford Rd. approximately .5 miles to Gilead Rd.

Turn left. Follow Gilead Rd. approximately 4 mi.

to Ervin Cook Rd. Turn left. Henry Cooks Daily will be the second dairy on your left, approx. 1 1

mi. It will be~ on your left just before the road ends. The milk will be in a refrigerator in the white wooden building on your right.

Location #140 Return to Beatties Ford Road and make a left.

Kidd's Dairy Proceed to Jim Kidd Road (approximately 1.0 miles) and turn right. Proceed approximately .5 of a mile and look for a white house on the right.

Follow the dirt road to the rear of the house.

The milk sample is taken from the vat located in the block building behind the house.

Location 141 Return to Beatties Ford Road and turn left.

'Keever's Dairy Proceed to Hwy. #73 and turn left. Take Hwy.

  1. 73 past East Lincoln High School. Take the next right (at the overpass). Turn left at the top of Q the exit ramp. Proceed approximately 2.8 miles Q

- to a large "open" barn on your right. Turn right into dirt driveway. Milk vat is in building at far end of parking area.

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EDA-9 Enclosure 5.3.

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2 -

1 Evacuation- Mlle Sample Zone Radius A-2-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Jetton Road (SR2151), go west on Jetton Road 2.0 miles. Turn left onto Old Beatties Ford Road (SR2149) and go 1.1 miles.

A-3-1 from the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Jetton Road (SR2151), go west on Jetton 3.8 miles to' dead end.

A-3 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Jetton Road (SR2151), go west on Jetton Road 2.0 miles to the intersection of'Jetton Road and Old t Beatties Ford Road (SR2149).

.A-3-3 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Nance Road (SR2148), go west on Nance Road. Go to end of Nance Road.

A-5-1 From the intersection of.Williamson Road (SR1109) and Brawley School Road'(SR1100), go west 8.0 miles on Brawley School Road to dead endf at water. NOTE: Brawley School Road becomes Mayhew Road at Meckenburg County Line.

b A-5 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Bethel Church Road (SR2189), go north on Bethel Chuch Road to the end of Bethel Church Road.

A-5-3 Knox's Grill at Hwy. 73. From the main plant entrance, go east on Hwy. 73 6.4 miles to Knox's Grill at intersection of Hwy. 73 and Henderson Raod (SR2159).

A-6-1 From the intersection of Williamson Road (SR1109) and Brawley School Road (SR1109), go west 6.9 miles on Brawley School Road. Turn left on Torrence Chappel Road (SR2065), go .1 mile. Stop on roadside.

NOTE: Brawley School Road becomes Mayhew Road at Mecklenburg County Line. Torrence Chappel Road is the first left after the county line.

B-1-1 One mile from plant on Lake Norman. (WNW)

B-1-2 One mile from plant on Lake Norman. (NW)

B-1-3 One mile from plant on Lake Norman. (NNW)

B-1-4 One mile from plant on Lake Norman. (N)

B-1-5 One mile from plant on Lake Norman. (NNE)

B-1-6 Emergency Boat House and dock.

B-1-7 One and \ miles from plant on Lake Norman (NE) directly east of TTC.

B-1-8 One and k miles from plant on Lake Norman (NE) at mouth of discharge canal.


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B-1-9 One and \ miles from plant on Lake Norman (ENE). ]


B-1-10 Bridge over discharge canal on road to~TTC.

B-1-11 The intersection of U-2 access road and the road to TTC. l 1

B-1-12 On the roadside of U-2 access road .2 miles off of Hwy. 73. 'i B-1-13 The intersection of Hwy. 73 and the U-2 access road.

B-1-14 The intersection of Hwy. 73 and the access road to the firing range.

B-1-15 U-1 main entrance.

B-1-16 Right past the bridge on Hwy. 73 over the Catawba River (below the dam).

B-1-17 The east side of Cowans Ford Dam, access through 0.C. Gate #5 (lower dam access).

B-2-1 2 miles from plant on Lake Norman (NE).

B-2-2 From McGuire main entrance, go east on Hwy. 73 2.5 miles. Turn left on Terry Lane (SR2255). Go 0.5 miles to the end of Terry Lane ,


l9' B-3-1. From McGuire main entrance, go east on Hwy. 73 3.8 miles. Turn left

(,) on Norman Island Drive (SR2145). Go to the end of of Norman Island Drive.

C-1-1 At the intersection of Hubbard Road and Hwy. 73 turn on Hubbard Road (SR2134) and stop on roadside.

C-1-2 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south 1.3 miles on Beatties Ford Road. Turn right onto Cashion Road (SR2133), go to end of road.

C-2-1 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south 1.3 miles on Beatties Ford Road to the intersection of Beatties Ford Road and Cashion Road (SR2133).

C-2-2 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south 1.5 miles on Beatties Ford Road. Turn right on Stephens Road (SR2132), go .7 miles to dead end at gate.

D-2-1 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south .3 miles on Beatties Ford Road to the intersection of Beatties l- Ford Road and Gilead Road (SR2136).

D-3-1 From McGuire main entrance go east on Hwy. 73 3.8 miles to intersection of Sam Furr Road (SR2145) and Hwy. 73.

f~ From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Ly. 73, go

( D-3-2

.3 miles south on Beatties Ford Road. Turn left on Gilead Road (SR2136), go 1.2 miles to the intersection of Gilead Road and Bud Henderson Road (SR2131).


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[3 D-3-3 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south on Beatties Ford Road 2.4 miles to the intersection of Beatties


Ford Road and Jim Kidd Road (SR2129).

D-3 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2123) and Hwy. 73, go south on Beatties Ford Road 3.5 ,iles. Turn right on Neck Road (SR2074), go 2.4 miles to the intersection of Neck Road and Allison Ferry Road (SR2127).

D-3-5 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SRM 18) and Hwy. 73, go south on Beatties Ford Road 3.5 miles. Turn right on >ck Road (SR2074), go 2.4 miles. Turn right on Allison Ferry Road '3R2127),

go .7 miles to dead end.

D-5-1 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, s south on Beatties Ford Road .3 miles. Turn left on Gilead Road (SR2136), go 3.0 miles to the intersection of Gilead Road and Remson Road (SR2139).

D-5-2 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south on Beatties Ford Road 4.2 miles. Turn left on Hambright Road (SR2117), go 1.6 miles to the intersection of Hambright Road and McCoy Road (SR2120).

t D-5-3 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go

,m south on Beatties Ford Road 4.2 miles to the intersection of Beatties

( Ford Road and Hambright Toad (SR2117).

v D-5-4 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south on Beatties Ford Road 5.0 miles to the intersection of Beatties Ford Road and Sample Road (SR2125).

-D 5-5 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Hwy. 73, go south on Beatties Ford Road 3.5 miles. Turn right on Neck Road (SR2074), go 2.4 miles. Bear to left and continue .6 miles. Stop on roadside.

E-6-1 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Mt. Holly Huntersville Road (SR2004), go west on Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road to the intersection of Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road and Sunset Road (SR2042).

E-7-1 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road (SR2004), go west on Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road 3.2 miles to the intersection of Mt. Holley-Huntersville Road and Pump Station Road (SR2001).

E-8-1 From the intersection of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128) and Miranda Road (SR2025), go west on Miranda Road to the intersection of Miranda Road and Sunset Road (SR2042).

l l' ~ E-8-2 From the intersection of Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road (SR2004) and

( Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 to intersection of Hwy. 16 and Pleasant Road (SR2008).

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[ lE-8-3 From the intersection of Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road (SR2004) and

,A Hwy. 16,' go west'on Mt.cHolly-Huntersville .8 miln to the

= intersection of Mt. Holly-Huntersville Ros6 and SR1667. (No' sign, directly across from Mountainair h d).

E-10-11 From the intersection'of Beatties Ford Road (SR2128)-and Sunset Road

.(SR2108),-go west on Sunset .7 miles. . Turn left on Peachtree Road (SR2019h go 1.3 miles to the intersection of Peachtree Road and Oak Road !5R2027).

E-10-2 From the intersection of Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road (SR2004) and' Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy 16 1.5 miles. Turn right on Valleydale

, Road, then make an immediate right (50 ft.) onto Gumbranch Road. Go E, , .7 miles'on Gumbranch. Turn left on Cathey Road, go 1.0 miles to:the intersection of.Cathey Road and Tom Saddler Road.

From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go south on


F-5-1 US21 .9 miles to the intersection of US21 and Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road ~(SR2004).

F-7-1 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go south'on

.e US21 2.9 miles. Turn right on Alexanderana Road (SR2116), go 1.0 miles'to the intersection of Alexanderana Road and Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road (SR2004). .,

F-8-l' From the intersection of I-77 and Gilead Road (SR2136) - Exit #23, go-south to I-77 to the intersection of I-77 and Reames Road (SR2110) -


Exit #18.

F-9 From the. intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136),=go east on Gilead Road .7 miles. Continue straight on Huntersville-Concord Road (SR2426) 3.6 miles to the intersection of Hunterville-Concord Road-and McAuley Road.

F-9-2 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go east on Gilead Road .7 miles. Continue straight on Huntersville-Concord Road (SR2426) 2.4 miles. Turn right on Asbury Chapel Road (SR2442), go 2.4 miles to the intersection of Asbury Chapel Road and Trails End Road (SR2445).

F-10-1 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go east on Gilead Road .7 miles. Turn right on Hwy. 115, go 2.9 miles. Turn left on Alexanderane Road (SR2116), go .9 miles. Turn left on Eastfield Road (SR2459), to 2.3 miles to the intersection of Eastfield Road and Prosperity Church Road (SR2475).

F-10-2 From the intersection of US?1 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go south on US21 5.2 miles. Turn left on Lakeview Road (SR2112), go 1.0 miles.

Turn right on Hwy. 115, go .7 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 115 and Victoria Road (Beachwood Mobile Home Park Road).

- G-5-1 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go north on US21 3.8 miles to the intersection of US21 and Westmoreland (SR2147).


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{yJ G-5-2 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go north on V US21 2.3 miles to the intersection of US21 and Sam Furr Road (SR2145).

G-6-1 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go east on Gilead Road .7 miles. Turn left on Hwy. 115, go 3.7 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 115 and Bailey Road (SR2416).

G-6-2 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go east on Gilead Road .7 miles. Turn left on Hwy. 115, go 1.6 miles. Turn right on McCord Road (SR2427), go .3 miles. Turn right on Hagers Road (SR2438), go .5 miles to dead end.

G-G-1 From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go north on US21'2.3 miles. Turn right on Sam Furr Road (SR2145), go 3.9 miles.

Turn left on Davidson-Concord Road (Hwy. 73) and continue to intersection of Hwy. 73 and Rockey River Road (SR2420).

G-8-2 From the intersection os US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go east on Gilead Road .7 miles. Turn left on Hwy. 115, go .7 miles. Turn right on Ran.ah Church Road (SR2439), go 2.4 miles to the intersection of Ramah Church Road and McCord Road (SR2427).

G-10-l' From the intersection of US21 and Gilead Road (SR2136), go east on t Gilead Road .7 miles. Turn left on Hwy. 115, go 2.0 miles. Turn

(. right on Sam Furr Road (SR2145), go 2.7 miles. Turn left on i' Davidson-Concord Road, go 2.3 miles. Turn right on Rocky River Road (SR2420), go 2.3 miles. Turn left on Shearer Road (SR2418), go 2.6 miles to the intersection of Sherarer Road and Fisher Road (SR2419).

H-6-1 From the intersection of US21 and Hwy. 73, to east on Hwy. 73 .9 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy.115.

H-7-1 From the intersection of I-77 and Hwy 73 (Exit #28), go north on

'l-77 to the intersection of I-77 and Griffith Street (SR2158) (Exit

  1. 30).

H-7-2 From the intersection of I-77 and Griffith Street (SR2158) Exit #30, go east on Griffith Street .9 miles to Sadler Square Shopping Center.

I-7-1 From the intersection of Brawley School Road (SR1100) amd Williamson Road (SR1109), go west on Brawley School Road 5.2 miles to the intersection of Brawley School Road and Garden Road (SR1111).

I-7-2 from the intersection of Brawley School Road (SR1100) and Williamson Road (SR1109), go west on Brawley School Road 2.7 miles. Turn left on Isle of Pines Road (SR1113), go 3.4 miles to dead end.

E-8-1 From the intersection of Brawley School Road (SR1100) and Williamson l Road (SR1109), go west on Brawley School Road 3.8 miles. Turn right l ~

on Chuckwood Road (SR1177), go to end.

[ From the intersection of Brawley School Road (SR1100) and Williamson V I-9-1 Road (SR1109), go west on Brawley School Road 3.8 miles to the i

intersection of Brawley School Road and Chuckwood Road (SR1177).


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., j l Enclosure 5.3 i l Page 15 of 18 )


[ .I-10-1 From the intersection of Brawley School Road (SR1100) and Williamson. f L (]/ Road (SR1109), go west on Brawley School Road 3.2 miles. Turn right onto McKendries Road (SR1115), go 1.6 miles to the intersection of l

l McKendries Road and Lakeview Drive (SR1455).

J-7-1 From the intersection of I-77 and US21 (Exit #33), go west on US21 over I-77 .2 miles. Turn left on Alcove Road (SR1206), go 1.8 miles. j Turn right on Langtree Road (SR1102), go 2.0 miles to entrance of All '

Seasons Campground.

J-9-1 From the intersection of I-77 and Griffith Street (Exit #30), go east on Griffith Street (SR2158) 1.0 mile. Turn left on Hwy. 115, go 1.4 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 115 and Midway Lake Road (SR1137).

J-10-1 From the intersection of I-77 and US21 (Exit #33), go west on US21 over I-77 .2 miles. Turn left on Alcove Road (SR1206) then bear right on Catalina Road (SR1110) go .6 miles. Bear right on Malibur Road go .4 miles to dead end at Cul-de-sac.

J-10-2 From the intersection of I-77 and US21 (Exit #33), go east on US21

.1 miles. Turn right on Fairview Road, go .9 miles. Turn right on Hwy. 115, go .3 miles. Turn left at Faith Road (SR1136), go .8 miles to the intersection of Faith Road and Midway Lake Road (SR1137). t-

. ,m K-9-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go north on Hwy. 16

( ) 6.6 miles. Turn right on Campground Road (SR1373), go 2.8 miles to L' the intersection of Slanting Bridge Road (SR1373) and Keistler Store Road (SR1899). NOTE: Campground Road turns into Slanting Bridge Road at Catawba County Line.

K-9-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go north on Hwy. 16 6.6 miles. Turn right on Campground Road (SR1373), go 4.8 miles.

Turn right on Hwy. 150, go 1.7 miles. Turn right on Kiser Island Road (SR1841), go 3.1 miles to dead end at circle. NOTE: Campground Road turns into Slanting Bridge Road at Catawba County Line.

L-1-1 From the McGuire main entrance, go west on Hwy. 73 .5 miles to the Cowans Ford Dam (Lower) overlook.

L-1-2 From the McGuire main entrance, go west on Hwy. 73 1.5 miles. Turn right onto Cowans Ford Country Club Road (SR1395), go .8 miles to Cowans Ford overlook.

L-2-1 From the McGuire main entrance go 1.5 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Cowans Ford Country Club Road.

L-2-2 North from Plant on lake - 1.7 miles.

M-1-1 From the McGuire main entrance, go west on Hwy. 73 .9 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Caswell Road (SR1578).

M-2-1 From the McGuire main entrance, go west on Hwy. 73 2.3 miles. Turn left onto Killian Road (SR1396), go 2.2 miles. Stop on roadside of railroad crossing.


j- EDA-9 Enclosure 5.3 Page 16 of 18 A

( /~

{ N-2-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go north on Hwy. 16 .6 miles. Tura right onto Hagers Ferry Road (SR1393), go 1.4 miles.

Bear left onto unmarked. road (SR1393), go .5 miles to where pavement ends (at " Gusto Bay" sign).

N-3-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16. go north on Hwy. 16 .6 miles. Turn right onto Hagers Ferry Road (SR1393), go .9 miles to the intersection of Hagers Ferry Road and Lake Drive (SR1568)

N-3 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go north on Hwy. 16 2.1 miles. Turn right on Unity Church Road (SR1439), go .3 miles.

Turn right on Graham Road, go 1.6 miles to end of road.

N-4-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy.16, go north on Hwy.16 2.1 miles. Turn right on Unity Church road (SR1439), go 2.4 miles to Beatties Ford Access Area.

N-5-1 From the. intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go north on Hwy. 16 3.2 miles. Turn right on Lakeshore Drive (SR1456) go 1.3 miles.

Turn right on Island View Center (SR1656) go .1 miles to (ead end.

0-3-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 2.0 miles. Turn left on'Sifford Road (SR1397), go 1.2 miles to the intersection of Sifford Road and Mac Road. i 0-4-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 (n) 1.2 miles. Stop on roadside at Hills Knob Methodist Church.

0-4-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy 16 .6 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Pilot Knob Road (SR1394).

0-5-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 2.2 miles. Turn right on Old Plank Road (SR1511), go 1.0 miles.

Stop on roadside passed bridge.

P-5-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 an Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 1.5 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Little Egypt Road (SR1386).

P-5-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 1.5 miles. Turn right on Little Egypt Road (SR1386), go 1.9 miles. Turn right on Optimist Club Road (SR1380), go .4 miles. Stop on roadside.

P-6-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 3.6 miles. Turn right on Schronce Road (SR1385). Go to intersection of Schronce Road (SR1385) and Ingleside Farm Road (SR1383).

P-6-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 1.5 miles. Turn right on Little Egypt Road (SR1386), go 3.2 miles to the j

intersection of Little Egypt Road and Kidville Road (SR1381).


l P-6-3 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go north on Hwy. 16

[_N 4.9 miles. Turn right on Webb's Chapel Road (SR1379), go 1.6 miles O to the intersection of Webb's Chapel Road and Burton Road.



.. 1

  • EDA-9 Enclosure 5.3 Page 17 of 18 P-8 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 5.3 Xf)t . miles. Turn right on Beth~ Haven Church Road (SR1360), go 1.4 miles.

Stop on roadside past bridge.


P-8-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy, 16, go west on Hwy. 73 2.5 miles. Turn right on Ingleside Farm Road (SR1383), go .1 mile and bear left 3.2 miles more. Turn right on Beth Haven Church Road (SR1360), go 1.3 miles. Turn right on Forney Hill Road (SR1373), go

.7 miles. Stop on roadside passed bridge.

P-8-3 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16 go North on Hwy. 16 to the intersection of 16 and State Road 1375 (about 7.8 miles). Turn right on State Road 1375 and go to the intersection of State Road 1375 and State Road 1635 (about 1.8 miles).

P-10-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 6.8 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Amity Church Road (SR1362).

P-10-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 2.5 miles. Turn right on Ingleside Farm Road (SR1383), go .1 miles and bear left 3.2 miles more. Turn right on Beth Haven Church Road (SR1360), go 2.8 miles to the intersection of Beth Haven Church Road and Mundy Road (SR1349).

t Q-6-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 2.5 miles. Turn right on Ingleside Farm Road (SR1383), go .1 mile bear g)

(V right and go 1.7 miles more. Turn left on Old Plank Road (SR1511),

go .6 miles to the intersection of Old Plank Road and Mariposa (SR1412).

Q-8-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 5.3 miles. Turn left on Brevard Place road (SR1360), go .1 mile. Turn left on Old Plank Road (SR1511), go 1.0 mile. Turn right on Mt. Zion Church Road (SR1404), go 1.9 niles. Stop on road side passed bridge.

Q-8-2 From the intersectica of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, to west on Hwy. 73 5.3 miles. Turr left on Brevard Place Road (SR1360), go .1 miles. Turn left on Old flank Road (SR1511), go 1.0 miles to the intersection of Old Plank Road and Mt. Zion Church Road (SR1404).

l Q-10-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go west on Hwy. 73 5.3 miles. Turn left on Brevard Place Road (SR1360), go 3.4 miles to the intersection of Brevard Place Road and Paysour Road (SR1361).

I R-3-1 From the main entrance to McGuire go west on Hwy. 73 2.3 miles.

I Turn left on Killian Road (SR1396), go 3.4 miles. Stop on roadside (just past Gaston County sign).

R-5-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 6.2 miles. Turn left on Horseshoe Bend Beach Road (SR1912), go 2.0 miles. Stop on roadside passed curve.

( )

U/ R-5-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 6.2 miles. Turn left on Horseshoe Bend Beach Road (SR1912), go 1.0 miles. Stop on roadside.

l I

w = . q . .. d t .

., l h 'y o EDA-9 U Enclosure 5.3 Page.18 of IB

-f )

{ . . . . .

R-5 From the. intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 6.2 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Horseshoe Bend Beach ~



R-5-4' From the intersection of Hwy. 73 and Hwy. 16, go south on Hwy. 16 4.3 miles to the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road

.(Blacksnake Road-SR1905).

S-7-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blacksnake Road-SR1905), go west on Stanley-Lucia Road 2.0 miles. Stop on roedside at Macedona Church parking lot.

S-7-2' From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blacksnake Road-SR1905), go west on Stanley-Lucia Road 1.1 miles. Turn right on Alexis-Lucia road (SR1820), go 1.6' miles to intersection of Alexic-Lucia Road and (SR1907).

S-8-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blacksnake Road-SR1905),-go south on Hwy. 16 2.0 miles. Turn right on Hwy.~273, go to the intersection of Hwy. 273 and Sand Ford Road (SR1918).

S-8-2 .From the. intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road -(Blacksnake Road-SR1905), go west on Stanley-Lucia Road 3.2 ciiles. Bear left at curve and. continue 1.5 miles to the intersection of SR1935 and Old NC 27 (SR1923).

S-8-3. .From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blacksnake Road-SR1905), go west on Stanley-Lucia Road 3.2-miles. Bear left at curve and continue .7 miles to the intersection of Stanley-Lucia Road and Sand Ford Road (SR1918).

l -S-8-4 From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blacksnake Road-SR1905), go west on Stanley-Lucia Road 1.1 miles. Turn right on Alexis Lucia -(SR1820), go 2.2 miles to th- intersection of l Alexis-Lucia Rod and Mariposa Road (SR D12).

S-9-1 From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blachsnake Road-SR1905), go west on Stanley-Lucir. Road 1.1 miles. Turn right on Alexis Lucia Road (SR1820), go 2.2 miles. . Turn left on Mariposa l

L (SR1412), go 1.5 miles. Turn right on Airport Road (SR1903), go .6 miles to the intersection of Airport Road and Hwy. 77.

S-10-2 From the intersection of Hwy. 16 and Stanley-Lucia Road (Blacksnake Road-SR1905), go south on Hwy. 16 2.0 miles. Turn right on Hwy. 273, go 4.7 miles to the intersectionof Hwy. 273 and N. Main Street.

  • . a.

e 9

EDA-9 Enclosure 5.4


- I'

) FMC/OMC INSTRUCTION LOG Sample Type Team Location B-G l Air Special From To (Check) (Fill in) i y~ '

? s Y



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Enclosure 5.5 FIELD MONITORING SURVEY DATA SHEET Air Time Team Zone Mile Location Beta Gamma (Child I-131 Special equivalent, pCi/ml) s_.-

W l


-s- ,

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~ r g' EDA-9

': Enclosure 5.6 l


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. Time: hours Time: hours Classification: Classification:

Wind Speed: mph Wind Speed: mph Wind Direction: from '

Wind Direction: from Zones Affected: _ _

Zones Affected:

Other: Other:

Time: hours Time: hours Classification: Classification: t

,r'~'gWind Speed: mph Wind Speed: mph

i. / *

'"' Wind Direction: from Wind Direction: from Zones Affected: ,

Zones Affected:

Other: Other:

Time: hours Time: _

hours Classification: Classification:

. Wind Speed: mph Wind Speed: mph Wind Direction: from Wind Direction: from Zones Affected: Zones Affected:

(,~J. 0ther: Other:



.g z . s ; _ o c., 75,


[' EDA-9

.: ;_. . , Enclosure 5.7 f.


N 4

' ' .. ij FIELD MONITORING TEAM RADIATION EXPOSURE RECORD Team Name' S.V.I. S.V.2 Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta


. Name TLD #.

Initial '



t Subsequent Dose

, (V -

  • 1 Running Total-

- Subsequent i Dose Total

- Subsequent Dose

' Running Total-Subsequent l Dose Running Tot.a1 _.

f Subsequent Dose


'fi (j Total l

l I

1 i i

l i

I - - _ _ _ _ . - - _ _ _ -_a