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Partially Deleted Memo Forwarding Draft Proposed Enforcement Action Re Harassment & Intimidation at Plant for Comment by 860225
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1986
From: Vollmer R
To: Cunningham G, Harold Denton, Martin R
Shared Package
ML20245D065 List:
FOIA-86-378, FOIA-87-A-77 NUDOCS 8711040351
Download: ML20245D081 (1)


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MEMORANDUM FOR: Robert D. Martin  !

Regional Administrator, RIV ,

Harold R. Denton, Director .c Mt '

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations ,. ,,


Guy H. Cunningham, III Executive Legal Director 4 $

FROM: Richard H. Vollmer. Deputy Director #

Office of Inspection and Enforcement ~2 " '


Enclosed for coament is a draft )roposed reement action on 'the harassment ion items at Comancu-Peak C Asyouknow,Vis'd .hes put us on' le. We are trying to'get the enforcement action completed by Ma To meet this schedule we must-have ur comments pruary 25', 1986. _ roy your comments P eectly to Jane galret."x24 .

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Richard H. Vollmer Deputy'01 rector - ,

Office of taspection and Enforcement cc: D. Eisenhut NRA

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V. Moonen. NRR .


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  1. p-@ N-D. Powers, RIV ,. .,. .,s

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  • RESPONSE TO FREEDOM CF M "'' I l au INFORMATION ACT (FOlAl REQUEST SEP - 3 m 000Lif Nvedeemesa ur ayensees accussTea a L %Lbn $*% & 6 PART L-NEC0ft0(Age snamn # 1907 LOCA1El laae sAsumed enamel No agency senere e4 set a Wie soeuses assue been tuesud.

9eo adsfeensi agency reasses mMmet to sie suesset home been locesad.

Agency recenb mabiset to Wie ressant Wut au beenIAnd bi Appeies ..gre sheedy anaAlado der emear bepecten and espybig bi Wie IdRC Pede Docunime Assa, 1717 H Soest, N.W., WesNngeon, DC.

Agenc O are behe modo anetsMs ter ades basession and espying h the NAC Pdec Omosuust X neem,y 1717 senese H 9treet,asbiset to sie smesset N.W., Wessmensn, eus ender DC. h a tutter aus idenAnd IMs PotA nasidier h Appenei and requester asus.

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and esytng et sie NRC Pdec Desument assini, TFT7 N Soest. N.W., Washingeon, DC, h a taider essesr eds pmA sester and vessament noms.

Enetooed is inesemsden en hour you may etenki scenes to and Wie ciergse hr copying 'econes pissed h se afRC Pdec Deensnent Room,1717 N Street, N.W., WesNrgun, DC.

Agency records msbisce to tie sessent me wedseedL Afry W charge for copies of the recore psoulded and pesurent precedwas are noted h Wie communes osedan, memords suhiset to sw roguest hsme been sessned w anseher Federet agencytimal for rowiew and eest souperus as you.

In viser of NRC's rempores to ins seemet, as durdur acqlon is bein0 taken en appesi Isamt deced PART N.A-IRfp0fte4AT1088 WFTHl4 ELD PROAd PutuC a'"*'a** -

Certain bdermogen in tio seguesend seasseh is being melhheld from putec cAnceoeuse pursuant to the 701A songdens esseeed h an V tiens 9. C, and D. Any reisesed portisse af om deemmene ter inhech ordy part of the record is being indsdiaW o for pubec seinspecelon habe minds . veas.d and sepybg h for the re M v Hnc Pdec poeument neem,1717 N Soest,18.W., Wesf*geon, DC, in a feeder under ses PotA aweer ed suommest noms.

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- t TN .see.ed eformeeon a property desumed swame en Esecuswo oseur 9236 ffXEMPTION 1) 2 T*. aseeisse esormegon reistes samtv e the been.1poemrwed Mas mas erecedures of NAC. IEXEMPTION 2) 3 15. .seensed informeqion is spedncsBy ens,ted fem patAc dodenese tuo seseire kidcoted IEXEMPTION 3)

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3. Tlie .ses.ed infermonen b trade secset er communise er enenauf besmussen that h beine withheld for the reasontal indsease sensese1ges e The isestmeilen is corsiewed to be enddensksi hash ss ipocrimenge eeormeelen.

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F0!A-86-378 i I

APPENDIX C WITNH01. DING EIDIPTION 50. I 1.- Various l Case Chronology (1 page) Released Dstes 'l 1

2. Omdated Investigative Status (2 pages) 1 Released  !



3.- Undated Allegation Data Form (1 page) . Released 1

4. 10/31/84 Conversation Record - (1 page) Release d E. Gilbert '

j S. 11/26/84 Meno from Boonan to 3. Rayes - (1 page) Released i

6. 11/29/ Handwritten Memo to E. (% page) Release d Fawlik free E. Gilbert 12/4/ Handwritten Memo to (% page) Release d File from R. Gilbert
07. 12/19/84 Memo from Griffin to (4 page) Portions 6 Gilbert 7C & 7D

'8. 2/27/85 Handwritten Investigator's (2 pages) Portions 6, potes 7C

09. 2/27/85 Handwritten Investigator's (2 pages) Portions, 7D Wotse l

f 019. 3/5/85 Esadwritten Investigator's (4 pages) 7D, entirety Botas 011. 3/7/85 Handwritten Investigator's (2 pages) 7D, entirety Notes 013. 3/13/45 Eaaderitten Investigator's (1 page) 7D, entirety Notes j


13. 4/2/45 Handwritten Investigator's (2 pages) 7D, entirety i

Notes  !

  • 14. 4/8/g5 Handwritten Investigator's (1 page)

Notes 7D, entirety i


F01A-36-373 s


  • 15. 4/8/85 Emedwitten Investigator's (1 page) 2 , entirety Notes 4
16. .5/22/85- Esodwittaa Investigator's (1 page) Etleased j Botes 1
  • 17. 4/11/85 Eandwitren Investigator's (2 pages) M. entirety Betes e 18. Undated Randwitten Investigator's (2 pages) 3. entirety Betes
  • 19. Undatad Bandwitten Investigator's (2 pages) portions, 7D j Estes
  • 20.- 4/12/4 5 Esadwitten Investigator's (1 page) portions, 7D Betes i
21. 5/10/85 Meme from B. Esyes to (1 page) asleased Chairman palladino 1
22. 5/14/85 Memo free B. Hayes to (1 page) Released T. Soonas j

, 13. 10is/85 Memo from 3. Hayes to (1 page) Deleased R. Martia (


24. 10/15/85 Titta page of R0ti (1 page) Released j 4-84-450 i I

2S. 8F e8Psis of 20!# (2 pages) Released .)


  • 26. Ianninder of ROIf (13 pages) portions, 7D -

444-050 e 27. Exhibit 1 to ROIf (74 pages) portions, 6, 4-84-050 M & 73 1 Transcript of Investigative  !



  • 23. S/23/83 hhibit 2 to R0ff (21 pages) Portions,7D 4-84-050 1pt. of Investigation ,

of Intimidation and '


  • 29. Undated- hhtbit 3 to ROIf (2 pages) portions, 7D 4-84-050 Report of Interview -


  • 30. Undated hhibit 4 to ROIf (2 pages) portions, 7D 4-84-050

. Report of Interview -

teeley i l

  • 33. 4/10/85 hhibit 5 to Rolf (4 pages) 7D, entirety 4-84-050 Confidentiality A8reesent/

Confidential Statement

  • 32. 3/13/85 hhibit 6 to 20!# (3 pages) 7D, entirety 4-84-050 Confidential Statement
33. 3/7/85 hhibit 7 to ROIf (3 pages) 7D, entirety 4-84-050 Ceafidential Statenest
  • 34. 3/11/85 hhibit 8 to 30!f (4 pages) 7D, entirety  !

4-44-050 Confidential Statement

  • 25. 4/2/85 Eddhit 9 to 30!f (3 pages) 7D, entirety 4-84-050 Confidential Statement
  • 36. 4/8/85 hhibit 10 to ROIf (2 pages) portions, 7D 4-84-050 Telephone Contact /


  • 37. 4/12/85 hhibit 11 to ROIf (1 page) portions, 7D 4-84-050 Report of Interview /

W. Clements.


38. 4/3/86 Memo D. Powers to R. Norr (1 page) Released t

e 33. 2/1g/86 NRR; and 6. Cunningham, ELD;


Memorandum from R. Vollm Enforcement Actles Ae: Narassment .

and Intimidation at Comanche Peak (28 pages).- Withheld in Entirety

  • 40. Undated Note b Plant-(1 page). y J. Axelrad, IE, regarding Comanche Peak Buclear Power (Ex. 5) i Mithheld in Entirety
41. Undated Annotations on list of 01 reports and inquiries concerning i Comanche Peak (1 page). Released  !
  • 42. Undated
  • Note by E. Moller. IE, (2 pages). -

Withhele la Entirety (Ex.5) o

L- -

.  ;. j GOWMAENT ACCOUNTA8luTY PROJECT l 1555 Connecticut Awnue, NW., Sube 202 WasNngren, D.C. 20036 (202)232 6550 s

J May 16, 1986 OM Director Office of Administration [O7A A g7f U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 -

Re: FOIA Request Qg To may concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. l 552, as amended, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and .all; agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering l analyses, drawings, files, graphs, . charts, maps,~ photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks,

- books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relay' ant to and/or generated in connection with OI Investigation 4-84-050, " Alleged Intimidation of TUGC0 auditors by QC Management," noticed in BN 86-14, April 4, 1986.

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1. A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8,1980), whether the the NRC official, " working", investigative,y orcurrently other files, existorinat any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC-Manual, supra, and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed, or are destroyed and/or removed after receipt of  !

this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued in order to implement the action (s) .

GAP requests that fees be valved, because " finding the I i

information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through its Citizens Clinic, GAP offers )

i assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking f to ensure the health and safety of their communities. j l

i l

9 / N / o -?/7, 2 7 7 o - .~- 32pr

1 er

'ROIA Request May 16, 1986 Page Two '

GAP is requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protecta public safety and nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions of docusants that you deny.due to a specific FoIA exemption, . please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index 'should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document'or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn,v. Rosen I Q , 484 F. 2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973) , cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request'within ten days.

Respectfully, ,

\W Billie Pirner Garde

,, citizens clinic Director 42116 i


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