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Partially Deleted Rept of Allegation Received from Anonymous Caller Stating That J Padovano Signing Off on NDE Work in Turbine Bldg That Was Not Performed
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/1983
From: Cerne A
Shared Package
ML20238F776 List:
FOIA-86-188 NUDOCS 8709170146
Download: ML20239A176 (1)


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(See RI ho. 1200.10)

When receiving an allegation by telephone, it is important that the recipient <


be alert to the emotional state of the caller and us<e judgement when atte. :pting I to elicit the following infor.mation to avoid possibly discouraging the caller from reporting it.

DATE/ TIME: 4/18/83, 8:45AM RECE1VED BY:,_ A.Cerne (Seabrook SRI)

ALLEGER'S NAME: Anonymous - would not isienHfy Meu!r (Business)

TEL. NO.: (Home)


O Yes A11eger will recontact the NRC MAY CONTACT 1T1 No (Time) (Place)

EMPLOYER:ppbly Pullman-Higgins (P-H) POSITION / TITLE Pullman-Higgins (site piping contractor)



Seabrook, Units 1 & 2 DETAILS (Use additional pages as necessary): He The SRI was contacted on the site telephone by a male caller who would not identify himself.

stated that Mr. Jim Padovano, a P-H NDE technician, was signing-off on NDE work in the Turbine Building that was not actually done. Upon explanation by the SRI, of the nonsafety-related aspects of most Turbine Bldg work, the alleger inferred that Padovano also works elsewhere a the same falsification may be occurring. The alleger also stated that Padovano's supervisors kn(

of what he's done and are covering it up.

When asked by the SRI, the alleger indicated he would not be willing to raise these concerns to either his company or the licensee. When asked about specifics as to the nature of the falsifice tion, he indicated that he didn't have specific facts, but would get them. He would not give the SRI his name, so recontact must be initiated by the alleger.

The SRI reconenends taking no further action until recontracted by the alleger. There are current" no facts / allegations which can'be investigated. If within a reasonable time, the a11eger does not recontact the NRC, the SRI would recommend asking the licensee to audit / investigate this .

l area to assure both themselves and the 15tC that the concerns are not valid. 1 Information in this record was deleted Antone C. Cerne .t. I i

In accordance with the Freedom of Information SRI, Seabrook A ,


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GARDE 86-188 b 9 REGION 1 FORM NO. 207

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