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Forwards Lists of Items to Be Completed Prior to Fuel Loading,Per Insp Procedure 94300B.Licensee Projected Fuel Load Date Is Sept 1986
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1986
From: Walker R
To: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20236F104 List:
FOIA-87-279 NUDOCS 8708030224
Download: ML20236F142 (14)



- '. .t.


SEP 121986 i l

MEMORANDUM FOR: Thomas M. Novak, Acting Director, Division of Pressurized Water Reactor Licensing-A, NRR FROM: Roger D. Walker, Director, Division of Reactor Projects ,



l 4

In accordance with Inspection Procedure No. 94300B, the enclosures list ' the

, remaining open items that require resolution before a finding of readiness for operation may be endorsed by Region II.

The licensee's projected fuel load date is September, 1986. Region II considers this date to be optimistic. Based on the remaining construction and preopera-tional testing, a more realistic fuel load estimate would be in mid-October.

s .

Roger D. Walker Enclocures:

1. Items to be Completed Prior to )

Fuel Loading Items to be Completed Prior to ]

2. i Initial Criticality J
3. Items to be Completed Prior to l Exceeding 5% Rated Power '
4. Items to be Completed Prior to Full Power Operation
5. Preoperational Testing Status and  ;

Operational Preparedness

6. Construction Status  ;
7. Status of Inspections Required by MC 2513, and MC 2514 cc w/encls:

J. G. Partlow, Director, DQASIP E. L. Jordan, Director, DEPER G. T. Ankrum, Chief, Quality Assurance Branch, DQASIP L. I. Cobb, Chief, Safeguards and Material Program Branch, DQASIP J. E. Konklin, Chief, Reactor Construction Branch, DQASIP B. C. Buckley, Licensing Project Manager, NRR bec w/encis: (See page 2) wen

n O

Thomas M. Novak 2 SEP 121986 i bec w/encis: ~~'

R. D. Walker L. A. Reyes G. R. Jenkins .

V. W. Panciera P. Stoddart A. R. Herdt T. E. Conlon C. M. Hosey C. A. Julian A. Belisle J. J. Blake D. R. McGuire P. E. Fredrickson  ;

F. Jape l G. Maxwell S. Burris L. Mellen 1

1 l

l '

l RJI RII RI II II RII hEllen:bhg PFredrickson DVer 111 AGi son JPStohr eyes 8/1o/86 /(p6 08/g 786 08/ '/86 08/ /86 07//a/86 l

,o o



A. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the NRC, the following violations:



l 1. 86-21-01/M,PS Inadequate Procedure Implementation - Pipe' Support  ;

' Design Calculations j

2. 86-48-01/MPS Preservice Examination Procedures Incorrectly Referenced Subsequent Code Addendas i
3. 86-48-03/MPS Failure to Follow Procedure for Correction of j Examination Data


4. 86-50-01/PSS Inadequate Corrective Action to Prevent Damage to Instrument Tubing
5. 86-65-01/QAS Inadequate Corrective Action to Prevent Unauthorized Work
6. 86-69-01/MPS Unauthorized Live Loads on Cable Trays i
7. 86-69-02/MPS Deficient Hardware Resulting from Unauthorized Rework B. The following unresolved items or deviations are. required to be completed:
1. 86-26-02/TPS Inadequate Direct Process RCS Monitoring Function  :

Provided for Fire Related Shutdown Operation l

2. 86-46-02/RP2A Failure to Review Shif t Nc-ices
3. 86-4S-04/MPS Independent Technical Review of Exa-ination Data  ;
4. 86-62-01/PSS Failure of QA Program to Identify Electrical Separation Discrepancies i
5. 86-62-02/PSS Review Deportability of Electrical Cable Separation '


  • 6, 86-69-04/PSS Reinspect Welds on Both Ends of High Stress Beams -

in Containment C. The following open.and inspector followup items are required to be completed:

1. 85-09-39/EPS Complete Operational Testing of PA System


Enclosure 1 2 gpyn gg

2. 85-40-01/PSS Fire Protection Systems, Features and Administrative Procedures are Required to be Operational Prior to Fuel Load .
3. 86-10-01/TPS Clarify Procedure ADP-004
4. 86-20-01/TPS Revise Initial Fuel Loading Procedure
5. 86-20-02/TPS Revise RCS Leakrate Procedure
6. 86-26-03/TPS Provide Analysis and Method That Document Suffi-cient Resource to Accomplish A0P-004 to Achieve Hot Standby Conditions
7. 86-26-04/PSS Review of Analysis for Unprotected Cable Tray Support
8. 86-26-06/PSS Review of Emergency Lighting for a Fire Event
9. 86-29-01/MPS Internals Quality Release
10. 86-30-02/PSS Review of Licensee's Interdisciplinary Clearances
11. 86-33-01/QAS Listing of Required Records
12. 86-33-02/QAS Record Retention Time
13. 86-33-04/QAS Drawing Distribution Procedure
14. 86-33-06/QAS Onsite Packing of Equipment and Materials
15. 86-35-01/QAS Revision of Startup Manual Section 17 i
16. 86-35-02/QAS Conduct of Audits of Preoperational Test Program
17. 86-38-01/TPS Followup on Firal Resolution to FW Hammer Problem Ouring Preop. Testing j
18. 86-42-01/PSS Review of Testing Instructions for Periodic Testing of Circuits Breakers Covered by AppenJix R Coordina-  !'

tion Study 19, 86-43-03/FRP Radiation Monitt'ing System Installation and Calibration  !

20. 86-50-02/PSS Evaluation of Walkdown Program for Tubing Clearances  !


21. 86-53-02/QAS Changes to the Design Modifications j
22. 86-53-08/QAS Surveillance Program Procedures
23. 86-53-09/QAS Surveillance Master Schedule I

Enclosure 1 3 SEP 121936

24. 86-53-10/QAS Test Not on Master Schedule
25. 86-53-11/QAS Inservice Inspection Program Vibration Testing
26. 86-53-12/QAS Identification and Control of Commitments Relating to Instrumentation I
27. 86-54-01/ REC In place Test of Containment Particulate Air Monitor Sampling Efficiency l l

l l 28. 86-55-02/RP2A Anchor-Darling Check Valves 29, 86-69-03/MPS Reinspect Shared Support for Deleted Conduits D. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the NRC, the following 10 CFR 50.55(e) and 10 CFR 21 items:

1. CDR80-41/PSS Protection System Following a Secondary High Energy Line Rupture (Steam Generator Ref Leg Heatup) l l 2. CDR85-215/PSS Westinghouse Safety Grade Core Exit Thermocouple j l
3. CDR86-230/MPS Steam Generator B&C
4. CDR86-233/PSS Electrical Cable Separation E. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the NRC, the following IE Bulletins:
1. 80-BU-10/FRP Contamination of Nonradioactive Syste- and Resulting Potential for Unmonitored, Uncontrolled Release of Radioactivity to Environment
2. 83-B;-05/MPS ASME Nuclear Code Pumps and Space Parts Ma afactured by the Hayward Tyler Pump Company F, The licensee will complete, to the satisf action of the NRC, the :llowing TMI Actior Plan Requirements:
1. II.F.1 (85-16-17)/RP2A Subparts (4) and (5) Containment Pressure and Watar Level Monitors e
2. II.F.1 (85-16-18)/ REC Subpart (6) Containment Hydroge- Concen-tration Monitor
3. I.D.2 (85-16-29)/RP2A Plant Safety Parameter Display Console

Enclosure 1 4 1

SEP 121986 G. The following allegations will be resolved to the satisfaction of the NRC:  ;

RII86A0152/DRP General Constructier :oncerns -

l 1.


2. RII86A0184/IAC Construction Workers on Drugs
  • l
3. RII86A0196/IAC Improper Employee Su-sey
4. RII86A0208/IAC Alleged Discriminate:n 4
5. RII86A0218/IE Calculations on Cable Tray Supports i

l i



( E P .T a r:j,  ;

ENCLOSURE 2 ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO INITIAL CRITICALITY A. The following open and inspector followup items should be closed: 1

1. 86-20-03/TPS Revise Procedure for Initial Criticality, para-graph 5.d.(1)
2. 86-20-04/TpS Revise Boron Endpoint Procedure, paragraph 5.d.(3)

B. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the NRC, the following IE Bulletin:

80-BU-11/TPS Masonry Wall Design l

I l

3 i

l l

l 1

e 1

l 1

l l l



1 I

l SEP 121986 ENCLOSURE 3 ITEMS TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO EXCEED:NG 5% RATED POWER A. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the following violations:

86-41-02/MPS Failure to Inspect HEPA Filters l B. The following unresolved items are required to be completed:

85-14-01/RP2A Resolve Scheduling and Conduct of Battery Equalizing Charges C. The following open and inspector followup items should be closed: l

1. 85-27-01/RP2A Sheathing Bulges in Absorber Cells
2. 86-43-05/FRP Install Doors to All High Radiation Areas
3. 86-43-06/FRP Complete Review and Installation of Appropriate Controls and Shielding in the In-Core Detector Area Inside Containment D. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the 'NRC, the following TMI Action Plan requirements.
1. I.D.1 (85-16-06)/RP2A Control Room Design Review l


2. II.B.3 (85-16-09)/ REC Post-Accident Sampling Capability 1
3. II.F.1 (85-16-16)/FRP Subpart (3) Containment High-Range Radiation l Monitor  !
4. II.F.2 (85-16-19)/RP2A Instrumentation for Detection of Inadequate Core Cooling o

l l


. g. e e,:-) (

SEP 121986 I


A. The following open and inspector followup items should be closed: I

1. 86-43-01/FRP Evaluate Present Radwaste Solidification 1 System 1
2. 86-43-02/FRP Training of Personnel who Process, a Package and Ship Radioactive Material l l for Transport i

B. The licensee will complete, to the satisfaction of the NRC, the following i TMI Action Plan requirements:


1. I.C.1 (85-16-02)/RP2A Guidance for the Evaluation and Develop- l l ment of Procedures for Transients and l I

Accidents  !

l l

2. I.G.1 (85-16-07)/TPS Special Low Power Testing and Training i 1
3. II.E.4.2 (85-16-14)/RP2A Containment Isolation Dependability
4. II.F.1 (85-16-15)/ REC Subparts (1) and (2) Effluent Radiological !

Monitoring Sampling and Analysis j

5. III.D.1.1 (85-16-27)/RP2A Integrity of Systems Outside Containment  !

Likely to Contain Radioactive Material l

I l

l l

i l


g I

SEP 12 g ENCLOSURE 5 PREOPERATIONAL TESTING AND OPERATIONAL PREPARE 0 NESS As of September 8,1986, the overall status of the test program is s"rnmarized below:

Total Tests Completed In Progress Not Started Preops Required I for Fuel Load 206 174 11 21 1

Preops Required l After Fuel Load 10 0 0 10 l

l l

1 1

l l

l l

4 SEP 2 21986 ENCLOSURE 6 CONSTRUCTION STATUS As of September 6,1986, construction was 98 percent complete. The following major construction activities remain outstanding:

Activity Amount Remaining Conduit 6,566 ft.

Cable 27,771 ft.

Terminations 327 Term.

  • Fire Wraps 12,677 sq. ft.

Penetrations 1,027 Pen.

  • Increase due to electrical separation reinspection l l


I 2 1996, i

i ENCLOSURE 7 5~ATUS OF INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY MC 2513, AND MC 2514 All . modules ir the Regional inspection program will be support the projected fuel load date.

MC 2513 i Procedure Percent Number Complete Resp. Title General )

42450 B 15 0PS Operating Procedures ]

42451 B 10 0PS Maintenance Procedures 42452 8 15 0PS Emergency Procedures 70311 65 TPS Preoperational' Test Procedure Verification  ;

70329 75 TPS Preoperational Test Results Evaluation Verification -i 70370 8 80 TPS Testing of-Pipe Support and Restraint Systems (PWR only in 2513 Program)-

70400 75 TPS Preoperational Test-Results Evaluation 71301 B 50 DRP Technical Specification Review 71302 90 RI Preoperational Test Program Imple entation-Verification S:046 75 PSEC Locks, Keys, and Combinations 5:078 75 PSEC Detection Aids - Protected Areas .

2 S;380 0 PSEC Detection Aids - Vital Areas, Material Access Areas, and Controlled Access Areas 51084 75 PSEC Alarm Sta* ions .;

S2101 95 EPS Eme,rgency Preparedness - Preoperational Inspection 83523 60 FRP Rad Prctection, Plant Chemistry, .Cadwaste, Transportation and Environmental: .

Training and Qualifications

Enclosure 7 2 SEP 121986 83524 60 FRP External Occupational ' Exposure Control and Personal Dosimetry 83525 50 FRP Internal Exposure Control.and Assessment 83526 40 FRP Control of Radiation Materials and l l Containment, Surveys, and Monitoring l l

83527 75 FRP Facilities and Equipment 83528 60 FRP ALARA Program 84522 50 FRP Radwaste Solidification i 1

Mandatory Tert Witnessing.

70315 8 60 TPS Engineered Safety Features Test -

Preoperational Test Witnessing  ;

1 70316 8 0 TPS Loss of Offsite Power-Test -

Preoperational Test Witnessing.

Mandatory Test Result' Evaluation 70322 B 40 TPS Preoperational Test Results Evaluation - .i ESF 70325 B 50 TPS Preoperational Test'Results Evaluation -

Reactor Protection System 70326 B 0 TPS Preoperational-Test Results Evaluation -

Loss of~0ffsite Power s


, . = + ,


Enclosure 7 3 SEP 121986

'MC 2514 i

Pror.edure Percent '

Number Complete Resp. Title u

'35501 50 Q A S- QA for the Startup Test Program.

72300 0 TPS Startup Test Procedure Review (Reference Procedure) 72400 B 90 TPS Overall Startup Test-Program 72500 B 90 TPS Initial Fuel Loading Procedure 72564 B 0 TPS Precritical' Test Procedure Review (Protective Trip Circuit-or Rod Drop Measurement) j 72566 B 90 TPS Precritical Test Procedure Review (RCS Leak Test or Pressurizer Effectiveness) .

72570 B 90 -T P S Initial Criticality Procedure Review-72572 B 10 TPS Low Power Test Procedure Review (Moderator ,

Temperature Coefficient and Boron Worth or Control Rod and Pseudo Rod Ejection Worth)-

72576 B 0 TPS Power Ascension Test Procedure Review ,

'(Natural Circulation.or Power Reactivity Coefficient Measurement) 72578 B 0 TPS Power Ascension Test Procedure Review (Evaluation of Core Performance) 72580 B 0 TPS 1 Power Ascension Test Procedure Review (Turbine Trip or Generator Trip) 72582 B 0 TPS Power Ascension Test Procedurc Review -

Loss of Of f site Power. (Group A) 72583 B 0 TPS Power Ascension Test Procedure Review -

Shutdown from'Outside Control Room i (Group B)-  !

72584 8 0 TPS Power Ascension Test Procedure Review -

Evaluation of Flux Asymmetry or' Pseudo Rod Ejection Test