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Provides Current Status of Facility Proceeding,Including Admitted Contentions Raising Listed Issues.Aslb Issued Three Initial Decisions & Concluding or Final ASLB Decision Favorable to Applicants
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/06/1987
From: Scinto J
To: Parler W
CON-#187-2126 OL, NUDOCS 8701130068
Download: ML20207M036 (4)


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n ;j WASHINGTON. D. C. 20666 l

lj January 6,1987

'87 JAN -7 A11j21 trna ,  ! '"yn-00CnE M t E n /*la MEMORANDUM FOR: William C. Parler General Counsel l' ROM: Joseph F. Scinto Acting Assistant General Counsel for Hearings



Set forth below is the current status of the Shearon Harris proceeding to date. In summary, the Licensing Board admitted contentions raising issues in the following areas:

Drug use Emergency Planning NEPA cost / benefit balance Radiation effects Radiation monitoring Steam generators Management qualifications Environmental qualification of electrical equipment Fire protection and control Welding Concrete construction The Licensing Board issued three partial initial decisions and a concluding or " Final Licensing Board Decision" (April 28, 1986) favorable to Applicants. Each of the four PID's was appealed and each has been affirmed by the Appeal Board. The Commission declined to review three of the Appeal Board decisions and they have become the final agency action. The latest Appeal Board decision, ALAB-856, issued December 31, 1986, remains pending before the Commission. Issues raised on appeal are set out below, oyj1130068e780 ADOCM o3 35d J

I. PID oft Environmental Contentions LBP-85-5, 21 NRC 410 (1985),

affirmed in ALAB-837, 23 NRC 525 (1986). The Commission declined review and ALAB-837 became final agency action on September 12, 1986.

Environmental issues:

a) llealth effects of radiological releases b) Effects of radionuclides attaching to fly ash particles c) Effects of Table S-3 coal particulates II. PID on Safety Contentions LBP-85-28, 22 NRC 232 (1985), affirmed in ALAD-856, 24 NRC (December 31, 1986).

Safety Issues:


a) Management capability b) Thermoluminescent dosimeters c) Environmental qualification of electrical equipment d) Adequacy of concrete placements in containment building Additionally, summary disposition rulings on appeal include:

a) Radiation dose rate effects on cable insulation b) Radiolodine releases c) Steam generator tubing d) Spent fuel pool shipping cask valves e) Design of reactor vessel water level indicator f) Control room design g) Environmental monitoring III. PID on Emergency Planning a Safety Contentions LBP-85-49, 22 NRC 899 (1985), affirmed in ALAB-843, 24 NRC (August 15, 1986). The Commission declined review and ALAB-843 became final agency action on October 31, 1986.


a) Emergency Planning: Sheltering



i b) Fire @rotection c) Pipe hanger welding d) Steam generator tube rupture analysis l Additionally, a summary disposition ruling appealed concerned the issue of-potassium fodine (KI) for emergency workers and institutionalized persons.

IV. Final Licensing Board Decision LBP-86-11, 23 NRC 294 (1986),

affirmed in ALAB-852, 24 NRC , (October 31, 1986). Pending Commission review. The Commission declined review and ALAB-852 became final agency action on December 10, 1986.


a) Drug abuse by plant workers b) I:mergency Planning: Adequacy of alert system for nighttime -

notification of the public.

V. Other Matters:

a. Subsequent to issuance of the Final Licensing Board Decision, the Coalition for Alternatives for Shearon Harris (CASH) filed a petition for leave to intervene which was denied by the Appeal Board on July 11, 1986 and the Commission declined to review this Appeal Board Order in a ruling of September 12, 1986.
b. Applicants conducted a full participation exercise on May 17-18, 1985.

They did not meet their projected schedule for fuel load prior to May,1986.

Sint,- Appifcants did not have another full participation exercise planned for '

1986, . hey requested, on March 4, 1986, an exemption from the emergency preparedness exercise requirements of App. 5 5 IV.F.1 of 10 C.F.R. Part 50.

Intervenor Wells Eddlemen, subsequently joined by CASH, requested a hearing on the exemption request. This was denied by the Commission in a l Memorandum and Order, CLI-86-24 (December 5,1986).

VI. 2.206 Petitions Two petitions under 10 C.F.R. 52.206 have been filed. The first was f!Ied July 2, 1986 by CASH and Mr. Wells Eddieman. This petition was denied in a Director's Decision, DD-86-13, October 15, 1986. Issues considered in the first petition are as follows:

a) Emergency Planning

1) Chatham County resolution not to participate in emergency planning; i

i . - _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ -. . . _

2) -d ed for a second full-participation exercise;


3) activation of a single siren on June 8,1986
4) challenge to size and configuration of EPZ b) Allegations of Patty Miriello regarding falsification of radiation exposure records c) Allegations of Patty Miriello regarding inservice inspection of welds d) Need for supplemental EIS to take into account psychological stress An additional 2.206 Petition was filed October 17, 1986 and is currently under consideration by the Staff. No decision has issued to date on this Petition. Issues are as follows: .

a) Allegations of a systematic breakdown in CP&L's Quality Assurance

. Program in the area of electrical cables and components.

b) Allegations that CP&L lacks the requisite character and technical capability required to operate the Har tis facility based on recent complaints brought to the Department of Labor by two employees working at Harric.

c) Allegations by an anonymous alleger concerning systematic falsificatio:. of --

documentation by Applicant's employees, improper performance of construction procedures, and improper document signing-off by unqualified employees, p <

Jhse F. c to Ne .g Assistant General Counsel r Hearings e
