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Discusses EPA Intention to Make Periodic Insps to Ascertain Degree of Compliance W/Requirements of NPDES Permit LA0047112.EPA Acting within Jurisdiction Under Public Law 92-500,Federal Water Pollution Control Act.W/O Stated Encls
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1976
From: Higginbotham L
To: Brown G
NUDOCS 8610160352
Download: ML20215F729 (2)




fg APR l'41976 Glen D. Brown, Chief Fuel Facility and Haterials Safety Branch Region IV EPA I:iSPECTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITE NATIONAL POLLUTA:fr DISCHARGE ELDf1 NATION SYSTEN (NPDES) PERMITS ISSUED TO IMC LICENSEES This memorandum is in response to your Routing and Transmittal Slip, dated March 31, 197.6, which enclosed letters from Colf States Utilities Company and the Environmental Protection Agency, Region VI.

The EPA letter to Gulf States Utilities Cocipany (an URC licensee) stated that EPA intends to make periodic inspections to ascertain the degree of cocrpliance by the licensee with the requirements of the NPDES permit, nunber LA0047112. EPA said their representatives would observe process operations, inspect monitoring and laboratory equipment and methods, collect satiples, examine appropriate records, and would be concerned with related mattero. Tour referenced note indicated that perhaps EPA is outside their jurisdiction.

l The purpose of this acmorandum and enclosures is to point out that

' EPA is. acting within their jurisdiction, under the authority and responsibility assigned to the EPA under Public Law 92-500, the ~

Federal Water Pollution Control Act. We have enclosed extracts of i

pertinent portio'as of that Act, Section 308, " Inspections, moni-

, toring and entry", Section 309, " Federal Enforcement," and Section l

402, the " National Pollutant Discharge E14Mantion Syste4'! The j

NPDES permit systen is iciplet:ented by EPA under Title 10, " Protection of the Environment," Code of Federal Ragulations, Chapter I. We have not enclosed that'information but would be glad to send it to you if you are interested.

i Note that the EPA can grant the States the authority to issue NPDES permits, which gives those States the authority, having issued a WPDES permit to an NBC licensee, to inspect and assure compliance with such Fermits. (See 402.(b) on page 5 of the enclosure.)

Also note that Section 309, " Federal Enforcement." gives the EPA

- the authority to levy civil monetary penalties for noncompliance.

(See 309.(b) on page 3 of the enclosure.) .

O 8610160352 760414 PDR ADOCK 050004S0 0 PDR

APR 141976 clen D. ::rova A copy of this sc:coran.! ira is beint; fernished for in?ctr.ution to other - -

Ec;; ion:1 Officos.

l'1caso call r.a if you have any questions concerning this subject.

Lco B. llinginbothau, Chiof Safety and Inviro:uaeucal Prograsas Offico of Inspection and Enforcement Enclosures As stated cc: 11. D. *Ihornbur;

.. G. U. Roy G. 11. S.:11th H o I'4 0 }H7--

P. R. Holson, IC:I J. T. Outlierland, IE:II J. M. l.11cn, IC:III

11. E. Ilook, IE:V No l'2.o'5 G O

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