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Summary of 455th ACRS Meeting on 980902-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/12/1998
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
REF-GTECI-*****, REF-GTECI-NI, TASK-*****, TASK-OR ACRS-3126, NUDOCS 9905210078
Download: ML20206S248 (46)



Date Issusd:





j Dzte Signed:

11/20/98 P

ras h$$ ~ 3lAb x




Chairman's Report (Open)..................................

1 l


Power Level increase Recuest for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant.

l U nits 1 and 2 (Open).......................................

2 Ill.

Emeraency Oore Coolina System Strainer Blockaae (Open)........

4 IV.

Establishina a Benchmark on Risk Durina Low-Power and Shutdown Operationg (Open)........................................

5 V.

Imoact of PRA Results and insiahts on the Reaulatory System (Open). 6 VI.

Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 171. "Enaineered Safety Feature Failure from Loss of Offsite Power Subseauent to a loss-of-Coolant Accident" (Open)...........................

9 Vll.

Meetina with the Director of the NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Ooerational Data (AEOD) (Open).................

10 Vill. Dearaded Auxiliary Feedwater System Capability Durina a Rapid l

Downoower Event at the Catawba Nuclear Plant. Unit 1 (Open)....

11 IX.

Prioritization of Generic Safety issues (Open)..................

13 l


Executive Session (Open)..................................

13 A.

Report, Letters, and Memoranda REPORT Emeroency Core Coolina System Strainer Blockaae (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 14,1998) ep;yo\\

l 9905210078 981112 3



PDR, l



Apolication for Power Level increase for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear


Power Plant. Units 1 and 2 (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 15,1998) 6.Euph for a New Standard in Runnina Nuclear Plants (Letter to Dr.


Najrnedin Meshkati from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 14,1998)

MEMORANDUM Proposed Final Rulemakina: Chanaes to Paraaraoh (h) of 10 CFR


Part 50.55a. " Codes and Standards" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 9,1998) l B.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations i


Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Held on September 1,1998 (Open)


Future Meeting Agenda l

l 11


' l.-

Federal Register Notice



Meeting Schedule and Outline 111.

Attendees IV.

Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities V.

List of Oc:oments Provided to the Committee l

l i

l l

l l

l l





I SEPTEMBER 2-4,1998 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 455th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held in Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on September 2-4,1998. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda. The meeting was open to public attendance. There were no written statements nor requests for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.

A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building,2120 QEye) Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

[ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd.,1250 i Street, N.W., Suite 300, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.]

ATTENDEES ACRS Members: Dr. Robert L. Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A. Powers (Vice-Chairman),

i l

Dr. George Apostolakis, Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr.

Don W. Miller, Dr. William J. Shack, Dr. Robert E. Uhrig, and Dr. Graham Wallis. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix ill.)



[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Robert L. Seale, Committee Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He announced that Mr. David Diec has l

l Joined the ACRS staff for a six-month rotational assignment. Dr. Sealed mentioned l

that there were several items of intarest that the Committee may want to consider.

He noted that Chairman Jackson recently gave two speeches, one to the National Women's Hall of Fame for her induction into it and the other to participants in a nuclear power reactor safety course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Water Reactor Safety meeting is scheduled to begin October 28,1998. Dr.

Seale mentioned that Dr. Powers has been asked to participate on a panel l

regarding the future of research. In addition, he noted that the ACRS research l

report had been published.

l l

Dr. John Larkins, Executive Director, mentioned that as a part of the budget process, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee meeting on the Clean Air, Wetland, Private Property, and Nuclear Safety met in late July.

455th ACRS Meeting 2

September 2-4,1998 II.

Power Level increase Reouest for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2


[ Note: Mr. Paul Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Dr. Thomas Kress, Chairman of the Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee, introduced this topic to the Committee. He noted that the subcommittee held a meeting to discuss this matter on August 27,1998. The Edwin 1. Hatch licensee (Southem Nuclear Operating Company - SNC) has requested an eight percent power level increase for each Hatch Unit pursuant to the GE Nuclear Energy (GENE) extended power uprate program. Two years earlier, Hatch was granted a i

five percent power increase under the original GENE generic power uprate program. Dr. Kress stated that the Committee would hear presentations on: plant changes to support uprate, compliance with regulations, NRR review findings, probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) analyses, and NRR policy on risk-informed uprate reviews.

SNC Presentations Mr. T. Long, SNC, discussed the details of the extended power uprate program for the Hatch plant. Issues reviewed included plant description, uprate program overview, approach used, evaluations of uprate on the nuclear steam supply and balance of plant systems, and safety-related modification made. Dr. Apostolakis observed that NRC should look to eliminating some of the regulatory burden associated with uprate since licensees are performing evaluations of the impact of uprate on plant risk.

The impact of power uprate on the PRA analysis for Hatch was noted by Mr. A.

Farruk, SNC. Topics reviewed included: methodology, Level 1 and 2 evaluations and results, uncertainty and external events analysis, PRA quality, and conclusions.

Mr. Farruk showed that the Level 1 and 2 results fall within acceptable reginns

Region 11" and " Region ll!" of the Regulatory Guide 1.174 for risk-informed decisionmaking. An external events evaluation was also performed. Mr. D. Moore, a consultant from Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, discussed the results of the uncertainty evaluation. Seismic and shutdown risk were addressed; the latter by a qualitative evaluation. In summary, no significant risk impact from uprate was found in the SNC analyses.

455th ACRS Meeting 3

September 2 4,1998 NRC Staff Presentations i

Mr. L. Olshan, NRR, discussed the background, scope and conclusions with regard to NRR's review of the SNC power uprate application for Hatch. The staff concluded that SNC was in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements and noted that a review of the SNC PRA analyses showed an acceptable risk for the proposed uprate. Therefore, the Hatch eight percent uprate was considered acceptable.

Mr. R. Barrett, Chief, Probsbilistic Safety Assessment Branch, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), noted the following points with regard to NRR's policy on review of future power uprate requests:

Based on the results of the staff's review of the Hatch uprate request, and the recommendations of the ACRS pursuant to its review of the Monticello power uprate request, NRR decided that future applicants will be required to perform an analysis of the implications of risk associated with proposed uprate.

Intemal and extemal risk contributors must be addressed. No analysis of containment response to severe accidents will be required.

Qualitative assessment will be acceptable for moat applications. In some instances, quantitative analyses will be necessary. Good judgment by the licensee will dictate the choice.

NRR plans to use the acceptarice criteria in Regulatory Guide 1.174 as general guidelines for its evaluation of licensee submittals, in response to Dr. Apostolakis, Mr. Barrett stated that it will be difficult to grant regulatory relief te licensees seeking uprates because a power increase impacts the plant's licensing teasis. Mr. Barrett stated that making 10 CFR Part 50 more risk-informed may bring relief for future applications.

Dr. Wallis, referring to the staffs acceptance of qualitative analyses, stated that the NRC must rest its regulatory decisions on quantitative analyses. Mr. Barrett stated the PRA work is a mix of both quantitative and qualitative analyses.

Dr. Powers questioned if the uprate will degrade the ability of the fuel cladding to withstand an anticipated transient without scram (ATWS) event. GENE stated that

V 455th ACRS Meeting 4

i September 2-4,'1998 fuel bundle life is not being increased and that the fuel will not exceed its thermal and mechanical limits for uprate power conditions.

Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated September 15,1998, on this matter.


Emeroency Core Coolina Svshm Strainer Bionknoe (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Noel F. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Mr. John Barton, Chairman of the Plant Operations Subcommittee, stated that the i-ACRS began reviewing the emergency core cooling system (ECCS) strainer blockage issue in 1993. He noted that the staff had recently issued a generic letter and a safety evaluation report (SER) on the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Owners Group's utility res71ution guidance related to this issue.

i Mr. Carl Berlinger, Nim, introduced the staff presentation by summarizing past and present staff activities. Mr.. Robert Elliot, NRR, explained the changes the staff made to the final SER in response to comments received from the industry. The changes included modifications to the methodology for evaluating conservatism, the steam jet pressure that should be used for analyzing the creation of debris, the method for estimating combined debris beds, and the evaluation of primary coolant boundary breaks inside the bio-shield wall. Mr. Elliot explained the staffs plans for closing NRC Bulletin 96-03," Potential Plugging of Emergency Core Cooling Suction l

Strainers by Debris in Boiling-Water Reactors," and the BWR and pressurized water reactor ECCS suction strainer blockage issue. These plans include audits to verify implementation of licensee commitments and additional research activities.

The ACRS Members and the staff discussed assumptions used in transport analyses, experimental verification of analyses results, reliance on containment overpressure to maintain adequate not positive suction head to ECCS pumps, and the considerations used to design strainers.

Conclusion l

This Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson, dated September 14,1998, on this matter.

l-455th ACRS Meeting 5

September 2 4,1998 IV.

Esu!!shina a Benchmark on Risk Durina Low-Power and Shutdown Operations (Open) j

[ Note: Mr. MichaelT. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

l Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Chairman of the Plant License Renewal Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee. Dr. Fontana stated that he is coordinating I

the Committee's review of the staffs plans to establish a benchmark on risk during low-power and shutdown (LPSD) operations. Dr. Powers stated that he had a conflict and recused himself on this issue.

3 l

l Mr. Mark Cunningham and Ms. Mary Drouin, RES, presented an overview of the staffs preliminary plan to develop a benchmarking study on risk for LPSD operations. Ms. Drouin stated that the benckmarking study has been delayed until l

January 1999 due to the reprioritization of work related to the NRC Chairman's I

tasking memorandum dated August 7,1998.

Dr. Graham Wallis questioned the importance of LPSD risk study, in light of the NRC Chairman's tasking memorandum dated August 7,1998. The staff stated that I

the delay of its research study on LPSD risk is temporary but noted that a significant amount of resources has been allocated for Fiscal Year 1999 to focus on this important issue. The staff requested to brief the Committee on the subject plan l

when it is completed in early 1999.

l The Committee and the staff discussed the following:

l Development of a quantitative LPSD risk model, j


Assessment of LPSD risk and uncertainty for different plant types and l

operating modes, l

Development of accident sequence precursor model, 1

Assessment of risk profiles, generic issues, and Support for regulatory and inspection guidance.

Mr. Jeff Mitman of the Electric Power Research institute (EPRI) provided a l

presentation of its study TR-109014, "An Analysis of Loss of Decay Heat Removal (1989-1996), Outage Risk Assessment and Management (ORAM) Technology."

Mr. Mitman stated that the U.S. nuclear industry took many actions to improve the safety on nuclear power plant operations during shutdown conditions and that the frequency of significant incidents has significantly reduced.



455th ACRS Meeting 6

Septernber 2-4,1998 3

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required at this time. The Committee plans to review this matter during a future meeting.



Imoact of PRA Results and Insiahts on the Reaulatory System (Open)

. [ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion i

of the meeting.)

Dr. George Apostolakis, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (RPRA) introduced the topic to the Committee. He stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss issues in the Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) dated April 20,1998, regarding situation-specific cases where probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) results and insights have improved the existing regulatory system and specific areas in which PRA can have a positive impact on the regulatory system. Dr. Apostolakis noted that the RPRA Subcommittee had met on August 26,1998, to discuss these matters.

NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Tom King, RES, and Gary Holahan, NRR, led the discussions for the NRC staff. Messrs. Richard Barrett, NRR, Mark Cunningham and Ms. Mary Drouin, RES, provided supporting discussion. Messrs. Mark Rubin and Gareth Parry, NRR, also participated. The staff raised the following significant points during its discussion:

The objectives of PRA from the policy statement include better safety decisions, improved efficiency, and removal of unnecessary regulatory burden.

Benefits of PRA include: integrated analysis, consideration of the whole plant, use of realistic analyses, recognition of uncertainties, relative and absolute comparison of risk, and measures of effectiveness including defense-in-depth, safety margins, and other deterministic requirements.

PRA-related studies include:

WASH-1400, Reactor Safety Study RSSMAP, Reactor Safety Study Methodology Applications Program IREP, Interim Evaluation Program

455th ACRS Meeting 7

September 2-4,1998 NUREG-1150, Severe Accidents Risk: An Assessment for Five U.S.

Nuclear Power Plants RMIEP, Risk Methods Integration and Evaluation Procedure NUREG-1489, Evaluation of Potential Severe Accidents During Low

'A Review of NRC Staff Uses of PRA'"

NUREG/CR-6143 and 6144, Evaluation of Potential Severe Accidents During Severe Accidents During Low-Power and Shutdown SEP, Systematic Evaluation Program Current PRA supported programs and activities include:

Generic issues Prioritization and Resolution Backfit Rule / Regulatory Analyses Appendix J for containment testing Revision to 10 CFR 100 Anticipated Transient Without Scram Rule Station Blackout Rule Generic Letter 88-20 Advanced reactor design certifications Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) Program Maintenance Rule License amendments - Standard Review Plan and Regulatory Guides Potential future use of PRA information include:

Power uprates Application of new source term Assessment of part for risk-informed options Design-basis accident definition High burnup fuel Low-power and shutdown operations Spent fuel storage Other future uses include:

Inspection, events assessment and performance assessment Enforcement Resource allocation

o l

455th ACRS Meeting 8

September 2-4,1998 I

i Industry Presentation Mr. Biff Bradley of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) provided a brief discussion of industry perspectives regarding the use of PRA. He discussed the development of licensee Individual Plant Examinations ( pes) and PRAs, the Maintenance Rule, risk

-informed pilot applications associated wdh NRC Standard Review Plan (SRP) sections and associated regulatory guides, and possible revisions to 10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR 50.59. Significant points made during the discussion include:

The Maintenance Rule could have been more effective if it was risk-informed.

Approval of the pilot applications for inservice inspection, inservice testing, and technical specifications have immediate value and impact.

Revision of the NRC assessment and inspection processes have large impacts on licensees and are the top industry priority for future work.

Revision to 10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR 50.59 are essential to stabilizing the regulatory process.

Dr. Wallis questioned the efficiency of risk-informed regulatory actions. He also questioned whether risk-informed regulation was an objective rather than a benefd.

The staff acknowledged that the resources and time required for the initial pilot applications have been more extensive than a routine licensing submittal. However, the staff stated that efficiency and savings may be realized by better focusing resources on risk significant activities.

Dr. Seale questioned the level of NRC staffing with PRA expertise to review risk-informed submittals. He also questioned how the staff would increase expertise in j

this area to meet the needs created by industry requests. He noted that this is a direct contrast to current NRC mandates for expedited schedules and initiatives to i

downsize the NRC. Dr. Apostolakis stated that personnel who are experts in other areas need to develop expertise in PRA. Dr. Apostolakis added that technical experts cannot be replaced by PRA practitioners and emphasized that specialists need sufficient knowledge and experience to use PRA information.

Drs. Apostolakis and Powers questioned the extent to which risk information was considered during staff reviews of power uprates. In particular, Drs. Apostolakis and Powers questioned whether requirements for risk assessments were being imposed via requests for additional'information (RAl). The staff stated that

455th ACRS Meeting 9

September 2-4,1998 requirements for risk information were not being imposed on licensees pursuing power uprates. The staff added that it was encouraging licensee use of risk information.

Conclusion The Committee plans to prepare a report to the Commission during the September 30-October 2,1998 ACRS meeting.


Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety !ssue 171. "Enaineered Safetv Feature Failure from Loss of Offsite Power Subseauent to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident" (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Introduction Dr. Don W. Miller, Chairman of the Plant Systems Subcommittee, introduced this topic to the Committee. He noted that the resolution of Generic Safety issue (GSI) 171," Engineered Safety Feature Failure from a Loss of Offsite Power Subsequent to Loss-of-Coolant Accident," has a long history and is a combination of a number ofissues regarding LOCA followed by a loss of offsite power, which diminishes the capability of the emergency diesel generators. Dr. Miller stated that the staff will provide the proposed resolution of this issue.

NRC S;aff Presentation Mr. John Craig, RES, led the discussion for the NRC staff regarding the proposed resolution of GSI-171. The staff stated that the initial GSI-171 prioritimtion reported in NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues," was based on conservative assumptions that resulted in a HIGH priority ranking.

Further evaluations of key assumptions noted that some equipment failure hypotheses were unrealistic and that estimated core damage frequencies (CDFs) were too high.

Probabilistic analyses recently performed by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), which are reported in NUREG/CR-6538, " Evaluation of LOCA Wdh Delayed Loop and Loop With Delayed LOCA Accident Scenarios," concluded that the CDF contribution of a LOCA/ LOOP accident can vary by two orders of magnitude for BWRs and PWRs, depending on the plant-specific design characteristics relating to load-shedding / load-energization features. The dominant contribution was block-loading to offsite power sources and block-loading to the emergency diesel i


i k

455th ACRS Meeting 10 September 2-4,1998 generators (EDGs) without load shed following a LOCA. On the basis of this study the staff has proposed to rank GSI-171 to a DROP category.

Conclusion The Committee plans to prepare a letter during a future ACRS meeting.


  • ' diric with the Director of the NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD)(Open) i

[ Note: Dr. Medhat El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Mr. Thomas T.

Martin, Director of the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) and his. staff briefed the Committee regarding AEOD activities. Mr. Martin stated that AEOD was created to provide a strong independent capability to analyze and evaluate operational safety data associated with activities licensed by the NRC. Among the AEOD programs are the performance indicator (PI) and accident sequence precursor (ASP). These programs have been applied to analyze data and information in a consistent manner over a number of years.

The ASP program uses PRA techniques to evaluate the conditional core damage probability (CCDP) of nuclear power plant events and equipment unavailabilities.

It serves as one of several tools to ensure that important operating lessons are not overlooked. The program uses a rigorous method that integrates actual initiating events, plant conditions, and the reliability and availability of standby safety equipment into an overall quantitative assessment, which is expressed as a CCDP for initiating events and an increase in core damage probability for conditions and equipment unavailabilities. AEOD is developing improvements to the ASP existing i

models. The improvements include modifications to Simplified Plant Analysis Risk (SPAR) models, such as an addition of more initiating events, different methodologies for common cause failures and human performance during recovery, and explicit treatment of data uncertainty. Other activities for the ASP program include new model development (prototype Level 2/3), Level 1 PRA methods for j

performing ASP analysis of fires and seismic events occurring during full power operation, representative modeis for analysis of low power / shutdown events, and flooding events at full power. The AEOD staff will include discussion with the ACRS, trial use, peer review, and check out for the ASP program. RES manages the model development activities.


455th ACRS Meeting 11 September 2-4,1998 Other AEOD programs include broad scope systematic review of operating i

experience, human performance studies, regulatory effectiveness studies, Senior


Management Meeting support, reliability and risk assessment studies, evaluation of foreign events and advanced reporting system, and digital systems issues. These programs show a substantial reduction in safety-significant operational events since 1985. The number ofinitiating events resulting in scrams has declined significantly, and this is reflected in fewer and less complicated plant transients.

Mr. Martin emphasized that the AEOD programs constitute the essential independent review and assessment of power reactor and nuclear materials safety performance, and complement the regions, NRR and the Office of Nuclear Material i

Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) reviews of operating events. AEOD programs perform a quality verification function that provides assurance of feedback of important operational safety lessons. AEOD findings and recommendations continue to be addressed through generic correspondence, in the resolution of generic issues, and in initiatives taken by industry.

The Committee encouraged the continuation of AEOD independent reviews and the support to other NRC offices. The Committee also suggested that AEOD develop a strategy that enhances greater use of AEOD studies.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.


Dearaded Auxiliarv Feedwater System Caoability Durina a Raoid Downoower Event at the Catawba Nuclear Plant. Unit 1 (Open)

(Note: Mr. Michcel T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Mr. John Barton, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Plant Operations, introduced this topic to the Committee. He stated that the purpose of this meeting was to hear a briefing on the May 7,1998 incident at the Catawba Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, involving degraded auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system capability during a rapid downpower event.

He introduced the NRC staff and noted that licensee representative were in attendance.

NRC Staff Presentation

455th ACRS Meeting 12 September 2-4,1998 Mr. Kerry Landis, Region 11, was the team leader for the Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) and led the discussions for the NRC staff. He discussed the sequence of events, root causes, safety significance, licensee corrective actions, and NRC actions. Messrs. John Stoltz, Jerry Carter, and Peter Tam, NRR, provided supporting discussion. Significant points made during the discussion include:

The upper storage tanks (USTs) were declared inoperable due to increased UST water temperature from a minimum flow control vaive for the condensate booster pumps being opened bypassing flow to the USTs.

Root causes were attributed to insufficient training of operators and engineering personnel, and inadequate procedures.

The safety significance was limited in that the AFW system was degraded but still capable of performing its intended safety function.

Licensee corrective actions included system walkdowns and inspections, modification to procedures and training, and notification of other Duke Power Company sites that utilize USTs.

Dr. Apostolakis questioned whether this incident could be considered the result of human error.

The staff stated that operators were not trained to look for performance problems associated with the anomalous digital controller. The licensee added an " operator aid" to address issues associated with man-machine interface of the control panel.

Mr. Barton questioned where the shift technical advisor (STA) was during the incident. The staff stated that the STA serves dual role as an on-shift operations manager.

I Mr. Barton also questioned whether there had been any precursors to indicate a problem. The staff stated that there had been six prior incidents and/or safety evaluations, which if addressed more fully, could have identified the problem and precluded recurrence. Dr. Wallis noted that the problem in design was not fully reflected in the licensee's analysis.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.


455th ACRS Meeting 13 September 2-4,1998 IX.

Prioritization of Gene @. Safety lasues (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Introduction Dr. Don W. Miller, Chairman of the Plant Systems Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee. He noted that the Committee previously issued reports to the Commission regarding the proposed priority rankings of generic safety issues.

NRC Staff Presentation Mr. Tom Martin, RES, led the discussion for the NRC staff. Mr. John Craig, RES, also participated. The Committee held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding ACRS Members' comments on the priority rankings proposed by the staff for the tenth group of Generic Safety issues (GSis). The Committee agreed with the rankings proposed by the staff for 17 out of 21 GSis. The Committee agreed with the staff's proposed priority rankings for three of the remaining GSis and provided comments. The Committee disagreed with the ranking of GSI-172 and provided comments.

Conclusion The Committee plans to issue a letter to the Executive Director for Operations during the October ACRS meeting on this issue.



[ Note: Dr. John T Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]


Report, Letters and Memorandum Emeroency Core Coolina System Strainer Blockaae (Report to Shirley A.

Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 14,1998)


r 455th ACRS Meeting 14 September 2-4,1998 Aoolication for Power Level Incrassa for Edwin 1. Hatch Nuciaer Power Plant.

Units i and 2 (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 15,1998)

A Push for a New Standard in Runnina Nuciaer Plants (Letter to Dr.

Najmedin Meshkati, University of Southem California, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated S3ptember 14,1998)

Proposed Final Rulemakina: Chanaes to Paraaraoh (h) of 10 CFR Part 50.55a. " Codes and Standards" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated September 9,1998)


Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations

[ Note: Mr. Sam Duraiswamy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated August 27,19G8, to j

ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated July 23,1998, concoming the safety aspects of the Westinghouse Electric Company application fe; certification of the AP600 passive plant design.

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO response related to the final design approval of the AP600. While reviewing the AP600 design, however, the Committee identified generic concerns that were not adequately addressed by the staff. The Committee plans to identify these concerns in a lessons leamed letter to the EDO.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated August 13,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS letter dated July 21,1998, concerning the proposed final safety evaluation of the BWR Vessel and Internals Project, BWR pressure vessel shell weld inspection recommendations report.

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated August 3,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS letter dated June 15,1998, concerning the safety aspects of the Westinghouse Electric L

455th ACRS Meeting 15 September 2-4,1998 j

Company application for certification of the AP600 passive plant design, interim letter 3.

1 The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO response related to the final design approval of the AP600. While reviewing the AP600 design, however, the Committee identified generic concerns that were not adequately addressed by the staff. The Committee plans to identify these concems in a letter to the EDO and to review related staff activities.

j The Committee discussed the EDO response dated July 31,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated June 12, 1998, concoming the proposed final draft of the NRC Human 1

Performance Plan.

1 The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated August 25,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated July 20,1998, concoming Draft Supplement 1 to NUREG-1552, " Fire Barner i

Penetration Seals in NPPs."

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated August 4,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated June 16,1998, conceming SECY-98-076, " Core Research Capabilities."

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

However, the Committee plans to continue dialogue with the staff as further work and progress is made on core capability issues.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated August 3,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated March 13,1998, conceming proposed improvements to the Senior Management Meeting Process.

The Committee decided to continue its review of this matter during future meetings.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated July 31,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS repor+ dated July 16,

455th ACRS Meeting 16 September 2-4,1998 1998, concoming proposed revisions to 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, tests and experiments).

The Committee decided to continue its review of this matter during future meetings.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated July 24,1998, to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated June l

15,1998, conceming the NRC Reactor Fuels Research Program.

i l

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

However, the Committee plans to continue dialogue with the staff on this maMer during future meetings.

The Committee discussed the EDO response dated July 20,1998, to ACRS l

comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated June 12,1998, concoming the Proposed Final Standard Review Plan Section 3.9.8 and Regulatory Guide 1.178 for risk-informed inservice inspection of piping.

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.


Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (Open)

The Committee heard a report from Dr. Seale and the Executive Director, l

l ACRS, on the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on September 1,1998. The follow',ng items were discussed:


EFFECT ON ACRS SCHEDULE Chairman Jackson issued a memorandum on August 7,1998 to the EDO requesting him to identify, define and prioritize the areas identified in an attached list. A Staff Requirements Memorandum on the Stakeholders' Meeting was issued on August 18,1998. A reply from the EDO was issued on August 25,1998 (separate handout), identifying the staff's plan of short-and long-term actions. A memorandum by Paul Boehnert, dated August 19, 1998, reported on a meeting with RES and NRR staff and described the impact these activities would have on the ACRS schedule.


455th ACRS Meeting 17 September 2 4,1998 The ACRS staff sent a memorandum to NRR identifying issues where Subcommittee and full Committee meetings would be needed to support the staff's initiatives. This memorandum will be used as a basis for ACRS future activities. The NRC's list of priority issues represents a heavy ACRS workload between November 1998 and January 1999. The Committee should determine whether this workload should be reapportioned between Members and whether all the Priority issues can be supported.

A follow-up Stakeholders' Meeting has been scheduled for Friday, November 13,1998, in the ACRS Conference Room.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members review the priority issues and determine whether they require a reallocation of the ACRS workload.

Members who plan to attend the Stakeholders' Meeting on November 13, 1998, should notify the Executive Director.

1 l

LICENSE RENEWAL PROGRAM One of the priority issues listed by Chairman Jackson was License Renewal.

The NRC staff has received two applications and a number of topical reports developed by Owners' Groups. To be more proactive, meet Commission expectations, best utilize ACRS resources, and do the best job possible, the Executive Director, ACRS/ACNW, suggests a Program Review Plan for this activity. The Plan would consist of a decision on which topical reports to review and at what point the Committee would plan to conduct a plant-specific review (i.e., draft SER or final renewed license). 10 CFR 54.25 specifies that "each renewal application will be referred to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards for a review and report."

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members review the Plan and advise the Executive Director of any suggested changes.

REGULATORY REFORM The subject of Regulatory Reform dominates the Commission's and staff's priority lists. This is an area where the ACRS must quickly determine the activities it intends to initiate to support, supplement, or complement the

455th ACRS Meeting 18 September 2-4,1998 stars actions (see previous item). Jack Sorensen has been following staff and industry initiatives on this subject and would be prepared to draft a proposal for ACRS initiatives, if the Committee believes this is an area where they can add value to the stafs initiatives.

BEC.OMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that this subject be discussed and that the Committee decide if Mr. Sorensen should proceed with a draft proposal.

FY 1999 RESEARCH REPORTS TO THE COMMISSION AND CONGRESS The Committee should decide on the format, size, and work assignments for the FY 99 report. Extra time has been allotted for discussion of this matter during the full Committee meeting. Proposed schedule for next year's reports to the Congress and the Commission is as follows:

Review of the NRC Safety Research Proaram and reoort to Conaress Identification of issues for 1999 Report 10/98 Subcommittee meeting 11/98 Initial draft of 1999 Report to Congress 11/98 Revised draft of 1999 Report to Congress 12/98 Feedback from the Commission 1/99 Final 1999 Report to Congress 2/99 Review of the NRC Safety Research Proaram & Report to Commission Proposed Format & Content of 1999 Report 9/98 Assignment of Responsibilities 10/98 Input to the draft of the Report 12/98 Draft 1 of the Report 2/99 Subcommittee Meeting 2/99 Draft 2 of the Report 3/99 Proposed Final Report 4/99 Final Report on 1999 Program 5/99 RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the Committee approve a format, size, work assignments, and schedule for these Reports.

s 3

455th ACRS Meeting 19 September 2-4,1998 BUDGET Chairman Jackson and Commissioner Diaz issued memoranda on the FY 2000 Budget dated July 21 and 23,1998, respectively. The Chief Financial Of5cer replied in a memorandum dated August 4,1998. These memoranda reflect ACRS comments on the research core capabilities, the approach to 10 CFR 50.59 issues, and support for a move towards risk-informed regulation.

No final budget appropriation has been approved for FY99. If no funding is appropriated before the end of the fiscal year, a repeat of past years may be forced on Federal agencies. This could result in drastic cuts in funding, including intomational travel. The Committee will be kept advised. No Commission budget has been issued for FY 2000.

SENATE FEDERAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE STREAMLINING ACT The Senate Govemmental Affairs Committee approved S. 2228, the Federal Advisory Committee Streamlining Act. This Act would, if passed into law, sunset statutorily authorized Federal advisory committees 3 years after the bill's enactment. However, there is an exemption provis!:a for committees that " address critical needs relating to health, safety, national security, or other concems as the President may certify." If the bill passed, the President would decide if ACRS would be exempt. Given the limited time before recess and other factors, it is not likely that this bill will get to the floor this year, but it could be reintroduced next year.

NAVAL REACTOR LETTER The ACRS has been asked to provide a letter recognizing the 50th anniversary of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. A draft letter is attached. This letter was previously sent to all members.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the draft letter be approved.



455th ACRS Meeting 20 September 2-4,1998 A request has been made by Mr. Bob Christie of Performance Technology, inc. to meet with the Committee to discuss his views on criteria for safety i

decisions and Regulatory Guide 1.174.

l RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Mr. Christie be invited to participate the next time the Committee discusses this matter.



Dr. Kress has written a draft report, with input from other Members and consultants, on the lessons leamed from the Committee's review of the AP600 design. The Committee is requested to review and comment on the report so that a final version can be issued in October.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members review the draft report and give comments to Dr. Kress as soon as possible.

QUADRIPARTITE MEETING All papers have been received and distributed. Members are reminded that a final version of each paper should be provided on diskette at the end of the 455th meeting. If those Members attending the Quadripartite Meeting need assistance with viewgraphs for their presentations, they should contact the ACRS staff immediately.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members who are authors of papers provide a diskette version and a hard copy of their paper immediately following the meeting and advise the staff if they need assistance with viewgraphs.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LETTER A letter sent to The New York Times on April 12,1998, calls into question the ACRS commitment to human factors issues. A reply to Dr. Najmedin Meshkati, citing ACRS work in this area, is attached.


455th ACRS Meeting 21 September 2-4,1998 RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the draft letter be approved.

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP The NRC will hold a four-day public workshop, September' 28-October 1, 1998, to discuss improvements to the NRC integrated assessment process and Senior Management Meeting process.

Committee Members are oncouraged to attend. Pre-registration at least 3 weeks in advance is requested.

RECOMMENDKilON The Subcommittee recommended that Members planning to attend notify the Executive Director and preregister.

ACRS PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Draft procedures have been developed to carry out the ACRS self-assessment process. This document is a working draft that will be revised based on experience.

Members are invited to comment on these procedures.

Dr. Apostolakis will review the evaluation of ACRS by Commission Offices on a quarterly basis.


The ACRS received a memorandum dated August 7,1998, from Gus Lainas, Acting Director, Division of Engineering, NRR, on the subject of the JAERI analysis of fission product heating of steam generator tubes.

This memorandum evaluates the analysis supporting the viewgraphs forwarded in a memorandum from J. Hopenfeld to J. Larkins dated May 20,1998. The staff found that the JAERI analysis applied incorrect boundary conditions and thus is not relevant to the staffs evaluation of this matter. Dr. Hopenfeld informed Dr. Larkins that he disagreed with the conclusions of this August 7, 1998 memorandum.

ACRS RETREAT The Executive Director recommended that the Committee hold a retreat in January 1999, both to assess ACRS performance and to plan future

l 455th ACRS Meeting 22 September 2-4,1998 activities based on a review of the extent to which the staff has met its most recent priority objectives.

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that a retreat be held in January 1999.

MEMBERS' ISSUES Dr. Powers has requested that the Subcommittee consider whether it wishes to hear about the pilot program application of NUREG-1465 accident source term to the Perry plant now or at the conclusion of the Work.

Dr. Powers includes some information from a contractor indicating work being done on control room habitability and suggests that the Committee discuss this subject in the near future.

Dr. Powers would like to discuss the Commission's decision to halt RES research on shutdown and low-power risk after FY 99.


Future Meetino Acenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 456th ACRS Meeting, October 2-4,1998.

The 455th ACRS meeting was adjoumed at 4:00. on Friday, September 4,1998.


Fed:ral Register /V:1. 63. No.158/M:nday, August 17,1998 / Notices 43969 orincipal alternative to the action would Room T-2B3,11545 Rockville Pike, will also discuss proposed technical i

to deny the request (no-action Rockville, Maryland.The date of this papers to be presented at the October arnative). Denial of the exemption meeting was previously published in 1998 Quadripartite meeting.


.squest would result in no change in the Federal Register on Thursday, current environmentalimpacts. The November 20,1997 (62 FR 62079).

Thursday, September 3,1998 environmentalimpacts of the proposed 8:30 AM.-8:35 A.M.: Opening action and the alternative action are Wednesday, September 2,1998 Remarks by the ACRS Chairman similar.

8:30 AM -8:45 A.M.: Opening (Open)-The ACRS Chairman will make Remarks b the ACRS Chairrnan opening remarks regarding conduct of I

Alternative Use of Resources (Open)-Tbe ACRS Chairman will make the meetinI-20:00 A.M This action does not involve the use opening remarks regarding conduct of 8:35 A.h Proposed

. ef resources not previously considered the meeting.

Resolutson of Generic Safetylssue 272, in the Final Environmental Statement 8:45 AR.-20:25 AR.:Powerlevel

" Engineered Safety Feature Failure from i

related to Operation of Maine Yankee increase Reguestfor the Edwin 1. Hatch I.oss of Offsite Power Subsequent to a Atomic Power Station (July 1972).

Nuclear Plant Units 2 and 2 (Open/

Ioss-of-Coolant Accident"(Open}-The Closed)-The Committee will hear Committee will hear presentations by Agencies and Persons Consulted presentations by and hold discussions and hold discussions with

. In accordance with its stated policy, with representatives of the Southern representatives of the NRC staff on July 31,1998, the NRC staff Nuclear erating Company (SNOC) regarding the proposed resolution of consulted with Mr. Patrick Dostle of the and the C staff regarding the SNOC's Generic Safety issue 171.

State of Maine, Department of Human application for a power level inenase of 20:25 AM.-22:45 AR.: Meeting with Services, regarding the environmental 8% for the Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear the Director of the NRC Officefor impact of the proposed action. The State Plant, Units 1 and 2.

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational ofHeial had no comments.

Ma @@ pen)-ne Comminee (Note: A portion of this session may be Finding of No Significant Impact closed to discuss General Electric Nuclear wiP h**r Presentations by and hold Energy proprietary information.)

discussions with the AEOD Director Based upon the environmental regarding items of mutualinterest, assessment, the C2mmission concludes 20:30 AR.-22:00 Noon: Impact of including:

that the proposed action will not have. the Piobabilistic Risk Assessment (FRA) e Long term strategy for the Accident o significant effect on the quality of the Resuhs ond insights on the Regulatory Seouence Precursor (ASP) computer human environment. Accordingly, the System (Open)-The nmmittee will codes, including Criteria for accuracy, e

' Commission has determined not to hear presentations by and hold

. range of application, and treatment of wrepan an environmentalimpact discussions with representatives of the uncertainty.

tement for the proposed action.

NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy e Methods for planning case studies.

For further details with respect to this Institute agarding situation-specific How these plans are affected by action, see the licensee's letters, dated cases where PRA results and insights emphasis on risk-information in the November 6,1997, and June 29,1998, have improved the existing regulatory regulatory process. Shaping these case which are available for public system, and specific areas in which PRA studies for use in validating PRA inspection at the Commission's Public can have a positive impact on the methods.

Document Room, Gelman Building.

Ngulatory system.

e Strategy for encouraging greater use 2120 L Street, NW., Washington, D.C.,

2:00 PR.-2:30 PR.: Establishing a of AEOD studies within the NRC and and at the Local Public Document Room Benchmark on Risk During Low-Power within the larger reactor safety at the Wiscasset Public Library, High and Shutdown Operations (Open}-na community.

Street, Post OfBee Box 367, Wiscasset, Committee will hear presentations by e Should AEOD be collecting data and hold discussions with etc., outside the nuclear indust ~ ryT For Maine 04578.

npresentatives of the NRC staff example, should AEOD collect data on Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this tith day regarding staff activities associated with the vulnerabilities of digital electronic of August ms.

establishing a benchmark on risk during systems and software ancountered in For the Nuclear Regulatory commission.

Iow-power and shutdown operations, other industries and applications?

Seymour H. Weiss, and related matters.

. AEODactivitiesassociatedwith Director,Non-PontBeactors and 2:45 PM.-4:25 PM.: Emergency Core evaluating iorelgn event datn.

Decommissioning Project Duectomte.

Cooling System StrainerBlockage 22:45 AM.-22:00 Noon:

Division ofReactor Proginm Management, (Open>-The Committee will hear Reconciliation ofACRS Comments and Office ofNuclear Reactor Regulation..

presentations by and hold discussions Recommendations (Open)-The (FR Doc. 96-22083 Piled s-14-es; a:45 aml with representatives of the NRC staff Committee will discuss responses from sumo coom risaw and BWR Owners Gmup regarding the the NRC Executive Dtrector for NRC staff's safety evaluation of the BWR Opera; ions (EDO) to comments and Owners Group Utility Resolution Guide recommendations included in recent NUCLEAR REGULATORY for emergency core cooling system ACRS reports, including EDO's COMMIS$10N strainer blockage.

responses to ACRS comments and 4:30 P.M.-7:00 PM.:Preparotion of ncommendations on the NRC Reactor Advisory Committee on Reactor ACRS Reports (Open)-The Committee Fuels Research Program, Draft Safeguards; Meeting Notice will discuss proposed ACRS reports on Supplement 1 to NUREG 1552," Fire In accordance with the purposes of matters considered during this meeting. Barrier Penetration Seals in Nuclear Sections 29 and 182b. of.the Atomic In addition,the Committee will discuss Power Plants", and on the Proposed tergy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,2232b), the proposed ACRS reports on the lessons Final Standard Review Plan Section


Ivisory Committee on Reactor learned from the review of the AP600 3.9.8 and Regulatory Guice 1.178 for afeguards will hold a meeting on passive plant design and on the U.S.

Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection of September 2-4,1998,in Conference Naval Reactors program. The Committee Piping.

e s.


O N\\k


43970 Federal Register /Vtl. 63 Na 158/M:nday, August 17,1998 / Notices 2:00 P.M.-2:25 P.M.: Degraded meeting and questions may be asked OFFICE OF PERSONNEL Auxiliary Feedwater System Capability only by members of the Committee,its MANAGEMENT

  • I During a Rapid DownpowerEvent of the consultants, and staff. Persons dwiring Catawba Nuclear Plant Unit 2 (Open)- to make oral statements should notify Submission for OMB Review; The Committee will hear prwentations Mr. Sam Duraiswamy, Chief of the Comment Request for Reclearence of by and hold discussions with Nuclear Reactors Branch, at least five e Revised Inknneum Cdectim N representatives of the NRC staff days before the meeting,if o#Ible so N

P regedang the May 7,1998 incident at be Catawba. Urd 1 te :,Mng degraded g*h'Qo',Iat arrangem AosNcy: Office of Personnel g,_ y g




$t zat[o meeting for such statements. Use of still, Generic SafetyIssues (Open)-The motion picture, and television cameras ACTION: Notice.

Committee will hold discussions with during this meeting may be limited to representatives of the NRC stafy selected pordons of the muting as SWe4 ARM in accordance wi6 Os regarding ACRS members' comments on determined by the Chairman.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pubhc Law 1M3, May 22,1995), Ms the riority ranking proposed by the Information regarding the time to be 3:25 P.N30 P.A$. eport i

bta by ntacu e

ofthe submitted to the Office of Management Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Nuclear Reactors Branch prior to the (Open/ Closed)-The Committee will meeting. In view of the possibility that f,,y3, fo,. mad 1

I hear a report of the Planning and the schedule for ACRS meetings may be Annuitants who were entitled to Subco iw matters adjusted by the Chairman as necessary minimum annuity befom the repeal of 8C 8e eC2 u o m# n8 6e minimm annuity provisions on business and organizationaland Perses planning to attend should check February 27,1986, continue to be paid rsonnel matters relating to the ACRS* with the Chief of the Nuclear Reactors minimum annuity. OPM uses RI 20-1, cluding qualifications of candidates Branch if such rescheduling would Application for Minimum Annuity, to for ACRS membershi.

P result in major inconvenience.

determine if an annuitant qualifies for n be cl to d o an satf"a an In accordance with Subsection 10(d), minimum annuity.

personnel matters t et relate solely to the P.L. 92-.463, I have determined that it is Approximately 50 RI 20-1 forms will internal personnel rules andpractices of this necessary to close portions of this be completed annually. We estimate it Advisory Committee, and information the meeting noted above to discuss matters takes approximately 15 minutes to release of which would constitute a clearly that relate solely to the internal complete the form.The annual burden unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.1 personnel rules and practices of this is 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br />.

4:45 P.M--7:00 P.M.: Preparation of Advisory Committee per 5 U.S.C.

For copies of this proposal, contact i

l ACRS Reports (Open)-The Committ" 552b(c)(2), General Electric Nuclear Mary Beth Smith-Toomey on (202) 606-will continue its discussion of proposed Energy proprietary information per 5 8358, or E mail to mbtoomeyeopm. gov ACRS reports.

U.S.C. 552b(c)(4), and to discuss DATES @mmets a Ws propoul Friday, September 4,1993 information the release of which would should be received by September 16, 8:30 A.M.-9:25 A.M.: Future ACRS constitute a clearly unwarranted

gggg, O

Persaal privacy per 5 Activities (Open)-The Committee will discuss the recommendations of the (c)( ).

l te Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Further information regarding topics regarding items proposed for to be discussed, whether the meeting Lorraine E. Dettman, Chief, Operations consideration by the full Committee has been canceled or rescheduled, the Support Division, Retirement and during future meetings.

Chairman's ruling on requests for the lasurance Service, U.S. Office of 9:25 A.M.-4:00 P.M. (J2:00-2:00 opportunity to present oral statements Personnel Management,1900 E Street, P.M. lunch): Prepamtion of ACRS and the time allotted therefor, can be NW, Room 3349, Washington, DC fleports (Open)-The Committee will' obtained by contacting Mr. Sam 20415-0001 continus its discussion of proposed Duralswamy, Chief of the Nuclear and Reactors Branch (telephone 301/415-Joseph Lackey, OPM Desk Officer.


30 P.M.: Miscellaneous 7364),between 7:30 A.M. and 4:15 P.M.

Office ofInformation and Regulatory (Open)-The Committee will discun EDT.

Affairs, Of5ce of Management and matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and matters and ACRS meeting agenda, meeting Budget New Executive Office specific issues that were not completed transcripts, and letter reports are Building NW, Room 10235, during previous meetings, as time and available for downloading or reviewing Washington, DC 20503.

availability of information permit.

on the intemet at http /www.nrc. gov /



Procedures for the conduct of and


participation in ACRS meetings were Dated: August it,1998.

Donna G. Lease, Budget &

published in the Federal Register on Administrative Services Division,(202)

^*d"* 1 88**

September 4,1997 (62 FR 46782). In 606-0623.

l l

accordance with these procedures, oral Advisory Committee Monogement Officer.

U.S. Office of Porsonnel Management.

I or written views may be presented by (FR Doc. 98-22087 Filed 8-14-98: B:45 aml I**I"' "' l**h**,**'

members of the public, including sumo caos e Dieror.


representatives of the nuclear industry.

Electronic recordings will be permitted (FR Doc. 96-21944 n,ed 8-H-98; 8:45 am]

only during the open portions of the suma caos sens-es.*

e-e a sea.e e

r APPENDIX II p rerg#o l




%, t * * *

  • Revised:



8:d5 A.M.

Openina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 1.1) Opening Statement (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.2) Items of current interest i

(RLS/NFD/SD) 1.3) Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/JTL/SD) ao nio7 2) 8:05 - **=*4 A.M.

Power Level Increase Recuest for Edwin I.

Hatch Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2 (Open/ Closed) (TSK/PAB) 1 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNOC) and the NRC staff regarding the SNOC's application for a power level increase of 8% for the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2.

[ Note: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss General Electric Nuclear Energy proprietary information.]

II:O'l ll:.20 N-at--tn A.M.

      • BREAK ***

II:.25 Si 79230 - 12:00 Noon Emercenev_ Core Coolino System Strainer Blockage (Open) (JJB/NFD) 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

3.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and I

BWR Owners Group regarding the NRC staff's safety evaluation of the BWR I

Owners Group Utility Resolution Guide for emergency core cooling system l

strainer blockage.

1 I


7 2


l 12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

b' i '-

45I 4-)

.1.:00 -

2c33 P.M.

Establishing a Benchmark on Risk During Low-Power and shutdown Operations (Open)

(MHF/MTM/DTD) 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

l 4.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding staff activities associated with establishing a benchmark on risk during low-power and shutdown operations, and related matters.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

300 i

2-M P.M.

      • BREAK ***

3:00 E7) 5)

2EEE -

4:35 P.M.

Impact of PRA Results and Insights on the Reculatory System (Open) (GA/MHF/MTM) 5.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

5.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute regarding situation-specific cases where PRA results and insights have improved the i

existing regulatory system, and specific areas in which PRA can have a positive impact on the regulatory i


I SD 5 06 4:25 - est5 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

S O5"

&M3 6)

N - 152WF P. M.

Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:

55' m. 6.1) Power Level Increase Request for Edwin l

4E ID-5:

p I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (TSK/PAB)

OJD4;IfD pm 6.2) Impact of PRA Results and Insights on the Regulatory System (GA/MHF/MTM) 6los:.6.*ao pm 6.3) Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer Blockage (JJB/NFD) 6.4) Naval Reactors Program (JJB/PAB) 5:cs-5:fo pm Mesbk' +i leHer-5:55-W.oE p m a





7) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M.

Opening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open)

(RLS/SD) 8)

8:35 - 10:00 A.M. D Procosed Resolution of Generic Safety Issug 171. "Encineered Safety Feature Failure from Loss of Offsite Power Subsecuent to a Loss-of-Coolant Accidenta (Open) (DWM/AS) l 8.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

8.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed resolution of Generic Safety Issue 171.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

20 10:00 - 10:EE A.M.

      • BREAK ***

/42: 0 0 doou 10:h - 6 E5r. b eeting with the Director of the NRC Office; 9)

M for Analysis and Evaluation of Ooerational Data (AEOD) (Open) (RLS/MME) 9.1) Remarks by the ACRS Chairman.

9.2) Briefing by and discussions with the AEOD Director regarding items of mutual interest, including:

Long-term strategy for the Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) computer codes, including criteria for accuracy, range of application, and treatment of uncertainty.

Methods for planning case studies; emphasis on risk-information in the regulatory process; and use in validating PRA methods.

Strategy for f.ncouraging greater use of AEOD studies within the NRC and within the larger reactor safety community.

Should AEOD be collecting data, etc., outside the nuclear I


For example, should AEOD collect data on the vulnerabilities of digital electronic systems and software

4 encountered in other industries and applications?


AEOD activities associated with evaluating foreign event data.

5:15 6:00 pm

10) TFW; - 1emasrJessE Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et al./SD, et al.)

Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations (EDO) to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.

12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

3 oS" Q

11) 1:0V -

2:35 P.M.

Decraded Auxiliary Feedwater System capability Durino a Rapid Downpower Event at the Catawba Nuclear Plant. Unit 1 (Open)

(JJB/MTM) 11.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

11.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the May 7, 1998 incident at


Catawba, Unit 1 involving degraded auxiliary feedwater system capability.


12) 2:15 - 3:


OsPrioritization of Generic Safety Issues (open) (DWM/AS) 12.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

12.2) Discussion with representatives of the NRC staff regarding ACRS members' comments on the priority rankings proposed by the staff for a group of Generic Safety Issues.

A9 43 3:25' - 3 : 3Er P. M.

      • BREAK ***

3 5:10 3:+5 -


Report of the Plannino and Procedures 13)

Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)

Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, proposed format and content of the 1999 ACRS report to the Congress and the Commission on the NRC Safety Research Program, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS, including qualification of candidates for ACRS 5.'10-5:15 fm hreOL

9 5




A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, end information the release of which would constitute a i

clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)


14) 4:45 -


Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

14.1) Power Level Increase Request for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (TSK/PAB) 14.2) Impact of PRA Results and Insights on the Regulatory System (GA/MHF/MTM) 14.3) Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer Blockage (JJB/NFD) 14.4) Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 171 (DWM/AS) 14.5) Prioritization of Gcnario Safety I

Issues (DWM/AS) 14.6) Naval Reactors Program (JJB/PAB) 14.7) Lessons Learned from the Review of the 6 :t^4:25 pm Meshati leScr ign (TSK/PAB)



15) 8:

9:15 A.M.

Future ACRS Activities (Open) (RLS/JTL/SD)

Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.

lb:stk tIl00 OJn 0?G5Syntnenh

16) 9:15 - 4:00 P.M.

Prenaration of ACRS Renorts/ Technical Paners (12:00-1:00 LUNCH)


Discussion of proposed ACRS reports /

Technical papers:

/O:00-/0:01 ara-16.1) Power Level Increase Request for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2


(TSK/ PAS) llDO-ll:47 OA 16.2) Impact of PRA Results and Insights on i:oo t:3r fin the Regulatory System (GA/MHF/MTM) g;;g.g;9f cuy3 16.3) Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer I35-P5 AD 9:45-10:00 ctm OfCaC-


6 Blockage (JJB/NFD)


})GE 4) Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety


Issue 171 (DWM/AS)

) Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues (DWM/AS) 16.6) Naval Reactors Program (JJB/PAB) 16.7) Lessons Learned from the Review of the AP600 Design (TSK/PAB) 16.8) Technical Papers for the Quadripartite Meeting (RLS, et al./JTL, et al.)

47) 4.0G - 4;3G F.n.

iscellapeous (

en) (RLS JTL/SD)

'scussih. of mat rs rela d to th co uct of ommitte activit'es and m tters and ecific ssues t t were et comp ted during reviou meetin as ti and availabi ity of information permi HQIE:

Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.

The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.




J. Harrison, NRR S. Sekerak, NRR G. Thomas, NRR S. Lee, NRR R. Frahm, NRR R. Barrett, NRR I

H. Berkow, NRR L. Olshan, NRR G. Parry, NRR I

J. Schiffgens, NRR

.A. El-Bassioni, NRR S. Dinsmore, NRR J. Davis, NRR R. Lobel, NRR C. Berlinger, NRR S. Newberry, NRR K. Kavanaugh, NRR J. Kudrick, NRR R. Elliot, NRR M. Rubin, NRR M. Marshall, RES T. King, RES M. Drouin, RES ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC D. Moore, PLG D. Maret, Sequoia Consulting Group R. Hammersley, FAI T. Taminami, Tokyo Electric Power T. Long, Southem Nuclear D. Ras, Los Alamos National Lab B. Singal, Bechtel J. Mitman, EPRI D. Pappone, GE Nuclear S. Lewinson, FTl D. Rea, Southem Nuclear T. Sutter, Bechtel B. Hopkins, Bechtel B. Bradley, NEl E. Ingram, SNC


A. Farruk, SNC

Appendix 111 2

455th ACRS Meeting NRC STAFF (September 3,1998)

J. Mitchell, OEDO T. O. Martin, RES J. Craig, RES '

F. Chemy, RES N. Kadambi, RES M. Marshall, RES D. Thatcher, NRR J. Lazevnick, NRR J. Carter, NRR J. Stolz, NRR E. Kendall, NRR A. Levin, NRR L. Kopp, NRR P. Madden, NRR L. Whitney, NRR P. Tam, NRR i


- J. Kammer, Duke Energy



M i



8:45 A.M.

Ocenina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 1.1) Opening statement (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.2) Items of current interest (RLS/NFD/SD) 1.3) Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/JTL/SD) 2)


- 10:00 A.M.

Precaration of ACRS Renort (Open)

(GA/MHP/MTM) l Discussion of proposed ACRS report on the impact of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) results and insights on the regulatory system.

10:00 - 10:15 A.M.

      • BREAK ***
3) 10:15 - 11:45 A.M.

NEI Petition to Modify 10 CFR 50. 54 (a)

Related to Ouality Assurance Procrams (Open)

(REU/MME) 3.1) Remarks by the Cognizant ACRS Member.

3.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) regarding the NEI petition to modify 10 CFR 50.54 (a) to negate the requirement for licensees to obtain NRC approval prior to making changes to their quality assurance programs and the associated staff position.

11:45 - 12:45 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***
4) 12:45 -

2:15 P.M.

Risk-Informed Pilot Aeolication for Hydrocen Monitorino at Arkansas Nuclear One (Open)

(TSK/AS) 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 4.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding a pilot application of a


risk-informed approach for post-accident hydrogen monitoring at Arkansas Nuclear One.

F l

2 ReprOrsntativ03 of tha nuclear inductry will provide their views, as appropriate.


2:15 -

2:30 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

5) 2:30 - 3:30 P.M.

Performance Technoloav. Inc.

Views on Criteria for Safety Decisions (Open)


(GA/MTM) 5.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 5.2) Briefing by and discussions with a representative of Performance Technology, Inc., on criteria for safety decisions and comments on Regulatory Guide 1.174 (previously DG-1061).

6) 3:30 - 4:30 P.M.

Industry Initiatives to Certifv Probabilistic Risk Assessments (Open)

(GA/MTM/DTD) 6.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

6.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and Owners Groups, as appropriate, j

regarding industry initiatives to certify PRAs.

4:30 -

4:45 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

7) 4:45 -

7:00 P.M.

Precaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:

7.1) Lessons Learned from the Review of the AP600 Design (TSK/PAB/NFD) 7.2) NEI Petition to Modify 50.54 (a)

(REU/MME) 7.3) Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue-171 (DWM/AS) 7.4) Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues (DWM/AS) 2][IUtSDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1998. CONFERENCE ROOM 2B3, TWO WHITE FLINT NORTH, ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 8) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M.

Ooenino xemarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open)

(RLS/SD) 9)

8:35 - 10:00 A.M.

Lessons Learned from the Indeoendent Safety Assessment of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station and Associated Generic Safety Imolications (Open) (TSK/PAB) 9.1) Remarks by the Acting Subcommittee Chairman.

3 9.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff


regarding the lessons learned from the independent safety assessment of the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station and associated generic safety implications.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

10:00 - 10:15 A.M.

      • BREAK ***
10) 10:15 00 Noon ACRS Reoorts to the Concress and the Commission (Open) (REU/MME)

Discussion of the following for the 1999 ACRS reports to the Congress and the Commission on the NRC Safety Research Program:

e Format and content e

Identification of issues e

Assignments of responsibilities e

Schedule for providing input to the draft reports.

12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

11) 1:00 -

1:45 P.M.

Report of the Plannino and Procedures Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)

Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS, including qualification of candidates for ACRS membership.

[ Note:

A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.]

12) 1:45

, 2:30 P.M.

Future ACRS Activities (Open) (RLS/JTL/SD)

Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration I

by the full committee during future j



2:30 -

2:45 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

l 4

13) 2:45 -

7:00 P.M.

Prenaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)


Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

13.1) Industry Program to Certify PRAs (GA/MTM/DTD) 13.2) Lessons Learned from the Review of-the AP600 Design (TSK/PAB/NFD) 13.3) NEI Petition to Modify 10 CFR 50.54 (a)

(REU/MME) 13.4) Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue-171 (DWM/AS) 13.5) Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues (DWM/AS)

FETn1Y, OCTonER 2, 1993, CowrunawCE ROOM 2E3, TWO WHITE FLINT NORTH, ROCEVILLL__MARYLAMD 14) 8:30 - 10:00 A.M.

Intecrated Review of Assessment Processes and Pronosed Imorovements to the Senior Manacement Meetina Process (Open)

(JJB/MTM/NFD) 14.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

14.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the status of activities associated with the integrated review of assessment processes and proposed improvements to the Senior Management Meeting Process.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

15) 10:00 - 10:15 A.M.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et al./SD, et al.)

Discussion of the responses from the NRC Execdtive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included

-in recent ACRS reports.


-10:30 A.M.

      • BREAK ***
16) 10:30 - 12:0'O Noon Precaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

16.1) Industry Program to Certify PRAs (GA/MTM/DTD) 16.2) Lessons Learned from the Review of AP600 Design (TSK/PAB/NFD) 16.3) NEI Petition to Modify 10 CFR 50.54 (a)

(REU/MME) 16.4) Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue-171 (DWM/AS)


16.5) Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues (DWM/AS)


17) 12:00 - 12:15 P.M.

Miscellaneous (Op:n) (RLS/JTL/SD)

Discussion of matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and matters I

and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.


e Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.

The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.




[ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.)


1 Openina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman 1.

Items of Interest, dated September 2,1998 2

Power Level Increase Reauest for Edwin 1. Hatch Nuciaer Plant. Units 1 and 2 2.

Memorandum to T. Kress from P. Boehnert, dated 9/1/98,


Minutes of the ACRS Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting, August 27,1998, Rockville, Maryland [ Handout]

1 3.

Plant Hatch Extended Power Uprate Program, dated September 2,1998, presented by Tim Long, Southem Nuclear Operating Company [Viewgraphs]

- 4.

Hatch Power Uprate Program, dated September 2,1998, presented by L.

N. Olshan, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) [Viewgraphs) 5.

Evaluation of Hatch Extended Power Uprate on Probabilistic Risk Analysis, presented by A. Farruk, PRA Supervisor, Southem Nuclear Operating Company [Viewgraphs) 6.

Uncertainty, undated, presented by Dave Moore, PLG/EQE [Viewgraphs) 4 3

Emeroency Core Coolina System Strainer Blocknoe 7.

Status of the ECCS Suction Clogging issue and the Staffs Final Safety Evaluation of the Utility Resolution Guidance Document, dated September 2,1998, presented by Robert B. Elliott, NRR [Viewgraphs) i 4

Establishina a Benchmark on Risk Durina Lc"; "c;;r and Shutdown Operations 8.

Low Power Shutdown Risk Research, dated September 2,1998, presented by Mary Drouin and Mark Cunningham, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)



Loss of Decay Heat Removal Trends (1989 - 1996), dated September 2,1998,.

presented by Jeff Mittman, Electric Power Research Institute [Viewgraphs)


5 Imoact of PRA Results and insiahts on the Reaulatory System

i P-Append!x V 2


455th ACRS Meeting 10.

Uses of PRA to improve the Regulatory System, dated September 2,1998, presented by Tom King, Gary Holahan, Mark Cunningham, Richard Barrett, and l.

Mary Drouin [Viewgraphs) 8 Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 171. *Enaineered Safety Feature Failure from Loss of ONsite Power Subseauent to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident" 11.

ESF Failure from LOOP Subsequent to LOCA, dated September 3,1998, presented by Aleck W. Serkiz [Wewgraphs) 9 f.t_Gric with the Director of the NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Ooerational Data (AEOD 12.

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data, dated September 3,1998, presented by Thomas T. Martin (Viewgraphs) 10 Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations 13.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Handout #10-1]

11 Dearaded Auxiliary Feedwater System Caoability Durina a Raoid Downoower Event at the I

Catawba Nuclear Plant. Unit 1 14.

Region ll Presentation, Catawba Unit 1, Auxiliary Feedwater Inoperability Due to Suction Source High Water Temperature (Viewgraphs) 12.

Prioritization of Generic Safety lasues 13 Reoort of the Phinnina and Procedures Subcommitt_e_e_


Final Drt i Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Meeting -

September 1,1998 [ Handout #13-1]

15 Future ACRS Activities 16.

Future ACRS Activities - 456th ACRS Meeting, September 30-October 2, 1998 [ Handout #15-1]



ri Appendix V -



455th ACRS Meeting l


Power Level increase Reauest for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2 1.

Table of Contents 2.

Prdect Status Report, dated September 2,1998 3.

Le9er from Robert L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, dated July 24,1998: General Electric Nuclear Energy Extended Power Uprate Program and Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Power Level increase Request 4.

Memorandum from Don W. Miller, ACRS Member, to ACRS Members, dated July 1,1998: A Brief Summary of BWR Instability: Solutions and Regulatory Requirements 5.

Memorandum from Herbert N. Berkow, NRR, to John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated August 14,1998: ACRS ReviewThe Hatch Extended Power Uprate, attaching the Draft Safety Evaluation Related to Amendment 1

Request for Core Power Uprate for E.1. Hatch Units 1 and 2 3

Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer Blockage 6.

Table of Contents 7.

Proposed Schedule 8.

Status Report 9.

Memorandum from Gary M. Holahan, NRR, to John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated August 20,1998: Transmittal of Final Safety Evaluation Report on the BWROG's Utility Resolution Guidance for ECCS Suction Strainer Blockage, NEDO-32686 [ Executive Summary Only) 10.

Letter from Robert L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, dated June 18, 1997: Potential for Degradation of the Emergency Core Cooling System and the Containment Spray System After a Loss-of-Coolant Accident Because of Construction and Protective Coating Deficiencies and Foreign Materialin Containment 11.

Report from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated February 26,1996: Proposed FinalNRC Bulletin 96-XX, " Potential Plugging of Emergency Core Cooling Suction Trainers by Debris in Boiling Water Reactors" and an Associated Draft Revision 2 of i

Regulatory Guide 1.82, " Water Sources for Long-Term Recirculation Cooling Following a Loss-of-Coolant Accident" b


Report from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to Ivan Selin, Chairman, NRC, 4

e i


Appendix V 4


4,55th ACRS Meeting dated October 14,1994: Potential for BWR ECCS Strainer Blockage Due to LOCA Generated Debris 4

Estab ishina a Benchmark on Risk Durina Lc: Pcnr and Shutdown Operations 13.

Table of Contents 14.

Proposed Schedule 15.

Status Report 16.

Report dated April 18,1997, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC,


Establishing A Benchmark on Risk During Low-1 Power and Shutdown Operations 17.

Letter dated June 6,1997, from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC, to R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS,


Establishing a Benchmark on Risk During Low-Power and Shutdown Operations 18.

Memorandum dated June 19,1997, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC,


Establishing a Benchmark on Risk During Low-Power and Shutdown Operations 19.

Report dated September 10,1997, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC,


Proposed Rulemaking for Shutdown and j

Fuel Storage Pool Operations at Nuclear Power Plants 20.

Memorandum dated December 11,1997, from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, SECY, NRC to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC,


Staff Requirements-SECY-97-168-lasuance for Public Comment of Proposed Rulemaking Package for Shutdown and Fuel Storage Pool Operations


Appendix V 5


455th ACRS Meeting 21.

Memorandum dated December 17,1997, from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, SECY, NRC, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC,


Staff Requirements-SECY-97-173-Potential Revision to 10 CFR 50.65 (a) (3) of the Maintenance Rule to Require Licensee to Perform Safety Assessments 22.

Letter dated January 30,1998, from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC, to R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS,


Proposed Rulemaking Package for Shutdown and Fuel Storage Pool Operations at Nuclear Power Plants 23.

Letter dated December 3,1997, from Anthony R. Pietrangelo, Director, Licensing Nuclear Generation, Nuclear Energy Institute, to John T.

Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS,


EPRI Analysis of Loss of Decay Heat Removal Trends (1989-1996), EPRI TR-109014 -


Memorandum dated August 7,1998 from Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC,


Responding to issues Raised Within The Senate Authorization Context 25.

Memorandum dated August 19,1998 from P. Boehnert, Senior Staff Engineer, ACRS, to ACRS/ACNW Members,


Meeting Wdh Representatives of The i

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regu!ation-August 13,1998 5.

Imonet of PRA Results and Instahts on the Raanletory System 26.

Table of Contents 27.

Proposed Schedule 28.

Status Report 29.

Staff Requirements Memorandum dated April 20,1998 30.

Staff Requirements Memorandum dated August 18,1998 31.

Staff Requirements Memorandum dated June 30,1998 32.

Presentation Outline for August 26,1998 RPRA Subcommifee 33.

Memorandum from Shirley A. Jackson, Chairman, NRC, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC, dated August 7,1998: Responding to lasues Raised within the Senate Authorization Context 34.

Letter from Joe F. Colvin, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated August 11,1998: Public Meeting on Stakeholder Concems 8

Proposed Resolution of Generic Safety lesua 171. "Enaineered Safety Feature Failure from Loss of Offsite Power Subseauent to a Loss-of caa! ant AWant*

l I


Table of Contents I


Proposed Schedule j



Status Report j



NUREG/CR-6538, dated July 1997: Evaluation of LOCA with delayed LOOP and

  • a Appendix V 6


455th AC,RS Meeting with Delayed LOCA Accident Scenarios (Executive Summary Only}


Memorandum from Charies E.

Rossi, Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data, to John W. Craig, NRR, dated August 18,1998: Request for j

Review of the Re-prioritization of GSI-171," Engineered Safety Features Failure from s Loss of Offsite Power Subsequent to a Loss-of-Coolant Accident 40.

Note from Jose A. Calvo, NRR, to Brian W. Sheron, NRR, dated July 8,1998:

EELB's Determinations Relative to GSI-171 41.

Note from John W.. Craig, NRR, to Brian W. Sheron, NRR, dated June 19. 1998:

EELB's Determinations Relative to GSI-171 9

:::inc with the Director of the NRC Office for Analysis and Eve!uation of Ooerational Data (AEOD 42.'

Table of Contents 43.

Proposed Schedule 44.

Status Report 45.

Memorandum from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, to Thomas T.

Matin, dated August 10,1998: ACRS Meeting with the AEOD Director 10

Dearaded Auxiliary Feedwater System Cenebility Durina a RenM Downsc :

r Event at the


Catawba Nuclear Plant. Unit 1 46.

Table of Contents


Proposed Schedule 48.

Status Report 49.

Executive Summary, NRC Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) Report 50-413/98-06, 50-414/98-06, undated 50.

Licensee Event Report, Catawba Nuclear Station Unit 1, dated June 8,1998 12 Prioritization of Generic Safety lasues 51.

Table of Contents 52.

Proposed Schedule 53.

Status Report 54.

SECY-98-166, dated July 6,1998: Summary of Activities related to Generic l

Safety lasues
