ML20217A590 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 12/02/1997 |
From: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
References | |
ACRS-3076, NUDOCS 9803250134 | |
Download: ML20217A590 (35) | |
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Date Issurd:
12/2/97 N"%y hkhitLaLJ((,;
ffS-Se 74 Date Signed:
Chairman's Reoort (Open)..................................
1 l1.
Human Performance and Reliability Imolementation Plan (Open)....
1 lli.
Prooosed Resolution of a Differina Professional Goinion Concemina Steam Generator Tube Intearity (Open)........................
3 IV.
Prooosed Chanaes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Procosed Revision 1 1
to Generic Letter 91-18 (Open)...............................
4 i
Meeting with the Director of the NRC Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Ooerational Data (Postponed)....................
7 VI.
Subcommittee Reoort (Open)................................
7 -
I Vll.
Plans to Review the NRC Safety Research Proaram (Open)........
8 Vill.
Executive Session (Open)...................................
8 A.
Reports, Letters, and Memoranda REPORT Proposed Changes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Proposed Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18 (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated October 9,1997)
- //
Human Performance and Human Reliability lmolementation Plan (Letterto L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated October 8,1997)
Besolution of the Differina Professional Ooinion Related to Steam Generator Tube Integrity (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive l
Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, I
dated October 10,1997) m f
g 41 ~ 3 /A C/{,j
. 4 U U 9803250134 971202 PDR ACRS 3076 PDR J
Proposed Final Generic Letter. "Deoradation of Steam Generator Intemals" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 15,1997)
Pronosed Final Generic Letter. " Steam Generator Tube insoection Techniaues"(Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 15,1997)
Prooosed Final Amendmentsto 10 CFR Part 73. "Chanoes to Nuclear Power Plant Security Reauirements" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, N RC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 15,1997)
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations C.
Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Held on October 1,1997 (Open)
I D.
Future Meeting Agenda
. 0
Federal Register Notice II.
Meeting Schedule and Outline Ill.
Attendees IV.
Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activites V.
List of Documents Provided to the Committee i
i i
'. 7-
,-- g
- ], [
The 445th meeting of the Adviso'y Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held at Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on October 2-3,1997. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda. The meeting was open to public attendance. There were no written statements nor requests for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.
A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building,2120 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. [ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Neal R. Gross and Co., Inc.,1323 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.]
ATTENDEES ACRS Members: Dr. Robert L. Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A. Powers (Vice-Chairman),
I Dr. George Apostolakis, Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr.
Don W. Miller, and Dr. William J. Shack. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix ill.]
[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Officialfor this portion of the meeting.]
Dr. Robert L. Seale, Committee Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He announced that several articles of interest had been included in the handout provided to the Members, j
Human Performance and Reliability lmolementation Plan (Open)
[ Note: Mr. Noel Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Dr. George Apostolakis, Chairman of the Human Factors Subcommittee, stated that the ACRS had written a report to the NRC Chairman in February 1997, concerning the Human Performance Plan, which preceded the Human Performance
and Human Reliability implementation Plan. He noted that the Human Factors Subcommittee met with the staff on June 3,1997 to discuss the implementation
.o 445th ACRS Meeting 2
october'2-3,1997 plan and that the staff provided a revised plan to the ACRS in August 1997. Dr.
Apostolakis stated that the revised plan would be discussed during this session. He mentioned that Dr. Miller and Mr. Carroll, a former member of the ACRS, had prepared written comments on the revised plan.
Dr. Jay Personsky, RES, stated that the revised plan was still missing a prioritizatoi scheme and an identified linkage to a model. He presented the plan's vision statement, mission, strategies, and program areas. Dr. Personsky indicated that human performance data from sources inside and outside the nuclear industry would be used to further develop the plan. He explained that a set of prioritization factors would be established for each participating Office to use in ranking plan activities. He stated that the ATHEANA (Technique for Human Event Analysis) model may be suitable for use as a framework to demonstrate the relationships among the Agency's human performance and human reliability activities. Dr.
Persensky provided an overview of the following program areas:
technical basis development,
development and maintenance of a human performance and reliability
- model, foster dialogue and cooperation, and operating events analysis.
Dr. Persensky presented the ongoing efforts of the staff to consolidate the five different databases that contain information related to human performance.
Dr. Cecil Thomas, NRR, presented the status of some NRR activities, such as inspection support, plant-specific license reviews, training program oversight, programmatic activities, human factors information system maintenance, and advanced reactor reviews. Mr. Eugene Trager, AEOD, presented the status of activities in the areas of reviewing operational data, participating in event investigations, developing rules and guidance for reporting events, and developing a procedure for Agency investigations. Dr. Dennis Serig, NMSS, stated that for fuel cycle and radioactive materials activities, human actions are dominant in the associated risk equations. He presented the status of activities in the areas of teletherapy, brachytherapy, participation in national medical professional organiza-tions, assessment of events, and participation in risk analysis for byproduct material systems.
The ACRS Members and the staff discussed the wording of the vision statement,
the lack of a defined relationship between the mission and the strategies, and the
e 445th ACRS Meeting 3
october 2-3,1997 lack of an articulated need for each activities. They discussed the following aspects of a high-level model that should be used for developing the implementation plan:
identifying and prioritizing activities, developing and communicating the staffs thought process used in structur-e ing the plan, evaluating significant events in relationship to the plan, and defining the length and breath of human performance problems.
The ACRS members and the staff discussed the use of ATHEANA for quantifying human reliability and as a starting point for developing a high-level model for structuring the implementation plan. They also discussed whether the present inspections of human performance were necessary, performance-based, and non-intrusive.
The ACRS members requested that the staff, during the next subcommittee meeting, provide preser.tations on the integration of inspection protocols and inspector training into the plan and on the results of studies that analyzed the I
information in the Human Performance Event. Database.
Conclusion The Committee decided to schedule a subcommittee meeting to gather additional information concerning the implementation plan and related activities.
Prooosed Resolution of a Differina Professional Ooinion Concemina Steam Generator Tube integrity (Open)
[ Note: Mr. A. Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
Introduction Dr. Robert L. Seale, Acting Chairman, Materials and Metallurgy and Severe Accidents Subcommittees, introduced this topic to the Committee. He noted that the Committee has heard several presentations on a differing professional opinion (DPO) related to the staff's technical decisions concerning steam generator tube integrity. The staff met with the ACRS Materials and Metallurgy and Severe Accidents Subcommittees on August 26, and 27,1997, and with the full Committee on September 3,1997 to discuss the proposed Generic Letter 97-XX, " Steam
'445th ACRS Meeting 4
oct'ober'2-3,1997 Generator Tube integrity." During those discussions, the staff presented its
. considerationof the issues raised as part of the DPO. The SubcommitteeChairman requested a full Committee briefing by representatives of the NRC sta# and the author of the DPO regarding the resolution of the DPO issues.
NRC Sts# Presentation Mr. Reed presented the background concoming the proposed resolution of a DPO associated with the steam generator tube integrity. The sta# samarized the proposed resolution of the issues associated with the DPO. The issues were grouped by the staff into five related areas: nondestructive examination reliability; leakage under design-basis accident conditions including main steam line break (MSLB);' increased frequency of core damage with containment bypass; non-conservative estimates of iodine spiking during depressurizationtransients such as an MSLB; and increase in the frequency of thermally induced tube failures under certain severe-accidentscenarios. The DPO author agreed that two of the issues, iodine spiking and thermally induced tube failure, had been resolved adequately by the sta#, The remaining three issues were properly stated by the staff, but the I
author of the DPO did not concur with the proposed resolution of these issues.
Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated October 10,1997, on this matter.
Pronomad Channes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Pronomad Revialan 1 to Ganarie Letter 91-18 (Open)
[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.}
Mr. John Barton, Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations, introduced the topic to the Committee. He noted that the Committee last met to discuss proposed changes to 10 CFR 50.59, as described in SECY-97-035,
" Proposed Guidance Related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59, (Changes, Tests and Experiments),"in April 1997 and sent a report to Chairman Jackson on April 8, 1997. In that report, the Committee recommended additional NRC staff and industry interaction before the proposed guidance was issued for public comment.
g Mr. Barton noted that the Commission had approved issuing the SECY-97-035 and that the ACRS had subsequently asked to review this matter following the
l 445th ACKS Meeting 5
oct'ober '2-3,1997 reconciliation of public comments. Mr. Barton requested the staff to discuss the 4
specific differences between the NRC staff position and the industry position as delineated in the final draft of NEl 96-07, " Guidelines for 10 CFR 50.59 Safety Evaluations."
NRC Staff Prasantation Mr. David Matthews, NRR, led the discussions for the NRC sta#, Ms. Eileen McKenna, NRR, provided supporting discussion. Messrs. Frank Akstulewicz and Scott Newberry, NRR, also participated.
The staff summarized the issues addressed in SECY-97-205, " Integration and Evaluation of Results from Recent Lessons-Leamed Reviews," which includes proposed changes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18,"Information to Licensees Regarding NRC Inspection Manual Section on Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions." The staff also discussed issues related to plant design bases, licensee commitment management, and Safety Analysis Reports (SARs). Significant points made during the discussion include:
SECY-97-035 was published for public comment as NUREG-1606,
" Proposed Regulatory Guidance Related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, or Experiments)."
In a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) dated April 25,1997, the Commission requested the staff to develop a rulemaking plan to revise 10 CFR 50.59 on an expedited schedule. The Commission also issued SRMs requesting action on the lessons leamed at Millstone (SECY-97-036) and proposed revisions to NRC enforcemert guidance and 10 CFR 50.71(e) for SARs (SECY-97-154).
Approximately 45 public comment letters were received in response to the issuance of NUREG-1606. Most comments were from nuclear utilities, law firms representing licensees, and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEl). The majority of public comments supported endorsement of NEl 96-07.
The proposed revision to Generic Letter 91-18 would incorporate public comments recommending allowance for restart with an unreviewed safety question (USQ) if all necessary equipment is operable and Technical Specifications are met it also provides guidance for evaluating the use of compensatory measures in meeting requirements and for making changes
to the current licensing basis.
- 9 o.
445th ACRS Meeting 6
October 2-3,1997 The staff expects to complete an Advance Notice for Proposed Rulemaking in December 1997. This rulemaking package is expected to: 1) revise threshold criteria that establish an USQ, clarify the definition of margin of safety, clarify where margins are located, consider elimination of the term "USQ," and clarify the terms " facility"and " procedures." This approach would continue to emphasize " changes described in the SAR." The staff also expects to develop a rulemaking related to 10 CFR 50.71(e) to clarify expectations for the content and maintenance of SAR documents.
Longer term action includes a planned revision to 10 CFR 50.59 to incorporate risk-informed strategies. The staff stated that this revision would be consistent with the framework provided in draft Regulatory Guide DG-1061 for risk-informed decisic,nmaking.
Industry Presentations Mr. Ralph Beedle led the discussion for the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). Mr.
f Tony Pietrangelo, NEl, also participated. Significant points made during the I
discussion include:
Small changes should be allowed under 10 CFR 50.59 without a license amendment.
There is a need to stabilize the regulatory process related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59. Wrien issued, NUREG-1606 was perceived by some licensees as a new "model" for performing safety evaluations. As a result, some licensees began changing their procedures and practices to consider the draft guidance. The NRC needs to make the process stable so that it can be consistently implemented across the industry.
Most problems with implementing 10 CFR 50.59 have been associated with licensees not performing safety evaluations as opposed to these evaluations not being done well.
There is sufficient conservatism built into NEl 96-07 that the NRC should be able to endorse it for use by the industry. NEl is willing to continue to work with the staff to develop a version of NEl 96-07 that is mutually acceptable.
Dr. Apostolakis questioned how the staff defined an increase in risk. The staff
stated that the current legal interpretation was that any increase in risk may constitute an USQ per 10 CFR 50.59. Committee Members expressed concem that I
0 I.
445th ACRS Meeting' 7
october 2-3,1997-this definition was too restrictive and that it was in conflict with proposed Standard Review Plan sections and regulatory guides for risk-informed, performance-based regulation. Dr. Apostolakis stated that the focus of 10 CFR 50.59 should be performance-based.
Drs. Powers and Miller questioned the breadth and depth of industry problems related to the implementation of 10 CFR 50.59. In particular, they questioned the safety significance of concems observed across the industry and suggested that these problems might be limited to a small group of highly visible plants of concem.
The staff stated some of the licensing and SAR issues were not fully recognized for a period of years and that recently identified issues had resulted in system inoperability and forced plant shutdowns.
Dr. Kress expressed the view that there is a need to balance safety benefit with costs. He suggested that a research effort may be appropriate. Dr. Apostolakis reiterated the need to pursue more performance-based methods.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Barton stated that the Committee expects to prepare a report to the Commission regarding this matter.
Conclusion The Committee provided a report to Chairman Jackson, dated October 9,1997, on this matter.
Meetina with the Director of the NRC Office for Analvsis and Evaluation of Operational Data q
[ Postponed)
Subcommittaa Ranort
[ Note: Mr. Paul Boehnertwas the Designated Federal Officialfor this portion of the meeting.]
4 5
The Committee heard a report by the Thermal-HydraulicPhenomena Subcommittee Chairman regarding the September 29-30, 1997 meeting, during which the Subcommittee continued its reviens of the WestinghouseTest and Analysis Program
for the Passive Containment System (PCS) being conducted in support of the AP600 design certification. The key points noted included the following:
445th ACRS Meeting 8
october 2-3,1997 Westinghouse intends to qualify its WGOTHIC containment Code for licensing analyses of the AP600 PCS. To qualify this Code, Westinghouse identified the relevant phenomena, completed a test and analysis program, and conducted a scaling analysis. The Subcommittee found that, while the relevant phenomena were identified, the scaling analysis requires additional work, and the major component of the test program (LST: Large Scale Test) is inadequate for qualification of the WGOTHIC Code.
Westinghouse believes that results of the tests performed at the Large Scale Test facility demonstrated that the steam and air in the containment interior were well-mixed following a design-basis accident, and that these results can be extrapolated to the full-scale AP600 containment design. Westinghouse needs to perform additional analyses to adequately defend this position. In addition, the Subcommittee recommended that Westinghouse perform analyses in order to ensure that the PCS is not vulnerable to the effects of.
Conclusion The Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee plans to continue its discussion of this matter during its December 11-12,1997 meeting.
Plans to Review the NRC Safety Research Proaram
[ Postponed)
[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Officialfor this portion of the meeting.]
Reports, Letters and Memoranda REPORT Proposed Changes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Prooosed Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18 (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L.
Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated October 9,1997)
445th ACRS Meeting 9
I October'2-3,1997 LETTERS Human Performance and Human Reliability lmolementation Plan (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC. from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated October 8,1997)
Resolution of the Differina ProfessionalOoinion Related to Steam Generator Tube Intearity (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated October 10,1997)
MEMORANDA Prooosed Final Generic Letter. " Degradation of Steam Generator intemals" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 15,1997)
Prooosed Final Generic Letter. " Steam Generator Tube insoection Technioues" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 15,1997)
Prooosed Final Amendments to 10 CFR Part 73. " Changes to Nuclear Power Plant Security Reauirements"(Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 15,1997)
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations
[ Note: Mr. Sam Duraiswamywas the Designated Federal Officialfor this portion of the meeting.]
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to ACRS comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports:
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations dated September 23, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated April 11,1997, conceming risk-informed regulatory acceptance criteria for plant-specific application of safety I
445th ACRS Meeting 10
october 2-3,1997 The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.
Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (Open)
The Committee heard a report from Dr. Seale and the Executive Director, ACRS, on the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on October 1,1997.
The following items were discussed:
Appointment of New Members (Open)
The Commission,in a May 6,1997 SRM, requested the Screening Panel to recommend additional candidates for consideration by the Commission for appointment to the ACRS. The candidates were to have expertise in the areas of thermal hydraulics /computationalfluid dynamics and nuclear power plant operations. A memorandum recommending three additional candi-dates with expertise in thermal hydraulics /computationalfluid dynamics was sent to the Commission on September 30,1997. The Screening Panelis still k
seeking qualified candidates with expertise in the area of nuclear plant operations and expects to provide a list of candidates to the Commission in the near future.
I 2.
Meeting with Individual Commi==!oners (Open)
Commissioner Dieus is scheduled to meet with the Committee during the DecemberACRS meeting, and we have tentativelyscheduled a metting with the Chairman during the November ACRS meeting. Commissioner Diaz was i
previously scheduled to meet with the Committee in December. He has canceled that meeting. We plan to schedule a meeting with Commissioner Diaz during the February ACRS meeting. Dr. Larkins met with the NRC Chairman on September 19,1997 and will brief the Committee on issues discussed with the Chairman.
ACNW Reoort on Defense-in-Death (Open)
The ACNW met on September 23-25,1997, to discuss defense-in-depth (DID) principles, and drafted a report (pp.1-7) to the Commission proposing that DID be employed in the licensing of a high-level waste repository. The ACNW plans to continue its discussion of this report during its October 21-
-t 23,1997 meeting. Dr. Larkins attended this meeting and will brief the t
445th ACRS Meeting 11
october.2-3,1997 Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that the members review the attached ACNW draft report and provide comments to Dr. Larkins by October 15, 1997.
Pronosed Rulemakina on Shutdown and Fuel Storage Pool Doerations (Open)
We have received a September 19,1997 memorandum from the EDO to Chairman Jackson (pp. 8-50) which provides staff responses to issues related to this proposed rulemaking identified by Chairman Jackson and Commissioner Diaz. The members should review the above-mentioned document in preparation for meeting with the Chairman in November.
Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that members review this document and t
subsequent correspondence from the EDO in preparation for the meeting with the Chairman in November.
Operating Plan (Open)
Operating Plans are being developed for all of the NRC offices as required by the Govemment Performance and Results Act. The ACRS/ACNW Operating Plan is being prepared and the schedule for submitting this plan is October 10,1997.
We are anticipating that the Operating Plan will replace the requirement for an ACRS/ACNW Performance Report. A memorandum was forwarded to the Commission making this request.
Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that all members receive a copy of the Operating Plan when it is completed.
Status of Meetings with Reoresentatives of Foreign Countries (Open) g R. Summers received a reminderfrom the German RSK Committee for the ACRS to pay a return visit to Germany in 1998. R. Summers replied that a
O 445th ACRS Meeting 12 I
october.2-3,1997 visit may not be possiblein 1998. On September 26,1997, Prof. Birkhofer forwarded a fax to Dr. Larkins, ACRS Executive Director, stating that he had talked with Mr. Sato, Vice-Chairman of the Japanese Safety Committee, and that we should anticipate a response shortly from the Japanese on the Quadripartite Meeting.
Recommendation The Subcommittee recommend,s +5at the ACRS no longer consider the possibility of holding a Quadripartito Meeting in Japan in January 1998 but to further consider the possibility of a meeting with the RSK Committee in Germany and/or the Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Installations (U.K.)
in 1998. Members should give Dr. Seale possible topics for these two proposed meetings for discussion at the next Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting.
ACRS Full Committee Meetina Dates for 1998 (Open)
I A calendar of meeting dates has been distributed with a request for member comments by September 26,1997. No comments on the proposed meeting dates have been received; therefore this schedule is considered final with the exception noted below. One additionalmeeting should be scheduled in the February /Marchtime frame to review the NRC Safety Research Program and provide comments to the Commission. We suggest that the 449th meeting be scheduled for March 2-4,1998, to discuss the NRC Safety Research Program, just prior to the 450st K RS meeting on March 5-7,1998.
Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that the additional meeting to discuss the NRC Safety Research Program be scheduled for March 2 4,1998.
The Full Committee decided that the 449th meeting scheduled for March 2-4, 1997 be a Full Committee meeting and that the 450th meeting scheduled for March 5-7,1997, be the meeting devoted to the Safety Research Program.
Status of ACRS/NRC Staff interaction on the Safety Issues Associated with the Use of Hiah-Bumun Fuel (Open) i The Reactor Fuels Onsite Fuel Storage and Decommissioning Subcommit-tee scheduled a meeting on October 9,1997 to discuss the safety issues
445th ACRS Meeting 13
october 2-3,1997 associated with the use of high-bumup fuel. The NRC staff, however, was unable to support the meeting and requested an additional two months to respond to the Subcommittee's concems. Dr. Powers is concemed.that these continued delays will significantlyimpact on the Committee's ability to advise the Commission on this important subject.
It should be noted that, as a result of the Subcommittee discussions, staff was able to focus on and initiate its review of the safety issues related to the use of high-bumup fuel in commercial light water reactors.
Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that a meeting of the Reactor Fuels, Onsite Fuel Storage and Decommissioning Subcommittee meeting be held in December 1997 and that a briefing for the full Committee be scheduled for the February 1998 full Committee meeting.
Anticioated ACRS Activities Related to the Review of the AP-800 Damian (Open)
Dr. Powers is concerned as to the impact of these activities on ACRS workload and the need to plan. Proposed schedule for ACRS review of the AP600 design is attached (p. 51).
Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that interim reports be issued as ACRS partial reviews of the design are completed, rather than waiting until the conclusion of the review to issue one final report.
Member lasues (Open)
One travel request was received for Dr. Fontana to attend the ANS meeting in Albuquerque on November 16-20,1997 (p.52).
The ACRS retreat is scheduled for January 30-31,.1998 at Lansdowne Resort in northem Virginia.
1 j
445th ACRS Meeting 14 1
october 2-3,1997 Recommendation The Subcommittee recommends that the travel request for Dr. Fontana be approved. The Subcommittee recommends that members confirm their availability for the Retreat so that arrangements can be finalized.
Future Meeting Agenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 446th ACRS Meeting, November 6-8,1997.
The 445th ACRS meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. on Friday, October 3,1997.
I i
APPENDIX I Federal Register / Vcl. 82. No.181 / Thursday, September 18,1997 / Notices 49033 enforcement cf the %.
e deHW and E E.! don, and hereday, October 2,19s7 -
mutuallaternet, including Accident.
ruungsin 8*9"****
certain youtions for exemption from
- 820AM-e:45 AX:OpeningRemarks operation of the price regulation.
bythe ACRS Chairman ABOD Programs."" Pmgram, and other i
04Tes The mesdag is schsidubd for.
Openbh Chairman wH1 2
AX-2020 AX: ma8 ~a==1ttee M 25, te97, e:00 a.m. to 4:00 P
g t'
@MMm d h brioDy items of cupent esport by the Chairman of the Thermal-
. Asenesses:N meeting willbe held at interest.
this session, b Hydraulic Phenomena SW a==8ttee the Cet 'n Fiddle Restaurant 118 Comunittee discuss priorities for sogarding the items discussed during the
aa^-*- Street. in== --d NH.
r preparation of ACRS reports.
September 2S-30,1997 Subcommittee Daniel Smith, Executive Director,
-8MS AM-2045 'AM: Hun?
- 0**
p,,formance and 'y Northeast Dairy Compact c-
' "1 An;' -
= Plan ofACRS ra==aats and 2020AM-20M5AM:ReconciUation 48 State Street.PO Box 1068*
Montpellet, VT c5601. Telep hone (802)
(Openbh Consnim wiH bear
Presentations by and hold discussions (Openbh Committee will discuss with myresentadves of b NRC staff msPonses hem b NRCExecutive esfpptasMAfW SPORMATIDft:Noticeis hereby given that the Compact regardingthe proposed Human Director for Operations to ea=-ts ra==i=lan will hold its regular. -
Performance and Reliability monthly meeting. N r.mmi-a will implemenkdon plan.. ~~ "
and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.The EDO consider certain technical maaad-ts 22 MAX-2mNoon: Proposed susponses are expected to be provided to to the bylaws and snatters relating to Resolution ofa DI Profsesional
.b ACRS prior to the mesdag nament=traden, es weH as guidounes for Opinion Steam Genender 40M5 A.Me22:25 AM: Future ACRS enforcement of the compact over order A'esprity Act M use price regulation.The Commission will (Openbh r===ittee wiu hear (O
also dobberste and make Saal rulings in presentations by and hold discussions the := pen) -h Comunittee will discuss
--dations of the Planning certain administrative petitions for with spmeentatives of b NRC staff and Procedures Sul>comrnittee exemption from operation of the price - regarding the proposed resolution of a regarding items proposed for sW,ulation. See 82 FR 36065 (June 30, DiferingProfessionalOpinion.
consideration by the full Comunittee too7).
(Autbeetty:le) Artick V. Secties 11 of abs. associated with the steam generator tube durlag future meetings.
Northeast laterstate Dairy compact and all 22:25 AM-22M8 AX: Report ofthe Im FX-smPK: Proposed Charnges Planning and Procedurw Subcoeurtistee p,,,$[, y,"efthe ReJoted to 20 CFR 50Je andproposed
'8 dual Asricultum impmvessat and Reform Act Revision 2 to GenericLetter#2-!#
(Open/CionedbThe Commitue wiH hear a report of b Planning and (FADL ACT), Pub.1.106-127, and as tbmeby
-(Openbh Committee willbeni Procedures Suhea==ittee on matters set fonk in 84 Res. Sau)(b) of the teeth Censroes (codised at r U.s.C. rasah rindles presentations by and hold discussions related to the conduct of ACRS
- f C**gPenment of!!!ag PuhucInternet by United with representatives of b NRC sta5 business, quali8 cations of candidates and Nuclear Energy lastitute regarding sominated for appointment to the Proposed changes related to 10 CFR see7.(b) Bylsws [tbe Norbest Dairy ao* 50.59 (Changer, tests and expatiments)
ACRS, and organisational and personnel a
anatters relating to the ACRS.
---r. p.a rw--i-taa edepted Neveseberit. and the proposed Revision 1 to Generic Notes A of tble semelos may be
- sees, latter 91-18, **Information to Licensees closed to
- .r - - '" -?and Denist ammb, Regarding NRCInspection Manual personnel metters test niate sole
- othe Sections on Resolution of Deg M E'"88f-Nonconforming Condidens* raded and mi* mal asonnelrules and ofthis P
IFR Dec. 97-34732 FGod 9-N7; ads aml emaassenes Advisory Committee, and ties the
- 245 PK-7m PX:T.-, _ 'M of solesse of which would constitute a clearly.
unwarranted invesios of permeent priveey.
2245PM-2M5 PM:Phonning To (Openbh Comunittee will discuss Review the SafetyResearch Program Pm CRS g, P nRgGULATORY on mate using moedag. "
(OpenbThe a==ittee will discuss r
naasameminas plans and areas of ass to for Fyldey,Ocasher 3,1967 individual ACRS m related to the
" " **'Y Safeguereis; Meeting Notles s20 AM'e25 AM:OpenirngReenassar
- 'I'* *' ** N'C **'*'I ****
bythe ACRS Chairdnsa in accordamos with the purposes of (OpenhThe Acts Chairman'wiu 2Ms Fx'mPx:Preparouan of Sections 29 and latb.of the Atomic make o remarks regarding ADtSReports Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,3232b), the
- conduct of meeting (Open)-h Committee will Adviso Committee on Reactor wiH hold a mudag on 825 AM-20m AX: Meeting With the complete its discussion of Oct 2-3,1997,in Cinference Room AscheftheWNafwAnahsis ACRS reports on matters dared T-2B3,11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, andEvaluation ofCL.
z'Does during this meetina (M
Procedures for tSe conduct of and Maryland. N date of this a was previously published in theF (Openbb Comunittee will hear participation in ACRS meetings were pubushed in the Federal Register on Register on Thursday.)enuary 23,1997 presentations by and hold discussions September 4,1997 (62 FR 46782). In
'.62 FR 3639)..
with the AEOD Director on stems of accordance with these procedures, oral g
+ 416034 Federal Register / Val. 62, Nw 181' / Thursday, September 18, 1997 / Notices
or written statements may be presented NUCt. EAR REGULATORY
'.Y Petition include inadequate surv:lllava by members of th; public and COMMIS&l0N testing, operatira cuiside the design i
reprwentativa of the nuclear industry.
basis, inadequate radiological controls, clectronic recordings will be permitted
{se faded corrective action processes, and and 2-423
only during the open portions of the degraded material condition.The meeting. and quwtions may be asked Northeast Utilttles, Milletone Nuclear Petition asserts that this information '
only by members of b Committee,its Power Stetton, Unita 1,2, and 3 and demonstrates that there are inadequate consultants, and staff. Persons detring Heddam Neck Plant; issuance of quality assurance programs at the.
to make oral statements should notify Partial Director's Decialen Under 10 Ucenne's nuclear facutthe in Mr. Sam Duraiswamy, Chief, Nuclear ~
CFR 2.20C Connacticut, that the Ucensee has made Reectors Branch, at least five days material false statements its before the meeting,if possible, so that Notice tr hemby given that b,.
Millstone units,and that appropriate arrangements can be made Director Office of Nuclear Reactor decomminaioning of the Haddam Neck to allow the necouary time during b Regulation,has issued a Partial facility is not possible because of the
meeting for such statements. Use of still, Director s Decision with regard to a deficiencies in the design and licensing i
motion picture, and television cameras Pedtion dated November 25,1996,as base of b funityie OfBee of Nuclear during this meeting may be limited to amended on December 23,1996, filed The Dimetor of ti selected portions of the meeting as by Ms.Deborah Katz and Mr. Paul Reactor Regulation has partially granted Gunter on behalf of the Citizens b Pedda.*I'he muom fw &ls determined by the Chairman.
Information regarding the time to be set Awareness Network (CAN) and the grant are explained in the "
NuclearInformation and Resource Director's Decision Pursuant to to CFR aside for this purpose may be obtained -
by contacting the Chief of the Nuclear Service (NIRS), hereafter sferred to as 2.206 (DD-97-21), the complete text of Reactors Branch prior to the meeting. In. ' Petitioners. The Petition pertains to, which follows this notice and is the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, view of the possibility that the schedulg available for public inspection at the ts 1,2, and 3. ud the Haddam Neck. Commlulon's Pubuc Document Room,
for ACRS moedags may be adjusted by -
the Gelman Building,2120 L Street, the Chairman as neceuary to facilitate The Petidoners '*9 vested that the NW., Washington, DC, at the local the conduct of b meeting, persons planning to attend should check with du
$ con sI ubbe document rooms located at the the Chief of the Nuclear Reactors Branch Resources Center,Three Rivers U'
I bvNd88 e P088 Community. Technical College,New if such rescheduling would result in b
d London Turnpike, Norwich me}or inconvenience.
des hC*g,yte Connecticut, and at the temporary local In accordance with Subsection 10(d) o
,co gg a faculda undl b Public document room located at the
Publ.92-463,1 have determined that it is necessary to close portiens of this Department of Justim completse its.
Waterford Ubrary. ATIN: Vince Juliano,49 Rope Ferry Road, Waterford, meeting noted sbove to discuss matters investigation and the rwults are Connecticut, for Millstone Units 1,2, that relate solely to the internal avkwed by b NRC:(4) condnue b a
personnel rules and practicas of this shutdown until b NRC evaluates and and 3: and at the RusseU Ubrary,123 Broad Stmet, Middletown, Connecticut, Advisory) Committee per 5 U.S.C.approves the Ucensee's remedial 552b(c)(2, and to discuss information.
actions;(5) continue listing the -.
for the Haddam Neck Plant.,
A copy of the Partial Director's b release of which would constitute a
, censee's facilities on the NRC's U,Watchlist" abould any facility resume Decists will be fuod with the Secutary clearly unwarranted invasion of of the Commisalon for the Comminaion s pmonal privacy per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6). oFration:(6) bar an nylew in accordance with 10 CFR Further information regarding topics Predecomminoloning r to be discussed, whebr the meetinge 2.206(c) of the Comminaion's gg,,,,.ssioning activity at any of theregulations. As provided for by this ecommi has been cancelled or rescheduled, s nuclearfaciuda in airman a mhng on aquests im ee Connecticut until the Ucensee and the regulatim, the Deciste will constitute the final action of the Commiuton (for rtunity t resent oral stataments NRC take certain identified sie to op{the time otted therefor, can be assure that such activities can safely
- Requests 1,2,5,6, and 8) 25 days after an the date of fuuance unless the obtained by contacting Mr. Sam conducted:(7) initiate an investigation Duraiswamy, Chief NuclearRanctors into how the NRC aUowed the asserted Commluim, a its own motim, LU al altuation at b Ucensee's institutes a review of the Decision 1st -
Branch (telephone 301/415-7364),
beg 1f g nu ear faciuties in Connecticut to exist. that time.
m and continue for more than a decadet Dated at Rackville, MD, tkle 12th day of '
transcri ts andletter rts are now availabl o$2 FedWorld f m the"NRC. and (8) immediately investigate of the September.
ned for enforcement action for alleged ' For the Nuclear Regulatory r%=mt*
MAD 4 MENU." The Direct Dial Accesa vioistion of to CFR Part 50, appendix B, Frank J. Durastia, pr.,
number to FedWorld is (800) 303-9672 or ftp.fedworld. These documents and with aspect to nitrogen calculahna.'
Deputy uwdor,ohlsofNuclearJamecear p
The bases for 0 e asser@ns am n,gulation.
the meeting egenda are also avauable for Uce Partial Director's Dacia'an Pursuant to downloading or reviewing on the
,,d c
en e
internet at http /,www.nrc. gov /
the Petition and a VHS videotape,-
1 to CFE 2.206
- ACRSAGW, Exhibit A, which accompanied the
- T Intraluenes (DD-47-Ill Deted: September 12,1997."
Petition.The videotape records an John C. Hoyle, August 29,1996, Citizens Regulatory l
Acting Advisory Commierse Manosement Commission televised intarview of a On November 25,1' 996, as amended Officer.
former Millstone Station amployee on Deceinbar 23,1996, Ms. Deborah
IFR Doc. 97-24804 Filed S-t7-97: 8:45 aml expressing his views on Ucensee Katz and Mr.PaulGunter filed a salees coon riese.e management. Areas identified in the Petition on behalf of the Citizena 5
g O
September 23, 1997 1
1) 8:30 -
8:48 A.M.
Openino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (open) 1.1)
Opening Statement (RLS/SD) 1.2)
Items of current interest (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.3)
Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/SD) 79 50 2) 8 : M - 10 : 45 A.M.
Human Performance and Reliability Imolementation Plan (Open) (GA/NFD) 2.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed Human Performance and Reliability Implementation plan.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will participate, as appropriate.
loses - 11:00 A.M.
- BREAK ***
3) 11:Of-12:00 Noon Procesed Resolution of a Differino Professional Ooinion Concernino Steam Generator Tube Intecrity (Open) (RLS/AS) 3.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed resolution of a Differing Professional Opinion associated with the steam q
generator tube integrity.
12:00 -
1:00 P.M.
- LUNCH ***
f bxdks r%s of the mechb,
l 2
2:ss 4) 1:00 -
2=$6 P.M.
Procosed Chances to 10 CFR 50.59 and Procomed Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18 (Open) (JJB/MTM) 4.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 4.2)
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and Nuclear Energy Institute regarding proposed changes to 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, tests, and experiments) and the proposed Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18, "Information to Licensees Regarding NRC Inspection Manual Sections on Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions."
3 2131 So 3:see -
3:45 P.M.
- BREAK ***
$:or 5) 3:M-Tsoe P.M.
Precaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)
(5:30-5:45 Break)
Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:
Human Performance and Reliability j
Implementation Plan. (GA/NFD) 1 5.2)
Proposed Changes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18. (JJB/MTM) 5.3)
Proposed Resolution of Differing Professional Opinion Concerning Steam Generator Tube 1er
(. : o v P. H.
Itew 88)
Integrity. (RLS/AS) 1997{.COhrRy,.Z,)Ad S ed 1
8, '01 ~
to :o 4 9' * -
N A.M.
Openino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman
en) (RLS/SD) 7)
8:35 -
0:00 A.M.
Mee no with hhe Dire her of the NRC Offibe for Anal \\ sis and' Evaluation of Ooerational DataN AEOD) en) (RLS/MME)
Po s t e.<s, 7.1) emarks by he ACRS hairman 7.2)
B efing by d discu sions with th AEOD Dire or on i ms of mut 1 interest, includ g Acci nt Sequenc Precurs Progra and other OD Pr
- rams, i
3 k
- 8) 10:35 - 10:34 A.M.
Subcommittee Renort (Open) (TSK/PAB)
Report by the Chairman of the Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee regarding matters considered during the September 29-30, 1997 Subcommittee t o' D 10:38 4 d' 9'
of M97 Hee 6h3 Dates
- 9) 10: 5E-$hMd6A.M..- C I a-Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et. al./
SD, et. al.)
Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.
- 10) 10:45 - 11:15 A.M.
Future ACRS Activities (Open)
Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.
- 11) 11:15 - 11:45 A.M.
Recort of the Plannina and Procedures Eg5 committee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)
,i Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, qualifications of candidates nominated for appointment to the ACRS, and organitac!onal and personnel matters relatir.'I
',o the ACRS.
[hete i A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the.'nternal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which i
would constitute a clearly unwarranted 1
invasion of personal privacy.]
k a s-oc 11:45 - 12:45 P.M.
- LUNCH ***
- 12) 10;ti -
1:d5 r.M.
Plans to Review the NkC Safety ktsearch Prharam (Open (DAP/
Po st e.n
- d.
The ommittee 11 discu plans a assi ments for dividua ACRS me rs for re ewing the C Safet Research Program.
l j
4 4
$5-b'd P.M.
Precaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)
(3:::d6 - 3:=$0 : BREAK) 13.1)
Human Performance and Reliability 2:00 2:o5 Implementation Plan (GA/NFD) 13.2)
Proposed Changes to 10 CFR 50.59 and Revision 1 to Generic Letter 91-18 (JJB/MTM)
I 13.3)
Proposed Resolution of Differing
Professional Opinion Concern-1 ing Steam Generator Tube Integrity (RLS/AS)
Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.
The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.
e Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.
1 APPENDIX lil: MEETING ATTENDEES 445TH ACRS MEETING October 2-3,1997 NRC STAFF - October 2,1997 M. Miller, OCM/SAJ L. Kokajko, OCM/GJD P. Castleman, OCM/NJD A. H. Hsia, OCM/NJD J. Mitchell, OEDO E. Sullivan, NRR E. Murphy, NRR E. McKenna, NRR D. Mathews, NRR F. Akstulewicz, NRR T. Essig, NRR M. Malloy, NRR i
G. Parry, NRR l
S. Black, NRR T. Bergman, NRR J. Flack, NRR G. Gallett, NRR l
A. El-Bassini, NRR
C. Thomas, NRR J. Bongarra, NRR J. Schiffgens, NRR L. Spessard, NRR R. Gallo, NRR G. West, NRR G. Galletti, NRR S. Long, NRR R. Pelton, NRR J. Strosnider, NRR
~ D. Desaulniers, NRR P. Rush, NRR T. Reed, NRR J. Hayes, NRR D. Lynch, NRR K. Heck, NRR S. Bailey, NRR M. Mayfield, RES S. Janig, RES R. Lee, RES J. Persensky, RES A. Ramey-Smith, RES C. Thompson, RES
J. Calvert, RES
W. Hodges, RES l
l Appendix lil 2
- 445th ACRS Meeting NRC STAFF-October 2,1997 P. Brockman, NMSS F. Young, NMSS D. Serig ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PURI IC October 2,1997 J. Dozier, NUS K. Ummerstall, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius P. Lovett, Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbndge D. Saccomando, Comed A. Cohlmeyer, VRA Corporation D. Walters, NEl T. Pietrangelo, NEl R. Beetle, NEl P. Negus, GE N. Chapman, Bechtel M. Beaumont, Westinghouse
R. Fitzgerald, Winston & Strewn NRC STAFF - October 3,1997 J. Mitchell, OEDO E. Throm, NRR T. Kenyon, NRR I
- ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PURIIC October 3,1997 D. Raleigh, Bechtel J. Dozier, NUS e
N The Committee agreed to consider the following during the 445th ACRS Meeting, October 2-3, 1997:
l 1
446 ACRS, Full Committee Meeting' http / agendas _ACRS/ Agenda _ACRS_446.html 1
Opening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (open) 1.1)
Opening Statement (RLS/SD)
Items of current interest (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.3)-
Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/SD) 2)
8:45 - 10:15 A.M.
Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values t
in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking
Process (open) (GA/M'DI) 2.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the adequacy of the guidance being provided by the staff relative to the use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related decisionmaking process.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.
10:15 - 10:30 A.M.
- BREAK * *
- 3) 10:30 - 12:00 Noon Proposed Final Generic Letter Regarding Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a shutdown condition (open)
(JJB/TSK/PAB) 3.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee
- Chairman, j
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final Generic Letter noted above.
12:00 - 1:00 P.M.
- LUNCE***
1 4) 1:00 - 2:30 P.M.
Meeting with the Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness (Open) (RLS/AS) 4.1)
Remarks by the ACRS Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with the Acting Deputy Executive Director regarding regulatory excellence and related matters.
k 2:30 - 2:45 P.M.
- BREAK ***
5) 2:45 - 4:15 P.M.
NRC Bafety Research Program (Open)
Icf4 12/08/97 10:59:19
446 ACRS,FullCommittee Meeting http://www.nrc.g;v/ACRS/ml/sgendas_ACRS/ Agenda _ACRS_446.html e
e (DAP/MME) 5.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, as needed, regarding the NRC Safety Research Program and related matters.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.
4:15 - 4:30 P.M.
- BREAK'**
6) 4:30 - 7:00 P.M.
Preparation of ACRS Reports (open)
Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:
Use of Uncertainty versus Point values in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking Process. (GA/ MIN) 6.2)
Proposed Final Generic Letter,
" Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition."
(JJB/TSK/PAB) 6.3)
Annual Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.
Opening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (open) (RLS/1;D) 8)
8:35 - 9:30 A.M.
Severe Accident Management (Open)
(MHF/NFD) 8.1)
Remarks by the cognizant ACRS Mettber.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the staff evaluation of the BWR Owners Group emergency procedure and severe accident guidelines and the Westinghouse severe accident management guidelines.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.
9) 9:30 - 10:30 A.M.
Staff Actions Related to the Development of a Revised Fire Protection Rule (Open)
(DAP/AS) 9.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding staff actions related i
to the development of a revised Fire Protection Rule.
2 of 4 12/08/97 10:59:19
1 446 ACitS Fu,llCornmittee Meeting http /www.nrc. gov /ACRS/rrst/ agendas _ACRS/ Agenda _ACRS_446.html
e r
10:30 - 10:45 A.M.
- BREAKe**
- 10) 10:45 - 11:15 A.M.
Future ACRS Activities (Open)
(RLS/JTL/SD) 3 k
Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee j
during future meetings.
- 11) 11:15 - 11:30 A.M.
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and k
Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et al./
SD, et al.)
Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.
- 12) 11:30 - 12:00 Noon Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL) i Report of the Planning and Procedures I
Subcommittee on matters related to l
the conduct of ACRS business, qualifications of candidates nominated for appointment to the ACRS, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.
[ Note: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and j
personnel matters that relate solely to i
the internal personnel rules and
practices of this Advisory Committee,
and information the release of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted j
invasion of personal privacy.)
t 12:00 - 1:00 P.M.
- LUNCE***
13) 1:00 - 4:30 P.M.
Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open) j (3 : 00-3 :15 BREAK)
Continue discussion of proposed ACRS j
reports on:
13.1) Use of Uncertainty versus Point values in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking Process. (GA/MTN) 13.2)
Proposed Final Generic Letter,
" Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Punctions While in e Shutdown Condition."
(JJB/TSK/PAB) 13.3)
Annual Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.
(DAP/MME) 14) 4:30 - 4:45 P.M.
Miscellaneous (open) (RLS/JTL/SD)
The committee will discuss matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and matters and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.
i g
Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item. The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.
3cf4 Iv08S710:59:19
446 A,CRS FuY Committee Mestas http://www. arc. gov /ACRS/ml/ agendas _ACRS/ Agenda _ACRS_446.html Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.
4cf4 12/08/97 10:59:19
[ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.]
1 Ooenina Remarks by the ACR$: Chairman 1.
Items of interest, dated October 2-3,1997 2
Human Performance and Rali=hility Imolementatian Plan 2.
NRC's Human Performance and Human Reliability implementation Plan, dated October 2,1997, presented by J. J. Persensky, [Vowgraphs) 3.
Comments on NRC's Human Performance and Human Reliability implementation Plan dated 6/30/97, dated September 28,1997, from James C. Carroll, ACRS l
ConsuMant [ Handout]
NRC's Human Performance and Human Reliability implementation Plan, dated September 28, from Don W. Miller, ACRS Member [ Handout) 3 Prooosed Resolution of a Differina Profa==hnal Ooinion Concomina Steam GeneratorTube Integnty 5.
Staffs Consideration of the DPO lasues Related to Steam Generator Tube Integrity, Executive Summary, dated October 2,1997, presented by Timothy A. Reed, NRR
Steam Generator Tube integrity: Comments on Staff Considerations of DPO lasues, dated October 2,1997, presented by Joe Hopenfeld [Viewgraphs) 4.
Prooosed Chanoes to 10 CFR 50 59 and Proan=ad Reviaion 1 to Generic I attar 91-18 7.
Implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 and Generic Letter 91-18 Revision, dated October 2,1997, Prer,ented by Frank Akstulewisc and Eileen McKenna, NRR [Viewgraphs) 8.
10 CFR 50.59 Safety Eva!uations, dated October 2,1997, presented by Ralph Beadle and Tony Pietrangelo, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) [Viewgraphs)
i Appendix V 2
445th ACRS Meeting 8.
Subcommdtee Reoort 9.
Subcommittee Report on the August 29-30,1997 Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Meeting, dated October 4,1997, presented by T.S. Kress, ACRS Subcommittee Chairman [ Handout 8-2]
Plans to Review the NRC Safety R== march Prourern l
f[g Reoort of the Plannino and Procedures Suhmmminaa XX.
Final Draft Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Meeting - October 1,1997 [ Handout #11.1]
fff Future ACRS Activities XX.
Future ACRS Activities - 446th ACRS Meeting, November 6-8,1997 [ Handout
- 10.1]
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations I
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations [ Handout #9.1]
s s
.o Appendix V 3
Human redciTr,ance and P-n-Nii+v lrr=',, 1,
Table of Contents 2.
Proposed Agenda 3.
Status Report, dated October 2,1997 4.
Report from Robert. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley A. Jackson, Chairman, NRC, Dated February 13,1997: Human Performance Program Plan 5.
Memorandum from M. Wayne Hodges, RES, to John T. Larkins, Chairman, ACRS, dated August 12,1997: Transmittal of Human Performance and Human reliability implementation Plan 3
Pronomed Resolution of a Differina Prat===l=unt Ooinion Cerar,'rs Steam Ger,ereier Tube Integnty
Table of Contents 7.
Proposed Schedule 8.
Status Report, dated October 2,1997 9.
Letter from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to James M. Taylor, Executive Director for Operations (EDO), NRC, dated November 20,1997: Proposed Rule on Steam Generator Tube integrity 10.
Memorandum from Joram Hopenfeld, RES, to James M. Taylor, EDO, dated June 16,1997: Differing Professional Opinion Regarding Voltage-Based Repair Criteria for Steam Generator Tubes; Steam Generator Rulemaking 11.
Memorandum from L Joseph Callan, EDO, to NRC Commissioners, dated June 27,1997: J. Hopenfeld's Differing Professional Opinion Regarding Voltage-Based Repair Criteria for Steam Generator Tubes; Steam Generator Rulemaking 12.
E-mail message from Joram Hopenfeld to Noel Dudley, ACRS, dated September 4,1997: Status of DPO lesues (ACRS, Aug. 26,1997) 4.
Presc.xd Chana== to 10 CFR 50 59 and Pronomed Revialan 1 to Generic Letter 91-18 13.
~ Table of Contents 14.
Proposed Schedule 15.
Status Report, dated October 2,1997 16.
Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, SECY, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, dated April 25,1997: Proposed Regulatory Guidance Related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, and Experiments) 17.
Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, SECY, to L. Joseph Callen,'EDO, dated May k
20,1997: Millstone Lessons Leamed Report, Part 2: Policy issues l
o; e
Appendit V 4
. (-
445th.ACRS Meeting 18.
Memorandem from John C. Hoyle, SECY, to James M. Taylor, EDO, dated September 27,1996: Staff Requirements - SECY-96-154-Proposed Revision to NRC Enforcement Guidance for Departures from FSAR in Violation of 10 CFR 50.59 and for Failures to Update FSAR in Violation of 10 CFR 50.71(e) 19.
Memorandum from John T. Larkins, ACRS, to L Joseph Callan, EDO, dated June 19,1997: Proposed Regulatory Guidance Related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, and Experiments) 20.
Letter from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to R.L Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated May 5, 1997: Proposed Regulatory Guidance Related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, and Experiments) 21.
Report from R.L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated April 8,1997: Proposed Regulatory Guidance Related to implementation of 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests, and Experiments) 22.
SECY-97-205, dated September 10,1997: Integration and Evaluation of Results from Recent Lessons-Learned Reviews 7.
Meetina with the Dirmeinr of the NRC Office for Analysis and Evahdian of C-+re ;rnal Data 23.
Table of Contents 24.
Proposed Schedule
Status Report, dated October 3,1997 8.
Subcommittee Report 26.
Proposed Schedule 27.
Project Status Report, dated October 3,1997 12.
Plans to Review the NRC Safety Ramsarch Pra..
Table of Contents 29.
Status Report 30.
Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, SECY, to L Joseph Callan, EDO, and John T.
Larkins, ACRS, dated September 9,1997: Staff Requirements - SECY-97-149 -
Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC) 31.-
Memorandum from L Joseph Callan, EDO, to The Commissioners, dated April 2, 1997: Methodology and Criteria for Evaluating Core Research Capabilities 32.
Memorandum from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to The Commissioners, dated July 30, 1997: DSI 22 Implementation 33.
Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, SECY, to L.~ Joseph Callan, EDO, and Karen D. Cyr, General Counsel, dated September 16,1997: Staff Requirements-SECY-97-167 - DSI 22 Implementation (Role of the Office of Research) 34.
Memorandum from ACRS Subcommittee on Research to John T. Larkins, ACRS, dated September 17, 1997: Some First Thoughts on the Organization of the k'
Review of the Research Program and Research Needs at NRC 35.
Memorandum from August W.
Cronenberg, Senior ACRS Fellow, to ACRS
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,e Appendix V 5
445th ACRS Meeting Managers, dated August 26,1997: ACRS Fellow Activities Related to ACRS Review of Agency Research Program
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