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Summary of ACRS 446th Meeting on 971106-07 in Rockville,Md Re Appropriate Action on Items Listed on Attached Agenda.W/ Fr Notice,Meeting Schedule & Outline,List of Attendees, Future Agenda & List of Documents Provided to Committee
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/23/1997
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-3080, NUDOCS 9803250284
Download: ML20217A877 (43)


kn WG 3[)

d 3

4 i py-Date Issued:

12/23/97 2

Date Signed:


Chairman's Recort (Open)..................................

1 11.

Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decision making Process (Open).............................

1 Ill.

Prooosed Final Generic Letter Reaardina Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeroency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition (Open)........

4 IV.

Meeting with the Acting Deoutv Executive Director for Raoulatorv Effective ness (Ope n).......................................

5 V.

NRC Safety Research Proaram (Open) 6 VI.

Severe Accident Management (Open).........................

8 Vll.

Staff Actions Related to the Develooment of a Revised Fire Protection Rule (Open)....................................




Executive SessiQD (Open).................................

11 i


Letter and Memoranda LETTER Proposed Firial Generic Letter. " Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Func-

  1. [j/

tions While in a Shutdown Condition" (Letter to L. Joseph C Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated November 13,1997)

MEMORANDA Prooosed ACRS Schedule for Reviewino the AP600 Desian (Memo-randum to Jack W. Roe, Acting Director, Division of Reactor Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, from John T.

Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated November 12,1997) hI 'Af-f M/U 9803250284 971223 PDR ACRG i

3000 PDR Ab

Draft Reaulatory Guide DG-1029. Revision 1.7. " Guidelines for Evaluatina Electromaanetic and Radio-Freauency Interference in Safetv-Related I&C Systems" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, r

Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, I

Executive Director, ACRS, dated November 14,1997)


Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations



_ Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Held on November 5,1997 (Open)


Future Meeting Agenda 11


Federal Register Notice J


Meeting Schedule and Outline Ill.

Attendees IV.

Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities

' V.

List of Documents Provided to the Committee

(n v"j Q*

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8 MINUTES OF THE FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-SIXTH MEETING OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS NOVEMBER 6-7,1997 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 446th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held at Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on November 6-7,1997. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda. The meeting was open to public attendance. There were two written statements and one request for time to make an oral statement from members of the public regarding the meeting.

A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building,21201 (Eye) Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

[ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd.,1250 i Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20005.]

ATTENDEES ACRS Members: Dr. Robert L. Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A. Powers (Vice-Chairman),

Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr. Don W. Miller, Dr. Wi!!iam J. Shack and Dr. Robert E. Uhrig. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix ll1.]



[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Robert L. Seale, Committee Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for thC meeting. He announced that a new contract was in place for transcription services. He also noted with deep regret the recent death of Mrs. Paul Shewmon, wife of a former Chairman of the ACRS.


Use of Uncertaintv Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decision makina Process (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Thomas Kress, Acting Chairman of the ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk. Assessment (RPRA) introduced the topic to the Committee. He noted that the Committee previously met in August and September 1997 to review

446th ACRS Meeting 2

November 6-7,1997 the matter included in the Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) dated May 27, 1997, regarding the use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related decision making process. Dr. Kress also noted that the Subcommittee met with representatives of the NRC staff and of the industry on July 7, August 28-29,'and October 21-22,1997, to discuss these matters.

Dr. Kress provided a brief report of the Subcommittee's deliberations from the October F-22 meeting. He stated that the Subcommittee extensively discussed the use of figures for risk-informed Decision making using core damage frequency (CDF) and large, early release frequency (LERF). He noted that Dr. Apostolakis had forwarded a revised figure for consideration by the Committee and staff during this meeting. Dr. K:ess also noted that Dr Apostolakis had prepared a list of questions / issues for the staff, industry, and Committee to consider regarding these matters. He also noted that the Subcommittee had requested the staff to discuss its proposed policy paper on performance-based regulation during its next meeting on November 12-13,1997.

NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Thomas King, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES), and Gary -

Holahan, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), led the discussions for the NRC staff. Mr. Gareth Parry, NRR, also participated. The staff reviewed the public comments, policy issues, and major changes being considered for the proposed final Standard Review Plan (SRP) Chapter 19 and associated Regulatory Guide DG-1061 (General Guidance) for risk-informed, performance-based regulation.

Significant points made during the discussion include:

The staff does not request a report from the Committee at this time. The staff plans to discuss issues associated with the SRM dated May 27,1997, during the Subcommittee meeting on November 12-13,1997.

The staff plans to defer work on NUREG/CR-1602, "The Use of PRA in Risk-Informed Applications," to allow for comment resolution and development of industrial standards for PRA quality.

The staff asked to meet with the RPRA Subcommittee to review the individual applications for Technical Specifications, graded quality assur-ance, and inservice testing in February 1998 and full ACRS review in March 1998. The schedule for reviewing the individual application for inservice inspection is delayed.

l' 448th ACRS Meeting 3

November 6-7,1997 Public comments on the SRP Chapter 19 and DG-1061 included the following principal subject areas: PRA standards, acceptance guidelines, integrated Decision making, licensing issues, licensee burden, the staff review process, and implementation issues.

Policy issues include acceptance guidelines for CDF/LERF, treatment of uncertainties, low-power and shutdown operations, and temporary changes.

Proposed major changes to DG-1061 would include implementation of a proposed figure for the CDF/LERF definition of "small increases in risk" and treatment of uncertainty, added guidance for " bundling" multiple changes, expanded discussion of what is meant by the region for " management attention," clarification of expectations for implementation and monitoring, added discussion on PRA quality, and clarification on documentation required for licensee submittals.

The industry has initiated a pilot program to develop full-scope PRAs to compare risk with licensee financial expenses in the regulatory process.

Pilot plants for this initiative include South Texas Project, San Onofre, and Arkansas Nuclear One.

Dr. Kress questioned staff plans to address industry objections to the use of CDF as a fundamental goal. The staff stated that they would propose to retain CDF as a goal with appropriate consideration of uncertainty. The staff added that the Commission had approved the staff proposal to defer a decision on this matter and possible revision to the Safety Goal Policy Statement in an SRM dated October 16, 1997.

The Committee and staff discussed the " bundling" of proposed changes. The staff stated that the main problem with bundling arises from the grouping of unrelated changes that would not otherwise be approved as individual requests. Dr. Powers expressed concem that some changes might be partitioned to reduce the risk into approvable " chunks" rather than considering the collective risk. The staff stated that language in DG-1061 emphasizes "related changes" and the staff plans to examine the whole as well as the parts of any proposed change or group of changes.

The Committee and staff discussed temporary changes and how risk-informed changes might be considered under 10 CFR 50.59. The staff stated that it had not decided how to best address temporary changes and noted that the initiatives for risk-informed 10 CFR 50.59 were on a longer schedule than DG-1061 and SRP Chapter 19.

446th ACRS Meeting' 4

November 6-7,1997 '

The Committee and staff extensively discussed the staff's revised figure for considering small increases in risk. The staff emphasized the importance of the regions for Decision making rather than the sharpness of the boundary edges as

" speed limits" for decisions.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Kress noted that the new pilot program may.

result in the next big issue for risk-informed, performance-based regulation. He stated that a major reevaluation of the regulations could be a large but very important task.

Conclusion The Committee plans to discuss a proposed report on this matter during its December 3-6,1997, meeting.


Proposed Final Generic Letter Reaardino Loss of Reactor Coolant inventorv and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeraency Mitiaation Functions While in a' Shutdown Condition (Open)

- [ Note: Mr. Paul A. Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Mr. John. Barton, cognizant ACRS Member for this matter, introduced this topic to the Committee. He noted that the genesis of this Generic Letter (GL) was the September 17,1994 event that occurred at the Wolf Creek Nuclear Generating Station. While the plant was in a hot shutdown mode _ and separate evolutions were being performed concurrently on both trains of the residual heat removal system, an inadvertent draindown of the reactor coolant system occurred. The draindown created a condition where the emergency core cooling (ECC) system could have become disabled. This event was characterized by the NRC staff as the most risk-significant precursor for 1994, with an estimated conditional core damage probability of 3x10-8/ reactor year. Mr. Barton noted that the ACRS received an information briefing on this event during its May 1995 meeting.

Mr. Alan Levin, NRR, discussed the background and history associated with development of this GL. He noted that the final version of the GL has been changed to an information-only request in response to public comments, versus the initial version which contained requirements that were backfits. Specifically, all PWR licensees are requested to provide information on the potential for common-cause failures of their ECC systems and assurance that safety-related functions of

s 446th ACRS Meeting 5

November 6-7,1997 the ECC and residual heat removal systems are not adversely affected by activities during hot shutdown or hot standby.

l Dr. Powers noted that the Wolf Creek event was more risk significant than initially thought, based on the results of initial scoping studies of hot shutdown events. Mr.

Barton expressed concern that it took NRC three years to complete its work, given that the event was of such high risk significance. Mr. Holahan, NRR, indicated that the staff was troubled by the delay as well, and noted that a portion of this delay was the result of the staff attempting to determine if backfit requirements were necessary. As a result of additional discussion, it was noted that the Wolf Creek licensee had recognized the potential for this event and that the event was initiated when a worker had opened the valve, in direct violation of written procedures. Dr.

Kress asked if the risk significance of this event would have been uncovered via a good quality shutdown PRA. Ms. Marie Pohida, NRR, said it is unlikely this event would be identified in a PRA.

Mr. Anthony Pietrangelo, NEl, provided brief comments on the GL. He said that the final version of the GL, was an improvement over the proposed version. He agreed with the risk significance of the event calculated by the staff. He asked that the focus of the staff's concern be on Criterion V of AppenrFx B to 10 CFR Part 50 to show that licensees maintain appropriate controls to prec.lude a recurrence of the Wolf Creek event.

Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director of Operations, dated November 13,1997, on this matter.


Meeting with the Actino Deoutv Executive Director for Regulatorv Effectiveness (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Robert L. Seale, ACRS Chairman, welcomed Mr. Ashok Thadani, the Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness. He stated that the purpose of this briefing was to hear a presentation from Mr. Thadani regarding regulatory excellence and related matters.

Mr. Thadani stated that in December 1996, the position of Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness (DEDE) was established to provide a high-

446th ACRS Meeting _

6 l-November 6-7,1997 level program evaluation focal point, independent of line organizations responsible for day-to-day implementation of regulatory programs. The DEDE staff offices, which include the Offices of Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data AEOD),

Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES), investigations (01), and Enforcement (OE),

were grouped 'to facilitate improved program oversight and assessment of regulatory effectiveness.

Regulatory excellence was defined in Direction Setting issue 23 as "a dedication to safety, a commitment to the principle of good regulation, and the pursuit of superior l

staff performance" and further described it as involving both " regulatory effective-ness" and " regulatory efficiency" components. Regulatory excellence involves an organizational culture that fosters a motivating attitude at all levels, manifested in superior performance in individual and collective actions.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.


NRC Safety Research Prooram (Open)

(Note: Dr. Medhat M. El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Subcommittee Report The Committee heard a report by the NRC Safety Research Program Subcommit-tee Chairman, Dr. Dana Powers, regarding the NRC Safety Research Program. Dr.

Powers summarized the results of the November 4-5,1997 Subcommittee meeting on the NRC Safety Research Program. He noted that the Subcommittee had received briefings from the Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness, RES, NRR, AEOD, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and Electric Power Research institute (EPRI).

NRR stated that they were very supportive of RES and emphasized the need for a close working relationship between RES and NRR. The major issue of concem was the viability of RES as an Office, taking into account the continued budget reductions. The need for RES may increase as licensees make aggressive use of PRA methods to seek changes in their current license basis. NRR staff emphasized that without research, the industry will have a greater research burden. Many of the AEOD activities are research in the broad sense; however, AEOD cannot perform its job without the resources found in RES.


l 446th ACRS Meeting 7

November 6-7,1997 The NEl representative described NEl as an organization that focuses the collective strength of the nuclear energy industry to shape policy that ensures the beneficial uses of nuclear energy in the United States and around the world. NEl uses EPRI as its "research arm." NEl recommended expanding the opportunities for NRC-industry research cooperation; e.g., in the risk-informed area. Currently, the NRC and industry are working together and will continue to seek opportunities for cooperative research.

The EPRI representatives described EPRI as a non-profit collaborative research and development organization, funded by voluntary payments by member U.S.

utilities and intemational partners. EPRI representatives stated that it is responsible for management of work performed by contractors, its vision is to provide science-and technology-based solutions of indispensable value to global energy customers, and its mission is to discover, develop and deliver high-value technological advances through networking and partnership with the electric industry. EPRI's nuclear power group target structure consists of six elements: advanced nuclear technology; fuel reliability, storage and disposal; low-level waste, chemistry and radiation control; major component reliability; operation and maintenance cost control technology; and safety and reliability assessment. EPRI stated that an independent NRC research capability and core competencies are essential for the industry.

The NRC and EPF;l are developing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to establish principles of cooperation for selecting areas for cooperative research and I

development and directing work by mutual agreement. The draft MOU allows other parties to participate in any cooperative program. The draft MOU stresses avoiding conflict of interest by focusing on basic data needs, not solutions to specific regulatory issues or conclusions. Potential areas for new NRC/EPRI cooperative research include fuel performance, steam generator integrity, fire protection, human performance, digital instrumentation and control, spent fuel dry storage, spent fuel repository licensing criteria, mixed oxide fuel in commercial reactors, and environmental qualification of power cables.

l The recommendations from the ACRS Safety Research Program Subcommittee to the Full Committee concerning the Report to Congress are as follows:

The Report should focus on the NRC Safety Research Program within the context of the existing intemational research programs and research i

sponsored by industry.

a --

446th ACRS Meeting 8

' November 6-7,1997 The distinction between the NRC research program and that of DOE should be drawn.

The ACRS should not prepare a report to the Commission in conjunction with the Report to Congress. Rather, there should be a separate report to the Commission in June 1998.

The Report should note the potential for a loss of safety leadership as the U.S. nuclear safety research declines and the possible consequences of this loss ofleadership.

The Report should define the technical needs for the continuation of a severe accident research program and the need to define a path that minimizes the deleterious effects of any termination of this work.

The Report should not discuss the Federal budget cycle or the issue of public funding of safety research except as needed in the identification of problems.

The Report should identify research on regulatory effectiveness and the use of modem risk analysis techniques to identify rules and regulatory practices of minimal safety significance.

Conclusion The Committee expects to prepare a draft Report to Congress regarding the NRC Safety Research Program during the December 3-6,1997 ACRS meeting.


Severe Accident Manaaement (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Noel F. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Introduction Dr. Thomas Kress, Chairman of the Thermal Hydraulic and Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommittee, introduced the session by summarizing the severe accident management (SAM) program and commented on the good quality of the report, which was prepared for the staff by a contractor, conceming a preliminary l

446th ACRS Meeting.

9 November 6-7,1997 review of industry guidelines. He noted that the Committee should decide whether a Subcommittee meeting on this subject was warranted.

Staff Presentation Mr. Robert Palla, NRR, provided an overview of the SAM program, which is a vehicle for assuring that insights identified through the independent plant evaluations and severe accident studies are incorporated in licensee emergency response capabilities. He noted that the program is being implemented through an industry initiative in lieu of a regulatory action. Mr. Palla explained that the owners groups for pressurized water reactors developed SAM guidelines for procedures to be used by the technical s' pport center staff while the boiling water reactor owners u

group developed guidelines for changes to the emergency operating procedures (EOPs).

. Mr. Palla presented the schedule and steps for implementing the SAM program.

He concluded the presentation with the following statements:

SAM will enhance licensea capabilities to mitigate severe accidents, adequacy of program implementation will be confirmed by inspection, SAM capabilities will be periodically exercised and updated, and the staff will maintain oversight of utility capabilities.

The ACRS Members and Mr. Palla discussed the following issues:

SAM procedural reliance on nonsafety-related equipment, availability of technical support from outside the main control room, e

SAM training programs, risk-worth of the staff review of the SAM program, relative importance between evacuation and accident management, and e

difficulties with transiting from the EOPs to the SAM procedures.


446th ACRS Meeting 10 November 6-7,1997 Statement by the Nuclear Enerav Institute (NEI)

Mr. Frederick Emerson, NEl, stated that the EOPs provide directions for preventing severe accidents and the SAM procedures provide guidance for mitigation of severe accidents. ' He characterized the SAM program as an additional tool to enhance licensee capabilities. He noted that NRC inspections should consist of observations of licensee performance and not audits of licensee programs.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.


Staff Actions Related to the Development of a Revised Fire Protection Rule (Open)

[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Introduction Dr. Dana A. Powers, Chairman of the Fire Protection Subcommittee, stated that the purpose of this session was to hear a briefing by representatives of the NRC staff, NEl, and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) regarding staff actions related to the development of a revised Fire Protection Rule.

NRC Staff Presentation The staff summarized the background on the development of a revised fire protection rule. In the SRM dated September 11,1997 (SECY-97-127), the NRC staff was directed to expedite the resolution of issues necessary to formulate a proposed rule that will eliminate the need for most of the 850 exemptions granted under the current rules and that takes a more risk-informed (as opposed to deterministic) and performance-based (as opposed to presenptive) approach where it is appropriate and justifiable. The responsibility for this rulemaking effort has been shifted from RES to NRR in accordance with the guidance provided in the Direction Setting lasue 22. The staff will continue to coordinate additional research activities as necessary to complete any longer term items or improvements to regulatory guidance in support of further risk-informed efforts.

1 446th ACRS Meeting 11 November 6-7,1997 Nuclear Enerav Institute Presentation Representatives of NEl expressed concems that the new rule would not necessarily improve safety and wouki not be consistent with a risk-informed and performance-based framework. _ However, if the NRC proceeds with the rulemaking, the industry plans to participate in the rulemaking process.

Union of Concerned Scientists Presentation The representative of the Unicn of Concemed Scientists (UCS) expressed the follomng concems with the staffs current approach to fire protection rulemaking:

UCS stated that the NRC staff should be pursuing the development of a "one hazard /one rule" approach to fire protection for all power reactors instead of the agency's current approach where licensees are allowed to choose from a variety of regulations and guidance documents. As a result of different standards, there is a wide range of commitments to meet fire safety goals.

UCS planned to register a concem with the NRC staff that, in formulating its proposed rule change, it has not demonstrated a complete and adequate understanding of the formulation of the current regulation. For example, the staff recommends that the "noncombustibility" standard for fire barrier penetration seals be eliminated from 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section Ill, M., and all other guidance documents.

While the NRC staffs proposed rule change moves towards a risk-based approach to fire protection, it relies upon licensees' IPEEE assessments for 100 percent integrity of fire barrier penetration seal installation and fire endurance testing. This confidence value is not reflected in the actual industry experience as demonstrated by documented fire test performance and installation experience.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.



[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]


446th ACRS Meeting -

12 November 6-7,1997 A.

Letter and Memoranda LETTER Proposed Final Generic Letter. " Loss of Reactor Coolant inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeroency Mitiaation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition"(Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated November 13,1997)

MEMORANDA Proon=ad ACRS Schedule for Reviewina the AP600 Desian (Memo-randum to Jack W. Roe, Acting Director, Division of Reactor Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, from John T.

Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated November 12,1997)

Draft Reaulatorv Guide DG-1029. Revision 1.7. " Guidelines for Evaluatina Electromaanetic and Radio-Freauency Interference in Safetv-Related I&C Systems" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated November 14,1997)


Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Note: Mr. Sam Duraiswamy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to ACRS comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports:

i EDO letter dated November 4,1997, responding to the ACRS report dated September 10, 1997, concerning the boiling water reactor pressure vessel shell weld Inspection Recommendations.

The Committee decided it was satisfied with the EDO response on this matter.

446th ACRS Meeting 13 November 6-7,1997 EDO letter dated October 28,1997, responding to the ACRS report dated September 10, 1997, conceming the staff action plan to improve the Senior Management Meeting process.

The Committee decided that it would continue discussions with the staff on this matter.

EDO letter dated October 23,1997, responding to the ACRS report dated Ssptember 15,1997, concerning the staff response to ACRS comments on proposed generic letter and draft Regulatory Guide DG-1074 concerning steam generator tube integrity.

The Committee decided it was satisfied with the EDO response on this matter.

EDO letter dated October 14,1997, responding to the ACRS report dated September 10,1997, conceming draft Regulatory Guide 1069,

" Fire Protection Program for Permanently Shutdown and Decommis-sioning Nuclear Power Plants."

The Committee decided it was satisfied with the EDO response on this matter.

EDO letter dated October 3,1997, responding to the ACRS report dated September 11, 1997, conceming reporting reliability and availability information for risk-significant systems and equipment.

The Committee decided it was satisfied with the EDO response on this matter.


Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (Open)

The Committee heard a report from Dr. Seale on the Planning and Proce-dures Subcommittee meeting held on November 5,1997. The following items were discussed:


New Members (Open)

As discussed during the October 1997 ACRS meeting, the Commis-sion was provided with nominations to fill one of the ACRS vacancies

i 446th ACRS Meeting 14 November 6-7,1997 in the area of thermal hydraulics and computational fluid dynamics.

The Commission has not yet reached a decision. Qualified candi-dates are being sought for the other vacancy in the area of plant operations. One potential candidate was interviewed during this full Committee meeting.


Intemational Meetings (Open)

The ACRS Executive Director discussed with Dr. Blikhofer the ACRS response to the Japanese invitation for a Quadripartite Meeting in Japan during the latter part of January 1998. They agreed that it would be difficult to have a meeting at that time, since there were still questions concoming the agenda that needed to be resolved (i.e., the RSK disagrees with the current agenda, and we have suggested that the agenda include a discussion on the use of PRA in regulatory decisionmaking). A January 1998 meeting date would not allow sufficient time to prepare and distribute papers prior to the meeting.

Dr. Birkhofer plans to raise this issue with the Japanese and suggest that the meeting be postponed until June or September 1998. After receipt of the German letter, the ACRS would send a letter to the Japanese endorsing the German suggestion. The ACRS has not yet received a copy of the German letter.

in response to the Committee's discussion and agreement at the October 1997 full Committee meeting, the ACRS plans to meet with representatives of the U.K. reactor safety committee. The ACRS has received suggestions from Dr. D. Powers for an agenda for that meeting but the U.K. will not be contacted about setting a date or agenda for this bilateral exchange until the date for the Quadripartite meeting is settled.

After completion of its review of the AP-600, the Committee might want to consider a meeting with the Chinese reactor safety commit-tee, in light of their proposed nuclear power plant construction program and the recent U.S. policy change that allows China to buy U.S.-designed reactors.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recommended that the exact date of the Quadri-partite Meeting be determined as soon as possible. The Subcommit-

446th ACRS Meeting 15 November 6-7,1997 tee also recommended that Members provide agenda items for the meeting with the U.K. and that the possibility of a meeting with the safety committee in China be considered as a long-term possibility.


Defense-in-Death (Open)

The ACNW issued a report during its October 21-23,1997 meeting to the Commission on the application of defense-in-depth principles to the proposed revision of 10 CFR Part 60. Dr. Apostolakis participated in some of the discussions. A copy of the ACNW report is attached.


PRA Discussion with Commissioners Diaz and Dicus (Open)

ACRS Members Kress and Apostolakis were scheduled to meet with Commissioners Diaz and Dicus and representatives of other Commis-sioner offices on October 4,1997 to discuss the use of PRA in regulatory decisionmaking and the ACRS proposal to elevate core damage frequency to a Fundamental Safety Goal. Because of the unavailability of Dr. Apostolakis, this meeting was rescheduled for November 12,1997.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recommended that the Members participating in these discussions provide a report to the full Committee.


Health Effects of Low Levels of lonizina Radiation (Open)

Commissioner Diaz recently sent a letter to the ACNW (pp. 5) conceming its letter dated July 10,1996 on the Health Effects of Low Levels of lonizing Radiation. Commissioner Dicus also raised this issue in her meeting with the ACNW on October 21,1997. Both Commissioners have requested the ACNW to devote additional attention to this issue. The ACNW plans to hold a Working Group meeting during its December 16-18,1997 meeting. It was suggested that ACRS members might wish to attend and participate in joint discussions.


446th ACRS Meeting 16 November 6-7,1997 The Subcommittee recommended that Members interested in attending the ACNW meeting on this subject promptly notify the staff so that relevant documentation can be provided to them in advance of the meeting.


Agenda fo ihe ACRS Retreat (Open)

Assuming the ACRS moves forward with plans for a retreat in January 1998, the Committee should discuss an agenda in November and finalize it at the December 1997 meeting. The meeting site was changed to the Bolger Center in Potomac, MD.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recommended that a draft agenda for the retreat be prepared at this meeting and that a final agenda be submitted for approval at the December ACRS meeting.


Election of ACRS Officers for CY 1998 (Open)

The Bylaws prescribe that the ACRS elect the Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the ACRS and Member-at-Large for the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee at the December meeting. Members not wishing to be considered for any of these positions should notify the Executive Director of the ACRS in writing at least two weeks prior to the election (on or before November 21,1997). Members should review the Bylaws concerning the election of officers.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recommended that Members not wishing to be considered for any of these p sitions prepare a brief note so stating and give it to t% F.xecutive lir;ctor by the end of this meeting.


AP600 Design i'eyien (C.u)

The ACRS Executive Oirector recently issued a Memorandum regarding the proposed Commission paper from the NRC staff on the AP600 schedule. The paper notes that the ACRS could complete its review of the AP600 design at the July 1998 meeting, subject to receipt of a Final Safety Evaluation Report on May 1,1998, and

446th ACRS Meeting 17 November 6-7,1997 assuming that significant open items are resolved. Otherwise, the ACRS review would most likely be completed at the September 1998 Full Committee meeting. Based on the proposed schedule, the staff plans to issue the FSER in May 1998, even if there are open items, and the anticipation at the staff level is that there will be at least "a few" open items. The ACRS has, in the past, completed its review with some open items remaining to be resolved. A proposed letter from Dr. Larkins to Jack E. Roe, NRR,-outlining the proposed schedule for ACRS review of the AP600 design is attached.


Time Soent at ACRS Meetings in FY 1997/Anticinated Workload for

.19R8 (Open)

A summary of the time spent during ACRS meetings in FY 1997 is attached. The largest portion of the Committee's time (45%) was spent in preparing reports and letters.

Also attached is a list of anticipated Subcommittee meeting days for the 1998 Calendar Year.

Based on the currently available information, about 49 days of Subcommittee meetings are anticipated for 1998.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recognizes that the Committee has made progress in its efforts to reduce the time spent on ACRS reports and recommends that the Committee continue efforts to enhance its efficiency.


Strategic Plannina (Open)

A draft survey of ACRS stakeholders has been prepared for Commit-tee review and approval. The Commission has requested ACRS and ACNW to obtain input from the NRC staff and others as a way to measure Committee performance. Other performance measures will o-be developed as required to demonstrate achievement of the Operating Plan objectives.

Recommendation J

446th ACRS Meeting 18 November 6-7,1997 l

The Subcommittee recommended that Members be given a copy of the survey at the beginning of the November full Committee meeting and that Members provide comments on the survey by the end of the meeting.


Members' lasues (Open)

Copies of Dr. Powers' facsimiles on the linear no-threshold theory, plant performance assessment, media reporting of ACRS reports, and silicone foam containment penetration seals are attached.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recommended that the ACRS staff track media reporting on ACRS as one of its performance measures.


ACRS Annual Holidav Party (Open)

The ACRS has traditionally sponsored an annual Christmas party for Members and Staff and more recently has invited the Commissioners.

The Committee should decide whether it would like to sponsor such a party this year. The cost would be the same as last year.

Recommendation The Subcommittee recommended that the Christmas party be held on December 4,1997, and that Members make their contributions before the end of this meeting. Commissioners will be invited.


Future Meetina Agenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 447th ACRS Meeting, December 3-6,1997.

The 446th ACRS meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. on Friday, November 7,1997.

u im

my 54130 Federal Register / Vcl. 62. No. 200 / Friday, October 17, 1997 / Notices CA970002 (Feh.14,1997) gggdg.ATORY FalumeIV:

CA970028 (Feb.14,1997) ennanaseeirneg Indiana CA9700N Feb.14. M7)

IN970004 Feb.14,1997)

CAe70030 (Feb.14,1997)

Advlowy CeMenee en flecotw f

IN970000 (Feb.14,1997)


Dio60s INe70Q17 (Feb.14, toe 7)

CAe70032 (Feb.14,1907)

INe70020 (Feb.14,19e7)

CAe70033 (Feb.14,1997)

Sections 29 and 182b. of tburposes of la accordance with b

. Michlaan CAe70034 Feb.14,1997)

Atomic Mt970001 Feb.14,1997) 190 l Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,2232b),the Mit000h$!k!N)

CA 1

Advisory Committee on Reactor

- CA970037(Feb.14,19s7)

Safeguards will hold a meeting on Mis 70007 (Feb.14,1997)

CA970038 (Feb.14,1907)

November b7.1997,la Conference MI970017 (Feb.14,1997)

CAe7003e (Feb.14,1997)

Room T-283,11545 Rockville Pike.

Mle70030 (Feb.14,19e7)

CA970040 (FA 14,1997)

Rockville, Maryland. The date of this MIS 70031 Web.14,19er)

CAe70041(Falk 14,1987)

  • MIS 70046 (Feb.14,19e7)

CA970042 (Feb.14,1997) twd was ously Ushedla Mer0047 Feb.14,leef)

CAe70043 (Feb.14,19e?) -

esF on ursday' Mer0078 (Feb.14,1997)

CAe70044 (Feb.14,19e?)

M""#I 23,1997 (at FR 3539).

Me70079 (Feb.14,1997)

CA970048 (FA 14,1997)


MIe700eo (Feb.14, teef)

C#e70048 (Feb.14, Stef)

Meredey,Nesember4,1987 CA970047 (Feb.14,1997) 8:30 AK-4:48 AX:Openlig am==== =

MN970007 (Feb.14,2007)

MN97000e (Feb.14,1987)

CA970048 Rob.14,1997)

Remarks by the ACRS Chairinen MN970018(Feb.14,19e7)

Gewe!Wege N (Open)-The ACRS Chairman will analie MN970027 (Feb.14,1997)

N """"

opening remarks regarding conduct of MN970031 (Feb.14,1997) the meeting and conunent brieSy MN970038 (Feb.14,1987)

Cumal as imuod tems of cuent interest.

yw'e sh$$ 'l$ l under the Davis. Bacon and related Acts, During session,the Committee will including those noted above,may be discuss priorities for of oMe found in the Government Printing OfBee n

ACRS reports.

OH970001 Web.14,19er)

(GPO) document entitled "Genere! Wege 8:48 AK-10:28 AX:Useof OH970002 (Feb.14,19e7)

OH970003 (Feb.14,1987)

Determinations Issued Under The Davie-Uncertainty Yemus Point Values in de OH970000 (Feb.14,1997)

Bacon and Related Acts".This PRA-Related Decislana Pac ins OHsM12 Web.14,1997) publication is evallable at each of the 50 OHe70026 (Feb.14,19e7)

Itagional Government Depository (OpenHThe Committee hear OHe70028 (Feb.14,1997)

IJWes ud g of the MOO Presentadons by and hold ducussions with representadves of the NRC staf

$Nh N'15l Government Depoeltory Libraries across regarding the adequacy of the guidance the county.

being provided by the staff reladve to.

vehsew y ne derihdans the use of uncertain versus point Arkanse' issued under b vis-Bacon and values in the PRA re ted

^"'**8 @* 14 "'I related Acts are available electronically deciabninMag procem, N""*

by subscription to the redWorld 20:30 A.Af-12:00 Noon: Pro Bulletin Board System of the National FinalGenericlatter Regarding of Ta^airat information Service (NTIS) of Reactor CoolantInvento and-xse?000s geb.14,19er) the U.S. Department of Commerce et A=madatedPotendolfor cesof Miamuri Emer8encyMidbtion functions While MOe70001 (Feb.14,19ef)

(703) 487-4630.

d g

In o Shutdown adition (Open)-The gy,cygP ons may,.

MOe70002 (Feb.14,1987) y,,f, gap MOe70000 (Feb.14,19er) urchased g,m: Superintendent of Conunithe MU hear pienchdas by f'

MOe70000 (Feb.14,1987) ents,U.S. Government Printing and hold discumbas Mth MOe70011(Feb.14,19er)

OfBce, Washington, D.C. 20402 (202) repmuntuva of b NRC suf MOe70013 (Feb.14,1997)

MOe70041(Feb.14,19e7) 512-1000, regardhg b ropond Snal Generic MOe70042 (Feb.14,1907)

When % hard copy Mter nohd subscription (s), be sure to o ify the 2:00 FX-2:.30 PK: Assedng w!d

$"goh$ N',l$fj State (s) ofinterest, since su ptions the Acting uty Executive Directorfor MOe70087 (Feb.141997) may be ordered for any or allof the Regulatory veness(Open)-The seven se te volumes, arranged by Committee hear presentations by MOs70072 (ret 614,19s7)

Temes State. Su ptions include an annual and hold discussions with the Acting Txe70018 (Feb.14.19er) edition (issued in January or February)

Deputy Execudve Director reguding Txe70114 PA 14, lee 7) which includes all current general wage reguhtory exceUence and rekhd vehime vi:

determinations for the States covered by

,,gges, each volume. Thmughout the remainder

,.,g py_4.jg pg, ygg 3,f,,7,


d UP ates a" Research Program (Open)-The IDe?0002 (Feb.14,1987) bu W

, Committee will beer presentations by Dressa signed at wenWagten. D.C. His 10th der and hold discussions with the staf, as l

OR*70001 Feb.14,1997) onded, regarding the NRC Safety ore 70017Feb.14,toer) of October 19ef, Marsaret WesWesha, Research Program and related matters.

  • @ 000s Web. u, m n Acting anief nrend e(Connerucelen Wear 4:30 PK-7:00 PX:Propontion of l

volusw Fr:


ACRS Reports (Open)-The Committee J

(F1t Dec. 97-37418 Filed 10-16-47; 8:45 aml will discuss propowd ACRS reports on l

Caluermia matters considered during this meeting.

CAe70001(Feb.14,1987) saAsse ones me ar-ar 6

L_ _ _ _ _. _

-__J Friday, Nevesaber 7,1997 will continue its discussitn regarding.

internet at http://www.nm. gov /

C:30 AM-8:35 AX: Opening

~ Proposed ACRS reports on matten ACRSACNW.

Remarks by ths ACRS Chairman considered during this meeting Deted: rh 10,1997 (Open)-The ACRS Chairman will make Procedums far the conduct cf and Andrew 1. Batu, opening remarks regarding conduct of Participation in ACRS meetings were Advisory Committw Monagement Officer.

the meeting.

Published in the Federal Register on (FR Doc. 97-27598 Fued 10-16-97; a:45 aml

. 8:35 AR-9:35 AXrSevere S*Ptember 4,1997 (62 FR 46782). In AccidentManagement (Open)-The accordance with thee procedures, oral -

Committee will hear presentations by or written statsments may be presented and hold discussions with by members of the public and OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND mpresentativa of the NRC staff 3*Presentatives of the nuclear industry,

.SUDGET regarding the staff evaluation of the _

electronic recordings will be permitted BWR Owners Group emergency.

on!y during the open portions of the N of Hospitaland MedicW Cwe procedure and severe accident meeting, and questions may be asked - Treatment Fumished by the United only by members of the Committee,its guidelines and the Westinghouse severe accident guidelines.

consultants, and staff. Persons desiring, Statee; Certain Rates RegardinaR 9:35 AK-10:30AM:StaffActions to make oral statements should notify Fweens Related to the Dewlopment of a Revised Mr. Sam Duraiswamy, Chief, Nuclear Fire Piuteedon Rule (Open}--The Reactors Branch, at least five days

.By virtue of the authority vested in 1

Committee will hear presentations by.

before the meeting,if possible, so that the President by section 2(e) of Pub. L and hold discussions with appropriate arrangements can be made 87-693 (76 Stat. 593; 42 U.S.C.-2652),

representatives of the NRC staff to allow the necessary time during the and delegated to the Director of the regarding staff actions related to the meeting for such statements. Use of still,.OfBee of Management and Budget by development of a revised Fire Protection. motion picture, and television cameras Executive Order No.11541 ofJuly 1 Rule.

during this meeting maybe limited to 1970 (35 FR 10737), the three sets of 20M5 A.M-22:25 AM: Future ACRS selected portions of the meeting as rates outlined below are hereby established. Thee rates are for use in Activities (Open)-The Committee will determined by thevs.w.n connection with b recovery, from discuss the recommendations of the Information regarding the time to be set Planntng and Proceduru Sub.

aside for this purpose may be obtained tortiously liable third persons, of the committee regarding items proposed for by contacting the Chief of the Nuclear cost of hospital and medical care and consideration by the full (>mmittee Reactors Branch prior to the meeting. In treatment furnished by the United States during future meetings.

. view of the possibuity that the schedule (Part 43 Chs terI, Title 28, Code of 22:25 AR-22:30 ARr for ACRS meetings may be adjusted by Federal tions) through three ReconcBlotion ofACRS Comments and the Chairman as necessary to facultate. -separate Fe eralagencies. The rates Recommendouons (Open)- The the conduct dithe meeting, persons have been established in accordance Committee will discuss responses from planning to attend should check with with the mquinmuts of OMB Circular the NRC Executive Director for the Chief of the Nuclear Reactors Branch A-25, requiring reimbursement of the Operations to comments and if such rwcheduling would result in full cost of all serview provided. The recommendations included in recent major inconvenience.

rates are established as follows:

ACRS reports. The EDO responses are In accortlance with Subsection 10(d)

1. Department ofDefense expected to be provided to the ACRS P.L 92-463,I have determined that it is The Fiscal Year 1998 (FY98) prior to the meeting, necessary to close portions of this Department of Defense (DoD)

J2:30 AM-22:00 Noon: Report of meeting noted above to discuss matters reimbunement rates forinpatient, the Planning and Proceduas that relste solely to the internal outpatiet, and obr urden are Subcomm/ tree (Open/ Closed)-The personnel rules and practiew of this provided in accordance with Section Committee will hear a report of the Advisory Committee per 5 U.S.C.

Sc35 of title to, United States Code. Due Planning and Procedums Subcommittee 552b(c)(2), and to discuss information to sire, b medons contaMng b Dm on matters related to b conduct of the release of which would constitute a Reimbursement Rate (Section ID.D) and clurly unwarranted invasion of ACRS business, qualifications of candidates nominated for appointment personal privacy per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6).. b ntes for Anculary Service Requested by Outside Providers to the ACRS, and organizaJonal and Further information regarding topics (Section III.E) are not included in this personnel matters relating to the ACRS. to be discussed, whether the mwting package.The Office of the Assistant pee. A pordon of this session may be has been cancelled or roscheduled, the Secretary ofDefenn (Health A5 min) closed to discun organizational and Chairman's ruling on aquests for the wul provide these rates upon request.

personnel marters that relate solely to the opportunity to prwent oral statements The medical and dental service rates in internal personnel rules and prsetions of this and the time allotted therefor, can be this ackage including the rates for ancibary serv (ices

  • prescription dmgs o Advisory Committes, and information the obtained by contacting Mr. Sam release of which would constitute a clearly]

Duraiswamy, Chief, Nuclear Reactors th d

"ted b id unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Branch (telephone 301/415-7364).

pro e are ecti e Octo


2:00 PR-2:30 FX:MisceDaneous between 7:30 AM and 4:15 P.M. EDT.,

(Open)--The Committee will discuss ACRS meeting notica, meeting

2. Health and Human Services matten related to the conduct of transcripts, and letter nports are now The sum of obligations for web cost Committee activities and matters and evallable on FedWorld from the"NRC center providing medical service is specific issues that were not completed MAIN MENU." The Direct Dial Access broken down into amounts attributable during previous meetings, as time and number to FedWorld is (800) 303-9672 to impatient care on the basis of the evailability ofinformation permit.

or ftp.fedworld. These documents and proportion of staff devoted to mch cost 2:30 PM-7:00PR:Pivpamtion of the meeting agenda an also available for center.Totalinpatient costs and ACRS Reports (Open)--The Committee downloading or reviewing on the outpatient costs thus determined are






8 E




1) 8:30 -

8:45 A.M.

Openina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 1.1)

Opening Statement (RLS/SD) 1.2)

Items of current interest (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.3)

Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/SD) 20 2) 8:45 - 10:15 A.M.

Ufje of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmakina Process (Open) (GA/MTM) 2.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the adequacy of the guidance being provided by the staff relative to*the use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related decisionmaking process.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

Jo JS 10 : 25 - 10 : 39 A.M.

T*** BREAK ***

35 I I:.25 s

3) 10:32 IGT09 Noon Proposed Final Generic Letter Recardino Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for loss of Emeroency Mitication Functions While in a Shutdown Condition (Open)

(JJB/TSK/PAB) 3.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final Generic Letter noted above.

N Tnwc>u.Y'y Y NLkW.


2 in: 25 3

15EE90 -

1:00 P.M.

J*** LUNCH ***

3 33 4) 1:09 -

2 :M P.M.

Meetina with the Actina Decuty Executive Director for Reculatory Effectiveness (Open) (RLS/AS) 4.1)

Remarks by the ACRS Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with the Acting Deputy Executive Director regarding regulatory i

excellence and related matters.

33 5_6 3

2:M -

2:46 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

.n 3 wS' 5) 2:46 -


NRC Safety Research Procram (Open)

(DAP/MME) 5.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, as needed, regarding the NRC Safety Research Program and related matters.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

3: 45 -

i) : 11 f. H.

A. S i av c, a -

VoAE PRorec rs ou 4:g -

4:30 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

5.' 41.

(O'en) 6)

4:30 -

7355E P.M.

Preparation of ACRS Reoorts p

Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:


Use of Uncertainty versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking Process. (GA/MTM) 6.2)

Proposed Final Generic Letter,

" Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition."

(JJB/TSK/PAB) 6.3)

Annual Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.

5 : W. - 5 : 55 e.H-JDAP/MME)



6ISS - G ; os f M.

p t.,a u po u c,.

La :05' P. H.


8:35 A.M.

Onenina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) (RLS/SD) i -

3 O


8) -

8:35 -

9 : 5F A.M.

Severe Accident Manacement (Open)

(MHF/NFD) 8.1)

Remarks by the Cognizant ACRS Member.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the staff evaluation of the BWR Owners Group emergency procedure and severe accident guidelines and the Westinghouse severe accident management guidelines.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as date.

[,PjoP 9:SD to, o 5 4. H.


Ydk5 - h@ hh A.M.

Staff Actions Related to the Develooment of a Revised Fire Protection Rule (Open)

(DAP/AS) 9.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefir.g by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding staff actions related to the development of a revised 1

Fire Protection Rule.

II,30 - 2:00 P. N.

LUNCW 19T30 - 1 stat 5 A.M.

    • e h 45 P. H.

1: 00

10) 193 5 - m A.M.

Future ACRS Activities (Open)


Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.

11) 11.11 1 1. 2 0.^.. M.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et al./

See preaan page SD, et al.)

Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports, l '. H 5 - 3:55 12)

%A-*o - 12=ec Noon Reoort of the Plannino and Procedures Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)

/lo,g,.n a l J /J r N f Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, qualifications of candidates nominated


.t for appointment to the ACRS, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.

[ Note:

A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)

12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

13) 1:00 -

4:30 P.M.

Precaration of ACRS Recorts (Open)

(3 : 00-3 :15 BREAK)

Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:


Use of certainty versus Point Valu in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking cess. (GA/MTM) 13.2),Pr'oposed Fin Generic Letty,

" Loss of R ctor Coolant f

/ Invento and Associa d

Potential for Loss Emergency Mitigation Funct)dns While in a



Shutdown Cond Wlon."


13.3 p' Annual Rep 6rt to, Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.

(DAP/MME) a as 14) age @

-4 2 4 5 F. M.

Miscellaneous (Open (RLS/JTL/SD)

The Committee will discuss matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and matters and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.

Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the NOTE:

e total time allocated for a specific item.

The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.



446TH ACRS MEETING NOVEMBER 6-7,1997 NRC STAFF - November 6,1997 P. Castleman, OCM/NJD G. Parry, NRR J. Flack, NRR K. Thomas, NRR M. Kotzaras A. Levin, NRR T. Collins, NRR R. Caruso, NRR M. Pohida, NRR A. Bassioni, NRR T. King, RES J. Calvert, RES N. Siu B. Morris ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENlilES AND GENERAL PUBLIC A. Wertzberg, NUS T. Zama, TEPCO N. Musan, ML&B N. Chapman, Bechtel D. Raleigh, Bechtel B. Bradley, NEl T. Pietrangelo, NEl P. Negus, GE

Appendix Ill 2

446th ACRS Meeting NRC STAFF - November 7,1997 J. Mitchell, OEDO B. Palla, NRR D. Desaulniers, NRR J. O'Brien, NRR C. Berlinger, NRR E. Connor, NRR L. Marsh, NRR C. Tinkler, RES N. Siu, RES

, ATTENDFFS FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC A. Weitzberg, NUS F. Emerson, NEl D. Modeen, NEl P. Negus, GE L. Conner, DSA, Inc.

K. Peveler,IES Utilities A. Wyche, Bechtel


...m sc.awhaw.



.' The Committee agreed to consider the following during the 447th ACRS Meeting, December 4-6,1997:




y E



WASHINGTON,0. C. 20555

%,*...* /



1:15 P.M.

Ocenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman l

(Open) 1.1) Opening Statement (RLS/SD) 1.2) Items of current interest (RLS/JTL/SD) i 1.3) Priorities for preparation of ACRS reports (RLS/SD) 2)

1:15 -

2:15 P.M.

Emeroency Core Coolina System Strainer Blockage (Open) (REU/AS) 2.1) Remarks by the Acting Subcommittee Chairman.

2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the staff Safety Evaluation Report on the BWR Owners Group Utility Resolution Guidance for Emergency Core Cooling System Suction Strainer Blockage, and related matters.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

3) 2:15 -

3:15 P.M. Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Coolina and Containment Heat Removal Pumps (Open)

(TSK/PAB) 3.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee



t l

l l

2 3.2)

Briofing by cnd diccussions with reprocentativas of tha NRC staff regarding the ACRS concerns associated with the proposed final Generic Letter on Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

3:15 -

3:30 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

4) 3:30 -

4:30 P.M.

NRC Performance Plan (Open) (RLS/AS) 4.1)

Remarks by the ACRS Chairman 4.2)

Briefing by and discussions with the Chief Financial Officer and representative of the Office of the Executive Director for Operations regarding the NRC Performance Plan.

5) 4:30 -

5:30 P.M.

ACRS Report to Concress on the NRC Safety Research Procram (Open) (DAP/MME) 5.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, as needed, regarding the NRC Safety Research Program.

6) 5:30 7:00 P.M.

Preparation of ACRS Renorts (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:


Annual ACRS Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.

(DAP/MME) 6.2)

Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer Blockage. (REU/AS) 6.3)

Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head fe:

Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps.




, 7) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M.

Onenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) (RLS/SD) 8)

8:35 -

10:15 A.M.

Pronosed Revisions to 10 CFR 50.59.

Chances. Tests. and Exneriments (Open)

(DAP/MTM) 8.1)

Remarks by the Acting Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed revisions to 10 CFR 50.59 and related matters.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

10:15 - 10:30 A.M.

      • BREAK ***

9) 10:30 - 11:30 A.M.

Proposed Generic Letter on Interim Guidance for Updatino Final Safetv Analysis Renorts (Open) (DAP/MTM) 9.1)

Remarks by the Acting Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed Generic Letter on Interim Guidance for Updating Final Safety Analysis Reports.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

11:30 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

10) 1:00 -

2:00 P.M.

Meetina with Commissioner Dieus (Open)

(RLS/MME) 10.1)

Remarks by the ACRS Chairman.


Discussion with Commissioner Dicus on items of mutual interest, including:

NRC Safety Research Program


  • U2o of PRA in tha.Rcgulatory D2cisionm: king Procaso
  • Elevation of core damage d

frequency to a Fundamental Safety Goal

= Health Effects of Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation 11) 2:00 -

3:00 P.M.

Proposed Revision 1 to NUREG-1022.

" Event Reportina Guidelines. 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73" (Open) (RLS/NFD) 11.1)

Remarks by the Acting Subcommittee chairman 11.2)

Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed final revision to NUREG-1022.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

3:00 -

3:15 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

12) 3:15 -

7:00 P.M.

Erenaration of ACRS Renorts (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:


Annual ACRS Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.

(DAP/MME) 12.2)

Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer Blockage. (REU/AS) 12.3)

Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps.

(TSK/PAB) 12.4)

Proposed Revisions to 10 CFR l

50.59 and Proposed Generic Letter on Interim Guidance for Updating j

Final Safety Analysis Reports.

(DAP/MTM) 12.5)

Proposed Final SRP Chapter 19 and Regulatory Guide DG-1061.

(GA/MTM) 12.6)

Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking Process. (GA/MTM) 1 4

..~ -

1 5


Proposed Revision 1 to NUREG-1022, Event Reporting Guidelines, 10 CFR 5).72 and 50.73. (RLS/NFD)



8:35 A.M.

Onenino Remarks by the AERS Chairman (Open) (RLS/SD) 14) 8:35 - 10:00 A.M.

Pronosed Final SRP chanter 19 and Reculatorv Guide DG-1061 for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Reculation, includino Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmakino Process (Open) (GA/MTM) 14.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed final SRP Chapter 19, Regulatory Guide DG-1061, and use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related decisionmaking process.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

10:00 - 10:15 A.M.

      • BREAK ***
15) 10:15 - 12:00 Noon Operatino Events at Oconee Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 (Open) (DWM/NFD) 15.1)

Remarks by the Acting Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the results of the investigation performed by an Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) of the June 20 and 23 event at Oconee Unit 1 involving failure of emergency electrical power


e 6

supply, and of the April 22, 1997 event at Oconee Unit 2 that involved inoperability of the high pressure injection pump.

l 12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***
16) 1:00 -

3:00 P.M.

Capability and Anolication of the EPRI CHECKWORKS Code (Open/ Closed) (TSK/PAB) l 16.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and Electric Power Research l

Institute (EPRI) regarding the capability and application of the EPRI CHECKWORKS Code.


[ NOTE: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss EPRI l

proprietary information associated with the CHECKWORKS Code.)

3:00 -

3:15 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

17) 3:15 -

3:45 P.M.

Future ACRS Activities (Open)


Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding u ma proposed for consideratf.v hy the full Committee during tut e 1.eetings.

18) 3:45 -

4:00 P.M.

Reconciliation of ACPS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et al./

SD, et al.)

Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reporte.

19) 4:00 -

4:15 P.M.

Election of ACRS Officers For CY 1998 (Open) (JTL/SD)

The Committee will elect Chairman and Vice Chairman for the ACRS and Member-ct-Large for the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee.



20) 4:15 -

7:00 P.M.

Preparation of ACRS Reoorts (Optn)

Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:


Annual ACRS Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.

(DAP/MME) 20.2)

Emergency Core Cooling System Strainer Blockage. (REU/AS) 20.3)

Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps.

l (TSK/PAB) 20.4)

Proposed Revisions to 10 CFR 50.59 and Proposed Generic Letter on Interim Guidance for Updating Final Safety Analysis Reports.

(DAP/MTM) 20.5)

Proposed Final SRP Chapter 19 and Regulatory Guide DG-1061.

(GA/MTM) j 20.6)

Use of Uncertainty Versus Point i

Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking Process. (GA/MTM) 20.7)

Proposed Revision 1 to NUREG-1022, Event Reporting Guidelines, 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73. (RLS/NFD) 20.8)

Capability and Application of CHECKWORKS Code.(TSK/PAB)



9:00 A.M.

Recort of the Plannina and Procedures subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)

Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, qualifications of candidates nominated for appointment to the ACRS, agenda for the planning meeting, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.

[ Note:

A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and

prccticco of thio Advicory Committen, and information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted 3

invasion of personal privacy.)

22) 9:00 - 12:00 Noon Frenaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)

Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports identified under Item 20.

12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

23) 1:00 -

4:00 P.M.

Precaration of ACRS Reoorts (Open)

(3:00-3:15 BREAK)

Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports identified under Item 20.

24) 4:00 -

4:30 P.M.

Miscellaneous (Open) (RLS/JTL/SD)

The Committee will discuss matters related to the conduct of Committee activities and matters and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.


Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.

The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

e Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.

I 9



(Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.)


1 Ooenino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman 1.

Items of Interest, dated November 6-7,1997 2

Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmaking Process (Open) 2.

Risk-Informed Regulatory Guidance: Public Comments, Policy lasues, Proposed Changes to DG-1061, dated November 6,1997, presented by Thomas King et al. [Viewgraphs) 3 Pronosed Final Generic Letter Regarding Loss of Reactor Coolant inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition (Open) 3.

Proposed Final Generic Letter Regarding Loss of Reactor Coolant inventory and Associated Potential for loas of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition, dated November 6,1997, presented by Alan E.

Levin [Viewgraphs) 4 Meetina with the Acting Deoutv Executive Director for Regulatorv Effectiveness (Open) 4.

Regulatory Excellence, dated November 6,1997, presented by Ashok C.

Thadani[Viewgraphs) 5 NRC Safety Research Program (Open) 5.

Recommendations from the Subcommittee Concoming the Letter to Congress, undated, presented by Dr. Dana Powers [Viewgraphs) 6.

Briefing on the NEl Fire Protection Information Forum, dated November 6,

Appendix V 2-

,f 446th ACRS Meeting 1997, presented by Mr. Amarjit Singh [Viewgraphs) 8 Severe Accident Manaamment (Open) 7.

Severe Accident Management Program, dated November 7,1997, presented by Robert L. Palla, NRR [Viewgraphs) 9 Staff Actions Related to the Development of a Revised Fire Protection Rule (Open) 8.

Fire Protection Rulemaking, dated November 7,1997, presented by Edward A. Connell, NRR [Viewgraphs) 9.

Industry Positions on Fire Protection Rulemaking, dated November 7,1997, presented by Fred Emerson 10.

Concems about Risk-informed Fire Protection Regulations, dated November 7,1997, presented by David A. Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Paul Gunter, Nuclear Information & Resource Service 10 Future ACRS Activities 11.

Future ACRS Activities - 447th AOftS Meeting, December 4-6, 1997

[ Handout #10.1]

11 Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations 12.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations [ Handout #11.1]

12 Reoort of the Plannina and Procedures Subcolnmittee 13.

Final Draft Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Meeting -

November F,1997 [ Handout # 12.1)

Appendix V 3

i 446th ACRS Meeting


Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Daei=36nmakina Process (Open) 1.

Table of Contents 2.

Proposed Schedule 3.

Project Status Report 4.

Memorandum from G. Apostolakis, ACRS Member, to M. Markley, ACRS Staff, dated October 27, 1997:

Risk-informed, Performance-Based Regulation 5.

Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated May 27,1997: Meeting with the ACRS on May 2,1997 6.

Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated June 5,1997: Draft Regulatory Guides, Standard Review Plans and NUREG Document in Support of Risk-Informed Regulation for Power Reactors 7.

Memorandum from G. Apostolakis, dated June 12,1997: Questions to be addressed at the ACRS Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittee Meeting on July 7,1997 8.

Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM), dated October 16,1997: Staff Requirements - SECY-97-208 - Elevation of the Core Damage Frequency Objective to a Fundamental Commission Safety Goal 9.

SECY-97-208 - Elevation of the Core Damage Frequency Objective to a Fundamental Commission Safety Goal, dated September 12,1997 10.

Memorandum from Commissioner Diaz to Dr. John Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated October 8,1997: Safety Goal 11.

Memorandum from NRC Chairman Jackson to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations (Ei Damage Frequency of 10 gO), dated July 2,1997: The Statement as a Fundamental Commission Goal 12.

Draft Essay by John Aheame for Reliability Enaineerina and System Safetv:

"How Safe is Safe Enough?"

3 Pronosed Final Generic Letter Reaardino Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Poteritial for loss of Emeroency Mitiaation Functions While in a Shutdown Conddion (Open) 8.

Table of Contents 9.

Presentation Schedule

Appendix V 4

446th ACRS Meeting 10.

Project Status Report 11.

Memorandum from T. Collins, NRR, To J. Larkins, ACRS, dated October 21,1997:. Loss of Reactor Coolant inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition 12.

Proposed Generic Letter published in the Federal Register for public comment, including changes made in response to public comments received 13.

Draft Public Comment Resolution and Staff Response 14.

Compilation of formal public comments received on the subject Generic Letter 4

Meetina with the Actina Daoutv Executive Director for Reanlatorv Effectiveness (Open) 15.

Table of Contents 16.

Proposed Schedule 17.

Status Report, dated November 6,1997 18.

SECY-97-225, dated October 2,1997:

Enhancing Effectiveness and Efficiency 5

NRC Safety Research Program (Open) 19.

Table of Contents 20.

Status Report 21.

SRM dated September 9,1997: Nuclear Safety Research Review 22.

SECY-97-075, dated April 2,1997: Methodology and Criteria for Evaluating Core Research Capabilities 23.

SECY-97-167, dated July 30,1997: DSI 22 Implementation 24.

SRM dated September 16,1997: DSI 22 Implementation (Role of the Office of Research) 6 Severe Accident Management (Open) 25.

Table of Contents 26.

Proposed Agenda 27.

Status Report 28.

Letter from William T.

Russell, NRR, to William H.

Rasin, Nuclear Management and Resources Council, Inc., dated February 16,1994: Formal Industry Position on Severe Accident Management 29.

Letter from David B. Matthews, NRR, to Kevin P. Donovan, Chairman, Boiling Water Reactor Owner's Group (BWROG): BWROG Emergency Procedures and Severe Accident Guidelines l

.. i

I q

. Appendix V 5

0 446th ACRS Meeting 30.

Memorandum from Robert L. Palla, NRR, to Gary M. Holahan, NRR, dated August 20,1997: Severe Accident Management Demonstration Visit at North Anna July 24-25,1997 7

Staff Actions Related to the Develooment of a Revised Fire Protection Rule (Open) 31.

Table of Contents 32.

Proposed Schedule 33.

Status Report 34.

SRM, dated September 11, 1997: Staff Requirements-SECY-97-127-Development of a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation for Fire Protection at Nuclear Power Plants 35.

SECY-97-127, dated June 19, 1997: Development of a Risk-informed, Performance-Based Regulation for the Fire Protection at Nuclear Power Plants 36.

Letter from Ralph E. Beedle, Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, dated August 20,1997, conceming the proposed NRC staff performance-based rulemaking for fire protection 37.

Letter from Paul Gunter, Director, Reactor Watchdog Project, Nuclear Information Service, to A. Singh, ACRS staff, dated October 22,1997.


