ML20217A822 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 12/01/1997 |
From: | Seale R Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman NRC COMMISSION (OCM) |
References | |
ACRS-SL-0455, ACRS-SL-455, NUDOCS 9803250263 | |
Download: ML20217A822 (8) | |
wasenwovow, p. c. zones December 1,1997 The Honorable Shirley Ann ~ Jackson Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
Dear Chairman Jackson:
THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS, NOVEM-BER 6-7,1997, AND OTHER RELATED ACTMTIES OF THE COMMITTEE During its 446th meeting, November 6-7,1997, the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) discussed several matters and completed the _following letter. In addition, the Committee authorized Dr. Larkins, Executive Director, to transmit the memoranda noted below:
LETTER Prooosed Final Generic Letter. " Loss of Reactor Coolant inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeroency Mitiaation Functions While in a Shutdown Conditiorl" (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seele, Chairman, ACRS, dated November 13,1997)
MEMORANDA EamonedACRS Schedule for Reviewing the AP600 Design (Memorandum to Jack j
W. Roe, Acting Director, Division of Reactor Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, from John T. Larkins, Executive Directo dated November 12,1997) x Draft Reaulatory Guide DG-1029. Revision 1.7. "Guid:Ses for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-Related I&C Systems" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated November 14,1097)
O 1d I
The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson 2
Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the PRA-Related Decisionmakina Process The Committee heard a briefing by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the matter included in the Staff Requirements Memorandum dated May 27,1997, conceming the use of uncertainty versus point values in the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) related decisionmaking process.
' Committee previously met in August and September 1997 to review this matter.
The Committee also discussed the public comments, policy issues, and major changes being considered for the proposed final Standard Review Plan (SRP)
Chapter 19 and associated Regulatory Guide DG-1061 (General Guidance) for risk-informed, performance-based regulation.
Conclusion The Committee plans to discuss a proposed report on this matter during its December 3-6,1997, meeting.
Procosed Final Generic Letter Reaardino Loss of Reactor Coolant inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emeroency Mitiaation Functions While in a Shutdown Condition The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the nuclear industry regarding the issuance of a proposed final generic letter concoming an inadvertent draindown of the reactor coolant system.
This draindown caused the potential loss of the emergency core cooling (ECC) system capability. The staff characterized this event as.the most risk-significant precursor event in 1994, with an estimated conditional core damage probability of 3x10-8. The generic letter requests all PWR licensees to report on the potential for common mode failures of their ECC systems and assurance that safety-related functions of the ECC and residual heat removal systems are not adversely affected by activities during Hot Shutdown or Hot Standby modes of operation.
Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated November 13,1997, on this matter.
s The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson 3
- 3., Meetina with the Actina Deoutv Executive Director for Reaulatorv Effectiveness The Committee heard presentations and held discussions with Mr. Ashok Thadani, Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness (DEDE), regarding regulatory excellence and related matters. Mr. Thadani stated that, in December 1996, the position of DEDE was established to provide a high-level program evaluation focal point independent of line organizations, which are responsible for day to-day implementation of regulatory programs. The DEDE staff offices were grouped to facilitate improved program oversight and assessment of regulatory effectiveness. Regulatory excellence was defined in Direction Setting Issue (DSI) 23 as "a dedication to safety, a commitment to the principle of good regulation, and the pursuit of superior staff performance" and further described as including both
" regulatory effectiveness" and " regulatory efficiency." As described, regulatory excellence involves an organizational culture that fosters a motivating attitude at all levels, manifested by superior performance in individual and collective actions.
Conclusion I
This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.
NRC Safety Research Proaram The Committee discussed the results of its November 4-5,1997 Subcommittee meeting on the NRC Safety Research Program. The Committee made recommen-dations concerning the content of its proposed report to Congress on this subject.
Conclusion The Committee plans to discuss a draft report to Congress regarding the NRC Safety Research Program during its December 3-6,1997 meeting.
Severe Accident Manaaement The Committee heard a briefing by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) regarding the implementation and inspection of the severe accident management program (SAM). The staff presented the diverse approaches developed by industry owners groups for implementing the program and the plans for staffinspection of the program. The staff concluded that implementation of the program at each plant would be inspected and that accident management capabilities should be periodically exercised and updated. The NEl representative stated that inspection of the SAM program should evaluate performance.
The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson 4
o Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.
Staff Actions Related to the Develooment of a Revised Fire Protection Rule The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, NEl, and the Union of Concemed Scientists (UCS) regarding staff actions related to the development of a revised Fire Protection Rule.- The NRC staff -
explained that the responsibility for this rulemaking effort has been shifted from the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in accordance with the guidance provided in Direction Setting lasue 22. The staff plans to continue coordinating research activities necessary to complete longer term items and improve regulatory gu! dance in support of risk-informed efforts.
The NEl representatives expressed concem that the new rule would not necessarily improve safety and would not be consistent with a risk-informed, performance-based framework. However if the NRC proceeds with the rulemaking, the industry o
. will participate in the rulemaking process. Two of the major concems expressed by the UCS representative were that the NRC staff pursue the development of a "one-hazard /one rule" approach to fire protection and that the current regulation concoming the "noncombustability" standard for fire barrier penetration seals was inadequate.
Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations dated November 4,1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated September 10, 1997, concoming boiling water reactor pressure vessel shell weld inspection recommendations.
The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations dated October 23, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated September 15, 1997, conceming the staff response to ACRS comments on proposed Generic Letter and Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1074 conceming steam generator tube integrity.
l The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson 5
o The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations dated October 14, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the ACRS report dated September 10, 1997, concoming Draft Regulatory Guide 1069, " Fire Protection Program for Permanently Shutdown and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants."
The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for l
l Operations dated October 3,1997, responding to ACRS comments and recommen-dations included in the ACRS report dated September 11, 1997, concoming reporting reliability and avaliability information for risk-significant systems and equipment.
l The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.
i The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations dated October 28, 1997, responding to ACRS comments and
recommendations included in the ACRS report dated September 10, 1997, I
concerning the staff action plan to improve the Senior Management Meeting
The Committee plans to continue its discussion with the staff during future meetings.
OTHER RELATED ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMITTEE During the period from October 3 through November 5,1997, the following Subcommittee meetings were held:
o Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment - October 21-22,1997 The Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) met with the NRC staff to discuss the use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related regulatory decisionmaking process and the proposed final Standard Review Plan sections and Regulatory Guides for risk-informed, performance-based regulation.
e Plannina and Procedures - November 5,1997
The Honorable Shirley Ann.lackson 6
The Planning and Procedures Subcommittee discussed proposed ACRS activities, practices, and procedures for conducting Committee business and organizational and personnel matters relating to ACRS and its staff.
e Safety Research Program - November 4-5,1997 The Subcommittee on the Safety Research Program met with representatives of the NRC staff, the Nuclear Energy Institute, and the Electric Power Research Institute to discuss the NRC Safety Research Program, industry research activities, and related matters and gather information for preparing a draft annual report to Congress.
LIST OF FOLLOW-UP MATTERS FOR THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS The Committee considered the draft Regulatory Guide DG-1029, Revision 1.7, e
" Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-Related l&C Systems," and decided to review it after reconciliation of public comments.
e The Committee plans to continue its review of the NRC regulatory effectiveness program once the plan is completed. The Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness stated that the NRC staff would consider reviewing events to identify the rules and regulations that provided either intervention or mitigation of the events.
e The ACRS Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs plans to expedite its revie' of the AP600 design assuming the staff provides a complete and high-quality w
Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER) with no safety-significant open items by May 1,1998. In addition, the staff is expected to provide the relevant draft FSER
' chapters to the ACRS before each Subcommittee meeting held prior to May 1, 1998.
e The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal plans to review staff activities regarding license renewal implementation issues and industry guidelines on January 23,1998.
e The Committee plans to continue its review of the Senior Management Meeting (SMM) process. The ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations plans to review the staff proposed changes to the SMM process on February 3,1998.
The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson 7
The Committee agreed to consider the following during-the 447th ACRS Meeting, December 3-6,- 19g7:
Emeroency Core Coolina System Strainer Blockana - The Committee will hear presenta-tions by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the staff's Safety Evaluation Report on the BWR Owners Group Utility Resolution Guidance for emergency core cooling system suction strainer blockage and related matters.
Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Cord-lrwr.ent Heat Removal Pumos - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the ACRS concems associated with the proposed final Generic Letter on Assurance of Sufficient Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Pumps.
NRC Performance Plan - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with the Chief Financial Officer and a representative of the Office of the Executive Director for Operations regarding the NRC's Performance Plan.
ACRS Reoort to Conaress on the NRC Safety Research Proaram - The Committee will hold discussions with the NRC staff, as needed, regarding the NRC Safety Research Program. The Committee will also discuss a proposed ACRS Report to Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program.
Prooosed Revisions to 10 CFR 50.59. Changes. Tests. and Exoeriments The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed revisions to 10 CFR 50.59 and related matters.
Proposed Generic Letter on Interim Guidance for Uodatina Final Safety Analysis Reoorts -
The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed Generic Letter on interim Guidance for Updating Final Safety Analysis Reports.
Meeting with Commissioner Dieus - The Committee will meet with NRC Commissioner Dicus to discuss items of mutual interest, including the NRC Safety Research Program, use of PRA in the regulatory decisionmaking process, elevation of core damage frequency to a fundamental Safety Goal, and health effects of low levels of ionizing radiation.
Prooosed Final Revision i to NUREG-1022. " Event Reporting Guidelines." 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73.- The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final revision to NUREG-1022.
Pronosed Final SRP Chanter 19 and Raoulatorv Guide DG-1061 for Risk-Informed
- Performance-Based Reaulation. including Use of Uncertainty Versus Point Values in the
f The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson 8
i PRA-Rela +ed Decisionmakina Process - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed final SRP Chapter 19, Regulatory Guide DG-1061, and use of uncertainty versus point values in the PRA-related decisionmaking process.
Ooeratina Events at Oconee Nuclear Power Plant Units 1. 2. and 3 - The Committee will I
hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the results of the investigation performed by Augmented inspection Teams of the June 20 and 23 events at the Oconee Nuclear Station involving failure of the emergency electrical power supply, and of the April 22,1997 event at Oconee Unit 2 that involved inoperability of the high pressure injection pumps.
Canability and Acolication of the EPRI CHECKWORKS Code - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) regarding the capability and application of the EPRI CHECKWORKS Code.
Sincerely, 7
Y R. L. Seale Chairman m