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Summary of 449th ACRS Meeting on 980302-04 in Rockville,Md Re Items Listed in Attached Agenda
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/15/1998
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-3097, SECY-98-001-C, SECY-98-1-C, NUDOCS 9905210089
Download: ML20206S287 (38)



Date Issued: 4/15/98 pnp Date Signed: 4/23/98 rM Tl IE INUTESOFTHE449THACRSMEETING TABLE OF CONTENTS MARCH 2-4,1998 Eaae 1.

Chairman's Reoort (Open)..................................

1 II.

Draft Commission Pacer on Modified Anoroach for Fire Protection Rulemaking (Open)...............................

1 ll1.

Final Rule for Reauirements for Shinoino Packnaes Used to Transoort Vitrified High-Level Waste (Open)....................

2 IV.

Risk Ranking Anoroach for Motor-Operated Valves (Open).........




SECY-98-001. Mechanisms for Addressina Generic Safety iss ues (Open)............................................

4 VI.

Elevation of CDF to a Fundamental Safetv Goal and Possible Revision to the Safetv Goal Poliev Statement (Open)..............

4 Vll.

Prooosed Final SRP Sections and Reaulatorv Guides for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Reaulation and


Related Matters (Open).....................................

7 Vill.

Prooosed Commission Definition of Several Conceots Related_t2 Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Regulation (Open)............

8 IX.

Prooosed imorovements to the Senior Manaaement Meetina Proce ss (Open)...........................................

9 X

Reoort of the Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Open)......................................

10 XI.

Executive Session (Open)..................................

11 A.

Reports, Letters, and Memoranda ACRS Comments on Draft Paoer on Risk-Informed.

Performance-Based Regulation (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 11,1998) g 9905210089 980415


D 3097 PDR


@ O-y' f PDR ACRS

  • g;;r 5 DISIGNA7r3 onIcI3.Ar 4L D j

Certified By _

e Risk-Rankino Acoroach for Motor-Ooerated Valves (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 12,1998)

Prooosed Final Standard Review Plan Sections and Regula-torv Guides for Risk-informed. Performance-Based Regulation for Inservice Testing. Graded Quality Assurance. and Techni-cal Soecifications (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chaim1an, ACRS, dated March 12, 1998)

Prooosed imorovements to the Senior Management Meeting Process (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 13,1998)

SECY-98-001. Mechanism for Addressing Generic Safety issues (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 16,1998)


Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations C.

Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Held on March 3,1998 (Open)


Future Meeting Agenda l

l e




Federal Register Notice ll.

Meeting Schedule and Outline lit.



Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities V.

. List of Documerits Provided to the Committee i



ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS MARCH 2-4,1998 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 449th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held at Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on March 2-4, 1998. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the I

items listed in the attached agenda. The meeting was open to public attendance. There were no written statements nor requests for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.

A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Geiman Building,21201 (Eye) Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.


[ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd.,1250 l Street, N.W., Suite 300, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.]

ATTENDEES ACRS Members: Dr. Robert L. Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A. Powers (Vice-Chairman),

Dr. George Apostolakis, Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr.

Don W. Miller, Dr. William J. Shack, Dr. Robert E. Uhrig and Dr. Graham Wallis. [Dr.

Apostolakis and Dr. Wallis were absent on March 2,1998. For a list of other attendees, see Appendix 111.]


CHAIRMAN'S REPORT (Open) l (Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Robert L. Seale, Committee Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He highlighted for the attention of the Members to several speeches by NRC Commissioners and to the withdrawal of a rulemaking package on an inadvertent criticality requirement. He also suggested that Members review the agenda of the Regulatory Information Conference, scheduled for April 14-15,1998, and consider attending this conference.



(Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

The Committee heard briefings by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and the National Fire Protection

a y

e 449th ACRS Meeting -

2-i March 2-4,1998 Association (NFPA) regarding a draft Commission papei proposing options for

- various approaches to performance-based fire protection rulemaking.

The NRC staff stated that no safety significant fire protection issue exists that is outside the current requirements. The staff presented three options: (1) continue the risk-informed, performance-based effort to replace existing fire protection requirements and develop a comprehensive regulatory guide that will provide prescriptive and risk-informed, performance-based attematives for compliance with the new rule: (2) develop a comprehensive regulatory guide that will consolidate the existing requirements, and work with the NFPA and the industry to develop a risk-informed, performance-based consensus standard for fire protection; and (3) maintain existing fire protection regulations and guidance.

NEl expressed concem that the new rule was neither needed nor necessary to

. assure or improve safety. NEl supports staff Option 2 above. The NFPA technical committee for the performance-based standard plans to work with the NRC staff to develop a fire protection standard.

Conclusion The Committee plans to review the staff's proposed options in future ACRS meetings.



[ Note: Mr. Noel F. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Kress, Chairman of the Regulatory Policies and Practices Subcommittee, stated that the staff, in response to a rulemaking petition from the Department of Energy (DOE), proposed amending 10 CFR 71.63, "Special requirements for plutonium shipments," to include an exemption from the double packing requirement for plutonium contained in vitrified high-level waste. He noted that Dr. Powers had provided the staff a list of questions conceming the basis for the proposed amendment. Dr. Powers recommended that justification for transportation rules be risk informed.

Dr. Susan Shankman, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS),

explained the certification process for transportation packages and the design of a typical shipping canister. She stated that the basis for accepting the DOE petition



- 449th ACRS Meeting 3

March 2-4,1998 was a comparison between irradiated reactor fuel elements, which are exempted from the rule, and vitrified high-level waste. Dr. Shankman summarized the number of shipments expected from four production sites.

Mr. William Lake, DOE, explained that one reason for initiating the rulemaking petition was to determine the design requirements for vitrified waste storage and shipping casks. He described the purpose of the' canisters and the acceptance j

requirements for the vitrification of high-level waste.

The ACRS Members, NRC staff, and Mr. Lake discussed the following items:

the use of analogy to justify rulemaking, storage and transportation risk analyses, e

design-basis accident and acceptance criteria for canisters, e

nonremovable contamination on canisters, e

assurance of the adequacy of new canister designs, e

the need to specify loads in order to'use ASME design criteria, e

. organizational responsibility for the quality assurance of the canisters, public perception of storage and shipping activities, and e

comparison of risk between operating reactors and transportation activities.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. The Committee expects to review and comment on any future rulemaking activities concerning transportation of radioactive materials.



[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

The Committee heard briefings by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the risk-ranking approach for motor-operated valves (MOVs).

The staff discussed the efforts of both the staff and industry to resolve the issues raised in Generic Letter (GL) 89-10, " Safety-Related Motor Operated Valve and Surveillance," and GL 96-05, " Periodic Verification of Design Bases Capability of Safety-Related Motor Operated Valves." The staff and industry efforts have led to substantial increases in the reliability of MOVs under flow conditions for design basis accidents. Virtually all licensee responses to GL 89-10 have been closed and


449th ACRS Meeting 4

March 2-4,1998 1

a long-term resolution of this issue is expected through GL 96-05. This progress has been made possible, to a large extent, through close cooperation between the staff and the licensees it was apparent that both recognized the significance of this important safety issue.-

i Conclusion The Committee issued a report to the Commission, dated March 12,1998, on this matter.



[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

The Committee heard briefings by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding SECY-98-001, Staff Requirements Memorandum 951219A

" Briefing on Mechanisms for Addressing Generic Safety lasues (GSis)." The staff

. described the progress that has been made in the prioritization and resolution process. The staff stated that it had encouraged NMSS to evaluate and assign priorities to NMSS-related GSis to ensure consistency of prioritization with reactor-related GSis which are administered by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) and prioritized according to risk in accordance with the process described in NUREG-0933. The staff also stated that requests are submitted annually to the Regions, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), and the Office for

. Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) to determine if recent operational events warrant reassessment of GSis previously classified as " low"in the GSI process.

Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated March 16,1998, on this matter.



[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion

. of the meeting.]


y a

449th ACRS Meeting 5

March 2-4,1998 q

Dr. Apostolakis, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (RPRA), introduced the topic to the Committee. He noted that the Subcommittee had met with the staff on February 20,1998, to discuss the issues associated with elevation of core damage frequency (CDF) and possible revision to tne Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement.

NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Thomas King, RES, and Scott Newberry, NRR, led the discussion for the NRC staff. The staff discussed the following points during its presentation:

The staffs plan and approach for assessing the need to revise the Safety Goal Policy.

Past ACRS letters and views regarding these matters.

The staffs Commission paper SECY-97-208, which lists pros and cons of elevating CDF to a fundamental goal.

Issues identified for modification from the risk-informed, performance-based regulatory guidance development effort include the use of Safety Goals for plant-specific applications; definition of large, early-release frequency (LERF); and development of a methodology for consideration of uncertain-ties.

Significant points made during the discussion include:


Concerns noted since publication of the Policy Statement include:

Neither of the present quantitative health objectives (QHOs) provides a quantitative measure of risk, Goals and QHOs are described in terms of health risks. However, no goal is established for land contamination.

QHOs are expressed in terms of average annual frequencies. There is, however, a question whether a specific goal on risk should be applied for temporary plant configurations.

The relationships between defense-in-depth, adequate protection, use of PRA, and Safety Goals need better definition.

Possible benefits of revising the Safety Goal Policy include providing a clear foundation for current staff practices associated with risk-informed regulation; u

k ~ :.

A 449th ACRS Meeting 6

i March 2-4,1998 improving consistency, coherence, and communication; and improving safety.

Possible drawbacks to revising the Policy include the reallocation of staff resources, which would otherwise be used to review risk-informed changes to the current licensing basis; the lack of need for a revised Policy to resolve current safety issues at the plants; and possible unintended effects not yet anticipated.

The staff expects to submit its plan and approach to the Commission by March 31,1998. In this paper, the. staff plans to inform the Commission that there is no urgency to' revising the Policy and to request approval for issuance to solicit public comment before recommending action to the Commission.

The Committee and staff extensively discussed the benefits and drawbacks of elevating CDF. Dr. Apostolakis expressed the view that preventing core damage was a fundamental goal because core damage was unacceptable even if there were no offsite release affecting the public. However, he noted that elevating the i

numerical value of CDF may not be the best approach because of possible misconceptions about the safety of plants. The staff stated that all plants exceeding the Commission's' Safety Goals meet adequate protection in that they are in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Dr. Apostolakis stated that 10'8 CDF/ reactor-year appears to be a good numerical value for quantitatively defining adequate protection or an upper limit for nonacceptance. Dr. Kress stated that the QHOs define "how safe is safe enough" and suggested that there was no need to i

quantify adequate protection.

The Committee and staff extensively discussed the benefits and drawbacks of revising the Policy. The staff stated that thero was no urgency to revising the Policy but noted that there would be some benefit in establishing a revised statement to provide consistency and continuity to the risk-informed regulatory process. Dr.

Seale stated that it was more important to revise it properly than urgently.

Dr. Apostolakis questioned the issue of land contamination and how it fit into the Policy. Dr. Kress stated that it is an important issue and suggested that LERF provides a good surrogate for land contamination. However, Dr. Kress noted that it would likely be over specified if all possible sources of dose were considered. The staff stated that land contamination should be considered in a possible revision to

.the Policy.-

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449th ACRS Meeting 7

March 2-4,1998 Conclusion


The Committee decided to continue its discussion during a future ACRS meeting.



[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Dr. Apostolakis, Chairman of the RPRA Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee. He noted that the Subcommittee had met with the staff on February 19, 1998, to discuss the Standard Review Plan (SRP) sections and regulatory guides for risk-informed, performance-based inservice testing (IST), technical specifications (TS), and graded quality assurance (GQA).

blRC Staff Presentation Mr. Thomas King, RES, led the discussions for the NRC staff. Messrs. David Fischer, NRR, and Brad Hardin, RES, presented IST. Messrs. Michael Cheok and Gareth Parry, NRR, provided supporting discussion. Mrs. Nanette Gilles, NRR, and Roy Woods, RES, presented TS. Mr. Millard Wohl, NRR, provided supporting discussion. Mr. Robert Gramm, NRR, and Steven Dinsmore, RES, presented GQA.

Mr. Roy Woods, RES, provided supporting discussion. The staff discussed the following points during its presentation:

' _ Changes to the SRP sections and associated regulatory guides in response to public comments, ACRS Subcommittee comments, lessons-leamed from the pilot plant reviews, and from internal NRC review.

Each SRP section and regulatory guide was modified to be consistent with

' Regulatory Guide 1.174 and SRP Chapter 19 (General Guidance). Specific changes include modifications to the key principles and associated guidance for integrated decisionmaking.


The GQA pilot for the South Texas Project was approved on November 6,

- 1997. Other pilot applications are still under staff review.

The staff requested a letter from the ACRS supporting approval of the subject documents for use.


l h



449th ACRS Meeting 8

March 2-4,1998 j

. With respect to GQA, Dr. Apostolakis questioned why the Regulatory Guide focuses on safety functions rather than components. He stated that it would be desirable to perform an analysis at the component level and provide importance measures.

The staff stated that a large number of components under the quality assurance program are not modeled in PRA.- Dr. Apostolakis stated that the documents should identify the reasons individual items are not modeled or were othenvise screened out.

- At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Apostolakis stated that the guidance for GQA does not take full advantage of the information that PRAs provide. He did, however, acknowledge that redirecting the focus of the Regulatory Guide would result in a major reorganization of the subject document, which may not be appropriate at this time.

Conclusion The' Committee provided a report to Chairman Jackson, dated March 12,1998, on this matter.




[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)

Dr. Apostolakis, Chairman of the RPRA Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee. He noted that Chairman Jackson had provided her draft " white paper,"

dat6d February 20,1998, to the Committee requesting comments on the proposed 1

definitions contained therein. He stated that the purpose of this paper was to define and clarify several concepts related to risk-informed, performance-based regulation,

. Including the traditional approach; risk, risk assessment and risk insights; risk-based; risk-informed; performance-based; and risk-informed, performance-based.

Dr. Apostolakis stated that Dr. Kress had taken the initiative to develop some preliminary comments and recommendations for consideration by the Committee.

The Committee discussed the subject paper and developed a redlined version with suggested comments and recommendations.


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' 449th ACRS Meeting 9

March 2-4,1998-Conclusion

~ The Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson, dated March 11,1998, on this matter.



_ (Note: Mr. Paul A. Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of


the meeting.]-

Introduction Mr. Barton, Chairman of the Plant Operations Subcommittee, introduced this subject to the Committee. He noted that the staff would address the following topics with regard to the proposed improvements to the Senior Management Meeting (SMM) process: the Integrated Review of Assessment (IRA) process, economic indicators and their use, and the plant performance template. With regard to discussion of the -

template, AEOD would respond to previous questions on this matter posed by ACRS Members.

NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Michael Johnson and Timothy Frye, NRR, provided details of the status of the IRA Team effort to create an improved and less resource-intensive assessment i

process for commercial nuclear ' power plants.

Items discussed included:

fundamental assumptions and key differences from the current assessment i

process, concepts for the' proposed new integrated assessment process, the integration and coordination of this process with the SMM improvement effods, and the schedule for completing the IRA.

During discussion, NRR noted that changes have been made to the ratings and definitions to be used in the plant performance template. Dr. Powers questioned the staff regarding.the lack of specific objective statements to support the NRC staffs assumptions regarding the assessment process. Dr. Apostolakis asked when the staff would provide a report that details the Assessment Decision Logic Model to be used. The staff stated that a paper on this matter will be issued in May or


Information on the development of the plant performance template was provided by Mr. Richard Barrett, AEOD. He provided an overview of the development of the i

s s

449th ACRS Meeting 10 March 2-4,1998 template and responded to previous questions on this matter from ACRS Members.

AEOD noted that the template is a work-in-progress, and that the NRC staff wants to seek public comment on the revised assessment process before it has taken positions with regard to the specifics of the program. Dr. Apostolakis requested that the ACRS be afforded advance notice as to when the staff will hold public workshops on the new assessment process.

Mr. William Raughly, AEOD, discussed the pros and cons for use of financial indicators in the revised assessment process. While the NRC staff concluded that economic indicators can provide information useful to the assessment process, they recognized the problems associated with their use. A trial program is underway.

In response to Dr. Powers, who opined that use of indicators is not beneficial, Mr.

Raughly noted that the staff's assessment of plant financial indicators is held in-camera.

In response to Mr. Barton, NRR noted that representatives from Headquarters will participate in the Regional deliberations of plant assessments in order to ensure consistent results among the Region Offices.

Conclusion The Committee prepared a report to Chairman Jackson, dated March 13,1998, on this matter.



[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]

Dr. Apostolakis, Chairman of the RPRA Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee. He stated that the Subcommittee had met on February 19-20,1998, to discuss the proposed final SRP sections and regulatory guides for IST, TS, and GQA; elevation of CDF to a fundamental safety goal; a draft Commission paper being prepared by RES on performance-based regulation; and industry-initiated pilots to develop full-scope PRAs.

Dr. Apostolakis noted that industry participation in the Subcommittee's deliberations was good. He stated that representatives from NEl, Southern California Edison, Texas Utilities, and Arizona Power Supply made presentations to the Subcommittee regarding the pilots for risk-informed, performance-based IST, TS, and GQA. He

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449th ACRS Meeting 11 March 2-4,1998 noted that NEl also discussed industry initiatives to develop standards for PRA quality and Owners' Group efforts to certify probabilistic safety assessments. He also noted that a representative from Performance Technology had discussed the j

use of OHOs and described industry efforts to develop full-scope PRAs.



[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)


Reports and Letter REPORTS i

ACRS Comments on Draft Paoer on Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Regulation (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 11,1998)

Risk-Ranking Acoroach for Motor-Ocerated Valves (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 12,1998)

Prooosed Final Standard Review Plan Sections and Regulatorv Guides for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Regulation for Inservice Testing. Graded Quality Assurance. and Technical Soecifi-cations (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L.

Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 12,1998)

Prooosed imorovements to the Senior Management Meetino Process (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 13,1998)

LETTER SECY-98-001. Mechanism for Addressing Generic Safety Issues (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated March 16,1998)


449th ACRS Meeting 12 March 2-4,1998 B.-

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for 1

Operations, dated February 24,1998, to ACRS comments and recommen-


dations included in the ACRS report dated November 13,1907, conceming the proposed -Generic Letter, " Loss of Reactor Coolant Inventory and Associated Potential for Loss of Emergency Mitigation Functions while in a Shutdown Condition."

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO response.


Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee



The Committee heard a report from Dr. Seale and the Executive Director, ACRS, on the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on March 3,1998. The following items were discussed:

i 1.


A continuing issue impacting the Committee's ability to carry out its


mission to provide timely advice to the Commission is the handling of j

predecisionalinformation. The Federal Advisory Committee Act and the Sunshine Act do not provide exemptions for handling pre-decisional information and there is little allowance legally to close meetings to review predecisionalinformation. The ACRS can review and discuss predecisional papers if the papers are publicly available.

1 The problem arises when the paper is not publicly available and the Committee would like to review and comment on the issue prior to its going to the Com, mission. As a result of a recent problem involving a review by the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste of a proposed rulemaking options paper, the Chairman's Office has asked the Office of the General Counsel to develop a paper on the process for advisory committees to review predecisional information.

The Committee will have an opportunity to comment on this process paper when available.


PREPARATION OF PAPERS FOR THE QUADRIPARTITF MFETING During the February 1998 ACRS meeting, the Committee decided which Members would travel to Japan in October 1998. Consistent

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449th ACRS Meeting 13 f

March 2-4,1998 with ACRS practice, the papers to be presented at the Quadripartite Meeting should be reviewed by the full Committee prior to the meeting.

RECOMMENDATION Because the ACRS is not scheduled to meet in August 1998, the papers should be submitted to the Committee for review prior to the July 1998 meeting. The Subcommittee recommended that papers for the Quadripartite Meeting be drafted and submitted to the Committee for consideration at the July 1998 meeting.


UPDATE TO THE FY 1998 ACRS OPERATING PLAN During the February 1998 ACRS meeting, Dr. Seale requested that each ACRS Subcommittee Chairman submit a list of planned subcommittee milestones and performance measures. All of the requested information was submitted by February 27,1998 and was incorporated into a revised draft Operating Plan. This revised Plan 1

will be discussed during the full Committee meeting and provided to all ACRS members for comment at the end of the 450th ACRS meeting. The final version of the Operating Plan is due to the Commission on or before March 8,1998 (See Handout).

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Members review the Operating Plan and provide any comments by March 6,1998. In particular, the last 3 pages of the report should be discussed during the March 2-4, 1998 ACRS meeting.


ACRS NEW MEMBER SOLICITATION A Federal Register Notice (FRN) and Press Release (PR) were issued last month soliciting candidates for membership on the ACRS.

The FRN and PR solicit individuals with backgrounds in Plant Operations and/or PRA. The closing date of the solicitation is mid-March 1998. To date, the ACRS has received 10 applications, some of which are from previous applicants.

F x

l, 449th ACRS Meeting 14 l

March 2-4,1998 f

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1 5.

130-DAY LEGAL LIMIT FOR SPECIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOY-l EES ACRS members are Special Government Employees (SGE) and as such have a limit of 130. legal days that they can work without incurring a potential change to regular government employee status.

The ethics regulations for regular government employees are l

substantially more restrictive than for SGEs. Any part of a day a member spends on ACRS business is counted as a legal day.

Consequently, some members are projected, based on time reported l

since the beginning of this fiscal year, to exceed this 130-day limit i

prior to the end of the fiscal year. Members in this situation will receive a letter so notifying them within the next 30 days.


The Subcommittee recommended that members be notified of their remaining legal days as soon as possible, and to be notified again in July 1998.



l Dr. Powers suggested that Amarjit Singh be authorized to attend a Fire Protection meeting in Germany on December 8-10,1998 and in j

Santa Fe, New Mexico on March 22-25,1998 (see attached).

RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that Amarjit Singh attend both the meeting in Germany and the meeting in Santa Fe and that he present a paper at the meeting in Germany.

The Committee approved travel for Mr. Singh to attend both meetings.


Future Meeting Agenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 451st ACRS Meeting, April 2-4,1998.

The 449th ACRS meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 4,1998.


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8698 Federal Register / Vel. 63, No. 34 /Frid'y, February 20,1998 / Notices a

supplemented on July 31 and October development and operation of an will hear presentations by and hold 31,1997, which are available for public electronic information management discussions with repmsentatives of the inspection at the Commission's Public system, known as the Licensing Support NRC staff regarding a modified Document Room,The Gelman Bv! ding, System (LSS), for the storage and approach to fire protection rulemaking.

2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC, retrieval ofinformation relevant to the The Nuclear Energy Institute and other and at the local public document room Commlulon's future liceasing industry representatives may provide located at the Florida International proosoding for a sologic apository for their views, as appropriate.

University, University Park, Miami,

. b disposal of level radioactive 20:30 AR-28. 0 Noon:FinalRulefor Florida 33199.

waste. Memben p on the panel Requirementsfor Shipping Packges Deted at Rockville, Maryland, this 11th dey consists of spresentatives of the State of Used to Transport Vitrified High@ vel offebruary,39es.

Nevada, Nye County Nevada, a coalition Waste (Open)--The Committee will hear Fw the Nuclear Regulatory r n-mi.Jan oflocal counties of Nevada and Prenntatlons by and hold discussions Frederick J.Mabden.

California adjoining Nye County, the with mpresentatives of the NRC staff pj,,,,,,p,j,c,pj,,,,,,,,,g.3,gjyj,jo,,f National Congress of American Indians, regarding the reposed finalrule for 3,,c,,, Offim ofNuclear the Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force, requirements hipping cka m actorRegulation.

the nuclearindustry, DOE, NRC and used to transport vitrified high-level (FR Doc. 96-4323 Filed 2-19-es: 8:45 am]

other agencies of the Federal waste.

Government which have experience 2:00 PR-2:30 FX:RiskRanking with large electronicinformation APProochforMotor-Operated Valves management systems.

(Open)-The Committee will hear NUCLEAR REGULATORY POR PURTHER WORMaMON CONTACTt John Presentations by and hold discussions COMMISSION C. Hoyle, Office of the Secretary, U.S.

with. representatives of the NRC staff Nuclear Regulatory Commission, agarding risk ranking approach for Lloonsing Support System Washington, DC 20555: telephone 301-

"y,737.M 415-1 M 25 SECf-es-002, Advloory Review Penel Mechanismfor Addressing Generic PUGUC PARDCIPATION: Interested persons AosNCv: Nuclear Regulatory may make oral presentations to the Sofetyissues (Open)-The Committee Commission.

Panel or file written statements.

will hear pasentations by and hold ACnoN: Notice oflomtion for public Requests for oral presentations should discussions with representatives of the meeting be made to the contact person listed NRC staff regarding SECY-96-001.

4:25 PR-6:30 FX:Prepamtion of 8

88 8

  • n" #

C8 M

AN Reports (Open).- The Cantninae siamaa nty: As announced earlier (63 FR tha appmpriate arrangements can be will discuss reposed ACRS mports on 6968),the Licensing S em Advisory Review Panebort S 28 8-SA )will matters con dered during this meeting.

, hold its next meeting on February 24 Dated: February

Tuesday, March 3,1998 and 25,1998,in Las Vegas, Nevada. No ) ha c. Boyle, y

,jy location for the meeting was given at.

Secreeary Remarks b the ACRS Chafrman that time.It is now bein announced (FR Doc. 98-4221 Filed 2-19-08: 8:45 em)


ACRS Chairman willmakh that the meeting will be old in the suena ones*

Great Basin Room (A106) of the U.S.

opening mmarks agarding conduct of Department of Energy's ofSen at 232 bmuu[n Energy Way, North Las Vegas, Nevada.

NUCLEAR REGULATORY g;35 s 20:00 AM: Elevation of The meeting will be o n to the public COMMi&SION CDFto arundamentalSafetyGoaland Possible Revision to the Safety Goal Act

. I.

63 86 Stat.

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8 D8

'QM p

,,,tions by I-and hold discussions with AGENDA:The meeting willbe held from In accordance with the purposes of representatives of the NRC staff.

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, sections 29 and 182b. of the Atomic regarding staff actions plated to February 24, and from 8:30 a.m. to 10 Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,2232b), the elevotion of the CDF to a fundamental c.m., as needed, on Wednesday, Advisory Committee on Rasctor safety goal and modifying the Safety February 25,1998.The purpose of the Safeguards will hold a mooting on Goal Policy. '

Inseting is to discuss amendments March 2-4,1998,in Conference Room 20:25 AR-22:25 PR: Proposed proposed by the Nuclear Regulatory T-2B3,11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, FinalSRPSect!ons and Regulatory Commission (NRC) to its regulations Maryland. The date of this meeting was Guides for Risk-informed, Performance.

c:ncerning the design and operation of previously published in the Federal Based Regulation and Related Matters the Licensing Support System (LSS).

Register on Thursday, November 20 (Open)-The Committee will hear The proposed amendments were 3997 (62 FR 62079).

presentations by and hold discussions published in the Federal Register on with re[ustry regarding proposed final resentatives of the NRC staff November 13,1997 (62 FR 60789).The Monday, March 2,1998 and in time period for comments on the a:30 AR-8:45 AR: Opening Standard Review Plan sections and proposed amendments expires on Remarks by the ACRS Chairman Regulatory Guides for risk-informed, March 30,1998.

(Open)--The ACRS Chairman will make. perforinance-based agulations SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:The opening remarks agardlag conduct of including applications for technical Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) the meeting.

speciScrions, graded quality assurance, established the LSSARPin 1989 to '

s:45 AR-20:25 ARrDraft.

and inservice testing.

provide advice and recommendations to Commission Paper on Modified 1:25 PR-2:45 PR: Report of the the NRC and to the Department of ApproachforFire Protection Subcommittee on Bellobilityand Energy (DOE) con:erning the design, Rulemaking (Open)-The Committee Probabillstic Risk Assessment (Open)-


f.ederal 8-f=*er/ Val. 63, N2. 34/Frid:y, February 20,1998/Noticos 8697 The Committee will'heer a sport by the Pi dums for the conduct of and Chairman of the Reliability and *


participation in ACRS meetings were Dated: February 13,1998.

Probabilistic Risk Assessaient Subcommittee regarding matters publianed in the Federal Register on -

Jehm C Iseyle, ounsidered during the February 19-20, September 4,1997 (62 FR 46782).In ActingA*fsory& " Manassment officer.

accordance with thne procedums, oral SPM:Paporation of.

(FR Doc. es-4220 Fued 2-19-et; 845 aml 5P SR will con [ueits n)-Re Committa ' members o p b c. lac) acussion of osed representatives of the nudsar industry, electronic recordings will be permitted NUCLEAR REGULATORY

"[i g

U only during the open portions of the condh418880N a

meeting, and questions may be asked Wadmandey, Marnh 4,1998, 8:30 AX-8J5 AX: Opening only by members of the Committee.its. IDocket Nea.80 448, N 804 80-st3}

Remarks bythe ACRS Chairman consultants. and statf. Persons desiring to make oral statements should notify Northeast Utmties; nellistone Nuclear i

(Open)-The ACRS Chairman will make Dr. Medhal M. El.Zeftawy, Acting Chief Power Station, Units 1,2, and 3 rpeningmmarks regarding conduct of of the Nuclear Reactors Branch, at Inst Haddom Neck Plant;lasusnoe o,f the meeting.

  1. JSAM-20:00AX: Proposed Ave days before the meeting,if possible, Director's Decialon Under 10 CFR -

.fmprovements tothe Senior so that appropriate arrangements can be 2.306 Managemenf Meeting Procas (Open}- made to allow the necessary time during The Committee will hear prwentations. the meeting for such stetementa. Use of Notice is herob given that the by and hold discussions with still, motion picture, and television Director, OfBoo ofNudear Reactor MPasentatives of the NRC staff cameras during this meeting may be Regulation,has issued a director's limited to selected portions of the decision with agard to a Petition dated Senior Management Meeting process.regarding proposed improvements to th* meeting as Cizek, hereinafter refarmd to as 20:25 AM-20J0 AK:Econelliation. Information agarding the time to be set " Petitioner." The Petition pertains

' ^

aside for this purpose may be obtained eco ed ons(


bycontacting the Actin Chief of b the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2, and 3, and the Haddam Neck th NR Ff t1 sDi ect r me ting. view of e sib tythat The Petitionerrequested that the Operations (EDO) to comments and the schedule for ACRS meetings maybe NRC:

recommendations induded in recent adjusted by the Chairman as C4

1. Within 30 caknder days of rocsivina a ACRS m orts and letters' R to facilitate the conduct of the muting, total of thrw heense viokuons from the U.S.

20J0 AR-22:25 AK:

11 of the ommittee ' persons planning to attend should check Nuclear Regulatory CammWlon INRCl Pl;nnindoned)-The Committee will andProcedures Su with the Actin Chief of the Nuclar d"'g"8 8"Fj8jYl P*riod. Ine8Pectiw of the i


haar a sport of the Planning and Reactors Branc ifsuch roscheduling (dufyNub ed$r s""

Procedures Subcommittee on matters would result in major inconvenience.

sess then so d.ys an7 mot more Niso not rel:ted to the conduct of ACRS businessIn accordance with subsection 20(d)ders.

agenda for the planning, meeting, and Publiclaw 92-463 Ihave determined

2. Wihcakader days dreceiving a Qanizatio alan rsonnelmettars that it is neces ' to close portions of taal em vi suons d toNort 2, i

ting this meeting no above to discuss

}P co8.b ee


[Neee: A on of this session may be matters that relate solely to the internal

" 3 closed to d se organissuomal and pert >onnel rules and practices of this irmpecun of the viokuonlevel, the rsonnel matters that relate solely to the operatinglicense of the facLhty shallbe gtemal personnel rules and pmetims of this Advisory Committee per 5 U.S.C.

suspended for a period of not less than to 552b(c)(2) and to discuss information Advisory Committee, and Information the the release' of which would constitute a days and not more than too days,

3. Within 30 calendar de orreceiving a release of which would constitute a clearly]

clearly unwarrantedinvasion of totalof three violauons of t e UFSAR unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

22:25 AM-22:00 Noon: Future ACRS personal privacy per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6). (Updated Final Safety Ana the INRC) during any [kvearl period.

ActMries(Open)-The Committee will Further information regarding topics irmpecun of the vioktfon new1.the discuss the recommendations of the to be discussed, whether the meeting SPersting licem of the inci!! shaU be Planning and Procedures Subcommittw has ban canceled or rescheduled,the MPup"d fw a p daot

&an M regardingitems proposed for Chairman's ruling on requests for the

    1. $thsn35mder$ys g

consideration by the fullCommittw opportunity to present oral statements ceiving any hamsment. intimidsuon and discrimination 2

PX-5M and the tirne allotted therefor, can be durgi futuremesp.hpmuttonof obtained by contacting Dr.Medhat M.

Rephtory Commission, the US Department

("HI&D"] finding by the US Nucker ACRSReports (Ogen)-The Committee El Zeftswy, Acting Chief of the Nuclear d ubw, or any Isltate w (Fjederal out of will continue its nascussion of roposed Reactors Branch (telephone 301/415 Comp 8f#tluthdied n.Oe Persung Umm ACRS reports os matters conal ered 6889), between h30 AM and 4:15 P.M.

of the faciUty shall be suspended for a of not less than 90 days and not mass P

.5L Miscellaneous (Open)-The Committee will discuss neetin agenda, meeting

. within (5)yeen ofa Ucense matt:rs related to the conduct of transcripts, and etter reports are "Pe onbes on p phsj 4

Committee activities and matters and.. on the internet at http1/www. arc. gov /evallable for bov g


,p Ucem vlokuons from ee (NRCl.

spectBc issues that were not completed ACRSACNW.

trmp cuve of the viohtlon kw!: moelves a during previous meetings, as time and total of thm violations of to Cnt Part 50 cvailability ofinformation permit.

locluding all app!! cable appendless. from the INRC), irrespectlve d violation lowl:

e 9


  • [







onenina Remarks by the ACRS chairman 1)

'8:30 -

(open) 1.1) Opening Statement. (RLS/JTL) 1.2) Items of current interest.

(RLS/JTL) 1.3) Priorities for preparation i

of ACRS reports. (RLS/JTL) l 3

'7 2) 8:45 - 10:15 A.M.

Draft Commission Pacer on Modified Aceroach to Fire Protection Rulemakine (Open) (DAP/AS) 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute regarding a draft Commission paper proposing options for various approaches to fire protection rulemaking.

Additional rgpresentatives of the

-l nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

7 9

10:1) - 10:30 A.M.

      • BREAK ***

1 t

II ; So A. M. J 3) 10:3p - 13s46 Noen Final Rule for Recuirements for Shineine Packaoes Used to Transoort Vitrified Hich-Level Waste (Open) (TSK/NFD) 3.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

i 3.2)

Briefing by and discussion with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final rule for requirements for shipping packages used to transport vitrified high-level waste.

13e90 -

li ts P.M.

      • LUNCE***

-j" fo rtobns of the # " E'

cr n

2 of J2 4)

~ 1:M -

2:BS P.M.

Risk Rankina Aneroach for Motor-Doerated Valves (Open)

(REU/AS) 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

4.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding risk ranking approach for motor-operated valves.

Representatives'of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

I 22 2:3B -

2:45 F.M.

      • SREAK***

i 5) 2:45 -

4:15 P.M.

SECY-98-001. Mechanism for Addressino Generic Safety Issues (Open) (JJB/AS) 5.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

5.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff g, y. 3o P h. - 6d regarding SECY-98-001.

6) 4:$k hbh8 P.M.

Prenaration of ACRS Renorts (Open)

Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:

6.1) Draft Commission Paper on Modified Approach to Fire Protection Rulemaking. (DAP/AS)


7) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M.

Omanina Remarks by the ACRS chairman (Open) (RLS/JTL) 7.1) Opening Statement. (RLS/JTL) 8)

8:39 -

10:00 A.M.

Elevation of CDF to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Possible Revision to the Safety Goal Poliev Statement (Open) (GA/TSK/MTM) 8.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee-Chairman.

1 8.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding staff recommendations related to elevation of the CDP to a fundamental Safety Goal and modifying the Safety Goal Policy.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

10:00 - 10:15 A.M.

      • BREAK ***




Procesed Final SRP Sections and 35-9)
10:15 - 11:36 P.M.

i Reculatorv Guides for Risk-Informed.

Performance-Based Reculation and Related Matters (Open) (GA/MTM) l 9.1)

Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.


Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding. proposed final Standard Review Plan Sections and Regulatory Guides for risk-informed, performance-based regulation including individual applications for technical specifications, graded quality assurance, and inservice testing.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.



10) 11:35 - 12:M P.M.

Procesed Commission Definition of-Several Conceots Related to Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Reculation (Open) (GA/MTM)

The Committee will discuss a draft Commission paper that attempts to define and/or clarify several concepts related to risk-informed, performance-based

, regulation.


1:15 P.M.

      • LUNCE***



11) 1:15 -

1:45 P.M.

Renort of the Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Aggg.asment (Open) (GA/MTM)

Report by the Chairman of the Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment Subcommittee regarding matters considered during the February 19-20, 1998 meeting.

7:00 P.M. ) Preparation of ACES.. Escorts (open) 2S' K

12)- 1:M -

(5:30-5,45 BREAK)

Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:

2:40 2too 12.1) Draft Commission Paper on Modified Approach to Fire Protection Rulemaking. (DAP/AS) 12.2) Elevation of CDP to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Possible Revision to the Safety Goal Policy Statement. (GA/TSK/MTM) 12.3) Proposed Final SRP Sections and Regulatory Guides for Risk-Informed,-Performance-Based Regulations. (GA/MTM) 6 4



4 WEDNESDAY. M_18CN 4, 1998. COhrx-mrCE ROOM 2B3, TviO h iTR FLINT NORTH, ROCKVIr,t w,


I 13) 8:30 -

8:35 A.M.

Onenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) (RLS/JTL) 13.1)

Opening Statement. (RLS/JTL) 11 '. 1 0 14) 8:35 - be=40 A.M.

Pronosed imorovements to the Senior Manacement Meetine Process (Open)


D - ' O ' ##

j.t 14.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

14.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed improvements to the Senior Management Meeting process.

Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.

i.mii0 1ressito T

14400 - 11baai5 A.M.

      • BREAK ***

181 to ll

  • 20
15) !ttt=%5 - 14TSO A.M.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Open) (;RLS, et al./

JTL, et al.)

Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports and letters.

16) 10 ;$C - 11:35 A.M.

Recort of the Plannino and Procedures 3

Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)

Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to l

the conduct of ACRS business, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.

[ Note:

A portion of this session may


be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)

3D so i

17) 11:25 - 12:00 Noon Future ACRS Activities (Open) (RLS/JTL)

Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.

10 IO 12 : en -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCE***

r 5


'18) 1:00 -

8ese P.M.

Prenaration of ACRS ReDorts (Op3n)

(3 : 00-3 15 BREAK) 18.1) Draft Commission Paper on Modified J

Approach to Fire Protection Rulemaking. (DAP/AS) 18.2) Elevation of CDF to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Modifying the Safety Goal Policy. (GA/TSK/MTM) 18.3) Proposed Final SRP Sections and Regulatory Guides for Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulations. (GA/MTM) 18.4) Proposed Improvements to the Senior Management Meeting Process.

(JJB/MTM) 19) 0.00 -

.00 P.M.

Miscellaneous (

en) (


The Comm ttee w 11 dis uss ma ers related to the condue of Co ittee activi les a matte a and ecific issue that ere no compl ted during previ us me tings, as tim and availability of information permit.


Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.

The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

e Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.

i e




C. Holden, OCM/GD A. Hsia, OCM/NJD J. Mitchell, OEDO-

. D. Torso, NRR T. Scarborough, NRR D. Wessman, NRR S. Long, NRR S. Dinsmore, NRR L B. Marsh, NRR E. Connell, NRR B. Dennig, NRR J. Shapaker, NRR M. Marshall, NRR P. Kadambi, RES J. Jackson, RES J. Vora, RES F. Coffman, RES R. Emrit, RES

' F. Chemy, RES F. Young, NMSS L. Kokajko, NMSS M. Haisfield, NMSS P. Brochman, NMSS N. Osgood, NMSS

' J. Cook, NMSS K. Ramsey, NMSS S. Coplan, NMSS E. Brown, AEOD ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC R. Bielen, NFPA A. O'Neill,'NFPA F. Emerson, NEl P. Coukuv, Shaw, Pittman

'J. Dozier, NUS G.. Warren, SNC/BWROG M. Faman, RGE/Ginna S. Loehlein, WOG/Duquesne Light B. Bunte, BWROG/ Commonwealth M. Beaumont, Westinghouse C. Callaway, NE F. Winter, CEOG/BG&E D. Raleigh, Bechtel

y Appendix ill 2

449th ACRS Meeting NRC STAFF (March 3,1998)

T. Chan, OCM/GD C. Holden, OCM/GD P. Castleman, OCM/NJD A. Hsia, OCMINJD J. Mitchell, OEDO M. Caruso, NRR S. Newberry, NRR G. Parry, NRR S. Dinsmore, NRR M. Cheok, NRR R. Gramm, NRR M. Wohl, NRR K. Coyne, NRR S. Black, NRR D. Fischer, NRR J. Colaccino, NRR T. Scarbrough, NRR D. Terao, NRR V. Costello, RES J. Jackson, RES B. Harden, RES N. Siu, RES M. McNeal, RES F. Coffman, RES R. Emrit, RES F. Chemy, RES ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC T. Sutter, Bpchtel

~ M. Quint, ANSTO J. Fulford, NUS l



.-a Appendix lil 3

l 449th ACRS Meeting f

NRC STAFF (March 4,1998)

C. Holden, OCM/GD P. Castleman, OCM/NJD J. Mitchell, OEDO M. Johnson, NRR R. Borchardt, NRR T. Frye, NRR R. Frahm, NRR D. Taylor, NRR R.- Wood, NRR F. Gillespie, NRR R. Barrett, AEOD T. Wolf, AEOD

. A. Madison, AEOD W. Raughley, AEOD C. Rossi, AEOD G. Trager, AEOD J. Rosenthal, AEOD J. Persensky, RES A. Ramey-Smith ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC J. Dozier, NUS D. Raleigh, Bechtel H. Fontecilla, VA Power


..- t APPENDIX IV: FUTURE AGENDA The Committee agreed to conskler the following during the 450th ACRS Meeting, March 5-6,1998:





e g




MARCH 5-7.

1998 22BTRSDAY,. MARCH 5.


8:45 A.M.

Onenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (open) 1.1) Opening Statement. (RLS/JTL) 1.2) Items of current interest.

(RLS/JTL) 2)

8:45.- 10:30 A.M.

Strateav for the Develoement of the NRC Research Procram (Open) (DAP/MME) 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES), concerning the systematic research process, methods used to identify research topics and agency goals and programs that require support.

10:30 - 10:50 A.M.

      • BREAK ***

3) 10:50 - 12:00 Noon Prioritization of Research Needs (Open)

(DAP/AS) 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

3.2) Briefing by and discussion with representatives of the NRC RES staff regarding the methods used to prioritize research needs.

Validation and justification of the prioritization methods should be provided.

12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

I 2

j s

4) 1:00 -

2:00 P.M.

Core capabilities (Open) (DAP/NFD) 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

4.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC RES staff regarding the expertise and core capabilities needed to respond to future needs; explain how these needs were identified and how they affect the research program.


2:00 -

3:00 P.M.

Confirmatory Research Activities (Open)

(DAP/MME) 5.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

5.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC RES staff regarding the processing of user need requests and identification of the research activities that are confirmatory in nature.

3:00 -

3:15 P.M.

      • BREAK ***

6) 3:15 -

5:00 P.M.

Anticinatory Activities and severe Accident Research (Open) (DAP/TSK/PAB) 6.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

6.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC RES staff regarding the identification of each research activity that is anticipatory in nature.

6.3) Discussion of the current activities and remaining needs especially in light of the drive toward risk-informed regulation and the estimation of LERF.

7) 5:00 -

5:30 P.M.

Committee Discussion Period (Open)

(DAP/MME) 7.1) Significant observations.

7.2) Questions and topics needing further exploration.


8:35 A.M.

Ooenine Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 8.1) Opening Statement. (RLS/JTL)

h, 3


S:35 -

9:30 A.M.

IPE and IPEEE Proiects (Op:n) (GA/MTM) i 9.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.

9.2) Discussion with the NRC RES staff regarding what utility can be made of the IPE and IPEEE results.

10) 9:30 - 10:30 A.M.

Commissioner Nils J. Diar (Open)



Commissioner Nils J. Diaz will discuss l

items of mutual interests with the ACRS.

10:30 - 10:50 A.M.

      • BREAK ***


11) 10:50 - 12:00 Noon Deferred Research (Open) (DAP/MME) l 11.1) Opening Remarks by the l

Subcommittee Chairman.

l 11.2) Briefing by and discussions with I

representatives of the NRC RES i

l staff regarding the risk significant and vulnerabilities i

of. agencies programs and goals and research that is needed but is not being done.

12:00 -

1:00 P.M.

      • LUNCH ***

12) 1:00 -

5:00 P.M.

Discussion of Research needs by the appropriate Subcommittee Chairmen.

i Fire Protection Subcommittee (DAP/AS)

I Reactor Fuels Subcommittee (DAP/MME)

Regulatory Policies and Practices (TSK/NFD)

IEC and Electrical Systems (DWM/MTN)

Plant Operations, Auxiliary and Secondary Systems (JJB/AS) i Human Factors (GA/NPD) l Materials and Metallurgy (WJS/NPD)

Thermal Hydraulics and Severe Accidents (TSK/PAB)

Plant License Renewal (MHF/MME)

Reliability and PRA (GA/MTM) l 1


Continue discussion of Research needs by the appropriate Subcommittee Chairmen.

Fire Protection Subcommittee (DAP/AS)

Reactor Fuels Subcommittee (DAP/MME)

Regulatory Policies and Practices (TSK/NFD)


4, i

e i-IEC cnd Electrical Syctcm3 (DWM/MTM)

Plent Oparctions, Auxilicry and Secondary Systems (JJB/AS)

Human Factors (GA/NFD)

Materials and Metallurgy (WJS/NFD)

Thermal Hydraulics and Severe Accidents (TSK/PAB)

Plant License Renewal (MHF/MME)

Reliability and PRA (GA/MTM)


e Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.

The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.

Number of copies of the presentation materials to be e

provided to the ACRS - 35.


i i




[ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. ' These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.]


1 Ooenina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman 1.

Items of Interest, dated March 2-4,1998 [ Handout]

2 Draft Commission Paoer on Modified Anornach for Fire Protection Rulemakina 2.

Performance-Based Fire Protection,' dated March 2,1998, presented by Edward A.



Further Industry Perspectives on Fire Protection Rulemaking, dated March 2,1998, presented by Fred Emerson, Nuclear Energy institute [Viewgraphs]


Presentation by the National Fire Protection Association, dated March 2,1998, presented by Anthony R. O'Neill and Richard P. Bielen [Viewgraphs) 3 Final Rule for Reauirements for Shinnina Packnoes Used to Transoort Vitrified Hiah-Level WR$11 5.

Final Rule to Amend 10 CFR 71.63-Plutonium Double Containment Exemption, dated March 2,1998, presented by Susan F. Shankman (Viewgraphs]


Part 71 - Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material, undated

[ Handout]


Risk Rankina Anoroach for Motor-Ooerated Valves 7.

NRC and Industry Activities to improve and Maintain Performance of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves, dated March 2,1998, presented by Richard Wessman and Thomas G. Scarbrough, NRR [Viewgraphs]


Risk Ranking Approach for Motor-Operated Valves, undated [ Handout]


'SECY-98-001. Mechanism for Addressino Generic Safety lasues 9.

SECY-98-001: SRM 951219A - Briefing on Mechanisms for Addressing Generic Safety issues, dated March 2,1998, presented by Ronald C.

Emrit, NRR

ee e r s

Appendix V 2

449th ACRS Meeting

[Viewgraphs) 10.

SECY-98-001: SRM 951219A - Briefing on Mechanisms for Addressing Generic Safety issues; NMSS Programs, dated March 2,1998 [Viewgraphs) 8 Elevation of CDF to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Possible Revision to the Safety Qgal Poliev Statement 11.

o tential Revisions to NRC's Safety Goal Policy Statement, dated March 3,1998, o

presented by Thomas L. King, RES, and Scott Newberry, NRR [Viewgraphs) 9 Prooosed Final SRP Sections and Reaulatorv Guides for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based Reau!ation and Related Matters 12.

Risk-informed Inservice Testing (RI-IST), dated March 3,1998 [Viewgraphs) 13.

Risk-informed Regulatory Guide for Graded Quality Assurance, dated March 3, 1998, presented by Roy Woods, RES, and Steve Dinsmore and Bob Gramm, NRR

[Viewgraphs) 14 Prooosed lmorovements to the Senior Manaaement Meetino Process 14.

ACRS Presentation on the integrated review of the NRC Assessment Process for Operating Commercial Nuclear Reactors, dated March 4,1998, presented by Michael Johnson and Timothy Frye [Viewgraphs) 15.

Responses to Questions Related to the Plant Performance Template, dated February 5,1998, presented by Richard J. Barrett [Viewgraphs) 1S. - Pros and Cons for Use of Financial Indicators, undated, presented by William S.

Raughley [Viewgraphs) 15 Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and RecommendatiQDA 17.

Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations [ Handout #15.1]

18 Reoort of the Plannina and Procedures Subcommittee l


Final Draft Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Meeting - March 3, 1998 [ Handout #16.1) 17 Future ACRS Activities 19.

Future ACRS Activities - 451st ACRS Meeting, April 2-4,1998 [ Handout #17.1)



I ju, e r i


2 Draft CGmm!==! n Panar on Madified Aoorant h for Fire Proinction Rn' makino 1.

Table of Contents l.


Proposed Schedule -


Project Status Report 4.

Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations (EDO), dated September 11,1997: Staff Requirements-SECY-97-127, Development of a Risk-informed, Performance-Based Regulation for Fire Protection at Nuclear Power Plants 5.

Letter from Richard P. Bielen. Chief Systems and Applications Engineer, National Fire Protection Association NFPA), to R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated November 7,1997.


Letter from Samuel J. Collins, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), to George D. Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer, NFPA, dated December 9,1997 l


Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations (EDO), SECY 96-062, dated March 7,1997: Strategic Assessment issue Paper: The Role of Industry (DSI 13) 8.

Letter from Ralph E. Beedle, Nuclear Energy Institute, dated December 11,1997:

Project Number 689 i


Handouts provided during the Subcommittee presentation at the 448th ACRS meeting -

3 Final Rule for Rannirernents for Shinnina Packmaan Used to Transoort Vitrified Hioh-Lava!

Wasta 10.-

Table of Contents 11.,

Proposed Schedule


Project Status Report 13.

10 CFR 71.63, "Special requirements for plutonium shipments" 14.

Memorandum from Dana A. Powers, ACRS Member, to N. Dudley (ACRS Staff) and T.

Kress (ACRS Member), undated: ACRS Review of Requirements for Shipping Packages Used to Transport Vitrified High-Level Waste (PRM-71-11) 15.

Memorandum from Donald A. Cool, Director, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS, to NRC Office Directors, dated January 16,1998: Final Rule: Requirements for Shipping Packages Used to Transport Vitrified High-Level Weste 4

Risk Ranking Approach for Motor-Operated Valves i

i f

4 L

Ao a r


a m


Appendix V g

449th ACRS Meeting q

l 16.

Table of Contents 17.

Proposed Schedule 18.

Project Status Report j


NRC Generic Letter 96-05, dated September 18,1996: Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves 20.

Letter from Thomas H. Essig, Division of Reactor Program Management, NRR, to Thomas J. Rausch, Chairman, Boiling Water Reactor. Owners' Group, dated October 30,1997: Safety Evaluation on Joint Owners' Group Program on Periodic Verification of Motor-Operated Valves Described in Topical Report NEDC-32719 (Revision 2) 21.

Letter from Brian W. Sheron, Director, Division of Engineering, NRR, to Kevin P.

~ Donovan, Chairman, Boiling Water Reactor Owners' Group, dated February 27, 1996:

BWR Owners' Group Topical Report NEDC 32264, " Application of Probabilistic Safety Assessment to Generic Letter 89-10 Implementation" (Revision g

2) j 22.

NRC Generic Letter 95-07: Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves, dated August 17,1995 l

5 SECY-98-001. Mechanism for Addressina Generic Safetv lasues 23.

Table of Contents 24.

Proposed Schedule 25.

Project Status Report 26.

Memorandum from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to NRC Commissiorn, SECY-98-001, 27.

Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to James M. Taylor, EDO, dated January 19,1996: " Staff Requirements - Briefing on Mechanism for Addressing Generic Safety issues 28.

Memorandum from James M. Taylor, EDO, to NRC Commissioners, dated April 30,-

1996, SECY-96-089: Comparison of Costs of Generic Requirements Estimated by

- - the NRC with Those Estimated by Industry: Staff Effort Expended on Generic Activities 29.

Memorandum from James M. Taylor, EDO, to NRC Commissioners, dated May 14, L

1996, SECY-96-107: Uniform Tracking of Agency Generic Technical issues 8

Elevation of CDF to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Possible Revision to the Safety Goal Pohey Statement 8

- 30.

Table of Contents 31.

Proposed Schedule-32.-

Project Status Report 33.

Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, dated October 16, 1997: Staff Requirements-SECY-97-208 - Elevation of the Core Damage Frequency Objective to a Fundamental Commission Safety Goal -


Memorandum from L.

Joseph Callan, EDO, to NRC Commissioners, dated September 12,1997: SECY-97-208: Elevation of the Core Damage Frequency l



.; v a n g(

L Appendix V J

l" 449th ACRS Meeting i

Objective to a Fundamental Commission Safety Goal 35.

Report from T.S. Kress, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated August 15, 1996: Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation and Related Matters

- 36.

Report from Robert L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, j

NRC, dated June 17, 1997: Proposed Staff Position Regarding inclusion of a Containment Spray System in the AP600 Design 37.

Letter from Joe F. Colvin, Nuclear Energy Institute, to Shirley Ann Jackson, J

Chairman, NRC, dated July 23,1997.



Memorandum from Commissioner Diaz to John Larkins, ACRS, dated October 8, i

1997: Safety Goal 39.

Memorandum from Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, dated July 2,1997: The Statement of Core Damage Frequency of 10d as a Fundamental Commission Goal 40.

Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement, effective 8/4/86 9

Prooosed Final SRP Sections and Renolatorv Guides for Risk-informed. Performance.

Based Reaulation and Related Matters 41.

Table of Contents 42.

Proposed Schedule

' 43.

Project Status Report 44.

Memorandum from M. Wayne Hodges, RES, and Gary M. Holahan, NRR, to John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated February 6,1998: Revised Drafts of Application-Specific Guidance Documents for Inservice Testing, Technical Specifications, and Graded Quality Assurance 45.

Report from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated March 17, 1997: Proposed Standard Review Plan Sections and

. Regulatory Guides for Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulation l


Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, Staff i

Requirements Memorandum SECY-97-229, dated October 30,1997: Graded Quality Assurance /Probabilistic Risk Assessment implementation Plan for the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 47.

Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, Staff Requirements Memorandum SECY-97-095, dated May 28,1997: Probabilistic Risk Assessment implementation Plan Pilot Application for Risk-Informed Technical Specification 14 Prooosed imorovements to the Senior Manaaement Meetina Process j

l 48.

Table of Contents 49.

Proposed Schedule 50.

Project Status Report 51.

Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, Staff l-f

S e. M

!s s2+

(D Appendix V


449th ACRS Meeting Requirements Briefing on Operating Reactors and Fuel Facilities, dated February 10,1998 52.

Consultant's Report from Jay Carroll for February 3,1998 Subcommittee meeting (predecisional, prior approval required for release) 53.

Draft Commission Paper, received February 18,1998, from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to NRC Commissioners: Update on the Status of the Integrated Review of the NRC Assessment Process for Operating Commercial Nuclear Reactors (predecisional, prior approval required for release) 54.

Memorandum from John C. Hoyle, Secretary, to L. Joseph Callan, EDO, Staff Requirements Briefing on improvements in Senior Management Assessment Process for Operating Reactors, dated October 24,1997 55.

Memorandum from L.

Joseph Callan, EDO, to NRC Commissioners, dated December 19,1997: SECY-97-294: Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum of October 24, 1997, Regarding the Decision-Making Process at the Senior Management Meeting and the Benefits that the Process and the Watch List Provide in Terms of Public Health and Safety (M970919C) 56.

Report from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated September 10, 1997: Staff Action Plan to improve the Senior Management Meeting Process 57.

Memorandum from Joha T. Larkins to NRC Commissioners, dated September 11, 1997: ACRS Letter on the Senior Management Meeting Process, September 11, 1997 58.

Memorandum from George Apostolakis, ACRS Member, to John T.

Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated September 8,1997: ACRS Letter on the Senior Management Meeting 59.

Letter from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated October 28,1997: Staff Action Plan to improve the Senior Management Meeting Process 60.

Memorandum from Dana A.

Powers, ACRS Member, to John Barton, ACRS Member, undated: Plant Performance Assessment
