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Summary of 980602 ACRS Thermal Hydraulic & Severe Accident Phenomena Subcommitteemeeting in Rockville,Md Re GE Extended Power Uprate Program for Operating BWRs & NSP lead-plant Application for Power Uprate
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1998
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-3111, NUDOCS 9905210185
Download: ML20206S630 (5)


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The ACRS Subcomittee on Thermal Hydraulic Phenomena held a meeting on June 2.

1998 with representatives of General Electric (GE) Nuclear Energy, the Northern States Power Company and the NRC Staff. The purpose of this meeting was for the Subcommittee to review the GE extended power uprate Program for operating BWRs, and the NSP lead-plant (Monticello) application for a power uprate. The entire meeting was open to the public for a total time of 9 hours1.041667e-4 days <br />0.0025 hours <br />1.488095e-5 weeks <br />3.4245e-6 months <br />, 15 minutes. Mr. P.

Boehnert was the cognizant ACRS staff engineer and Designated Federal Official for this meeting. There were no written comments or requests for time to make oral statements received from members of the public. The meeting was convened by the Subcommittee Chairman at 8:30 am, May 11,1998, and adjourned at 6:45 pm that day.

ATTENDEES ACRS Members /ACRS Consultants:

j i

T. Kress. Chairman R. Uhrig. Member J. Barton. Member G. Wallis, Member D. Fontana, Member I. Catton, Consultant D. Powers. Member V. Schrock, Consultant R. Seale. Member N. Zuber, Consultant W. Shack, Member P. Boehnert. DF0 i

GE Nuclear Enerav:

Northern States Power Co.:

l G. Sozzi M. Hamer gcg[

W. Marquino S. Hammer i.

m3 G. Eckert J. Bares D. Pappone D. Pribyl q

P. Riedel

, c.L M NRC Staff:

yn g T. J. Kim There were approximately 10-15 other members of the public in attendance at this meeting. A listing of those attendees who registered is available in the ACRS office files. Public participation during this meeting was limited to the presentations by the above named industry representatives.


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i T/,H Phen. Sub. Mtg.

2 June 2, 1998 The presentation slides and handouts used during the meeting are attached to the Office Copy of these Minutes. The presentations to the Subcomittee are


sumarized below.


T. Kress Subcommittee Chairman, convened the meeting; he had no opening



NRR Introductory Comments Mr. T. J. Kim NRR. provided introductory comments on the background of the GE power uprate program. Since 1992, 14 BWRs have received 5% power uprates under the initial program. Monticello is the lead-plant application under the GE extended power uprate program, whereas licensees, on an individual basis, will be seeking power uprates of between >5% to 20% of nominal power. Power uprates are being driven by the economics of the electric utility industry's pending deregulation.

E NUCLEAR ENERGY PRESENTATIONS GE provided presentations on the following topics:

  • Overview of initial power uprate Program and extended uprate Program
  • GE Topical Reports cn Generic Guidelines ("ELTR1") and Generic Evaluations ("ELTR2") supporting the extended uprate Program
  • Effect of extended uprate on plant performance parameters
  • Lessons learned from the 5% power uprate program GE maintains that extended uprate has little impact on most nuclear / safety operating parameters.

Increased power is obtained by flattening the radial core power profile. The " limit" of 20% for uprate was chosen based on the economics associated with necessary balance-of-plant modifications.

NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY (NSP) PRESENTATIONS Representatives of NSP discussed the following issues with regard to its application for a license amendment to increase core power by 6/3%:

A. Introduction B. Uprate Program Overview C. Design / Licensing Basis & Internal Audits


- T/jI Phen. Sub. Mtg.

3 June 2, 1998 D. Transient Analyses E. Accident Analyses F. IPE Results G. Conclusions NSP. performed its transient analyses assuming a. core power of 102% of the uprate value (1775 IWt). Accident analyses were performed at 1918 MWt (>6% of the

.uprate value) to demonstrate conservative results. A detailed PRA analysis was performed to assess the impact of the power uprate on plant risk. The analysis was'made assuming a core power level of 1870 !Wt. Level 1 and 2 reviews were conducted, external risks were evaluated, and, comparison was made with the acceptance criteria specified in Regulatory Guide 1.174. No new vulnerabilities

. ere identified, initiating event frequencies and equipment failure probabilities w

were unchanged. The impact on CDF for shutdown risk was negligible. Overall.

the change in plant risk due to uprate was determined to be acceptably small.

NRC STAFF PRESENTATIONS A sumary of the NRR review of the lead-plant (Monticello) power uprate application.was provided by Mr. T. J. Kim NRR. The scope of review and results'

.for key review issues (e.g., ECCS/LOCA evaluation, containment analysis, radiological consequences IPE, etc.) were noted. Two open items remain:

evaluation of the seismic qualification for the main steam lines and condenser (to allow credit for iodine plate out for the DBA radiological analysis), and, evaluation of. proposed technical specification surveillance requirements for the

! control room HVAC HEPA/ charcoal filter efficiencies. Pending satisfactory closure of the above two items.NRR finds the Monticello power uprate acceptable.

SUBCOMITTEE COMENTS AND CONCERNS Subcommittee Members and Consultants noted the following comments and concerns during the meeting discussions:

Noting that GE used its TRAC-G code to aid validation of its SAFER /GESTR

= codes Dr. Catton suggested that GE perform additional analyses, using TRAC-G, at the uprated power levels to confirm its' validation approach.


'NRR took an action to determine if AE0D has evaluated the risk implications e

associated with the need for increased control rod movements at uprated




t, T/HPhen,.Sub.Mtg.

4 June 2, 1998 Dr. Wallis asked that Northern States Power Company discuss its approach to plant " ownership" and' commitment by way of example in providing detail of its actions to resol _ve a particularly difficult issue that arose during the uprate review process. NSP comitted to discussing this matter during its presentation at the June 3 ACRS Meeting session.

The Subcomittee, noting that NSP calculated a peak suppression pool temperature value that is one degree below the stability limit (194*F vs 195'F), requested that the Licensee address the issue of insurance of adequate margin for the issue of suppression pool hydrodynamic loading during the June 3 ACRS Meeting discussion.

NSP was asked to address the issue of determination of cumulative core damage frequency during discussion of its PRA evaluation for the June 3 ACRS Meeting session.

SUBCOMMITTEE CAUCUS - OPEN The Subcommittee agreed that this matter should be brought before the ACRS for its review. Dr. Kress requested written reports from the Consultants on the Meeting discussion topics. The Subcommittee Chairman requested presentations from representatives of GE Nuclear Energy, the Northern States Power Company and the NRR staff before the full Comittee on June 3,1998.

BACKGROUND MATERIAL PROVIDED TO THE SUBC0!HITTEE PRIOR TO THIS MEETING GELicensingT[calReport: " Generic Guidelines for General Electric 1.

Boiling Water Reactor Extended Power Uprate, NEDC-32424P, dated February j



GE Licensing Topical Report: " Generic Evaluations.of General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Extended Power Uprate, NEDC-32523P. dated March 1996

& Supplement 1. Volumes I and II, dated June 1996.


Memorandum to NRC, dated December 4, 1997: " Revision 1 to License Amendment Request Dated July 26, 1996 Supporting the Monticello Nuclear Generating i

Plant Power Rerate Program.


NRC Memorandum, dated July 25, 1997, transmitting Amendment 98 to Facility Operating License No. DPR-22:" Updated Analysis of DBA Containment -

Temperature and Pressure Response and Reliance on Containment Pressure to Compensate for Potential Deficiency in NPSH for ECCS Pumps During DBA."


T/H Phen,. Sub. Mtg.

5 June 2, 1998 l

l 5.

Memorandums, both dated July 16, 1997, from Northern States Power Company titled: " Request for Information Regarding MNGP License Amendment Dated June 19, 1997", and " Response to Request for Additional Information regarding Revision 2 to MNGP License Amendment dated January 23, 1997."

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Memorandum, dated May 14, 1998 from E. Adensam, NRR, to J. Larkins ACRS, transmitting NRC Staff Safety Evaluation of Lead Plant (Monticello)

Application (Draft).


Memorandum, dated May 18, 1998 from E. Adensam, NRR, to J. Larkins, ACRS, transmitting NRC Staff Position Concerning GE Licensing Topical Report NEDC-32523P.


ACRS Letter, dated September 17, 1992.


General Electric Nuclear Energy Power Uprate Program / Fermi, Unit 2 Power Increase Request.


-NOTE: Additional details of this meeting can be obtained from a transcript of this meeting available in the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, Washington, D.C. 20006, (202) 634-3274, or can be purchased from Ann Riley

& Associates, LTD., 1250 I Street, Suite 300, Washington, D.C.

20005, (202) 842-0034.
