ML20206S252 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05200003 |
Issue date: | 05/14/1998 |
From: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
To: | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
References | |
ACRS-3102, SECY-97-225-C, NUDOCS 9905210080 | |
Download: ML20206S252 (44) | |
a Date Issued: 5/14/98 Date Signed:
CHAIRMAN'S R EPORT (Open)..............................
1 II.
PERFORMANCE-BASED REGULATION AND RELATED MATTE R S (Open).........................................
2 lll.
AP600 D ESIG N (Open)....................................
4 IV.
5 V.
6 VI.
7 Vll.
9 Vill.
12 IX.
14 X.
15 XI.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Open)..............................
16 N
Letters, and Memoranda j)\\
'f OW 6
Plans to increase Performance-Based Acoroaches in Reaulatorv Activities (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Opera-tions, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated April 9,1998) 1T U' '
L WG '
9905210080 980514 q
- ~ ",.l g*,
o 3102 PDR
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
l l
The Safety Asoects of the Westinahonae Electric Comoany Anolica-I tion for Certification of the AP800 Plant Dasian - Interim Letter 2 (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
MEMORANDA Proposed Final Generic Letter. " Year 2000 Readiness of Comouter Systems at Nuciaar Power Plants"(Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
Prooosed Rulemakina: Changes to Paragraoh (h) of 10 CFR 50.55a.
" Codes and Standards" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Direc-tor, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
Draft Commission Paner. " Status of the Environmental Qualification Task Action Plan" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, 'NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Direc-4 tor, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations C.
Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Held on April 1,1998 (Open)
Future Meeting Agenda ii
Federal Register Notice 11.
Meeting Schedule and Outline Ill.
Attendees IV.
Future Agenda and Subcommittee Activities V.
List of Documents Provided to the Committee
" ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS APRIL 2-4,1998 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND The 451st meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was held at Conference Room 2B3, Two White Flint North Building, Rockville, Maryland, on April 2-4, l
1998. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss and take appropriate action on the items listed in the attached agenda. The meeting was open to public attendance. There were no written statements nor requerts for time to make oral statements from members of the public regarding the meeting.
A transcript of selected portions of the meeting was kept and is available in the NRC Public Document Room at the Gelman Building,21201 (Eye) Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
[ Copies of the transcript are available for purchase from Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd.,1250 l Street, N.W., Suite 300, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.]
ACRS Members: Dr. Robert L. Seale (Chairman), Dr. Dana A. Powers (Vice-Chairman),
Dr. George Apostolakis, Mr. John Barton, Dr. Mario H. Fontana, Dr. Thomas S. Kress, Dr.
l Don W. Miller, Dr. William J. Shack, Dr. Robert E. Uhrig and Dr. Graham Wallis. [For a list of other attendees, see Appendix Ill.)
[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the l
Dr. Robert L. Seale, Committee Chairman, convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. and reviewed the schedule for the meeting. He drew the attention of the Committee to a speech by Chairman Jackson on the management and disposition of nuclear weapons materials. He also noted that the dates for the October ACRS meeting might have to be adjusted to allow members to travel to Japan for the Quadripartite j
Meeting and reminded Committee members to ensure that travel reservations to l
Japan are made promptly.
I l
4 451st ACRS Meeting 2
l April 2,-4,199$
[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
4 t
l Dr. George Apostolakis, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Reliability and I
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (RPRA) introduced the topic to the Committee. He l
stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the draft Commission paper, j
" Plans to increase Performance-Based Approaches in Regulatory Activities." This paper addresses the staff's proposed plan for increasing, when appropriate, the use of performance-based approaches to regulation. This paper is also intended to provide early input to the development of Strategy 5 of the NRC Excellence Plan.
I j
NRC Staff Presentation l
Mr. Joseph Murphy, RES, provided a brief presentation to the Committee. He noted that the staff previously met with the ACRS Subcommittee on November 13,1997, and February 20,1998, to discuss issues related to performance-based regulation.
The staff discussed the following points during its presentation:
Performance-based regulation should focus on evaluating the acceptability of outcomes or results. Desired outcomes include: improved health and l
safety, cost effectiveness, efficiency, and increased confidence with non-l prescriptive methods.
The regulatory focus should be on monitoring effectiveness and corrective actions.
Key attributes of a performance-based regulatory system include: measur-able, calculable, or observable parameters; quantitative or qualitative i
objective performance criteria; licensee flexibility in meeting criteria, and maintaining adequate safety margins.
l Major changes to the draft Commission paper since the February 20,1998 briefing, include the recognition that performance-based approaches are not a panacea for all regulatory activities and the development of a plan that is strongly based on Strategy 5 of the NRC Regulatory Excellence Plan.
Strategy 5 is intended to develop a process and identify candidate issues for improving the effectiveness of rules, regulatory guidance, and their application, t
1 451st ACRS Meeting 3
J April 2:4,1998 I
The staff is proposing this to be an agency-wide initiative which considers reactors, waste, and materials program and licensing areas. Elements of the H
plan include: stakeholder input, data collection and analysis of information,
screening of regulatory activities, and follow-up activities leading up to and j
including final resolution.
-l Drs. Apostolakis and Wallis questioned the staff view that regulations in 10 CFR Part 20 to maintain exposures as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) are performance-based. Dr. Powers, Dr. Seale, and Mr. Barton supported the staffs position and stated that Al ARA may represent a very good example of goal-oriented or performance-based regulation. Dr. Apostolakis suggested that the regulations should ensure that core damage frequency (CDF) is maintained as low as is reasonably achievable. He stated that the ideal performance-based system would be at a high level or as close to the quantitative health objectives (QHOs) as i
possible. Dr. Apostolakis also suggested that a research project be initiated in this area. The staff stated that it would be good to do such research, but noted that there may be some difficulty in obtaining funding relative to other research priorities.
Dr. Wallis questioned the objectives and milestones for completion. In particular, he questioned whether they could be more specific. The staff stated that they expect to receive considerable input from stakeholders and suggested that the disparity in responses will likely result in more specific objectives and milestones for the various groups or types of licensees.
The Committee requested copies of the related Staff Requirements Memoranda (SRMs), a copy of Strategy 5, and the transcript from the Commission briefing on fire prntection. These documents were provided to the Committee during the meeting. The Committee also requested a follow-up discussion with the staff regarding these matters. Mr. Murphy provided detailed discussion and answered questions during a meeting session on April 3,1998.
Conclusion The Committee provided a letter to the Executive Director for Operations dated April g,1998, on this matter.
4 i
451st ACRS Meeting 4
April 23,1998 111.
AP800 DESIGN (Open)
[ Note: Mr. Noel F. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Mr. John Barton, Chairman of the Advanced Reactor Designa Subcommittee, noted that the Subcommittee had met with representatives of Westinghouse Electric Company and the staff for the past day and a half to discuss AP600 Stindard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) Chapters 2,9,10,12,13 (the security section only),
and 15, and the associated draft Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER) chapters.
Mr. James Winters, Westinghouse, described the design elements in SSAR Chapter 9, " Auxiliary Systems," that are different from past practices. He identified the different components and subsystems described in SSAR Chapter 10 " Steam and Power Conversion," and presented the design bases and analyses results contained in SSAR Chapter 12, " Radiation Protection." He concluded that these SSAR chapters are adequate to support the AP600 design certification.
l Mr. Brian McIntyre, Westinghouse, presented the design information contained in SSAR Chapter 2, " Site Characteristics." He exp!ained the advantages of the proposed security design described in SSAR Chapter 13, " Plant Operations." Mr.
McIntyre explained the regulatory requirements and criteria for loss-of-coolant analyses and presented the analyses results and conclusions, which are contained in SSAR Chapter 15, " Accident Analyses."
He described the radiological consequences analysis contained in Chapter 15 and explained the differences in the analysis from the methodology and criteria used for current operating plants.
Mr. Thomas Kenyon, NRR, stated that the staff had completed its review of the SSAR Chapters under discussion and had identified no open items.
The Committee Members, staff, and Westinghouse discussed the following:
calculation of site-specific atmospheric dispersion factors; security design restrictions that may adversely effect safety; assumptions used in calculating the design basis source term; assumptions used in estimating the containment leak rate; and clarity of exposition and intelligibility of the SSAR and FSER.
- 1 i
'451st ACRS Meeting 5
April 2,-4,191)8 Conclusion l
l The Committee issued a letter to the Executive Director for Operations, dated April 9,1998, on this issue.
l IV.
[ Note: Dr. Medhat El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Omcial for this portion of the meeting.]
The ACRS met with the NRC Commissioners on April 2,1998, and discussed the i
i following topics-Senior Management Meeting Process 1
Proposed Revision to the 10 CFR 50.59 Process
_ Risk-informed, Performance-Based Regulation, including the Use of PRA in l
i the Regulatory Decision Making Process Status of the AP600 Review Other issues on the agenda but not discussed were:
Shutdown and Low-Power Operation i
NRC Safety Research Program License Renewal Fire Protection Rulemaking These issues would be considered at the next meeting between the Commission 1
and the ACRS.
451st ACRS Meeting 6
April 2-4,1998 i
[ Note: Mr. Paul A. Boehnert was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
Introduction Dr. Kress, cognizant ACRS Member, introduced this topic to the Committee. He noted that the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) was tasked with evaluating the impact of the use of the new source term for operating plants. This new source term was developed by the staff, as a result of insights gained from I
severe accident research programs, and documented in NUREG-1465, " Accident Source Terms for Light-Water Nuclear Power Plants".
Dr. Powers recused himself from participation in this session, due to conflict-of-interest concerns. Dr. Kress declared himself in conflict with a portion of the discussion pertaining to use of the TRENDS code, and development of specific values cited in NUREG-1465.
NRC Staff Presentation Details of the source term rebaselining program and the current work status were presented by Mr. C. Ader, RES. In discussing the background, Mr. Ader said that NRC will proceed with rulemaking, subsequent to completion of the rebaselining work, to allow operating plants to make use of the new source term.
The rebaselining effort is designed to develop an understanding of the impacts of implementing the revised source term for operating reactors. The work will proceed in four Phases, in which design basis accident dose calculations will be made with various assumptions for plant operational parameters pursuant to the: Safety Evaluation Report requirements (Phase 1), Final Safety Analysis Report require-ments (Phase 11), updated source term (Phase 111), and proposed plant changes (Phase IV). At present, RES has completed approximately 70% of Phase 111.
Preliminary evaluations of the change to plant risk with use of the revised source term show little impact for such parameters as: containment leak rate, spray operation, filtration systems, and reactor building drawdown time.
In response to Dr. Miller, RES staff said that no " cliffs" have been seen in using the i
NUREG-1465 source term. Dr. Seele inquired as to the impact of the new source term on spent fuel pool risk during shutdown operations. Dr. Kress opined that the 1
.451st ACRS Meeting 7
April 2-4,199S 1
source term for this item would be of the same magnitude, but the release timing would be significantly different (~seven days vs hours).
Mrc R. Emch,- NRR, discussed the status of the rulemaking plan for use of the revised source term. The current schedule calls for a Proposed Rule and i
Regulatory Guide (R.G.) to be submitted for Commission review in July 1999. The Final Rule and R.G. would be submitted for review in February 2000. Five i
licensees have applied to make use of the new source term under a Pilot Plant project, in order to gain some regulatory relief in the near term. These applications are under review and should be completed by the end of this year.
Dr. Seale asked if any licensees have applied for relaxation of,statt times for the emergency diesel generators. NRR said that none have been received to date, but such applications are expected. The staff indicated that approval of such requests may be granted, absent a detailed submittal.
I Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.
[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Dr. George Apostolakis, Chairman of the RPRA Subcommittee, introduced the topic to the Committee. He stated that two past Committee letters had recommended that core damage frequency (CDF) be elevated to the same level as the quantitative health objectives (QHOs). He noted that the Committee had reviewed these matters during the March 2-4,1998 ACRS meeting. Dr. Apostolakis stated that a Subcommittee meeting is planned for April 16,1998, to continue discussion of issues related to the elevation of CDF and possible revision to the Commission's Safety Goal Policy Statement. The Subcommittee previously met with the staff on February 20,1998, to discuss these matters.
451st ACRS Meeting 8
' April 2-4,1991)
NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Thomas King and Mark Cunningham, RES, and Gary Holahan, NRR, led
the discussion for the NRC staff. The staff discussed the following points during its presentation:
The draft Commission paper, " Modifications to the Safety Goal Policy Statement."
Issues under consideration for possible rsvision to the Policy Statement include:
Elevating CDF to a fundamental goal, Defining a societal risk goal, Establishing a goal with respect to potential land contamination or environmentalimpacts, and Establishing a goal on risks during temporary plant configurations.
Other clarifications on the role of Safety Goals include:
Definition of goals on "how safe is safe enough,"
Relationship between Safety Goals and recent risk-informed regulatory activities, Use of Safety Goals to define " adequate protection,"
Relationship between Safety Goals, PRA, and defense-in-depth, and Discussion of Regulatory Analysis Guidelines metrics for screening issues.
Staff conclusions include:
An immediate update of the Policy Statement is not needed to address current issues.
Changes are needed to make the Policy Statement consistent with current practice (e.g., plant-specific application of Safety Goals, treatment of uncertainties in plant-specific decisionmaking, and removal of the plant performance guideline for large releases).
The impact related to materials licensees needs further study.
Staff resources needed to update the Policy Statement may be better allocated to other activities in the near future.
Modification to the Policy Statement should be deferred one year.
451st ACRS Meeting 9
April 2-4,1998 1
The staff requested a Committee report regarding the subject draft Commis-sion paper and staffs proposal to defer revising the Policy Statement for l
about a year.
l Dr. Wallis questioned the meaning of CDF. Dr. Powers noted that it is considered the onset of core damage or the beginning of core melt. The staff stated that the goal in managing CDF is the prevention of core damage and stated that it is linked to the plant source term.
Dr. Apostolakis questioned the staffs view on the benefit of establishing a goal of 10d CDF/ reactor-year and a nonacceptance limit of 108 CDF/ reactor-year. The staff stated that establishing a numerical structure for decisionmaking is different from Safety Goals as they exist today. The staff added that the goal should be to make the reactors as safe as practicable. Dr. Powers stated that this may be asking more of the Safety Goals than was initially intended. He also suggested that consideration of CDF and Safety Goals may be unnecessarily complicated by issues such as land contamination. Dr. Fontana expressed the view that land contamination must be addressed. Dr. Krass stated that the purpose of the Policy Statement is to present the regulatory philosophy. He noted thet problems arise when philosophy is confused with requirements. Dr. Kress stated that the staff should avoid complicating the Policy Statement with an attempt to redefine adequate protection.
Conclusion The Committee plans to continue its discussion of this matter during the May 1998 ACRS meeting.
[ Note: Mr. Michael T. Markley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
i Dr. George Apostolakis, Chairman of the RPRA Subcommittee introduced the topic to the Committee. He stated that the Committee had reviewed the draft version of Standard Review Plan Section 3.9.8 and Regulatory Guide 1.178 (formerly DG-1063) in July 1997 regarding risk-informed inservice inspection (ISI) for piping. He stated that the staff would discuss the proposed final version of these documents and changes made in response to public comment during this meeting,
451st ACRS Meeting 10 April 2-4,1998 NRC Staff Presentation Mr. Thomas King, RES, and Gary Holahan, NRR, led the discussions for the NRC staff. Messrs. Jack Guttman, RES, and Jack Strosnider, NRR, provided supporting discussion.- Messrs. Goutam Bagchi, Syed Ali, and Stephen Dinsmore, NRR, also participated. The staff discussed the following points during its presentation:
The staff requested a Committee report supporting issuance of these documents for use by the industry and staff.
Thirteen responses were provided by the industry and public in response to the NRC solicitation for comment. Major comments include:
1 Most comnents were supportive of the SRP Section and associated Regulatory Guide.
There was a recommendation to specifically incorporate the method (qualitative) proposed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
There was a recommendation that the Appendices to the Regulatory Guide should be deleted. The subject Appendices provide for use of the method (quantitative) proposed by the Westinghouse Owners' Group /American Society of Mechanical Engineers (WOG/ASME).
The use of partial scope probabilistic risk assessments should be allowed.
Both EPRI and WOG/ASME have submitted Topical Reports supporting their approaches.
Key attributes of SRP Section 3.9.8 and Regulatory Guide 1.178 include:
Provide for an acceptable attemative per 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(l).
Allow for either quantitative or qualitative approaches.
Build on SRP Chapter 19 and Regulatory Guide 1.174 (General Guidance), industry topical reports, and the ASME Code Cases.
Allow changes to ISI methods, locations, and frequencies.
Allow partial scope submittals.
Do not allow elimination of ISI for Class-1 piping.
Remove references to the current licensing basis (CLB).
451st ACRS Meeting 11 April 2-4,1998 '
Industry Presentation Mr. Dennis Weakland, Duquesne Power Company, led the discussions for the WOG/ASME approach. Mr. Ken Balkey and Nancy Closky, WOG, and Mr. Emle Throckmorton, Virginia Power Company, provided supporting discussion. Industry representatives discussed the following points during their presentation:
A large number of plants are approaching their 10-year ISI interval and timely approval of a safety evaluation report (SER) approving the WOG/ASME Topical Report is needed.
Industry representatives contend that approval of the propeeed approach will result in significant savings in occupational raoiation exposure to workers and economic savings in outage completion time.
Additional industry interest is unlikely unless the Topical Report and/or SRP Section and Regulatory Guide are approved. There are no new pilot plants waiting to provide submittals.
WOG/ASME supports keeping the Appendices in the Regulatory Guide.
Messrs. Steve Gosselin, EPRI, and Patrick O'Regan, Duke Engineering and Services Company, provided discussion on the EPRI approach.
Industry representatives discussed the following points during their presentation:
EPRI supports the general guidance provided in the main body of SRP Chapter 3.9.8 and proposed final Regulatory Guide 1.178.
EPRI recommends the Appendices to Regulatory Guide 1.178 be deleted or that the level of detail be eliminated and more emphasis be provided on the principles and references.
There is greater uncertainty with the state-of-the-art for PRA modeling of piping for ISI than in most other risk-informed applications.
Less than full-scope PRAs should be permissible for limited scope applica-tions.
The use of expert opinion should not be framed as an alternative approach, but as a necessary part of any piping reliability assessment.
451st ACRS Meeting 12 April 2-4,1998 ASME has approved the Code Cases (N560, N577, and N578) for ISI.
Dr. Apostolakis questioned why the discussion of changes to the CLB was removed from the documents. The staff stated that the Office of the General Council (OGC had objected to its inclusion because it described CLB per 10 CFR 54 for license renewal versus the unique definition that exists for each current operating plant.
Dr. Apostolakis questioned why it was decided to remove the Appendices from the Regulatory Guide. He stated that the main body is not understandable without the Appendices. The staff stated that the Appendices were removed because they had not been fully tested at the pilot plants and that they were trying to be responsive to public comments. Dr. Apostolakis suggested that the staffintegrate some of the key points from the Appendices in the main body. The staff agreed to consider this suggestion.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Apostolakis suggested that the Committee prepare a report after the staff completes its revision of the Regulatory Guide and SRP Section to incorporate important information now provided in the Appendices.
The eff stated that the subject documents should be issued for trial use rather than issued as final guidance.
Conclusion The Committee deferred issuing a report on this matter, pending receipt of the revised SRP Section and Regulatory Guide. The Committee plans to continue its discussion of this matter during the May 1998 meeting.
[ Note: Dr. Medhat El-Zeftawy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
Former NSRRC member Dr. Neil Todreas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated that in 1988, the NSRRC was formed under the Federal Advisory Committee Act pursuant to a recommendation from the National Research Council. The National Research Council believed that the NRC Research Program lacked direction and a coherent and effective set of principles for organizing an integrated program of research. The National Research Council recommended that "the USNRC Director of Research must establish and maintain good, fundamental research practices, including... establishment of a strong advisory group' that
i 451st ACRS Meeting 13 April 2-4,199$
y includes independent experts from industry and academia, along with representa-tives of organizations performing research."
4 Dr. Todreas stated that the charter of the NSRRC included assessment of and recommendations concoming the following:
Conformance of the NRC nuclear safety research program to the NRC philosophy of nuclear regulatory research as stated in the Commission's Strategic Plan, and to specific Commission directions; Likelihood of the program meeting the needs of the users of research; Appropriateness of the longer range research programs and the correctness of theirdirection; Whether the best people are doing the work at the best places; whether there are other options, including cooperative programs, that would yield higher quality work, or otherwise improve program efficiency; and Whether the program is free of obvious bias, and whether the research products have been given adequate, unbiased peer review.
On a continuing basis, the NSRRC will provide advice to the Director of Research and through him the Commission, on matters of overall management importance in the direction of the NRC's program of nuclear safety research. The Re-search /NRC Safety Research Philosophy Statement included the scope and principles that govem the definition, planning, conduct, and use of research projects. The purpose of research is to provide independent expertise and information for timely regulatory judgments, and to anticipate problems for which new or expanded knowledge can assist the NRC in its mission.
The NSRRC's review and observations included the following :
Review of NSRRC membership NRC RES management Contractor selection Research product quality Research topic definition Dr. Todreas outlined some examples of NSRRC success, such as the focus on user needs, constructive dialogue with RES, and the concept of closure embedded at the
'451st ACRS Meeting 14 April y,1998 i-start of research projects that was achieved in issues such as aging and severe accident research. In addition, some research topics were reopened as a result of
- 4 NSRRC review (e.g., TMI-2 accident analysis and seismic hazard ). Some " failure"
- l examples are procurement process revision, management and organization of research, and RES personnel upgrades.
The Commission approved the transfer of the NSRRC function to the ACRS and instructed the ACRS to take an active role in reviewing ongoing research program activities, and to examine the need, scope, and balance of the reactor safety research program. The Commission also requested that the ACRS consider how well RES anticipates research needs and how it is positioned for the changing environment, and recommend whether the NSRRC function is still needed.
Dr. Todreas recommended that the ACRS consider the following:
Revise the Research Philosophy Statement Prioritize ( by group) areas for research emphasis Scrutinize criteria / practices for selecting individuals / organizations to conduct research with consideration given to quality, long term availability of
' the best performers, and intemal NRC procurement vehicles and their consequences.
Conclusion The Committee plans to develop its position and recommendation regarding the NSRRC function and issue a report to the Commission in May 1998.
[ Note: Mr. Amarjit Singh was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
The licensee presented the circumstances surrounding two incidents at River Bend Station involving a !oss of shutdown cooling. The first incident occurred during testing of the alternate decay heat removal (ADHR) subsystem, which resulted in
an inadvertent loss of shutdown cooling and caused the reactor coolant temperature to increase. The second event involving loss of shutdown cooling was caused by an inadvertent isolation of the shutdown cooling suction path, i
451st ACRS Meeting 15 f
April 23,1998
These events were caused by the inadequate operating procedures associated with the establishment and maintenance of shutdown cooling to include complete instructions to administratively protect key shutdown cooling paths. Rather, the licensee relied upon operators to be sufficiently knowledgeable of plant conditions
- and to take appropriate actions to protect the integrity of shutdown cooling.
The NRC staff presented its safety and regulatory conclusions regarding these incidents. The staff stated that the licensee failed to maintain adequate procedures associated with technical specifications and that these deficiencies resulted in enforcement action.
Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.
[ Note: Mr. Noel F. Dudley was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Mr. Ashok Thadani, Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness, Program Oversight, investigations and Enforcement, explained that the purposes j
of the Excellence Plan were to meet strategic plan commitments, provide strategies, contribute to proactive improvement, and develop a leadership tool to demonstrate issues of significance. He described the relationship between NRC strategic, performance, and excellence goals. Mr. Thadani explained the integration of the Excellence Plan with planning, budgeting, and performance management processes.
Mr. Thadani presented the three Excellence Plan goals and the strategies for implementing risk-informed regulation and for identification of candidate issues. He outlined the near-term activities associated with the Excellence Plan.
The Committee Members, Mr. Thadani, and the staff discussed:
1 the distinction between NRC and industry regulatory burden, the use of established methodologies for measuring effectiveness, a
existing and ongoing excellence projects, the process for identifying and eliminating regulations, and the RES Effectiveness Review Board.
d n
451st ACRS Meeting 16
- April 2-4,1996 Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.
[ Note: Dr. John T. Larkins was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.)
Letters and Memoranda LETTERS Plans to increase Performance-Bamad Anoroaches in Regulatory Activities (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Opera-tions, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
The Safety Aspects of the Westinghouma Electric Comoany Anolica-tion for Certification of the AP600 Plant Design - Interim Letter 2 (Letter to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
MEMORANDA Prooosed Final Generic Letter. " Year 2000 Readiness of Comouter Systems at Nuclear Power Plants"(Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
Prooosed Rulemaking: Chanaes to Paraaraoh (h) of 10 CFR 50.55a.
" Codes and Standards"(Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Direc-tor, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
Draft Commission Paoer. " Status of the Environmental Qualification Task Action Plan" (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Direc-tor, ACRS, dated April 9,1998)
r d
t 451st ACRS Meeting 17 April 2p,1996 B.
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations
[ Note: Mr. Sam Duraiswamy was the Designated Federal Official for this portion of the meeting.]
The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to ACRS comments and recommendations included in the following ACRS report:
EDO letter dated March 23,1998, responding to the ACRS report dated February 19,1998, conceming the ACRS interim letter on the safety aspects of the Westinghouse Electric Company application for certification of the AP600 plant design.
The Committee decided it was satisfied with the EDO response on this matter. With regard to the issue of the Westinghouse APS00 design certification documentation, the Committee does not have a concern relative to its adequacy for safety findings. The Committee does believe, however, that the NRC staff should ensure that the Westinghouse documentation be of sufficient quality to provide a traceable and well-archived licensing basis for the AP600 design celtification.
Report on the Meeting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (Open)
The Committee heard a report from Chairman Seale and the Executive Director, ACRS, on the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee meeting held on April 1,1998. The following items were discussed:
The Secretary of the British Advisory Committee NUSAC, Mr. Paul Raynesford, called in response to a letter from ACRS suggesting a meeting between the two Committees. Mr. Raynesford stated that the next NUSAC meeting would be held in Scotland on July 1-2,1998.
Unfortunately, the only time available to meet with members of the ACRS would be one hour on July 1st and at dinner that evening. The NUSAC meetings are closed and ACRS members would not be able to attend the meeting on July 2nd. Due to the limited time available for exchanging views with NUSAC during their July meeting, it is
451st ACRS Meeting 18 April 2-4,1991) suggested that only the ACRS Chairman and Executive Director attend this meeting and that arrangements be made for the two committees to meet at a later date.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the ACRS staff contact l
NUSAC and determine a possible date for the two Committees to i
meet in 1999.
The Quadripartite Meeting is scheduled for October 5-9,1998, which is immediately after the October ACRS meeting. In order to provide adequate time for the Members to retum home after the ACRS meeting and depart for Japan to attend the Quadripartite Meeting, the Subcommittee recommended that the October ACRS meeting be held from Wednesday, September 30 (1:00 P.M.) through Friday, October 2,1998.
l The Committee agreed to pursue the possibility of a meeting with l
NUSAC in 1999. The Committee also agreed to change the dates of l
the October ACRS meeting to September 30 through October 2, 1998.
The minutes for the January 30-31,1998, ACRS retreat were issued on March 13,1998. At this retreat, the Subcommittee made the following decisions:
The ACRS Subcommittee structure should be revised to delete the Auxiliary and Secondary Systems Subcommittee and the tasks assigned to this Subcommittee will be placed under the Plant Operations Subcommittee.- Additionally, responsibilities l
of the various subcommittees were modified. Subsequently,-
ACRS staff identified some alternative and additional changes to the Subcommittee structure.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee structure is being revised to reflect the recommen-l dations made at the retreat. The Subcommittee recommended that
g- -
n 451st ACRS Meeting 21 1
April 2,-4,1998 4.
NEW MEMBER SOLICITATION A solicitation for a new ACRS member closed on March 13,1998.
We have received approximately 20 applications. Copies of the resumes are available in the Caucus Room. The ACRS Screening Panel plans to hold interviews during the May ACRS full Committee meeting and make recommendations to the Commission by June 1998. ACRS members will also be able to interview the selected candidates during the May meeting.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that members review the applica-tions and make recommendations to the Screening Panel through the ACRS Executive Director.
Future Meeting Agenda Appendix IV summarizes the proposed items endorsed by the Committee for the 452nd ACRS Meeting, April 30-May 2,1998.
The 451st ACRS meeting was adjoumed at 12:17 p.m. on Saturday, April 4,1998.
f l.
1 451st ACRS Meeting 19 1
Apr12-4,1998 i
l proposed revisions to the Subcommittee structure be provided to the Committee at the May 1998 meeting.
Areas of potential overlap beMeen ACRS and the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW) were discussed and several decisions were made on the division of responsibilities between the two Committees. A draft letter (pp. 5-8) on Coordination of Efforts was prepared by the ACRS Chairman and Vice Chairman, which was subsequently reviewed by the ACNW Chairman and Vice Chairman.
The ACNW has suggested some revisions to this letter as,d has suggested that, instead of issuing a memorandum between the two committees, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) be prepared for the Commission. The ACRS and ACNW staff will prepare a draft MOU for review by both Committees.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that a draft MOU on the coordina-tion of efforts between ACRS and ACNW be made available to the Committee, if possible, at the May 1998 ACRS meeting.
i The Committee decided that a letter between the two Committee i
Chairmen, with a copy to all Commissioners, was preferable to an MOU. A draft will be provided at the May ACRS meeting.
Several members recommended that the Home Page be improved to allow letters to be found by searching for them by date, title or subject. It was also suggested that viewgraphs be available on the Home Page along with the transcripts. The ACRS/ACNW staff is studying the feasibility of incorporating these suggestions into the Home Page.
RECOMMENDATIOR The Subcommittee recommended that the Committee be kept informed of developments on this issue.
The ACRS Operating Plan must be updated quarterly. The next update is due in July and any comments received from f
the Commission will be incorporated at that time. During the l
y L
451st ACRS Meeting 20 t
April 2A,1998 I
June ACRS meeting, the Planning and Procedures Subcom-mittee will review how well the ACRS has met the planned accomplishments during the preceding quarter and report to the full Committee.
l RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that the updated plan be provided to the Committee when available.
One of the ACRS goals is to identify new issues. It was suggested that time be set aside during full Committee meetings, having Subcommittees make recommendations, and t
seeking industry input. These suggestions should be dis-cussed and decisions be made on their implementation.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that this matter be discussed after completion of the ACRS review of the AP600 design and the Safety Research Program Report to the Commission.
ATHEANA PEER REVIEW A meeting to support the peer review of ATHEANA is scheduled for June 10-12,1998, in Seattle, WA. All ACRS members are invited to attend as observers. Members planning to attend should notify the ACRS staff by April 3,1998. ACRS discussion and review of the ATHEANA process will take place during a subsequent ACRS Subcommittee or full Committee meeting.
RECOMMENDATION The Subcommittee recommended that members who plan to attend this meeting inform the ACRS staff and that Dr. Apostolakis, as the cognizant Subcommittee Chairman, be designated to attend as the i
ACRS representative.
i l
f) $
APPENDIX I Federal Register /Vol. 63 No. 53/ Thursday, March 19,1998 / Notices 13437
- 4. How can the burden of the.
. Informatinn collr.ction be mMmNd,.
hear pmeentation. by and hold.
20:25 am-22:25 ca: Proposed Finol including the use of automated-discussions with representatives of the,- StandardReviewPlan(SRP)Sect
NRC staff agarding Chapten 2,9,10, Westinghouse Electricco mllection techniques or otherforms of information technology?
12,13,and 15 of the AP600 Standard Feiformance-Based Inservice Inspection A copy of the drafisupporting s
statement may be viewed froa of char SafetyAnalysis Report (SSAR) and
'(ISI)(Open)-The Committee wiu hear presentations by and hold discussions at the NRC Public Document Room,. ge associated NRC staff's draft Final Safety with repasentatives of the NRC sta Evaluation Report (FSER) Chapters.
regarding the propsed Anal SRP 21201, Street, NW (lower level),
Washington, DC. OMB elearance-(Portioneof the session may be closed - Section and Regu2atory Guide for r to discuss safeguards information :
requests arasvailable atthe NRC-worldwlde web site (httpdf mlated to the AP600 design.)-
Informed, performance based ISI.
22:25 cm-22:304ma www.nrc. gov) under the FedWorld -
21:00 c1-12:00 Noorr: Preparation - Recon.ciliation ofACRS Comments and.
collecdos link on the home page tool-forMeeting with the NRC Recommendations (Open)-The
, bar.The document will be available on Commissioners (Open)-The Committee Committee wiH discusa responses fromj willdiscuarwithbNRC.
tl e NRC home page site for 60 days a$er. Commissioners the foDowing topics:
the NRCExecutive Dimetor for j
i the signature date of this motice.
Comments and questions about the
- Improvementato the Senior -
Operations to mmments and -
recommendationsincludedin recent Information collection requirements Management Meeting Process.
ACRS reports
- Pro may be directed to the NRC Clearance Process. posed Revision to 10 CFR 50.59 Officer, Brenda Jo. Shelton, U.S. Nuclear.
22:30 Noon:Foture ACRS Regulatory CommissioncT-6 F33,
- Risk. Informed. Performance-Based Activities (Open)--The Committee will -
Washington, DC 20555-0001, or by Regulations including Use of PRAin the discuss the recommendations of the telephone at 301-415-7233, or by Regulatory Decisionmaking Process.
Planning and Procedures Subcommittee e Status of AP600 Review.
regarding items proposed for Internet electronic mailat -
- NRCSafetyResearchProgram consideration by the hill Committee BJS19NRC. GOV.
- Fire Protection..
during future meeticgs.
Dated at Rockva, Maryland. this 12th day e Shutdown andLow-Pown 2:00 pn.-2.D0 pa.:ContinuedNeed Operation.
for the Nuclear Safety Research Review of March 1998.
- '*'Ir2,,,~ w ~
Comrnittee (NSRRC) Function (Open)-
2:00 A-2:30PaaMewting with the The Committee will discuss the need for Breede Jo. shaken, P
NRC Clearance Officer, Q) Ice of the Chief NRCCommissionen-Commissioners' the NSRRC function and wiD hold Conference Room, One WhiteFlint discussions with former NSRRC information Officer.
North (Open)-The Committee will members IFR Doc. 96-7113 Filed 3-18-98; 8:45 am) suses osos sus **+-e meet witn the NRC Commissionara to -
2:00 pa..-3:25 paaloss of discuss matters idendfied above.
Shutdown Cooling Everrt of Elver Bend 2:45 pm-4:00 Updated Source Nuclear Station (Open)-The Termfor Operating Plants Committee will hear presentations by UCLEAR REGULATORY Committee will hear presen(Open)-The and hold discussions with MMISSION tations by representatives of the NRCstaff.
and hold discuulons with Advisory Committee on Reector.
representatives of the NRC staff regarding the inadvertent loss of moling
'i Safeguards Meeting -
regarding the staff activities associated event at the River Bend nuclear plant, with the use of updated sourcs term for which resulted in an increase in the In accordance with the purposes of operating plants, reactor coolant temperature, and the -
Sections 29 and 182b. of the Atomic.
4:00 pa-7.100 paa Preparotion of findings of the Special Inspection Team. -
Energy Act (42 U.S.C. 2039,2232b), the. ACRSRePorts (Open}-The Committee which investigsted this event.
Advisory Committee on Reactor will discuss proposed ACRS reports on Enhancing NRC
'veness and
- SECY-P7-225,.
Safeguards will hold a meetingon April metters considered during this meeting, Efficiency 2-4,1998, in Conference Room T-2B3,.
as well as proposed ACRS reports 11545 Rockvius Pike, Rockville, regarding the NRC Safety Research The Committee will hear presentations Maryland. The date of this meeting was Program, and coordination of ACRS/
by and hold discussions with the Acting previously published in the Federal.
ACNW review activities.
Deputy Executive Director for Register on Thursdey, November 20 Regulatory Effectiveness, Program -
1997 (62 FR 62079).
Fridsy, Apr0 3,1998 Oversight Enforceme#esdgations and.
nt regarding SECY-97-225 8:30 on.-8:35 c.ina Operdn8 Tbuteday, April 2,1999-Reinerks by the ACRS Chairman and related matters.
- 30 cm-8:45 Opening -
(Open)--The ACRS Chairman will make 5:25pn.-7:00parPnporotian of Remoris bythe ACRS Chairman-opening remarks reganiing conduct of ACRS Reports (Open)-The Committee-l (Open}--The ACRS Chairman will make the meeting.
will continue its discussion of proposed ACRS reports on matters consiwed cpening zamarks regarding conduct of 8:35 a.m.-20:00a.maElevation of.
the meeting.
Cote Domoge uency(CDF)to o during this meeting, as well as propased 8:45 on.-9:45 as: Performance-Fundamentals GoalandPossible ACRS reports regniding the NRC Salerv Bosed Regulation and Related Matters Revision to the S ty GoalPolicy ACRSIACNW review activities.
Resenrch Program, and coordination r)
(Open)-The Committee will hear Statement (Open The Committee will presentations by and hold discussions hear presentations by and hold.
Satmday, Apr0 4,1998 with representatives of the NRC staff discussions with representatives of the 8:30 om-DM ontheport of the regarding the performance-based NRC staff regarding elevation of the CDF Planning andProcedures Subcommittee regulation and related reatters.
to a fundamental Safety Goal and (Open/ Closed)-The Committee will 20:00 a.m.-22 00 oma AP600 Des /gn possible revision to the Safety Goal hear a report of the Planning and (Open/ Closed)-The Committee will Policy Statement.
Procedures Subcommittee on matters e
t o
g m
13438 Federal Register /Vol. 63, No. 53/ Thursday, March 19,1998 / Notices I
related to the conduct of ACRS with the Acting Chief of the Nuclear rules and practices of ACRS, and business, and organizational and -
Reactors Branch if such rescheduling information the release of which would personnel matters relating to the ACRS. would result in major inconvenience.
constitute a clearly unwarranted (Note: A portion of this session may be in accordance with Subsection 10(4). invasion of personal privacy.
closed to discuss organintional and P.I., 92-4,63, I have determined that it is personnel matters that relate solely to the The agenda forthe sub}ect meeting Advisory Committee, and ingractices of this_ necessary to close portions of this shall be as follows:
Internal personnel rules and meeting noted above to discuss matters rmation the that relate solely to de internal Wednesday, April 1,1996-12:00 release of which would constitute a clearly personnel rules and practices of this.
Noon until 1:30 P.m.
unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)
Advisory Committee per 5 U.S.C.
Proposed ACRS activities and related The Subcommittee will discuss 9:00 a.m.OOO p.m.:Preparoflon of 552b(c)(2), to discuss safeguards ACRS Reports (Open)-The Committee information related to the Westinghouse-matters. It may also dhcuss the.
will contmus its discussion of reposed AP600 design per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(3),
quaMcanons of candidates for ACRS reports on matters consikered and to discuss information the release of appointment to the ACRS. The purpose during this meeting, as well as proposed which would constitute a clearly of this meeting is to gather information, ACRS reports regrrding the NRC Safetf unwarranted invasion of personal
- analyze relevant issues and facts, and to Research Program, and coordination o formul8t* Proposed positions and privaber information regarding topics.
per 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6).
ACRS/ACNW review activities.
Fur actions, as appropriate, for deliberation 3 00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Miscellaneous to be discussed, whether the meeting by the full Committee.
(Open)-The Committee will discuss has been canceled or rescheduled, the Oral statements may be presented by matters related to the conduct of -
Chairman's ruling on requests for the members of the public with the Committee activities and matters and opportunity to present oral statements concurrence of the Subcommittee specific issues that were not completed and the time allotted therefor, can be Chairman; written statements will be during previous meetings, as time and obtained by contacting Dr. Medhat M.
accepted and made available to the availability ofinformation permit. -
El-Zeftswy, Acting Chief of the Nuclear Committee. Electronic recordings will Procedures for the conduct of and Reactors Branch (telephone 301/415-be permitted only during those portions participation in ACP.S meetings were 6889), between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m.. of the meeting that are open te the published in the Federal Register on EST.
Public, and questions may be asked only September 4,1997 (62 FR 48782). In ACRS meeting agenda, meeting by members of the Subcommittee,its accordance with these procedures, oral transcripts, and letter reports are consultants, and staff. Persons desiring or wdtten views may be presented by. available for downloading or reviewing to make oral statements should notify members of the public, including
representatives of the nuclear industry.. on the intemet at http> /www.nic. gov /the cognizant ACRS staff person named
electronic recordings will be permitted below five days prior to the meeting,if
- ACRSACNW, only during the open portions of the DM Mah im Possible, so that appropriate, I
meeting, and questions may be asked _ John C S arrangements can be made.
Actin 8 A*f88'7 omm{t!M888'm'"' '. Furtherinformation regarding topics #
only by members of the Committee,its C
9 to be discussed, the scheduling of consultants, and staff. Persons desiring
@. 96-7111 Filed 3-16-98: 8:45 am]
sessions open to the public, whether the' '
to make oral statements should notify (FR Doc meeting has been canceled or Dr. Medhat M. El ZeRawy, Acting Chief suso coor me.ese of the Nuclear Reactors Branch, at least rescheduled, the Chairman's ruling on five days before the meeting,if possible, requests for the opportunity to present so that appropriate arrangements can be L
GULATORY oral statements, and the time allotted made to allow the necessary time during therefor can be obtained by contacting the meeting for such statements. Use of the cognizant ACRS statipenon Dr.
still, motion picture, and television dvisory Committee on Reactor John T. Larkins (telephone: 301/415-cameras during this meeting may be Safeguards Subcommittee Meeting on 7360) between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m.
limited to selected portions of the Planning and Procedures (EST). Persons planning to attend this meeting are urged to contact the above meeting as detennined by the Chairman.
The ACPS Subcommittee on Planning named individual one or two working Information regarding the time to be set.. and Procedures willhold a meeting on days prior to the meeting to be advised aside for this purpose may be obtained April 1,1998, Room T-2B1,11545 of any changes in schedule, etc., that by contacting the Acting Chief of the Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland.
may have occurred. -
Nuclear Reactors Branch prior to the The entire meeting will be open t meeting. In visw of the possibility that public attendance, with the exception of Deted: March 12,1998, the schedule for ACRS meetings may be a portion that may be closed pursuant Medhat M. E14atswp adjusted by the Chairman as necessary to 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(2) and (6) to discusa Acting Chief, Nuclear flooctors Srnach.
to facilitate the conduct of the meeting,k that relate solely to internal personnelorganizational and pe (FR Doc. 96-7112 Filed 3-16-98: 8:45 am]
persons planning to attend should chec muse caos rose.eie e
s 4
e e
f g
4 e
B:30 -
Ooenino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 1.1) Opening Statement. (RLS/JTL) l 1.2) Items of current interest.
(RLS/JTL) 1.3) Priorities for preparation of ACRS I
reports. (RLS/JTL) o 51 2) 8:45 9:45 A.M.
Performance-Based Reculation and Related Matters (Open) (GA/MTM) 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee I
i 2.2) Briefing by and discussions with 1
representatives of the NRC staff regarding performance-base.d, l
regulation and related matters.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views as appropriate.
o s" N
9:46 - lost'0 A.M.
- BREAK ***
3) 10: N-A.M.
AP600 Desian (Open/ Closed) (JJB/hrD) 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
3.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the Westinghouse Electric Company and the NRC staff regarding Chapters 2, 9,
10, 12, 13, and 15 of the AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) and associated NRC staff's draft Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER) Chapters.
[ Note: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss safeguards information related to the AP600 design.)
(%aceIhdf etan of n meeun.)
2 t o. r t, 4)
- De - 12:00 Noon Precaration for Meetino with the NRC 3
Commissioners (Open) (RLS/JTL/MME)
Discussion of the following topics for
meeting with the NRC Commissioners:
Improvements to the Senior Management Meeting Process.
Proposed Revision to 10 CFR 50.59 Process. (JIB /MTM)
Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Regulations Including Use of PRA in the Regulatory Decisionmaking Process. (GA/TSK/MTM)
Status of AP600 Review.
NRC Safety Research Program.
Fire Protection. (DAP/AS) e Shutdown and Low-Power Operation.
(MHF/MME) 12:00 -
1:00 P.M.
- LUNCH ***
5) 1:00 -
Meetino with the NRC Commissioners -
Commissioners' Conference Room. One White Flint North (Open)
Meeting with the NRC Commissioners to discuss matters identified under Item 4.
N -
- BREAK ***
6) 2:hd -
4:he P.M.
Uedated source Term for Ooeratino Plants (Open) (TSK/PAB) 6.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
6.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the staff activities associated with the use of updated source term for operating plants.
Representatives of the nuclear industry g,,.j Provide their views as appropriate.
11 4: 4o - 4:so f.h.
5 1o t, '. o s 7) 4:n -
7m00 P.M.
Precaration of ACRS Recorts (Open)
Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:
7.1) Performance-Based Regulation and Related Matters.
(GA/MTM) 7.2) AP600 Design.
(JJB/NFD) 7.3) NRC Safety Research Program.
(DAP/MME) 7.4) Coordination of ACRS/ACNW Review k
(DAP/NFD) y,,
c:gs f.rt Vv4-v<e. 9 e +:st;es (see Arw 11)
1998, COhr--rMCE ROOM 2B3, TWO WHITE FLINT NORTH, ROCKVITT2 MARYT1*fn 8) 8:30 0 8:35 A.M.
Onenino Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) (RLS/JTL) 9)
8:35 -
10: 0h A.M.
Elevation of Core Damace Frecuenev (CDF) j to a Fundamental _ Safety Goal and 1
Possible Revision to the Safety Goal Poliev Statement (Open) (GA/MTM) 9.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
9.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding elevation of CDF to a fundamental Safety Goal and possible revision to the Safety Goal Policy Statement.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views as appropriate.
- BREAK ***
13'.09 P
- 10) 10:1h-22525A.M.
Pronosed Final Standard Review Plan
_(SRP) Section and Reculatorv Guide for Risk-Informed. Performance-Eased
Inservice Insoection (ISI) (Open)
(GA/MTM) i 10.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
10.2) Briefing by and discussions with i
representatives of the NRC staff regarding the proposed final SRP Section and Regulatory Guide l
for risk-informed, performance-
based ISI.
4 Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views as appropriate.
- 11) 11.15 11.00 A.M.
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and 1
(nevet +. fu sess<en)
Recommendations (Open) (RLS, et al./
l GHM, et al.)
j Discussion of the responses from the
!UtC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.
(w.uJ f. nvrsde)
Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee
.t regarding items proposed for considera-
tion by the full Committee during future meetings.
4 12: N-P.M.
- LUNCE***
- 2
- 4S -
- os P. r 1.
? C.
!, %Gemamee -Ba sed Regels -fu'en O*ntdsve Itow 2).
13) 1: N -
2:$ P.M. / ontinued Need for the Nuclear Safety
C Research Review Committee (NSRRC)
Function (Open) (DAP/MME) 13.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Discussions regarding the NSRRC
,,, g. function and with former NSRRC D.* 3 4 P H.
Ur tymembers.
.ss 4o /. H.
s t.a y
_14) 2 : 44 - 3 : 26 P.M.
oss of Shutdown Cooline Event at River j
40 41 Bend Nuclear Station (Open) (JJE/AS) 14.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
i 14.2)
Briefirg by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the inadvertent loss of cooling event at the River Bend nuclear plant, which resulted in an increase in the reactor coolant temperature, and the findings of the Special Inspection Team, which investigated this event.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views as appropriate.
3:35 -
ST90 P.M.
- BREAK ***
- 15) N -
5: N P.M.
SECY-97-225. Enhancina NRC Effectiveness and Efficiency and Related Matters (Open) (TSK/NFD) 15.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairrran.
Briefing by and discussions wit'
the Acting Deputy Executive Director for Regulatory Effectiveness, Program Oversight, Investigations and Enforcement regarding SECY-97-225 and related matters.
5:N P.M.
- BREAK ***
(. : 4g 16) 5:36 -
Ti4FB P. M.
Precaration of ACRS Recorts (Open)
Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:
Perfcrmaece-Based Regulation and Related Matters. (GA/MTM) 16.2)
AP600 Design. (JJB/NFD) 16.3)
NRC Safety Research Program.
1 4
5 16.4)
Coordin2 tion of ACRS/ACNW Review Activities.
Proposed Final SRP Section and
.f Regulatory Guide for Risk-i Informed, Performance-Based ISI.
(GA/MTM) 16.6)
Continued Need for the NSRRC Functions (DAP/MME) 16.7)
Elevation of CDF to a Fundamental Safety Goal.
17) 8:3k-SF90A.M.
_Recort of the Plannine and Procedures g sg - q '. J l 4 H-
' ' Subcommittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)
Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.
[ Note:
A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)
17 to!Wr A.M.
18) 9 : M - 1590 P.M.
Preearation of ACRS Renerts (Open)
Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports identified under Item 16. - 81:40 A' M 19)-
-hte NH.
Misaellaneous (Open) (R
The mmittee 11 discus matters relate to the e duct of C ittee activita and mat rs and spe fic issues th. were not empleted d ing previous mektings, as me.and availability of information permit.
M: l l W o la ' 3 'l S h-Acts (lepoch e-Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item.
The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.
Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.
451ST ACRS MEETING APRIL 2-4,1998 NRC STAFF (April 2,1998)
J. Mitchell, OEDO J. Flack, RES S. Bahadur, RES N. Kadambi, RES J. Costello, RES J. Ridgley, RES C. Ader, RES C. Gingrich, RES J. Wilson, NRR T. Kenyon, NRR M. Dusaniwskya, NRR M. Wohl, NRR J. Lee, NRR R. Emch, NRR J. Lyons, NRR S. Sun, NRR L. Lois, NRR R. Caruso, NRR S. LaVie, NRR J. Ibarre, AEOD ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC J. Winters, Westinghouse B. Youngblood, Scientech C. Thompson, DOE M. Struber, NUS
_P. Negus, GE T. Sutter, Bechtel C. Brinkman, ABB-CE K. Cozbe, NEl
Appendix ill 2
451st ACRS Meeting NRC STAFF (April 3,1998)
J. Mitchell, OEDO N. Kadambi, RES D. Jackson, RES J. Murphy, RES S.~ Bahadur, RES J. Flack, RES J. Craig, RES J. Guttman, RES J. Strosnider, NRR S. Ali, NRR S. Dinsmore, NRR M. Cheok, NRR S. Burgess, NRR P. Patnaik, NRR -
G. Bagchi, NRR A. Levin, NRR W. Lyon, NRR D. Wigginton, NRR M. Shuaibi, NRR J. Ibarra, AEOD G. Lanik, AEOD
- J. Rosenthal, AEOD W. Smith, Rll P. Gwynn, RIV E. Collins, RIV ATTENDEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES AND GENERAL PUBLIC R. King, Entergy L. Collins, ABB-CE T. Hunt, Entergy R. Cole, Entergy S. Wawrd, Consumers Energy B. O'Malley, Entergy N. Closky, Westinghouse D. Whitehead, SNL
- K. Balkey, Westinghouse P. Negus, GE D. Weakland, Duquesne Light /WOG S. Gosselin, EPRI M. Straks, NUS B. Bradley, NEl B. Youngblood, Scientech F. Simonen, PNNL R. Braybeal, Enertech J. Chapman, DE&S P. O' Reagan, DE&S E. Throckmorton, Virginia Power
I l
APPENDIX IV: FUTURE AGENDA The Committee agreed to consider the following during the 452nd ACRS Meeting, April 30-May 2,1998:
l l
i 1
l l
i l
i l
l l
I 452 ACRS FullCommittee Meeting h+tp //www.nrc. gov /ACRS/rrs 1/ agendas,_A CRS /A genda_ACRS_452.html April 10,1998 h
452nd ACRS MEETING APRIL 30 - MAY 2,1998 l
Opening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (Open) 1.1) Opening Statement (RLS/JTL/SD) 1.2) Items of current interest (RLS/NFD/SD)'
1.3) Priorities for preparation of ACRS l
reports (RLS/JTL/SD) 2)
8:45 - 10:45 A.M.
Human Performance and Reliability Plan (open) (GA/NFD) 2.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
2.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the revised Human Performance and Reliability Plan.
10:45 - 11:00 A.M.
- SREAK***
3) 11:00 - 12:30 P.M.
Elevation of the Core Damage Frequency (CDF) to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Proposed Modifications to the Safety Goal Policy l
Statement (Open) (GA/MTM) 3.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
i l
3.2) Briefing by and discussions with I
i representatives of the NRC staff I
regarding elevation of CDF to a fundamental Safety Goal and proposed modifications to the Safety Goal Policy Statement.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.
12:30 - 1:30 P.M.
- LUNCE***
'4) 1:30 - 3:00 P.M.
MASCAL Atmospheric Dispersion Dose i
l Assessment Computer Code (open) (TSK/PAB) l 4.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
4.2) Briefing by and discussions with l
representatives of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory regarding the HASCAL Atmospheric Dispersion Dose Assessment Computer Code, including a demonstration of the software using a test of simulated conditions.
Representatives of the NRC staff will provide their views, as appropriate.
3:00 - 3:15 P.M.
- BREAK'**
- 5) 3:15 - 4:45 P.M.
NUREG/CR-6523, Probabilistic Accident Consequence Uncertainty Analysis (Open)
5.1)' Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
5.2) Briefing by and discussions with Icf4 05/l8/98 09:12:05
452 ACRS Full Conunittee Meeting http://www.nrc. gov /A CRS/rrs 1/ agendas _ACRS/A genda_ACRS_452.html representatives of the NRC staff and its contractors regarding the Probabilistic Accident Consequences
,,a Uncertainty Analysis.
4:45 - 5:00 P.M.
- BREAK ***
- 6) 5:00 - 7:00 P.M.
Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open)
Discussion of proposed ACRS Reports on:
6.1) NRC Safety Research Program (DAP/MME) 6.2) Elevation of the Corc Damage Frequency to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Proposed Modifications V.o the Safety Goal Policy Statement (GA/MTM) 6.3) Human Performance and Reliability Plan (GA/NFD) 6.4) White Paper on ACRS Views Regarding Fire Protection (DAP/AS)
ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 7) 8:30 - 8:35 A.M.
Opening Remarks by the ACRS Chairman (@en)
(RLS/SD) 8)
8:35 - 10:15 A.M.
Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternatives (open) (MHF/MME) 8.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman 8.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding Section 7.2,
" Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternatives" of the draft NUREG-1555, " Standard Review Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants."
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.
10:15 - 10:30 A.M.
- BREAK ***
9) 10:30 - 11:15 A.M.
Proposed Final Standard Review Plan (SRP)
Section and Regulatory Guide for Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (ISI) (open)
(GA/MTM) 9.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
9.2) Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding changes made to the SRP Section and the Regulatory Guide associated with the risk-informed ISI of piping at nuclear plants.
Representatives of the nuclear int'.ustry will provide their views, as appropriate.
- 10) 11:15 - 12:15 P.M.
Use of Dynamic Benchmarking for Preserving Thermal-Hydraulic Code Test Data (Open)
(TSK/PAB) 10.1) Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
10.2) Briefing by and discussions with Dr. Robert Henry, Fauske & Associates, i
Inc., regarding use of the Dynamic Benchmarking concept to preserve thermal-hydraulic code test data.
2 r.f 4 05/18/98 09:12:05
452 ACRS Full Cornmittec Meeting http /www.nrc.g:v/ACRS/rrsI/ agendas _ACRS/ Agenda _ACRS_452.html
Representatives of the NRC staff will provide their views, as appropriate.
12:15 J' 1:15 P.M.
- LUNCH ***
11) 1:15 - 2:45 P.M.
Proposed Final Amendsbent to 10 CFR Part 55,
' Initial Licensed Operator Examination Requirements" (Open) (JJB/AS) 11.1)
Remarks by the Subcommittee Chairman.
Briefing by and discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed final amendment to 10 CFR Part 55.
Representatives of the nuclear industry will provide their views, as appropriate.
- 12) 2:45 - 3:15 P.M.
Future RCRS Activities (Open) (RLS/JTL/SD)
Discussion of the recommendations of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee regarding items proposed for consideration by the full Committee during future meetings.
- 13) 3:15 - 3:30 P.M.
Reconciliation of ACRS Coassents and Recomunendations (Open) (RLS, et al./GHM/SD, et al.)
Discussion of the responses from the NRC Executive Director for Operations to comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports.
3:30 - 3:45 P.M.
- BREAK ***
- 14) 3:45 - 7:00 P.M.
Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open)
Discussion of proposed ACRS reports on:
14.1) NRC Safety Research Program (DAP/MME) 14.2) Elevation of the Core Damage Frequency to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Proposed Modifications to the Safety Goal Policy Statement (GA/MTM) 14.3) Human Performance and Reliability Plan (GA/NFD) 14.4) Proposed Final Amendment to 10 CFR Part 55, Initial Licensed Operator Examination Requirements (JJB/AS) 14.5) Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternatives (MHF/MME) 14.6) Proposed Final SRP Section and Regulatory Guide for Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (GA/MTM) 14.7) White Paper on ACRS Views Regarding Fire Protection (DAP/AS)
Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcomunittee (Open/ Closed) (RLS/JTL)
Report of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee on matters related to the conduct of ACRS business, and organizational and personnel matters relating to the ACRS.
3 of 4 -
05/18/98 09:12:05
A52 ACRS FullCommittee Meeting http://www.ntc. gov /A CRS/rrs ilagendas_A CRS/A genda_ACRS_452.html (Note: A portion of this session may be closed to discuss organizational and personnel matters that relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of this Advisory Committee, and information the release of which would constitute a 1
clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.)
i 16) 9:00 - 12:00 Noon Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open)
J Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports listed under Item 14.
12:00 - 12:45 P.M.
- 17) 12:45 - 3:30 P.M.
Preparation of ACRS Reports (Open)
Continue discussion of proposed ACRS reports listed under Item 14.
18) 3:30 - 4:00 P.M.
Miscellaneous (Open) (RLS/JTL/SD)
Discussion of matters related to'the conduct of Committee activities and matters and specific issues that were not completed during previous meetings, as time and availability of information permit.
NOTE: Presentation time should not exceed 50 percent of the total time allocated for a specific item. The remaining 50 percent of the time is reserved for discussion.
Number of copies of the presentation materials to be provided to the ACRS - 35.
i 4 cf 4 05/18/98 09:12:05
f f
[ Note: Some documents listed below may have been provided or prepared for Committee use only. These documents must be reviewed prior to release to the public.)
1 Onenina Remarks by the ACRS Chairman 1.
Items of Interest, dated April 2-4,1998 2
Performance-Based Reaulation and Related Matters 2.
Plans to increase Performance-Based Approaches in Regulatory Activities, dated April 2,1998, presented by Joseph A. Murphy, RES [Viewgraphs) 3 AP600 Desian 3.
AP600 Design Certification Review, dated April 2,1998, presented by Brian A. McIntyre and James W. Winters [Viewgraphs) 6 Uodated Source Term for Ooeratina Plants 4.
Revised Source Term Rulemaking Status, dated April 2,1998. [Viewgraphs) 5.
Rebaselining Plan and Progress, dated April 2,1998, presented by C. G.
Tinkler, RES [Viewgraphs) 9 Elevation of Core Damage Freauency (CDF) to a Fundamental Safetv Goal and Possible Revision to the Safetv Goal Poliev Statement 6.
Potential Modifications to the Safety Goal Policy Statement, dated April 3, 1998, presented by Thomas L. King, RES, and Gary M. Holahan, NRR
[Viewgraphs) 10 Proposed Final Standard Review Plan (SRP) Section and Regulatorv Guide for Risk-informed. Perfr mance-Based Inservice insoection (ISI) 7.
Risk-Informed inservice Inspection Programs for Piping, dated April 3,1998,-
I Appendix V 2
451st,6CRSMeeting presented by Tom King, RES, and Gary Holahan, Jack Strosnider, Jack Guttman, Syed Ali, and Stephen Dinsmore, NRR 8.
Proposed Final SRP and Regulatory Guide for Risk-Informed Inservice inspection, presented by S.R. Gosselin, Electric Power Research Institute (Viewgraphs) 9.
Risk-informed inservice inspechon, dated April 3,1998, presented by Patrick J. O'Regan, Duke Engineering & Services [Viewgraphs) 11 Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations 10.
Reconciliation of ACRS Comments and Recommendations (Handout #11-1]
12 Future ACRS Activities 11.
Future ACRS Activities - 452nd ACRS Meeting, April 30 - May 2,1998
[ Handout #12-1]
13 Continued Need for the Nuclear Safety Re=aarch Review Committee (NSRRC)
Function 12.
Discussion with ACRS on Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee Experience, dated April 3,1998, by N. Todreas [ Handout]
I 14 Loss of Shutdown Coolina Event at River Bend Nucimar Station
Inadvertent Mode Change During RF7, dated April 3,1998, presented by Rick J. King, River Bend Station [Viewgraphs) 14.
River Bend inadvertent Mode Change, dated April 3,1998, presented by Pat Gwynn and Elmo Collins, NRC Region IV [Viewgraphs) 15 SECY-97-225. Enhancina NRC Effectiveness and Efficiency and Related Matters 15.
NRC Excellence Plan, dated April 3,1998, presented by Ashok Thadani
j 17 Reoort of the Plannina and Procedures Subcommittee 16.
Final Draft Minutes of Planning and Procedures Subcommittee Meeting -
Appendix V 3
451stgCSS Meeting l
April 1,1998 (Handout #17-1]
- 1 i
4 1
p Appendix V 4
Performance-Based Reaulation and Related Matters 1.
Table of Contents 2.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 3.
Project Status Report 4.
Draft Commission paper from L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations (EDO) to the NRC Commissioners, undated: " Plans to increase Performance-Based Approaches in Regulatory Activities"
[ Internal Committee Use Only: Predecisional Material]
Report from Robert L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated March 11,1998: ACRS Comments on Draft Paper on Risk-informed, Performance-Based Regulation 3
AP600 Design 6.
Table of Contents 7.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 8.
Project Status Report 9.
ACRS Questions Conceming the AP600 Design, dated February 25,1998 6
Uodated Source Term for Operating Plants 10.
Table of Contents 11.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 12.
Project Status Report 13.
SECY-96-242, dated November 25,1996: Use of the NUREG-1465 Source Term at Operating Reactors 14.
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated February 12,1997, SECY-96-242:
Use of the NUREG-1465 Source Term at Operating Reactors 15.
Letter from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to Thomas E. Tipton, Nuclear Energy institute (NEI), dated February 26,1997 16.
NRC Slides on Source-Term Rebaselining Plan 9
Elevation of Core Damage Freauency (CDF) to a Fundamental Safety Goal and Possible Revision to the Safetv Goal Poliev Statement
i Appendix V 5
l 451st,ACR6, Meeting 17.
Table of Contents 18.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 19.
Project Status Report 20.
Draft Commission paper from L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations (EDO) to the NRC Commissioners, undated: " Modifications to the Safety Goal Policy Statement" [Intomal Committee Use Only:
Predecisional Material]-
Article by F. Reginald Farmer, " Guest Editorial: Societal Risk-Progress Since," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Volume 39, Pp.123-127 j
(1992) 22.
Letter from Joe F. Colvin, NEl, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated July 23,1997, conceming DG-1061 and possible elevation of the core damage frequency l
NRC Safety Goal Policy Statement, published August 21,1986 24.
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated March 19,1998: SECY-97-287:
Final Regulatory Guidance on Risk-Informed Regulation Policy lasues 10 Proposed Final Standard Review Plan (SRP) Section and Raoulatorv Guide for Risk-Informed. Performance-Based inservice Insnardion (ISI) i 25.
Table of Contents 26.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 27.
Project Status Report 28.
Report from Robert L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, dated July 14, 1997: Proposed Regulatory Guide and Standard Review Plan Chapter for Risk Informed inservice inspection of Piping 29.
Letter from L. Joseph Callan, EDO, to Robert L. Seale,_ Chairman, ACRS, dated August 7,1997: Proposed Standard Review Plan Section 3.9.8 and Regulatory Guide DG-1063 for Risk-informed Inservice inspection of Piping 30.
Excerpt from Minutes of 443rd ACRS Meeting July 9-11,1997 13 Continued Need for the Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC)
Function 31.
Table of Contents 32.
Proposed. Agenda / Schedule 33.
- Project Status Report 34.
Charter of the NRC Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee 35.
SECY-97-149, dated July 15, 1997: Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC)
r Appendix V 6
451st ACRS Meeting i
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated September 9,1997: SECY-97-149:
Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC) 37.
Draft Document by ACRS Member Robert Uhrig, dated February 22,1998:
Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee: Function and ACRS Options Unternal Committee Use Only: Predecisional Material]
14 Loss of Shutdown Coolino Event at River Band Nuciaar Station 38.
Table of Contents 39.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 40.
Project Status Report 41.
Document from NRC Region IV, dated December 2,1997: Entergy Operations Inc.: River Bend Station: Predecisional Enforcement Conference Dnternal Committee Use Only: Predecisional Material) 15 SECY-97-225. Enhancina NRC Effectiveness and Efficiency and Related Matters 42.
Table of Contents 43.
Proposed Agenda / Schedule 44.
Project Status Report 45.
Draft Commission paper from L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations (EDO) to the NRC Commissioners, undated: "FY 1998 NRC Excellence Plan" pnternal Committee Use Only: Predecisional Material]
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated March 28,1997: SECY-96-066:
Research (DSI-22) 47.
SECY-97-224, dated October 1,1997: Creation of a Research Effectiveness Review Board 48.
Staff Requirements Memorandum, dated November 4,1997: SECY-97-224.
Creation of a Research Effectiveness Review Board l