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Summary of 980826 Open ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability & PRA Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Issues in SRM on situation-specific Cases Where PRA Results & Insights Have Improved Existing Regulatory Sys
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/29/1998
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
ACRS-3123, NUDOCS 9905210127
Download: ML20206S416 (5)


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Date issued: 9/29/98 j'

G. Apostolakis - 10/3/98 &



August 26,1998, at 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD, in Room T-2B3. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the issues in the Staff Requirements Memorandum dated April 20, j

1998, regarding situation-specific cases where probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) results and insights have improved the existing regulatory system and specific areas in which PRA can have a positive impact on the regulatory system.

The entire meeting was open to public attendance. Mr. Michael T. Markley was the cognizant ACRS staff engineer for this meeting. The meeting was convened at 10:00 a.m. and adjoumed at 6:15 p.m.

ATTENDEES ACRS Members G. Apostolakis, Chairman D. Powers, Member M. Fontana, Co-Chairman R. Seale, Member l

T. Kress, Member G. Wallis, Member i

D. Miller, Member M. Markley, ACRS Staff Princioal NRC Soeakers W. Borchardt, NRR*

G. Holahan, NRR M. Cunningham, RES*

T. King, RES M. Drouin, RES S. Mays, AEOD*

J. Flack, RES J. Murphy, RES F. Gillespie, NRR PrincioalIndustrv Soeakers 1

B. Bradley, NEl*



I NRR Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


RES Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research g p' AEOD_

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data ph


NEl Nuclear Energy Institute j

i l

l 9905210127 980929 ~


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l Reliab. & Prob. Risk Assessment.

2 August 26,1998 l -.

Subcommittee Meeting i

There were approximately 6 members of the ' ublic in attendance at this meeting. A complete p

E list of attendees is in the ACRS_ Office File, and will be made available upon request. The presentation slides and handouts used during the meeting are attached to the office copy of L

these minutes.

l l

OPENING REMARKS BY THE SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Dr. Fontana convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m. He announced that the Subcommittee l

Chairman, Dr. Apostolskis would arrive late and stated that he would start the meeting and jq serve as Co-chairman. He stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the issues in the Staff Requirements Memorandum dated April 20,1998, regarding situation-specific cases

. where probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) results and insights have improved the existing regulatory system and specific areas in which PRA can have a positive impact on the regulatory l


l Dr. Fontana stated that the Subcommittee had received no written comments or requests for J time to make oral statements from members of the public.

DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS NRC Staff Presentation Messrs. Thomas King, RES, and Gary Holahan, NRR, led the discussions for the NRC staff.

j They discussed the status of staff activities related to risk-informed regulation. Mr. Mark i

Cunningham and Ms. Mary Drouin, RES, provided supporting discussion. Mr. Frank Gillespie, i

NRR, discussed inspection and plant performance assessment. Mr. Bill Borchardt, NRR, discussed enforcement, and Mr. Steve Mays, AEOD, discussed programs for risk-based analysis of reactor operating experience. The staff discussed activities in the area of risk-i' informed regulation includmg:

Organizational changes to improve the NRC process for reviewing industry initiatives including the establishment of a Steering Committee for risk-informed regulation, creation of a Risk-informed Licensing Panel, etc.

Congressional, industry, and public concems, l

l f

Historical uses of risk information, PRA supported program activities including:

Generic issue prioritization and resolution, Reassessment of B&W NSSS design, Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP),

Backfit Rule, Safety Goal Policy Statement, o

n j

b 1

i Reliab. & Prob. Risk Assessment.


August 26,1998 Subcomr66ttee Meeting Severe Accident Policy Statement,'

Station Blackout Rule-

. Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS),

Generic Letter 88-20, Advanced Reactor Design Certifications Maintenance Rule,

' Power uprates,.

New source term, IPE/IPEEE programs, Accident Sequence Precursor Program.

Newinitiatives including:

Rulemaking options, I

NEl whole plant study, Risk-informed 10 CFR 50.59, i

L Risk-informed 10 CFR Past 50.

j Planned initiatives for risk-informed inspection, assessment, and enforcement.

1 Other activities including:

PRA Standards development, Safety Goal Policy revision, Regulatory analysis and strategic planning.

NEl Presentation Mr. Biff Bradley of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) provided a brief discussion

. of industry perspectives regarding proposed regulatory improvements. He also discussed industry initiatives regarding these matters. Significant points made during the discussion include:

e Top industry priorities include 1) changes to the inspection, assessment, and l

. enforcement programs, 2) approval of risk-informed inservice inspection pilot

- applications, 3) approval of the NEl petition for rulemaking for changes to licensee quality assurance programs per 10 CFR 50.54(a), and proposed revisions to 10 CFR 50.59 and 10 CFR Part 50.

PRA has contributed significantly to licensee implementation of the maintenance rule i

and, in particular, on-line maintenance.

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s-e Reliab. &. Prob. Risk Assessment 4

August 26,1998 Subcommittee Meeting SUBCOMMITTEE COMMENTS. CONCERNS. AND RECOMMENDATIONS Dr. Wallis questioned the efficiency of the staff review process. In particular, he questioned why risk-informed licensing submittals take longer that deterministic submittals. The staff stated that risk-informed licensee submittals were often more difficult and challenging. The staff added that they had limited experience in applying the tools for risk-informed decisionmaking (e.g., Regulatory Guide 1.174).

Dr. Apostolakis questioned why the staff is proposing to modify Part 50. He stated that revising Part 50 would be a major undertaking and questioned which areas would benefit from modification. The staff stated that discussions were ongoing with NEl to determine cost effective areas for change.

Dr. Apostolakis questioned the preliminary framework for revising 10 CFR 50.59. He expressed concem that measures related to the reactor core would dominate other metrics that might be considered. The staff acknowledged this concem and stated requested two Subcommittee meetings to explore options with the individual Members before recommending positions to NRR for consideration. The Subcommittee agreed to meet with the staff to discuss these matters.

STAFF AND INDUSTRY COMMITMENTS Dr. Apostolakis requested and the staff agreed to provide a copy of Enforcement Guidance Memorandum EGM 97-011, " Consideration of Risk in Enforcement Actions."

SUBCOMMITTEE DRCISIONS At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Apostolakis expressed appreciation for the staff's discussing its initiatives to meet the Commission's challenging near-term schedule. However, for the full ACRS meeting, he requested the staff to restrict their discussion to matters specific to the ACRS's need to respond to the April 20,1998 SRM. He requested the staff to provide a discussion or rationale describing how PRA or risk information contributed to the regulatory system rather than simply enumerating bullets. He and other Members noted the following areas for additional discussion:

V-Sequence Auxiliary feedwater analysis Emergency planning 10 mis zone Human reliability BWR Mark l containment Indian Point / Zion seismic and fire analysis FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS None.

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a Relisb. &, Prob. Risk Assessment?

5 August 28,1998 Subcommittee Meeting l



- 1.

Subcommittee agenda.


Subcommittee status report.


Staff Requirements Memorandum dated April 20,1998.


. Staff Requirements Memorandum dated June 30,1998.

l 5.

Presentation outline provided by RES/NRR.

L 6.

E-mail note dated July 31,1998, from J Rosenthal, AEOD.

l 7.

E-mail note dated August 11,1998, from S. Mays, AEOD..



Memorandum dated August 7,1998, from Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, to L.

Joseph Callan, EDO, NRC,


Responding to issues Raised Within the Senate Authorization Context.


E-mail note dated August 10,1998, from D. Powers, 10.

Facsimile dated July 30,1998, from T. Kress, ACRS.

l 11.

. Memorandum dated July 28,1990, from M. Markley, ACRS Ctaff, to J. Barton, ACRS, l


Information Regarding the July 28,1998 ACRS Report on Proposed Revisions j

to 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes, Tests and Experiments).

l 12.

Proposal received July 21,1998, from S. Floyd, NEl, to J. Sorensen, ACRS Fellow,


" Road-Map" for Transforming Current Regulations to a Risk-Informed, l

Performance-Based Regulation Approach.

. 13. -

Proposal received July 9,1998, from NEl,


A New Regulatory Oversight Process, Toward Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Assessment, inspection and Enforcement.


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Halt: Additional details of this meeting can be obtained from a transcript of this meeting L

. available in the NRC Public Document Room,2120 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.

l 20006, (202) 834-3274, or can be purchased from Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd., (Court l

Reporters and Transcribers) 1250 l Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. Rhode l

island Avenue, N.W, Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 842-0034.

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