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Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 65 to License DPR-34
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/24/1988
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20205F974 List:
NUDOCS 8810280174
Download: ML20205G002 (3)


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. f ,I WASHING TON, D. C. 20655




ThePublicServiceCerpanyofColorado(PSC00)hasfiledwiththeNuclear Pegulatory Corr;ission revisions tc their Physical Security Plan for the Fcrt St. Vrain Nuclear G: 1erating Station.

This Safeguards Evaluation Report (SGER) surnari:es how the licensee pret )ses to rett the Miscellanecus Arendrants and Search Requirerents revisions of 10 r.FR Part 73.55.

Eased on a review of the Physical Security Plen, the staff has .oncluded that the proposed changes satisfy Miscellaneous Arendoents and Search Fequirerents revisicos to 10 CFR 73.55 (51 FR 27S17 and 27822) and accorpanying 10 CFR 73.70 record reporting requirerents. Accordingly, the protectier provided will t.r.sure that the public health and safety will not be endangered. ,

7.0 PERSONNEL SEARCH The licensee has provided cenritmer.ts in the Physical Security Plan te prnvide a search of all individuals entering the protected area except hori lide Federal. State anc local law enfurcement personnel on offte.ial duty, through the use of equiprent designed for the detection of fireants, explosives, and incendiary devices. In addition, the licensee has provided connitnents to conduct a physical pat-down search of an individual whenever the licer.see hes cause to suspect that the individual is attempting to intrccuce firearts, explosives, or incendiary devices into tne protected areas; or whenever firearts or explosives detection equiprent is out of service or not operating sat'sfactorily.

3. VITAL '.iEA ACCESS PSCOC has modified their Fort St. Vrain Nuclear Generating Station Physical Security Plan to lienit unescorted access to vital areas during non-erergency cond!+. ions to individuals who require access in order to perfore their duties. They have established current authorization access lists for each vital area which are updated and approved by thr. cognizant ranager or supervisor at least once every 31 days. PSCCC has assured that 8s10280174 es1024 PDR ADOCK 05000267 P PDC


only individuals whose specific duties require access to vital areas during nonenergency conditions are included on their site access list.

PSCOC has provided further assurance by revoking access and retrieving badges and other entry devices prior to or simultaneously with notification of termination of an individues unescorted facility access.

Based upon comitnents rade by the licensee in revisions to their Physical Security Plan, the staff has concluded that PSCOC reets the vitalareaaccessrequirerartsof10CFR73.55(d)(7)(1)(A)(B)and(C).

4.0 LOCKSANDKEYS The licensee has cccritted to providing rethods to reduce the probability of conpromise of keys, locks, conbinations, and related access control devices used to control access to their protected areas and vital areas.

These rethods include the rotation of keys, locks, corbinations, and related access control devices every 12 renths or the changing of these devices whenever there is evidence or suspicion that any ley, lock, cenbination er related access control device may have been conpromised cr when an individual who has had access to any of these devices has had their access terr.inated due to a lack of trustworthiness, reliability or inadequate work performance. Only persons granted unescorted facility access are issued such entry devices.

Based upon cemitrents made by the licensee in revisions to their Physical Security Plan, the staff has cor.cluded that PSCOC reets the requirenents of 10 CFR 73.55(d)(c) to reduce the prctability of corprorise of teys, locks, combinations, and related access control devices.

5.0 EfERGENCYACCESS The licensee has provided concitrents to provide for the rapid ingress and egrest of individuals during ersergency conditions or situations that could lead to energency conditions by assuring prompt access to vital equiprent. An annual review of their physical security plans and contingency plans and procedures will be conducted to evaluate their potential impact on plant and personnel safety. Erergency access is granted by a licensed senior operator.

Based upon connitrents made by the licensee in revisions to their Physical Security Plan, the staff has concluded t: 3t PSCOC reets the requirenents of 10 CFR 73.55(d)(7)(ii)(B) to assure access to vital equiprent during energencies or to situations that may lead to an erergency.

6.0 PROTECTION OF SECONDARY POWER SUPPLIES The licensee has provided corritrents to orotect the on-site sec'ndary pcwer supply systen for alarr. annunciator equiprent and non-pori ^1e concunications equipment by including such equipnent within a vital aree boundary.

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3 Based upon coninittents made by the liceiisee in revisions to their Physical Security Plan, the staff has concluded that PSCOC reets the requirerents of 10 CFR 73.55(e) in protecting the secondary power supplies of alarin annunciator equiprent and non. portable comunications equipment.

7.0 VITAL AREA Et4TRY/ EXIT LOGGlijG The licensee has comitted to raintaining a log indicating nart, badge nunber, tire of entry, and tire of exit of all individuals granted access to a vital area except those individuals entering or axiting the rector control rocn.

Based upon corrittents rade by the licensee in revisions to their Physical Security Plan, the staff has concluded that PSC00 reets the requirements of 10 CFR individuals accessing vital73.70(d) areas by(raintaining entry / exit log ofexcept the reac E.0 CONCLUSION Based upon the above evaluation, we find that the licensee has met the reqLirenents of the Piscellaneous Arendrents and Search Requirenents revisitin to 10 CFR Part 73.55 and the record reporting requirerents of 10 CFR Part 73.70.

Dated: October 24, 1988 Principal Contributer: Gene McPeek, NRR O