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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20141K9965 May 1997Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 89 to License DPR-34
ML20128D7191 December 1992Safety Evaluation Approving Exemption from Requirement of 10CFR50.54(q) to Change to Biennial Emergency Plan Exercise Rather than Annual Following Completion of Next Scheduled Exercise at Plant
ML20246J32630 August 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 72 to License DPR-34
ML20245J37814 August 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 71 to License DPR-34Grab sample
ML20245J4518 August 1989Safety Evaluation Responding to Issues Re Tech Spec Upgrade & Plant Defueling.Stated Tech Spec Sections Should Be UpgradedShutdown Margin
ML20246J3137 July 1989Safety Evaluation Concluding That Operators Role in Mitigating High Energy Line Break at Facility Acceptable
ML20247R22626 May 1989Final Safety Evaluation Re LER 87-20 Concerning Interactions Between Steamline Rupture Detection/Isolation Sys,Plant Protective Sys & Control Sys at Facility
ML20245C50318 April 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 70 to License DPR-34
ML20248D65031 March 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 69 to License DPR-34
ML20236A14027 February 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 68 to License DPR-34
ML20235T45124 February 1989Safety Evaluation Re Facility Core Support Flow Vent Sys. Continued Operation of Facility W/Current Core Support Flow Sys Configuration AcceptableDesign basis earthquake
ML20235J34216 February 1989Safety Evaluation Supporting Util Action in Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,item 2.1 (Part 2) Confirming Establishment of Interface W/Either NSSS Vendor or Vendors of Each Component in Reactor Trip Sys
ML20235J38413 February 1989Safety Evaluation Concluding That Continued Operation of Facility Not Affected by Steam Generator Tube Failures Experienced by Advanced gas-cooled Reactors
ML20195D39127 October 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Corrective Actions of LER 86-017
ML20205G00224 October 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 65 to License DPR-34
ML20154J80215 September 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 64 to License DPR-34
ML20154J46215 September 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 63 to License DPR-34
ML20207F05710 August 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 870206 Submittal Re Safe Shutdowns During Postulated Accident ConditionsSafe Shutdown
ML20207F0435 August 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 61 to License DPR-34
ML20207F2415 August 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 62 to License DPR-34
ML20151M16021 July 1988Safety Evaluating Supporting Requirements for Redundancy in Responding to Rapid Depressurization Accident
ML20151A99620 June 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 60 to License DPR-34Incorporated by reference
ML20195K06515 June 1988SER Concurring W/Util Proposed Corrective Actions in Engineering Rept Entitled, Rept of Helium Circulator S/N 2101 Damage & Inlet Piping S/N 2001 Repair & Mod ActivitiesStress corrosion cracking
ML20195F96615 June 1988Safety Evaluation Re Destructive Exam Rept for Fuel Test Assembly-2.Fuel Represented by Fuel Test Assembly-2 Predicted to Be Safe for Operation in Facility for 1,800 EFPDs
ML20154F88910 May 1988Safety Evaluation Re Proposed Safe Shutdown Sys & Exemption Requests Concerning 10CFR50,App R.Licensee Request for Exemptions in Listed Areas Should Be Granted.Concept for Providing post-fire Shutdown AcceptableSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Power Operated Valves
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML20148S6037 April 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 59 to License DPR-34Earthquake
ML20151B6651 April 1988Supplemental Safety Evaluation Supporting Util Compliance w/10CFR50.App R Re Safe Shutdown DHR CapacitySafe Shutdown
ML20150C45410 March 1988Safety Evaluation Concluding That Seismic Analysis Methods for Bldg 10 & Walkover Structure Conservative.Gaps Provided Adequate to Accommodate Relative Motions Which Occur Between Subj Structures & Walkover Structure & Turbine BldgSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20147C81825 February 1988Safety Evaluation Supporting Changes to Interim Tech Specs 3/4.1.7, Reactivity Change W/TempShutdown Margin
NUREG-1220, Safety Evaluation Accepting Plant Special Senior Licensed Fuel Handler Initial & Requalification Operator Training Program,Per NUREG-1220, Training Review Criteria & Procedures13 January 1988Safety Evaluation Accepting Plant Special Senior Licensed Fuel Handler Initial & Requalification Operator Training Program,Per NUREG-1220, Training Review Criteria & Procedures
ML20237D76318 December 1987Safety Evaluation Updating 861118 Fire Protection Sys Safety Evaluation.Util Alternate Fire Protection Configuration AcceptableSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Power Operated Valves
Fire Protection Program
Manual Operator Action
ML20149E16218 December 1987Marked-up Safety Evaluation Re Proposed Safe Shutdown Sys & Exemption Requests Concerning 10CFR50,App RSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Power Operated Valves
Fire Protection Program
ML20236U69623 November 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 57 to License DPR-34. Addendum to Review of Proposed Tech Spec Change:Core Inlet Valves/Min Helium Flow & Max Core Region Temp Rise,Limiting Condition for Operation..., Technical Evaluation Rept Encl
ML20236U57620 November 1987Safety Evaluation Re Helium Circulator S/N C-2101 Damage. Util Corrective Action Program InitiatedSafe Shutdown
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20236R30013 November 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Util Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 Re Equipment Classification Programs for All safety-related ComponentsSafe Shutdown
ML20238C7622 September 1987Safety Evaluation Concurring W/Util 870702 & 27 Ltrs & 870818 Telcon Re Elimination or Reduction of Maint Requirements on Certain Fire SealsSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
ML20235N64913 July 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 56 to License DPR-34
ML20235F5282 July 1987Safety Evaluation Re Safe Shutdown of Steam Generator Matls. Under Severe Transient Conditions,Fuel Temp Can Be Maintained Under Accepted Temp Limits & Plant Can Be Safely ShutdownSafe Shutdown
Stress corrosion cracking
ML20235F5152 July 1987Safety Evaluation Re Safe Emergency Shutdown of Reactor Sys. Operation at 82% AcceptableSafe Shutdown
Design basis earthquake
ML20235F5442 July 1987Safety Evaluation Re Effect of Firewater Cooldown on Steam Generator Structural Integrity.All Tests AcceptableSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20235E52829 June 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 55 to License DPR-34Safe Shutdown
High Energy Line Break
ML20216G95124 June 1987Revised Safety Evaluation Re Steam Line Rupture Detection & Isolation Sys (Slrdis).Slrdis Meets Requirements of 10CFR50, App A,Gdc 20 & GDC 4Safe Shutdown
ML20216G99124 June 1987Supplemental Safety Evaluation Supporting Application for Amend to License DPR-34 Re Tech Specs for Steam Line Rupture Detection & Isolation Sys
ML20215J54022 June 1987Draft Safety Evaluation Re Safe Emergency Shutdowns.Facility Operation at 82% Power AcceptableSafe Shutdown
Design basis earthquake
ML20216J19217 June 1987Safety Evaluation Re Mods to Reduce Moisture Ingress Into Reactor Vessel.Periodic Insps & Preventive Maint Should Be Performed on Pertinent Components.Operational Performance Should Be Continuously Upgraded
ML20214M46820 May 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 54 to License DPR-34
ML20215J8275 May 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 53 to License DPR-34
ML20209D75622 April 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 870211 Submittal Re Performance Enhancement Program,Finding 4-10
ML20206J9336 April 1987Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 52 to License DPR-34Safe Shutdown
ML20205S11431 March 1987Safety Evaluation Accepting Util 831104 Response to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 4.5.2, Reactor Trip Sys Reliability On-Line Testing. Facility Designed to Permit on-line Functional Testing,Including Testing of Reactor Trip Contactors