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Memorandum Requesting Info from Applicant Re Issues Including Qa/Qc Issues,Being Addressed by Comanche Peak Review Team,Per Case Pending Discovery Request.Served on 860808
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 08/08/1986
From: Bloch P
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#386-236 79-430-06-OL, 79-430-6-OL, OL, NUDOCS 8608110193
Download: ML20204J787 (2)



30(.MEiED USNRC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before Administrative Judges: 8 ALE -8 A10 30 Peter B. Bloch, Chairman OFFICE OF ab,eti n y Dr. Kenneth A. McCollom 00CMET!?i3 4 bERvicf; BRANCH Dr. Walter H. Jordan SEnns AUGY 1986


In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-445-0L

) 50-446-0L



) ASLBP No. 79-430-06 OL (Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, )

Units 1 and 2) )

) August 8, 1986 MEMORANDUM (Assistance to Board)

The Licensing Board requests the following information, some of which is responsive to pending discovery requests by CASE, from Appli-cants:

1. A complete list of the issues that the CPRT is addressing, including QA/QC 1ssues.
2. For each issue, its source or sources.
3. The current status of each issue.
4. With respect to each issue that has been wholly or partially found to be valid, the history, as found in documents and as known to accountable employees and supervisors, of how Applicants knew of that issue over time and how they responded.
5. The answer to the following question: To what extent are Applicants investigating failure of QA/QC for design or construction on l

portions of the plant that are now being redesigned or reconstructed and 8608110193 860808-l PDR ADOCK 05000445 G PDR 9 50 F



Board Questions: 2 for which the original QA/QC program is consequently no longer directly relevant?

I FOR THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD y pg Peter B. Bloch, Chairman ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE Bethesda, Maryland I Applicants and Staff appear to be suggesting that such information about quality assurance is not relevant. However, the effectiveness of the QA/QC program is essential to our determining:

(a) the extent to which existing breakdowns may cast doubt on the adequacy of portions of the plant that have not been fully reexamined or that cannot be reexamined because of physical obstructions that cannot practicably be removed, and (2) the appropriate remedy with respect to management personnel responsibility for such breakdowns.