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Forwards Proposed Notification Criteria for NRC Review & Consideration
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 02/20/1998
From: Goodwin W
To: Gaskin C
NUDOCS 9802270312
Download: ML20203F444 (4)



2-20-08 1 16:53 : WESTINGHOESE - OFD-
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g' kp I WestiLgbouse Electric Corporation P. O. Drawer R Columbia, SC 29250 Far Cover Sheet




To:f & g,Lgy $M W/W PHONE: [3C/) W/Y" f// 6 FAK; (3d/) 'V'/C'~ 6956~

yjggg ggy;, Q FROM:

Wilbur L. Goodwin PHONE:

(803) 770 2610, Ext 3282 or WIN 420-3282 Regulatory Affairs FAX:

(003)695 3964 RE: PA&/'t15~dO /f/br/f/ CAT 106l $A/INNA CC:

Number of pages including cover sheet: 4 Message d.'4+ews : Z % s.e ygia a yo u,xte su,,g A&FCreErs/ COD CA/Fe Fe/ ifet//2, AStJ/Ge'J #st.o 4A/5/DddA7]OnU /K/DA *TO dt/A f,4t&- TD-WRCE M d L'77W fy /Af 7NG /JCM. F(/V7/RE, w h !WM4u l

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e2-2048 :

16G4 : RESTINGilot'SE - CNTD4

  • 2/ 4 3.7.3 NOTIFICATION OF REOULATORY AGENCIES Cognizant Regulatory Agencies will be promptly notined of major safety incidents in accordance with all requirements from 10 CI'R Parts 20 and 70. In patilcular, as points of additional clarification, the NRC Operations Center will be notified and/oremf/or the N#C # spen # OMne will be apprised of the following types of incidents, within the time limits prescribed (Note The /ncident t/me nmit "cback' starts when the cognizant Re.eudetory function Endneer j

arrives on-ahe and makes the hidel "eyen on' assessment of the selety


of the errent condftion.) :

(a) 1 ilour Notifications (NAC operstbne center /


Any incident for which an Alert or Site Ama Emergency has been declared, as prescribed by the Site Emergency Plan described in Chapter 9.0 of this License Application.


Any incident involving Quality Ievel A systems, for which accident controls cannot be initiated, whether or not regulatory limits are exccated.

(b) 4-Ilour Notifications (N#C Operations Center /


Any incident involving Quality Level B systems, for which accident controls crmot be initiated, whether or not regulatory limits are exceeded.

(b 2)

Any nuclear criticality safety incident, h an.;r:4M system, for which less than previously documented double contingency protection remains (multi parameter or single parameter control) and:


Orcater than a safe mass is involved and double contingency protection is not restored within four (4) hours; or, (b 2b)

Greater than a safe mass is involved and controls att restored within four (4) hours, but:


Only single contingency protection is restored; or, ii.

Double contingency protection is restored but multiple original controls under both contingencies were modified or replaced.


Any determination that a criticality safety analysis or evaluation was deficient, or that a particuler system was not previous 4 analysed; and, that less than two unUkaly, independent, and concurrentchangesin process comGtions wouMbe repudred before a criticanty accident wouM be possible.


Any unanticipated nuclear criticality safety incident, orIncident invoMng a previousW unanalyzed system, for which the 1

$DT BY:%ESTING10U5E - DTD 2-20-88 : 16:54 i %ESTINGl005E - DTD-

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severity and remedy are not readily determined.

(c) 24 ilour Formal Notifications (NMC Operedens Center)


Any incident for which the work area is unavailable for nonnal use for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, following a loss of radioactivity contamination control, where the unevenabEtyle due to the contamkadon.


Any incident for which Quality Level A or B system safety equipment is not performing its intended function.


Any incident for which an employee, having sigidficant removable radioactivity contamination, receives medical treatment outside of facility contamination control areas.


Any incident for which a fire or explosion damages nuclear fuel or its processing equipment or container.


Any nuclear criticality safety incident, hr an analyzed sysfam, for which less than previously documented double contingency protection remains (multi parameter control or single parameter control) and:

(c.5a) less than a safe mass is involved; or, (c.5b)

Greater than a safe mass is involved, but a sufficient number of the controis that were lost are restored within four (4) hours such that double contingency protection is restored.


Next-Working Day Informal Apprisal (NAC Mepfon # Otsce)


Any determhedon that a pardcolar system was not previous 4 analyzed; even though, at Anast two unnkely, kdependant, and concurrent changes in process condidons wouid be requhed behne a coldcaEty acciderrt would be possibAs.


Any unandayated nuclear cridceGry safety incident, or kcident irrvohnha a previously unanalynod systern, tur which the sevedty and rarnedy are rendry determined.

A procedure will be prepared, maintained, and followed -- in accordance with Subsection 3.4.1 of this Chapter -- that details the information to be included in a notification. he perdeuinr, each notification of a nuclear criticality safety incident will include (where app #cabAe) the following informa'.lon:

e Whether the notification is the result of an event, or of a deficient nuclear

SENT BY:#ESTINGHOL'5E - CNFD i 2-20-88 i 16:01 : MEST!NGHOL'SE - CNFIb 18 4/ 4 criticality safety analysis (including the time period for which the

~ deficiency existed);

The significance of the incident; Potential criticality pathways involved, including brief scenario (s) of how accidental criticality could occur; Controlled parametens.. man, moderation, geometry, c'.c entration, etc.


-- involved; Estimated amount, enrichment, and form of licensed material involved -

e including applicable process limits and the percent of worst-case critical mass of the material, in the configuration involved; A description of the involved failures or deficiencies -- including applicable nuclear criticality safety controls or control systems; and, Corrective actions to restore safety systems, and when each was o
