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Forwards Yr 2000 Project Plan for Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility,In Response to GL 98-03
Person / Time
Site: Westinghouse
Issue date: 09/16/1998
From: Allen J
CON-NRC-98-046, CON-NRC-98-46 GL-98-03, GL-98-3, NUDOCS 9809240116
Download: ML20153C522 (16)



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'Weding' house Commercial Nuclear mawun Electric Corporation Fuel Division f$gasNo'*** '2 s2 NRC-98-046 September 16,1998 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk l

Washington, DC 20555-0001 Gentlemen:



70-1151 In accordance with the required response to the subject NRC Generic Letter, enclosed is the Year 2000 Project Plan for the Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility.

I hereby affirm that the statements made in this response are tme and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please telephone Mr. Keith Fowler of my staff at (803) 776-2610, Extension 3381.

Sincerely, f


B. Allen, Plant Manager Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility Enclosure cc:

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

Regional Administrator, Region II i

Atlanta Federal Center l_

61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3415 9809240116 980916 PDR ADOCK 07001151 C


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Westinghouse i

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Westinghouse i

Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility l

Year 2000 Project Plan l

September 15,1998

A-/A Westinghouse i

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i Management Planning i

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Year 2000 Status - Project Management I

khd 5I kb m =pWnismgWm2E;Eg52;gME%#2merim;amygg umsims?ymnymtgfsmusancingmKW Corporate project team established to:

Plant team established to:

increase internal awareness

-establish application / device inventory coordinate customer response

-establish priorities track division progress

-implement remediation establish standards and quality assurance

-report progress kkhNh b$

I kb hM N

k 5 92MncitinnutinEBT!DMMsPhinciGMGiEEnsgeA#irwKhSMM%hdEWWRAMsifk J Local plant communications provided Monthly and quarterly reporting Corporate web page established Audit and QA follow through E-mail awareness campaign External corporate auditors (KPMG) - 1997/1998 Awareness training conducted Internal assessment teams -1998 NRC auditors 1997/1998

-project lead training

-local assessors awareness I



@wunonoo l

RemecLiation process developed and executed Estimate Level of Effort Resolution inventory Resources /


.ur. acceptable non-compliance (s)


Ldatabase Inventory elements Repaired /replaed j

to be assessed Element Inventory Develop Trouble i

Assessment Plan Report l

Verify Prioritization Detailed Assessment SCAN I

Y2K Compliant Element i

TEST Inventory elements l

NOT to be assessed Deploy Y2K Compliance Status" (Release / Install)


letter j

Acceptable Non-compliance l

Letter: Y2K "No-Action"


Justification for Application or Y2K Compliant Element Device



i j



  1. A 2000 positioning @for the w.


1 Implementation l


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hwestingnouse Westinghouse CFFF has inventoried and assessed its Year 2000 challenges.

I Westinghouse Commercial Fuel Fabrication l

Facility initiated Y2K assessments of the business applications in 1996. Several key Total Y2K Inwntory 8PP cation systems were Year 2000 ready by li Business Applications 62 design and bemg extended to replace the older Shop Floor Applications 268 a

lication suite.

Embedded Processors (approx) 3000 Shop floor applications were inventoried in 1997 and either have been assessed with vendor support or assessed by the responsible engineer.

Embedded microprocessor devices have been inventoried and the assessment will be The infrastructure environment is comprised j

by a large number of 3rd Party products.

Infrastructure Y2K Readiness Vendor Y2K compliancy is being addressed jointly with the Supply Management Team.

i Supplier certification responses are being received.

M Res@


44 %

Application dependent infrastructure will be remediated/ eliminated as aging applications Remaining l

are rengineered.

Desktop and network infrastructure was rebuilt in 1997 and built with Y2K compliant components.



Year 2000 Status - Application Assumptions / Contingency s W 5 & M M n B M @ d 65 P N R $ $ % ilik n fi R M E M M E s s @ M I M E M ? JU W eim mu R M us 2 % K n W F M E ;1&T W" % s ' M M LT2 M 12% % M M isn M W 1 M Strategic efforts will continue to be funded and supported by the plant operations organizations - specifically plant personnel required for development teams.

The majority of the development resources are retained throughout the implementation of the reengineered client server 9pplications.

External distu,tions are avoided and incremental drains on development resource time are constrained.

Embedded microprocessor assessment continues

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Contingency plans will be initiated if and when necessary - as soon as an implementation risk is confirmed.

- Attrition and contention for key resources in volatile markets - contract resources as required.

Attrition and contention for key reuurces in volatile markets - slippage in non-critical or low priority l

applications as required to compensate critical applications Shop Floor application replacements are funded and operational support is available for implementation


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Year 2000 Status - Infrastructure Assumptions / Contingency

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Vendors will provide reliable information and compliant versions in a timely manner - local modifications will not be required.

Date problems will not cause catastrophic data network outages.

Completirn of the SITI rollout has faciliated Y2K desktop and network compliance.

Developraant of client server applications will facilitate the decommissioning of older infrastructure components.

Support from central organizations will be available to support WAN components Vendor product reliability risks - test environments and early implementation will provide a sufficiently long period of time (at least a year) to test product reliability.

Aged components used by aged applications - newer alternative technologies exist if required to support unmoved applications.

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$w tinanou Year 2000 Status - Business Applications l

All plant wide business applications (Mainframe & Client / Server)

Excludes corporate / central systems 62 identified applications for item control; product traceability; procedures; manufacturing planning;

& shop floor OA b

Assume all applications are non compliant until proven otherwise Initiated Assessments & Y2K Modifications 1995/1996 Y2K remediation managed at plant level Aligned strategic develpment with Y2K strategies I

Conversions & migration to compliant platforms to be completed by 4th Otr 1999 Remediate existing applications only when necessary and as contingency Decommision applications as appropriate 20,00



Westinghouse CFFF progress toward compliance is driven by strategic development efforts.

E i

Three major application thrusts will complete the (W) CFFF Business Application Progress migration toward compliant business systems Toward Compliance Westinghouse Accountability, Tracking,and Traceability (WATTS) l E.

g Chemical Area Manufacturing Processing i"

System (CHAMPS)

Common Rod Manufacturing System l

Others are underdevelopment now and will be l

_E "


progressively completed by 3rd Quarter 1999 Individual modules will be placed in production Ea when complete.

Y2K Readiness j

Business Applications The pie chart depicts the olant's percent Remaining Y2K Ready 56 completion of business applications toward Y2K l

ready status.

l Of the original 62 systems identified as business applications 45% are either Y2K Ready or have been decommissioned.



Westinghouse i

i 2000 Positioning @for the Future!




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Shop Floor Applications & Embedded Processors l

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Year 2000 Status - Shop Floor Apps/ Embedded Processors All plant wide shop floor production and QA standalone applications Includes programmable logic controllers, lab analysis devices, and standalone desktop applications 268 identified devices / applications 3000 Embedded processors identified on instruments hfh y

k N




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Assume all applications are non compliant until proven otherwise Cognizant engineers assigned to inventory and scan applications / system status Initiated Assessments & Y2K Modifications 1997 Y2K remediation managed at plant level Vendor surveys important assessment step Qualifying instrument techs assessing & evaluating embedded processors Conver. cions & migration to compliant platforms to be completed by mid-year 1999


20 0. 0

hwestinghouse Westinghouse CFFF progress shop floor applications contain a high third l party percentage.

Y2K assessments of the business applications 3rd Party Supplied Applictions/ Systems in 1997. Plant engineers participated in the application inventory.

t Supply management task force tracks and 3rd Party suppn e communicates third party product responses.

l' 32%

Vendor responses have produced results.

l Preliminary capital planning for specific application replacement underway.

Locas content ss%

Shop Floor Applications Readiness


l l

The pie chart depicts the plant's percent Y2K Ready Remaining


l readiness status of shop floor applications.


38 %

> $500K assembled for application repiccement on the shop floor j

3000 embedded processors identified for l

l assessment i

Assessment of embedded processors is i

anticipated to be completed by 9/98 l

ii Mal assessment indiates minimal impacts j


$wananou Year 2000 Status - Records Retention gg...f ;:-g p g gq; g g g g.y g.

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..i.#@d$@$51$JiMiGki..2 Internal & External Correspondence 40 Years Customer Correspondence 40 years Risk Analyses 40 years l

Testing Records 40 Years Test Plans and User Approval Signoffs 40 years Remediation Documentation 40 years 200.__0
