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Temporary Mod Requests T-10172,T-9693,T-9549,T-9542,T-9488 & T-9478 to Rev 0 to Maint Procedure MP 1411.05, Maint & Repair of Limitorque Valve Operators Types SMB-0 Through SMB-4. T-101.72 Adds Steps for Sizing Housing Cover Gasket
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1986
Shared Package
ML20198D213 List:
MP-1411.05, NUDOCS 8605230209
Download: ML20198D284 (12)


{{#Wiki_filter:' lois misuTioN DAVIS 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT 1 .,isine, a.=.ame s uon w..o Accon [/[/ TEMPORARY MOOlFICATION REQUEST ,,,,c.,,,M.,,,,,,, . 6926 1 SECTION 1 PRC..UR. U M.. R, R.ViSi.N NU M.. R AN. TITL. bf\\hh Obb b b N* DIN M NN 4, e . lMM..l AT. IMPL.MENTATI.N Y.S \\ NO O O Mo.iPicari.N To suracar Pea i' v. - oi.iri==e....i 1 Shift Supervise, I w.reisa. Copy O Pa.c..uaat c.MMiTM.Nr ic... _ coo,. a,. nii. ,.-..i...., 1 M P. m As.N FOR CH ANG. Au sw 4 s,ug W W3 wr p* A m% gw %s mu w W., ANO.S .. TAIL..dCm a. w e m ~ a 1.s p (U OYE. ' 't 4 toau-g4t%ty +%the,st is on % g, Q t e 4 5 w o g % @ + 00 g% 4 6 %. h a w m,g e0er e s w % se e p. 4 %. its tu u rt ye %twun u w cel kNG%. g t, A6.1 \\@c M es.t wtMartissww M m C kp u,4 g.4 gw a pkW e 4 wom.wA +%tk un og h i pm\\\\t 9 wk\\ Nwh&. f'8605E30209 860515 ~ ADOCK 05000346 l k'.,PDR.. PDR 0 i.P... _....l..~........,,, g yqq 9m PP...., ^~"~ p W Bi ^"o u. n m3 .... y,, ..M,,g,..;,yy ..,. g,, ....wy ..,. g ...........,. y y, ..,.4g APPROV...Y (Ps.nt Men ort OArg / / l LC sh / a w tr J /f//?,

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OETAILED CHANGES ML h GiW$"1.4 v..M wt sw wn w,.-;s s %V O L0 iS PROCEDURE REVISION REQUIRED PREPAREOSY \\h DATE APPROVEO 3Y \\ ' OATE 1_ /O CL/-T b APPROVED BY OATE d/ W' /a/.wW SUSMITTED SY (Seetsen Mose) OATE RECOMMENDEO SY (SMS Cha6rmag OATE OCT 2 51945 g b, O _ N 2 S ' -_ QA APPROVED BY (Quelyseuronse, 9 OATE C,/, .w - 'oct 2 s taas APPROVE O SY (Pient Managerl / OATE W 2 5 tone m

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\\ 4 (a) Single Thrend (b) Dauele Thread (c) Tnple Thread 1. Determine the number of thread starts. Note: A convenient method is to wrap a string around the stem following one thread. If there are no gaps between the string, it is a single thread; 1 gap = double thread; 2 gaps = triple thread. 2. Count the number of lands in 1 inch = threads per inch (TPI). 3. Pitch will be determined by determining the threads per inch then picking the pitch from T:51: I 2:::ched. ?%bl. 4. To determine thread lea'd multiply pitch X nu=ber of starts. g Takt s% 0% uc%, h%;+6 0.h 0V Uhbwb4 poeN%. ok 5%% i l l l l 0%W%)lN \\ $49, \\d E l

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I E 0 69261 h[IJJ If $/ SECTION 1 t PROCEDU RE NUMSE R. REVISION NUMSE R AND TITLE y W/UN $ O Marc PO>PA>0 OA f r N s ?='2 r%* O !A L VE ONO Mn ClG T4W <M.3 C. = ir IMMEDI ATE IMPLEMENTATION YES $ NO O O MOOiP CATION 70 suPPOar PCa "v a~ a a'av'* **a =' '*: 1 Shift Swp rve.or 1 W. eking Copy O PaOCEOUa AL COMMirMENr i C. air. R..- A.nsr.i a - Pii. 1 Eng. J T t C-- 'M ~ RE ASON FOR CHANGE C C R R6C1~ Neursgnsac, EttR o R s A) Gcc.~. cd

d. i 4 DETAtLEO CHANGES C.hAN46 AJ0Ts fe L covo s) C=

S& 8,/44. 729 QCAh // [M MO Y/ A]6 ll O DC' YWYG' f/ lY D $$ WA W TR6~ Limi S7 ops PER Scc TicoD 4.16... IS PROCEDURE REVISION REcutRED PREPAREOSY OATE g h f 2 '- _ ? = l/ = & [ " 11 % 0. d l A A ) 9/4/es' ^ " ' * " ^'" APPROMO BY j'L 74 -r s DATE + + SUSMITTED BY (S.stionlJSd/WR h/m, y ') OATE f RECOMMENDEO SY (SMS I OATE # / 3o A SEP 111985 }/ cA AnROvEO.Y ioo. A-,.n M.n.g.,ig g DATE lh, q .roa ~ SEP 111885 APPROVE D SY (P1.nt M.n.g rl f OATE h % SEP 11 r.As v

TR;evTtort _y.. .,w, DAVIS 8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION. UNIT 1 Coriosa.i. R non ini. S.4 ' ..d Action -{d '8,,,6 ',,i Cooy, M e Pii. # TEMPORARY MOOlFICATION REQUEST / E 0 69261 SECTION 1 [;,, s y* PROCEDURE NUMBE R. REVISION NUMSE R AND TITLE ar. M MP 1411.05 M.AINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF LIMITOR0t'E VALVp opepATno not-gyg_n nger qvp_s IMMEDI ATE sMPLEMENTATION k NO O YES O MOOiFicATioN TO SUPPORT PCR i, v oi r. .oo o: 1 Shift Suo.rvi or 1 Worting Copy b PROCEDUR AL COMMITMENT 1 Control Room Contros Room Pile 1 Oper.tton. Eng. d DC t asas.DcG. RE ASoN POR CH ANGE Clarify existing and add additional instructions CETAILEO CM ANQES 1. Under Section 1.3 change "6.9.5 & 6.9.6" to read "6.9.2" also change 6.9.9 & 6.9.10 to read "6. 9.1'.' 2. Add note prior to 6.13.1 NOTE: If operator has been disassenbled.. lubricant may be added at any Convenient point during the reassembly process. rather than using pipe plugs after assembly is complete. See attached pages. IS PROCEDURE REVISION REQUIRED PREPARED BY OATE [i APPROVED BWY fW l3//>~ OATE M W APPRoVEO[ r 4, D 8 M ss- / OATE c SUBMITTED BY (Se.tloo M [ /* / OATE I (f$ / t RECOMMENDEO BY (SRS Chelfenen) OATE 3

3. u bb SEP 111985 V QA APPROVED ey towellty AD.nce D

SEP 111985 e OATE O, 'T g APP.OvE D., < we 97 SEP.11 1985 CATE m {

Detailed changss cont: 3. Add the following PP to section 6.8.3.. 'fA'-Yl' LOOSEN the cartridge cap cover plate and check for a gap between the locknut in the cartridge cap and the thrust washer on the spring pack. (If necessary remove the Declutch Lever) If a gap exists, Loosen the set screw in the lock-nut and turn the locknut until it just touches the spring pack thrust washer. DO NOT TIGHTEN, as this will put addi-tional preload on the spring pack! TIGHTEN the set screw to captivate the locknut in place. Replace the cartridge cap cover and declutch lever if removed. 4. Add following PP NOTE: The upper and lower quad rings are now available for inspection and replacement if required. 5. Add note prior to PP 6.10, 6.11 and 6.12 NOTE: Ensure the valve stem nut and valve stem are cleaned, In-spected and lubricated prior to operator installation. 6. Add the following new paragraphs following PP 6.13.10. 6.13.11 Lubrication and Inspection of limit switch and torque switch. NOTE: Do not use abrasive cloth or paper to clean silver contacts of geared limit switch and torque switch. Contacts should be burnished, using the appropriate solvent and a lint-free cloth. 1. With the limit switch removed from the actuator, re-move the screws and lockwashers and lift the finger base off the rotor. Be careful not to apply a bend-ing force to the rotor, it could cause cracking at the groove pin area. This is the proper time to in-spect the rotor for cracks and the rotors and finger-plate contacts for condition. 2. Remove the two geared limit switch gear box covers by removing the machine screws and place in a plastic bag. CAUTION: Care is required to prevent intermediate gear shafts from falling out during the cleaning operation. l 3. Clean the gears inside the geared limit housing with a brush and proper solvent. 4. Clean the two covers, i 5. Install one of the two covers.

D3 tailed chtngss cont: 6. Pack the gear cavity with the proper grease, do not pack solid. Leave a small volume open for expansion. Use Exxon Beacon 325 or Mobil 28 grease. 7. Replace the remaining cover. 8. Replace the finger base on the rotors. Replace the screws and lockwashers. Be extremely careful not to apply a bending force on the rotors. 9. The limit switch is ready for re-installation. 10. Inspect the torque switch contacts and clean if necessary. Inspect 'O' Ring and replace if required. Carefully check general condition of evitch and free-dom of operation. 7. Add the following sentence to the end of paragraph ".......MOVATS test procedure Ref. 2.1.. If setting information is not available from Ref. 2.1, rotate the handwheel in the "0 PEN" direction the number of turns equal to 30% of full stroke handwheel turn as measured from the point of stem movement. 8. Add additional nota prior to PP NOTE: Some operators have a locknut with set screw instead of an elastic stop nut.

istaisv:.ON DAVIS BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT 1 4 efue e s+ct en Act on [ L jd,,,,,,,,,,5, g, l' TEMPORARY MOOlFICATION REQUEST E : 63261 SECTION 1 j PROCEQURE NUM3ER REVISION NUMBER AND TITLE DIP /Y// OC /?es O Alai.,7~ < r?Mai e o f L!"of*'R O'e de l A CA*ra iw s YY/* S' *


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  • OETAILED CH ANGES c h a *r$c. co. s.r..t To /2eed :

pianuo u y or elee f ro e n u.y plue Yt Ll Cr $= 6! t, 1% OA / *t $tt* p+19k o g *f* 4. FOS / ' O't. ?' D s facK 12A Jed). IS PROCEDURE REVISION REQUIRED Y es No if no, this moalfication le valid until OATE ,p % r ebe.c PREP kAR O gy w- ^~t' wi y &,_ e/w /9g { DATE I m cf A}. a /zz / ss-APPROVED SY SUSMtTTED 8Y (Section Head) DATE

  • ECOMMENCEO 8 / ISRS Chairrnen) '

DATE a,3 d_ AUG 2 81985 g p4 oATE c A A,.a O v E o.y, A ,.n.. M.n. 1 y .....E..y-.ntM.n._, minin ..TE 4

,' ) j' OTSTru s uTION 5 AVIS.8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION. UNIT 1 4 .,4 crie a m, m.=noa.ione so. tion -..a Acti.a 2 TEMPORARY MOOlFICATION REQUEST / / pu. c..v.w rnu. Eo 6928 i SECTION 1 (Q'j 4 PROCEQURE NUMBER. aEVISION NUMeta AND TITLE m p / 4//. o r 0 As m d / Rep h of L.hlhr w VAL a wJa Lsea sma-o m o t~d4 IMME01 AT'E IMPLEMENTITION NO O O uooinicArioN ro suaaoar aca " 'v ai'er aur= =aa ea-VES i sain so O eaccEouaA'couuir=ENr ipun, co, i coaer. a.

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i o .e,.n. En 1%v sg RE ASON POa CH ANGE I.) c.h9e Ne+or4 oS 04h sla e f fa prope,ly sef/<<.l-7"X c. VAL ve qpea ne sain .1 t npp i,+s 4. 2.) L etuoe al s n wh h ne see*.eo o,.s c.* f A .s Le ef An s p<. >7 ,o A G :kn staeve msmen A DETAILED CHANGES R e.(a e c f' My. 3o .v o 32. ~.% f,~n c 5 & / is eaccEovaE afvisioN aEcuinto p DATE PaEPAaEDev b 0 Ynm f/2 c//f / '"' "' EV/Jfww h'2 0/m= '"""' " ff,,a f f (,;/ J ^y/dk - ...,,, g.. y g g o.,< g,,,,, aEcouutNoto.y isas enu-.# ^ A'UG 2 8 1985 A-u h Do m_ oA AreaovEo av iev p/M oArt g i .....vE..,......M-, y oA,E p elnlvs

~ l I dj]1{' 30 MP 1411.05.0 DATA PACKAGE FOR MOV. LIMITORQUE VALVE OPERATOR MODELS SMB -0 THRU 4 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE A. GENERAL INFORMATION: Limitorque Operator Type / Size / Handwheel Turns Serial Number Full Closed to Order Number Full Open MWO Number B. TORQUE SWITCH DATA: AS FOUND SETTINGS: 1 open Close AS LEFT SETTINGS: Open close CALIBRATION PLATE DATA: NORMAL SETTING Number Foot Pounds l MAXIMUM SETTING: 1 Number TTPE: s,, Containment Use (Brown / White) Non-Containment Use (Red) LIMITER PLATE: i Size l 1 ( ~

I-32 MP 1411.05.0 AS FOUND DATA: Number of Turns on Locknut Orientation of Washers: Sat Unsat Number of Washers Thickness of Washer Distance Sleeve to Washer AS LEFT DATA: Distance Sleeve to Washer Number of Turns on Locknut Any Changes Made to Washers F. GEAR SIZING DATA: NUMBER OF TEETH: Motor Pinion Gear WOR Shaft Gear NOTE: The total number of teeth in the motor pinion / worm shaft gear gearset, must be as follows: SMB-0/1 - 72 teeth SMB-2/3 - 70 teeth SMB-4 - 72 teeth G. STEM NUT DATA: TYPE: One (1) Piece -e Two (2) Piece Threade1 Non-rising H. COMMENTS: Completed by: Date:

MP 1411.05 ' ' j f h Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Static; 1L;,yg, 'm }.ma 3 5 #,;.~ thit No.1 n'.[. k : -... di t. Maintenance Procedure MP 1411.05s

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  • Maintenance and Barait of Limitorque Valve operators Types SMB-0 ThrotxJh SMB-4 RfAR SAFE'RELID aneced of %wval and Changes Prepared By

. Tim rum /We F1 htmn 8/15/85 Data Subnitted By [ /7 w ' #GT' .Bymma ramm s'p/as~_ am *

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@ Approved OO i o - psy a ox-c. m m oas. l Approved By

  1. ",+ ' 'm A - - -- -/

kno/glr Plant Manager' Date arvisiat SRB M Plant.% nager No. ancxmnedat m Data Approved oats h uv.1 nate OrnIof1R?(f,lf V(,,,, m vwJ w tuu f; l

1 MP 1411.05.0, s rs '* ~\\ h5 ', - ~ [k 1. PURPOSE $ 521 ~ 1.1 This procedure provides instruction for mainte ance'to be 5 ~ performed on Limitorque operators models SMB-0 through SMB-4'.' 1.2 Due to the complexity and various configurations of these operators, this procedure has been divided into phases. This will allow the flexibility to choose the maintenance required for a specific operator. 1.3 Procedural Phases: 6.1 Disconnect electrical power leads. 6.2 Limitorque valve operator removal from HBC gear box. 6.3 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut installed. 6.4 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut removed. 6.5 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange when operator cannot be placed in manual. 6.6 Limitorque valve operator disassembly. 6.7 Cleaning, inspection, and repair. 6.8 Limitorque valve operator reassembly. 6.9 Limitorque valve operator subassemblies (disassembly and reassembly). 6.9.5 & 6.9.6 Drive sleeve 6.9.9 & 6.9.10 Worm / torque spring (spring pack) 6.10 Limitorque valve operator installation on HBC gear box. 6.11 Limitorque valve operator installation on valve with stem nut installed. 6.12 Limitorque valve operator installation on valve with stem nut removed. 6.13 Lubrication 6.14 Limit switch adjustment.. 6.15 Torque Switch Setting 6.16 Setting position 1Luit stops HOBC through H3BC units. 6.17 Energization and check out 'of Limitorque operators follow-ing maintenance, repair, or new installation. 6.18 Inspection and testing. 1.4 Not all portions of this procedure will be applicable for every maintenance condition. Enter the symbol "NA" in the applicable blanks on the data and signoff sheet as required. This is also appropriate when only portions of this procedure are being conducted. ~ ' - - ~ ~ - * " ~ ~ ~ ' - - --'- -

2 MP 1411.05.0 2. REFERENCES 2.1 Maintenance Procedure MP 1410.32, Testing of Motor Operated Valves using MOVATS 2.2 Limitorque Corporation Limitorque, Bulletin SMBI-82C, Type SMB Instruction and Mainte-nance Manual Limitorque, Bulletin 871, Type SMB Valve Controls Limitorque, Bulletin 15-73, Manual Type HBC Limitorque, Bulletin HBCI-85, Type HBC Instruction and Mainte-nance Manual 2.3 Drawings 2.3.1 Limitorque Corporation 01-404-0013-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-0 through SMB-4 01-408-0073-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-0 through EMB-4 l 01-408-0074-4, Parts List Drawing Model SMB-0 through SMB-4 l 3. SPECIAL EQUIPMElff REQUIRED I i MP 1410.33, Messer Testing of Electrical Equipment MP 1410.63, Electrical Maintenance Guidelines Gasket material - Anchorite #425 or equivalent 3/8" bolt 2 " - 3" long U nut Grease - Exxon nebula EP-1 Lubricant - Holykote "G", Neolube or equivalent Ammeter, clamp on Voltage Tester Wrench, locknut Retaining Ring (snap ring) pliers (inside & outside) Dead man switch 4. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Safety Tagging Procedure, AD 1803.00, will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure. 4.2 TED Safety Procedures will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure.

t. yp r. - ~ n E '4hD 141't.05.0 3 ~ 4.3 Cleanliness Control Procedure AD 1844.05 will be Unreffect and followed throughout this procedure. 4.4 Jumper and Lifted Wire Control Procedure AD 1823.00 will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure. 4.5 Torque switches have different colors. The application in use depends on the color. They are as follows: White: Nuclear Safety Related or For Use Inside and Outside Containment Brown: For Use on All Class IE Equipment. Red: Nuclear Safety Related NOT for Containment Use 4.6 All leads will be bundled before closing lheit switch cover to prevent crushing or broken leads. 4.7 Observe proper radiation practices to limit personnel exposure, ALARA. 4.8 The following actions can damage the operator: Lifting the operator by the handwheel, Forcing the operatur by the handwheel, Forcing the declutch lever, Using a cheater (mechanical leverage) on handwheel. Lifting the operator by or laying the operators weight on the declutch lever. 4.9 AD 1844.06, Control of Lifting and Handling Equipment, will be used when moving operators. 4.10 The Limitorque operator has more than one source of power. 4.11 Do not stop valve stem travel by depressing declutch lever during motor operation. 4.12 Do not jos motor in an effort to obtain a tighter seated valve. 4.13 Do not reset torque switch setting higher than the maximum that is recommended by the valve manufacturer, without engineering approval. 4.14 Do not attempt to set limit switches without first disconnecting control and power circuits unless insulated tools and extreme caution is used. 4.15 Protect inside of Itait switch compartment from exposure to q water or steam.

  • i 4

MP 1411.05.0 4.16 If you must " motor operate" valve without first setting limit switch, a " dead man" switch and extreme caution must be used. 4.17 Engineering evaluation is required prior to performing the torque switch adjustment if the torque switch settings are not stamped inside the limit switch compartment. 4.18 The 10mit switch will not deenergize the motor in the valve " closed" direction on torquad closed valves. Deenergize motor if torque switch failure occurs. 4.19 Do not bypass or render inoperative any of the personnel safety or equipment protection devices. 4.20 Incompatible greases may cause gresses to solidify, liquify or produce toxic gases. Only the gresses specified in this proce-dure are to be used. 4.21 When replacing the covers on the geared limit switch, ensure the contact block is seated correctly on the frame. 4.22 For Environmentally Qualified (EQ) operators, ensure gaskets are intact, all cover bolts installed, all pipe plugs installed, T-drains installed in motors where required and conduit fittings reassembled. 5. PREREQUISITES 5.1 The equipment or device has been isolated and/or deenergized prior to working on Limitorque unit. 5.2 Safety Red Tags have been issued and hung. l 5.3 A Maintenance Work Order has been issued for repairs. l 5.4 A REP has been issued if required. 5.5 Tags for the lifted wires, mechanical modifications and jumpers have been issued and are ready to be attached. 5.6 Record general information on the data package prior to starting work. 5.7 Match mark operator to valve to ensure proper reinstallation. 6. PROCEDURE 6.1 Disconnect electrical power leads. 6.1.1 Shut off all power to Limitorque unit, and hang Safety Red Tags.

5 MP 1411.05.0 6.1.2 Disconnect computer points and hang tags if applicable. 6.1.3 Remove the limit switch compartment cover. 6.1.4 Disconnect the leads to the terminal block. 6.1.5 Disconnect the motor leads inside of the limit switch compartment. 6.1.6 Pull electrical cable from limit switch compartment and attach jumper and lif ted wire tags. Make sure leads are properly marked for reconnecting to the terminals. NOTE: These steps are required to provide a reference point to allow setting limit switches using information provided by the NOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1. 6.1.7 Coordinate with operations, and by engaging the manual handwheel, position the valve to either the full open or full closed position. Record the valve position on the data sheet under limit switch data. 6.1.8 Turn the set rod (s) clockwise until it (they) stop. g,, DO NOT FORCEI (Refer co Figure (11). 6.1.9 Reinstall the Itait switch compartment cover. NOTE: Review and/or refer to the parts drawing for reference as listed in 2.3.1 for this unit whenever disassembly is to be made. Be certain to keep all parts clean and free i from dirt when disassembly is made. NOTE: If Limitorque valve operator is installed with a HBC gear box, perform Step 6.2. Begin at Procedure Step 6.3 or 6.4 if no HBC gear box is installed, or if the operator is attached to a non-rising stem valve, or a rising stem valve where the valve yoke l bushing causes the stem to rise instead of a l threaded stem nut in the operator. In this case, remove any locking devices on the end of the stem. These locking devices (usually a nut and washer), lock the stem. to the stem nut. Perform Steps 6.4.11 through 6.4.12 to remove this operator from its valve. NOTE: Steps 6.2, 6.3, or 6.4 (actuator removal) need not be performed if valve operator is

6 MP 1411.05.0 to be worked in place. If the operator is to be worked in place, remove the stem nut, Steps 6.4.1 through 6.4.10, then proceed to l Step 6.6 or proceed directly to Step 6.6 1 without removing the stem nut and use the lock nut removal tool to unscrew the drive sleeve from the stem in Step 6.2 Limitorque valve operator removal form HBC Gear Box. CAUTION: Do not use Limitorque valve operator handwheel as a lifting point. CAUTION: Prior to proceeding, ensure that the valve is not hard seated, either open or shut. Coordinate with opera-tions and engage the manual handwheel and operate the valve several turns opposite of valve position. 6.2.1 Attach the lifting device to Limitorque valve operator and take up slack. 6.2.2 Remove bolts holding actuator to sear box. 6.2.3 Carefully pull operator away from gear box and off of splined shaft of HBC gear box. / 6.2.4 Transport valve operator to designated work area. 3 NOTE: Performance of Procedure Steps 6.3 and 6.4 requires the Limitorque operator to be placed in manual. If the operator cannot be placed in manual, proceed to Procedure i Step 6.5. NOTE: Procedure Step 6.3 removes the valve opera-tor from the valve flange without removing the stem n2t from the operator. Procedure Step 6.4 removes the stem nut from the operator prior to removing the operator from i the valve flange. Either Step 6.3 or 6.4 may be used. 6.3 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut installed. I 6.3.1 Remove flange bolts holding valve mounting flange to valve operator. 6.3.2 Attach suitable rigging or lifting device to valve operator and take up slack in rigging. 3 6.3.3 Depress declutch lever and place operator in manual. 1 i

4 7 MP 1411.05.0 6.3.4 Slowly rotate handwheel in closed direction maintain-ing tension with rigging equipment. 6.3.5 Continue rotating handwheel in closed direction while lifting an operator until is clear of threaded valve stem. 6.3.6 Transport valve operator to designated work area. 6.4 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange with stem nut removed. 6.4.1 Unscrew the stem protector pipe or cap from the handwheel assembly. NOTE: If the threads above the lock nut have been staked, follow Steps 6.4.2 through 6.4.7. If they have not been staked, so to Step 5. 6.4.2 Stuff a rag or paper towel into the lock nut opening. 6.4.3 Drill out the staked threads above the lock nut. 6.4.4 Clean out the metal particles. ) 6.4.5 Use the lock nut removal tool to loosen and remove the lock nut. 6.4.6 Push the declutch lever down and turn the handwheel in the "CLOSE" direction. 6.4.7 Observe that the stem nut is rising out of the housing as the handwheel is turned. 6.4.8 Stop turning the handwheel when the stem nut no longer i rises. 6.4.9 Use a scribe or pin to unscrew the remaining length of the stem nut. 6.4.10 Remove the stem nut. 6.4.11 Remove flange bolts holding mounting flange to valve operator. 6.4.12 Attach suitable rigging or lifting device to valve operator and take up slack in rigging. 6.4.13 Carefully lift actuttor free of valve and transport to designated work area.

8 MP 1411.05.0 6.5 Limitorque valve operator removal from valve flange when opera-tor cannot be placed in manual. NOTE: Partial disassembly may allow return to manual opera-tica. However, if manual operation is not possible the following steps will provide one method for removal from the valve flange. 6.5.1 Remove the following components using the noted l procedure steps. Torque switch para. 6.6.1. Handwheel - para. 6.6.6. Declutch lever para. 6.6.6. Motor - para. 6.6.2. Spring pack / worn assy. para. 6.6.8. 6.5.2 Remove bolts or caps screwr, from housing cover and remove housing cover. 1 NOTE: Retain housing gasket for reuse or obtain thickness measurement to obtain proper replacement masket. 6.5.3 Using the lock nut removal tool unscrew the drive r sleeve from the valve steam. 6.5.4 Attach lifting device to actuator and remove slack. l l CAUTION: Do not use handwheel as lift point. 6.5.5 Unbolt operator from valve mounting flange and put l bolts in plastic bag. 1 I 6.5.6 Lift operator housing from valve stem. 6.5.7 Install thread protector on valve stem. 6.6 Limitorque Valve Operator Disassembly 6.6.1 Limit Switch and Torque Switch Removal 1. Unbolt and remove limit switch compartment cover (if installed). 2. Disconnect and remove geared limit switch assembly. 3. Disconnect and remove torque switch assembly.

9 MP 1411.05.0 4. Remove the terminal strip (s) and other electrical i parts that may be installed in the compartment. 5. Remove the local mechanical indicator (if installed). 6.6.2 Drive Motor Removal 1. Ensure that electrical motor leads are disconnected. 2. Remove bolts and drive motor and pull motor leads from limit switch compartment. 3. Remove gasket. 6.6.3 Motor Pinion Removal (remove only if worn or damaged) 4 CAUTION: SMB-0 operators have a different pinion arrangement than SMB-1 through SMB-4 opera-tors. Ensure the pinion is not installed backwards. (Refer to Figure 2) 1. Cut and remove lock wire. 2. Loosen set screw. CAUTION: If on SMB-4 valve operators the motor pinion gaar key shows signs of damage or deforma-tion, replace the key with a key made from type 4140 steel. 4 3. Remove pinion and key. 6.6.4 Clutch Housing Removal l 1. Remove retaining ring and split ring retainer. t 2. Remove split ring by pushing against the wore shaft clutch gear to compress the fork return spring allowing the split ring segments to fall t from the wore shaf t. l 3. Remove wore shaft clutch gear. Spacer may come out with the wore shaft clutch gear. (SMB-0 & SMB-1 Only) i NOTE: Some operators have a declutch shaft extension passing loosely through the clutch housing. This extension should be removed by pulling from the motor l end prior to removing the clutch l l I .. _... _ _ _ _ ~ _.. _.., _.

10 HP 1411.05.0 housing to ensure it doesn't fall out during removal of the housing and become lost. 4 4. Remove capscrews. Remove clutch housing by lifting while pulling the housing away from the main housing. This will allow the clutch fork (part of the clutch housing) to disengage from the worm shaft clutch. 5. Remove spacer (for SMB/SB-0 and 1 only), remove the worm shaft clutch, and the clutch fork return spring from the worm shaft. 6.6.5 ' Trippers Removal, Inspection and Reinstallation (see Figure 3) e I 1. Remove tripper spring. NOTE: If off-centered came are installed in the trippers, match mark the came and trippers to allow proper reinstallation. 2. Remove capscrews and trippers. Ensure that 1 j off-centered' cams (if installed) do not fall free j the fingers during removal. 3. After inspecting for defects, reinstall the tripper fingers. If off-centered came are i installed use the match marks to install as originally found. Replace tripper fingers in t same location as they were prior to removal. NOTE: The inside land of one finger must be 1/8" higher than the other by using the off-centered can or grinding / filing the land higher if off-centered cams are not installed. 6.6.6 Hand Wheel Drive Assembly and Declutch Shaft Assembly Removal (Refer to Figures 4 & 5) 1. Remove any retaining rings that may exist in front of the declutch link, then slide declutch link off splined declutch shaft. 2. Remove any retaining rings that may exist between the declutch link and the housing. 3. Loosen handwheel setscrew and remove handwbeel and key. l l

11 MP 1411.05.0 4. Loosen declutch lever setscrew and remove declutch lever and key. 5. Remove bolts and the spring cartridge cap. NOTE: End Cap is rotationally spring loaded. A loud snap might be heard on removal of the end cap. Do not be alarmed, as this is the torsion spring being released. 6. Inspect the spring cartridge cap to ensure the spring pin for the torsion spring is not damaged. This spring pin should be sticking out of the inside of the end cap in the declutch shaft area. On SMB-3 and SMB-4, inspect handwheel shaft needle bearings and oil seal. 7. Remove declutch shaft from the lever end of unit. Remove "O" ring from the declutch shaft. 8. Remove torsion spring from housing. Inspect the torsion spring and housing cavity for defects. 9. Remove the e'lastic stop nut from the handwheel shaft. 10. R=seva spacar and handwheel gaar. 11. (On SMB-3 and SMB-4 Operators ONLY) Loosen four l capscrews and remove retainer ring from motor end 4 handwheel shaft bearing. 12. Remove handwheel shaft which may have to be tapped free from bearing. 13. (ON SMB-0 thru 2 only) Remove bearing from j housing. t 6.6.7 Handwheel Assembly and Disassembly (SMB-0 thru SMB-2 only) Refer to Figure 4. 1. If bearing must be removed, remove "O" ring (if installed) and retaining ring from the handwheel sha f t. If the "0" ring is not on the shaft, look in the housing. 2. Remove retaicing ring from around the 0.D. of bearing and remove bearing. 6.6.8 Worm Shaft and Wore / Spring Pack Assembly Removal (see Figures 6 and 7)

iT 12 MP 1411.05.0 1. Pull on the spring pack from the handwheel end and remove from the housing. If the spring pack does not move easily, rotate the wore shaf t from the motor end. This will unscrew the worn from the wore gear and force the spring pack out of the handwheel end of the housing. If further disassembly is required 30 to Section 6.9.1. 2. Remove four cap screws and bearing cap. 3. Remove wore shaft from the motor end of the case. t 6.6.9 Drive Sleeve Assembly Removal 1. Remove bolts or capocrews and remove housing cover. 2. Using eyebolts in the threaded holes'in the end of the drive sleeve assembly, lift the drive sleeve assembly from housing. 3. If further disassembly is required refer to l Section 6.9.2. 6.7 Cleaning, Inspection and Repair CAUTION: Use only approved solvent par MP 1410.63 for electri-cal parts and Part Kleen tool degressing solvent for mechanical parts. Other solvents may be used with Quality Engineering approval. 6.7.1 Clean all mechanical parts removed from the actuator. 6.7.2 Inspect all parts for danese or excessive wear. 6.7.3 Small nicks or burre on drive shafts and sears can be i smoothed out with a honing stone or a fine file. 6.7.4 Carefully inspect all bearing assemblies for any I defects in inner or outer races or the rollers. Replace any bearing assemblies showing excessive wear or binding. 6.7.5 Remove surface corrosion with penetrating oil and fine grit crocus cloth or emery paper. 6.7.6 If all parts are determined to be satisfactory for reuse, proceed to Procedure Step 6 (Limitorque Actua-tor Reassembly). J 6.7.7 If replacement of bearings or other parts is necessary or it is desired to further disassemble the actuator, k

13 MP 1411.05.0 Procedure Section 6.9 provides specific instruction for disassembly and reassembly of each actuator subassembly. NOTE: Prior to reassembly, verify the applicable sections of the data package have been completed. 6.8 Limitorque Valve Operator Reassembly NOTE: All bearings, w' ora, splined shaf ts and other load bearing parts should be greased prior to installation in the operator. .6.8.1 Drive Sleeve Assembly Installation 1. Clean gasket surfaces of valve operator housing and housing cover. 2. Coat the entire drive sleeve assembly with grease. I NOTE: If the Limitorque operator was worked in place without the stem nut removed, the drive sleeve will have to be Lastalled by engaging the stem nut threads with the stem and rotating the stem nut with the lock nut removal tool until the drive sleeve assembly lower bearing is properly seated in the lower bearing cups. 3. Install the drive sleeve assembly into the case. 4. If the old gasket is still serviceable, place it on the mating surface of the case. If it is not serviceable, replace it with a new gasket of the i i same thickness. CA1TTION: The drive sleeve is shimmed to ensure proper tooth alignment of the worn and worm gear. The use of gaskets of different thickness may cause binding or improper drive sleeve alignment. 5. Install the housing cover. 6. Tighten the four bolts in a "criss-cross" pattern l until snus. 6.8.2 Worm Shaft and Worm (Spring Pack Assembly) Installation (Refer to Figures 6 & 7) N i i

14 MP 1411.05.0 1. Install bearing on worm shaft (two bearings may be required on type SMB 3 and 4). 2. Install retainer ring for bearing (s). 3. Install worm shaft bearing cap (handwheel clutch pinion assembly). 4. Install worm shaf t from motor end of housing. Insert until bearing cap seats against the operator housing. 5. Tighten the cap bolts in a criss-cross pattern. 6. Install fork return spring. 7. Install worm shaft clutch. i NOTE: Thinner set of lugs face toward handwheel clutch pinion. 8. Install worm shaft clutch sear with spacer. NOTE: Spacer installed on SMB-0 and SMB-1 only. 9. Depress worm shaft clutch sear to compress fork return spring and install split ring and split ring retainer. 10. Install retaining ring. 11. Install the worm (spring pack assembly) on the worm shaft. NOTE: To engage the worm it may be easier to rotate the worn shaft clutch to engage [ the splines on the worn shaft. l 12. By rotating the worm shaf t in the proper direc-tion engage the worn fully with the drive sleeve. 6.8.3 Declutch And Handwheel Shaft Installation i i 1. Check the torsion spring cavity in the actuator j body, remove any foreign material if found. i l 2. Install the torsion spring in the cavity, rotate the spring until the tang on the motor end goes into a matching hole in the actuator body, insert fully into cavity. i i

15 MP 1411.05.0 3. Install the declutch shaft from the handwheel end. 4 l CAUTION: Be certain the declutch handle keyway on the declutch shaft is pointing upward and the split pin is on the right (clockwise) side of the torsion spring tang on the handwheel end of the spring. 4. Install retaining ring on motor end of declutch shaft (if required). 5. Install the handwheel shaft from motor end if possible. Install bearing retaining ring spacer and "O" ring. (SMB-0 thru 2 ONLY) 6. (For SMB-3 and SMB-4 ONLY) Install handwheel shaft from the motor end. Install bearing retainer ring and tighten capscrews. 7. Be certain the "0" ring for the declutch shaft is in the opening for the declutch shaft in the cartridge cap. Replace if required. 8. Check the cartridge cap for the condition of the g,, split pin, if it is bent, broken or missing, replace it. 9. For SMB-3 and SMB-4 only, install oil seal and needle bearings for handwheel shaft in the cartridge cap. 10. Install the cartridge cap, use a new gasket if the old one is damaged. 11. Start several of the screws which hold the cartridge cap in place. 12. Install the declutch lever and key. Tighten setscrew in handwheel. 13. Slide the cartridge cover to within " of the i hous ing. 14. Depress the declutch lever and slide the cartridge cover flush with the actuator housing. 15. You may release the declutch lever but hold the cartridge cap cover tight against the housing.

16. Tighten the cartridge cap cover mounting screws.

16 MP 1411.05.0 17. Install the declutch link on the declutch shaft. ' NOTE: Link must be installed pointing as close to straight down as possible. The flat side of the link should be toward the limit switch compartment. 18. Install retaining ring on declutch shaft to hold declutch link in place (if required). 6.8.4 Clutch Housing Installation 1. For the clutch housing remove clutch trippers and spring from clutch housing, if installed. 2. Install declutch shaft extension if required. 3. Install gasket and clutch housing using 4 cap screws. Tighten screws. NOTE: Declutch fork must fit inside grooves on worn shaft clutch. 4. Install clutch trippers in same configuration they were in before removal (be sure same side facing outward). If the fingers are the new s style, using cams to achieve the proper height, be certain to match marks on the case and fingers match. 5. Install the capocrews and tighten. Install the tripper spring. 6. Engage the operator in manual and check operation of declutch mechanism. NOTE: Rotate the worn shaft clutch gear by hand to return operator to motor operated mode. 6.8.5 Drive Motor Installation NOTE: Check to be sure the declutch mechanism works properly before installing drive motor. CAUTION: If on SMB-4, valve operators the motor pinion sear key shows signs of damage or deformation, replace the key with a key made from type 4140 steel. CAUTION: Ensure actor pinion is not installed backwards.

17 MP 1411.05.0 1. Install key and pinion on motor shaft ensuring it is a tight fit on the motor shaft. NOTE: Refer to Figure 1. Pinion arrangement is different for SMB-0 operators. 2. Tighten setscrew and install lockwire (if required). NOTE: Add grease to clutch housing cavity prior to motor installation. 3. Install motor gasket. 4. Reinstall motor while aligning drive pinion with clutch gear and carefully putting motor leads into limit switch compartment. 5. Install mounting bolts and tighten. 6.8.6 Installation of Electrical Components in Limit Switch Compartment I 1. Install tenminal block (s) and space heater (if ins talled). 2. Install the position indicator module if the operator is equipped with one. 3. Install the geared limit switch. NOTE: Do not turn limit switch set rod (s) at this time. 4. Prior to installation of the torque switch, reset the pointers to a setting of one (1) open and one (1) closed. Ensure that the valve is not torqued and install the torque switch in such a way that no rotation of the base plate is required to align the mounting holes. Reinstall the mounting screws and readjust the pointers to the desired setting. CAUTION: Ensure the torque switch is not in-stalled upside down. 5. Connect all electrical leads according to the operator wiring diagram. 6. Install the limit switch compartment cover using a new gasket if required. ---__-__----._,m, _,., _. - - -.,.. -. - _. _ _ _ _ -. _ _. - _. _ -. _ _. _ _ _. ____,,__..__m___.

1 i 18 MP 1411.05.0 7. Proceed with Section 6.10, 6.11 or 6.12, limitorque valve oper.tzr installation. If the valve operator wts worked in place, proceed to Section 6.14, limit switch adjustaent. 6.9 Limitorque Valve Operator Subassemblies (disassembly and reassembly) l 6.9.1 Spring Pack Disassembly / Assembly (Refer to Figure 7) NOTE: The spring pack assembly should not be disassembled unless absolutely necessary. i NOTE: Proper tension of the spring discs is very important. The amount of tension is con-trolled by the nut at the end of the worn shaft. The tension is adjusted by the number of turns of the nut. } 1. Natch mark the stem and elastic stop nut in a way that allows monitoring the marks during removal s with a wrench attached. 2. Place assembly in a soft-jawed vice holding on the bearing outer surface. 3. Measure the distance from the torque limit sleeve and thrust washers behind Belleville springs - record on Data Package. l 4. Remove elastic stop out, counting the exact number of turns to remove and record on Data Package. CAUTION: The Belleville spring discs must be removed and replaced in the exact same order. Use caution when removing the discs. Place them on the work bench where they will not be disturbed. 5. Remove thrust washer and the torque limit sleeve. 6. Remove Belleville spring discs and remaining tirust washer. Place on 3/8" bolt to keep in appropriate order. 7. Count the Belleville washers and measure thick-ness of each. All should be identical. Record on the data package. 8. Remove worm shaft with bearing from bearing cartridge stem. 1 i

1 19 MP 1411.05.0 9. Loosen setscrew and remove bearing locknut. Remove bearing cartridge cap. 10. Inspect bushing. Remove and replace if worn. 11. Inspect worm. Remove and t place if worn. 12. Reinstall cartridge cap, new bearing and locknut. Tighten and stake threads of setscrew. 13. Pack bearing with Exxon Nebula EP-1 grease. 14. Install worm shaft with bearing into bearing cartridge stem. 15. Install thrust washer, torque limit sleeve, Belleville spring discs and thrust washer. 16. Install new elastic stop nut with the same number of turns as Paragraph 4. Record number of turns on Data Package. 17. Nessure the distance from the torque limit sleeve to thrust washer behind the Belleville springs. Should equal the distance previously recorded - j paragraph 3. I 6.9.2 Drive Sleeve Disassembly / Inspection / Assembly (Refer to Figure 8) 1. Remove lower bearing cone and spacer. NOTE: If worm gear requires replacement, the worm should be carefully inspected to ensure the worm has not been damaged. 2. Remove worm gear. 3. Remove upper bearing. l 4. Inspect all parts for chips, gouges, burrs, nicks, etc. If any part shows excessive wear, it should be replaced. 5. Clean the upper and lower drive sleeve bearings with solvent and dry them. 6. Clean the upper and lower bearing journals on the drive shaft with solvent and dry them. 0 , ~, - -, -. - - ~ -. - -, ..----e ,n---.-,-----.,,, - - - - - - -,, - -.. -,



20 MP 1411.05.0 7. Inspect the bearing journals for gouges, nicks, burrs, etc. If such areas are present, dress with a honing stone or a fine file. Be sure to wipe the journals clean when finished. 8. Coat the bearing journals with a light fibn of grease. 9. Reinstall worm gear. 10. Reinstall spacer and lower bearing cone. 11. Install upper bearing cone. NOTE: Stem nut and locknut are to be in-stalled at time of installation, if they were removed during actuator removal from valve. 6.10 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on NBC Gear Box (or i non-rising stem valve) 6.10.1 Using suitable lifting device, position operator in position next to HBC gear box (valve). 6.10.2 Carefully line up splines in operator with splines in gear box (valve) and slide actuator into place against gear box flange. 6.10.3 Install bolts holding actuator to housing and tighten. l 6.10.4 Reinstall any stem nut locking devices, if previously installed (usually a nut and washer). 6.10.5 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator or stem. 6.10.6 Install protective cap or pipe. 6.11 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on Valve with Sten Nut Installed 6.11.1 Using suitable lifting device, position operator in position over valve stem. 6.11.2 With valve operator in manual, carefully engage stem nut with valve stem threads. 6.11.3 Using care rotate valve operator handwheel in the l "Open" direction while lowering operator onto the mounting flange. / e

21 MP 1411.05.0 6.11.4 Install and tighten flange bolts holding valve mount-ing flange to valve operator. CAUTION: While performing this step, ensure valve disc is not jammed into the valve seat. 6.11.5 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator stem. 6.11.6 Install cap or protection pipe. 6.12 Limitorque Valve Operator Installation on Valve with Stem Nut Removed NOTE: Be sure that operator to be installed is the original operator for the valve, or an acceptable replacement. Use Model No., Serial No., and Order No. if necessary, to trace operator specifications and verify acceptability. 6.12.1 Lubricate valve stem and stem nut with approved lubricant. 6.12.2 Carefully lower valve operator onto valve body flange. Install attaching bolts. 6.12.3 Insert stem nut into operator; then screw stem nut on valve stem as far as it will go. Align stem nut and drive sleeve splines. 6.12.4 Push declutch lever down and turn handwheel to "0 PEN" direction until it cannot be turned any further. (This action causes stem nut to fully retract into operator.) l 6.12.5 Using special wrench or driftpin, screw locking nut into operator until snug. 6.12.6 Using chisel or punch, stake threads at two places i (180* apart) just above locking nut. 6.12.7 With operator in manual, rotate handwheel in each direction to ensure no binding of actuator or stem. l l 6.12.8 Install cap or protective pipe. 1 t l 6.13 Lubrication l 6.13.1 The main gear box and the geared limit switch shall be lubricated in accordance with the Lubrication Manual. 6.13.2 Limitorque valve operator motors are factory lubricat-ed for life.

3 22 MP 1411.05.0 6.13.3 The following should be noted when inspecting the gear box and geared limit switch lubrication: 1. Limit Switch: Humble 011 Co. Beacon 325 grease is light a. gray in color. b. Mobil Oil Corp. - Mobil 28 is dark red in color. 2. Gear Box: Exxon - Nebula EPI is dark tan in color and a. used for nuclear containment units. All of the above greases should be smooth and creamy, free of lumps and foreign matter. 6.13.4 Lubricant Requirements for the Gear Box: Ihe approximate quantities and weights for SMB actua-tors is as follows: Size Quantity (Gals.) Weizht (lbs.) l SMB-0 1.0 9.5 SMB-1 1.5 15.0 SMB-2 1.75 17.5 SMB-3 5.5 50.0 SMB-4 8.5 75.0 6.13.5 In the event that lubricant types are changed, the lubricants shall NOT be mixed. CAUTION: Ensure pipe plugs used are on gear box and are not conduit plugs. l 6.13.6 Unscrew two pipe plugs located on lower and upper side of case. 6.13.7 Using grease gun, inject clean fresh grease into lower pipe plug opening until grease reaches level of upper pipe plug opening. 6.13.8 Remove pipe plug on motor gear box and fill it with grease. 6.13.9 Inject grease into grease (zerk) fitting on handwheel housing. l

1 23 MP 1411.05.0 6.13.10 Reinstall pipe plugs. 6.14 Limit Switch Adjustment Limit switches are driven directly by the same drive train that turns the valve stem. They can be set to operate at any specif-ic number of turns of the gear train. These switches are normally set to operate at the end of travel of the valve stems, thereby identifying the "0 PEN" and " CLOSED" valve positions. NOTE: Determine the type of valve the Limitorque actuator is operating and note whether it is a gate, globe ball, butterfly plug, diaphragm, or other. If the valve is a ball or a butterfly type employing H_BC operators, set the limit stops per Section 6.17 before attempting to set limit switches. 6.14.1 Setting the "0 PEN" Limit Switch NOTE: Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve. 1. Using the manual handwheel position the valve to the position listed on the data sheet for itait switch data. Then turn the set rod on the limit switch until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! This will engage the limit switch for subsequent steps. l 2. Using the manual handwheel, close then fully open the valve noting below the direction of rotation of the intermittent gear shaft (refer to Figure 11). Count the number of handwheel turns from full closed to full open and enter on data sheet. Direction of Rotation: Clockwise Counterclockwise 3. With the valve fully open it must be closed slightly to allow for backlash and coast down. Rotate the handwheel in the closed direction until the valve stem starts to move. Now rotate the handwheel in the closed direction an addi-tional 41 of full stroke handwheel turns (i.e., if full stroke is 100 turns, rotate the handwheel turn in the closed direction beyond the point where stem motion starts). l

l ]: 2-MP 1411.05.0 NOTE: Setpoint for open limit switch may also be provided by the MOVATS Test Procedure Ref. 2.1. i NOTE: If difficulty is encountered determining the point of stem motion, match marks or a temporary pointer affixed to the stem or yoke may be used. i 4. Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (Figure 10). l DO NOT force! 5. By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the limit switch believes the valve is in (refer to Figure 11). 6. If the limit switch indicates the valve is not yet open, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction noted in Step 6.14.1, Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate to the "0 PEN" position (refer to Figure 11). 7. If the limit. switch indicates the valve is "0 PEN" or past "0 PEN", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step until the rotor contacts rotate (indication of valve not open). Now reverse direction on the intermittent gear. shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the "0PRi" position (refer to Figure 11). l 8. Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. You should not be able to move the intermittent gear shaft with your screwdriver. If you can move it, i repeat Sections 6.14.1, Step 4 and 6.14.1, Step 7. l 6.14.2 Setting Closed LLait Switch on Ball, Butterfly, Plug, Diaphragm, or Other Non-Wedging Type Valve 1. Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential : jury to servicing personnel or damage to the val 2. Manually operate the valve in the " CLOSED" direction. Note the direction of rotation of the " CLOSED" rotor intermittent gear shaft (refer to Figure 11). Record this direction below. ~

25 MP 1411.05.0 Direction of Rotation: Clockwise Counterclockwise 3. With the valve fully closed, it must be opened slightly to allow for backlash and coast down. Rotate the handwheel in the open direction until the valve stem starts to move. NOTE: If difficulty is encountered determin-ing the point of stem motion, match marks or a temporary pointer affixed to the stem or yoke may be used. 4. Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (Figure 10). DO NOT FORCEI By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the limit switch believes the valve is in (refer to Figure 11). 5. If the limit switch indicates the valve is not yet closed, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction noted in Step 6.14.2, Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate to the " CLOSED" posi-tion (refer to Fir 97^ 11). 6. If the limit switch indicates the valve is " CLOSED" or past " CLOSED", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step 6.14.2, Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate (indication of valve NOT closed). Now reverse direction on the intermittent gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the " CLOSED" position (refer to Figure 11). 7. Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. You i should not be able to move the intermittent gear ( shaft with your screwdriver. If you can move it, repeat Sections 6.14.4 and 6.14.7. l l 6.14.3 Setting closed Limit Switch on Wedging Type Gate and Globe Valves l j NOTE: To ensure proper operatioy,of the Aorque bypass switch during valv e unseati.'ag the MOVATS Test Procedure, R4ference 2 1 will provide the proper " CLOSED" limit switch i settings. x 1. Ensure all electric power is turned off to prevent the electric motor drive from turning on i

26 MP 1411.05.0 during switch adjustment. This eliminates the potential injury to servicing personnel or damage to the valve. 2. Manually operate the valve in the " CLOSED" direction. Note the direction of rotation of the " CLOSED" rotor intermittent gear shaft (refer to Figure 11). Record this direction below. Direction of Rotation: Clockwise Counterclockwise 3. With the valve fully closed and manually engaged, rotate the handwheel in the "0 PEN" direction the i number of turns specified by the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1. 4. Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops (Figure 10) DO NOT FORCE! By observing rotors outer contacts, note the position the lLait switch believes the valve is in (refer to Figure 11). 5. If the limit switch indicates the valve is not yet closed, turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction noted in Step 6.14.3, Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate to the " CLOSED" posi-tion (refer to Figure.11). 6. If the limit switch indicates the valve is " CLOSED" or past " CLOSED", turn the intermittent gear shaft in the direction opposite that noted in Step 6.14.3, Step 2 until the rotor contacts rotate (indication of valve NOT closed). Now l reverse direction on the intermittent gear shaft and turn until the rotor contacts rotate to the " CLOSED" position (refer to Figure 11). t 7. Rotate the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE! This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. You I should not be able to move the intermittent gear shaft with your screwdriver. If you can move it, repeat Sections 6.14.3, Step 4 and 6.14.3, Step 7. 6.14.4 Setting Four Trained Geared Limit Switches 6.14.1. A four train limit switch is essentially i two, two train limit switches installed top to bottom (refer to Figure 10). The upper set of rotors are the "0 PEN" and " CLOSED" l l l

\\ 27 MP 1411.05.0 rotors and are set per Sections 6.14.1 through 6.14.3. 6.14.2 The lower set of rotors are set in the same manner as the upper and are used for control functions. Position settings for these rotors will be supplied by Maintenance Engineering. 16.15 Torque Switch Setting (Refer to Figure 9) NOTE: Torque switch settings will be provided by NOVATS Testing Procedure, Ref. 2.1, or by Engineering. NOTE: The magnitude of the compression of the torque spring is espirically calibrated in foot pounds and a name-plate is affixed to each switch compartment (refer to Figure 9) denoting the calculated torque output at that setting. The maximum setting allowed by Limitorque for the particular application is also marked on the torque switch calibration tag. 6.15.1 Torque setting must be made with switch mounted in Limitorque. 6.15.2 Make sure all electric power is off. 6.15.3 Manually position the valve at midstroke. 6.15.4 Loosen the adjusting screws and move the pointers to the required setting. Tighten the adjusting screws. ( 6.15.5 Operate valve electrically in conjunction with the MOVATS Test Procedure, Ref. 2.1, to determine if torque switch is operating properly. If further adjustment is required, repeat Section 6.15. 6.15.6 Record final torque switch settings on data sheet. 6.16 Setting Position Limit Stops HOBC through H3BC Units' 6.16.1 Hex Nut Type Stop (Refer to Figure 12) 1. With valve in full closed position, remove limit stop cover plate. 2. You will note two travelling hex nuts, A and B. If hex nut B is near the position shown, run the haz nut hand tight against the housing and so l that one of the flats of the her nut is on top so l as to face the cover plate.

w 28 MP 1411.05.0 3. Replace the limit stop cover plate and turn input shaft of H-BC operator to fully open the valve. 4. Remove limit stop cover plate and check position of hex nut A. This nut should be turned until it is flush up against the end of the limit stop l housing and one of the flats of the nut is on top facing the limit stop housing cover plate. 5. Bolt limit stop cover plate in position. 6.16.2 Key Nut Type Stop (Refer to Figure 12) 1. With valve in full closed position, remove end cap and limit stop housing. 2. If stop nut is near the adapter cap (as shown), run stop nut hand tight against the adapter cap face. 3. Slip on the limit stop housing and rotate limit stop housing to line up the nearest set of holes in adapter cap. If stop nut is nearest extreme end of worm shaft, slip limit stop housing into position and rotate to move stop nut flush with end of limit stop housing. 4. Bolt limit stop housing in position and assemble end cap. NCYIE: The setting of the limit stop for the closed position automatically sets the open stop for 90* of travel. 6.17 Energization and Checkout of Limitorque Operators Following Maintenance, Repair, or New Installation NOTE: MOVATS test unit may be installed at this time per Ref. 2.1. 6.17.1 Manually place valve in the mid position. Check for correct polarity by energizing the open circuit for about one second. NOTE: If valve travels in the open direction polarity is correct. If valve travels in the closed direction, 1) deenergize the circuit immediately, 2) exchange any two (2) phases if AC, or if DC, reverse the At and A2 connections. ~

29 MP 1411.05.0 6.17.2 Energize the valve in the open direction. After the motor has stopped, turn the actuator handwheel to ascertain whether adequate clearance exists between the position at which the valve stem comes to rest and valve back seat. 6.17.3 Energize the valve in the closed direction. After the motor has stopped, turn the actuator handwheel to determine if proper seating has occurred. In the case of wedging type valves difficulty in turning the handwheel in the open direction should be encountered until the gate or globe clears the seat. For non-wedging valves, the handwheel should not turn in the closing direction, but should turn relatively easily in the opening direction. 6.17.4 Operate the valve through two (2) complete cycles of open and close to ensure proper operation. 6.17.5 If during checkout adjustments are necessary, refer to the appropriate section of this procedure. 6.17.6 Ensure data sheetiis completed to the maximum extent possible. 6.18 Inspection and Testing 6.18.1 For Type C Containment Isolation Valves (as listed in ST 5061.02, ILRT), a Local Leak Rate Test (LIJtT) will be performed as determined by Maintenance Engineer. LLRT must be performed if repairs may have affected the valve seating capabilities. 6.18.2 For Containment isolation valves as listed in ST 5064.01, e perform cycling test and record isolation time (where applicable) per ST 5064.01, i s

30 MP 1411.05.0 DATA PACKAGE FOR MOV. LIMITORQUE VALVE OPERATOR MODELS SMB/SB-000 THROUGH 00 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE A. GENERAL INFORMATION: Limitorque perator Type / Size / Handwheel Turns Serial Number Full Closed to Order Number MWO Number Full Open B. TORQUE SWITCH DATA: AS FOUND SETTINGS: Open t Close _ AS IXYT SETTINGS: open Close CALIBRATION PLATE DATA: NORMAL SETTING Number Foot Pounds MAXIMUM SETIING: Number TYPE: Containment Use (Brown / White) Non-Containment Use (Red) LIMITER PLATE: Size x

+ c 31 MP 1411.05.0 C. LIMIT SWITCH DATA: TYPE: Valve Position When Switch Disengaged Nuclear (Brown / White) Non-Nuclear (Red / Black) Open Closed (Check One) GEAR BOX: Four (4) Counter Gears Five (5) Counter Gears SIZE: Two (2) Train . Four (4) Train D. MOTOR DATA: SIZE: Foot Pounds Initial Inrush Current Horse Power Running Current VOLTAGE: AC. Voltage During Operation DC Amps to Torque Out Stroke Time CURRENT: Run For DC Motors Locked Rotor Shunt Current Armature Current Insulation Class Duty Rating Speed E. SPRING PACI DATA: CALIBRATION PLATE DATA: Part Number Number of Washers Thickness of Washers

D' 32 MP 1411.05.0 AS FOUND DATA: Number of Turns on Locknut Orientation of Washers: Sat Unsat Number of Washers Thickness of Washer. AS LEFT DATA: Number of Turns on Locknut Any Changes Made to Washers F. GEAR SIZING DATA: NUMBER OF TEETH: Motor Pinion Gear WOR Shaft Gear NOTE: The total number of teeth in the motor pinion /woria shaft gear gearset, must be as follows: SMB-0/1 - 72 teeth SMB-2/3 - 70 teeth SMB-4 - 72 teeth G. STEM NUT DATA: TYPE: One (1) Piece Two (2) Piece Threaded Non-rising H. COMMENTS: Completed by: Date:

6 33 MP 1411.05.0 DATA AND SIGNOFT SHEET 1. Procedures and attachments have been verified with the control copy. Verified: Date: 2. All notes, cautions, precautions, and limitations have been read and understood. Verified: Date: 3. The following sections of the procedure were performed and verified as complete. Verified: Date: Verified: Date: s Verified: Date: Verified: Date: 4. The data sheets have been reviewed and the valve is ready to be returned to service. Verified: Date: 1 5. The Shift Supervisor has been notified that work is complete and the system has been restored as directed by the Shift Supervisor. I Verified: Date: l l i I t l \\ I i I m.

.-_E 34 MP 1411.05.0 g .C C O n s\\ s ( v ) \\( .\\ s e N ,M ~ '6. og(i N] A > Y =/ ' 'N fs.%};'%.s$f'ca3$b gg' r =] paj a. o Figure 1


Figure 3. Clutch Housing, Trippers & Fork SMB 0 thru SMB 4 DECLUTCH FORK i SET SCREW NEW ST,LE CAP SCREW WITH ECCENTRIC BUSillNG \\ AND WASilER (o D O S / o o N I \\ Ig* q A ./ ..I. E cA, - 0 WITil WASitER 0 0 ) FORK PlVOT PIN TRIPPER SPRING l C.U TCil 110USING e S b ( CLUTCil TRIPPERS

Figure 4. Handwheel Shaft Components SMB-0 thru SMB-4 HANDWHEEL g SET SCREW HANDWHEEL SHAFT d J gI IfANDWilEEL GEAR M J / SPACER l KEY nff / 0 g l KEY BALL BEARING ELASTIC STOP NUT SNAP RING b NOTE: SMB-3 and SMB-4 Have needle bearings located -o in the cartridge cap for the handwheel end - SNAP RING



e figuT*,. s,<1et,,acw/*lfse semW Co*P"" As ,,.e 4 i SP E* %ss gg Att 9E8 GEAR \\"G ,,,, siim g0? Y 10*fyE gELLyE[' b g gEABlY S g sc,E*S O GEAR \\MO

Figure 8. Drive Sloove Components SMB 0 thru SMB 4 41 MP 1411.05.0 00000000000cu ROLLER BEARING CONE \\' d %J /LD ORIVE SLEEVE Q j %J x WORM GEAR l- < J WORM GEAR SPACER x __. CONE

42 MP 1411.05.0 l r TORQUE SWITCH CAU8 RATION e i l 1 '2 3 4 5l l 1 l J t i i EXAMM E. Normas 2% Messenum 3% I \\ C!ase' terminais l ~h Camaa - 56 3/ l Ortoge b ? N' 9 g N l

    • I h

.smer SMS.oc 3ME.o Tme sween somng tnrougn SMS.5 SMS C mrougn SME 5 Figure 9

_.. _. ~ _ _ - i 43 MP 1411.05.0 Lt!'Itt syntCD 4 gear aos 1 p-o y. r- = = - y J u }# h'Q.y y o I 7 = e I ~: O to ran Sow waa A A Ens viour Isteruittant Shatt Ene * ) F S ..t - Y] y)$( Figura 10 a

44 s 1411.05.0 -m CPSN C:.CSE t t ( 'l Rotor dyers tact l Incarmittant shaft A_. C h h at v.% rDI 1 ~ ~ I Set End OptM C:.CSE O Figure 11

43 .T 1411.05.0 HEX. NUT TYPE STOP ina = .w ima -s won on osivt sLttw-on enousins c:ma l = x ,-. wJ1-W/ !AW- '-' r

  • r " ' " r M f!l ( v. 67 2

ij m ;: ) i ir i l I I il s .TM \\ e ai si l l l l /l 1 K," Awx w x / w.% L-z canon natt e nur v ~ -11///is, isis /s 11 ~ ~ a l KEY-NUT TYPE STOP ~ INDEX uARK TWO INDEX MARKS APPEUt ON ORIVE SLIEVE-t f CN HOUSING COVER ~ ~N g / 4 i i / / N 's Ofj ADAPTER CAP <y'..q> j sy // Oc Nar #Euavn uutT stor p. HousNsy L ?, j .p'

s. 9 M

gypT,' ,wN .8 .3 M.H CAP J !! i ei

  • , l l

l ', l*I . w' i liL_ li Ff, ,/ l J s. y' '4 g ~~,,,.. ~ g y$. s STOP NUT-27i "\\,, M ~ ,,..,/., i l I Figura 12 i i

  • i MP 141LO,6.,1 y e. -

{.s. EWvis-Besse Naclear Pcwer Station

  • rk' Ibit Ib.1 1

eg. Maintenance Prt:rwhme MP 1411.06 Preventive Maintenance for Type SMB and 9C Limitorque Valve Operators NAfAR SAffHEffD Pecord of Approval and Changes Prepared By Jim Ian 9/12/85 Date Subnitted By /0/g/W / Secticn Head 'Date Fa,- +Ad By 3 W. b.' D o OCT g 1948 w SRB Q'ai m n Date QA Approved Y /#hik) Qua.44y Assurance Director ' Data // 77 7 Approved By Plant Manager 'Datd Pavisicn SRB QA Plant Manager !b. Rmx.m.i.dation Date Approved Data Approval Date 4 & o u~?d'3'%

1 MP 1411 p-e 1i 1. PURPOSE W. c ~. %c, y y] '25 0 1.1 This procedure provides instructions for preventive mainte )I? tobeperformedonlimitorqueoperatorstypesSMBang,SMC. ,..j 1.2 Each Itmitorque operator will be scheduled for preventive maintenance per the Preventive Maintenance Program. 1.3 NOT all portions of this procedure will'be applicable for every preventive maintenance condition. Enter the symbol "NA" in the applicable blanks on the data and sign-off sheet as required. 1.4 Preventive Maintenance Sections 6.1 Mechanical Inspection and Lubrication Checks 6.2 Electrical Cleaning and Inspection 6.3 Electrical Motor Checks 6.4 Limit Switch Lubrication Check I 2. REFERENCES i 2.1 Limitorque Corporation Limitorque Bulletin LC9, Maintenance Procedure Limitorque Bulletin SM31-82C Limitorque Bulletin SMC1-04/03-83 Limitorque Bulletin SMC1-00 thru 2-85 l 3. SPECIAL EQUIPMEFT REQUIRED MP 1410.33, Megger Testing of Electrical Equipment i Gasket material, Anchorite #425 or equivalent Electrical contact cleaner (CRC Lectra Clean or equivalent) Lubricant, Molykote "G", or equivalent 4. PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Selected equipment covered by this procedure is safety-related and is included in the Station's Environmental Qualification I (EQ) Program. Any discrepancies noted during the conduct of this procedure must be documented on the applicable Data Sheet and reported to the appropriate foreman and the EQ Coordinator for disposition. l i l c-,,,__ ,,.-._--__.,__.,, _, - _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _. - _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _. _ _. _ _. ~. _.

c /' 2 MP 1411.06.0 . 'c ' 4.2 SafethTaggingProcedure,AD 1803.00, will be in effect and followed throughout this procedure. 4.3 .,Ga{'ety Procedures will be in effect and followed throuf2out this procedure. 4.4~ Jumper and Lifted Wire Control' Procedure, AD 1823.00, will be in effect and followed throughout this prpcedure. 4.5 All leads will be bundled before closing limit switch cover to prevent crushing or breaking leads. 4.6 Observe proper radiation practices to limit personnel exposure, ALARA. 4.7 Incompatpble greases may cause greases to solidify, liquify or produce toxic gases. Only the gresses specified in this procedure are to be us=d. Prior to adding any gresse to the-operator, i ensure type of grease can be documented or else issue a correc-tive NWO to relubs. s I 4.8 When repl' acing the covers on the geared limit switch, ensure the contact block is seated correctly on the frame. l i 4.9 Ensure gaskets are intact, all cover. bolts installed, all pipe plugs installed, and conduit fittings reassembled. 4.10 The limitorque operator, has more than one source of power. 4.11 Requirements marked by (EQ) in the left margin are mandatory to ensure continuance of ec-ironmental qualification. 5. PREREQUISITES 5.1 A Maintenance Work Orcer has been issued. l 6. PROCEDURE l Unless specifically allowed by procedural steps, any deficiencies noted during performance of this precedure will be addressed by a corrective maintenance, MWO (Maintenance Work Order). s 6.1 Mechanical Inspection and Lubrication Check 6.1.1 Check for external physical dagage or abnormal '.,. ~ conditions. Record findings on data sheet. l loose, missing, or broken hardware a. b. loose conduit fittings c. evidence of moisture or water on the actuator I and v41ve sten l n s ll. r s [ \\ L

grU _.y 3 MP 14 d. dirtorhighdustconcentrationontheactyMN,' and valve stem hfM,* e. surface corrosion L, f. check area for water damage and intrusion of water into actuator (EQ) o.1.2 Check "T" drains in motors where installed. Check that "T" drain is not blocked. Record finding on data sheet. 6.1.3 Remove the stes protection cover from the operator. This may consist of a pipe plug in the housing cover or a pipe and pipe cap arrangement. 6.1.4 Engage the operator in manual hand wheel and manually operate the valve in both the open and closed directions. The operator should engage easily in the manual mode, operate freely without binding, and remain engaged in manual without further action from the operator. Record findings on the data sheet. 6.1.5 Manually operating the valve as required, clean and lubricate the valve stem and stes nut. Check for burred or worn threads and that the stes nut is properly staked. Record findings on the data sheet. 6.1.6 Visually inspect operator for general condition and leakage of lubricant from gasketed or o-ring sealed joints. NOTE: Slight weepage of oil is normal. Record findings on the data sheet. 6.1.7 Lubricate the zerk fitting in the housing cover, using Nebula EP-1. 6.1.8 Inspect grease in operator. NOTE: Each operator has at least two grease plugs on the main gear box compartment. Additionally there is a grease plug on the Motor Gear Box compartment which is completely isolated from the main gear box compartment on some units. CAITTION: Do not confuse the grease plugs with limit switch compartment conduit plugs. 1. Remove plugs from main and motor gear box housings. l l

4 MP 1411.06.0 2. Using a suitable instrument remove a small amount of grease from each plug. Grease should be soft to the touch, of even consistency, not show evidence of separation and adequately cover the gear sets. Should evidence of dirt, water or other foreign material be found provide a sample of the grease to Maintenance Engineering for evalua tion. Record findings on data sheet. 3. Add Nebula EP-1 if required to ensure proper grease level in the operator. 4. Reinstall plugs removed for inspectfan. 6.1.9 Reinstall stem protector removed in Step 6.1.3. 6.2 Electrical Cleaning and Inspection NOTE: This inspection is to be to the maximum extent possible without removal of limit or torque switches. 6.2.1 Remove the limit switch compartment cover. On type SMC units also remove the torque switch compartment cover. Should moisture be evident, dry the compartment and components. (EQ) 6.2.2 Inspect wiring, terminals and contacts to the maximum extent possible. Check all terminal connections for tightness and check frayed wiring. Clean all electrical controls and contacts by wiping with electrical type l contact cleaner (CRC Lectra Clean or equivalent). 4-Record findings on data sheet. i NOTE: IF corrective action requiring removal of the limit switch is required perform Section 6.4 concurrently with corrective action. 6.2.3 Inspect areas around limit switch and torque switch l mounting plates for evidence of oil / grease leakage. A slight amount of weepage is satisfactory. Record findings on data sheet. (EQ) 6.2.4 Inspect the switch block and switch rotor assemblies of torque switches for cracks, surface checking or evidence of brittleness. Inspect the cam-striker hub for erosion by looking between the dial and strike hub with an inspection mirror. 6.2.5 Check and record torque switch setting.

5 MP 1411.06.0 )) 6.2.6 Inspect the switch block and rotor assemblies of limit switches for cracks, surface checking or evidence of brittleness. Inspect the rotor for evidence of cracking where the rotor mounts on the metal shaft with groove pin. Inspect for worn rotor end. (EQ) 6.2.7 Check and record the color of the torque and limit switches. Check and record type of limit switch gear box (brass or aluminum). 6.2.8 Clean gasketed surfaces and inspect cover o-rings and gaskets as required. Replace gaskets or o-rings if damaged. Record findings on data sheet. 6.2.9 Replace limit switch compartment cover and torque switch compartment cover (type SMC only). 6.3 Electrical Motor Checks (EQ) 6.3.1 Megger check limitorque operator motor. Record findings on data sheet. NOTE: One MEG-0EM or better is considered normal. 6.4 Switch Lubrication Check (Type SMB) NOTE: It may be possible to check the lubricant in a two train limit switch without its removal from the operator. In this case perform only the applicable steps of this procedure. 6.4.1 To remove limit switch for inspection proceed as l follows: 1. Verify valve in either full open or closed position. 2. Note the position of contacts 1, 5, 9 and 13 as required. 3. Turn the set rod clockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE. This disengages the rotor gearing mechanism. CAUTION: Do not change valve position or rotor position during the remainder of Section 6.4. 6.4.2 Remove limit switch cover and electrical leads as required. -_,_._,.m.

6 MP 1411.06.0 6.4.3 Remove two screws holding the limit switch gear box bayonet flange to the operator housing. Remove the limit switch for the operator. 6.4.4 Remove the limit switch gear box cover plate and gasket. (EQ) 6.4.5 Inspect the grease. It should be soft and of even consistency and adequately cover gears. If any water, dirt or other foreign substance is evident in the grease contact Naintenance Engineering. Record results on data sheet. 6.4.6 Reinstall gear box cover. Use new gasket if required. Ensure the cover is properly seated on gear box frame. NOTE: IF limit switch is two train unit proceed to step 6.4.12. IF limitorque limit switch is a four train unit further disassembly is required. Proceed to Step 6.4.7. 6.4.7 Remove two screws holding each limit switch gear box to four train cartridge gear box. 6.4.8 Remove both limit switch gear boxes from cartridge i gear box and perform Steps 6.4.3 thru 6.4.5 on the second gear box. Record results on data sheet. 6.4.9 Remove four allen head cap screws from cartridge gear box cover and remove. 1 (EQ) 6.4.10 Inspect grease using same criteria as in Step 6.4.4. Record the results on data sheet. 1 6.4.11 Reinstall limit switch gear boxes on cartridge gear box using screws removed in Step 6.4.6. l 6.4.12 Reinstall gear box bayonet in operator housin; and screws removed in Step 6.4.2. 6.4.13 Reconnect electrical leads and limit switch cover. 6.4.14 To return a limit switch to service, proceed as follows: i i 1. Turn the set rod counterclockwise until it stops. DO NOT FORCE. This re-engages the rotor gearing mechanism for normal operation. l l 2. Verify that you cannot move the intermittent j gear shafts with a screwdriver. i l

7 MP 1411.06.0 l 3. Verify that rotors have not changed position. 6.5 Operability Check 6.5.1 Ensure all parts are installed and valve is ready for operability check. 6.5.2 Cycle valve electrically and monitor and record motor current and voltages. l l I J

8 MP 1411.06.0 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (PM) Data Package for MOV A. General Information Operator Type / Size / Serial Number Order Number NWO Number External Condition: SAT UNSAT T-Drain Installed SAT UNSAT & Clear B. Manual Nandwheel Operations SAT UNSAT Seal Condition: SAT UNSAT Remarks: C. Clean & Lubricate Valve Stem and Stem Nut i l Stem Nut Staked: Yes No l Thread Condition: SAT UNSAT Remarks: D. Lubrication of Main and Motor Gear Box Amount: SAT UNSAT Quality: SAT UNSAT Remarks: E. Electrical Inspection Contact Condition: SAT UNSAT General Condition: SAT UNSAT Torque Switch Setting: i l Switch Colors: l Page 1 of 2

9 MP 1411.06.0 Geared Limit Switch Material Limit SW and Torque SW 0-ring Condition: SAT UNSAT Gasket or 0-ring Condition: SAT UNSAT Remarks: F. Electrical Motor Checks Megger Check Value: G. Limit Switch Lubrication Type: Two Train Four Train Lubricant Condition: SAT UNSAT Completed by __Date H. Operability Check Motor Current: amps Motor Voltage: volts Valve Operation: SAT UNSAT Remarks: l Page 2 of 2

10 MP 1411.06.0 DATA AND SIGN 0ET SHEET 1. Procedures ano attachments have been verified with the control copy. Verified Date 2. All notes, cautions, precautions, and limit.ations have been read and understood. Verified Date 3. The following sections of the procedure were performed and verified as complete. Verified Oste Verified Date___ Verified Date i i Verified Date i i 4. The Shift Supervisor has been notified that work is complete and the I system has been restored as directed by the Shift Supervisor. Verified Date l l S. The data sheets have been reviewed by the Maintenance Engineering staff. Verified Date l i ( END Page 1 of 1 - _ _}}