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Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 104 to License DPR-13
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1988
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20155F958 List:
NUDOCS 8806170129
Download: ML20155F981 (2)


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SAFETY EVALUATION BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION RELATED TO AMENDMENT N0. 104 TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE N0. DPR-61 CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY HADDAM NECK PLANT DOCKET N0. 50-213 INTRODUCTION Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.90, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company'(CYAPCO) proposes to amend the Operating License No. DPR-61 for the Haddam Neck Plant, By letter dated February 9,1988, CYAPC0 proposed to increase the required number of Halon storage cylinders in the switchgear room in Technical Specifica-tion Section 3.22.C.1 from seven (7) to eight (8), increase the number of smoke detectors in the switchgear room from 32 to 35 in Table 3.22-2 and change the  !

requirement in Table 3.22-2 to require eight (8) of nine (9) smoke detectors f.o I be in service within the Screenwell Building instead of two (2) of three (3). l In additicn, Table 3.22-2 is being revised to reflect new fire areas in the l Primary Auxiliary Building and Screenwell Building that agree with the currew Fire Hazard Analysis.

_ DISCUSSION As part of the Switchgear Room Halon System upgrade the nunber of operable Halon cylinders required in the system increased from seven (7) to eight (8) cylinders and the minimum number of smoke detectors required to be operable and the total number of detectors available as stated in Table 3.22-2 "Fire Protection '

Instruments," increased from 26 of 32 to 35 of 35. The change to 35 detectors required to be operable (i.e., all detectors required) is being made to meet NFPA 72E spacing guidelines.

As part of the Screenwell Building Detection Upgrade the minimum number of smoke detectors required to be operable and the total number of detectors available as stated in Table 3.22-2 increased from two (2) of three (3) to eight (8) of nine (9). In addition, a footnote requires that the inoperable detector cannot be one of three existing detectors on the upper level of the Screenwell Building. Also Table 3.22-2 will be updated to reflect the new fire areas in the Primary Auxiliary Building and the Screenwell Building as described in the current Fire Hazards Analysis.

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, EVALUATION The proposed changes will increase the required number of operable smoke detectors and Halon bottles for the Switchgear Room and increase the required number of operable smoke detectors for the Screenwell Puilding. In additior.,

the change requires that all detectors in the Switchgear Poom be operable and that all three of the original detectors on the upper level of the Screenwell Building be operable. The modified Detection System /Halon Suppressien System offers more detection coverage [ thirty-five (35) detectors versus thirty-two (32) for the Switchgear Room, and 8/9 versus 2/3 operable detectors for the Screenwell Building; and provides additional Halon to extinguish postulated fires. These changes increase CYAPCO's capability to detect, control and extinguish fires. Administrative, testing, and inspection procedures were revised to naintain the modified detection and suppression systems.

The proposed revisions to the Primary Auxiliary Building and Screenwell Building fire areas are an update to the current Fire Hazards Analysis. These revisions were made to take the Technical Specifications cons 1 stent with the current Fire Hazards Analysis.

ENVIRONMENTALCON,SIDERATJ0N This amendment changes a requirement with respect to the installation or use of a facility corrponent located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20. The staff has determined that the anendment involves no significant increase in che arounts, and no significant change in the types, of any effluents that may be released offsite, and that there is c no significant increase in individual or cunulative occupational radiation exposure. The Cccmission has previously published a proposed finding that the amendrent involves no significant hazards consideration and there has been no public contrent on such finding. Accordingly, the amendment meets the 10 CFR eligibility) 951.22(c criteria for categorical (9). Pursuant to 10 CFRexclusion 951.22(b), set forth in no environtrental impact statenent or environnental assessrent need be prepared in cor.nection with the issuance of the amendrrent.

_ CONCLUSION Based on the considerations discussed above, we have concluded, that the proposed changes provide more restrictive operibility requirerrents and the proposed change will result in added assurance that smoke detection and fire suppression will be available. Therefore, we have concluded (1) there is reasorable assurance that the health and safety of the endangered by operation in the proposed manner, and such (2)public will notwill activities be be conducted in corrpliance with the Comission's regulations, and the issuance of the arendirent will not be inimical to the conrnon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.

03ted: June 1,1988 Principal Contri: ucor:

Alan B. Wang
