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Petition of Air & Water Pollution Patrol for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing
Person / Time
Site: Limerick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/1986
From: Romano F
CON-#186-274 OLA, NUDOCS 8603040312
Download: ML20141N137 (2)



llE.T"?.',. 50,JS4 04 A l


W Pollution Patrol


Feb. 24, N 4 -3 41 :59 1986 l

i J

secretary of the Cottnission Docketing and Service rection j

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 0F F '



'ashington, D.C.

20555 000 " $.-

l 1

7 ear Sir-1 I

I che Air and Mater Pollution Patrol ( Ah*PP ) responds to a copy of a document dated 1/27/86 to.97 E C. Sauer, Philadelphia Clect-ric Company, from the NRC which relates to Limerick Generating Sta-l tion, Unit 1.

This document, identified as ""onthly Notico; Appli-cations and Amanduents to operating Licenses Involving No Signifi-l


cant Hazzard Consid waciond, dated Dec. 26 and 30, 1985 and Janu-ary 9, 1986".

I roccived :his document with a copy of the Federal Register which informs the the MP.C 4.s considering issuance of an i

amraendment to Operreing Licenco #NPF-29 to P::Co for the operation l

of Limerick Generating Station J1,not from the SRC but from Mr. Robt, i

Anthony on Feb. 21, 1986, thus the delay.

i i

In spite of a 4.5 montr. leeuay over the 18 month interva'.,


i l

l seeks an additional 3 nonths oefore inspection.

P.Z. had aparos.1-l l

mately 115 LCRs with many repocts of sano violation rencated.

l This amnendment would allow PEco 3 months more to avoid tost-i l

ing cortain instrument lines, to a maximum of 96 days beyond the t:me required in the Technical T>pecifications i

AWPP/Roraano in an intervonor in the Limorick licensing proced-I ings, and wo petition for leave to intervono with hearing.

Becauco 1

J from the record of the Applicant as ovidenced from the repeated Lic-i ensco " vent reports, any extention of timo required to determino l

the ability of the instrumentation lines to function proporly would pose riska to the health and safety sinco these linos are essential to operator information and control of the nuclear process, and f

are aboolately necessary for safo Ortdew. in caso of an accident I

0603040312 060224 PDH ADOCK 05000352 l

g VUH 3 S03 i

i AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.

i (2) i s

i l

I at the plant that.ould release radioactive nuclides, thereby threatening nembers of Aupp as well as the public.

It u already past the 25% extension (Fe b. 19, 1906) on i

with resulting possible mal-checkir.g for faults ar.d wea kne.. int 2

f unc t :.on in case of anv accidental force or combination of forces which night be aaplied to those lines from the rupture of pipes, to incapicitttinn rC contral Raam personnel due to toxic vapors,to


such chlorine centrol failuren that have occured at least 15 times 1

or. the sane or related apparatus.

lhe Torrey Pines Technology study done for Pntlaualphia ricetric reported Nov. 1984 warnings which further indicaten extend:aq inspection of lines could bc l


The Shuttle Challenger disaster occured because of j

rusning to avoid propor inapcction.

l In Report o80-02 whercin welding and irnproperly proportioned l

c;ncrete which MiPP warned of in Centention VI-I, now shows up as i

l Lurst piping and citrolens concreto propertioning,and placement, i

that permitted radioactive water to seep through the concrete to an out s ide willwa y, remrted

  • huv wks a rc. 1"spections need snecdun, not delay.

I The patterr of carolusar.enn (turing conntruction and the contin-


u2ng pattern of carolenoness doen not warrant an entention of time l

for P.L','a convenience, and coat in :noney, againnt ponsible coat l

c f lives.

AWPF/Remano calla for adhcarence to the 18 nonth re-4 quirement.

4 f

l P:npectfully submitted, l


b. N ' 5?).

s l' rank'k. Renano, Chairman 11 S.

P.idge Ave.

l Anbler, l'a. 19002 FPP!jch h'c cortify the atovo han boon nervod on the latent lervico Lint.

l l
