MONTHYEARML20210G1061999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at University of Massachusetts During Wk of 990614-16. Without Encl ML20204H0591999-03-22022 March 1999 Discusses Arrangement Made Re Administration of Operator Licensing Exams at Univ of Massachusetts Lowell Reactor Scheduled for Week of 990607 & Requests Matl Listed in Encl 1 in Order to Meet Schedule ML20198B2991998-12-10010 December 1998 Forwards Comments on Draft ANSI/ANS-15.17, Fire Protection Program Criteria for Research Reactors ML20198P2691998-12-0808 December 1998 Forwards Exam Rept 50-223/OL-98-03 on 981116-19 Administered to Employees of Facility Applying for License to Operate Reactor ML20196J4411998-12-0707 December 1998 Forwards Results of Operator Initial Examination Conducted at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell on 98i1116-18.Without Encl ML20198M3311998-11-29029 November 1998 Forwards Ro/Sro Certificates for Wc Gick,Kj Randall, Bd Stymest & Ma Tries at Univ of Massachusett - Lowell Facility.Without Encl ML20239A0781998-08-31031 August 1998 Forwards Ro/Sro License Certificates for Lm Bobek, Rs Clement,Mg Griffin,Al Stevens & Rd Tooker at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell ML20237E2101998-08-24024 August 1998 Discusses Arrangements Made W/L Bobek,For Administration of Operating Licensing Exam at Univ of Massachusetts During Wk of 981116.Matl Furnished for Exam Administered During Wk of 980803 Will Be Used ML20237C0151998-08-17017 August 1998 Informs That Lm Bobek Has Assumed Responsibilities of Reactor Supervisor for Univ of Ma,Lowell Research Reactor. Info Provided to Facilitate Communications & Delineate Line of Responsibility for Reactor,Listed ML20237A7011998-08-12012 August 1998 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted on 980803-06 ML20237A0881998-08-12012 August 1998 Discusses Initial Exam Rept 50-223/OL-98-01 Administered During Week of 980803 to Employees of Facility Who Applied for License to Operate at Univ of Ma,Lowell Reactor.W/O Exam Rept,Facility Comments & Exam & Answer Key ML20237F1161998-08-11011 August 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Time & Effort in Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operating Exams During Wk of 980802. Provides Comments on Written Licensing Exam ML20248M0241998-06-0909 June 1998 Informs That Arrangements Were Made W/D Medich,For Administration of Operator Licensing Exams at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell Reactor,For Wk of 980803 ML20247L8391998-05-18018 May 1998 Informs of Arrangements Made W/D Medich for Administration of Operator Licensing Exams at Univ of Massachusetts.Written & Operating Exams Scheduled for Wk of 980803 ML20217Q1921998-04-0707 April 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-223/98-200 on 980317-20.No Violations Noted.Radiation Protection,Effluent Control,Special Nuclear Matl Accountability & Emergency Preparedness Programs Were Inspected ML20203H7071998-02-18018 February 1998 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell on 980130.W/o Encl ML20202F9601998-02-12012 February 1998 Advises That L Bettenhausen Has Resigned Position as Supervisor of Univ of Massachusetts,Lowell as of 971220. DC Medich Appointed Acting Reactor Supervisor,As of 980101 Until Permanent Supervisor Is Appointed ML20198L2051998-01-0808 January 1998 Accepts Replacement of High Enriched Fuel Elements Per 10CFR50.64(b)(2)(i).Inventory of Unirradiated HEU Fuel Must Conform to Requirements of Order Entitled, Reduction of Unirradiated HEU Fuel Holdings at Non-Power Reactors ML20198E6291997-12-30030 December 1997 Informs of Completion of Remaining Commitment Re Operation of Gamma Cave Facility at Univ of Ma Research Reactor. In-Cave Monitor Has Been Installed,Tested & Incorporated Into Cave Safety Interlock Sys ML20198B4461997-12-18018 December 1997 Requests That Two Replacement HEU Fuel Elements Be Provided So Research Can Go Forward W/O Delay ML20197H5631997-12-11011 December 1997 Forwards Certificates to Listed Licensed Individuals at Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell Facility.Newly Licensed Individuals Include Jm Giordano,Sro & AL Stevens,Ro ML20199K8931997-11-24024 November 1997 Discusses Arrangements for Administration of Operator Licensing Exams at Univ of Ma Reactor Scheduled for Week of 980126.In Order to Meet Schedule,Furnish Matl Listed in Encl 1 at Least 60 Days Prior to Exam Date ML20199C1561997-11-10010 November 1997 Forwards Initial Exam Rept 50-223/OL-97-01 Administered During Week of 970929.Facility Comments W/Nrc Resolution & Exam & Answer Key Also Encl ML20199C0991997-11-10010 November 1997 Forwards Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Massachusetts During 970929-30.W/o Encl ML20217L8881997-08-14014 August 1997 Informs That Arrangements Made W/L Bettenhausen for Administration of Operator Licensing Exams at Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor.Written & Operating Exams Scheduled for Week of 970929.Matl Listed in Encl 1 Requested ML20217H4371997-08-0505 August 1997 Informs That Responsibility for non-power Reactor Insp Program Has Been Transferred from Regional Ofc to NRR ML20198E8021997-07-31031 July 1997 Forwards Order Modifying License R-125 to Convert from High to Low Enriched U Fuel,Amend 12 to License R-125 & Safety Evaluation.Order Being Issued in Response to 930521 Submittal ML20198L1841997-07-15015 July 1997 Refers to Which Informed of Request for DOE to Provide L Bettenhausen W/Two Replacement HEU Fuel Elements in Univ of Massachussetts Lowell Research Reactor Core.Finds Acceptance of Fuel Permissible Since LEU Fuel Unavailable ML20141G1061997-06-26026 June 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-223/97-201 on 970513-16.No Noncompliances or Significant Issues Identified ML20141H3291997-06-16016 June 1997 Requests That Small Number 4 Replacement HEU Fuel Elements Be Provided So Research Can Go Forward W/O Delay.Ltr Requesting Fuel,Encl ML20148L6381997-06-0606 June 1997 Confirms Commitments Made in Telcon Discussions to Determine Void Coefficient in Low Enriched U (LEU) Core,Installed & Tested at Univ of Ma Lowell,Research Reactor ML20141H7711997-05-16016 May 1997 Responds to RAI Re HEU to LEU Conversion of Univ of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML20141L8481997-05-0909 May 1997 Forwards Response to 970321 RAI Re Exemption Requests to 10CFR36 for Gamma Cave at Univ of Ma Lowell ML20137C9241997-03-21021 March 1997 Forwards RAI in Order to Complete Review of Exemptions to 10CFR36 for Gamma Cave at Univ of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor,Per 970712 Request ML20135C1391997-02-24024 February 1997 Forwards Certificates to Listed Newly Licensed Individuals. W/O Encl ML20133P3221997-01-17017 January 1997 Forwards Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Massachusetts on 961218.W/o Encl ML20133M3221997-01-16016 January 1997 Forwards Initial Exam Rept 50-223/OL-96-03,facility Comments W/Nrc Resolution & Exam & Answer Key for Exam Administered During Wk of 961218.W/o Encls ML20135A1311996-11-26026 November 1996 Forwards Insp Rept 50-223/96-02 on 961007-10.No Violations Noted ML20149L8021996-11-13013 November 1996 Forwards Administration of Written Exam,Procedures & Review of Written Exam for Operator Licensing Exam at Univ of Massachusetts.Exam Scheduled for Wk of 961216 ML20134K2991996-10-31031 October 1996 Responds to 960816 RAI Re Requests for Exemption from Certain Parts of Regulation,Bases for Such Requests & Detailed Info Re Facility ML20128K8981996-10-0909 October 1996 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Ma,Lowell on 960923-25 ML20134C9771996-10-0909 October 1996 Forwards Copy of Results of Operator Initial Exam Conducted at Univ of Ma,Lowell on 960923-25.W/o Encls ML20117J8281996-08-27027 August 1996 Forwards Annual Rept of Operation of Univ of Massachusetts Lowell Reactor for Period 950701-960630 ML20115H6361996-07-12012 July 1996 Requests Exemption from 10CFR36, Licenses & Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators ML20117K5881996-06-0303 June 1996 Informs That Licensees Will Appoint Staff Member to Take on Responsibilities of Health Physics Technician on full-time Basis,Effective 960601 ML20082S5291995-03-30030 March 1995 Provides Clarification of Statements Addressed in Insp Rept 50-223/94-02 Re Insp Conducted on 941205-07 ML20080B3561994-11-21021 November 1994 Expresses Appreciation for Professional Conduct of Operator Exams by P Doyle During 941114-16 & Comments on Selected Questions from Written Exam ML20078C3221994-10-18018 October 1994 Forwards Rev 4 to Emergency Preparedness Plan for Univ of Ma Lowell Research Reactor ML20065J2281994-04-11011 April 1994 Forwards Review of Conformance to 10CFR36 for Use of Univ of Ma Lowel Reactor Gamma Cave,In Response to TS Michaels 940204 Request ML20064K0241994-03-17017 March 1994 Forwards Proposed TS for Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor W/Low Enrichment Fuel,Correcting Editorial Oversights & Providing Clarification Resulting from Discussions W/Nrc 1999-07-28
MONTHYEARML20237C0151998-08-17017 August 1998 Informs That Lm Bobek Has Assumed Responsibilities of Reactor Supervisor for Univ of Ma,Lowell Research Reactor. Info Provided to Facilitate Communications & Delineate Line of Responsibility for Reactor,Listed ML20237F1161998-08-11011 August 1998 Expresses Appreciation for Time & Effort in Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operating Exams During Wk of 980802. Provides Comments on Written Licensing Exam ML20202F9601998-02-12012 February 1998 Advises That L Bettenhausen Has Resigned Position as Supervisor of Univ of Massachusetts,Lowell as of 971220. DC Medich Appointed Acting Reactor Supervisor,As of 980101 Until Permanent Supervisor Is Appointed ML20198E6291997-12-30030 December 1997 Informs of Completion of Remaining Commitment Re Operation of Gamma Cave Facility at Univ of Ma Research Reactor. In-Cave Monitor Has Been Installed,Tested & Incorporated Into Cave Safety Interlock Sys ML20198B4461997-12-18018 December 1997 Requests That Two Replacement HEU Fuel Elements Be Provided So Research Can Go Forward W/O Delay ML20141H3291997-06-16016 June 1997 Requests That Small Number 4 Replacement HEU Fuel Elements Be Provided So Research Can Go Forward W/O Delay.Ltr Requesting Fuel,Encl ML20148L6381997-06-0606 June 1997 Confirms Commitments Made in Telcon Discussions to Determine Void Coefficient in Low Enriched U (LEU) Core,Installed & Tested at Univ of Ma Lowell,Research Reactor ML20141H7711997-05-16016 May 1997 Responds to RAI Re HEU to LEU Conversion of Univ of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor ML20141L8481997-05-0909 May 1997 Forwards Response to 970321 RAI Re Exemption Requests to 10CFR36 for Gamma Cave at Univ of Ma Lowell ML20134K2991996-10-31031 October 1996 Responds to 960816 RAI Re Requests for Exemption from Certain Parts of Regulation,Bases for Such Requests & Detailed Info Re Facility ML20117J8281996-08-27027 August 1996 Forwards Annual Rept of Operation of Univ of Massachusetts Lowell Reactor for Period 950701-960630 ML20115H6361996-07-12012 July 1996 Requests Exemption from 10CFR36, Licenses & Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators ML20117K5881996-06-0303 June 1996 Informs That Licensees Will Appoint Staff Member to Take on Responsibilities of Health Physics Technician on full-time Basis,Effective 960601 ML20082S5291995-03-30030 March 1995 Provides Clarification of Statements Addressed in Insp Rept 50-223/94-02 Re Insp Conducted on 941205-07 ML20080B3561994-11-21021 November 1994 Expresses Appreciation for Professional Conduct of Operator Exams by P Doyle During 941114-16 & Comments on Selected Questions from Written Exam ML20078C3221994-10-18018 October 1994 Forwards Rev 4 to Emergency Preparedness Plan for Univ of Ma Lowell Research Reactor ML20065J2281994-04-11011 April 1994 Forwards Review of Conformance to 10CFR36 for Use of Univ of Ma Lowel Reactor Gamma Cave,In Response to TS Michaels 940204 Request ML20064K0241994-03-17017 March 1994 Forwards Proposed TS for Univ of Ma Lowell Reactor W/Low Enrichment Fuel,Correcting Editorial Oversights & Providing Clarification Resulting from Discussions W/Nrc ML20045H6541993-06-24024 June 1993 Forwards Job Description for Position of Supervisor of Univ Research Reactor.Position Contingent Upon State Funding.Univ Not Permitted to Encumber State Funds W/O Due Authorization by State Legislature & State Executive Branch ML20044E2971993-05-20020 May 1993 Submits Rev 4 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld ML20035C6081993-04-0606 April 1993 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-223/93-01 & 70-0738/93-01 on 930208-10.Corrective Actions:Seeking New Reactor Supervisor.Security Plan,Revs 1,2 & 3 Audit Rept (Audit Summary) for 930323-24 Audit Encl ML20141M0821992-03-23023 March 1992 Informs That Retirement of L Beghian Modified Reporting Chain for Lowell Reactor.New Reporting Chain Listed ML20077D4711991-05-20020 May 1991 Informs That Facility Operated on 910507 W/O All Core Grid Positions Filled.Procedures Revised to Preclude Recurrence ML20028H6551991-01-0606 January 1991 Informs That SAR for Conversion to Low Enriched Fuel to Be Submitted by Jul 1991 ML20055J3991990-07-21021 July 1990 Submits Info Re Availability of Decommissioning Funds,Per 10CFR50.33 & 50.75 ML20248D0791989-09-26026 September 1989 Informs of Changes in License R-125,per 10CFR50.59 Re Relocation of Electronics Group & Machine Shop ML20151M5021988-07-27027 July 1988 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp 50-223/88-01 on 880314-16 & 22.Corrective Actions:Formal Tracking & Review Process for All Required Surveillance Activities Implemented ML20154J3141988-05-19019 May 1988 Responds to Concerns Raised in Insp Rept 50-223/88-01 & During 880429 Enforcement Conference.Corrective Actions:New Charter Drafted for Reactor Safety Subcommittee to Include Sections Requiring Specific Membership Review & Signature ML20214A0611987-04-0101 April 1987 Informs of Expected Schedule for Conversion from Highly Enriched U Fuel to Low Enriched Fuel.Grant Awarded from DOE to Evaluate Effects of Conversion on Performance of Reactor ML20136A8441985-11-0606 November 1985 Responds to 851021 Order to Show Cause,Describing Fuel on Site.Presently 29 Full Fuel Elements on Site & 26 in Core. Review of Description of Fuel Use for Compliance W/Section III-1 of Order Requested ML20133L9791985-10-21021 October 1985 Forwards Revised Tech Specs in Support of Request for Extension of License R-125 ML20127D9401985-06-14014 June 1985 Forwards Figure 4-10 to Be Included w/850610 Written Responses to Final Questions Concerning Safety Evaluation for Facility ML20127A1571985-06-10010 June 1985 Forwards Responses to Final Questions for Safety Evaluation Re Renewal of License R-125.Info Includes Effective Delay Neutron Fraction,Clean Cold,Core Value,Core Outlet Coolant Temps & Rod Worths ML20128H0531985-05-23023 May 1985 Forwards Motion to File Late Response to Jf Doherty Petition to Intervene,Petition of Univ of Lowell for Leave to Intervene & Notice of Appearance in Proceeding ML20136J0811985-05-16016 May 1985 Forwards Ltr to Commissioner Palladino That May Be of Interest Re Licensing of Facility ML20087M6851984-03-0707 March 1984 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-223/83-02.Corrective Actions:Automatic Notification Issued to Committee Members & Tickler Sys Installed to Measure Control & Regulating Valve Intervals ML20028A7031982-11-0303 November 1982 Forwards Public Version of Proposed Emergency Preparedness Plan ML20066B8551982-10-21021 October 1982 Forwards Operating Rept for Univ of Lowell Reactor,Jul 1981 -June 1982 ML20027D0211982-10-21021 October 1982 Forwards Monthly Operating for June 1982 ML20065D2011982-09-0707 September 1982 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Rept 50-223/82-01.Corrective Actions:Procedures Prepared, Reviewed & Approved for All Subsequent Activities Dealing w/Co-60 Source Per Tech Spec Requirement ML20050D5201982-03-25025 March 1982 Requests License Be Amended to Reflect Recent Administrative Changes in Organization & Mgt.Amend Does Not Present Any Safety Issue.Resumes Encl ML20032D7041981-11-0202 November 1981 Submits Tech Specs Change for License R-125 Authorizing Receipt,Possession & Use of Byproduct Matl in Support of 811019 Application ML20032B9431981-11-0202 November 1981 Requests Delay in Required 811103 Submittal Date of Revised Emergency Plan as Required by 10CFR50.Info Re ANS Plan Is Not Available at This Time ML20010B5761981-07-31031 July 1981 Notifies That Budgetary Constraints Have Necessitated Layoffs Which Affect Administrative & Security Organization Section of Univ Energy Ctrs Security Plan for Protection of Snm.No Inconsistency W/Reactor License Identified ML20003F4131981-04-15015 April 1981 Forwards Revised Page 12 to Security Plan for Protection of Snm.Page Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML19309G7351980-04-29029 April 1980 Requests Info Re Analysis & Documentation Required to Support Request for License Amend to Raise Power Level to 2.5 MW ML19257D7851980-01-21021 January 1980 Revises Re Contractor Personnel Film Badge Rept Showing Penetrating Dose Equivalent of 1,820 Millirem. Corrected Rept Shows Actual Reported Doses of 40 Millirem Penetrating Dose & 140 Millirem Beta Dose ML19253A8731979-08-30030 August 1979 Forwards Annual Operating Rept for Yr Ending 790630 ML19253A8771979-08-29029 August 1979 Forwards Annual Operating Rept for Yr Ending 790630 ML19207C3771979-08-29029 August 1979 Forwards Operating Rept for Jul 1978-June 1979 1998-08-17
[Table view] |
LOWELL, M ASSACHUSETTS 01854 Theodore S. Michaels, Senior Project Manager Non-Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate MSilB20 Division of Reactor Program Management i
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation j
l U.S. Nuuear Regulatory Commission i
W ashington, D.C. 20555-0001 Docket Number 50-223 l
License No. R-125 l
This reponds to your request dated March 21,1997. The answers to the l
questions posed are enclosed, l
A subject discussed by telephone was the provision of a backup l
radiation monitor in the access corridor. This monitor would be in addition i
to the fixed wall monitor with readout and alarm in the control room and l
display in the access corridor and the portable survey meter in the access corridor used for cave entry. A frisker-type Geiger-Mueller detector with l
a local alarm set at 10-20 mr/hr and positioned to respond to radiation from the cave door opening has been emplaced. This detector will be part of the radiation monitoring system until an in-cave monitor, suitable for the environmental and radiation conditions,is added to the gamma cave interlock and alarm system.
i f D90 i fk
>r William T. Hogan Chancellor j
l Submitted under oath or affirmation per CFR 50.30(b)
As stated NOTARY PUBLIC cc w/ enclosures: See next page Wmisphssept28,2001
i q
NEININI$\\lllj$'\\\\\\\\g 9
s' x
090017 cs 9706030005 970509 DR ADOCK 05000223
. U.S'. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 50-223 cc:
1 l
Mayor of Lowell City Hall i
Lowell, Massachusetts 08152 Office of Attorney General Environmental Protection Division 19th Floor One Ashburton Place Boston, M A 02108 j
. REACTOR SAFETY SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS University'of Massachusetts Lowell:
John White Warren Church Mary Montesalvo l
George Chabot Gunter Kegel Lee Bettenhausen Kanti Prasad i
l David R. Medich l
l l
a i
- 1. The more important question from a safety standpoint is,"Can the minimum strength source being used be detected just outside the gamma cave door?" A test to ascertain the answer to this question was conducted l
on April 7,1997. (data summary below) The gamma cave radiation l
monitor clearly detected the source presence. The portable survey meter did not respond untilinterlocks were defeated and the cave door cracked open. A rapid increase in detected radiation level was then noted. The door was only opened wide enough to place the detector in the opening.
Experimental observations:
4/7/97, Cobalt Rack 102 (one strip,80 Ci) on window Reactor shut down camma Door survey Cave Monitor Gamma Cave l
No source 0.04 mr/hr 0 mr/hr Rack 102 on window 0.10 mr/hr 0 mr/hr Rack 102, door cracked 31/2 mr/hr 40-50mr/hr i
Rack 102, door opened 4"
>20 mr/hr 100 mr/hr j
Doses measured by fixed ion chambers in the cave for these conditions were: Inside door 9 5' from floor 8.2R in one hour and 3' from source window 112 R in one hour. Note that at these levels, the definition of "irradiator" of Part 36 no longer applies and the access controls of 10CFR 20.1601 apply.
- 2. The meter is checked for battery operation each time it is turned on, typically at the beginning of a work day and often for each cave entry, when the irradiation times are longer than tens of minutes. It is operationally checked prior to each gamma cave entry by observing the full scale response on the 0 - 5 mr/hr (lowest) scale to a Co60 check source mounted on the wall just to the left of the gamma cave door. See S0-10 (enclosed).
- 3. The measures to prevent entry into the access corridor with a minimum cobalt 60 source in front of the gamma cave window are those that have long been in place. The operator who places the cobalt on the window then l
assures that the corridor radiation monitor trips high. This assures that l
the electricalinterlocks are energized. If the source was not of sufficient l
strength, the operator is instructed (Standing Order 10, Para. 3.0) to lower l
the setooint until the alarm and interlocks are engaged. These measures I
have been in place for many years.
The gamma cave and the reactor share the same pool, are part of the same facility, and have been operated under License R-125 since November 1981. The radiation monitoring system for the reactor is the same as the one for the gamma cave. The operability of the entire radiation monitoring system is determined prior to sh reactor operation, weekly or more often (except school vacation periods).
This is done to satisfy Technical Specifications 3.4 and 4.3.
Technical Specification 4.3 requires semi annual calibration; this includes all radiation sensors, including those for the gamma cave, since they are
part of the reactor facility. These existing Technical Specifications meet or exceed any requirements of 10CFR 36. No further Technical Specifications are proposed.
l 4.
Technical Specification 3.6 prohibits explosive materials and cryogenic liquids. Standing Order #1 further prohibited mercury, paraffin, loose boron, and flammable bottled gases. Standing Order #1 has been changed to prohibit pyrophoric materials, and oxidizers from the reactor building and flammable liquids from the vicinity of all reactor experimental facilities, including beam tubes, gamma cave, and hot cell. Quantities of i
flammable liquids at other locations will be limited to that needed for cleaning, lubricating, or painting of the facihty. A copy of the revised S01 is enclosed. Note that NFPA Standard 801 doce not define " organic liquids",
but does define " flammable liquid" 5.
The radiation dose rate in the source handling area does not exceed 0.02 millisievert per hour. The low alarm setpoint is 0.03 millisievert per l
hour and the high alarm / local alarm setpoint is 0.10 millisievert per hour for the bulk pool monitor over the handling area. However, the bulk pool detector is located 8" above the water surface in a region that traps argon gas, so the detector reaches 0.05 millisievert per hour during extended j
reactor operations. The operator handling cobalt is standing above this region in a well ventilated area where the radiation dose rates are those typical of the reactor building, 0.001-0.003 miilisievert per hour.
l l
30APR97 o
REV.1 STANDING ORDER #1 MATERIALS PROHIBITED IN THE REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING AND EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES The materials listed below are not to be brought into the reactor building-Exceptions will be made only upon written approval of the Reactor Supervisor or the Chief Reactor Operator if such approval will not violate NRC regulations, Technical Specification limitations, or ULR Procedures.
hiaterials Prohibited: In-Cont ain m ent 1.
Any explosive material in any form (e.g., gun-powder, dynamite, TNT, nitroglycerin, PETN, etc.)
Mercury (in element form).
Paraffin (except for portable shielding for sources).
Boron in loose chemical form (borax, boric acid, etc.)
Flammable bottled gases (including oxygen).
Pyrophorics The following exceptions are authorized.
Bottled oxygen when used in breathing apparatus and other emergency medical purposes. (This exception has no expiration date).
2 Proportional counter counting gas (90 % argon,10 % methane) to be used with counters set up on third floor or basement.
Mercury thermometer used during temperature calibrations.
Small propane tanks used during heat shrinking of instruments.
Material Prohibited in or Near Exnerimental Facilities (Beam Tubes, Bayonets, Rabbits, Hot Cell, Gamma Cave) l l
i l
.i ' -
REV 1 i
Th'se materials may not be used in or near experimental facilities without
e explicit hazards review by Reactor Safety Subcommittee and NRC if l
l I'
I i
i 1.
Cryogenics j
Oxidizers such as peroxides, and hypchlorites i
Flammabie organic liquids 4.
Corrosive chemicals An example list of the type of substances prohibited in or near t
experimental facilities is attached.- The list is for example only; staff members are responsible for safe operation of experimental facilities. If there is a compelling desire to use a prohibited materialin experiments, a complete hazards review and approval by the Reactor Safety Subcommittee and other appropriate University and regulatory bodies is required prior to use.
1 l
l 1
Cryogenics Liquid Nitrogen Liquid Helium Liquid Air 2.
Oxidizers Nitrates Nitrites Peroxides Chlorites liypochlorites Per Chlorates Permanganates Persulfates i
Flammable Liquids Flashpoint below 140F(60C ) or having a vapor pressure not exceeding 40 PSI at 100F (National Fire Protection Association NFPA Fire Protection Ilandbook,13th Edition)
- h. WAN YA447 Lee 11. fettenhausen Date Reactor Supervisor
SETTING UP IRR ADIATION 1.1 Obtain. key to gamma cave entry barrier from control room (3rd floor).
1.2 Assure that the source handling toolis secured by its key lock and the wall mounted interlock light is green (3rd floor).
1.3 Prior to opening entry banier, assure that all indications on the radiation monitor in the access corridor are green (1st floor).
i 1.4 Unlock entry barrier, pick up radiation survey meter with attached gamma cave padlock key from storage shelf. Make sure the survey meter is operational by performing battery and operational checks. Survey area. If exposure levels exceed 1.0 mR/hr determine source of exposure before i
proceeding. Unlock and open gamma cave door.
1.5 Set up experiment in gamma cave.
1.6 Clear gamma cave, assure all personnel are out, close and padlock gamma cave door. Return survey meter with attached key to storage shelf.
1.7 Clear access corridor, close entry barrier; assure that all barriers are properly closed as indicated by a yellow light on the radiation monitor in the access conidor.
1.8 Prior to unlocking the source hand ling tool key, assure that the wall rnounted interlock light is green (3rd floor) 1.9 Unlock the source handling tool, note that the waming bell sounds, pick appropriate cobalt source (s) from storage rack, and place source on window of gamma cave. Assure that the radiation monitor channel Q in the control room has alarmed high. Adjust setpoint if necessary per Section 3.0 2.0.
SECURING IRRADIATION 2.1 Upon completion of irradiation, remove cobalt from gamma cave window and retum source (s) to storage rack.
2.2 Retum source handling tool to its storage location and relock the key. In the control room, clear channel Q on the radiation monitor from its alarm condition, and obtain key to the entry barrier.
2.3 Follow steps 1.3, and 1.4.
2.4 Retrieve experiment from gamma cave, follow steps 1.6 and 1.7.
2.5 Retum entry barrier key to control room.
3.0 ADIUSTING ALARM SETPOINT The decay of the cobalt-60 source necessitates the constant review of the alarm setpoints used in the Gamma Cave Interlock System. Because of this review RF-4, in regard to Channel Q, reads " set alarm points as per current standing order".
J REV. E 24 Mar. 97 c
i Low Level Trip Value, mR/hr = 0.3 High level Trip Value, mR/hr = 0.5 If the rack used is not of sufficient strength to reach these levels (i.e. Rack #158) the High Imvel Trip Value should be lowered so as to engage the interlock. 'Ihis I
setpoint should be retumed to its nonnal value prior to disengaging the interlock.
-/2$7 Approved by:
% IEttenh'ausen,' Reactor Supervisor
.l 1
l 1
l I
i l
l 1
l l
.......... ~
... -...... - ~.... -. ~....... - ~ ~.. - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. -.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ - - ~
REV. 2, 24 Mar. 97 STANDING ORDER #10
SETTING UP IRRADIATION 1.1 Obtain key to gamma cave entry barner from control room (3rd floor).
1.2 Assure that the source handling toolis secured by its key lock and the wall mounted interlock light is green (3rd floor).
1.3 Prior to opening entry barrier, assure that all indications on the radiation monitor in the access corridor are green (1st floor).
1.4 Unlock entry barrier, pick up radiation survey meter with attached gamma cave padlock key from storage shelf. Make sure the survey meter is operational by perfonning battery and operational checks. Survey area. If exposure levels exceed 1.0 mR/hr determine source of exposure before proceeding. Unlock and open gamma cave door.
1.5 Set up experiment in gamma cave.
1.6 Clear gamma cave, assure all personnel are out, close and padlock gamma cave door. Return survey meter with attached key to storage shelf.
1.7 Clear access corridor, close entry barrier; assure that all barriers are properly closed as indicated by a yellow light on the radiation monitor in the access corridor.
1.8 Prior to unlocking the source handling tool key, assure that the wall mounted interlock light is green (3rd floor) 1.9 Unlock the source handling tool, note that the waming bell sounds, pick appropriate cobalt source (s) from storage rack, and place source on window of gamma cave. Assure that the radiation monitor channel Q in the control room has alarmed high. Adjust setpoint if necessary per Section 3.0 2.0.
2.1 Upon completion of irradiation, remove cobalt from gamma cave window and retum source (s) to storage rack.
2.2 Retum source handling tool to its storage location and relock the key. In the control room, clear channel Q on the radiation monitor from its alarm condition, and obtain key to the entry barrier.
2.3 Follow steps 1.3, and 1.4.
2.4 Retrieve experiment from gamma cave, follow steps 1.6 and 1.7.
2.5 Retum entry barrier key to control room.
The decay of the cobalt-60 source necessitates the constant review of the alarm setpoints used in the Gamma Cave Interlock System. Because of this review RF-4, in regard to Channel Q, reads " set alarm points as per current standing order".