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Application for Amend to License DR-15,proposed Change 6 for SEFOR
Person / Time
Site: 05000231
Issue date: 08/05/1971
Shared Package
ML20140G249 List: ... further results
FOIA-97-34 NUDOCS 9705140133
Download: ML20140J574 (8)


{{#Wiki_filter:,-, 4 s J* \\ e i 1 i 1 l ] Regulatory fil'e Cy. t a m,4g,g,w 7 4-l l PROPOSED CIULNGE NO. 6 i j FOR THE l ~ SOUTHWEST EXPERIMENTAL FAST OXIDE REACTOR August 5, 1971 I l i l i I 1 Re: LICENSE DR-15 l DOCKET 50-231 l l t 9 i l l r i 4 i i GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY l 310 DeGuigne Drive Sunnyvale, California 94086 -9705140133 970505 PDR FOIA ll VARADY97-34 PDR t ? :.e - . -?

m .) -e Proposed Change No. 6' i ( for-the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor s I. Introduction l. j Under the authority of License DR-15, General Electric operates the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor at a site near Strickler, Arkansas. A revision of the current Technical Specifications is desired as described herein. The applicable revised pages of the Technical l Specifications are also included as Attachment A. I i II. Proposed Changes Pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, General Electric requests that the SEFOR Technical Specifications be changed by substituting Pages 3.12-2, 3.12-3, and 3.12-5 in Attachment A of this document for j the corresponding pages of the current Technical Specifications. l These revisions will change the minimum allowable 20-inch travel time for the Fast Reactivity Excursion Device (FRED) from 0.085 seconds to 0.097 seconds, i III. Purpose of the Proposed Change l The purpose of this proposed change is to update the minimum allowable FRED 20-inch travel time so as to limit the maximum reactivity insertion rate of the super-prompt slug to 20 $/sec. IV. Discussion The present Technical Specifications limit of 0.085 see was the 20-inch travel time estimated to give a maximum reactivity insertion rate of 20 $/sec with a 1.3$ slug. This estimate was made prior to design changes in the FRED documented in Reference 1 and prior to in-reactor i i I l l ( 1 l

^Q r slug position versus time and slug worth versus position measurements. l At the beginning of the transient test program such measurements indicatedtthat the minimum 20-inch travel time would to be increased (Reference 2). As discussed in Reference 2, the reactivity insertion rate can be determined as a function of axial position of the poison slug during a transient from the following relation: dk dk dx de dx de dk where gg-E reactivity insertion rate, dk gg E reactivity change per inch movement of poison slug as determined from slug worth versus position measurements. dx i gg-E poison slug velocity. The minimum 20-inch travel time of 0.097 sec, necessary to give an insertion rate of 20$/sec for a slug worth 1.30 dollars, has been determined by ratioing the rate which would have been obtained from the sub-prompt slug, if the poison section had been positioned 0.9 in. lower in the rod, a position that corresponds to the location of the poison section for the super-prompt slug. The sub-prompt slug worth with the poison section at this lower position would have been 101.1c. l Figure 1 gives the measured worth versus position characteristics of l dk the sub-prompt slug. Figure 2 shows the slope, gg, of Figure 1 and l also the FRED velocity characteristics as reported in Ref erence 2. The insertion rate that would be obtained by firing the sub-prompt slug so that the initial position of the poison section corresponds to the position of the poison section of the super-prompt slug can be determined by shif ting the velocity versus position curve for the sub-promp slug by 0.9 in., as shown on Figure 2. The reactivity l

-~~ - l 3 m l change per inch ( ) of the poison section as a function of position would not be shif ted. t The insertion rates obtai' ed by multiplying the velocity curves in n ( Figure 2 by the dk/dx curve are given in Figure 3. The maximum ) reactivity insertion rate determined in this manner is 14.4 $/sec. t l As discussed in Reference 3, the dynamic worth (as determined from reactor response) of the sub-prompt slugs was 4% greater than the static worth. Therefore, the reactivity insertion rate of 14.4 $/sec, and the alug worth of 1.011$, which are based on static slug measurements, are each increased by 4% to 15.0 $/see and 1.051$, respectively, for the determination of the reactivity insertion rate for a 1.3$ slug: I h 18.5 $/sec 15.0 = 1 N i i The calculated reactivity insertion rate of 18.5 $/sec is based on a FRED 20-inch travel time of 105 msec. Smaller 20-inch travel times would yield larger reactivity insertion rates. Since the insertion l rate is approximately inversely proportional to the 20-inch travel time f or small changes in the 20-inch travel time, a travel time of j 97 msee yields an insertion rate of 20 $/sec. This rate provides significant margin with respect to the rate of 50 $/sec (with a j dk i sodi,um-out Doppler coefficient, Tg, of -0. 004) for which the safety of the plant has been assessed (Reference 4). ] i i i l The average 20-inch travel time for the FRED is 105 msee with a l statistical standard deviation of 1.7 msec (Reference 1). As dis-cussed in Reference 1, page 11, a highly unlikely series of equipment malfunctions and bypassing of procedural controls would be necessary to substantially lower the 20-inch travel times. i l Therefore, the proposed limit of 0.097 see for the 20-inch travel 1 time can be met and will provide adequate assurance thct the maximum reactivity insertion rate will remain within safe limits. I 4. I

.. ~.,.... _.. ,e*. w '. 9 f f l . REFERENCES t. . l'. " Summary,ol Results from Testing of the. Fast Reactivity Excursion i f Device," submitted to the AEC-DRL on April 12, 1971, by the Breeder Reactor Development Operation of the General Electric Company.. 6 2. Dr. K. Cohen, Letter to Dr. P. A. Morris, " Characteristic Curves for the FRED Poison Slugs," April 23,,1971. i 3. "Results of the Familiarization and Sub-Prompt Critical Transients for Core I," submitted to the AEC-DRL on July 16, 1971, by the Breeder Reactor Department of.the General Electric Company. l 4. SEFOR FDSAR, Volume II, Section 16.4'2.3. l l I ~ i I i 6 6 t i l l J d i i ! f

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