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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test Rept, Oct 1985
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1986
From: Fraser R
Shared Package
ML20137K361 List:
NUDOCS 8601240028
Download: ML20137K364 (40)


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t GENERATING PLANT Red Wing, Minnesota  ;

1 UNITS 1 AND 2 i

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  • OCTOBER 1985  ;

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The periodic Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) of Prairie Island Unit 2 Containment was completed October 16, 1985.

This leakage rate test was performed in accordance with Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A, 10CFR50 Appendix J, and ANSI N45.4-1972. In addition, ANSI 56.8-1981 was used as a guide.

The test was performed at reduced pressure, P , equal to 23

- psig. After initial pressurization the contaknment was

' allowed to stabilize for approximately four hours followed ,

by a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test. Shortly after the ILRT the supplemental' test commenced to verify the accuracy of the Type A test.

For a reduced pressure test, 0.75 L as determined during preoperational testing, is 0.14777 6t%/ day. The 1985 ILRT on Unit 2 containment yielded a least squares curve fit L'"

of 0.0367 wt%/ day and a corresponding 95 percent upper confidence level L tm f 0.0402 wt%/ day.

2.0 DESIGN INFORMATION 2.1 Containment Vessel Design The design parameters of the Unit 2 containment vessel have previously been described in references 6.1 and 6.5. Since the last ILRT the following modifications which affect containment integrity have been performed:

a) New Electrical Penetrations Four electrical penetrations were installed on spare containment vessel nozzles to provide the necessary cabling for the Containment Hydrogen Recombiners, the new Nuclear Instrumentation System and the Incore Thermocouple Upgrade. All work was performed in accordance with design changes 83Y390 and 82Y255.

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b) Containment Purge Flanges The high volume Containment Purge penetrations frequently displayed excessive leakage after use.

To alleviate this problem, the inboard isolation valve on each of the Containment Purge penetrations was removed and was replaced with a removable blind flange assembly. The blind flanges, with a double gasketed seal, are now removed only when the unit is at cold shutdown or refueling shutdown. All work for this project was performed in accordance with Design Change 81L679.

c) Containment Inservice Purge Flanges The smaller volume Containment Inservice Purge penetrations were modified by adding a removable spool piece in the annulus between the containment side isolation valve and the outboard isolation valve. At power operation the spool piece is removed and a double gasketed blind flange is installed as the containment boundary. This installation was performed in accordance with Design Change 82L692.

d) Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation System Penetration With the installation of the Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation System (RVLIS) a spare containment penetration was modified. This modified penetration carries the six hydraulic sensing lines for the level measurement instrumentation. This penetration w:s modified in accordance with Design Change 80Y124.

e) Sample Vclve Replacement The six reactor coolant system sample valves were replaced for environmental qualification reasons.

- New solenoid valves were installed in accordance with Design Change 79L570 and later replaced with motor valves under Design Change 84L796.

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Page 4 2.2 ILRT Instrumentation System The Integrated Leakage Rate Test Instrumentation System is designed to monitor containment parameters and calculate a leakage rate using the absolute method.

Data read from the transducers is entered directly into a Hewlett Packard Model 1000 computer for reduction and analysis. Details of the test system are described in reference 6.6. For this leakage rate test twenty-one resistance temperature detectors (RTD), twelve dewcells, two precision pressure gauges and-two flowmeters were used.

- 2.3 ILRT Pressurization System The pressurization system is described in Reference 6.2. All air released from containment for the leakage rate test was vented to the Auxiliary Building and hence monitored by the Auxiliary Building ventilation radiation monitoring system. In addition, continuous air monitors (CAM) were positioned at the localized release path.

3.0 PRE-TEST CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 ILRT Instrumentation 4

All instrumentation utilized during the ILRT was calibrated by vundors whose Quality Assurance Programs were preapproved by Northern States Power Company.

These instruments, all calibrated within six months of the test date, have calibration certification traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Sensor calibration correction factors were then derived from the calibration curves.

Though not required by Technical Specifications, the containment fire detection system was temporarily modified

, by installing 12 photoelectric fire detectors in place of the existing ionization type. This was performed to avoid spurious fire alarms during periods when the containment was pressurized. No fire alarms


were received during the duration of the test.

During the ILRT containment pressure wrs monitored by Control Room personne) via the containment wide range pressure channels. The six safeguards containment pressure channels were defeated by opening the test jack switches in the analog protection racks.


e Page 5 3.2 Venting and Draining Criteria The following criteria was used to determine the ILRT valve lineup:

a. From 10CFR50 Appendix J:

(1) "Those portions of the fluid systems that are part of the reactor coolat.t pressure boundary and are open directly to the containment atmosphere under post-accident conditions and become an extension of the noundary of the containment shall be opened or vented to the containment atmosphere prior to and during the test.

(2) " Portions of closed systems inside containment that penetrate containment and rupture as a result of a loss of coolant accident shall be vented to the containment atmosphere.

(3) "All vented systems shall be drained of water or other fluids to the extent necessary to assure exposure of the system containment isolation valves to containment air test pressure and to assure they ~will be subjected to the post-accident differential pressure.

(4) " Systems that are required to maintain the plant in a safe condition during the test shall be operable in their normal mode, and need not be vented.

(5) " Systems that are normally filled with water and operating under post-accident conditions, such as the containment heat removal system, need not be vented."

b. Other Criteria:

(1) All isolation valves which shut automatically on a safeguards signal, which are shut

- manually as a part of the post-accident safeguards sequence, or which are normally shut during power operation (except venting lineups) shall be shut during the ILRT.

(2) Lines penetrating containment are to be vented to the outside atmosphere if, they are normally or potentially vented during power operation or if they could be vented after i

some phase of the safeguards sequence.

Normally closed systems outside of the containment shall also be vented unless they are Seismic Class 1.

Page 6

c. Pressure vessels inside containment vented to containment atmosphere during the ILRT:

(1) RCS via Pressurizer vent (2) Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pressurizer Relief Tank (3)

(4) Power Operated Relief Valves Accumulators (2 trains)

(5) No. 21 & 22 SI Accumulators


(6) No. 21 & 22 Steam Generator Snubber Accumulators (7) Containment H 2 M nitor Calibration Gas Bottles

d. Electrical penetration venting All of the electrical penetrations, including those on the airlocks, were depressurized to 10 5 psig prior to the ILRT. Any penetration indicating greater than 15 psig would require investigation. During the ILRT, no electrical penetrations were observed to be greater than 15 psi *g.
e. Water level in the following equipment is recorded before and after the ILRT:

(1) Reactor Coolant Drain Tank (2) Pressurizer Relief Tank (3) Containment Sump A (4) Containment Sump B (5) 21 & 22 Steam Generator

. (6) Pressurizer

l Page 7 l 3.3 Local Leak Rate Testing Program The local leak rate test program was performed during each refueling outage as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J and Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A. A summary of Type B and C test results, obtained since the last ILRT report was submitted, are in Appendices C, D,.E, and F. The 1985 final results reflect the as-left conditions of containment af ter the 1985 Unit 2 type A test. Local leak rate valve repairs are summarized in Appendix G.

The acceptance criteria for type B & C tests are as follows:

a. If the total leakage of all local leakage testing exceeds 60% of L repairs and retests shall be performed to red 0c,e leakage below that value.
b. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems in the Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation Zone (ABSVZ) shall be less than 0.lwt%/ day at P a*
c. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems exterior to both the ABSVZ and the Shield Building shall be less than 0.01 wt%/ day at P .


Airlock 10 psigleakage shalldoor for the be less than 1% of the Ltests and les$ at innergasket than 5% of the L a at 46 psig for overall airlock tests.

3.4 Containment Inspection A general inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment and related components was performed prior to the ILRT as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J, Section V. There was no evidence of structural degradation.

. Additionally, the inspection revealed no pressurized containers, fire hazards or containment wall growth interferences. In general, the containment

- was very clean.

The annulus area was also inspected for wall growth interferences; none were found.

- Page 8 4.0 CONDUCT OF ILRT 4.1 Acceptance Criteria of Type A Test The leakage rate, L at reduced pressure P ,

t is calculated as fo[ lows:


L t

= 0.25 i if 1 0.7 3

L = 0.251 5 if > 0.7 t

3) <h) am For an acceptable ILRT, the measured leak rate, Ltm'

. shall be less than 0.75 L t*

Based upon preoperational test data (reference 6.1):


= 0.0152 wt%/ day L,, = -0.0002 wt%/ day Therefore, *L = 0.0152 = 76.0 L,, m0.0002 IP Since 76.0 > 0.7, L e

= 0.25 wt%/ day -e I Wa]

or L t = 0.25 wt%/ day 7.7 = 0.19702 wt%/ day (60. 7)

Then L tm shall be less than 0.75 (0.19702) = 0.14777 wt%/ day.

4.2 Shortened Duration Type A Test Criteria Technical Specification 4.4.A allows termination of a Type A test in less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> provided the procedures of

. BN-TOP-1, Revision 1 are followed completely.

Specifically, the criteria for stabilization, test duration and verification are:

1. Stabilization a) The rate of change of average temperature is less than 1.0 F/ hour average over the last two hours.

or b) The rate of change of temperature changes less than 0.5*F/ hour / hour averaged over the last two hours.

Page 9

2. Test Duration a) The Trend Report based on Total Time calculations shall indicate that the magnitude of the calculated leak rate is tending to stabilize at a value less than' the ,

maximum allowable leak rate (0.75 Lt }'

NOTE: The magnitude of the calculated leak


rate may be increasing slightly as it tends to stabilize. In this case, the average rate of increase of the cal-culated leak rate shall be determined from the accumulated data over the last five hours or last twenty data points, whichever provides the most points.

Using this average rate the calculated leak rate can then be linearly extra-polated to the 24th hour data point.

If this extrapolated value of the calculated leak rate exceeds 75% of the

- maximum allowable leak rate (L ) then the-leak rate test is continueb.

and b) The end of test upper 95% confidence limit for the calculated leak rate based on Total Time calculations shall be less than the maximum allowable leak rate.

and c) The mean of the measured leak rates based on Total Time calculations over the last five hours of test or last twenty data points, whichever provides the most data, shall be less than the maximum allowable leak rate.

. and d) Data shall be recorded at approximately equal

- intervals and in no case at intervals greater than one hour.

! and e) At least twenty (20) data points shall be provided for proper statistical analysis. ,

and f) In no case shall the minimum test duration be less.than six (6) hours.

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3. Verification l a) The verification test duration shall be approximately equal to half the integrated leak rate test duration. (and) b) Results of this verification test shall be acceptable provided the correlation between the verification test data and the integrated leak rate test data

' demonstrate an agreement within plus or minus 25 %.

i- 4.3 Type A Test and Verification Test Results and Conclusions The Unit 2 Type A test and the Verification test were performed using the Mass Point Calculational 4

! Technique. The Containment vessel was pressurized and

' allowed to stabilize for four hours-thirty minutes.

The Type A test then commenced. After 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> of testing, the BN-TOP-1 test criteria were not satisfied.

! By NSP procedure Type A tests of duration longer than 18 hours2.083333e-4 days <br />0.005 hours <br />2.97619e-5 weeks <br />6.849e-6 months <br /> shall be performed using the Mass Point Method and shall have a duration of at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The test data displayed acceptable results after only three hours of testing using the Mass Point Technique. The least squares leakage rate, L , at.the final data

- point after 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of data EB11ection was i 0.0367 wt %/ day with a cor. responding L at the 95 -

percent upper confidence level equal to O.0402 t wt %/ day.

This as left containment leakage rate is approximately 27 percent of the maximum containment allowable L t at P .

t After the completion of the Type A test a supplemental test was performed to verify the validity of the Type A test measurements. Initially, a superimposed leak rate L = 0.63 L was initiated for the verification test.

T8is verifibation test was performed for approximately 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />. The composite leakage rate exhibited very

good correlation to the acceptance band

0.1111 wt%/ d ay Ib c < 0.2096 wt%/day*

i Finally, a superimposed leak rate L =L was initiated for a second verification test. Th8 secbnd test was performed for four hours-twenty minutes. Again, the j

composite leakage rate exhibited very good correlation to the acceptance band

0.18446 wt%/ d ay I 'c 1 0.28297 wt%/day*

Figure 1 through 8 display the results'and parameters for the test period.

! Containment atmospheric conditions remained very stable for the test. Containment pressure decreased 0.0846 psi and containment temperature decreased 0.9780 F over the twenty four hour test-period.

Page 11 4.4 Abnormal Conditions During Test Three hours-twenty minutes into the test RTD-1 failed to 110 F. Other sensors in the region remained in their normal range. RTD-1 was not used for the ILRT and the volume weighting factors were adjusted accordingly.



. 5.1 shield Building Testing Section IV, paragraph B.of 10CFR50, Appendix J, "Special Testing Requirements" and Technical Specification 4.4. A.6 require testing of multiple barrier containments. Unit 2 Shield Building is functionally tested at quarterly intervals according to NSP Surveillance Procedure SP 2073. The Shield Building is functionally tested when each redundant train of the special ventilation system is tested to determine if it meets drawdown performance computed for the test condition with 75% of the Shield Building inleakage specified in Technical Specification Figure TS 4.4.1. None of these quarterly tests on Unit 2 Shield Building have failed to meet the acceptance criteria due to Shield Building degradation.

5.2 Auxiliary Building Testing Technical Specification 4.4.A.6 requires retesting of the Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation Zone (ABSVZ). Leak tightness of the ABSVZ is verified at quarterly intervals when each redundant train is run to determine if it can produce an acceptable vacuum in the zone within six minutes with an opening in the boundary of at least ten square feet. None of these quarterly tests have failed to meet the acceptance criteria.

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6.1 Unit #2 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, August, 1974 Transmitted by letter dated January 31, 1975, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. A. Giambusso, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC.

6.2 Unit -41 Reector Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate TestilJuly, 1973 Transmitted by letter dated October 4, 1973, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. J.F. O' Leary, Directorate of Licensing, USAEC.

6.3 Supplement No. 1 to Unit 1 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, July 1973 Transmitted by letter dated June 6, 1974, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. J.F. O' Leary, Directorate of Licensing, USAEC.

6.4 Unit #1 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, October, 1980 Transmitted by letter dated December 22, 1981, from Mr. L.O. Mayer' NSP, to Director, NRR.

6.5 Unit #2 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, March 1981 Transmitted 'oy letter dated June , 1981 from NSP, to Director, NRR.

6.6 Unit #1 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, February 1985 Transmitted by letter dated June 11, 1985, from Mr. D. Musolf, NSP, to Director, NRR.

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.1656 30.3739 539.5833 0.0000 0.0000 257223.3402

.3320 30.3754 539.5723 .0672 0.0000 257238.7588

.4992 30.3757 539.5658 .2110 .4424 257243.7854

.6661 30.3688 539.5383 .1773 .7846 257210.3585

.8333 30.3749 539.5171 .1470 .3898 257261.5352

.9992 38.3665 539.4763 .0274 .3576 257224.9331 1.1656 30.3653 539.4902 .1104 .4275 257206.5735 1.3328 38.3657 539.4309 .0394 .2911 257240.8400 1.5006 38.3647 539.4432 .0395 .2364 257228.3006 1.6669 38.3630 539.4160 .0328 .1914 257230.2395 1.8339 38.3596 539.3842 0452 .1764 257222.0547

. 1.9986 38.3546 539.3640 .0954 .2170 257198.1409 2.1664 30.3601 539.3607 .0626 .1713 257236.6849 2.3336 38.3609 539.3286 .0103 .1180 257257.7008 2.4997 30.3527 539.3274 .0423 1416 257203.1036 2.6658 38.3496 539.3121 .0783 .1727 257189.7424 2.8333 30.361C 539.2968 .0197 .1220 257273.6674 3.0000 38.3527 539.2740 .0172 .1084 257228.6869 3.1667 33.3532 539.2490 .0028 .0850 257244.2252 3.3336 30.3499 539.2604 .0124 .0000 257216.1596 3.4994 30.3491 539.2433 .0177 .0863 257018.9752 3.6650 30.3448 539.2134 .0300 .0938 257.204,0752 3.0339 33.3125 539.2186 .0496 .1110 257186.3940 4.0000 30.3470 539.1957 .0429 .0997 257227.9406 4.1667 38.3428 539.1085 .0491 .1018 257203.1406 4.3331 30.3425 539.1658 .0497 .0984 257212.1566 4.4989 33.3393 539.1469 .0551 .1006 257199.2857 4.6661 38.3414 539.1654 .0571 .0994 257204.4609 4.8322 38.3424 539.1418 .0510 .0916 257222.4073 4.99e6 38.3424 539.1442 .0498 .0870 257214.6816 5.1672 38.3363 539.1283 .0563 .0918 257188.2306 5.3333 30.3370 539.1243 .0594 .0927 257195.0653 5.4997 30.3349 539.1102 .0638 .0954 257107.4053 5.6661 30.3291 539.1055 .0769 .1093 7.57150.8656 5.0320 30.3333 539.0994 .0790 .1106 T57131.6447 6.0000 30.3331 539.0842 .0006 .1097 257187.3844 6.1661 30.3311 539.0515 .0803 .1079 ES7190.1225 6.3325 38.3367 539.0732 .0740 .1008 257216.9674 6.4989 39.3312 539.0565 .0742 .0996 257188.2475 6.6664 30.3358 539.0535 .0678 .0928 257220.3301 6.8331 33.3260 539.0161 .0699 .0938 257178.1809 6.9994 38.3299 538.9993 .0665 .0895 257206.8310 7.1658 38.3326 539.0173 .0617 .0841 257215.9940

. 7.3322 30.3284 538.9984 .0604 .0818 257197.3402 7.4996 33.3263 538.9933 .0609 .0814 257185.3493 7.666Y 38.3224 538.9932 .0651 .0852 d57159.2172 7.0325 30.3294 538.9829 .0612 .0C08 257211.2096 7.9986 38.3270 538.9697 .0590 .077I 257201.5708

  • 0.1672 30.3249 538.9509 .0576  ;' ?/ C' 237196.1230 8.3325 33.3232 538.9613 .0582 .J757 257179.6935 0.4989 33.3279 538.9474 .0541 .0714 257217.8717 8.6672 38.3236 538.9458 .0535 .0701 257190.1955

. 8.8333 30.3236 538.9417 .0527 .0687 257191.6865 8.9992 38.3166 538.9293 .0563 .0722 257150.9056 9.1656 30.3210 538.9353 .0567 .0720 257177.4076 9.3333 38.3215 538.9215 .0559 .0707 257187.2774 9.4997 30.3220 538.9117 .0543 .0686 257195.6570 9.6661 30.3195 538.9202 .0547 .0636 257174.7528 9.8336 30.3172 538.9117 .0561 .0695 257163.2960 9.9997 30.3159 530.9022 .0576 .0706 257159.1447 10.1661 33.3184 530.8350 .0567 .0694 257184.1516 10.3322 30.3172 538.9060 .0573 ,0696 257166.3749 10.4986 38.3147 538.8875 .0584 .0704 257157.9642 10.6669 30.3186 530.8622 .0564 .0682 257196.0560 10.3339 38.3163 538.8815 .0564 .0677 257171.4349 11.0003 11.1664 38.3155 538.0844 .0567 .0670 257164.9393 1 38.3170 530.8762 .0560 .0667 257179.2414 l 11.3319 3E.3134 538.8573 .0563 .0667 257163.8483 11.4994 38.3164 538.8396 .0546 .0648 257192.0259

FIGURE 1 CONT'D Pagt 14 11.6656 38.3170 538.8365 .0525 .0627 257197.9093 11.8319 30.3193 538.8188 .0491 11.9989 38.3117 538.8427 .0595 257221.9360 12.1672 38.3160 538.8323

.0498 .0599 257159.4569

.0483 .0583 257193.0521 12.3333 38.3137 538.8177 .0473 .0571 257184.8585 12.4986 30.3140 538.8127 .0462 .0557 257189.3746 12.6672 38.3160 538.8051 .0441 .0536 257206.3374 12.8333 38.3082 538.7900 .0446 .0539 257160.8750 12.9997 38.3143 53D.7793 .0426 .0519 257206.7589 13.1672 38.3110 538.7820 .0419 .0510 257183.2945 13.3325 38.3118 538.7085 .0412 .0500 257185.6819 13.4986 38.3136 538.7850 .0397 .0485 257199.4799 13.6672 38.3091 538.7886 .0399 .0484 257167.8117 13.8336 38.3099 538.7701 .0393 .0476 257181.8089 13.9997 38.3150 538.7860 .0373 .0457 257213.6042 14.1661 30.3098 538.7631 .0367 .0449 257184.7095 14.3322 38.3087 538.7611 .0364 .0444 257178.2773 14.4986 30.3033 538.7765 .0379 .0459 257134.7443

' 14.6667 38.3099 538.7625 .0372 .0450 257105.7520 14.8331 30.3063 538.7646 .0375 .0452 257160.0732 14.9992 30.3064 538.7005 .0381 .0456 257153.7188 15.1658 38.3048 538.7522 .0385 .0458 257156.1350

. 15.3319 38.3044 538.7611 .0391 .0463 257149.5039 15.5003 38.3123 538.7653 .0377 .0449 257200.3120 15.6667 38.3063 538.7463 .0376 .0446 15.8339 38.3084 538.7557 257168.9928

.0370 .0439 257178.9060 16.0003 33.3061 538.7502 .0370 .0437 257165.9111 16.1664 38.3100 538.7531 .0360 .0427 16.3339 38.3057 530.7446 257191.0349

.0359 .0425 257165.9161 16.5000 30.3023 538.7581 .0368 .0433 257136.3572 16.6667 16,8328 30.3079 538,7578 .0364 .0420 257174.6038 30.3063 530.7545 .0363 .0426 257164.9312 14 993 1, 16as' 73 3050 3d.3090 538.7660 .0366 .0420 257151.0216 538.7665 .0359 .0420 257103.0102 17.3325 38.3J28 538.7357 .0362 .0421 17.4909 38.3030 538.7650 257150.5675 17.6656 .0367 .0425 257143.3266 38.3061 538.7449 .0364 .0421 257168.2804 17.8339 30.3036 538,7555 .0367 .0423 257146.5494 17.9992 38.3055 538.7318 .0363 .0419 18.1653 38.3033 538.7373 257170.3936 18.3339 .0364 .0419 257153.2938 38.3011 538.7483 .0370 .0424 257133.4368 1 18.4989 30.2994 538.7224 .0375 .0429 18.6672 38.3044 538.7164 257134.1175 18.8333 .0371 .0423 257170.5398 39.3021 538.7150 .0370 .0422 257155.6671 18.9986 38.3057 538.7126 .0363 .0414 19.1664 38.3002 538.7085 .0364 257180.9279 19.3328 38.3063 .0415 257116.3682 19,4989 538.7435 .0360 .0409 257170.2648 38.3018 538.7070 .0407 257157.3019 19.6653 3e.3021 538.23o2 .0359,

.035 .0407 19.8325 38.2981 538.7173 .0364 .0412 257140.8178 257128,1406 20.0003 38.3006 538.7097 .0365 .0411 20.1667 30.2984 538.7134 257140.5870 20.3331 .0368 .0414 257131.4498 38.2980 538.6957 .0369 .0414 257142.7761 20.4994 38.3016 538.7161 .0368 .0413 20.6658 38.2979 538.6882 .0369 257151.7280 20.8322 38.2977 538.7271 .0375

.0413 257140.3762 21.0006 38.3001 .0418 257120.3510 21.1669 38.2984 538.6824 538.6830

.0372 .0414 257158.1530 21.3339 30.2980 .0371 .0413 257146.4094 538.6807 .0371 .0412 257144.5226

, 21.5003 30.2933 538.6667 .0375 .0416 257119.6075 21.6656 30.2944 538.6765 .0379 21.8319 38.2962 538.6750 .0380

.0419 257122.6092 22.0006 38.2971 538.6631 .0378

.0420 257134.9651

. 22.1669 38.2972 538.6525 .0375

.0417 257147.4015 22.3333 30.3003 538.6531 .0369

.0414 257152.6065 22.4997 30.2942 538.6541 .0370

.0408 257173.5469 22.6672 38.2961 538.6605 .0370

.0408 257131.7452 22.8333 38.2969 538.6365

.0400 257137.8830 22.9997 .0367 .0404 257150.1215 23.1658 30.2953 538.6284 .0364 .0401 257151.4929 38.2990 530.6354 .0358 .0395 23.3322 30.2950 538.6501 257172.7172 23.4992 38.2900 538.6426

.0358 .0394 257138.8345 23.6653 3D.2920 .0362 .0398 257109.2370 23.8336 538.6421 .0364 .04n0 257122.5973 38.2911 538.6469 .0367 23.9997 38.2940 538.6432 .0402 257114.2690

.0367 .0402 257135.4610


.1653 30.2927 538.6382 0.0000 0.0000 257129.5044

.3322 38.2855 538.6396 1.4060 0.0000 257080.0344

.4989 38.2919 538.6235 .2584 2.4629

.6653 30.2952 538.6189 .2959 .9706 3'57131.1215 57155.5364

.8339 38.2894 538.6008 .1654 .6006 257124.8692 1.0006 38.2865 530.5798 .0464 .4836 257115.6930 1.1672 38.2856 538.5651 .0040 .3091 257116.3323

. 1.3339 29.2850 538.5770 .0616 .3591 257107.1278 1.5006 38.2044 538.5540 .0666 .2996 257113.9941 1.666 38.2879 538.5535 .0063 .2045 257137.6140

, 1.033$' 30.2023 538.5469 .0458 .2140 257102.9575 2.0003 38.2036 538.5735 .0754 .2196 257099.0138 2.1669 38.2847 538.5402 .0549 .1793 257122.1601 2.3339 38.2873 538.5399 .0156 .1299 257139.7092 2.5006 30.2850 538.5403 .0081 .1078 257124.2309 2.6653 30.2820 538.5468 .0278 .1176 257101.3878 2.8319 30.2828 538.5624 .0437 .1P40 257098.8614 38.2838 538.5719 .0525 .1253 257100,9669 I' 9996 1656 38.2779 530.5570 .0840 .1566 257068.6208 3.3322 38.2823 538.5464 .0808 .1463 257103.6576 3.4989 30.2787 538.5521 .0955 .1567 257076.4734 3:89?" 33:S?l9 238:8328 :1?$? :1999 B238ls:5s??

3.9994 38.2795 538.5439 .1177 .1668 257085.0641 1 4.1667 33.2759 538.5220 .1218 .1673 257072.2906 4.3339 30.2786~ 538.5250 .1169 .1592 257088.5405 4.4989 30.2744 538.5144 .1216 .1611 257065.5968 4.6667 38.2782 538.5253 .1167 .1537 257085.8395 4.8325 38.2743 538.5109 .1190 .1536 257066.5457 l 4.9994 38.2712 538.5211 .1288 .1624 257041.1104 5.1667 30.2655 538.5116 .1469 .1830 257007.1651 5.3336 38.2770 538.4935 .13b3 .1711 257093.0953 5.5000 30.2709 538.5054 .1382 .1719 257046.5292 5.6653 30.2640 538.5020 .1519 .1864 257001.7570 5.0333 38.2737 538.4965 .1457 .1700 257069.2409 6.0006 38.2692 538.4684 .1438 .1751 257052.6099 6.1672 38.2716 538.4760 .1388 .1689 257065.0439 6.3322 3D 'A51 538.4624 .1420 .1706 257028.0989 6.4989 38.2o82 538.4626 .1400 .1673 257048.3106 6.6672 38.2641 538.4491 .1419 .1679 257027.5813 6.8322 30.2683 538.4458 .1374 .1626 257057.7166 7.0006 38.2668 538.4358 .1341 .1583 257051.9824 7.1661 38.2624 538.4324 .1357 .1588 257023.7972 7.3325 38.2666 538.4351 .1322 .1545 257051.0564

. 4994 38.2665 538.4281 .1283 .1500 257054.0127 7.6669 38.2673 538.4116 .1227 .1441 257066.7527 7.8333 33.2603 538.4215 .1247 .1453 257015.4293 8.0000 30.2642 538.4160 .1223 .1422 257044.0636 e


Gf START U f f gk NkIb kNbT bkL50LaTIONs CALC.ULATIONS TIME : 2020 DATE : '881905 '

END OF CALCULATIONS TIME : 40 DATE : 28D1985 DELTA TIME PREGGURE TEMP LSF UCL MAS" 0.0000 30.2608 538.4326 0.0000 0.0000 25701$. AIR 2512

.1603 38.2594 530.4167 0.0000 0.0000 257011.5054

, .3320 30.2603 538.4099 .2159 0.0000 257021.0804  ;

.5011 38.2610 530.4210 .1680 .0900 257020.1946 ,

.6609 30.2585 538.3961 .0711 .1062 257015.4045

.8336 30.2534 530.4113 .3010 .7725 236973.4890 1.0003 38.2544 538.3690- .2425 .5651 257000.1506 '

1.1667 30.2553 538.3912 .2163 .4501 256996.1970 1.3331 38.2547 538.3727 .1733 .3562 257000.5749 ,

1.4997 30.2546 530.3850 .1619 .3056 256994.0652  ;

1.6667 546 538.3636 .1209 .2444 257004.0179 ,

1.0333 38.

70 3'517 538.3473 .1182 .2190 256992.9293  !

. . 1.9997 30.2507 538.3666 .1426 .2314 256976.7211 2.1664 38.2442 530.3612 .2191 .3202 256935.9891 y.3333 38.2474 533.3558 .2303 .3248 256959.6246 u.5003 30.2519 538.3517 .1922 .2031 256992.2906 2.6672 30.2502 538.3322 .1649 .2493 256789.9590 2.8336 30.2451 530.3312 .1760 .2515 256956.2404 '

3.0003 30.d443 538.3179 .1005 .2479 256956.9960 3.1672 30.2305 530.3447 .2225 .2961 256905.4425 i 3.3336 30.2403 530.3256 .2352 .3020 256926.7175 3.5000 30.2444 530.3120 .2194 .2027 256960.5219 3.6667 30.2410 530.3115 .2155 .2733 256943.4516 3.0336 38.2409 538.2927 .2009 .2621 256946.0194 3.9994 30.2427 538.2782 .1916 .2434 256965.6427 ,

4.1669 30.2376 530.2000 .1952 .2431 256926.4081 t 4.3320 38.2339 538.2795 .2058 .2512 256905.6300 1

l 1

I 1

i 1


P 4

%. N Raw Data Plot VS Delta Tim AVE _RTO B0.4 .

80.25 7 80.1 7 79.95 79.8 7 o  :

\ -


t 79.85 7 79.5  :

79.35 79.2  :

79.05  :

7e.9 O.o 2.5 5.o 7.5 1o.o 22

- - Delta Time ( h o u r' s )

Page 17 Figure 4 - Type A Test Average e Temperature ('F) vs.

Time (Hours)

TI APERTURE CARD Also Available On Aperture Card u_u u_1 ..i.........i.........i.........i.........

5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5

~ #

l _

v -

N s.,

Raw Data Plot VS Delta T i rr TOTAL _ PRES 38.39 F b

B 38.38 2

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C 38.Se rt C

o 38.35


\ 5 5

38.34 7 C

k C

l C 1 38.33 {

38.32 E

C 38.31 E C

38.3 r 38.29 "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

O.O 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12 Delta Time (h o u r s)

Page 1 Figure 5 - Type A Test Total Pressure (Psig) vs.

Time (Hours)



(/% Also Available On Aperture Card y

................c..........,.........,... ./. _

15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 g(oo 2- O o GS -O'A._

MASS POINT L'A M._J_.E A K / U C L V LAM / UCL 1.2  :

1.os  :


.B  :


.75  :


.8 h r


'r h fs % l/CL



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/ i Pzg3 19 S TIME Figure 6 - Type A Test Least Squares Leakage Rate And 95% UCL

(%/ day) vs Time (Hours) l 1

i bit'cf.rANCF

  • O./4f777 U'IZ.cuy l


l TI APERTURE CARD Also AvaHable On Aperture Card 4 u . .. . ... . , . . .. L . . . . _ , t. um u . m 2 m.m.m t,m . , a ,., m _

5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 g(a0%D0'172 -O

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t O.O 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.

Delta Time (h o u r s)

Page 20 y Figure 7 - First Verification Test S TIME composite teast squares Leakage Rate and 95% UCL (Wt %/ Day) vs Time (Hours)

TI k'!!Pp7hr ?Hb J. 2 0 %', *'b 2


0. //// Jr - ..

.7/ CARD Also Available On Aperture Card


3 8.O 7.O 8.O 9.0 10,o g(pO %< OO99- OV- -




'l MASS POINT L A M _J_.E A K / U C L h LAM / UCL i

1.2 .



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,_ g .

O.O .5 1.O 1.5 2.0 2.

Delta Time (h o u r s) .

/ ,

Pigs 21 /

Figure 8 - Second Verification Test S TIME composite teast squares Leakage Rate and 95% UCL (Wt%/ Day) vs. Time (Hours) l l

l e

i durr&wx Aha W 6 //W6 /s O.237f7 N / N _

  • /f f'$'

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Juno Avaihble On i Aperture Card

  • b*$* - a he-$ $ $ .k.l j,& 4 d (), g , A4,g g g 5 3.0 3.5 4O 4.5 '5 . 0 g(o o R40029--05

Page 22 APPENDIX C Type B and C Test Results - 1982 Refueling Outage Each penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1.

Type H tests are normally performed using air thus no water / air conversion factor is used. In cases wheta water is used for the Type H test, a water / air conversion ratio of 1.0/68.55 is used.

The combined leakage for all components subject to Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.15 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components in the ABSVZ shall be less than 0.10 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components designated EXTERIOR shall be less than 0.01 wt% / day. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance. See Appendix G for repair summary.


& Penetration Tm Inside Outside Max 1 Pressurizer Relief Tank C 25.7/11.7 25.7 Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C 0/8 8 5 Reactor Coolant Drain C 10/0 10 Tank Pump Discharge J

11 Letdown Line C 0 0 0 12 Charging Line H 89 510 510

'.3A No. 21 RCP Seal Water H 35 20 35 Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Water H 0 0 0 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return H 50 89 39 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C 34[55] 440[46] [55] 440 16 Pressurizer Liquid Smpl C 0[2700] 0[9] 0[2700]

17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C 0[295] 0[36] 0[295]

18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 18 4 18 19 Service Air B 0 12 12 21 Reactor Coolant Drain C 98 108 108 Tank Gas to GA l i


No. Penetration m T Inside Outside Max 22 Catst Air Sample In C 0 0 0 23 Catat Air Sample Out C 0.2 4 4 25A Cntat Purge Exhaust B(C] 5[86] 5[86]

. (Note 1) 25B Catmt Purge Supply B[C] 6[81300] 6[81300]

(Note 1) 26 Catmt Sump "A" Disch C 0/34 34 27 ILRT Pressure B 1 1 C-1 Instrument 27 ILRT Pressare B 1.4 1.4 C-1 Instrument

. 28A Cold Leg Safety H 30 30 Injection 28B Hot Leg Safety H 30 30 Inj ection 29A Internal Containment H 0 0 Spray 29B Internal Containment H 1400 1400 Spray 30A Containment Sump B H 720 720 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B H 1070 1070 Suction Line 35 Safety Injection & H (See Note 2)

Accumulator Test Line l

1 1


& Penetration m T Inside Outside Max 42E Containment Heating B 14.3 1.3 14.3 Condensate 4

42E Containmc.nt Heating B 90 0.6 90 Condensate 44 ILRT Pressurization B 26 22 26 45 Reactor Make Up to C, 0 33 33 Pressurizer Relief Tank 48 Low Head Safety H 32 32 Inj ection 51 Fire Protection B 12 0 12 52 In Service Purge C 610 610 Exhaust (Note 1) 53 In Service Purge C 975 975 Supply (Note 1) 54 Containment Heating B 0.3 0 0.3 Steam 55 Demin- Water B 9.5 3.4 9.5 ABSVZ TOTAL = 5974.2 [90729.2] SCCM = 0.023 [0.083] wt%

day EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 2 Pressurizer Relief C 190 11 190 Tank N2SuPP Y l I

20 Instrument Air C 1000[3500] 1700[1350] 1700[3500]

31 N2 to Accumulator C 94 94 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 1 0 1 Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 52 4.2 52 Control Air Supply EXTERIOR TOTAL.= 2037.0 [3837.0] SCCM = 0.002 [0.004] wJ

' day w ,


No. Penetratica Tyge Inside Outside Max 41A Containment Vacuum C 6 180 180 Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C 15 0 15 Breaker

. 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 61 0 61 Air Vent 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 2 0 2 Air Vent 6A #21 Steam Line Bellows B 0 0 0 6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B 0 0 0 7C #21 Feedwater Line B 0 0 0 Bellows 7D #22 Feedwater Line B 0 0 0 Bellows 8C #21 Steam Generator B 0 0 0 Blowdown Bellows 8D #22 Steam Generator B 0.3 0.5 0.5 Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B 0.1 0.1 0.1 Bellows 10 Residual Heat in B 0 0 0 Bellows 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 1.8 0 1.8 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 0 0 0 Bellows Equipment Hatch B 6.5 6.5 TYPE B AND C TEST TOTAL = 8278.1 [94833.1] SCCM = 0.008 [0.087] wt%

day NOTES: 1) Maximum leakage for the as found condition is the total leakage l measured when air pressure is applied to inner space between valves.

The as left Type B test reflects the installation of the blind flanges.

2) Penetration 35 is tested in conjunction with penetrations j 28A & 28B.

Page 26 i'

i APPENDIX D Type B and C Test Results - 1983 Refueling Outage Each penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The combined leakage for all components subject to Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.15 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components in the ABSVZ shall be less than 0.10 wt% / day.

The combined leakage for components designated EXTERIOR shall be less than

, 0.01 wt% / day. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM.

Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance.

See Appendix G for repair summary.



] Penetration Tyge Inside Outside Max 1 Pressure Relief Tank C 0/3 -

3 Sample to GA' 4 Primary Vent Header C 40/13 40 5 Reactor Coolant Drain C 48/47 48 Tank Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Line C 290 30 290 12 Charging Line C 380 2700 2700 13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water C 4 17.5 17.5 Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Water C 23 95 95 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return C 95 0 95 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C 56[90] 17 56[90]

16 Pressurizer Liquid Smpl C 2.3 3.1 3.1 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C 0 0.3 0.3 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 3.5 2.0 3.5 19 Service Air B 1.0 30 30 21 Reactor Coolant Drain C 0 0.6 0.6 Tank Gas to GA


No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 22 Catst Air Sample In C 0[0] 0[2.3] 0[2.3]

23 Catmt Air Sample Out C 118[0] 0[0] 118[0]

25A Catet Purge Exhaust B 66 66 25B Catmt Purge Supply B 0 0 26 Catmt Sump "A" Disch C 0/0 0 27 ILRT Pressure B 0.4 0.4 C-1 Instrument 27 ILRT Pressure B 6.5 6.5 C-1 Instrument 29A Internal Containment C 30[200] 30[200]

j Spray I 29B Internal Containment C 30[0] 30[0]

Spray 30A Containment Sump B C 355 355 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B C 0 0 Suction Line 42E Containment Heating B 1.5 2.3 2.3 Condensate 42E Containment Heating B 28 3.4 28 Condensate f

44 ILRT Pressurization B 310 0 310 45 Reactor Make Up to C 0 0 0 i Pressurizer Relief Tank


No. Penetration Tm Inside Outside Max 51 Fire Protection B 12 0 12

. 52 In Service Purge B(C] 180[205] 180[205]

Exhaust (Note 1)

- 53 In Service Purge B[C] 160[610] 160[610]

Supply (Note 1) 54 Containment Heating B 4.4 0 4.4 Steam 55 Demin Water B 1 30 1 ABSVZ TOTAL = 4685.6 (5218.9] SCCM = 0.004 [0.005] wt%

day EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 2 Pressurizer Relief C 220 0 220 Tank N Supply 2

20 Instrument Air C 2300 295 2300 31 N to Accumulator C 104 104 2

42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0.3 1.5 1.5 Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 6.1 0 6.1 Control Air Supply EXTERIOR TOTAL = 2631.6 SCCM = 0.002 wt%/ day e



A N Penetration Tm Inside Outside Max 41A Containment Vacuum C 0 560 560 Breaker 41B Containment Vaccum C 30 140 140 Breaker

. 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 1.5 1.5 Air Vent 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 3700 3700 Air Vent 6A #21 Steam Line Bellows B 0 0 0

(Note 3) .

6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B 2 2 2 (Note 3) 7C #21 Feedwater Line B 0.7 0.7 0.7 Bellows 7D #22 Feedwater Line B 0 0 0 Bellows 8C #21 Steam Generator B 0 0 0 Blowdown Bellows 8D #22 Steam Generator B 8.3 0 8.3 Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B 0 0' 0 Bellows 10 Residual Heat in B 0 0 0 Bellows 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 0.5 0 0.5 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 0.7 0.6 0.7 Bellows Equipment Hatch B 4 4 TYPE B AND C TEST TOTAL = 11734.9 [12268.2] SCCM = 0.011 [0.011] wt%

day NOTES: 1) Maximum leakage for the as found condition is the total leakage measured when air pressure is applied to inner space between valves.

The as lef t Type B test reflects the installation of the blind flanges.

Page 30 APPENDIX E Type B and C Test Results - 1984 Refueling Outage


Each penetration listed be1ow is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The combined leakage for all components subject to Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.15 wt% / day.

The combined leakage for components in the ABSVZ shall be less than 0.10 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components designated EXTERIOR shall

. be less than 0.01 wt% / day. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance. See Appendix G for repair summary.


NA Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 1 Pressure Relief Tank C 13/5 13 Sample to GA' 4 Primary Vent Header C 5.5/4 5.5 5 Reactor Coolant Drain C 0/1 1 Tank Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Line C 1[2] 7[0] 7[2]

12 Charging Line C 176[285] 158[6745] 158[6745]

13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water C 32 800 800 4 Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Water C 1 1 1 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return C 1 0 1 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C 750 850 850 16 Pressurizer Liquid Smp1 C 32 39 39 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C 242 11 242 18 Fuel Trant er Tube B 0.5 0.5 0.5 19 Service Air B 1 3.3 3.3 21 Reactor Coolant Drain C 7.6 15.9 15.9

Tank Gas to GA i

l l



No. Penetration m T Inside Outside Max 22 Catmt Air Sample In C 6.3 6.3 6.3

. 23 Catet Air Sample Out C 14.4 14.0 14.4 25A Cntat Purge Exhaust B 0 0

. 25B Cntat Purge Supply B 1 1 26 Catst Sump "A" Disch C 0/5 5 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 C-1 Instrument 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 C-1 Instrument 29A Internal Containment C 30 30 Spray 29B Internal Containment C 30 30

Spray 30A Containment Sump B C 0 0 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B C 0 0 Suction Line i 42E Containment Heating B 0 0 0 Condensate 1

42E Containment Heating B 0 0 0 Condensate ,

44 ILRT Pressurization B 0 79[60] 70[60]

45 Reactor Make Up to C 480 40 480

Pressurizer Relief Tank 1


..w,, ,_v.y_..-- ,,y % .y

- ,, ,,,,c -. ,



No. Penetration m T Inside Outside Max 51 Fire Protection B 2.3 0 2.3

, 52 In Service Purge B 138 138 Exhaust

. 53 In Service Purge B 116 116 Supply 54 Containment Heating B C 0 0 Steam 55 Demin Water B 0 0 0 ABSVZ TOTAL = 3032.2 [9602.2] SCCM = 0.003 [0.009] wt%

i day EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 2 . Pressuriter Relief C 51 13 51 Tank N2SuPP Yl 20 Instrument Air C 850 1650 1650 31 N t Accumulator C 16 16 2

j 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 15[4650] 4 15[4650]

Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 5 7 7 Control Air Supply EXTERIOR TOTAL = 1739.0 [6374.0] SCCM = 0.002 [0.006] wt%



No. Penetration m T Inside Outside Max 41A Containment Vacuum C 0 17 17 Breaker 41B Containment Vaccum C 0 140 140 Breaker 42A. Post LOCA Hydrogen C 7 44 44 Air Vent 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 9 3550 3550 Air Vent 6A #21 Steam Line Bellows C 9 21 21 6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B 12 99 99 7C #21 Feedwater Line B 51 30 30 Bellows 7D #22 Feedwater Line B 103 12 103 Bellows 4

8C #21 Steam Generator B 67 45 67 Blowdown Bellows 8D #22 Steam Generator B 60 44 60-Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B 67 79 79

Bellows i

10 Residual Heat in B 72 65 72 Bellows 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 45 127 127 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 35 22 35 Bellows Equipn.ent Hatch B 7 7 TYPE B AND C TEST TOTAL = 9222,2 (20427.2] SCCM = 0.008 [0.019] wJ day

Page 34 APPENDIX F Type B and C Test Results - 1985 Refueling Outage Each penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 1072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The combined leakage for all components subject to Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.15 wt% / day.

The combined leakage for components in the ABSVZ shall be less than 0.10 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components designated EXTERIOR shall be less than 0.01 wt% / day. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior

. to maintenance. See Appendix G for repair summary.

ABSVZ PENETRATION Pen. Min No. Penetration Tyge Inside Outside Max Pathway Penalty 1 Pressure Relief Tank C 2 2/0.5 2 0.5 0 Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C 0 0/0.5 0.5 0 0 5 Reactor Coolant Drain C 0.5/32 32 0.5 0 Tank Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Line C 14[0.5] 1 14[0.5] 1[0.5] 0 12 Charging Line C 68 950[6740] 950[6740] 68 0 13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water C 32 260 260 32 0

Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Water C 100 395 395 100 0 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return C 2[0] 30[13] 30[13] 2[0] 0 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C 6.5[335] 68[375] 68[375] 6.5[335] 328.5 16 Pressurizer Liquid Smp1 C 0.5[2] 2[1] 2[2] 0.5[1] 0.5 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C 0.5[200] 0.5[57] 0.5[200] 0.5[57] 56.5 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 5 1 5 1 0 19 Service Air B 5.5 0 5.5 0 0 21 Reactor Coolant Drain C 0.5/7.5 7.5 0.5 0 Tank Gas to GA 22 Catmt Air Sample In C 0 0 0 0 0 23 Catmt Air Sample Out C 0 1 1 0 0

Paga 35 l 1

ABSVZ PENETRATIONS Pan. Min No. Penetration Tm Inside Outside Max Pathway Penalty 25A Catet Purge Exhaust B 0 0 0 0

25B Cntat Purge Supply B 0 0 0 0

, 26 Catmt Sump "A" Disch C 2/50 50 2 0 27 ILRT Pressure B 2 2 2 0 C-1 Instrument 27 ILRT Pressure B 2 2 2 0 C-1 Instrument 29A Internal Containment C 9.5[4] 9.5[4] 9.5[4] 0 Spray 29B Internal Containment C 107[10] 107[10] 107[10] O Spray

! 30A Containment Sump B C 181 181 181 0 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B C 0 0 0 0 Suction Line 42E Containment Heating B 1 1 1 1 0 Condensate 42E Containment Heating B 12 1 12 1 0 Condensate 44 ILRT Pressurization B 2 100 100 2 0 45 Reactor Make Up to C 0 0 0 0 0 4

  • Pressurizer Relief Tank l

51 Fire Protection B 0 6 6 0 0 i

52 In Service Purge B 0 0 0 0

Exhaust 53 In Service Purge B 0 0 '0 0 Supply 54 Containment Heating Stm B 0 2 2 0 0 4

55 Demin Water B 2 0 2 0 0 ABSVZ TOTAL = 2247.5 [8411.0] SCCM = 0.002 [0.008] wt}


Pah: 36 i


-; Pza. Min No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max Pathway Penalty l

j 2 Pressurizer Relief C 176 7 176 7 0 l Tank N2SuPP Y l

, 20 Instrument Air C 2175 280 2175 280 0 i

31 N t Accumulator C 0 0 0 0 2

42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 11 0 11 0 0 4

Control Air Supply


50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 0 0 0 0 Control Air Supply-

. EXTERIOR TOTAL = 2362 SCCM = 0.002 wt%

day ANNULUS PENETRATIONS 41A Containment Vacuum C 2 393 393 2 0 Breaker 41B Containment Vaccum C 20 410 410 20 0 Breaker 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 9 1.5[9] 9 1.5[9] 7.5 l Air Vent J 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 3 0[3000] 3[3000] 0[3000] 3000 Air Vent 6A #21 Steam Line Bellows B 5 1 5 1 0 i

l 6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B 0 2 2 0 0 7C #21 Feedwater Line B 0 1 1 0 0 Bellows 7D #22 Feedwater Line B 2 2 2 2 0 Bellows 8C #21 Steam Generator B 4 2 4 2 0 Blowdown Bellows i

8D #22 Steam Generator B 7 2 7 2 0 l Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B 4 4 4 4 0 Bellows i 10 Residual Heat in B 4 3 4 3 0 Bellows 4


. No. Penetration Min mT Inside Outside Max Pathway Penaltj 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 2 0 2 0 18 0

Fuel Transfer Tube B 1 Bellows 3 3 1 0 Equipment Hatch B 103[52] 103[52] 103[52] O TYPE B AND C TEST TOTAL =

5561.5 [14671] SCCM = 0.005 [0.013] jw day TOTAL PENALTY =

3393 sccm @ 46 psig 3393 cc x 3 3 1 ft x min (100% x 60 min x I 1.34 x 10 6 3 24 hr = 0.0129 wJ @ 46 psig 28317ccj ft j br j day j day Using the above penalty the 1985 as found Type A leakage rate =

0.0402 w 6 7 , 0.0129 w 0.0776 < < .1875 = 0. 75 L, a t P, .



l l

l l

l i


. No. Penetration T_ype Inside Outside Max Pathway Penalty 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 2 0 2 0 0 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 1 3 3 1 0 Bellows Equipment Hatch B 103[52] 103[52] 103[52] 0-TYPE B AND C TEST TOTAL = 5561.5 [14671] SCCM = 0.005 [0.013] wt%

day TOTAL PENALTY = 3393 seem @ 46 psig 3393 cc, x 1 ft 3 ) x (100% x 60 min x 24 hr = 0.0129 wt% @ 46 psig 6 3 min 28317 cc j

1.34 x 10 ft j

hr j day j

day Using the aoove pena'lty the 1985 as found Type A leakage rate =

0.0402 wJ 60.7 , 0.0129 wt% - 0.0776 wt% < < .1875 = 0.75 L, at P,.

day 37.7 day day j

O 6

Page 38 APPENDIX G Type B and C Test Repair Summary Rafueling Pen.

Outage No. Penetration Summary 1982 15 Pressurizer Steam Sample Inboard & Outboard valves i replaced for post accident sampling requirements.

1982 16 Pressurizer Liquid Sample Inboard & Outboard valves replaced for post accident sampling requirements.

1982 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample Inboard & Outboard valves replaced for post accident sampling requirements.

1982 25A Containment Purge Exhaust Inboard valve removed and blind flange installed.

1982 25B Containment Purge Supply Inboard valve removed and blind flange installed.

1982 20 Instrument Air _ Valve seats replaced.

1983 15 Pressurizer Steam Sample Replaced electrical connectors.

1983 22 Containment Air Sample In Hard environmentally qualified valve seats replaced with soft environmentally qualified valve seats.

l 1983 23 Containment Air Sample Out Hard environmentally qualified valve seats I

o replaced with soft environmentally qualified i valve seats.

i 1983 29A Containment Spray Valves disassembled for j ASME XI Inspection 1983 29B Containment Spray Valves disassembled for ASME XI Inspection 1983 52 Inservice Purge Exhaust Installed blind flanges as new integrity boundary i


Type B and C Test Repair Summary Rafueling Pen.

Outage No. Penetration Summary 1983 53 Inservice Purge Supply Installed blind flanges

' as new integrity boundary.

. 1984 11 Letdown Line Outboard valve bonnet gasket leak repaired.

1984 12 Charging Line Boric acid crystals flushed from valve seat.

1985 11 Letdown Line Inboard valve seating force changed to support ASME XI hydrostatic test.

1985 12 Charging Line Outboard control v'alve flushed to remove dried boric acid.

1985 14 RCP Seal Water Return Preventive Maintenance.

1985 15 Pressurizer Steam Sample Replaced solenoid valves with motor valves.

1985 16 Pressurizer Liquid Sample Replaced solenoid valves with motor valves.

1985 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample Replaced solenoid valves

, with motor valves.

I 1985 29A Internal Containment Spray ASME XI inspection.

. 1985 29B Internal Containment Spray ASME XI inspection.

1985 42A Post LOCA 2H Control Vent Replaced valve seats.

o i 1985 50 Post LOCA 2H Control Vent Replaced valve seats.

