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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1993
From: Baxa D
Shared Package
ML20044C317 List:
NUDOCS 9303220180
Download: ML20044C322 (33)



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ILRT Unit 2 L Page 2 of 18 1.0


The periodic integrated Leak Rate Test (lLRT) of Prairie Island Unit 2 Containment was completed January 1,1993. This leakage rate test was performed in accordance with Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A,10CFR50 Appendix J, and ANSI N45.4-1972. In addition, ANSI 56.8-1987 Mass Point calculation technique was used to analyze the data. t The ILRT was performed at the end of our site's dual unit outage. Unit 2 was not refueled during this outage. No maintenance was performed on penetrations pertenent to the Local or Integrated Leak Rate Test. The only maintenance performed on equipment which affects the ILRT was repacking of the Maintenance and Personnel Airlocks door seals. The ILRT test was performed at reduced pressure, P, equal to 23 psig. After initial t pressurization the containment was allowed to stabilize for four hours. A 24 hour i Integrated Leak Rate Test then followed. Shortly after the !LRT the supplemental test i commenced to verify the accuracy of the Type A test. Throughout the test all the instrumentation performed well with excellent correlation between all the RTDs and - Humidity monitors. For a reduced pressure test 0.75 Lt as determined during preoperational testing, is 0.13258 wt%/ day. The 1993 ILRT on Unit 2 containment yielded a least squares curve fit L. of 0.0123 wt%/ day and a corresponding 95 percent upper confidence t level L. of 0.0144 wi%/ day. The final AS LEFT leakage rate at UCL including all t penalties is 0.0158 wt%/ day while the AS FOUND leakage rate is 0.0307 wt%/ day (reference appendix C). [ t 2.0 DESIGN INFORMATION 2.1 Containment Vessel Desian l t The design parameters of the Unit 2 containment vessel have previously been [ described in references 6.1 - 6.5. i 2.2 ILRT Instrumentation System f The Integrated Leakage Rate Test instrumentation System is designed to monitor containment parameters and calculate a leakage rate using the absolute i method. Data read from the transducers is entered directly into a Hewlett Packard Model 1000 computer for reduction and analysis. Details of the test i system are descdbed in reference 6.3. For the leakage rate test twenty-six resistance temperature detectors (RTD), eight humiters, one precision pressure gauge and one flow meter were used. l )

ILRT Unit 2 1 Page 3 of 18 4 2.3 ILRT Pressurization System l The containment was pressurized using Atlas Copco air compressors, after I coolers and air dryers connected to Prairie Island's pressurization line. All air released from containment for the leakage rate test was vented to the Auxiliary Building and hence monitored by the Auxiliary Building ventilation radiation monitoring system. In addition, continuous air monitors (CAM) were positioned at the localized release path. 3.0 PRE-TEST CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 ILRT instrumentation i All instrumentation utilized during the ILRT was calibrated by vendors whose Quality Assurance Programs were verified by Northern States Power Company. These instruments, all calibrated within six months of the test date, have calibration certification traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Sensor calibration correction factors were then derived from the calibration curves. Though not required by Technical Specifications, the containment fire detection system was temporarily modified by installing 12 photoelectric fire detectors in place of the existing ionization type. This was performed to avoid spurious fire-i alarms during periods when the containment was pressurized. No fire alarms were received during the duration of the test. During the ILRT containment pressure was monitored by Control Room personnel via the containment wide range pressure channels. The six safeguards containment pressure channels were defeated by opening the test jack switches in the analog protection racks. 3.2 Ventina and Drainino Criteria The following criteria was used to determine the ILRT valve lineup: r A. From 10CFR50 Appendix J: 1. "Those portions of the fluid systems that are part of the reactor coolant l pressure boundary and are open directly to the containment atmosphere under post-accident conditions and become an extension of the boundary of the containment shall be opened or vented to the i containment atmosphere prior to and during the test." 2. " Portions of closed systems inside containment that penetrate containment and rupture as a result of a loss of coolant accident shall be vented to the containment atmosphere." l

ILRT Unit 2 [ Page 4 of 18 -l t 3. "All vented systems shall be drained of water or other fluids to the i extent necessary to assure exposure of the system containment I isolation valves to containment air test pressure and to assure they will Lj be subjected to the post-accident differential pressure." 4. " Systems that are required to maintain the plant in safe condition during i the test shall be operable in their normal mode, and need not be j vented." 5. " Systems that are normally filled with water and operating under f post-accident conditions, such as the containment heat removal .j system,- need not be vented." i B. Other Criteria: P 1. All isolation valves which shut automatically on a safeguards signal, which are shut manually as a part of the post-accident safeguards sequence, or which are normally shut during power operation (except .j venting lineups) shall be shut during the ILRT. l 2. Lines penetrating containment are to be vented to the outside i atmosphere if, they are normally or potentialiy vented during power i operation or if they could be vented after some phase of the safeguards sequence. Normally closed systems outside of the containment shall-also be vented unless they are Seismic Class 1. C. Pressure vessels inside containment vented to containment atmosphere during the ILRT. 1. RCS via Pressurizer Vent j 2. Reactor Coolant Drain Tank

3. Pressurizer Relief Tank j

4. Power Operated Relief Valve Accumulators (2 trains) 5. No. 21 & 22 SI Accumulators 6. No. 21 & 22 Steam Generator Snubber Accumulators l

7. Containment H2 Monitor Calibration Gas Bottles D. Electrical penetration venting

.j i The electrical penetrations were depressurized to.10' 5 psig prior to' the j ILRT. Any penetration indicating greater than 15 psig would require l investigation.' During the ILRT, no electrical penetrations were observed to j be greater than 15 psig. The nitrogen supply to the electrical penetrations and the airlock' electrical penetrations were isolated and vented to j atmosphere. i .s 4

ILRT. Unit 2 Page 5 of 18 i E. Water level in the following equipment is recorded before and after the ILRT: 1. Reactor Coolant Drain Tank I

2. Pressurizer Relief Tank
3. Containment Sump A l
4. Containment Sump B
5. 21 & 22 Steam Generator
6. Pressurizer During performance of the January ILRT the level in Sump A increased 2 inches and the pressurizer level increased 1.3%. This change in volume (0.0013 wt%) will be included as an added penalty in the final leak rate reported.

{ 3.3 Local Leak Rate Testinn Program The local leak rate test program was performed during each refueling outage as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J and Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A. A summary of Type B and C test results, obtained since the last ILRT j l report was submitted, are in Appendices A, B, and C. The 1993 final results _ l rbflect the as-left conditions of containment after the 1993 Unit 2 Type A test. Local leak rate valve repairs are summarized in Appendix C. i i The acceptance criteria for type B & C test are as follows: i A. If the total leakage of all local leakage testing exceeds 60% of L., repairs l and retests shall be performed to reduce leakage below that value. f r B. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems in the Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation Zone (ABSVZ) shall be less than 0.1 wt%/ day at P,. j I C. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems exterior to both the ABSVZ and the Shield Building shall be less than 0.01 wt%/ day at P. j D. Airlock leakage shall be less than 1% of the L, at 10 psig for the door l innergasket tests and less than 5% of the L, at 46 psig for overall airlock [ tests. l t 3.4 Containment inspection A general inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment and related components was performed prior to the ILRT as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J, Section V. There was no evidence of I structural degradation. The inspection revealed no pressurized containers, fire j hazards or containment wall growth interferences. In general, the containment i was very clean. The annulus area was also inspected for wall growth i interferences; none were found. f l t r

ILRT t Unit 2 Page 6 of 18 l 4.0 CONDUCT OF ILRT [ 4.1 Acceptance Criteria of Type A Test at reduced pressure P, is calculated as follows: The leakage rate, L t - t c L = 0.25 Lu if L,. 50.7 t L., L., L = 0.25 Pt I/2 if Lu > 0.7 t P. L., For acceptable ILRT, the measured leak rate, L. SHALL be less than 0.75 L. t t Based upon preoperational test data (reference 6.1): i L. 0.0152 wt%/ day t -0.0002 wt%/ day l L., = 76.0 I Therefore, 6 0.0152 = L., 0.0002 l Since 76 > 0.7,.Lt 0.25 wt%/ day P 1/2 = 2 P. or L = 0.25 wt%/ day 2_1/2 = 0.17677 wt%/ day I t 4 i Then L shall be less than 0.75 (0.17677) = 0.13258 wt%/ day t 4.2 Type A Test and Verification Test Results and Conclusions L The Unit 2 Type A test and the Verification test were performed using the Mass Point Calculational Technique. The test data displayed acceptable results after i three hours of testing using the Mass Point Technique. The least squares l leakage rate, L., at the final data point after 24 hours of data collection was t 0.0123 wt%/ day with a corresponding L. at the 95 percent upper confidence t level equal to 0.0144 wt%/ day. After the completion of the Type A test a supplemental test was performed to - verify the validity of the Type A test measurements. A superimposed leak rate 1 = 1.25L was initiated for the verification test. The test was performed for 4 t four hours. The composite leakage rate exhibited very good correlation to the j acceptance band: 0.18907 wt%/e., s Lc i 0.27745 wt%/.y d Figures 1 through 10 display the results and parameters for the test period. Table 1 and Table 2 provide the applicable test data.

ILRT Unit 2 Page 7 of 18 5.0 SPECIAL TESTING 1 5.1 Shield Building Testina Section IV, paragraph B of 10CFR50, Appendix J, "Special Testing Requirements" and Technical Specification 4.4.A.6 require testing of multiple l barrier containments. Unit 2 Shield Building is functionally tested at quarterly intervals according to NSP Surveillance Procedure SP 2073. The Shield l Building is functionally tested when each redundant train of the special j ventilation system is tested to determine if it meets drawdown performance j i computed for the test condition with 75% of the Shield Building inleakage specified in Technical Specification Figure TS 4.4.1. None of these quarterly tests on Unit 2 Shield Building have failed to meet the acceptance criteria due to Shield Building degradation. f 1 l 5.2 Auxiliary Building Testmo i Technical Specification 4.4.A.6 requires retesting of the Auxiliary Building Special Ventilation Zune (ABSVZ). Leak tightness of the ABSVZ is verified at l quarterly intervals when each redundant train is run to determine if it can produce an acceptable negative pressure in the zone within six minutes with an opening in the boundary of at least ten square feet. None of these quarterly [ j tests have failed to meet the acceptance criteria. j l l


j i ) 6.1 Unit 2 Reactor Containment Buildino intearated Leak Rate Test, I l Auaust 1974 l 1 l Transmitted by letter dated January 31,1975, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. A. Giambusso, Directorate of Ucensing, USNRC. j Unit 2 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. 5 6.2 ~ March.1981 I Transmitted by letter dated June 1981, from NSP, to Director, NRR. i i 6.3 Unit 1 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. February 1985 .i Transmitted by letter dated June 11,1985 from Mr. D. Musolf, NSP, to Director, l J NRR. j l l I 1 e d I __I

ILRT . Unit 2 Page 8 of 18 1 6.4 Unit 2 Reactor Containment Buildino inteorated Leak Rate Test. ( October,1985 l Transmitted by letter dated January 1986, from Mr. D. Musolf,-NSP, to Director, NRR. l f 6.5 Unit 2 Reactor Containment Buildina Intearated Leak Rate Test. [ April.1989 ~ Transmitted by letter dated July 1989 from Mr. T. Parker, NSP, to Director, NRR. 4 i 5 r I h -l l l 'i l I f i k i h t i l i l i i i l i I i f

ILRT Unit 2 Page 9 of 18 APPENDIX A Type B and C Test Results - 1990 Refueling Outage Each penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The combined leakage for all components subject to Type B and C tests shall be less than 0.60 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components in the ABSVZ shall be less than 0.10 wt% / day. The combined leakage for components designated EXTERIOR shall be less than .i 0.01 wt% / day. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance. See Appendix D for repair Summary. n. x:e. wn. m n - ^ ?ABSVZ PENETRATIONS ~ w ~ mw - me,v, n ~ m e n e m - n,., Y ~

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l m 4 m _e .m mum ...m 1 Pressurizer Relief Tank C 2[9] 21 [5] 21 [9] Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C 40 0 40 5 Reactor Coolant Drain Tank C 50 [10] 80 [193066] 80 [193066] Pump Dircharge 11 Letdown Line C 4 6 6 12 Charging Line C 36 5 36 13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water C 6 800 800 Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Water C 0 50 50 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return C 600 50 600 15 Pressurizer Sim Sample C 1 3 3 l 16 Pressurizer Liquid Smpl C 25 35 35 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C 20 35 35 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 7 7 19 Station Air B 8 18 18 t 21 Reactor Coolant Drain Tank C 22 [21] 20 [35] 22 [35] Gas to GA 22 Cntmt Air Sample in C 17 10 17 23 Cntmt Air Sample Out C 18 26 26 f 25A Cntmt Purge Exhaust B 20 [17] 20[17] 25B Cntml Purge Supply B 6 [20] 6 [20] 26 Cntmt Sump "A" Disch C 3[0] 1[0] 3[0] h

ILRT Unit 2 Page 10 of 18 l ABSVZ' PENETRATIONS L e'n'. Typel

,Inside -

'Outside - ' Max? P .No. Penetration; 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 C-1 Instrument 27 ILRT Pressure B 9 9 C-2 Instrument 29A Internal Containment Spray C 950 [7500] 8000 [7500] 8000 [7500] 29B Internal Containment Spray C 700 [5600] 3900 [5600] 3900 [5600] 30A Containment Sump B C 540 [260] 540[260] Suction Line SOB Containment Sump B C 540 [600] 540 [600] Suction Line 42E-1 Containment Heating B 2 3 3 Steam 42E-2 Containment Heating B 6 2 ~ 6 Condensate 44 ILRT Pressurization B 4 150 150 45 Reactor Make Up to C 0 0 0 Pressurizer Relief Tank 51 Fire Protection B 2 2 2 54 Containment Heating B 9 3 9 Condensate 55 Demin Water B 3 17 17 ~ - -u ~-, + xwr - y m =.. wm m ny r~m~= remme wr~,vn? t EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 1 i';... ~, ~ 1Pe.n? 1.In' side?.(Outsids? /Msxs i N64 ?Penetratio'nl, > /Typsi c w :- ,,,wa;;, m. - . :~:: w.z..e 2 Pressurizer Relief Tank N2 C 340 70 340 Supply 20 Instrument Air C 1200 18 1200 31 N2 to Accumulator C 620 620 42A Post LOCA HYD Control Air C 6 0 6 Supply 50 Post LOCA HYD Control Air C 3 36 36 4 Supply i ) i

ILRT Unit 2 Page 11 of 18 i ANNIJLOS PENETNdTIONS ~ ~ Pen.1 Nok - Penetrations iTppes (In' side

Outside2 (MaxL i

34 Electrical Penetrations B 660 660 41A Containment Vacuum C 6 330 330 Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C 38 65 65 Breaker 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen Air C 13 1830 1830 Vent 52 in Service Purge Exhaust B 4 4 53 in Service Purge Supply B 6 6 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen Air C 1233 25 1203 Vent j 6A 21 Steam Line Be!!ows B 9 11 11 SB 22 Steam Line Bellows B 0 4 4 7C 21 Feedwater Line Bellows B 12 40 40 7D 22 Feedwater Line Bellows B 10 7 10 BC 21 Steam Generator B 10 5 10 Blowdown Bellows 8D 22 Steam Generator B 7 5 7 f Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out Bellows B 5 6 6 10 Residual Heat in Bellows B 5 6 6 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 7 7 7 18 Fuel Transfer Tube Bellows B 7 2 7 Equipment Hatch B 40 40 Personnel Airlock 4350 [3680] 4350 [3680] Maintenance Airlock 2738[3205] 2738[3205] i

ILRT Unit 2 Page 12 of.18 APPENDIX B Type B and C Test Results - February 1902 Refueling Outage Each penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The values listed are as left leakage rates in SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance. See Appendix D for repair Summary. dSVZ P5NEYEATIOf[b5 T S'I ~ P'cru m s ^ YNo? [P6netrNioni. Nypr iln'nid k (Oiitsiddi idai t w ~.;, .. an n u., ~.. www u n.; ~ -w.; 1 Prcssurizer Relief C 2 10 10 Tank Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C 5 3 5 5 Reactor Coolant Drn C 0 2 .2 Tnk Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Une C 1 13 13 12 Charging Line C 120 540 540 13A No. 21 RCP Seal C 0 2 [30500] 2 [30500] Water Supply l l 13B No. 22 RCP Seal C 500 0 500 Water Supply 14 RCP Seal Water C 115 [29800] 120[590] 120 [29800] Return 15 Pressurizer Stm C 28[7500] 5 28[7500] Sample 16 Pressurizer Liquid C 4 2 4 Smp! 17 Loop B Hot Leg C 2. 11 11 Sample 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 0 0 19 Station Air B 2 1 2 21 Reactor Coolant Drn C 4 190 190 Tank Gas to GA 22 Cntmt Air Sample In C 6 0 6 23 Cntml Air Sample C 3 4 4 Out 25A Cntmt Purge Exhaust B 4 4 25B Cntmt Purge Supply B 1 1

fLRT Unit 2 i Page 13 of 18 t kbdEk$fEffEkkANbE5[ T Peri. ~ ._s. . %pM(Ti un s inside':.- ?Oufsidsb EMair eNot /Peristrsd6ni:

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- ua:v.2.uawaasa ; 26 Cntmt Sump "A" C 0 0 0 Disch 27 ILRT Pressure B 3 3 i C-1 Instrument r 27 ILRT Pressure B 2 2 C-2 Instrument 29A Internal Containment C 590[295] 50 [240] 5901295] Spray 29B Internal Containment C 2200[750] 1600 [340] 2200[750] Spray 30A Containment Sump B C 275 275 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B C 480 480 Suction Une F 42A Post LOCA H2 C 2 55 55 Control 42E-1 Containment Heating B 4 6 6 Steam 42E-2 Containment Heating B 3 2 3 Condensate 44 ILRT Pressurization B 4 140 140 45 Reactor Make Up to C 0 0 0 Pressurizer Relief Tnk 50 Post LOCA H2 C 3 0 3 Control 51 Fire Protection B 3 7 7 54 Containment Heating B 4 33 33 Condensate 55 Domin Water B 2 2 2 o P S I s P b

ILRT Unit 2 Page 14 of 18 ~m. ecc. n r. ~,. ~m , n-nr. ,n f EXTERIOR (PENETRATIONS) ~ ^ " cc (Peh? .,, =.. a. i No! -Penetratiorn nTypel Jinsidei (Outside 6 sMak? ~ z w., us wa ~ ^ 2 Pressurizer Relief C 350 195 350 Tank N2 Supply 20 instrument Air C 540 45 540 31 N2 to Accumulator C 1800 1800 42A Post LOCA HYD C 2 55 55 Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA HYD C 3 0 3 Control Air Supply ..w.s n.. mmm -..... w::ww : x ( ANN.ULUS[PENETRATIONSL, f en. ^ P ~ lfypC lins _idh {.O0 thio 61,.jd!hh L o. SP5neiratio'n':1 N =- - u. _a 34 Electrical B 770 770 Penetrations 41A Containment Vacuum C 1 340 340 Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C 18 460' 460 Breaker 42A-1 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 2 3 3 Air Vent 42A-2 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 1150 1150 Air Vent 50-1 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 3 7 7 Air Vent 50-2 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 18 5 18 Air Vent 52 in Service Purge B 0 0 Exhaust 53 in Service Purge B 5 5 Supply 6C 21 Steam Line B 0 5 5 Bellows 6D 22 Steam Line B 1 2 2 Be!!ows t 7C 21 Feedwater Line B 0 20 20 Bellows 7D 22 Feedwater Line B 1 1 1 Bellows 8C 21 Steam Generator B 0 1 1 Blowdown Bellows

-ILRT Unit 2 Page 15 of 18 [hiANUbb$[P5NETdIYldNS$ ^

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. hP5netPafiont ~ dypsi iinsidel [D6fsid.ef ifAaxi 5 w' ^ ~ Noh , uw www;. naw a: mw - :unw.a. ua nuc i ;as.-c + 8D 22 Steam Generator B 1 0 1 Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B 1 0 1 Be!!ows p 10 Residual Heat in B 0 0 0 Bellows 1 11 Letdown Line Bellows B 0 0 0 l 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 3 0 3 Bellows l t Equipment Hatch B 50 50 t Personnel Airlock B 5150 [3925] 5150[3925] 'l Maintenance Airlock B 8700 [3175] 8700 13175] i t i f i I i [ r i i i 1 + b

ILRT i Unit 2 Page 16 of 18 APPENDIX C f Type " and C Test Results - December 1992 Outage cach penetration listed below is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. The values listed are as left leakage rates .. SCCM. Values in brackets indicate as found leakage rates in SCCM prior to maintenance. See Appendix D for repair Summary. j n n., l ABSVZ; PENETRATIONS Y k Pe.n2 hTypeE (Inside.i (Outsiddl > iMax? i Patinvay.t r Perialtyi f No.

Penetrations j!Mine
,9 i

r .~ 19 Station Air B 2 1 2 2 0 27C-1 ILRT Pressure B 1 1 1 0 Instrument 27C-2 ILRT Pressure B 2 2 2 0 instrument 29A Internal Containment C 380 380 380 0 Spray j 29B Internal Containment C 1200 1200 1200 0 Spray [ t 42E-1 Containment Heating B 1 1 1 1 0 Steam 42E-2 Containment Heating B 2 1 2 1 0 Steam 44 ILRT Pressurization B 4 125 125 4 0 51 Fire Protection B 5 2 5 2 0 55 Demin Water B 2 0 2 0 0 l l s J S 1 b 6 I

\\ \\ ILRT i Unit 2 l Page 17 of 18

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. ~ m~. w. w w nm,n ~. li ANNULUSiPENETRATIONSi ( < :n - . ~ t,. ',.~ 5 Mini? y \\ ~ ~.. ^ spen.' , N6i ..w" {PenetVation3 .1 . dnside[ f.Oiysidej. TIUlhxi jf$t'hviaps ?Psnsitij Type! ma., .. ~. a.w a w ,an~

s ::w.-,.n:n >sc 52 Inservice Purge B

2 2 2 0 Exhaust 53 Inservice Purge B 5 5 5 0 Supply l Personnel Airlock B 942 [3450] 942 [3450] 942 [3450] l l 23 psig 823 [1863] 823 [1863] 823 [1863] 1040 l Maintenance Airlock B 633 [6425] 633 [6425] 633 [6425] l l 23 psig 1050 [3875] 1050 [3875] 1050 [3875] 2825 i Total Repair Penalty = 3865 SCCM @ 23 psig (0.0240 Wt%/ day @46 psig) Total Repair Penalty Calculations: 3865 cc x 1Ft3 x 100wt% x 60 min x 24 Hr x (60.7) - 0.0240 wt% @ 46 psig - 0.0149 wt%/ day @ 23 psig min 28317cc 1.32x106 ft3 Hr day 37.7 day Sump A Level increase Penalty - 0.0005 wt%/ day Pressurizer Level increase Penalty - 0.0009 wt%/ day Using the above penalties the 1993 as found type A UCL leakage rate - (0.0144 + 0.0149 + 0.0014) wt%/ day - 0.0307 wt%/ day < 0.13258 wt%/ day - 0.75 Lt @ Pt t 4 r

ILRT Unit 2 Page 18 of 18 APPENDIX D Type B and C Test Summary 1 i 3 .y y m - Tw *s. x .y.w.- y y REFUELING :- LPEN! .f_..





  • a,e

,, u 1990 1 PRT to Gas Analyzer Replaced valve internals 1990 5 RCDT Pump Discharge Adjust travel stops 1990 21 RCDT to Gas Analyzer Replaced air actuator diaphragm 1990 25A Containment Purge Exhaust Tightened Pent. Flange j 1990 25B Containment Purge Supply Tightened Pent. Flange 1990 26 Cont. Sump A Disch Solenoid Valve Replaced 1990 29A Internal Containment Spray Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1990 29B Internal Containment Spray Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1990 30A Containment Sump B Suction Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1990 30B Containment Sump B Suction Performed preventive maintenance on motor actuator 1992 13A RCP Seal Injection Replaced check valve { 1992 14 RCP Seal Return Replaced valve internals 1992 15 Przr Steam Sample Motor Valve Breaker Repair 1992 29A Internal Containment Spray Addition of new LLRT test valves 1992 29B Internal Containment Spray Addition of new LLRT test valves

Graph Legend NSP PINGP Unit-2. ILRT 1992 Lam %/ day - 05% UCL Data Fre9uenc>, 900 seconds _ _'_ 7 5 % La ANS 56.8 Data Plot .18 L .14 a .10 s A o G .26 s M e H .02 %.m. 3 OC 07 r o .r - .32 oI

0. 00 5.00 10.00 15.'00 20.00 25.00 Delta Time Hours start T i me:

22: 30:00 Date: 3651992 End T i me: 22:30:-00 Date: 3661992

NSP PINGP Unit-2, ILRT 1992 Data Frequency 900 seconds Raw Transducer Data Plot 39.55 = 39.54 s

2 2

39.53 i s m L 39.52 s s U) 39.51 s w oc O _J 39.50 t-- -S

0. 5.00
10. l00 '

15.00 -20.00 25.00 Delta' Time Hours Start T i me: 22: 30: 00 Date: 3651992 End T i me: 22: 30: 00 Date: 3661992 ~... ~ ~

NSP PINGP Unit-2. ILRT 1992 Data Frec;uency 900 seconds Raw Transducer Data Plot 64.30 s 64.10 3-9 T-E 63.90 -w i u-i l I H 63.70 3 63.50 i g CJ }- b 63.-30 LIJ Q 0.00 5.00' 10.00-15.00 20.00 25.00 Delta Time Hours Start T i me: 22: 30: 00 Date: 3651992 End T-i me: 22: 30: 00.. Date:- 3661992

1 ??[ 0 0 22 s 99 5 99 2 1 1 56 6 6 3 3 e e 0 t t 0 a a 0 DD 2 0 0 00 0 0. l 33 0 2 2 0 2 2 5 1 e e. m m i i 2 s T T 9 d t 9 n r o t 0 a d. 1 c o 0 t n l T el SE R sP 0 L 1 I 0 a 0 t ,9 a 2 D s r t y r u i c e 0 o n n c 0 H U e u ud 5 e P cjs m G e n i N r a T I F r P T o a t P t w l 0 S a a 0 e N D R F p F p L~

r D

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 5 3 1 9 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 m(D< e 2-l l!ll t l!lLIl1

4 Graph Legend NSP PINGP Unit-2, ILRT 1992 Lam %/ day . _ Upper Limit Data Fre9ueno7 900 seconds ___ Lower L'imit ANS 56.8 Data Plot .36 H .32 g F s ?! 2 .28 4 g u, A F 0 .24 x g M G p 0

  • 20 cx.

= h) ~ H Or .16 Oj .50 .1.50 2.50 3.50

4. 53
5. 50 Delta Time Hours Start T i me:

23:00: 00 Date: 3661992 End T i me: 3: 15: 00 Date: 11993

NSP PINGP Unit--2. ILRT 1992 Data Frecjuency 900 seconds Raw Transducer Data Plot 39.51- -39. 50-s

2 s

2 39.49 s w I 39.48 s s T' -39. 47-Ltj 3 O' h L s l .J j 39.46 i-9

0. 00
1. 00
2. 00-
3. 00
4. 00 5.00

~ i -De l ta. T i rne Hours Start T i rne:- 23: 00: 00 Date: 3661992 End T i rne: 3: 15: 00 Date: 11993 ...-.-.-.-.....-a..-

- 2 gb 0 0 23 99 5 99 1 1 6 1 6 3 e e 0 t t 0 a a 4 DD 0 0 0 0 05 0 1 0 33 0 2 3 e e m m i i 2 s TT 9 d t 9 n r 1 ot 0 ad c o 0 t n T el SE R sP 2 L I 0 a 0 t = ,9 a 2 D s r t y r u i c e 0 o 0 n n c H U e u 1 ud e P c s m j G e n i N r a T I F r P T a a a t P t w l 0 S a a 0 e N D R - L 7


g F 9 L p

r D

0 5 5 5 5 5' 5 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 a-w$ ri

NSP PINGP Unit-2. ILRT 1992 Data Freciuency 900 seconds Raw Transducer Data Plot 269160. s 269120. s

2 H

i! 2 269080. = s t 269040. s s 269000. s m mY 7 268960. or Q 0.00 1.00

2. 00
3. 00
4. 00
5. 00 Delto Time Hours Start Time:

23: 00: 00 Date: 3661992 End T i me: 3: 15: 90 Date: 11993


  • 0 e

0 22 n 99 i 5 99 1 1 L 2 1 1 1 l 2e 56 g 66 e 33 n"nc q9qc

:eo d E EA 0

n t t 0 aa e g 0 DD e 2 L 00 00 h p 09 a 33 r 0 22 G 0 22 5 1 e u.- mm ii 2 s TT 9 d t 9 n 3 r o 0 ad 1 uf c 0 t n T e t SE h 0 R s o 1 L l ,} - I 0 P \\. - 0 ,9 a 2 t s a r V u t yD 0 o c V i 0 H i nS \\ n L eN l s 5 uA /, \\ e P 9 / m G ed ~ k i /r T N r e y I F d P n i,' i-f~ t ~ a a e 1 /( P t t ' ll )' R 0 l I S a x 0 e N D E 7 + 3 p' LH D L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 4 0 2 1 0 0g0jgOL G 9 a NG Ez_ ) 2. (

Graph Legend NSP PINGP Unit-2, ILRT 1992 Eqn.

1. 1 Eqn.
1. 2 Data Fre9uenc7 900 seconds Extended ANS Data Plot

_ _ _. E q n.

2. 1 Accept.Line 2.00 s

1.60. 3 / ~ / ~ 1.20 e i \\ l \\ ~ 9 \\,.-- .80 f' g E 0 / 5 ) i. / f 1 .40 3 m 4 1 N . /. F S 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

3. 00 4.00 5.00 Delta Time Hours Start. Ti me:

23: 00: 00 Date: 3661992 End Timo: 3:15: 00 Date: 11993 - - -... -. - -. -. =.

~ Table 1- -ANS 56.8 Integrated LeakaDe Rate Calculations -j File: Dec. set NSP PIN 6P Unit-2. ILRT 1992 -l I Data Analysis Window Start Tine: 22:30: 0 Date: 3651992 End Time: 22:30: 0 Date: 3661992 i Data Analysis Frequency 900 seconds ) DELTA TIME PRESSURE TEMP LSF UCL 0MEGA 0.0000 39.5042 63.3185 0.0000 0.0000-269124.0000 d .2500 39.5074 63.3' 73 0.0000 0.0000 269142 0000 c .5000 39.5095 63.3870 .0178 3.0657 269125.0000 j .7500 39.5122 63.4264 .0713 .5692 269123.0000-l 1.0000 39.5147 63.4750 .1320 .3763 269115.0000 j 1.2500 39.5160 63.4985 .1152 .2615 269118.0000 l 1.5000 39.5183 63.5227 .1045 .2030 269116.0000-l 1.7500 39.5197 63.5642 .1299 .2063 269103.0000 i 2.0000 39.5219 63.5851 1213 .1797 269108.0000 2.2500 39.5234 63.5104 .1161 .1622 269105.0000


2.5000 39.5246 63.5153 .0993 .1399 269111.0000-2.7500 39.5274 63.6426 .0787 .1186 269115.0000 i 3.0000 39.5278 63.5853 .0855 .1196 269097.0000 3.2500 39.5286 63.7044 .0924_ .1222-269092.0000 f 3.5000 39.5303 63.6978 .0812 .1093 269107.0000 3.7500 39.5312 63.7170 .0750 1003 269103.0000_ 4.0000 39.5323 63.7322 .0693 .0922 269103.0000 [ 4.2500 39.5338 63.7543 .0648 .0855 269102.0000 t 4.5000 39.5355 63.7706 .0588 .0782 269105.0000 { 4.7500 39.5368 63.7906 .0541 .0722 269104.0000-l 5.0000 39.5379 63.7933 .0471 .0648 269110.0000= j 5.2500 39.5387 63.8113 .0430 .0596 -269106.0000 l 5.5000 39.5406 63.7839 .0290 .0495-269133.0000 l 5.7500 39.5408 63.9369 .0271 .0460 269107.0000L l 6.0000 39.5411 63.8278 .0235 .0412 269113.0000' 6.2500 39.5413 63.8228 .0189 .0358 269118.0000


6.5000 39.5419 63.8536 .0185 .0342 269106.0000 6.7500 39.5428 63.8447 .0151 .0300 269117.0000-7.0000 39.5439 63.8801 .0150 .0289 269106.0000 l 7.2500 39.5440 63.8656 .0130 .0261 269114.0000 l 7.5000 39.5445 63.8804 .0121 .0244 269110.0000 j 7.7500 39.5447 63.8785 .0107 .0223 269113.0000 8.0000 39.5445 63.8733 .0095 .0204 269113.0000 B.2500 39.5443 63.9041 .0115 .0219 259096.0000 8.5000 39.5448 63.9179 .0138' .0239 269092.0000: P.7500 35.5453 63.8771 .0117 .0214 269117.0000 ll' 9.0000 39.5453 63.9043 .0119 .0211 269103.0000. 9.2500 39.5449 63.9109 .0130 .0218-259097.0000 .9.5000 39.5451 63.8934 .0124 .0208 269107.0000 5.7500 39.5446-63.e96e .0i26- .aze5 2s9 e2.eee0 1 i !a i } I

_m _. = Table 1 cont. i hNS 56.8 [ Integrated Leakage Rate Calculations. l File: Dec. set f NSP PINGP Unit-2. ILRT 1992 i Data Analysis Window-l 5 tart Tine: 22:30: 0 Date: 3651992 I End Tame: 22:30: 0 Date: 3661992 f Data Analysis Frequency 900 seconds j 1 O ~ DEL 7A TIME PRES 5URE TEMP ,LSF UCL DMEGA 10.0000 39.5449 63.8810 .0114 .0191 269112.0000 l 10.2500 39.5445 63.9186 .0129' .0203 269091.0000-1 10.5000 39.5447 63.8817 .0119 .0190 269111.0000-10.7500 39.5450 63.8812- .0107 .0176- ~269113.0000 [ 3 11.0000 39.5447 63.9073 .0112 .0178 269098.0000 i 11.2500 39.5447 63.9173 .0122 .0166 269092.0000 j 11.5000 39.5443 63.8773 .0114 .0175 269110.0000_ 11.7500 39.5441 63.8795 .0108 .0168 269107.0000 [ 12.0000 39.5436 63.8855 .0109 .0166 269101.0000 12.2500 39.5428 63.8639 .0104 .0159 269107.0000 = 12.5000 39.5424 63.6615 .0100 .0153 269106.0000 -l 12.7500 39.5417 63.8870 .0112 .0163 269087.0000 i 13.0000 39.5407 63.8592 .0115 .01E5 269095.0000 i 13.2500 39.5408 63.9426 .0112 .0160 269104.0000-l 13.5000 39.5403 63.8708 .0121 .0168 .269086.0000 j 13.7500 39.5391 63.8323 .0121 .0167 269098.0000 14.0000 39.5393 63.8440 .0124 .0168 269093.0000 14.2500 39.5388 63.8426 .0128 .0171 269091.0000; 14.5000 139.5385 63.8398 .0132 .0173 269090.0000 l 14.7500 39.53E0 63.8152 .0130 .0170 269099.0000-15.0000 39.5374 63.8242 .0133. .0172 259090.0000 [ 15.2500 39.5361 63.8205 .0139- .0177 269084.0000 1 15.5000 39.5351 63.7896 .0135 .0172 '269100.0000 ) 15.7500 39.5357 63.8132 .0140 .0176-269084.0000- } 16.0000 39.5347 63.7720 .0137 .0172.. 269099.0000 -{ 16.2500 39.5334 63.7579 .0135 .0169 269097.0000-16.5000 39.5328 63.7954 .0144 .0178 269074.0000 16.7500 39.5327 63.7515 .0141 .0175 269096.0000' j 17.0000 39.5326 63.7475 .0139 .0171 269097.0000 i 17.2500 39.5319 63.7317 .0134 .0166 269101 0000 -l 17.5000 39.5304 63.7503 .0139 .0170 269081.0000 17.7500 39.5304 63.7160 0135 .0166 269098.0000 '[ 18.0000 39.5297 63.6868 .0128- .0159 269108.0000 l 18.2500 39.5282 63.7143 .0131- .0160-269084.0000 i' 18.5000 39.5275 63.6824 .0129 .0159-269096.0000. i8.7500 '39.5274' 63.6906- .0127 .0155 263096.0000 I 19.0000 39.5264 63.6884 .0128 .0156 259085.0000-19.2500 39.5251 63.6647 .0128 .0155 269089.0000 l 19.5000 39.5244 63.6205 .0122 .0149 269107.0000 -l l 19.7500f 39.5230 63.6462- .0124 .0150-269084.0000 e 1

y .-s ~. Table 1 cont.- ANS 56.8 Integrated Leakage Rate Calculations De'. set l File: c N5P PINGP Unit-2 ILRT 1992 Date Analys'is Window f Start Tine: 22:30: 0 Date: 3651992 'l End Tame: 22:30: 0 Date: 3661992 j i Data Analysis Frequency 900 seconds i DELTA TIME PRESSURE TEMP LSF UCL OMEGA 20.0000 39.5215 63.6106 .0123 0149 269092.0000 ] 'F 20.2500 39.5204 63.6172 .0126 .0150 259081.0000-20.5000 39.5191 63.6068 .0129 0153 ' 269077.0000 -l 20.7500 39.5183 63.5934 .0131 0155 269079.0000 l 21.0000 39.5159 63.5689 .0133 0156. 269082.0000. 21.2500 39.5148 63.5515 .0135 0158 - 259077.0000 21.5000 39.5140 63.5430 .0138 0160 259076.0000 21.7500 39.5137 63.5360 .0140 0162 269077.0000 22.0000 39.5135 63.5255 .0140 .0162 .269081.0000 22.2500 39.5127 53.5312 .0143 .0164 259073.0000 22.5000 39.5120 53.5136 .0144 0165 269077.~ 0000 l 22.7500 39.5119 63.4643 .0139 0160 269102.0000 l 23,0000 39.5109 63.467,1 .0136 0157 259094.0000 i I 23.2500 39.5104 63.4638 .0134 0154 769092.0000' 23.5000 39.5094 63.4238' .0128 0!49 269106.0000' 23.7500 39.5080 63.4372 .0127 0147 269089.0000 24.0000 39.5069 63 4047 .0123 0144 269098.0000' I L l .i I + .t l i i h 5 l 'i ) /) e n

Table'2.. ANS 56.8 I -Integrated' Leakage Rate Calculat' ions. -l . File: 'Dec. set NSP PINGP Unit-2, ILRT 1992 j i jl Data Analysis Window Start Time: 23: 0: 0 Date: 3661992 End Time: 3:15: 0 Date: 11993 ) I l Data Analysis Frequency 900 seconds l DELT6 TIME FRES5URE TEMP LSF UCL OMEGA-0.0000 39.5038 63.3846 0.0000 0.0000 269088.0000 .2500 39.5009 63.3874 0.0000 0.0000 269067.0000: ) .5000 39.4988 63.3355 .1605 3.0684 259079.0000 { .7500 39.4963 63.3258 .1820 .5306 269057.0000 j 1.0000 39.4942 63.3203 .2283 4450 269056 0000 1.2500 39.4920 63.2958 .2243 .3528 269053.0000' l 1.5000 39.4897 63.2955 .2561 .3497 269038.0000 l' 1.7500 39.4871 63.2625 .2837 .3577 269026.0000 2.0000 39.4851 63.2389 .2563 .3197 269035.0000 2.2500 39.4932 63.2266 .2400 .2927 269029.0000 l 2.5000 39.4815 63.2085 .2251 .2703 269026.0000' 2.7500 39.4786 63.2032 .2311 .2689 269009.0000 3.00C0 39.4764 63.1890 .2354 .2674 269002.0000 3.2500 39.4735 63.1684 .2406 .2682 268993.0000 } 3.5000 39.4706 63.1515' .2477 .2726 268982.0000- .i 3.7500 39.4681 63.1192 .2478 .2694 268981.00001 l 4.0000 39.4654 63.1067 .2514 .2707-268969.0000 4.2500 39.4630 63.0810 .2514 .2685-268966.0000-5 l t i l i I l 'f l .6 t 1 l i i 0 -i ? i i ? ,}}