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Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test,Mar 1981.
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1981
From: Haugland P
Shared Package
ML20004E136 List:
NUDOCS 8106110245
Download: ML20004E139 (29)


{{#Wiki_filter:, = . - _ . . . . - . = _ - . .- - - - . _ i O i NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT i I I e UNIT 2 REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDING INTEGRATED LEAK RATE TEST MARCH, 1981 i i i 1 1 Prepared By: D. L. Haugland, P.E. Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant S i



  ...............................................                      1 2.0 DESIGN INFORMATION          ....................................               1 2.1 Containment Vessel Design ........................                       1 2.2 ILRT Instrumentation System ......................                       2 2.3 ILRT Pressurization System .......................                       2 2.4 Computer System .................................                        2 3.0 PRE-TEST CONSIDERATIONS              ...............................           2 3.1 ILRT Instrumentation System .......... ...........                       2 3.2 Venting & Draining Criteria ......................                       2 3.3 Local Leak Rate Test Program .....................                       4 3.4 Containment Inspection............................                       4 4.0 CONDUCT OF TYPE A TEST             ................................            5 4.1 Acceptance Criteria for Type A Test ..............                       5 4.2 Acceptance Criteria for Verification Test ........                       5 4.3  ILRT & Verification Test Results and Conclusions..                      5 4.4 Abnormal Conditions During Test                      .................. 6 5.0 SPECIAL TESTING         .......................................                6

~ 5.1 Shield Building Testing .......................... 6 5.2 Electrical Penetration Installation Testing ...... 7 5.3 Containment Ventilation Penetration Testing ...... 7 5.4 Containment Airlock Volumetric Testing ........... 7


      ............................................                  8 i

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Containment Atmosphere - ILRT Figure 2 - Containment Atmosphere - ILRT 4 (Cont) & Verification Test . Figure 3 - Least Squares Leak Rate - ILRT Figure 4 - Least Squares Leak Rate - ILRT ' (Cont) & Verification Test Appendix A - Type B & C Test Results - 1978 Refueling Outage Appendix B - Type B & C Test Results - 1980 Refueling Outage Appendix C - Type B & C Test Results - 1981 Refueling Outage Appendix D - Summary Technical Report on Type B & C Tests Failing to Meet Acceptance Criteria Since Last Type A Test O i 11 i



The periodic Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) of Prairie Island Unit 2 Containment was completed March 27, 1981. The testing program was per-

                         ~ formed-in accordance with Technical Specification 4.4.A which, in turn, references requirements of 10CFR 50, Appendix J and ANSI N45.4-1972.

Additionally, ANS N274. Draft '3-July, 1979, was used as a guide. The test was performed at reduced pressure, P t equal t 23 psig. After initial pressurization, the containment was allowed to stabilize for four hours followed by a 24 hour ILRT and a three hour and 40 minute verification test. Test data was collected at 20 minute intervals and entered into redundant computer systems. For a reduced pressure test, 0.75 Lt as determined during preoperational t testing (see Reference 6.1) is 0.13258 wt %/ day. The 1981 ILRT on Unit 2 containment yielded a least squares curve fdt of 0.0147 wt %/ day and a corresponding 95% upper confidence level of 0.0206 we %/ day. 2.0 DESIGN INFORMATION 2.1 Containment Vessel Design The original design parameters of the Unit 2 Containment Vessel are described in Reference 6.1. Additionally, the following containment modifications have been made in accordance with TMI requirements: The Safety Injection lines were re-routed which necessitated changing penetration location in t Shield Building. The containment isolation valves were re_ocated from the Auxil-i . iary Building to 'he Shield Building. The containment vessel

penetrations remain unaffected. This project was performed

)+ according to Prairie Island Design Change 80Y127. Two electrical penetrations were installed in spare nozzles ! in the containment vessel. These redundant instrumentation penetrations are designed to accomodate high range radiation

  • monitors and reactor incore thermocouples. All work was per-l formed in accordance with Design Change 80Y116.


i' 2.2 ILRT Instrumentation System The test instrumentation is described in Reference 6.2. 2.3 ILRT Pressurization System The pressurization system is as described in Reference 6.4. 2.4 Computer System The computer system, except for insertion of current instrument cali-bration correction factors, is as described in Reference 6.2.


3.0 PRE-TEST CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 ILRT Instrumentation All instrumentation utilized during the test was shipped to vendors , with NSF approved Quality Assurance programs. These instruments, all calibrated within six months prior to the test, have calibration certification traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Sensor calibration correction factors along with system calibration factors were summed and a composite correction factor was entered in the computer program for each instrument. The containment fire detection system was modified by temporarily installing 12 photoelectric fire detectors in place of the existing ionization type. This was done to avoid spurrious fire alarms during pressurization. No fire alarms were received during the duration of the test. Containment pressure was monitored by Control Room personnel by leaving one of the containment pressure signal channels in service. > The remaining five channels were defeated by opening the test jack switches in the analog protection racks. 3.2 Venting and Draining Criteria 4 The following criteria was used to determine the ILRT valve lineup: .

a. From 10CFR50 Appendix J:

(1) ~"Those portions of the fluid systems that are part of - the reactor cooling pressure boundary and are open directly i to the containment atmosphere under post-accident conditions ! and become an extension of the boundary of the containment shall be opened or vented to the containment atmosphere prior to and during the test.

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(2) " Portions of closed systems inside containment that penetrate containment and rupture as a result of a loss of coolant accident shall be vented to the containment atmosphere. (3) "All vented systems shall be drained of water er other fluids to the extent necessary to assure exposure of the system containment isolation valves to containment air test pressure and to assure they will be subjected to the post-accident differential pressure.

   .      (4) " Systems that are required to maintain the plant in a safe condition during the test shall be operable in their normal mode, and need not be vented.

(5) " Systems that are normally filled with water and operating under post-accident conditions, such as the containment heat removal system, need not be vented."

b. Other Criteria:

(1) All isolation valves which shut automatically on a safeguards aignal, which are shut manually as a part of the post-accident safeguards sequence, or which are normally shut during power operation (except venting lineups) shall be shut during the ILRT. (2) Lines penetrating containment are to be vented to the outside atmosphere, if they are normally or potentially vented during power operation or if they could be vented after some phase of the safeguards sequence. Normally closed systems outside of the contairment shall also be vented unless they are Seismic Class 1. [ ,

c. Pressure vessels inside containment vented to containment atmos-1 phere during the ILRT:

(1) RCS via Pressurizer vent (2) Reactor Coolant Drain Tank l (3) Pressurizer Relief Tank (4) Power Operated Relief Valves Accumulators (2 trains) (5) No. 21 & 22 SI Accumulators (6) No. 21 & 22 Steam Generator Snubber Accumulators i

d. Electrical penetration venting All of the electrical penetrations, including those on the airlocks, were depressurized to 10 + 5 psig prior to the ILRT. Any penetra-tion indicating greater than 15 psig would require investigation.

During the ILRT, none were observed to be greater than 15 psig. 3.3 Local Leak Rate Testing Program The local leak rate test program was performed during each refueling . outage as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J and Prairie Island Technical Specification 4.4.A. A summary of these results are presented in . Appendices A, B & C. The 1981 results reflect the "as left" conditions for the 1981 Unit 2 Type A test. Those local leak rate tests failing to meet acceptance criteria are discussed in Appendix D. The acceptance criteria for type Z, C & H tests are as follows:

a. If the total leakage of all local leakage testing exceeds 60% of La , repairs and retests shall be performed to reduce leakage selow that value.
b. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems in the Aux-iliary Building Special Ventilation Zone (ABSVZ) shall be less than 0.1 we %/ day at P,.
c. Total leakage past isolation valves in systems exterior to both the ABSVZ and Shield Building shall be less than 0.01 we %/ day at P,.
d. Airlock leakage shall be less than 236 SCCM for door seals and 409 SCCM for inner volume tests.

3.4 containment Inspection A general inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment and components was performed prior to - the ILRT as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J, Section V. There was no evidence found of structural degradation. Additionally, the inspection revealed no pressurized containers, fire hazards or containmert wall growth interferences. There were no wet surfaces exposed to containment atmosphere and the general cleanliness was very good. The annulus area was also inspected for wall growth interferences; none were found.

4.0 CONDUCT OF ILRT 4.1 Accaptance Criteria of Type A Test The Leak Rate at the reduced pressure (Pe) shall not exceed the maximum allowable Leak Rat.. (Lt ) as follows: Lg =0.25%lbem/L,,liflbem/L,,l < 0.7 1/2 bc= 0.25% (Pgjp ) H %g,jL l > 0.7 a am The, test accer ance criterion is that the measured leak . rate (Lg,) shall be less than 0.75 Lt* Based upon the preoperation ILRT on Unit 2 in August, 1974 Lg,= 0.0152 %/ day L,,= -0.0002 %/ day, and tm/L** = .0152 " 0

                           .0002              1/2              1/2 Since 76 > 0.7, L t
                                    =0.25[p        = 0.25      = 0.17678 %/ day a

0.75 L g= 0.75 (.17678) = 0.13258 %/ day 4.2 Acceptance Criteria for Verification Test The Verification Test shall be considered acceptable if the measured composite leak rate L , equal to the containment vessel leakage rate, Lg ,, plus the sinerimposed leak rate, L,, is equal within 1 0.25 L g, or: Le"b em +bo 1 0.25 L e 4.3 ILRT & Verification Test Results and Conclusions Data was collected at 20 minute intervals and entered into the computer. The least squares leak rate, Ltm, at the final data point after 24 hours of data collection was 0.0147 wt %/ day with a corresponding upper 95 percent confidence level of 0.0206 wt %/ day. Ltm was 0.08 Lg or 11.1 percent of maximum allowable. 0.75 Lt. The upper 95 percent confidence level of 0.0206 we %/ day was 0.12 Lt or 16 percent of maximum allowable. 0.75 Lt. A superimposed leak rate Lo of 1.2 CFM equal to 0.04931 wt %/ day was initiated for the supplemental test. Data points were again collected at 20 minute intervals and ' the final measured composite _ leak rate was 0.0501 we %/ day with a corresponding upper 95 per-cent confidence leval of 0.1495 wt %/ day. l 4.3 Continued The measured composite leak rate, L , equal to Ltm + Lo fell l withia 0.079 Lt; acceptance band is + 0.25 Lt. The containment atmosphere conditions remained very stable for the duration of the test. The data point exhibiting the maximum dew point variation was 1.004*F about an average of 57.573*F and resulted in a 0.00862 psi vapor correction. . The containment temperature decreased 1.325'F during the ILRT. This decrease was very uniform with respect to time indicating that diurnal changes had no apparent affect on containment tem-perature. During the conduct of the ILRT, the containment pressure decreased 0.112 psi over 24 hours. 4.4 , Abnormal Conditions During fest During the pressurization period, one of the dew cells (ME-5) gradually drifted high and finally off scale. The dew point weighting factors were changed according to Prairie Island Pro-cedure SP 2071 (6) and the ME-5 readings were discarded. The dew point indication on ME-5 were monitored periodically during the ILRT and found to occasional 1.y drift on scale only to soon drift off scale agt so. Subsequent invustigation indicated that a loose connection on the dew cell head may have caused t'ne failure. The instrument will receive a full functional test prior to the next use. The Figure of Merit (FOM) was calculated to be 0.01306 %/ day based on 24 RTD's, 2 pressure instruments, 5 dew cells and a 24 hour test period. See Reference 6.4 for sample calculations. 5.0 SPECIAL TESTING 5.1 Shield Building Testing Section IV, paragraph B of 10CFR50, Appendix J. "Special Testing Requirements" and Technical Specification 4.4. A.7 require: testing of multiple barrier containments. Unit 2 Shield Building is functionally tested at quarterly intervals according to NSP Surveillance Procedure SP 2073. The Shield Building is functionally


5.1 Continued tested when each redundant train of the special ventilation system is tested to determine if it meets drawdown performance computed for the test condition with 75% of the Shield Building inleakage specified in Technical Specification Figure TS 4.4.1. None of these qua9terly tests on Unit 2 Shield Building has , failed to meet acceptance criteria due to Shield Building deg-radation. 5.2 Electrical Penetration Installation Testing Redundant electrical penetrations were installed at locations A-10

      & D-11. These penetrations were installed and tested at 52 psig according to Design Change 80Yll6. The nozzle weld and the glass seal:1 connector modules wer ' included in the test boundary.
                                                      -2 IEEE 317-1976 restricts le Dage to less than 10    SCCS for field installed electrical penetrations; both of these penetrations had acceptable leakage rates. The leak testing was witnessed by the resident NRC inspector and the Authorized Nuclear Inspector.

5.3 containment Ventilation Penetrations Testing Penetrations 25A & B Containment Purge Exhaust & Supply and Penetrations 42B & 43A, Containment In-Service Purge Supply

      & Exhaust, were tested between refuelings as indicated as a corrective action in Reportable Occurrence 75-45. A preventive mair*enance program was initiated, requiring increased seat re-placement frequency.

All of the leak tests performed between refuelings were found acceptable. During the 1978 refueling outage, penetrations 28A and 28B were found unacceptable. Reference Appendix D for details. . 5.4 Containment Airlock Volumetric Testing The Unit 2 Personnel and maintenance airlocks are tested at Pa at six month intervals according to Technical Specification 4.4.A.2. All of these tests since the last Type A test were found acceptable. i


6.1 Unit #2 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, August, 1974 Transmitted by letter dated January 31, 1975, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. A. Giambusso, Directorate of Licensing, USNRC. 6.2 Unit #1 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, July, 1973 Transmitted by letter dated October 4, 1973, from Mr. L.O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. J. F. O' Leary, Directorate of Licensing, USAEC. . 6.3 Supplement No. 1 to Unit 1 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, July 1973 Transmitted by letter dated June 6, 1974, from Mr. L. O. Mayer, NSP, to Mr. J. F. O' Leary, Directorate of Licensing, USAEC 6.4 Unit #1 Reactor Containment Building Integrated Leak Rate Test, October 1980 Transmitted by letter dated December 22, 1981, from Mr. L. O. Mayer, NSP, to Director, NRR. l O h l 1 l l l I -

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                                                      +                                      ?                                ?                             ?                                       ?                                                                      5 APPENDIX A Type B and C test Results -1978 Refueling Outage Each penetration is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. Type H tests are normally performed using air, thus no water / air conversion factor is used. In cases where water is used for the type H test, a water / air conversion ratio of 1.0/68.55 is used.

Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 1 Pressure Relief Tank C - 0 0 Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C - 0 0 5 Reactor Coolant Drain C - 0 0 Tank' Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Line C 35 0 50 50 12 Charging Line H 35 125 125 13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water H 265 275 275 Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Saal Water H 0 310 310 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return H 0 0 0 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C 270 233 270 Pressurizer Liquid Smpl C (3300] 0 3300 16 5300 0 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C 11.4 11.4 08 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B 0 0 0 19 Service Air B 0 0 0 Reac~or Coolant Drain C 34 0 34 Tank Gas to GA 22 Cntat Air Sample In C 14.6 0 14.6 23 Cntat Air Sample Out C 0 11.2 11.2 A-1

ABSVZ PENETRATIONS Maarured Lstkags-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 25A Catst Purge Exhaust C - - 14,9f7f06ff**ff I Cntmt Purge Supply 20.4 X{435}6 (Note4) 1) 25B C 10 (gote 26 Cntat Sump "A" Dischg C - 0 0 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 0 C-1 Instrument . 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 0 C-2 Instrument 28A Cold Leg Safety H - 20 20 Injection 28B Hot Leg Safety H - 110 110 Injection 29A Internal Containment H - 365 365 Spray 29B Internal Containment H - o o Spray 30A Containment Sump B H - 2600 2600 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump E H - 76 76 Suction Line 35 Safety Injection & H - -

                                                                   - (Note 2)

Accumulator Test Line 42E Containment Heating B 0 0 0 Condensate 42E Containment Heating B 0 0 0 ! Vent 44 ILRT Pressurization B 0 185 185 - I 45 Reactor Makeup Water to C 260 0 260 Pressurizer Relief Tank 48 Lov Head Safety H 10 0 10 Injection l i A-2 i

ABSVZ PENETRATIONS Measured Lsakegs-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Tyge Inside Outside Max 51 Fire Protection Water B 0 0 0 52 In-Service Purge Exhaust C - - 0 (Note 1) 53 In-Service Purge Supply C - - 310 (Note 1) 54 Containment Heating B 0 88 88

 '-           Steam 55       Demin Water                            B           0                    0               0 EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 2       Pressurizer Relief                     C 960                             0          960 Tank N2 Supply 20       Instrument Air                         C 910]

1190 1190 31 N2 to Accumulator C - 115 115 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 80 275 275 Control Air Supply 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen to GA C 0 0 0 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 250 250 Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen to GA C 0 275 275 ANNULUS PENETRATIONS 41A Containment Vacuum C - - 0 (Note 1) Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C - - 14 (Note 1) Breaker 42A Post LOCA Ilydrogen C 0 0 0 Air Vent


_. ~ ._ _ _ _ . _ . . ~ .

ANNULUS PENETRATIONS M:acured Laakagt-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 0 0 Air Vent 6A #21 Steam Line Bellows B _ _ o 6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B _ _ o 7C #21 Feedwater Line B _ _ o , Bellows 7D #22 Feedwater Line B - _ o . Bellows 8C #21 Steam Generator B _ _ o Blowdown Bellows 8D #22 Steam Generator B - - 0 Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out- B - - 0 Bellows 10 Residual Heat In B - - 0 Bellows 11 Letdown Line Bellows B - - 0 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B - - 0 Bellows Equipment Hatch B - - 0 NOTES: 1) Maximum leakage is the total leakage when air is applied to inner space between valves.

2) Penetration 35 is tested in conjunction with penetrations 28A and 28B.
3) Numbers contained in brackets [ ] are leakages measured after repair.
4) Reference Appendix D for repair summary.


l APPENDIX B Type B and C test Results - 1980 Refueling Outage Each penetration is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. Type H tests are normally' performed using air, thus no water / air conversion factor is used. In cases where water is used for the type H test, a water / air conversion ratio of 1.0/68.55 is used.


, Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 1 Pressure Relief Tank C - 2 2 Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C - 0 0 5 Reactor Coolant Drain C - 237 237 Tank'~ Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Line C 0 0 0 12 Charging Line H (600] 950 950 900 13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water H 0 0 0 Supply . 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Wa'.er H 350 0 350 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return H [0] 9 9 1450 15 Pressurizer Stm Sample C I g l 0.4 303 i 16 Pressurizer Liquid Smp1 C (1900] 3 1900 2800 17 Loop B Hot Leg Sample C Il3l o 13 5500 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B C 14 14 19 Service Air B o o o 21 Reactor Coolant Drain C 0 9.2 9.2

  .                   Tank Gas to GA 22     Catmt Air Sample In              C                 o                   0                 0 23     Cntmt Air Sample Out             C                 0                7.5            7.5 B-1

ABSVZ PENETRATIONS M asured Leakags-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Tyge Inside Outside Max 25A Cntat Purge Exhaust C - - 204 (Note 1) 25B Cntat Purge Supply C - - 3650 (Note 1) 26 Cntat Sump "A" Dischg C - 0 0 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 0 , C-1 Instrument 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 0 - C-2 Instrument 1 28A Cold Leg Safety H - 274 274 Injection 28B Hot Leg Safety H - 822 822 Injection 4 29A Internal Containment H - 480 480 Spray 29B Internal Containment H - 343 343 Spray i 30A Containment Sump B H - 1600 1600 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B H - 0 0 Suction Line 35 Safety Injection & H - - - (Note 2) Accumulator Test Line 42E Containment Heating B 0 0 0 Condensate 42E Containment neating B 0 0 0 Vent 44 ILRT Pressurization B 0 0 0 45 Reactor Makeup Water to C 0 0 0 . Pressurizer Relief Tank 48 Low Head Safety H 0 0 0 Injection B-2

! ABSVZ PENETRATIONS M2asursd Leakagt-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Tvge Inside Outside Max i 51 Fire Protection Water B 1.9 0 1.9 52 In-Service Purge Exhaust C - - 0 (Note 1) 53 In-Service Purge Supply C - 670 670 (Note 1)

   . 54     Containment Heating       B   2.2        0               2.2 Steam

' - 55 Demin Water B 0 0 0 EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 7 Pressurizer Relief .C (615) Tank N2 Supply 0 615 720 20 Instrument Air C 2140 560 2140 31 C 7 7 N2 t Accumulator- - , 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 75 75 Control Air Supply 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen to GA C 0 75 75 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C 0 47 47 Control Air Supply 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen to GA C 0 125 125 ANNULUS PENETRATIONS

   . 41A    Containment Vacuum        C   -           -

192 (Note 1) Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C - - 282 (Note 1) Breaker 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C 3.6 40 40

             -Air Vent B-3

ANNULUS PENETRATIONS Maarured .eakage-SCCM  ! 1 Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Tyy_e Inside Outside Max 50 Post LOC'. Hydrogen C 0 0 0 Air Vent 6A #21 Steam Line Bellows B - 0 9 6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B - 0 0 7C #21 Feedwater Line B - 0 0 - Bellows 1 7D #22 Feedwater Line B - 0 0 1 Bellows 8C #21 Steam Generator B - 0 0 Blowdown Bellows i

!          8D       #22 Steam Generator.                              B           -

3.5 3.5  : Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B - 0 0 Bellows i l 10 Residual Heat In B - 0 0

,                   Bellows 11          Letdown Line Bellows                              B           -                                   0                     0

! 18 Fuel Transfer Tube B - 1 1 l Bellows l Equipment. Ratch B 8 - 8 1 i NOTES: 1) Maximum leakage is the total leakage when air is applied to inner space between valves.

2) Penetration 35 is tested in conjunction with penetrations 28A and 28B.
3) Numbers contained in brackets [ ] are leakages measured after repair. .

s i i b B-4 + .

   +. ,       -,T--      e d   w r-em --<*+-t            --v- ++--ww='1     v'--***--e-ww=W w=irw-----v = c e-*--ve----*
                                                                                                                           . -e - re = m e-   't-----m-- -

e g w r- = --w *-n----m---i r- -- -

APPENDIX C Type B and C test Results - 1981 Refueling Outage Each penetration is tested according to Surveillance Procedure 2072 and Technical Specification Table 4.4-1. Type H tests are normally performed using air, thus no water / air conversion factor is used. In cases where water is used for the type H test, a water / air conversion ratio of 1.0/68.55 is used. Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Type Inside Outside Max 1 Pressure Relief Tank C - 0.1 0.1 Sample to GA 4 Primary Vent Header C - 6 6 5 Reactor Coolant Drain


C - 2 2 Tank Pump Discharge 11 Letdown Line C 0 0 0 12 Charging Line H 45 220 220 13A No. 21 RCP Seal Water H 0 0 0 Supply 13B No. 22 RCP Seal Water H 0 0 0 Supply 14 RCP Seal Water Return H 0 0 0

     .15    Pressurizer Stm Sample      C          30           8.1       30 16    Prussurizer Liquid Smpl C             180           15      180 17    Loop B Hot Leg Sample       C       [0.2             0      0.2 18    Fuel Transfer Tube          B          1.0          3.0     3.0 19    Service Air                 B                       1.6       6 f6 21    Reactor Coolant Drain       C             3          4        4 Tank Gas to GA 22    Cntat Air S-ample In        C.

[0 5] [4.3] 4.3 { 23 Catmt Air Sample Out C 0 2.8 20 C-1

        .    .                 _         =_.                               .-.      .

l l ABSV" PEJETRATIONS Msasured Lsakags-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration g Inside Outside Max 25A Cntat Purge Exhaust C - - (Note 1) 25B Cntat Purge Supply C - - (Note 1) 26 Catmt Sump "A" Dischg C - 0.6 0.6 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0] 0 - C-1 Instrument 3 27 ILRT Pressure B 0 0 O C-2 Instrument [0] 28A Cold Leg Safet;- H [ol 0 Injection 30 28B Hot Leg Safety H , [2100] 2100 Injection 185 29A Internal Containment H , [0] O Spray 11550 29B Internal Contai.tment H _ [10] 10 Spray 40 30A Containment Sump B H - 24 24 Suction Line 30B Containment Sump B H - 160 160 Suction Line 35 Safety Injection & H - - - (Note 2) Accumulator Test Line 42E Containment Heating B 20 0 20 , Condensate 42E Containment Heating .B 15 15 15

Vent 44 ILRT Pressurization B [140] [160] 160 0 0
     '45     Reactor Makeup Water to C            0     70               70 Pressurizer Relief Tank 48     Low Head Safety           H          O       O                    O Injection L

C-2 i

d ABSVZ PENETRATIONS Maasursd Leakage-SCCM Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration Tyge Inside Outside Max 51 Fire Protection Water B 1.6 0 1.6 52 In-Service Purge Exhaust C - - 100 (Note 1) 53 In-Service Purge Supply C - - (4ggg](Note 1)  !

       .           54        Containment Heating              B               10.3                                  35                          35
Steam 55 Demin Water B 0 2 f2 EXTERIOR PENETRATIONS 2 Pressurizer Relief C 340 20 340 Tank N2 Supply 20 Instrument Air C 3.1 2900 2900 31 N2 to Accuculator C -

100 100 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C [55.2] [0.6] Control Air Supply 30 4830 55.2 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen to GA C 0 0 0 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C (55] [190] , 190 Control Air Supply 15 35 50 ,st LOCA Hydrogen to GA C 0 0 0 ANNULUS PENETRATIONS

     .             41A       Containment Vacuum                C              1.0                                   78                       78           (Note 1)

Breaker 41B Containment Vacuum C 36 220 220 Breaker 42A Post LOCA Hydrogen C (55] [.56] 55 Air Vent 0 30 C-3

 !   ANNULUS PENETRATIONS                                             Msatured Leakags-SCCM i

j Pen. Test As Left No. Penetration _ Tvge Inside Outside Max 50 Post LOCA Hydrogen C [55] (190] 190 Air Vent 15 0 i 6A #21 Steam Line Bellowa B - 2.8 2.8 6B #22 Steam Line Bellows B - 10 10 7C #21 Feedwater Line B - 2.1 2.1 Bellows 7D #22 Feedwater Line B - 20 20 Bellows 8C #21 Steam Generator B - 10 10 Blowdown Bellows 8D #22 Steam Generator B - 17 17 Blowdown Bellows 9 Residual Heat Out B - 15 15 Bellows 10 Residual Heat In B - 12 12 Bellows I 11 Letdown Line Bellows B - 11 11 18- Fuel Transfer Tube B - 0 0 Bellows Equipment Hatch B 0 - 0 4 NOTES: 1) Maximum leakage is the total leakage when air is applied to inner space between valves. 4 i

2) Penetration 35 is tested in conjunction with penetrations 28A and 283. ,
3) Numbers contained in brackets [ ] are leakages measured after repair. .

'1 C-4



TECHNICAL REPORT ON TYPE B AND C TESTS FAILING TO MEET ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA SINCE LAST TYPE A TEST l 1978 Refueling Outage Penetrations 28A & 288 The containment purge and exhaust valves were tested and found to leak excessively. A pressure decay calculation indicated that the 6 purge supply and exhaust valves leaked at a rate of 14.9 X 10 SCCM and 20.6 X 106 SCCM respectively. The seats were cleaned and adjusted. A subsequent leak test resulted in a leakage rate of 435 SCCM and 570 SCCM for the purge and supply valves respectively. 4 I f _.. _ - __ __ _ ~ . _ . _. -_. _ , _ . . . . _ _ . , _ , . _ . . - - ,}}