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Plant,Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/26/1985
Shared Package
ML20132C980 List:
PROC-850826-01, NUDOCS 8508300084
Download: ML20134K266 (5)




August 26, 1985 8

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PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) 1.0 Liquid vastes are treated by filtering and demineralization for clean vastes and either recycled or released to Lake Michigan. Bead resin and filter media vill be shipped devatered as described in Section 2.0.

Liquid vastes, if required, will be processed using the methodology described in Section 3.0, if solidified, or Section 5.0, if absorbed for shipment to Richland only.

2.0 DEWATERING SOLIDS IN HIGH INTEGRITY CONTAINERS (HIC) 2.1 Solids such as bead resin and filter media vill be devatered and shipped in HICs per approved vendor procedures and the HIC certificate of com-pliance.

2.2 High integrity containers are approved by the individual hurial ground agreement states as meeting 10 CFR 61 waste form stability- ceouirements.

2.3 Free water determination shall be verified by the successful completion and documentation of the vendors approved devatering procedure.

3.0 DELWARE CUSTOM MATERIAL (DCM) - SILICATE CEMENT Liquid vastes can be solidified by the DCM method. The silicate solidi-fies and the cement gives structural strength.

3.1 For solidification, acquire a representative sample of vaste. Before following the guidelines outlined below, determine the type of vaste to be solidified, example, lab waste, laundry vaste, decon solutions, boric acid, oil, etc. Sample for pH. borie acid, visible organics and radio-activity.

Use analysis to determine the proper laboratory procedure to test.

All batches shall be lab tested prior to solidification in a larger con-tainer unless sample analysis (pH

  • 20%) matches the analysis of a vaste type which has previously passed lab test criteria.

For all oil vaste, do not exceed 50% by volume. Oil must be emulsified with a detergent or boric acid in some type of neutral aqueous vaste or tap water.

NOTE: Oil cannot be shipped to Barnwell, South Carolina.

For spent resins, liquid abosrbent, or other earthen-like material, di-lute with an equal volume of concentrate or tap water to solidify.

All results must be recorded initially, at approximately 2h hours and approximately h8 hours after testing. Grade observations to evaluate sample mixes. The h8-hour test can be omitted if the 2h-hour test is good.

The quantity of chemicals added to sclidify radvaste shall be within 20%

of the quantity as determined by the laboratory test of Step G.

3.2 sotmTrIcATION AND 7977 WAM DMrDMTNATION Solidification shall be considered successful if, h8 hours after com--

pletion of Appendix A solidification, there is not standing water on the vaste surface and the surface is not penetrated more than 2" with a 1" diameter rod. If deeper penetration is possible, then the' drum can still be considered solid if the penetration hole remains open after the rod is withdrevn.

Silicate cement shall cure for a minimum of 28 days prior to shipment for . disposal. For silicate cement drums, the following shall be done:

Each drum shall be inspected for absence of detectable freestanding liquid after curing at least 28 days. With the drum lid installed, invert each drum and allow drum to remain upside down for at least 2h hours.

After 2h hours, inspect each drum by placing upright and removing the lid. The Radvaste Supervisor or designate and a QC Inspector shall inspect each drum for presence of liquid. Drums which failed the h8 hour solidification evaluation should be capable of passing at this point. If no detectable freestanding liquid is present, the drum can be prepared for shipment. Radvaste Supervisor and QC Inspector docu-ment if no detectable freestanding liquid is present.

In the event liquid is observed, those drums with liquid shall be drain-ed of all liquid. When no further liquid can be drained from the drum

(.. in a 2h-hour period, the drum shall be core-bored or overpacked with two bags of approved' absorbent and inspected by QC and Radvaste Super-visor to verify that the drum is dry. After this verification (and documentation) the drum prepared for shipment.

Inspect the drum lid and gasket for defects prior to lid installation.

Install lid. Use a different lid if defects are found which prevent a tight seal between drum and lid.

h.0 10 CFR 61 REQUIPEbENTS h.1 10 CFR 61 classification requirements will be met using Wastetrak computer software program using the scaling factor methodology of AIF/

NESP-027, Methodologies for Classification of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes From Nuclear Power Plants, 1983 The scaling factors vill be updated by an ongoing analysis program of actual vaste streams. The program vill initiate with semiannual samples of available vaste stresms and may be modified to longer intervals if the data base warrants. Waste streams should include, if available; bead resin, reactor coolant, clean vaste, filter crud, and compacted trash, h.2 Documentation of the vaste stream analysis, vaste form stability and computer software scaling factor security shall be maintained by the Falisades RMC section.

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' 50 ABSORBED MATERIALS (Richland Burial Site Only) 5.1 PACKAGING ABSORBFD LIQUIDS. INCLUDING OILS Container must meet DCT Specification TA requirements as listed in h9 CFR.

Container must be lined with h mil plastic liner and sealed at the top when container is packed.

Container must be filled with enough absorbent material to absorb at least twice the volume of radioactive liquid contents (ratio based on absorbency and not on volume or weight). Liquid should be placed at approximately every 12 inches of absorbent to ensure even dispersion.

52 PACKAGING OF SCINTILLATION VIALS Container must meet DOT Specification TA requirements as listed in h9 CFR.

Container must be lined'vith h mil plastic liner and sealed at the top when container is packed. It is recommended that a layer of absorbent be placed in the bottom of the drum prior to the installation of the plastic liner.

Place approximately 3 inches of abosrbent at the ~oottom of the con-tainer, inside the plastic liner. Vials and absorbent must be placed C in the container in alternate layers not exceeding 6 inches in depth.

The vials are NOT to be opened.

Container must be filled with enough absorbent material to absorb at least twice the volume of radioactive liquid contents (ratio based on absorbency not on volume or weight).


TABLE I - ABSORBENTS A. Diatomaceous Earth (Medium Grind)

B. Speedi Dry C. Celatom (M-P 78)

D. Floor Dry - Super Fine E. Hi Dri F. Florco and Florcox G. Instant-Dri H. Safe-T-Sorb I. Oil-Dri (Safe n Dri)

J. Zonolite - Grade No. 2, 3 or h (vermiculite)

Absorbency efficiencies and volumes of absorbent required could vary. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the vaste generator and/or packager to de-termine the efficiency and proper proportions required for the liquids being absorbed.

A written request must be submitted and Departmental approval received prior to use of any absorbent not listed in Table 1. This. request must contain the fol-Icving information:

1. A statement of the absorbency of the material as determined by the manu-

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facturer and copy of the manufacturer's descriptive information.

2. Absorbency for the actual liquid to be disposed must be determined by a bench test (e.g., Westinghouse, Gardner Coleman).

3 Additional factors such as vibration tests, gas generation, long term chem-ical and radiological stability.

Approval of the absorbent or the procedure approval by the Department does not alter any liability or surety arrangements.
