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Procedure TT/1/A/9100/101B, Auxiliary Bldg Ventilation Sys Air Flow Distribution Measurements II
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/23/1985
From: Johansen R, Roberson P
Shared Package
ML20133N885 List:
TT-1-A-9100-101, NUDOCS 8510300226
Download: ML20133N894 (8)


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Form 34731 (10-81)

(Formerly SPD-10021),

DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No:#f//Af9t00[/0/8 PROCEDURE PREPARATION Change (s) O to PROCESS RECORD o Incorporated (2) STATION: Mc6m&6 (3) PROCEDURE TITLE: kYIL/ARV 3U(Lb/N6 6#TIL AT70M $Y5r6M b/R fl.d W l>tfrR15anort 116ASuREMENT3 5 (4) PREPARED BY: bb. DATE: /0/12 /(f (5) REVIEWED BY: o DATE: l 5 Cross-Disciplinary Rev w By: N/R V u


By: (SRO) Date:

By: Date:

(7) APPROVED BY: Date:


Reviewed / Approved By:_ Date: /d 73'8 Reviewed / Approved By: Date:

mo RJn Sofu' P

9 TT/1/A/9100/101B Page 1 of 3 DUKE POWER COMPANY McGUIRE NUCLEAR STATION AUXILIARY BUILDING VENTILATION SYSTEM AIR FLOW DISTRIBUTION MEASUREMENTS II 1.0 Purpose To determine air flow velocity profile for carbon adsorber bed entry and exit in the VA filtered exhaust package.

2.0 References 2.1 ANSI N-510, Rev. 1980 2.2 ANSI N-510, Rev. 1975 2.3 TP/0/A/1450/02 3.0 Time Required One test coordinator and technician for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

4.0 Prerequisite Tests .

Note 5.0 Test Equipment 5.1 Flashlight 5.2 Hot-wire anemometer 5.3 Ladder 5.4 Tape Measure 6.0 Limits and Precautions 6.1 Follow HP guidelines for entry into operating filter package.

6.2 Use caution during testing to avoid placement of ladders, personnel, etc. such that velocity readings would be affected.

7.0 Required Unit Status None d

8.0 Prerequisite System Conditions Initial /Date

/ 8.1 The Unit 1 VA F' tered Exhaust Package is running in filter mode (keyswitch tui . .i TEST) with both Unit 1 VA supply fans on.

9.0 Tept Method A traverse of the vertical entry and exit slots for the VA carbon adsorber bed will be performed with an anemometer. Ten data points will be recorded for each of the upstream and downstream flow paths in order to analyze flow distribution.


l TT/1/A/9100/101B Page 2 of 3 10.0 Data Required 10.1 VA filtered exhaust system flow rate (as read by in place

! instrumentation).

t l 10.2 Air flow velocity readings as specified by enclosures (as read by anemometer).

10.3 Average velocities and worst case high and low percent deviations as calculated on Enclosure 13.3.

  • 11.0 Acceptance Criteria 11.1 Results of velocity distribution data will be evaluated by 4 Design Engineering to determine effects on residence time and

, representative carbon sampling per MCC-1211.00-00-0096, Acceptance Criteria for Supplemental Filter Testing.

A l

t i

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i i

TT/1/A/9100/101B Page 3 of 3 12.0 Procedure

! Initial /Date NOTE: IV means independent verification is required.

/ 12.1 Prerequisites are met and Limits and Precautions have been reviewed.

/ 12.2 Record VA filtered exhaust flow rate as read by i IMVAPG9370: cfm.

/ 12.3 Enter VA filtered exhaust package between the downstream KEPA face and carbon adsorber bed, and ensure door is closed.


/ 12.4 Complete all data blanks as required by Enclosure 13.1.

/ 12.5 Exit filter housing, beir.g sure to remove all test equipment.

/ 12.6 Enter filter housing between the carbon adsorber bed and the j downstream isolation damper.

CAUTION: At this point in the filter housing, the only components between personnel and the exhaust fans are the l downstream isola *. ion dampers. Use care such that personal protective equipment and test equipment is not drawn into fans.

/ 12.7 Ensure access portal is closed.

/ 12.8 Complete all data blanks as required by Enclosure 13.2.

/ 12.9 Exit filter housing, being sure to remove all test equipment.

l / 12.10 Ensure all VA filter package doors, entry ports and sample l / IV ports are properly sealed.

/ 12.11 Perform calculations as required by Enclosure 13.3.

i 1 13.0 Enclosures 13.1 Velocity Distribution at Adsorber Bed Upstream Face 13.2 'Islomit3 "i; trit; tier :t ^f:: t:: Sea,2. p2c,

/3, / 3Lu$a Ve d i'

13.3 Velocity Distribution Calculations l

i l


- - . , , -- - , -. .-- - - - , . ~ - . - - . - , - , . , , - - - - -- - . - - , . -

TT/1/A/9100/101B Page 1 of 2

.I Enclosure 13.1 Velocity Distribution at Adsorber Bed Upstream Face

1. Record instrument identification:

i Anemometer ID #  ;

Last Calibration Calibration Due

2. Divide each of the 20 vertical inlet slots into 10 equal sections, using the tape measure. Perform velocity measurements with the anemometer at the center of each
of these 10 sections for each of the vertical slots. Record readings in the

, corresponding blanks below.

i NOTE: Vertical inlet slots are numbered from left to right, as viewed facing downstream. Data is recorded from the 10 equal sections from top to bottom.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7.

1 Measurements Taken By Date Data Recorded By Date i


TT/1/A/9100/101B Page 2 of 2

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Measurements Taken By Date __

Data Recorded By Date

1 Enclosure 13.3 TT/1/A/9100/101B Velocity Distribution Calculations Page 1 of 2 4

1.0 Average the ten readings for each vertical inlet slot as recorded on Enclosure 13.1.

V = IV.t 10 i

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

2.0 Average the above velocities to derive the overall adsorber bed upstream average velocity.

IV i=



= fpm ,

, 20 3.0 Enter lowest and highest average upstream velocities from Step 1.0 and

{ calculate percent deviation from average.

V = fpm V = fpm j

'#8 " ~ "'I "'

'#E'* " x 100

% dev(1) = x 100  % dev(h) =

Vavg,abu Vavg,abu

=  % =  %

4.0 Average the ten readings for each vertical exit slot as recorded on Enclosure 13.2.

V = IV.1
Depending on the number of vertical exit slots present in the carbon adsorber bed, mark blanks 20. and/or 21. "N/A" as required.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

S.0 Average the above velocities to derive the overall adsorber bed downstream l average velocity.


' i fmP avg,abd = No. exit slots

, Data Calculated By Date

- - _. - - - . , - . . - ~ _ , , ,,y.- -..,,,------,.m,,_

9 Enclosure 13.3 TTll/A/9100/1018 Velocity Distribution Calculations Page 2 of 2 6.0 Enter lowest and highest average downstream velocities from Step 4.0 and calculate percent deviation from average.

V d,1 fm P V d,h fm P

avg,a d - Vd,1  % dev(h) = Vd,h - Vavg,abd

% dev(1) = x 100 100 Vavg,abd Vavg,abd

=  % =  %

Data Calculated By Date O