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Requests Execution of New,Fixed Price Contract for Binder/ Elster Assoc Counseling of 54 Employees for Max of Four Sessions Each,At Six Per Day
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/19/1976
Shared Package
ML20132F816 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-182 NUDOCS 8507200092
Download: ML20133A470 (3)


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  • NIPA No. .

(if applicable)

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CONTRACT REQUEST v, Date: yffh7d


To: Director, Division f Contracts ,

From: Director, Office of Administration - Div. of-0&P' -

\ '

, 1. It is requested that a contract / modification be executed with BINDER /ELSTER  :

.i ASSOCIATES for i (Company and Address)


*t (Project Title and Brief Description) i SEE ATTACHED
2. f_T_[in This is t be a new contract. The basis for the selection is contained the attached Final Evaluation Report. The required procurement ,

documents are attached.

The recommended type of contract is:

-/X7 Fixed Pri'ce _/7 Cost Reimbursement _/7 Other: .

g O Cost Sharing _/_7 Special Research Support Agreement

3. ]_7 This is a modification of contract number .

/_7 This is an additional task under contract number .

The Statement of Work is attached.

-t .

'4. The contract, modification, or task is to be effective June 14, 1976 through i September 30,.1976.

5. ' The estimated costi' for 'this project during the remainder of this Fiscal Year is

$ 4,500.00 - which consists of $ 4,500.00 in operating Costs , .

S in Equipment Costs. A total of man-months of effort is estimated. The basis for this estimate is attached.


Title to equipment vest in Not applicable' .



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6. Funding in the amount of $ 4.5d0 is authorized for obligation. B&R Additional obligational symbol '/o - e.t - c S-- FIN.No. / .

authority will be issued on or about, to cover.the costs estimated above, in accordance with the following schedule:

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.,7 .,. Estimated costs for subsequent fiscal years are as follows: , , , . . _ _

_ . - . . . .. . .- Operatin'g Equipment -" - - -~ --- To tal ~ - - - ' -

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._8. _/7 No classified material is anticipated.-

, f_7,. Classified information is anticipated. See NRC Fotha 187 (Attachment ).

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9. . Any instructions. concerning, schedules , reports, data; Government-furnished

' equi'pment, or other special requirements are contained in NRC --v Form 3A, ' '

Attachment -

] Contract is to specify counseling 54 empl,oyees - a ximum of 4 sessions for each . employee and six e-cou el'ed a .

y, f the-contract'.-



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Signature 'of Of'ffce Director (Designating Official) '

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k Attachments :

/7 Final Evaluation Report - Att. - .

// Contract Statement of Work - Att.

t ~~

i / [ NRC Procurement Form 3A - Att._ .

U j /7 NRC Form 187 - Att..-  ; ._

6 //_, Basis for Cost Estimate - Att. .6-1i 3 .




6/8/76 Ll..a..

{. d STATEMENT OF WORK M 59 Career Counseling for fifty-for (5+) NRC employees. Each employee will

participate in a maximum of four sessions and six employees will be

, counseled each day of the contract (36 days). The career counseling will

. provide each employee with specific skills in making career decisions.

} The objectives to be achieved during the counseling sessions are:

a. To provide participants with an increased awareness of their skills, interest and aptitudes.

~; b. To provide increased understanding of the career planning and development process.

c. To provide increased skills in setting short and long-term career goals.
d. Specific practice in making career-related decisions.

In addition, each participant will complete Vocational Interest Inventories

, and have the results discussed with them as an integral part of the counseling.

j Total counseling sessions are to be completed by September 30, 1976.

Report - A verbal presentation should be given at mid-point and at the end of


4 the contract covering results of counseling efforts.


! SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION Binder /Elster Associates are used extensively by government agencies, i.e.

Civil Service Commission, Department of Justice, Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Anny in conjunction with their Federal Womens Program.

Drs. Binder and Elster are the only local concern offering career counseling service with such extensive experience in career development in the Federal Services. Because of their previous participation in NRC Federal Womens programs they are familiar with NRC and require no time for program design I or preparation. Use of another contractor would result in unreasonable

expenditure of time and money to reach the level of experience currently avail-l able with Binder /Elster Associates, i

No other contractor is known by this office to have the experience and familiarity with NRC programs.

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