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Emergency Preparedness Evaluation Rept
Person / Time
Site: Mcguire, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1981
Shared Package
ML20126J268 List:
NUDOCS 8104240200
Download: ML20126J269 (15)


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APPENDIX C c.y:Ru- .ec.v. ex:.34-n n : ,N 2- - -,,:A , ,e,n- -i.u - sl . . : r u n- >

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fst* v ptlLJ' 61 1 %.N L .sNd Tne Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) evaluation of tne state of emergency preparedness associated with the McGuire Nuclear Staticn involves review of tne licensee's onsite emergency preparedness plus review of tne Feceral Emer-gency Management Agency (FEMA) findings and ceterminations pertaining tc State and local emergency preparedness.

Tne Cuke Power Company (Duke, licensee) filed witn tne NRC ccccrenensive revisicas to the McGuire Nuclear Station Emergency Plan (?lan) Oy le ters August 25, 1980 and February 13, 1981 and provided additional information-certaining to the Plan and associated procecures by letter catec A ril 3, 193'-.

Tie s.aff has reviewed nese revisions anc informatica. Dreviously, the staf' 9ac reviewed preliminary versions of :ne Plan, concucted a site visit to ne facility, anc neld a i cal puclic meeting on emergency :re:arecness.

The Plan was reviewed against tne sixteer planning :tancards in ~_3 CFR 53.47, tne ecuirements cf 10 CFR 50, A;cendix E, and tne scecific criteria of NUREG-C55a/?EMA-RI?-l entitled " Criteria for Pre:araticn and Evaluation of Raciological Emergency Resacnse Plans and Preparedness in Supcor; cf N. clear Pcwer Plants," Rev. 1, Novemcer 1950.

This 2 valuation report follows tne format of Part II of NUREG-0653 in that each I

af tha Planning Standards is listed and is followed by a summary of acclicable cor:icns of ne ?lan -hat relate :rincipally to tnat specific s andard. The conclusions of the staff review are provided in ? art I! cf this ?.eport. The  ;

findings of FEMA on 5 ste and local emergency ?reparecness are crovided as an

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!. EVALUATION A, Assignment of Resconsibility (Organization Control)

B Standard .

?-ima y responsibilities for emergency response by the nuclear facility licensee f.

and by s. tate and ,.cca,, organ 1:ations witnin tne mergency 3lanning tones x:3_.,

have teen assigned, tne emergency res:cnsibilities of.tne various su 00rting organi:stions have been 3:ecifically established, and eacn princi al resconse Organiza-ion has staff to res:cnc to and to augment its initial respense on  ;

a c:ntinuous casis.

Licensee Eme cency Plan Evaluation When an emergency conditica arises, :ne snift superviser is designated as tne Emegency Coorcinator and it is nis resconsibility to evaluate :ne situation. .

If, in his judgment, conc #:icns meet or exceed any of :ne emergency classifica- .

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t,.cn action levels, it is his responsic111ty to imolement 1nere is 24-hour per cay communication linkage capability between tne station and Federal, State and local response agencies and organizations to ensure rapid transmittal of accurate notification information and emergency assessment data.

The Plan clearly cefines the autnority, responsibility, and duties of station staf f personnel for c: ping with emergencias, both tne normal operating staf f and.the augmented staff. The operational relationsnios between :he ensite emer-gency centers and offsite agencies are icen*.ified. Tne Duke ?ower Cemaany Cris .

Management ?lan details tne cer: orate organization fer coping with emargencies, inclucing :ne ,=rporate augmen:ation of tne station organi:ation. The indiv,cua respensible for assuring continuity of licensee resources and everall management of the energency and recovery coerati:n is the Rec:sery Manager ine r,ian cescrices the functions and resconsioi,st:1es or eacn 5.: ate and .iccai organi:stion wi:n a resconse role. The Orinci al State organi:stion with t res:cnsioility fer planning and for mooilization of 5:ste resources to coce '

with an emergency is tne E.mergency Management Civision uitnin :ne Ce:artment of Cri.te C ntrol and Public Safety. This organi:stion is su::cr:ac Oy tne Ra:i-ation Prc ection 5 ranch of tne Ce:artment of Human lascurces, f:r raciciogi:a I assessment ard protec icn func*.icns, anc by otner 5: ate agencies. .:r  :

aq emer-cency situation, the State organi:stions accilize as tne 2:a:e :mergenc;. 1

ieam (3:ai) at r.s.arlotte, . ,.C.

J i .ne c:ai 15 tne primary rescanse autncri:v ter the State. The princi:a1 local agency having planning and action rescensioilite; for emergencies is :ne Civil Precarecness Agency for Mec'<lenturg Coun*.y. Tne '  !

Catawca County Cecartment of Emergency Management, Gast:n County De:artren Emergency .Managemen:, Irecell County Civil ?reparecness Agency, and .in::1n Coun:/ Jecar: ment of Emergency Mana;ement are res::nsic'.e ':r  :::are ti g a rw g - +v .: rw.~

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. basis. Arrangements have been made for *ne counties to accom lisn protec-ive j actions based u0cn licenses protective action recommendations, i l

U:cated written agreements have been executed with approcriate Feceral, <-= a

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anc'10 cal agencies and organi:ations to provide f or radiological support, meci:a,,

j assistance, medical transportation, and fire protection during an emergency.

t The emergency plans of the five ' surrounding counties provide for las enforcement, social services, medical services and emergency protective ac* ions.

E. Onsite Emeraency Orcani:stion

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. Lou .u Cr-snif t f acility licensee res:casibilities for emergency resocnses are unam: -

gucusly defirec, acecuate staffing to rovice initial f acility accicent res:0 se in key functional areas 15 maintained 3 all times, timely augmentatica of resconse ca:acilites is availacle, anc :he interf aces among various ansite ,

resconse activities and offsite support and response activities are specified.

Licensee Eme ;ency Plan Evaluation In an emergency s'1tuation, the Shif t Supervisor assumes the function of Emergenc;.

Ccorcinator and, as sucn, has tne authority and responsioility to implemen; the Plan and initiate any necessary emergency actions, including notification of and recommendation of protective actions to local authcrities. Tne Staticr Manager, or his designee, assumes the position of Emergency Coorcinator upcn nis arrival at the Technical Support Center. The functional responsioilities of the Emergency Coordina:cr are established and the Plan clearly specifies that he may not delegate the responsibility to notify and make protective action reccamendations c offsite autnorities. .

5tation staf" emer;ercy assigntants have been made anc the rela-icnshi: be wee-the emer;tncy organization anc normal staff complement are swecifiec in tne Plan. ?0siticns and/or tities of shift and clant staf f cerscnnel, bo:n onsite anc cf f site, assignec emergency functional cuties are listed. Minimum snift manning recuirements are in :ne Plan anc Or: visions f or time',y snif t augmen;a-tion are crevidea. The specified shift staffing for single uni: Operation satisfies the criteria in Tacle 3-1 of NUREG-C554 The augmen;a:ica ca:acili:., .

witn :ne excection of staff augmentation witnin one-half hour also satisfies the criteria in Taole E-1. 1 I

Ine Plan, ::c.etner wita *ne Cuke Power Comoany Crises Management Plan, es, tat- l 11shes tne framework fc a icng-term augmented licensee emergency organizaticr inis organization, uncer tne Recovery Manager, is utilizac for ne cirection and control of all emergency anc recovery activities and is located a. tne .ea--

site Crises v anagement Center (i. e. . Emergency C;erations Facility). Actuatic.,

of tne Crises Management Center cccurs for an Alert, Si e Area Emergency, or General Emer;ency.

  • nterf aces between and among  : 2 the Crises Mana;emen Center j c..<e, .,,

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A licensee condition pertaining to staff augmentation is recuired as follo.c: l The licansee shall submit by July 1,1981 a description of how the augmented (

staffing criteria of Table 3-1, NURE3.:652, Rev.1, will be met.

C. Emergency Resconse Succort and Resources Standard Arrangements for recuesting and effectively using assistance resources have been mace, arrangements to ac:ccmodate State anc iccal staff at tne licensee's near-site Emergency Operations Facility nave been made, anc c ner organizations capacle of augmenting the planned resconse have been identified.

Licensee Emeraenc:/ Olar Evaluation Arrangements for recuesting and utilizing cu side resources nave been mace >

inclucing authori y to recuest imclementation of tne Federal Radiciogical Monitoring anc Assessment Plan by eitner the Emergency Cc0rdinat r or Re:0very Manager. Tecnnical anc administrative assistance, in acdition to the Crises Managemer.: Center organi:ation, is availaole from the corporate organi:ation.

Arrangements have been made for assistance fr:m tne plan: :0ntrac crs.

The Plan describes the radiological laboratories and tne associated cacabilities and ex ected response times. Fixed laboratory facilities exist at tne station,

ne Crises Management Center, and tne near-site Duke ?cwer Environmental Lacora-tory. Backup licensee facilities are availacle at the Catawca Nuclear Station (45 miles) and Cconee Nuclear Station (150 miles).

he urises A, anagement c, enter organization provides for ciscat:ning licensee i

representatives to tne principal gcverrmental emergency eterations centers.

The Crises Management Center is cesigned to ac::mmodate r2:resentatives from Feceral, 5 tate, anc iccal governmentai agencies, as well as represen.3;ives frcm contractor and other supccr: groups. The Crises Management Center is witnin one m.ile cf the s:Stion anc is :ne central cata collection pc;n: ::r providing inf:rmation neeced :y primary response ager.c'es f or imolementati:n of protective actions,

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Standard A stancard emergency classification anc ac*. ion level scnema, :ne basis ci wnicr include f acility system and effluent parameters is in use cy ne nuclear f acil' ,

licensee, and 5 tate and local rescense plans call for reliance on information proviced oy f acility licensees f or determinations of minimum initial res:cnse measures. ,

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i These EALs are used:for-rapid' classification of energency situations. The EALs are observable anc.measuracia and, in general, are identifiec using s ecific ,

instrumentation, parameters, and scui; ment status. The emergency classificati: 9 i and action level scneme is consistent wita :ne criteria of Ascencix 1 to NUREG-0554. The licensee has committed to icentifying in more specific detail certain of the EALs.

Station.implementating procedures contain specific information and guidance for evaluating an emergency situation and the accropriate actions to be taken.

E. Notification Methods anc Precedures Standard Procedures have been establisned for notification, by tne licensee, Of State and local response organizations anc for notification cf emergency :ersonnel by all response organications; the content .f initial and folicwuo messages to response organi:ations and tne public has been established; and means *.0 crovice early notification and clear instructicas to the peculace within :ne ciu e ,

exesure p'atnway Emergency Planning 2cne have been estaclishec.  !

Licensee Emerpency Plan Svsluetion Procedures have been established for notification of State and local rescense organizations in case of emergency. The Emergency Coordinator has been given tne autnority and responsibility to make crcmpt notification to these agencies and to initiate activation of :na North Carolina Radiological Emergency Resocase Plan in Supcort of Fixed Nuclear Facilities and the energency plans of the five +

local counties. ,ne rian has esta.lished procedures w .n1ch cascribed mutual,ly c

agreeable bases for notification of cffsite resconse organizations consisten*.  ;

witn the standarc emergency classification and action scnema se: fortn in Appendix 1 o NUREG-0654.

The Plan has established procedures for notifying, alerting, and mcbili:ing licensee emergency response personnel, inclucing 00:n station and cor? crate s .. a. < <. .

The information to :e repcrted :: tne offsite agencies in the even: Of ar eme--

  • gency nas been predetermined in accordance sith :ne recommenca:icns in NUREG-C634 and -he f:rmat of :ne notification messages is included in the Dlan. A means for verification of :ne messages nas been roviced. Tne lan s:ecifies one supporting information to be Orovided for inclusi:n in written messaces intence:
  • for release to the public, including rec:mmenced protective acti:ns. ~

The licensee is currently developing an alert and notifica:icn system to Oe used to pr:mptly inform the oublic within :ne plume ex:osure patnway Emer;ency Planning Zone. - The licensee has described the system, anc nas c:mmitte: :: ,

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F. Emercency Ccmmunications

-Stancard ,

f Provisions exist f or prcmpt ccmmunications among principal response organiza-tions to emergency personnel and to tne puolic. 9 Licensee Emercency Plan Evaluatign The station communication system :: designed to provice secure, recundant and diverse ecmmunications to all essential onsite anc offsite lcca icns curing normal ocerations anc under ac:ident conditions. Within-station systems are

morisec cf a commercir' tele:hene sys am, station telechene system, publi:-

a dress system, racio re:wcr<s, and inter :m systems. Offsite systems are

mprisec cf a c:mmercial teiapnene system, a mic : wave system, and two-way radio systems. Two secara e ecmmercial telegnene lines are deci:ated to NRC c ommuni ca tions .

These ::mmunica: ices syr ems are iccated in plan; areas manned 21 nours per i ay. The Emergency C:o ina:Or wil' in emergency situa iors, c mmunicate directly witn :ne State Warning Pcin: at Raleicn, North Carolina, ne disca :rer at eacn of the five surrounding counties, and :ne NRC. These governmental offices are manned 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day. Communications ce: ween the Control Room, the Technical Support Center, and the Crises Management Center are establisned utili:ing :ne radio system frequency. In addition, radio cccmunications are establisned between the Technical Supocr Center, Crises Management Center, and local and State agencies, inclecing the State Emergency Response Team.

G. Publi: Inf:rmation Standard Information is made availaole to tne pu lic en a periodi: casis on now they will :e notified anc wnat their initial a: ions snould ce in an emergency; the

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curing an emergency (inclucing pnysical location or locations) are establisnec i in acvance; anc pr:cecures for coorcinatec cissemination of informa i:n to :ne gee , l 4. .. a... . .. 2. .i,2.s.,3.g ..

Licensee Eme-cency plan Evaluation The Plan provides for tne dissemination of information t :ne puolf: ec. a rc i n.:

new tnev will be notif ec anc ana: neir actions sncuid e durinc an e er;ercy.

This informati:n incluces: (1) educational information on raciation, (2) meth::s of notifica:icn during an emergency, (3) planned Orctactive acticns, (4)'l:ca:ico and descri tion of predesignatec shelters and eva:uation routes. (5) a cetailec map, and (5) wno to contac; f or accitional informati:n. Tne information ai 'i be disseminated acproximate'y annually in a trochure format to tne :ermanent 2.-

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..... o 3.% 43 w1 2.. ...u.. .C. .. ..... J. .....J, 3:0 sta* inns, arc marinas anc signs will ne 00stec a* C0ating areas. The li:E r,s e e nas :POVicec Onis tr0Cnure 10 .ne NRC for review.

  • 5


o In'an emergency, the Crises Management Cent'er will serve as tne princi:al poin; of interaction between tne station, governmental authorities, and croorste management-for the ex nange of information. The Crises News Center, co-locatec Litn the ' Crises Management Center, will De utili:ec for all news recia triefing!

and interviews. The Crises News Director and his staff collect, verify, and disseminate information to the news. media and coordinate the release of  ;

information witn local, State and Federal puolse information officials, t Tne licensee will' onduct annual training for personnel of the news media wni:n I' will accuaint these persons with-the Plan, informatica concerning radiation, and points of contact for release of puoli: information curing an emergency.  ;

H. Emercency Facilities and Ecuioment Standard Acequate emergency facilities and equipment to su; port the emergency *es?0nse are provicec anc main;ained.

Licensee Emercency Plan Evaluation ,

r Emergency f acilities needed to support an emergency response nave been provice:

including a Tecnnical Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility (entitled -

the Crises Management Center), and an Operations Supcort Center, Each will be activated for an Alert or higher emergency classification, ,

The Tecnnical Support Center has been established in the same buliding as, and in close proximity to, the Control Room. The Technical Sector Center will ce usec by plant management and technical and engineering sup ort personnel cirectly involved in assessment of plant accicent res:onse and mitigation. It ::ntains ,

eouipment to cisplay Olant status and diagnostic information necessary to su::cr-the emergency organi:stion.

The Crises Management Center will be utili:sd to evaluate and :: ordinate emer-gency anc reentry /re::very operations on a c:ntinuing casis Oy tne licensee, ,

Feceral and 5:ste c'ficiais. It will also be tre center f:r receip; and analys 5 -

of field monitoring informa icn. The Crises Management Center is 1:cated at ,

the licensee's Training and Technology Center within one mile of tne site. .

The licensee has mace :rovisions for an alternate Emergency Coerati:n3 Facili;y l at tae- crporate neaccuarters in Charlotte, N. C. .

The Operations succort Center (assemoly a-ea) is locatec a:jacent to :ne :cn: 1 Room and will ce tne assemoly coint for unassigne succor :ers:nnel. Eiergen , ,

equipment and supclies are readily availacle. ,

The _ licensee's emergency f acilities satisfy the interim staff criteria but nc:

the final staff criteria for the permanent f acilities containec in NUREG-0695, Fecruary 1931, l

Tne ?!an ::n:ains a listing of emer;ency e;ui: ment anc s;:: lies. ~he Plan

, :rovides'for the ins:ection, inventary, anc ::erational : neck :f :ne e;ui: er; in 3:: r:ance with station procedures.



. . j i

j Onsite m.onitoring systems and instrumentation used to initiate emeroency . .. . . .

i measures anc/ or provide continuing assessment are identitiec. inese inc,iu.e I

meteorciogical and seismic instrumentation, raciological monitors, Orocess monitors, fire catection systems, and portaole cose rate ar.d radia:1cn cetecticn  ;


The licensee has mace provisions for effsite monitoring ecuicment which incluces  ;

an extensive TLD network, in accordance with tne staff's position, and portaole i radiation monitorina instruments for use bv :ne offsite field assessment teams. l Maoile monitoring cacacili-ies, in addi:icn to tne licensee's, a e available ,

tnrougn :nr North Carclina Decar: ment of Human Resources, Radiation ?rotection ,

Branca and :ne COE Radiclogical Assistance Team Offsite meteorological cata  !

is availacle from Octn the National Weatner 5ervice and :ne Norin Car 0 lina Air National Guard, ,

The licensee's cacabili !as pertaining to metacrology presendy to not mes. ,

ne criteria icentifisc in Accendix 2 to NUREG-0554 Ine licensee nas 00mmit*ed to meet :ne criteria and associa:ec implemen:stion schedule, witn the excepticr cf remote interroga:ica capability.  ;

i '

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cacability to meet the criteria of NUCE3-0727. .

I Three license conditions will be required as follows:

o The licensee shall submit by June 1,1931, the conceptual cesign cescrip-tion of emergency response f acilities in sufficient detail to cescribe how the criteria of NUREG-0696 will be met, including specifically, the I


provisions for cata acquisition and transmissicn anc the Safe:v. r arameter >

Display .:ystem.

ine licensee snail provide metecrologica,i and dose assessmer; remete c

ne criteri a of n,ppencix c,, te: ,

interrocation cacabi.lty i . to mee ,

Rev. 1 as folicws: (1) a functional descrio:icn of ucgradec ca0acilities by January 1, 1932, (2) installation cf hardware and software by July 1,  ;


.. am-d te.) e.u)) . o. r. ., +. i n. . . 2.1 r. ., "r .= b 4.1 4. *.j' e ,. ^ - . .- n o. r. 1. , '. C. : _' .

.u a The licensee snall revise, witnin 30 days, the emergency olan imclementi c  !

procecures to incorporate One folicwing in ecse projections: l t

(1) actual s0urce terms , ra ner thEn Cesign basis accident scur:e te*Ts (2) realistic meteorciogical concitions Over tne dcse time :eri:c ,

, j (3) 3C*Udl Containment pressure =. g

1. Accicent Assessment I i

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Licensee Emer encv Plan Evaluation Ine Plan and crececures contain system and raciolcgical ef fluen: parameter . . . .

va,iues characteristic of a spectrum or or,.-ncrmai conditions and accidents.

Tnese parameter values and other reliable information are tabulated to cross-reference initiating conditions for each of the Emergency Classes. Specific alarm setpoints, botn visual and aucio, are in the Control Room to alert the coerator.

Tne Onsite raciation menitoring and sampling systam censists Of (1) a crecess '

raciological monitoring and samcling system, (2) an effluent radiological monitoring and samoling system, (2) an airecrne racicactive monitoring system, (4) an area radia ion monitoring system, and (5) portable survey and c:unting ecuipment. The licensee has ccmmittec to upgrading and ;ost-accicen monitorirc J anc samoling capacility to meet tne criterie of NUREG-0727. ,

1 s

ine elan crovices :ne me hece c-v w for determin1nc. toe mac.nitude of a release cr pctential release by utilizing: (1) evaluation of plant c:nditions, (2) 4

". . <. =. ~ r *. s =. . . '. a o s-

". 4

.s..=, . anc (.; - ". #.*.=. . .= c i - 1 w- 3 14 . 21 .

o e a .c u r =.~..e i . . o .

O. c' . E. v o y r^ . c =. d. ". . o. s g . ^ v . d o.


.". a " e. o c- 4.1 2 c 'i o* e ...=. .5 o e u c i r. g ".. "t o e l i w = n.: c a. o .= 2 a. s . = .- 1 4. o- = .-

a metnedalegy to be used for estimating effsite cases in the unlikely event tnat assessment instrumenta:icn is offscale or cut of service. The ce ails for sucn projected dese calculations are provided in the station prececures.

In addition to projecting offsite consequences from measured inplant parameters,

  • 'e licensee has also established a fiel: monitoring capability. Four fiela monitoring teams are dispatched at the Site Emergency and General Emergency levels. The teams are provided with raciological monitoring and sam ling equi:-

ment and racio ccmmunication eauipment. A single team can ce ce-lo.vec e witnin ten minutes and all teams can be operational within one hour.

i he ,iicensee has uncer cevelcpment orocecures to provice tne means Tor re,.ating measured field cont. amination levels to cose rate and f 0r estimating integra:ac dose to the populati n at risk.


1 o . . ,.-0. c. +. j / o.

a m e. .r . . o ,.

Standard A range of crotective actions has been ceveloced for tne plume exposure ;ath-wsy EP for emergency workers and the public. Guidelines for tne choi:e of l

r:te:tive actions curing an emergency, consistent with Federal guidance, are

~ ,. v 3. l .- s,. e . . . . , , g, i ., c ,. , .: o- d r- o . 2 . 4. o. o. ,. r. 4. v o s.

m .. .


iv, ..e 4

2.4. n .x.-n.e.~.a.

. . .. i path ay E?Z accrocriate to the locale nave been cevelopec.

License Emercency Plan Evaluation ine iicensee has estaclisned an ensite srctactive response f:r emolcyees, c:n-


.. . . -. .. =. . e. . . .n a. l , =.n w d a.=. . a- a.. s c. '. *..- =. 3 .an e . =.1 L' o 't #. . ~ ~r, o . . a vj "s .a a n. s #. *. = .". . ".. a.

  • . 4. ,*. . C. s #. 3.1 2. ~*. c. . . c. . *g* / .

{ <h 4. 3 e c. q.g i

- Q n C. a. *..C.s.

E t**3 **


E e s . o- M w , C *. E. #.E.*

w, a

r o.1.

4 r r 3. : , , 3 4.- 3 .- - .

w wi.o . . . . m j i *; 1+.,./ , .t e-

,..3s e w

--.c...op ys s.

36. 4. . . i d . .n 4
.. 3 ...r act o l'n y *ow .-

,,.4 ...

fit..'.i0n Will Oe :y means Of varicus alarm systems, sta*i: OuClic adcress -

s. ' a. c. +

. . 4 .- s i c.q

- n

..see r.e 2 13 .p n. a. .. .:. e- : i y s].% .e . r o, i. o . . s.

2 i. y- 3,y g . s.m. . J . l .=

.a n $ . .

~t. ,y .: . 2.a .


C =. .: 4*'..a.=.".

  • ^

g f a s. .q w. y , a .n.


  • s ' .'n' =. l *a* s i 'w = a '. l l *. *. ." =. l v' 6' .' *. e d.

. .. . ;. . t ' =.

.o l . >. ". a ." =. = .t .~


ComD ete Witnin thirt"J minutes. :Vacuation of.


. 3 30 in1tla .. ,

non essential personnel 1s by designated preD,ianned routes to 07tsite reassemD,."

locations. _.ine reassemot.v icca:1ons nave crevisions ,icr radicio 1 cat moni to ri n.:

and. decontamination of personnel. Acditicnal cnsite Orctective measures inciuce tne use of indivicual respiratory protection, protective clotning, and radio-protective drugs. ,

Tne Plan provides for recommending offsite orotective measures decending on l 1

tne projectaws dose to tne environs, i he particular recommenca icn may Oe sneltering :r evacuation depending on the magnituce of'tne Orojected cose, the meteorological conditions, the nature of the release, and tne crecetermined -

ine P.lan centains maos evacuatica time estimates for t,eo sector (s) at,,ected, and inf orma:icn regarcing evacuation routes, and areas, snelters, preselected

.. ae.non- ve u ..i . e

, .1,.g y o 13. . , enc nepogw ,n,,n a


o w ... n 1.

= ~.ip l ;i .3. c---

w w ww. , .2 o . w .

e. a.w .-l ,s4 . . y..

ine Plan con:21ns time estimates for evacuation within tne clume ex:0sure :e,.c. . , . -

These time' estimates are generally in accorcanco witn Appendix 4 cf NUREG-0554 7 w. ~o 1. mco . .m. , o w.

.~o u--w . ..., 4. *. . e 4

  • . ^w . =. v . a- i n , '. h a.


a. v .= c ". a *w . c n +. 4. .. a. as.#-=*=c

. um . . . i. n a w . o..- = .". w- =.

witn :ne crt:erla Oy a.ugust ,_:c-,..

K. P.acicio;ical Execsure Centrol Standard Means for con:rciling raciological exposures, in an emargency, are established for emergency workers. The means for controlling rawlological expcsures sna1.1 s-include exposure guidelines consistent with E?A Emergency Workers and Lifesaving Activity Protective Action Guides.

Licensee Eme-cencv Plan Evaluation The. *licenses has establisned a raciation protection program f0- controlling 1 g radioic icai excesures in tne event c. an emerc. enc.v. Emerc. enc.r ex csure gui del i r.e 5 nave :een provided for tne vericus categories of raciation workers.

in e a,. , o. :. ,w.. 4. .,. . ,. a . .. .w u n o- 4...2 . o.

. ,. j,.3 . .w. . . a.  : : A :. - a --. =.

.. , . ~--y N.or..<= .. .=nws i. 4. '. a. .cav i oc.

Activi;y Pro;ective Action Guices. Emergency procacures specify tne persons autnorized :0 permi; emergency exposures in excess of 10 CFR Par: 20 limits.

The 5:3 tion Health ?hysics Manual de'ines tne radiation protection program for

..c r ~C, 4..#^nd. I *. . r s v . ida w . .: '.w.- .'a cu a. c ,v . =. d o. *. =. .r o 4. - , -

~ . = .w. - a...=..-,=..~-" j . . .. w iw . g.- a c c .: .

+w jwr p. d. w .r 2. . . a..r -3 p. ,a~,y y e g r. .e g r. a. a. 'i 2. .*~H eaa iw. m. a i. . +. w n .

s p. c ara iiw. e. o.s doe c.o... . .. a.

.-".3 ' .. . ' . . = " .

ex;csure'nis;;ry is current.

Ons4ite contamination con:rci measures for pe-sonnel, equim.ent, anc access e - + .. .a s e 7.afia e.

w a ,ta y, .w

- n v l' w, e w . Io.o .- . Iw iwI C.s4.

o ...mina.bkon. s. y,a. r6r Jw

.oYO e n h- e 'l .a .n N a 3.ww - o 4. . .

.m.. e r. . ws p o. .ey gri.34 w 4 d 2 4 i .n 4


w. .p. .D "I aw n i f . w-w.w -s -s p

- n H y s 2. .: e s w y s. w . o. n w . y .s '. ay- s.we s.- m o. y .r. .. is . . j .a. 3-the return of areas and items to normal use. l l

.D - a. s .4si. 3 . .s. ov s. .m a. o. .q s. .: . .s k i. i .. . a., d --


-= w.r.wi :m.4.:.. . y- e s iww ' . .:, . s < s ..ej .. s . a. . r. .

em -y - ew / l" .aj nu n g Je

.- 1. % +svosog ,2pg .a a.-w, i4 . 2 w- m '. s. d. .a a. +=a

4. .g g i. , g j o 3 4. v.

me 3. X +. r..s . . .. . . ~

  • vj g , . a. 3 4 wi w....

== . .m i4...

. c . 4, m.ig 4. .g . g . +. 3d.

w l

l l

I ')

L. Medical'and Public Health Succor e

5:andard .

Arrangements are made for medical services for contaminatec and injured

.i ndi vi dual s .

Licensee Emer cency Plan Evaluation Tne licensee has made arrangements by written agreement witn the Charlotte Memorial hospital to provice mecical assistance to injured cersonnel including

injuries involving radiological material. In addition, w-itten agreements provide f or Oak Ridge National Lacoratories to act as a consultative anc referral f acili ty. Charlotte Memorial Hospital is a large general nosoital with comclete emergency-treatment capabilities and Oak Ridge nas extensive radiological care facilities and expertise.

The station has two first aid facilities located in :ne Acministra.icn Building tne rac111 ties can

,or provicing medica,. ass 1 stance ;c in;ured persennel.

provice first aid treatment for minor injuries anc emergency aid for more seri:us

, injuries, One facility has decontamination cacacility. Arrangements have caen mace witn local pnysicians for ensite medical assistance.

. Written agreements have been made with the North Mecklenburg Ambulance Service

and the North Mecklencurg Rescue Scuad for tne transportation of injured personnel wne may also be contamina


I M. Recovery and Reentry Planninc and Postaccident Coerations Standard General plans for recovery anc reentry are developed.

Licensee Emercency Plan Evaluaticn a

The Duke Power Company Crisis Management Plan (CMP) is cesigned to support the McGuire Nuclear Station in the execution of its Plan. The CMP cescri:es an extensive recovery organization wnich is activated uoan actuation of the Crises Management Center The organizatien consists of exce-ienced :orporate manageren:

end suoerviscry personnel wno nave tne authority to assure the best availacle  ;

use of cor; crate resources to assist in racid recovery. The CMP organi:ati:n  !

.iil provide: .

1. Tecnnical anc operational succort planning for ecovery oceration Radiological field monitoring and cata assesment I 2.


3. Logistics succort for emergency personnel  ;


4. Management level interf ace Wita Iccal, State, ana :eceral gcverrman authorit'es
3. Release of information to news meCi a co0rdin3:20 aita g0ve*" mental au*.Norities
l. 'i




1 t

.A h t

I 1

Any decision on-the Duke Power Company to relax crotective measures l will be made oy tne Recovery Manager in coordination si n NRC, North Caroli'a ]

and local Officials. Whenever a recovery coeration is to :e initiatec cr any '

nange is to ce mace in the organi:ational structure, tne Recovery Manager ai notify representatives of the response organi:ations.

txercises and Dr111s h..

5:andard Periccic exercises are (will ce) conducted to evalea*.e major certions of emer-gency resocnse capabilities, periccic drills are (wi'l be) conducted : deve1 0 and maintain key skills, and deficiencies identified as a result of exercises er crills-are (will ce) corrected.

o,. an tv al u s:1on

,1censee mercencv 4 n n ,e, a 'i a..v =. r. . 4. -

2,e - '~'#'.,l d. o. - c e- m- +w u c . e d.

  • ^

.. . .

  • m. e . . .. e . .n4 . =. ", . . ". =. ~. r. .e 2 s i i 4. *. .v a. r~d .= *='w"

. . . . a g. .

e 3

ortien of ne basic elements exis ing w1:nin the .3 lan. vsis1:e, as wei6 as i licensee, response organizations will te involved. .Althougr. :ne $ ste Plar will te exercised annually, it may :e done separate frca the licensee in scme years due to the existance of other nuclear power reactor facilities within
ne State's jurisdiction. At least once every six years exercises will se started between 6:00 P.M. and midnieht and another between midnight and 5:00 ,

The scenario used for tne varicus exercises will contain at least the A.M.

essential elements as set forth in NUREG-055d. . .

Arrangements will be made for .

cuallried coservers and a critique will be held ar.ter the exercise. m.ine criticue will provice a formal evaluation of the exe-cise. Management control nas been established to ensure that any necessary correc ive actions are imolemented.

In adcitica : tne exercises, various crills will be concucted covering ::mmun;- .

i cations, tires, medic 31 emergencies, health pnysics anc radiological monit: ring.

Cepending on :ne particular crill, the frecuency varies f rom men nly to annually in accordance with tnat se: for:n in NUREG-0552 Minimum recuirements have ceen estaclisned for each of tne drilis. Management c:n:rol is estaclisned ,

suca :na; necessary corrective actions are implemented.

1 1

0. Radic1 0ci al Emercency Rescense Taaininc l l

l 1

.C ..

  • 1-..

p & n e d.

Radiol:gical emergency rescense training is prov ded :: :ncse wnc may :e callec i upon to assist in an emergency.


'm .u o. n c. a. s. : e r. , o. m- c. v .31 ,, r. v a l ". = *. 4.

The licensee provides training in tne Emergency Plan anc procedures to all 4-

7. . . i s .4.. a. .to - i. p . . a. r . v '. ~. ~ . '. s. .: =.c


o. . . . a .a. e . . . .~ ..

1 2. '. . .s. r. a v rn . e . .


- . '. " w .s .: . .

=.c., .ef .

3*4 .e a# 2-- #i.~2 .]. E. '.

  • 3 ".E1 . . .2*E v n a i *.1 3 9 . d*a* *.. s ied3 e. i s. g , i. vme-6 w g a Jisg i.w a3 p. wI 3 J*2*%2...* s-*/' 3 e. n. .* e3, ouw .

an 3 m g % , m. o . wo m r t a j .a g .* 4, o o s .: '. ,a- . c- *... s .

.? .*. 2 d ". i. *. # o .* , *..*c2's. " c. #c. ^..,"..o. l '.: . 3 ."a 2 .. 2. ". i. #. i.

V , -

-4 .i o. n . = a. e. l. .; . , a. -.

e s. eJ m. g lea e J g =4 1. a. D 24 .D w .. a a e+ *

. f.

  • S

,e o. '

ao m ;. 4*s s .. a. .+. . a. ey- a. .s. 4w7

.% e

.. t - * .

... e e. 4 -

. .- .a c a. .

. .s . .

^ . . ] ,J m .a

e. e s. 3 . p si m.t e. i vn .an ww.was e a m e n. .g m. w . .4. i. r. .m. ...m. a. f. .a y.. y m. a. p. s. a. m. w

.n o. Z. a. .g .


. a..z a. . ,.n. ..

3 .w w ~ .

a. m. . a. e.e.a.

a Y



.v e.f wi6 . ... s .,u ......vs., .w. . . . . < . ... 2. . . . . . . . .. w ..hy ..a evi.. ... '*


1. 7

e . - - - . .

6 repair anc camage control, rescue, and first alc. ine licensee will provice

, ~ , . .

. training anc annual retraining 'or those offsite organi:ations wncse services may be recuired in'an emergency, such as fire, police, mecical suppor*., anc rescue personnel. The training will.ce consistent ith ne organi:stion's emergency functions. '

The training program for memoers of the licensee's emergency organi:ation will include practical drills as discussed in section N above.

c. Rescensdoility for the Planninc Effort: Deve1 cement. Dericcic Review End 01strice:1on of Emergencv dians Standard Responsitilities fer pian develcoment. anc review anc cistricution of emergency plans are estaclisnec, and planners are prcoerly trained.' ,

Licensee Emi ;ency lan Evaluation The ?.scovsrv Manawer has.the overall autneri'.y and rescensibilit."i for racio-logical smergency resconse planning at'tne corocrate level. The Emergency Planning-Coordinator has responsibility for the cevelcoment and uncating of station emergency plans and coorcination of tnese plans witn otner response organi:ations.

The Plan, as well as any changes thereto, are proviced to the orgcnizations end indivicuals having a responsibility for implementatien of the Plan.

Provisiens exist for an annual review of the Plan and for tne incorporation of necessar/ rev>sions. P An indecendent review of the emergency preparedness program will be conducted at least every year. Tne review will incluce the Plan, tne Crises Management Plan, the implementing procecures and practices, training, reaciness testing and ecuipment, r

1 L

4 8


e ,

II CONCLUSIONS ON LICENSEE EMERGENCY PLAN Based on our review against the criteria in " Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants", NUREG-0654, Revision 1, November 1930, we conclude that, providing the items identified as requiring conditions of the full power license are accomplished, the McGuire Nuclear Station Emergency Plan will, provide an acequate' planning basis for an acceptable state of emergency preparecness -

and meets the repuirements of 10 CFR 50 and Appendix E thereto.

The license conditions required for a full-scwer license are identified in Section I of tais evaluation and are as follows:

1. The licensee shall submit by July 1,1981 a descri; tion of now the augmente:

staffing critaria of Ta'leo 3-1, NURE3-0654, Rav. I will e met by July 1, 1982,

2. The licensee sna11 sucmit Oy June .,1931, the conceptual cesign cascri -

tion of emergency response facilities in sufficient detail to ces: ribe how the criteria of NUREG-C596 will ce met, including spe: :1cai0., the provisions 1:r data acquisition anc transmission anc tr.e Saf ety Parameter Disclay System.

2. Tne licensee snail prov de meteor:1cgical and cose assessment reerte i

interroga-icn :acacility to meet tne criter a of A::encis I. NURE.1-0552 4 i

(7.) a fur. *.i n=i -a..c".4~e,-. .'. ~.. ,.=.-=.. a'.'.a .


.R e v . 1 a s '4 o l i n.w e . .

cy' January 1, 1932, (2) installation of nar ware ar.c scitwa e y ve:y 1, 1952 and (3) f all coerational capa:ility oy Oct::er 1,1:5.^

.=.vi2e, w i+.1..m.

4 -

'.'oe =....c. c. . =. .

r.r. ."s .' '=- 4 .,no l a. .. o . r. . " ,-,

. T ". e l i . = n. s a. a.

.  : .=11


.' O .= .". 2 ,

  • * *. c
w. =. . . ." =. .c

.. i a.~ .*"*,c -= . . .a. * * = . f '. l

... ', . , 4 ~ ~. * .:. e- ...'=...4.-2 ..

., - ; a .2. .: 4 ,. . , ,..= a. 4, : 2.-4..-=... ..m. 2. . . :

. . ..3 3

me.-....s....., ...

. . . . o.-

..2, .. .. . . ~ . ,

r.- x, . . . .. . .

( .n.


.=. a l i 2 . i - =. ?. e- n. .. a i .' ", 4. = ', - .

. . . . 4. . d. a

. n s ^. .v a . ...e .a

.^2. .'..=.-2.. . 4.'..'

(3) actual car.tair. ment cressures.

'- f i n.i -.y. ac T .,.. a. -2. a. .r =.1 .

r. e o . 2_ . sv v .a n .= a3 . . . . a. . 3. . .A - = .'.s.. / ::Y.A T, i.a-

. s" 9.s **ov 4

c.o.. 4'..=. . i .

a - -

. :..M A . .- - ', '. .- =. .= .- . .' . . ;. = . = .

,, .: . .= e. s. .=.. . d 1. c .= 1 . v . a. m a. .n. . s. *s1 .= .~. 2 .

- .mo o. o. .. a. . 3 . .%

a- '. -r. =. y a . *. . "- a s - i a- a c a. r ". a *. .= v ' . . - sa. w i .1 .m e. . 4. .- :. . . *. :. ". .- '. . i. r. a. .

. .= .q ..

.= rs". .

Based ucon our review of the , licensee,s p,,ans and procedures, tne h,v- e anc r:.p- .

evaluation of the joint exercise, and our review of tne FE.A fin:ings, we f4.c Y

.,=..,.o.c.e . . . . 4. . ,. : ,3 e-,o2.  ;

..aa .. ... .. a. . = . 2 o.e 2--n. c- f. e, s 4. ~ 2 2.- -- ,.~.. -y.

.. . . . = . .

assurance tna; aceauate oratective measures can and aill ne taxe- ir, tre even of a raciological emergency.

