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Rev 0 to Emergency Staffing
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1981
Shared Package
ML20126G092 List:
FOIA-85-162 NUDOCS 8506180062
Download: ML20126G101 (12)


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On-ette Emergency Organiset. ton *

( Available within etsty (60) minutes) ,


_, positJon Tit,le,,or F.upert ime , _ _EmmergencL D utten, _ ,, _ _ Report to tec_a_ttom/pereen E_"'flency position Number i Shift Foreman or plant Manager Et=aponathic for inttlat angesnm.=nt ECa*/ Emergency Support F.mergency Director or Senior Site Opernttons seid evalunt ton of any abnormal or Director Management Person. e=nernency attuation and for direc=

ting appropriate responge in acenr-riance with the emergency pl.en in-plementing proceduren.

Communicator 1 Technical Analyst Providen current informatlan and Shift Superviser's office /

Jfrectton to the communtratlong Emergency Director angletants. ensures communir.stions recorde are kept and activaten the operational line for techntral data tranentanton.

Cosununicationn 2 Technical Analvat Reaponalble for maintaining c<mmunt- Shift Suoerviser's Office /

Assistante rations with the NRC, make additional Commuunicator nottitcations as required and re-ceiving incoming calAs.

Senior Lead Engineer Directs the TSC engineers in plant TSC/ Emergency Director Technical Support 1 until Croup Isader Center Coordinator technical assistance and acts as liaison between Parstppany Technt- Technical Support cal Functions and the Emergency takes charge.


Technical Support Ammorted Dtncipline F.ngineers Activate TSC and provide technical TSC/TSC Coordinator Center Engineers (i.e. Nuclear. Electrical, gespport in the areas of core, elec-Mechanical, l&C) trical, mechanical, IEC and compiaters.

Coordinates plant operation 9 main- ECC/ Emergency Director Operations i Shift Sopervisor or Senior Coordinator Operatione Person (SRO) tenance, nadiological Controle and chemintry through the Shif t Super-visor and Operations Support Center Coordinator.

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On-atte ramergency Organtration (Available within sluty (60) stiuten)

Minimum Emergency Position Number Position _ Title or ,F.xpertise Famergency, Dut lem _Repo,rt ,to location / person shift Foreman (SRO) initimity assumen the duttee of ECC/operatione Caerdienter

(+) Shift Foreman 1 Ema r gency Director and upon re-lle f vill be reopenelhle for maintaining control over plant cr,e rat ions . Directs Control R.,om Operatorg.


(+) Operations Shift CR0 ? Contrnt Room Operators (CRO) 0' wrote primary plant and neccs- 0$C & FCC/ Shift Foremme Personnel A0 4 Auxiliary Operatnre TAO) d.ory plant. recovery mvgtemg.

n'.ttftcations, and support op-

  • rations as directed.

Operations Support 1 Sentor Maintenance. Operations Aggiana perannnet to support op- OSC/ Operations coordinator or Radiningical Cent rat

  • erations in the aream of radiological Center Coordinator Ter bn t c lan/Fnreman controla, cheatetry and witntenance.

Maintenance Technictan/Feresan Coordinates and directs emergency 1&C Shop and Shift Supera Emergency Maintenance 1 Coordinator maintenance repair and corrective visor's Office /Operatione actione. Support Center Coordinator 5 Maintenance Personnal Perfnrm all emergency matntenance 1&C Shop / Emergency Meta-(+) Maintenance Personnel tenance Coordinator repelr and corrective actions. May he called on for nearch and rescue and drivers for Radiation Monitoring teams.

Y rame 2 of In January 1981 Revision 0


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  • te Faergency Orgen.'estion (Available within ninty (Mll minutes)

Mi nimise Emergency Position geumher, Poaltinn Title _or,Fnperg se Faergency_Dutten Begrt to lAatten/Peroom Radiological Controle I R.sdtological Controle Techntrinn/ Reepenethte for supervining Radto. OSC/Operetten Support Center Coordinator Foreman Instral Controlm Techniciana and Coordinator co$rdinating the in-plant radio-lettral controle purport activitten au-h me access control, coergenew rematr aenrrh .ind rescue, firgt al4 fireftshtina. personnel mont-toring and dontmetrv.

Radiological Controls 1 Raflotocical Controlg Technician Respoenthle for radiolastral contrain OSC/mmatolostrel Controle Technteten support in the arcas of secere control. Coordinator emercenew repite ge. orch and rescue, f trat-etd, f trer taht inn, per sonnel sent-torina, and radiolcatral monitoring ag altrected.

Chemistry Coordinator 1 Chemiatry Technician / Foreman Respongthle for ensuring that all OSC/OSC Coordinator poet-accident samplee are taken and

.inalyzed in accordante with procedures.

Chemistry Technicians I Chemistry Techniciana steeponethle for performing all post. OSC/ Chemistry Coordinator accident chemistry namples and an-lynes and supporting operations in ihe area of chemistry an directed. .

First Aid and Rescue 1 Multi-Media First Aid Responethle for providing First Aid OSC/OSC Coordinator Team Personnel Qualtfled Fernonnel in emergencies and assisting in r escue operations.

Fire Brigade Team Personnel 5 Fire Brigade Qualtfled fienponsible for responding to all fire Fernonnel aclarmg and reporting to the location of the fire with agslaned estutreent sto combat the fire and assess the need for off-site fireftshting support.

Revision 0 rage i nr II E"M UN

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  • on-ette Emergency organtees. ton ,

(Available utthin sisty (60) minuten)

Minimum Emeg ency Post _tjon Number Poettinn Title or Fupert_ise Fmergency Dutten Reg et to location /Peroom 6 o

Radinlogical Assessment i Senior Railloleigical Controla Responalhte for providing all redto- ECC/ Emergency Director Coordinator Technic ian /Forconn lurtent assessment to tlw Emergency nirector and maintaining communica-t i. .no with t he BRP. lie will direct al I radletion mmitoring teams omttl re lleved hv the FAC. The F.AC, upon re lef, will dtrcct radiatton mont-toring teams, environmental teams.

ca lculate dose projections and f r. form the EOF and the RAC of the re =nul t s . The RAC will then be re-Sponsible for in-plant radioingical

< ontrols and updating the BRP on dose

".eadings and plant conditions.

Radiological Analysis 2 Radiological Controlm anstat the Radiological Assessment OSC or ECC/RAC Support Engineers Engineering Per*onnel ':oordinator in perforetng dose calcu- ,

' lations, supervising radiological traste procesetng and interfacing etth the Chemistry Coordinator and roup 1.neder Chemistrv Support on adiological Weste Monitoring.

Radiological Controls Personnel 16esponsible for picking up emergency OSC/RAC until Red Moniterlag Onsite/Offette 1 duttee are soeumed by Radiological Monitoring as Monitorm and Site Personnel Sr.ite, obtaining vehicle and radio-Teams as Drivers ' logically surveying the areas that the EAC.

they are dispatched to.

Revision 0 rage 4 of 11 Jaman MM

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DtERCFIGCY STArflNC On-stte Dnergency Organisat ten (Available within etuty (60) min utes)

Minimun l Emery ncy Position Number Pos t,t t on,,T i t i c_ or_ .lc,xt*c_r, t t ee ,_ FJacrgency Duties Reg.or,t to tocation/Peroen T

. 4i Security Coordinator 1 Sent.4r Securit y Pers.m Directs the security force in the search Tretter/Ehergemey 5 aream of personnel accountability. %* sector servan control and personnel or equipment security control.

Site Security Force - Security Personnel R*erensible foi carrytna nut the As directed /Seewrity Coordt-shnse-ment toned funct tons am noter di re c t ed, j

+ These positions filled from normal nhlft complement.

  • These personnel may he aanlaned other funct long.

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Of f-stte neergency Ormentsatlan (Avattable within sin (6) hours)

Minisano Beertency Position Number Posttten Title or Rayertise enernency Duties Report to toestion/Persen Roersency Support Director 1 Senior Management Representative Respoentble for directing all F.0F/ Office of President emer?ency management responet-tillities and directs the response of the offette organisation functlanal groups in support of the onette emergency organtsation.

Emergency Staff Support 1 Site M1nagement Personnel Assists the Bnergency Support Direc- E(F/Beergency Support Director tot by interfacing with the offette emergency orpantsation leaders and providing status repor ts.

Beergency Support 2 Site Engineering Personnel Respnnalhte for the operation of EOF / Emergency Seppert Director Conmounica tors the cousuunications systems at the Near Site EOF and the coordination of requests for outside assist-ance. Ensure that the primary and back-up ccessunications systems are activated and operational. Main-taine records of ecommunication and ,

stett s boards.

Pubite Affairs Representative 1 Pubite information Department Responsible for the implementation EOF / Emergency Support Director Duty Personnel of tiv Emergency Pubite information Plan, for the prepstation of tech-nical*y securate inf ormation f or media release and for setting up new con.

f er ew es.

""U Revision 0 p.,, 6 of 3


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Of f-site Faermency Orpenlaat ton (Available within six (6) hourn)

Minimum Res, ort to Imcattem/perose teumber Position Title or Espertise Fmeraency Duties Deersency Position Technical Functione Department Provides techntent listann to t;ee ET/: roup Leader Technical Technical Support i Representative Engineer Faer pency Support Director fram the Support Croup tsader Technical Support in Paralppany and the Onette Technical Support Center Coordinator. l'ttitees the CRT at the Near Site EOF to per-f orm analysis of plant conditions and to display plant parameters. Monitors the Operettonal Line in order to ob-tain real time operational status f rne the on-stte Cmununicator and relav this

  • inf ormation to the Emergency Support Director and the Croup isader Technical Su ppor t .

Creup Imader Technical 1 Technical Functions Management Responsible for directing the technical F17/ESD '

Person functioning of the plant in the areas Support cf core, electrical, mechanical and IEC once the PTF to activated and turnover is connlete. He will direct the On-aite Technica1 Support Center Coordina-tot with respect to plant conditions, reactor core status, and subsequent plant operations. Comununicates with the Ons tte Technical Support Center Coordt-nator, the Technical Support Represen-tative at the Near Site EOF and B&W.

Technical Functions Department Renponalble for activating the PTT, PTF/ Croup Leader Technical Technical Support Staff 2 evaluating plant technical data and Support Engineers providing technical recommendations.

They will establish communicetinna w1th B&W, oneIte TSC, EOF and main- ,

tain lona.

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Jantian N Revision 0 e b

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PMFRCEleCY STAFFINC tif f-site Faergency Orgentratten (Available within sta (6) hours)

  • Minimum pmeraency hoffen Re T ,t en locat tom /peroom

, Fmergency position Munhet ponttfan Title er Fyffrttee Group Leader Radiological 1 Radiological Controla Engineer Reeponsible for radioinstral controle AEfW/ESD Controis Suppert nurpora for the onette and offaite arannt rat ton in tte arcam of manpower.

persone.el monitorting and radioloalcal

  • equipment. He Interf aces with RAC and monitora consounicationa on the (1perettonal and Radiological Lineg to determine emergency statum, manpower "and equipment needs.

Croup Leader Chemistry 1 Chemistrv Supervlaor or Engineer Anstat1 in the determination of in- EOF /ESD plant gampling requirements, manpower Support and equipment needs based en plant condit ions, and establishina a pont-tortnp and controllinR rrenrasi f or patent. tally contsetnated gyntemg.

Responetble for Maintenance Support AEOF/ Maintenance and Construe-Croup 1Ander Maintenance I Maintenance Foreman Lion Menager for onette and offette organtastions.

Support Provides additional maintenance person-net and equipment as needed.

Responsible f or all admintetrative and AtoF/ esp Senior Admintetrative Department Croup Leader Admintetrative 1 insistice functione required to sup-Support port the onalte and offette emergency orgentration. These services include Cenera l Administration. Tronoportation, Tereo-nel Administration and Accomunode-t ions. Comenteesty. Saf ety and Human Re-sources.

January 1981 Revision 0 page 8 of 11

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DIERCENCY STAFFIRC tWf-sttUJeergency Organisatic's (Available within etz (6) hour g)

Mintaue Rerert to tocatice/peroom Muober posittnn Title or F.xterttee h emency Duties Deeraency poettton Maintenance and Constructf on Respocaible for supervising con- AEOF/ESO Maintenance & Construction 1 tractor and company personnel in Ma nager Manager or Engineer maintenance and cocstruction of-p forts in support of an emergency.

Security Supervisor Coordinates Security manpowet for AEOF/ Croup IAeder Adelaistre.

Croup 14eder Security l' both ensite and offette. Assigns tive Support Support guards for the security procesging and hadging of personnel at tha AEff requirfng site access. Estehlishes ennenunicottons with the onsite Security Coordinator end prcwides personnel and equipment security nupport.

Responsible for setting up and personnel Monitoring 1 Rad-Con Supervisor or operating a whole body counting AEW /C m k h h Coordinator Engineer Support facility and Tta tenue and mainten. '

ance program. Responsible for the issuence of 71.D's to persennel reporting onette.

Rad-Con Engineer Respornstble for coordinating radio- AEOF/ Croup isader Red-Con Radiological Controle Man- 1 logical controle manpower resources Support power Support Coordinator to staff onette organtastion, mont-toring teams and off site organisa-tion on a rotating ohlft beste.

January 1981

-Revision 0 pa 9 of n t

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w IstsRCE18CY STAFFIIC Off-stte tkprgency Orgentsatters l (Available within six (6) hours *)

Minimum Esermency Duties Reget to toesttem/poeees Roergency Position thsaber Poettinnlitte or Estertise Enviramental Aasessment 1 Envirorurental Ansegement Supervisor Responeithle fer the Radiological TACC/FSD or Fngineer Envirormental Monttnring Program.

Coordinator Once th e EACC is activated, asetenes control of of f site radiological mantter inn and environmental a nseser ent frne the Radiological Assessownt Contdinator. Comusunicates with emitoring teama via radin and with tiee Assistant EAC et the Ifear Site E'0F and the Radiological Assess-ment C-oordinator.

Environmental Assessment Engineer Provid e9 the Baergency :;ucport Director F0F/EAC Assistant Envirormental 1 update s en radiation releases, dose Assessment Coordinator assesetment activities and estimates.

Faergency Preparedness Department Provieles ESD with logistical infor- EOF /ESD F;sergency Planning 1 natinn relating to onsite, of f site Representative Engineer and state emergency f actitties, com-munications, personnel and resources evallaht11ttes and procedure require-ments.

2 Environmental Assessment Activate the EACC, establish casusunt- EACC/EAC Environmental Assessment cationa, meintain records, and provide Croup Scientint radtalogical and enviroessental assese-

. ment support as directed.

Stte Security Pereonne1 AseIwt the Croup 1.eeder Security Sup- Ator/Crous 14ader Seewrity Security Support Staff --

port in performing his duties. Support Administration Department Assist the croup Inader Administrative AEOF/ Croup Imador Adelaistre-Administrative Support 2 Support in performing his duties. tive Support Staff Pane 10 or in January 1981 Revisiou O

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  • EWitCGICT STAFFTIIC off-site ramergency organisatten

( Avellahle within eiz (6) heure's Minimum Emeraency Poettien temeber Position Tltie er Empertise aneraency Duties neycre to tacettem/Perose Site Dogimetry Personnel Assist the Persennel Monitoring AEOF/ Croup taeder Peroommet Fernonnel Monitoring 2 Staff Coordteister in performing his duttee. Monitoring Site Chemintry Personnel Asetet the Group Leader Chemistry EOF /Crnup teeder Chemistry Chemistry Support Staf f 1 Support. In performing his dut tee. Support Site Maintenance Pergannel Aestet the Croup 1.ead*r Mstetenance AEOF/ Croup 14eder Metateneure Maintenance Support Staff 2 Suppor t Suppor t in performing his 4 tties.

Abbreviations Usede ESD-Emergency Support Director EOF-Beergency Operations Facility AEOF-Alternate Beersency Operatione Facility PTF-Parsippany Technical Functione EACC-Envitonnental Asseeament Comunend Center EAC-Environments! Assessment Coordinator Pase 11 of !!

January 1981 Revision 0 Lys a


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