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Rev 1 to Pages 3 & 30 of TMI-1 USI A-46 Seismic Evaluation Rept
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/1995
Shared Package
ML20098B125 List:
TASK-A-46, TASK-OR 42105-R-002, 42105-R-002-R01, 42105-R-2, 42105-R-2-R1, NUDOCS 9510020236
Download: ML20098B129 (2)



i 42105-R-002 Revision 1 Sept.19,1995 Page 3 of 84 i

TABLE OF REVISIONS Revision Descriotion of Revision Date Acoroved 0

Original issue May 11,1995 1

Revised last paragraph Sept.19,1995 of Section 2.2.3 Part 1, per GPUN Letter No.

C311-95-2361 l

9510020236 950927 PDR ADOCK 0500o289 P



a. * '

Revision 1 Sept.19,1995 Page 30 of 84 i-MU-P-1B is normally operating to provide make-up and seal injection. The i

make-up pump (s) will initially take suction from the make-up tank. Suction will be switched to the borated water storage tank for additional water I

inventory as the make-up tank inventory is depleted. If make-up pump MU-P-l 1C is the only pump available, make-up without relying on local operator actions is from the borated water storage tank.

In addition to providing inventory control, the make-up system supplies water for seal injection, the preferred method of protecting reactor coolant pump (RCP) seals. If seal injection is not available from the make-up system, another acceptable method of maintaining seal integrity is by providing pump thermal barrier cooling from the intermediate cooling system which is l

identified as a supporting system needed to achieve the safe shutdown i

functions. Seal injection or thermal barrier cooling is required when RCS temperature is > 190 F, whether or not the RCPs are running, to prevent excessive leakage of reactor coolant from the seals.

The make-up pumps require a minimum recirculation flow to protect the pumps from overheating. The required minimum flow is normally provided by the motor operated recirculation valves MU V-36 and MU-V-37. These valves must be open when make-up pumps are operating. Flow from make-up pump MU-P-1C is not normally directed through seal injection of the normal make-up

path, Recirculation flow is returned to the make-up tank. For the case where the d

BWST is used as a water source, the make-up tank will eventually fill from the recirculation flow. Sufficient time is available to prevent overfilling by l

manually returning pump suction to the make-up tank.

i l

2. Letdown for Inventory control The letdown capability will greatly simplify reactor inventory control. Manual j

control of enough components is possible to achieve and control letdown flow.

1 Sufficient time is available to line up the necessary components. The letdown d
