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Response to Licensee Third Set of Interrogatories & Third Request for Production Re Dieckamp Mailgram Issue.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/01/1984
From: Bernabei L, Doroshow J
Shared Package
ML20098G446 List:
SP, NUDOCS 8410050008
Download: ML20098G450 (8)


1 o


'84 00T -4 A!o :38 Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board g y q, _

! Of.MT vff irl.-@

l'.'. L'H In the Matter of )



) (Restart-Management Phase)

(Three Mile Island Nuclear )

Station, Unit 1) )



  • 04 ,

i In further supplementation to Three Mile Island Alert's


response to Interrogatory No. 1 of Licensee's Second Set of Interrogatories:

TMIA currently intends to call as a witness in this proceeding David H. Gamble, P.O. Box 9290, Alexandria, VA.,

22304-9998. Mr. Gamble was the criminal investigator from the NRC's Office of Inspector and Auditor who participated in the NRC investigation conducted in 1980 into licensee's alleged reporting failures. This investigation led to the issuance of NUREG-0760.

Mr. Gamble will testify as to the areas which the NRC investigation and report failed to address. Some of his criticisms of the investigation and the manner in which the investigation was conducted are listed in a memorandum he wrote to Norman C. Moseley, on January 26, 1981. See Gamble Memoran-8410050008 841001 PDR ADOCK 05000289 O PDR

l dum attached heretolas Exhibit 1.

The grounds for Mr. Gamble's opinions and the facts to which he is expected to testify are largely contained in the materials he reviewed in the preparation of the report, including the interviews conducted in the course of that


investigation, many of which he attended or in which he parti-cipated. It is also expected that Mr. Gamble will review Licensee's responses to TMIA's discovery requests and deposi-tions.

Interrogatory No. 20 See TMIA's Supplemental Response to Licensee's Second Set of Interrogatories and'Second Request for Production, specific-ally TMIA's response to Interrogatory No. 2.

TMIA has within its possession and control no other documents other than those listed in that response, those .

listed in Interrogatory No. 20, and the Gamble Memorandum, attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

Respectfully submitted,

\ 6 .t u _a WD\ aim . ' - l


Joanne Doroshow The Christic Institute 1324 North Capitol Washington, D.C. 20002 (202) 797-8106

[ fjM Lynne Bernabei o s ud -

Government Accountability Project A555' Connecticut Ave. N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 232-8550 DATED: October 1, 1984 Attorneys for Three Mile Island Alert


. 1

, . Exhibit 1 i i.


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January 26, 1931


ti .l SCK32fC051 FC2: f:crcan C.16coley. Director 4

Division of Progrc:3 Davolc;;: ant and A;;raical, 4

..W' f' ll fD
  • E. ' ' FC34: - David-H. Cc:510. Invecticator ,1'M /l/
.. ,P ,

Offico of Incpoctor and Auditor WA



,. . - 2 Att=h:d cro ty c==ents en tha subject draft IE rc;crt which you trcs#*W t to tha C =iccica un J::::ary 17,1C31. Cec ::o c;y participatien in t?.o 9 in cstlCatica w;s limited to potcaticily cricinal cc;;:ts, this c=rcris d=c not c nstituto, r. r c3 I prc;cred to giva, a therc::gh criticca of tiu inv= tic tiva effort. Th:co co ~ nts cro liritad to thoca catters which c2 Vices to ca fec:a a rc ding of thic draft in the chart c:=nt of tica '"

I;= tra cv;ilcSlo to DIA; I li::vo cfdtc=:d cattars c:::h cc tha cicrc= t c tier.c 1:cing c:nciC: red or the c;nnar !n w:lich tha investiga*4~

3 w:S cc;C :tcd. I c: picviding thoco c =:nts to you ' n this fora baccusa (l .

whta I litC:llichtCd cov rcl to ycu on Jcaucry 21. you ms;;;::ad that tne cc=;;tc c ro C:t stS::t:ntfc1 ccd thorofore .yca had v 9r.t:ntica o' ic=rp;rcting thc:a year rc; ort. .

i I


Attc:! :nt:- As etcted E cc t;/ctt: J. Cc::icts, CIA

.. Q. Fortens. DIA l .W. C:0, CC l'

l' R. lbofling ELD i

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1. Pp 2. '9R end 99 and the cover sheet must be revised to accurately rofic t the catent of DIA's participation (i.e., as outlinod in the Choirc:On's ttarch 21, IS30. m:narcndum which diracted the investigatder-

-I.undarstand feca you that those chargos will be node.

2. T!.re::thcut the report are conclusions which ! do not feel are cds;;ctoly sucported by the report. While thc opposito conclusice culd not ha justiffod eithor, the report confocos cpinions witt cen:1ccicas - t=plicit in tho 10tter is that they have a foetual t:cis. For c::cnplo, at tha cad of the first por:grcph on pago 1!-

1 Scu "ec :ledo" that none of the ecnflicts c:::ainod cre the resu'-

1 of lying; h::cror, it is just as reacc:::ble baccd up:n tita fo:tc prcc:cted in pur recort to ccac1cdo that they cro the msalt o-lying. - -

3. P. _1 cara, 3, sentence 3, attc= pts to doffne the invostigation's -

sec;o, but has t:0 prebicas:

.; a. The stat::ent presuppocos that infomatica did not cdorustel-o f1cu. This way of phrasino it is not opprcpriato for en intrede:tica unlocs pu h d reached this concidsien hafore the trvostigatica cs ini.tiated.

6 Tho tent:r.:o in:1cdos the flew of inforcatica to th3 state Govctri:nt within the invcctigaticn's ccepo. Ry cr.dorst::: ding of the c:cpo tas that it tas not to in:ledo THI's relaticashir with the stato. k::ng tha c:ct=ncas that lod na to this .

utdorct:nding caro per dirc:tiens to thoto of us participatino in the intervices of stato officials to carofully rostrict out cuc0tiening to prcv:nt providing thoto stato cfficials with a fcrca ts cir th31r difficultics in cbtaining infor:.atice fren TPI. Fy end:>rct:nding of tha c:tual purpoco of thace interviem,

- u s to C
t:::r.ico thother TRI provid:d tha stato with infomatfor l

th:2 cc not previded to CC (thich culd indicata that THI

l. c y h=o withn:1d tha infoir.atica frca CC). R = cror, tha l rc;0rt c:rtrc/s the limited in:uiry in this crea ~ar
scticfying a grcater tec;3. Thore cro othat c urcos tditch w l did not ottcat to c ploro (e.g., ua cband=od tha idea of int
rvicaing tho Licuten:nt Governor b :=:o his sch:dulo c:ald not c11cu cn intarvicu th n e2 cat:d it; wa did not

! trc:k d:: n tdioth0r cny ntnutos cro tekoa of Ti!!'s triofing os tha Licutoncnt Ocvaraor). It c;=3 str:::;3 to n:a take actiet boccd upon this restricted phaco of the invo tigation.

l 6

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'4. - P. 2. para. 3.. sentence 2. refers to SIG depositions. ' lot all o' SIJ's intervicus more depositions.

5. - P. 3.. the contence WMch began on the revious page refers to a j Congressional sub:c:'ciittoe, tut it dcas not indicate which corriittee  ;

or tAich house of Congress the sobecruittee is from. .

O. P. 3. p:ra 1. scatence 2. said "... all intarviews ware conducted under c:th uith a ccurt reporter providing a verbation transcript 1.' hat chut the intervicus (informal proscrconinn.or whatever .vot cc11 thca) of individuals cuch as Eidon Brunner which am not ref1ceted cr.ywhcru in tho , report?

i P.12. pra. 3. - The Regional Dirc: tor cust havo told the IE

.Dirc:tcr cro th:n the bare fcet that the Regicnol Fr.ortancy C ;t:r h:d b:n cetivatcdt Con pu cro reportino an investicat*- .

of infc:::tica f1cu. this sccas to t:arrcnt a little more dotar hero, ccc:: Tally b :cuse if the Rcgicnal Dirc: tor provided thh infc:::tica to (*::d:scrters at 8:03 a.n., !E sculd hard1v to 6

, p: ttica to cito liil for rat providing the inforr.ation.

8. C_.~ct G2 chta is cplicable to the conclutions at or

( 19-20. In cdditica: .

n. Cca:1caicts 60 and $5 relate to the Stato/11!! relationshir -

cco c a ht 63.b. cbovo-1' t Cca:Icsica 07 cpecks oil f.7Cfs fiaving en ineffectivo sveten re ~~

info ficu. It is interacting to ec:::are this to tha ii11LTar cc lt:icas to l'at-E<h ec =le:ica #2 says Mat-Ed cico had ar.

it:ffcetivo syst '1: Finavor ec :lecica #3 goes furthar by c*ytt.0 that porter.nolscentributed to tha inferr.ation fica crc'alc=s. I; s b::k to ec :1cci:n G7: tha report conclude th t II.*,'c nect<~1 tas o prchica, bt it is silcat en t;hathar I;i.: r 7.r:?iTciitribt d to tho info fica pr:b1cns. Tiils s c1Tc.a w :. rengo in licht of pur c:prosted intenticas to l rc ;;:0 o rcvica of c:ticas by LOC parccanal as soon as thic l- ,

rt is icceed.

I I da n:t rc:011 tbt Ibrchall tcc intarvict:ad, yat ha cppears to L


( f) "

ficuro to ca tho 6:ulcd;a cf tha E%37 being c; n (c a p. 36, par

2. t/:ich ctat:s that flicgins rceoived his info on this arcs fece Itrebil).

! 10 P. 44, p ra 1. tente= 0 3. stat:0 "This ccajo:turo, tAon ecsbined j wiQ cit:r-infen.atica. sugeactd that tha coro may have baan

' un
c::r:1." Etc cent:::o is cat cic:r: Are y:u statino that the i cerf::tica did, in Ocet. SupCost to cc=:::a (w;itn?) that tha core l


{. r:y I. o L::n t=cvorcd? or cro y:u statinn %3t in retrenect "

ce t:C; acted?

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11. D. a7 para 1 lists "the tactinony of Chuastyk and Ptahlor" as the third ecoct partinent to a discussion of the 28 psio containmnt spiko. As you subsc::uont analysis indicatos, there are others uhsco tactkony is cicarly portinont to this issue; thorofore, to only cito Chastyk's cnd Hahlor's testimony in this intreduction may unduly norec;s the recdorc' focus hofore they reach the subcoquent efic:ussion.

It P. CS para. 2, SGntonCo I, Statos that the reactor building proccuro roco to 28 psig. Isn't it nore corroct to say that the pecccaro rc:cedor indicated 28 psig? That is to say 1sn't it

. pecciblo that the c:plosion generatod greator than 2e osio for er inst:Gt (I utforst:nd that. thoro is sc:a c:all time lao tatu?on cet:01 prcccuro c.d -

tho indication ca the rceorder ? c:uld puoss l that cven a fec:tica of a so: cad's delay could naan that tha cctuai prcccuro during cn cuolosion may have hear sc=owhat higher than the 1Gdicatcd prcccuro). .

13. P. 48, scra. 2. ccaten:o 5 cold that caly two Mat-Ed cmploycet (Ch.cct;k cad H:blor) attr1 Lated the proccura caika, ote., to c;ything cth:r then electricci fcults cr instrenant r:alfunctient This ccatcaco fails to take Iljas' ce== ants into ceccunt (coa po

( la G1-G2).

P. 49. p:ra. 2 cwritos f$culodgo of hydre;an and points cut Ch.cctyu's cad:! chlor's difforc:it rc:011c:ticas. This discussion l fclis chcrt of Laing ccaploto by failing to rcatica othars who  ;

rc=11 bydec;:n dic:c:sicn ca the day of the c:cidont (i.e., Iljas i

, cndPlealoo).

15 P. 51, c:ra 1. Scatc$co 2. Ycu cr:niced en allocati diccussion not <

c c tcihto dic:c: sten (IF did not indepcadonily exploro tha cassibib I t!.a m. u ce:co caly b::ce:o ch:wastyk cnd Fahlor have allogad that tech a dic c ctca t=k plceo). In cddition, tha alleged disecssier cc not just "in the procca:o of cn I:2C inspector" 't was eithar uith cr in the prec=:o of ca I: C incp : tor."

16 P. 51, p0ra 1 ccatccco 5. statos that caly Chuastyk cr.d Rahlor cc:a p!cced cn (;;C fccp=ter in tha centrol rc:=i. I balieve other:


.cico caid this (o.g., Zcua. bec. Higgins, ccd icoly).

, j P. 52, para 2. c=ter.:o 2. st: toc that I: coly's dicetesien uitn 4 Fchlor uas in T. ril. In to tubec:;; cat 6torvicus by OIA. f* aly c id this dic:EEn cc c=0tka aftcr iby 15. 1979 (OIA roport e I-O cnd 17). Tiits cco ccatc::o doc:ribed Fehler as "o Ibt Ed cnpityco." 1 tis is r'ic1 ceding. It is 6;;rtsat that Rahlor's nan:

La t:cd li:ro L:::::o ho is cao of tha lbt-Ed c=ployoos allocing ti.:t cn f;;C it:;= t:r c c inferc:d of the cpiko - if Ithlor had l


f. falt I: Oly cro tha incc=ter, it culd have b:en highly unliko13 '

s tk t Ithlor culd have ccaffd:d this infomation in Nooly (see O! A rt;;rt D. 9 para 1, last santonce).

. . .. - l

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. 4-18 P. 52, cara. 2, sentonce 3. says that Noely turned Mahler's allocatter "cror to the IE 1%vostigation tocM whose findf ncs ar* contained fr il NU2EA0GIM." This tentonco is also misloedino, f)!A's investigatio-fcund that, cpparently thrcugh a misunderst:nding, !! cddressed the inferection licoly crovided by interviewino !1,ies ant' nehody to date

y has interviced t*ohlor sec ifically rocardine the Womatfor he ll provided to fJeoly (0!A report pp. 20-21).

I-S 19. ' P. 53, para 1. cu:stos Higgins' description of why he roy have Mittcd tho " thud." H :avor, tha report states that this is Higginr orplcnation of thy ha ms not cuore of tha spiko on the pressure rc:crdor. 05vicusly tha quotation is not cparepriota to answar the q cstien peccd in tha report. This rokes Higgins appear to he non rc:p::sivo; h::avor, if you furnishod the ec~ploto cuotation, the rc:d r e:uld sca that I!iggins es respcadic; to e cuestica obsu' his taculccca of either the spike or tha thud - his cascar as cc=rcatly r.ot intendcd to t.ddrocs'iiin Lnculadga of the spiko. Yet sh: 1d c:o a c: tation h ro in which Higgins diro:tly cridrosses hi! ,

tcculedra of tha cpiho itto1# (sco. e.g.. the 0!A rcport of D.12 .

. p;ra. 2 cnd p. - 13, para.1).

20 P. ca, para 1, scatenco 3, c:nticas a Hiller /parshal' disecssior rcgording the tbo - cs Ibrchall intervio=ad? ,


P. 67, p:ra 1, descrihos CIA's intarviews of plcalee and soo11ngar TMs p:rc:;rcph has thrca prcS1cas:

e The first scaten:o ccyd O!A interviczad tomral inspactor? whc ecat to 19! cn tha day of tho c::ident. Tua irc:t of the c tter is th:t DIA intervic d all of the inspa:ters who were et lE! hy 1:50 (the tina of tho hydregan e2plcsfen).

i T!:a sc: cad scaten:o said P1calco "orproccod sovi 11 centoms" ctrica the intervicus. It is intorosting that Pit 4100 is tha caly intcrvic Co thoco rocc::cos cro charactorized as on;ressice-of cc :cens - rather thca rc:011ceticas. Chilo ! rc:cgnize th t tha rc; ort ulticatoly disaiscos Ple:alco's st:t: . cats, 2 c:ald :ccost that the narrative acccant of his stater. ants be c:Oro cMcctivo.

c. . Tha re; Ort caly cttributos Pltaloa's statc: nts to Ms O!A 1 int:rvic:ing cn 00::nScr 2 cnd 3, ic20. H:::avor, chaa IE l intcrviccd P1calca ca Ity 33,1979, for I;C.ZG-0:00, Picalco I cico st:ted that ha learned "that tha c:atain.:nt taildinn*ar tha hydrcg:n prosont in tha,ateccphore in a signiff:ent q::ntity"(Tr.5). Fuathare:sro, P1talea ro;;;ated cnd 01charatec c; a his stacc .:nts uson IE outensively rointerviewd hia in Jc ::ry 1C31. C acis,tcat statanonts at various caints of time l (c:;:: Tally th::a clocar to the ovent? cdd to the credibility


i of cn intervic 30.

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22. D. 62, pan a. 2. " concern" #1 cddressos knowledga of hydregon by FGgien I Horsennel, lh15 fails to state the frportant fact tha' this knc:hooga was reportodly held by Peginn ! manocement.

?3. P. 63, para. 2, lists tuo sourcos for Plualoo's hollef that rooiona?

perscanoi hcd knowledga of hydrogen. The first is uhat ha boliovor' his brca:h cbfof said regarding hydregon (this would c5vious indican knew 1cdca by ecgional porscanol). The sacer.d is Plenloo's can cnalysis; hazavor. It does not necessarily follow that Picalce eauld have ccacluded that regional personnel knew of hydregon basc up:n his en cbility to cnolyzo the situation. A third facter which is not dat: rib d in the rcpart is the correteratica Plc:tice rc; rtedly rc:cived frca Ecolingar regarding the hydregon scnolos ocely on the day of the cecident Scolingor's ccnversatica undoub+ef-reinferecd Picalco's belief that his branch chier h d c:tualis centicacd hydregon during the briefing.

'/' P. 05, scat ::co 3 states, "Plenico was also cortain that, tAca hc told Callina of his ccavorsatica utth Scolingar, Gallina told hir th:t thoro eas circ dy g:ncral.spcculation that tha Mdecera brr hcd c: curred" (c:;hasis cdded). ! bring OIA's interviws t'oTA rc;;rt, P. 27, p ra 3 4), Pita)or sak' the crassure raike (no 5 by:ir:gon brn) was knc:;n. *

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