ML20090B256 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Surry |
Issue date: | 06/05/1984 |
From: | Michael Jones SURRY COUNTY, VA |
Shared Package | |
ML20090B255 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8407120403 | |
Download: ML20090B256 (8) | |
.' N fpeJi/
furry County 4h, t*tiitt AryJirginia assa M. SHERLOCK HOLMES j
(gg[l .
June 5, 1984 chairman. soard or supervisors EDWARD W. JOHNS
, ' ' Vice-Chairman JOHN R. CURTIS ObCS RAY D. PEACE WALTER N. HARDY Mhe Countrie it selfe,I must conf;sse is a very pleasant land' MARY E. JONES Planning 0, rector rich in commodities; cad fertile o le . . . ' (804 294 3172) c tsos Mr. R.E. Cunningham Office Muclear Material Safety and Safe Guards ATTENTION: MR. LELAND C. ROUSE, CHIEF Advance Fuel and Spent Fuel Licensing Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Dear Mr. Cunningham:
The Virginia Electric and Power Company has applied for a Conditional Use Permit at the Surry County Nuclear Power Plant for Dry Cask Storage. .As apart of the local review process, the Surry County Planning Commission has scheduled a Public Hearing on Monday, June 25, 1984, 8 p.m. at the Surry County Courthouse, Surry, Virginia to consider this application.
The Surry County Planning Commission requests that Mr.
John Roberts, Project Manager, be present at this public hearing. The Commission is very interested in any comments or concerns that have been raised by your agency during your review of Vepco's application.
The June 25th meeting is the first of two public hearings that will be held by Surry County. Another hearing will be scheduled at s later date. Mr. Roberts' attendance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your assistance.
l Yours truly,
'Miss AE E.L f1 Mary 8407120403 840703 ones PDR ADOCK 05000280 Planning Director Y PDR
[ o; l
Members of the Planning Commission, in response to your courteous invitation to appear at this hearing, we have prepared a brief statement covering NRC's consideration of the Virginia Electric and Power Company's (VEPCO's) application to store spent fuel under Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 72. In addition to safety and environmental aspects of our license review, safeguards and inspection and enforcement aspects of the operation of a storage installation are mentioned also. Your invitation requested the presence of John Roberts, Project Manager, for the license review. However, since it was clear from the telephone discussion earlier this month between George Johnson of our Executive Legal Director's Office and Mary Jones, Planning Director of Surry County Planning Commission, regarding this hearing that your interests cover both the licensing review and potential post-licensing operation of a storage installation, other members of our NRC staff are here to answer any questions that you may have.
On December 9,1982, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a public notice in the Federal R?gister concerning an application from VEPC0 (see attachment) for dry cask storage at its Surry Power Station site for Units 1 and 2.
Subsequently, NRC staff have been carrying out safety, environmental, and safeguards reviews of the VEPC0 application. Questions have been sent to VEPC0 and are available for public examination, as is VEPCO's application, at the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, NW., Washington, DC, and at the Local Public Document Room at the Swem Library College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. When NRC staff have completed their licensing review, a Safety Evaluation Report and an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared and be made publically available. At this l time, however, safety, environmental, and safcguards reviews are not completed.
l Therefore, the NRC staff cannot make a conclusive statement regarding the continuing license review.
Nonetheless, we would like to take advantage of this opportunity to briefly explain what we are doing in our various areas of review and to answer, es 1
best we can, any questions the Planning Commission may have. You have already seen in VEPCO's presentation a description of the proposed installation.
In the case of the VEPC0 application for dry cask storage, tre Safety Analysis Report submitted will incorporate by reference a Topical Safety Analysis Report for a specific dry cask design. Since the cask is the major component of the storage installation, emphasis is placed on its ability to meet Part 72 requirements which cover both normal and accident conditions. The environmental ,
review is concerned with potential environmental impacts of the construction and operation of the storage installation and is covered by NRC's regulation 10 CFR Part 51. Dry cask storage is basically a passive activity, even more so than water pool storage. For the proposed installation, the cask would be loaded with spent fuel at the reactor pool area, hermetically sealed with an inert at.nosphere, transferred to the installation area and then emplaced on a concrete pad. Under Part 72 requirements, the cask must be designed to with-stand potential handling accidents during transfer and emplacement. Once the cask is emplaced, its design must be such that spent fuel can remain stored without significant degradation or radioactive material release in the sealed cask for up to 20 years. Additionally, the casks must be able to withstand credible accident conditions arising from either natural phenomena, such as earthquake and tornado, or from fire and explosion. Accordingly, our safety review considers the cask structure, thermal analysis and criticality design to assure i.s integrity. Potential advantages of the dry cask design are that it is a passive design without moving parts; that, it is modular such that a problem with any one cask tioes not necessarily involve the entire installation and its fuel; that it produces essentially no low-level waste during storage, that occupational exposure can be kept very low since there is little occasion to approach the casks. At the end of' our safety review, NRC staff will issue a Safety Evaluation Report stating our conclusions with respect to the safety of the proposed installation. Similarly, we will issue either an Environmental Assessment (EA) or Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) covering potential environmental impacts of the proposed installation. If our evaluation reveals that VEPCO's proposal will not result in any significant environmental impacts, an EA and a Finding of No Significant Impact are likely to be issued. In the event the staff concludes that significant environmental impacts would result, a DEIS would be issued for public comment.
~. .
With respect to physical safeguards for the independent spent fuel storage installation proposed to be located at the VEPCO Power Station in Surry County, Virginia, the primary safeguards concern for this type of facility is to provide measures which will protect against radiological sabotage (a deliberate act against the facility which could directly endanger the public health and safety by exposure to radiation). The secondary concern is to provide assurance against the unauthorized removal (or theft) of the stored materials.
The requirements of functional design and safety features of the storage casks (such as the size, weight and construction) afford a high measure of protection against malevolent acts. These qualities are taken under consideration in determining the appropriate physical protection measures which are required to cope with the above mentioned concerns.
VEPC0 has submitted, as a part of its license application for the Surry ISFSI, a physical protection plan, which is currently under review by the NRC's Division of Safeguards licensing staff. As a result of a preliminary review and a visit to the facility by an NRC Safeguards representative, certain changes to the plan have been requested. We expect to receive VEPCO's response to our request in the next few weeks.
For the final safeguards (physical protection) plan to be approved, as a condition of the license, the NRC staff will have to be satisfied that VEPC0 can provide all of the safeguards measures which are necessary to assure
' adequate protection of the facility, in the interest of public health and safety.
It is our understanding that the Planning Commission is interested in NRC inspection of VEPCO, assuming that its license application is approved by NRC. Given this circumstance, VEPCO's activities related to dry storage of spent reactor fuel at the Surry plant will be inspected by the Office of Inspection and Enforcement's Safeguards and Materials Programs Branch at NRC Headquarters. The Branch will acquire any technical assistance it needs from 3
1 j
I 1
NRC's Regional Offices, the NRC's resident inspector at Surry and expert contractors. Inspection requirements are based on NRC regulations and license conditions that VEPC0 will have to meet. Activities will include: .
- Confirmatory inspections of storage casks and other equipment that VEPCO acquires from vendors,
- inspection of construction of on-site facilities,
- operational inspections of transfer of spent fuel between the reactor pool, the cask structure and the storage site, and
- routine inspections of the active storage facility and of VEPCO's environmental monitoring programs.
This concludes our remarks. We wish to thank the Planning Commission for this ,
opportunity to speak. If the Commission has any questions, either my fellow NRC staff members or I will be happy to answer them.
i 4
Federal Register / Vcl. 47. No. 237 / Thursdry. D cember 971982 / Notices 55441 l
1 i
- Rancho Sees Nuclearr :anaratingr i' .- subject matter of the proceeding as to Nonthnely 811 ass of petitions for leae Station (the Fadlity), located in which petitioner wishes to intervene. to intervene, amended petitions.
l SecremeefeCoasty. California, e " Any person who has filed a petition for supplemental tions and/or requests i in senordonnewith the licensee's - leave to intervene or who has been for hearing ' not be entertained i > applicottom for====A==* dated ' " - admitted as a party may amend the absent a determination by the-
- L - S fa,1 set the amana===F petition without requesting leave of the Commission, the presiding officer or the would permit the ==p===laa of the . Board up to fifteen (15] days prior to the Atomic Safety and ucensing Beard facility's_ spent feel storage cepedty. first prehearing conference scheduled in designated to rule on the petities and/or
. His +-g-t would be accomplished -
the proceeding, but such an amended request. that the petitioner has made a by repladng the existing spent fuel petition must satisfy the spedilcity substantial showing of good cause for
. storage rocks consisting of 579 storage requirements described above.. the granting of a late petition and/or 1 locations, including three failed fbel Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to request.That determination wiB be container locations, with new high the first prehearing conference beami apon a balancing of the factors
- density poisoned storage rocks scheduled in the proceedin;. a petitioner specified in 10 CFR 2.n4(a)(1XI)-(v) and consisting of 1000 storage locations, shall file a supplement to the petition to 2.714(d).
- including four failed fuel container intervene which must include a list of - For fwther details with respect to this locations. the contentions which are sought to be action,see the application for Prior to issuance of the proposed litigated in the matter, and the bases for amendment dated September 2EL 1982, liciense ama=Anant, the Commissbn each contention set forth with which is available for public inspectica
' will have made the findings required by reasonable specificity. Contentions shall at the' Commission's Public Document the Atomic Energy Act of1954, as be limited to matters within the scope of Room. in7 H Street. N.W., Washington, amenried (the Act). and th* the amendment under consideration. A D.C., and at the Business and Monicipal Commission's regulations. petitioner who fails to file such a Deparanent. Sacramutc City-Comty By January 10,1983, the licensee asy supplement which satisfies these Ubrary,828 I StrW. Sacramento, file a request for a hearing with respect requirements with respect to at least one California.
to issuance of the amendment to the contention will not be permitted to subject facili opersting license and participate at a party. Deted at Beibeeds. Maryland, this tot day any person w interest may be bee pernitted to intervene become of December test.
affected by this proceeding and who parties to the proceeding, subject to any For the Nuclear Regulatory '%=h
, wishes to participate as a party in the limitations in the order granting leave to joks F. Stein. -
proceeding must file a written petition intervene, and have the opportunity to chief opereristy Jtsoetors BrancA of for leave to intervene. Reqoests for a participate fully in the conduct of the Dinsicco/Leensig.
hearing and petitions for leave to hearing, including the opportunity to gys am e. asses re naam nes ent intervene shall be filed in accordance present evidence and cross. examine smaans asas with the Commission's " Rules of witnesses.
Practice for Domestic Licensing A request for a hearing or a petition Proceedings ** in to CFR Part 2. If a for leave to intervene shall be filed with [peenet see.73-al request for a hearing or petition for the Secreta.y of the Commission. United leave to irtervene is filed by the above States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Virginie bactric & Power Co.;
date, the Commission o. en Atomic Washington. D.C. 20555. Attention: Consisteration of a Materiais Ucense Safety and ucensing Board, designated Docketing and Service Branch. er may for the Storage of Spent Fuel b the Commission or by the Chairman be delivered to the Comrdma's Public ofthe Atomic Safety and ucensing The Nuclear Regulatory Connaission
- Document Room 1717 ;f Strwet. N.W.,
Board Panel will rule on the request Washington. D.C by the above date. (the Commission)is considering an and/or petition and the Secretary or the Where petitions are filed during tl e last application dated October 8.1982 for a I
materials license, under the provisions designated Atomic Safety and 1.icensing ten (10) days of the notice period, it is ,
art 72. fm rgini c Board willissue a notice of hearios or requested that the petitioner or an appropriate order. representative for the petitioner (1o g pg g_pany pp, As required by 10 CFR 2.714. a prmnpfly so inform the Commission by a possess spent fuel and other radioactive petition for leave to intervene shall set toll. free telephone call to Westem materials associated with spent fuel forth with particularity the interest of storage in an independent spent fuel Union at (800) 325-6000 (In Missouri storage instal!ation (ISFSI) located in the petitioner in the proceeding, and (800) M2-4700). The Western Uruon how that interest may be affected by the operator should be given Datagram Surry County, Virginia. lf granted, the results of the proceeding.The petition Identification Number 3737 and the license will authorize the applicant to she aid specifics 11y explain the reasons following message addressed to John F. store spent fuelin a dry storage cask why intervention should be permitted Stola:(petitioner's name and telephone system at the applicant's Surry Power
- with particular reference to the number)
- (date petition was mailed); Station site for Units 1 and 2 (Operating i following factors:(1) The nature of the (Rancho Seco): and (publication date Ucenses DPR-32 and 37). Pursuant to
! petitioner's right under the Act to be and page number of this Federal the provisions of to CFR Part 72, the l made a party to the proceeding: (2) the Register Notice). A copy of the petition term of the license for the ISFSI would I nature and extent of the petitioner's should also be sent to the Executive be twenty (20) years.
property, financial. or other interest in tagal Director. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Prior to a decision on the requested the proceeding: and (3) the possible Commission. Washington. D.C. 20555 license, the Commission will have made effect of any order which may be and to David S. Kaplan. Sacramento the findings required by the Atomic 1 entered in the proceeding on the Municipal Utility. Distnct 6201 S Street. Energy Act of1954, as amended (the l petitioner's interest. b petition should P.O. Box 15830. Sacramento. California. Act), and the Comunission's rules and also identify the specific aspect (s) cf the attorney for the licensee. regulations.'the issuance of the 1 *
'55M2 ' Feder .1 Regist r / V'ol. 47. No. 237 / ~Bursday. December 9,1982 / Notices mat: rials license will not be approved January 10.1983. A copy of the petition ( Noa. 80438 OLA-1.5N339 OI.A-11 =
un%I the Commission has reviewed the and/or mquest for a hearing should be =
Virginia 5ectric & Power Co. (North --
proposal and has concluded that sent to the Executive Iagal Director.
cpproval of the hcense wiB not be U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Anna Power Station. Units 1 and 2); y Washington. D.C. 20555, and to M.W.
Hearing on laauence of Amendment to q inimical to the common defense and Facility Operating Uoenees security and would not constitute an Maupin. Esq., Hunton & Williams Post =
unre:sonable risk to the health and Office Box 1535, Richmond Virginia Decembe: 3.1982.
On September 22.1982, at 47 FR 41892
- saf:ty of the NhC will 23212. attorney for the applicant. ,-
complete an environmental evaluation Not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the Staff of the NucleuRegulatory _'
in cecordance with to CFR Part 51 to the first prehearing conference Commission pubtf ahed a notice which.
inter alia, stated that the Commission
- ) ;
dItermine if the preparation of an scheduled in the proceeding, the -;
cnvironrnental impact statement. or petitioner shall file a supplement to the had received an application from { a neg:cve declaration and environmental petition to Intervene which must include Virginia Electric and Power C4,mpany ]
for an amendment to the facility -
cppraisal is action will a list of contentions which are sought to '
be the subject of a notice in the Federal operating licenses to permit the receipt be litigated in the matter, and the bases and storage of 500 spent fuel assembhes -
Regater. for each contention set forth Mg from the Surry Power Station. Units 1 _
Pursuant to to CFR 2.105, by January reasonable specificity. A pebner who and 2.
1Q.1083, the applicant may file a request fails to file such a supplement which ne n tice provided that,by October fotsheanng: and any person whose satifies these requirements with respect 1 22.1982 any persoo whose interest int: rest may be affected by this to at least one contention will not be might be affected by the proceeding and proceeding may file a request for a g Permitted to participste as a party. who wished to partacipate as a party =
h in th i f titio f th respect to e
- * " .by the must file a petition for leave to intervene y 1a to inte en Commission or licensing board, in accordance with the Commission's cpproval or disapproval of issuance of designated by the Commission or by the " Rules of Practice" in 10 CFR Part 2. On 5 Chairman of the Atomic Safety and October 28.1982, an Atomic Safety and 4 coco 7d n t te ofto 1.icensing Board Pard. Petitions will be Licensing Board was established to rule w CFR 2.714. A petition for leave to
- considered to determine whether a on petitions for leave to intervene and/
intsrvene shall set forth with or requests for hearing and to preside l hearing should be noticed or another and how appropriate order issued regardmg the over the proceeding in the event that a 2 ti ri the pr e disposition of the petitions. In tha event hearing was ordered.Le Board's . -
that interest may be affected by the no request for a heanna or petition to Administratave judges are Dr.Jeny '
intervene is filed by the above date, the Kline. Dr. George A. Ferguson, and -
houl ec c y in the s Sheldon J. Wolfe, who will serve as Commission may, upon satisfactory y why intervention should be permitted completion of all evaluations, issue the Chairman of the Board.
cul f & matenals hcense without fureer prior Concemed Citizens ofIouisa County -
I fac s (1 the tu of the filed a petition for leave to intervene.
j b nonce uisa and in the event that a hearing is held and d a p rty to t p nature and extent of the petitioner's
- 2) the a person is permitted to intervene he/
{d -
o unsa d a petidon leave to property, financial, or other interest in she becomes a party to the proceeding the proceedms; and (3) the possible and has a nght to participate fully in the 5 cffxct of any order which may be conduct of the hearing. For example, bef. Memorandum and Order of November 22.1982, the Atomic Safety and -
sntered in the proceeding on the she may present evidence and examine #
Li-n= Board ruled inter alla that the I petitioner's interest.The petition should and cross-examine witnesses. twri pedoners for have to hene clso identify the specific aspect (s) of the subject matter of the proceedmg as td For further details with respect to this action, see the application dated had established standmg to intervene.
and provisionally ordered a hearing and
)i which petitioner wishes to intervene. October 8.1982, which is available for provisionally grantec. the petitions for 4 Any person who has filed a petition for public inspection at the Commission's leave to intervene. J lseve to intersene or who has been Public Document Room.1717 H Street. Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.751a the Board cdmitted as a party may amend a N.W., Washington. D.C. and at the local will conduct a special prehearing ]
petition, without prior approval of the public Document Room at the Swem conference at the following location at -
presidma officer at any time up to 15 Library College of William and Mary, 10-00 a.m. on February 16.1963:NRC d, days prior to the holdmg of the first Williamsburg. Virginia 23185.The Public Hearing Room. 5th Floor. East f N
preheanng conference, but such an Commission's hcense and Safety West Towers Building. 4350 East. West -
cmended petition must satisfy the Evaluation Report, when issued. may be Highway. Bethesda, Maryland 20014. [
specaficity requirements described inspected at the above locations. Counsel for the Applicant, the NRC \
cbove. A petition that sets forth Staff, and for the petitioners for leave to Dated at Saver Spring. Maryland, this 3rd interven'e are directed to appear.nis !
contentions relating only to matters doy of December 1982.-
outside the jurisdiction of the sp ial arig confennce 8 b b!d Commission will be denied. Such For the Nudear Reguletory Commission in order tm y petitions must be filed in accordance with this Federal Register notice and to Med C. Reese,
,,,,,c,,,,,,,,,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, g CFR 2.714 and must be filed with the Che*/Ermac'dhab%*"6"'I held to comede saheerus suisers on e -e- 7 Secretary of the Cn=rnission. U.S.* 1/ce"8in8 8""CA Ul"8/8" */I"*IO* I'*"# *** F"s""* 8'"'"* **d'" r canvaer. twre Anne hcasar power plant. Lla6ae : and sk Denket a
a MaterfolSofef7 Nuclear Regulatory Commission. %,m otS ,,a em m ,,g,,,.
W:shington. D.C. 20555. Attention: tre se eu 1 vsyco regonis se asnedemas a he oswenns ]
Docketma and Service Section by owmo coes rose.ew hoseen to parade orp-- of me fui peon j f
3 m