MONTHYEARML20247L8591998-05-19019 May 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses Effective Immediately Re Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier Sys ML20203A1701998-01-30030 January 1998 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 for Limerick Generating Station,Unit 1 ML20151L3671997-08-0505 August 1997 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities (Effective Immediately).Orders That SA Blacklock Prohibited from Engaging in Activities Licensed by NRC for 5 Yrs from Date of Order ML20151L5181997-08-0505 August 1997 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities (Effective Immediately) Re SL Nevin Deliberately Falsifying Records of RECW Sample Documentation on 960207 ML20203H6891997-06-0202 June 1997 Transcript of 970602 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa ML20083N3971995-04-26026 April 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed GL, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves ML20081B3811995-03-0101 March 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed Suppl 5 to GL 88-20, IPEEE for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities ML20080D8351994-12-22022 December 1994 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App J Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors Allowing Continuation of Plant Operation within 24 Month Cycle ML20078K1441994-11-0909 November 1994 Exemtion Granted from Requirements of 10CFR73.55(d)(5) Re Returning of Picture Badges Upon Exit from Protected Area Such That Individuals Authorized Unescorted Access Into Protected Area Can Take Badges Offsite ML20058K7381993-12-0303 December 1993 Memorandum & Order CLI-93-25.* Commission Denies State of Nj Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Adjudicatory Hearing Filed on 931008.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931203 ML20059B0301993-10-22022 October 1993 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions Posed W/Respect to State of New Jersey Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing.* Denies Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20059B1111993-10-20020 October 1993 Philadelphia Electric Co Response to NRC 931014 Order.* State Failed to Demonstrate Entitlement to Hearing to Challenge Util Amend to Permit Util to Receive Shoreham Fuel ML20059A4581993-10-14014 October 1993 Order Requesting Answers to Two Questions Re State of Nj Request for Immediate Action by NRC or Alternatively, Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing. Operations Plans for Marine Transportation Withheld ML20057G2141993-10-14014 October 1993 Order.* Requests for Simultaneous Responses,Not to Exceed 10 Pages to Be Filed by State,Peco & Lipa & Served on Other Specified Responders by 931020.NRC May File by 931022. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931014 ML20059B1291993-09-14014 September 1993 Affidavit of Jh Freeman.* Discusses Transfer of Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel from Shoreham Nuclear Power Station to Limerick Generating Station.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20045D8121993-06-14014 June 1993 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 54 Re FSAR Update Submittals ML20126F2721992-12-21021 December 1992 Comment Endorsing Positions & Comments of NUMARC & BWROG Re Draft GL, Augmented Inservice Insp Requirments for Mark I & Mark II Steel Containments,Refueling Cavities & Associated Drainage Sys ML20062C6561990-10-22022 October 1990 Affidavit Requesting Withholding of Summary Rept on Evaluation of Recirculation Nozzle to Safe End Weld Indication & Proposed Disposition to Permit Unit 1 Cycle 4 Operation, from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20006D3821990-02-0606 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Policy & Procedures for Enforcement Actions;Policy Statement.Util Uncertain as to Whether Changes Necessary ML20246J4521989-08-30030 August 1989 Memorandum & Order (Terminating Proceeding).* Terminates Proceeding Per Settlement Agreement Between Limerick Ecology Action,Inc & Licensee.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890831 ML20246F1011989-08-25025 August 1989 Joint Motion for Termination of Proceedings.* Board Moved to Accept Encl Settlement Agreement,Dismiss Limerick Ecology Action,Inc (Lea) Contention W/Prejudice,Dismiss Lea as Party to Proceeding & Terminate Proceeding ML20246F0121989-08-25025 August 1989 Memorandum & Order CLI-89-17.* Staff Authorizes Issuance of Full Power License to Licensee to Operate Unit 2 After Requisite Safety Findings Under 10CFR50.57 Completed. W/Certificate of Svc ML20246F1471989-08-25025 August 1989 Settlement Agreement.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20246E8351989-08-24024 August 1989 Second Supplemental Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission & Memorandum & Order of 890807.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20246E3431989-08-22022 August 1989 Opposition of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Motion by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Set Schedule for Discovery & Hearing.* Requests That Schedule Be Replaced W/More Reasonable Schedule,As Proposed.W/Certificate of Svc ML20246C0271989-08-18018 August 1989 Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employee.* Informs That D Nash Appointed as Commission Adjudicatory Employee to Advise Commission on Issues in Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890818 ML20246B7721989-08-17017 August 1989 Correction of Memorandum & Order of 890815.* Advises That Refs to 49CFR2.730(c) on Page 1 & 49CFR2.710 & 49CFR2.711 on Page 2 Should Be Corrected to Read as 10CFR2.730(c),2.710 & 2.711,respectively.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890818 ML20246D7411989-08-17017 August 1989 Transcript of 890817 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-58.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20246B7751989-08-16016 August 1989 Memorandum & Order.* Denies Rl Anthony 890623 Request for Hearing for Intervention in Remand Proceeding & for Stay of Low Power Authorization.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890816 ML20246B7571989-08-16016 August 1989 Order Responding to Limerick Ecology Action Motion for Reconsideration.* Denies Motion to Reconsider,Stay,Suspend or Revoke 890707 Order on Basis That Order Appropriate.W/ Certificate of Svc.Served on 890816.Re-served on 890818 ML20246B7931989-08-15015 August 1989 Memorandum & Order (Request for Expedited Answer).* Denies Licensee 890811 Request for Expedited Answer from NRC & Limerick Ecology Action on Basis That Request Lacks Good Cause.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890816 ML20245H8491989-08-14014 August 1989 Notice of Change of Address.* Advises of Council Change of Address for Svc of Documents ML20245H8061989-08-14014 August 1989 Supplemental Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action, Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission & to Memorandum & Order of 890807.* Requests Further Extension of Time in Which to Reply.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20245H5991989-08-11011 August 1989 Memorandum & Order (Terminating Proceeding).* Dismisses Graterford Inmates Contention Re Adequacy of Training for Drivers Responsible for Evacuating Graterford & Terminates Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 890814 ML20245H7341989-08-10010 August 1989 Motion by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Set Schedule for Discovery & Hearing & Request for Expedited Answer to This Motion.* Divergence in Positions of Respective Parties Emphasizes Need to Conclude Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7161989-08-0909 August 1989 Reply by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission Dtd 890726.* Environ Benefits for Operating Unit 2 Outweigh Small Risk of Severe Accident ML20245F7511989-08-0909 August 1989 Reply by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Commission Should Rely on Licensee Cost Analysis in Response to Question 5 & Rc Williams Affidavit.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7341989-08-0909 August 1989 NRC Staff Response to Commission Memorandum & Order of 890807.* Advises That NRC Will Provide Comments on Limerick Ecology Action 890814 Filing Prior to Commission Meeting Scheduled for 890817.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7291989-08-0808 August 1989 Affidavit.* Discusses Costs Incurred While Plant Inoperable. Allowance for Funds Used During Const,Security,Maint & Operational Costs Considered Proper for Calculating Costs for Delay ML20248D9241989-08-0707 August 1989 Memorandum & Order.* Extends Limerick Ecology Action Response Deadline to 890814 to Respond to Five Questions Re Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternatives.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890807 ML20248D7871989-08-0303 August 1989 Correction for NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Forwards Corrected Page 5 to NRC Response to Questions Filed on 890802,deleting Phrase by Nearly Factor 2.5 in Next to Last Line.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5671989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit of SE Feld.* Advises That Author Prepared Response to Question 5.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5981989-08-0202 August 1989 Response by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Commission Request for Comments by Memorandum & Order Dtd 890726.* Licensee Requests Commission Issue Full Power OL for Unit 2 Conditioned Upon Outcome of Pending Litigation ML20248D7111989-08-0202 August 1989 Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission Dtd 890726.* Commission Order Fails to Provide Intervenor Adequate Time for Response & Should Therefore Be Revoked.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5391989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit of MT Masnik.* Advises That Author Prepared Response to Question 3 ML20248D5311989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit of Rj Barrett.* Advises That Author Prepared Response to Question 2 ML20248D4971989-08-0202 August 1989 Joint Affidavit of Gy Suh & CS Hinson.* Advises That Authors Prepared Responses to Questions 1 & 4 ML20248D4721989-08-0202 August 1989 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Provides Info for Use in Commission Effectiveness Review of Plant Full Power Operation,Per Commission 890726 Memorandum & Order. Supporting Affidavits Encl ML20248D6451989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit.* Advises That Author Read Responses to Request for Comments by NRC & Knows Contents.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245J1321989-07-27027 July 1989 Transcript of 890727 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Facility Severe Accident Mitigation Issues.Pp 1-130.Supporting Info Encl 1998-05-19
[Table view] Category:PLEADINGS
MONTHYEARML20059B0301993-10-22022 October 1993 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions Posed W/Respect to State of New Jersey Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing.* Denies Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20059B1111993-10-20020 October 1993 Philadelphia Electric Co Response to NRC 931014 Order.* State Failed to Demonstrate Entitlement to Hearing to Challenge Util Amend to Permit Util to Receive Shoreham Fuel ML20246F1011989-08-25025 August 1989 Joint Motion for Termination of Proceedings.* Board Moved to Accept Encl Settlement Agreement,Dismiss Limerick Ecology Action,Inc (Lea) Contention W/Prejudice,Dismiss Lea as Party to Proceeding & Terminate Proceeding ML20246E8351989-08-24024 August 1989 Second Supplemental Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission & Memorandum & Order of 890807.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20246E3431989-08-22022 August 1989 Opposition of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Motion by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Set Schedule for Discovery & Hearing.* Requests That Schedule Be Replaced W/More Reasonable Schedule,As Proposed.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245H8061989-08-14014 August 1989 Supplemental Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action, Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission & to Memorandum & Order of 890807.* Requests Further Extension of Time in Which to Reply.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20245H7341989-08-10010 August 1989 Motion by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Set Schedule for Discovery & Hearing & Request for Expedited Answer to This Motion.* Divergence in Positions of Respective Parties Emphasizes Need to Conclude Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7511989-08-0909 August 1989 Reply by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Commission Should Rely on Licensee Cost Analysis in Response to Question 5 & Rc Williams Affidavit.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7161989-08-0909 August 1989 Reply by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission Dtd 890726.* Environ Benefits for Operating Unit 2 Outweigh Small Risk of Severe Accident ML20248D7111989-08-0202 August 1989 Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission Dtd 890726.* Commission Order Fails to Provide Intervenor Adequate Time for Response & Should Therefore Be Revoked.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5981989-08-0202 August 1989 Response by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Commission Request for Comments by Memorandum & Order Dtd 890726.* Licensee Requests Commission Issue Full Power OL for Unit 2 Conditioned Upon Outcome of Pending Litigation ML20247Q4621989-07-23023 July 1989 Response of Intervenor Rl Anthony to Answer of Philadelphia Electric Co (PECO) to Request for Hearing on PECO Application for Low Power Operation of Unit 2 & Stay of Any Operation in Keeping W/Us Circuit Court Remand Of....* ML20247B7641989-07-13013 July 1989 Motion of Intervenor,Limerick Ecology Action Inc,To Reconsider/Stay/Suspend/Revoke Order Authorizing Issuance of Low Power OL for Limerick 2.* Consideration of Accident Mitigation Alternatives Imperative.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20246P3321989-07-0303 July 1989 NRC Staff Memorandum Supporting Staff Position Re Alternatives to Be Litigated.* Board Should Reject Limerick Ecology Action Suggested Items for Litigation Considered Outside of Scope of Remand.W/Certificate of Svc ML20246P4951989-07-0303 July 1989 Licensee Memorandum Re Proposed Design Mitigation Alternatives for Which Agreement Among Parties Could Not Be Reached.* Only Specific Alternatives Being Considered by Licensee & Should Be Given Attention.W/Certificate of Svc ML20246N9971989-06-30030 June 1989 Memorandum of Limerick Ecology Action,Inc,Per Prehearing Conference Order of ASLB of 890609.* Proposed Alternatives for Severe Accident Mitigation within Scope of Proceeding on Remand.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20245D2691989-06-21021 June 1989 Applicant Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Clarification Or,Alternatively,For Exemption.* Commission Should Determine That NRC Fully Authorized to Issue OL for Facility & Be Directed,Per 10CFR51.6.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245A5811989-06-15015 June 1989 Opposition of Commonwealth of PA to Motion of Philadelphia Electric Co for Clarification of Commission Delegation of Authority & for Issuance of OL & Opposition to Motion for Exemption.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20245A5981989-06-15015 June 1989 Opposition of Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Applicant Motion for Clarification of Commission Delegation of Authority & for Issuance of Ol,Or Alternatively,For Exemption from Procedural....* W/Certificate of Svc ML20248B7471989-06-0505 June 1989 Applicant Motion for Clarification of Commission Delegation of Authority & for Issuance of Ol,Or,Alternatively,For Exemption from Procedural Requirement That License for Limerick Unit 2 Cannot Issue Until Contention Remanded....* ML20151T6901988-04-25025 April 1988 Response of Intervenor Rl Anthony to PECO 880331 Response & NRC Staff 880404.* Denial of Applicant Motion for Summary Disposition & Application for License Amend Urged ML20150F8721988-03-31031 March 1988 Licensee Response to Order of 880317 Requesting Clarifying Info.* Clarifying Info Needed to Decide Parties Submissions on Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition ML20149K9821988-02-18018 February 1988 Response of NRC Staff in Support of Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition.* NRC Agrees W/Licensee Motion Because No Genuine Issue of Matl Fact Exists to Be Litigated. Consolidated Contention & Proceeding Should Be Dismissed ML20196D6751988-02-0909 February 1988 Response in Opposition to Licensee Request for Summary of Disposition of Air & Water Pollution Patrol Opposition to Licensee Application for Amend to License NPF-39 & Exemption to App J of 871218. * ML20235A8101988-01-0606 January 1988 Licensee Opposition to Intervenor Rl Anthony Request for Extension of Time for Discovery.* Intervenor Request Should Be Denied as Intervenor Had Adequate Opportunity to Review Responses & Pursue Addl Discovery.W/Certificate of Svc ML20235A8041988-01-0505 January 1988 Air & Water Pollution Patrol (Romano) Reaction to Licensee time-defaulted Response for Production of Documents as Ordered by NRC Administrative judges,871120.* Requests That Util Be Reprimanded for Defaulting on 871120 Order ML20238D1601987-12-20020 December 1987 Intervenor Rl Anthony Request for Extension of Time for Discovery.* Extension Requested Due to Listed Obstacles Which Have Prevented Study of Matl Provided & Matl Missing ML20236T1781987-11-23023 November 1987 Licensee Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Disposition,Preliminary Statement.* Proposed Amend Does Not Downgrade Reporting Requirements for Iodine Spikes. Consolidated Contention & Proceeding Should Be Dismissed ML20236T1611987-11-23023 November 1987 Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition.* Forwards Util Statement of Matl Facts as to Which There Is No Genuine Issue to Be Heard,Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Disposition & J Doering & Js Wiley Affidavits ML20236P8241987-11-12012 November 1987 Air & Water Pollution Patrol (Awpp) (Romano) Objection to Licensee Objection to Intervenor Awpp Request for Opportunity to File for Discovery & Motion for Protective Order.* Failure to Monitor Proceeding Inadvertent ML20236P8971987-11-10010 November 1987 Intervenor Rl Anthony Objection to Philadelphia Electric Co Objection to Anthony Discovery & Request for Protective Order Dtd 871030.* Only Essential Matl for Appeal of Granting License Amend Requested ML20236N8971987-11-0909 November 1987 Response of NRC Staff to Rl Anthony Discovery Requests & Licensee Objections Thereto.* ASLB Should Deny Request,But Protective Order Not Opposed.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence ML20236N8351987-11-0909 November 1987 Response of NRC Staff to Air & Water Pollution Patrol Motion of 871027 Concerning Summary Disposition & Discovery & Licensees Objections Thereto.* Motion Should Be Denied. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20236L7471987-11-0202 November 1987 Licensee Objection to Intervenor Air & Water Pollution Patrol Request for Opportunity to File for Discovery & Motion for Protective Order.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20236H3911987-10-30030 October 1987 Licensee Objection to Intervenor Anthony Request for Discovery & Motion for Protective Order.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20236H4091987-10-27027 October 1987 Memorandum & Order (Memorializing Special Prehearing Conference;Ruling on Contentions).* Motion for Board to Summarily Dispose Util Request Instant Amend & for Exercise to Discovery ML20236H3401987-10-25025 October 1987 Intervenor Rl Anthony Response to 871009 Memorandum & Order.* Author Has No Further Requests for Info in Addition to Items Recorded in .Util Should Provide Listed Records ML20236R7731987-08-26026 August 1987 Suppl to Petitioner Response of 870702 to Board Notice of Hearing & Order of 870729.* Petitioner Lists Contentions Opposing Granting of License Amend to Tech Specs for Plant Re Matter of Radioactive Iodine Spikes ML20237G9731987-08-21021 August 1987 Air & Water Pollution Patrol Suppl to Opposition to Radioactive Iodine Amend for License NPF-39.* Concerns Expressed Re Unusual Sensitivity of Thyroid to Iodine. Licensee Does Not Merit Amend,Based on Util Past Conduct ML20235M1751987-07-13013 July 1987 Staff Reply to Licensee Answers to Petitioner Requests for Hearing & Motions to Intervene (Licensee Second Argument).* Air & Water Pollution Patrol & R Anthony Failed to Meet Stds for Intervention in Amend Proceedings.Aslb Denies Petition ML20235G5851987-07-0505 July 1987 Awpp (Romano) Answers Licensee Argument II as Per Order of 870522 Re Representational Standing.* Urges Licensee to Show Cause Why Cable Pulling Necessitates Greater Air Leakage from Reactor Openings ML20235J0491987-07-0202 July 1987 Response by Intervenor Rl Anthony to Board Order of 870622.* Licensee Opposed to License Amend & Request Hearing to Form Basis for Board to Deny Request.Reduction of Control Over Iodine Spikes & Levels Is Threat to Health of Public ML20216D3641987-06-16016 June 1987 NRC Staff Response to Licensee Answer in Opposition to Request for Hearing & Leave to Intervene by Air & Water Pollution Patrol.* ASLB Should Reject Licensee First Argument & Anthony Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc ML20215J7661987-06-16016 June 1987 NRC Staff Response to Licensee Answer in Opposition to Request for Hearing & Leave to Intervene by Air & Water Pollution Patrol.* Board Should Reject Licensee First Argument & Anthony Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc ML20215D9491987-06-0808 June 1987 Intervenor Rl Anthony Response to ASLB Order of 870522.* Licensee Position Mistaken Both in Relation to Correctness of Petition to Intervene & as to Intent of Citizen Participation Specified in NEPA & Aea.Served on 870616 ML20214W5531987-06-0202 June 1987 Response Opposing Util Request for Legal Loopholes to Prevent Groups w/long-term Commitment to Insure Licensee Does Better Job Abiding Rules Re Public Safety ML20214G6271987-05-19019 May 1987 Commonwealth of PA Opposition to Graterford Inmates Petition for Review of ALAB-863.* Graterford Inmates Failed to Prove That Aslab Decision Erroneous W/Respect to Important Question of Fact,Policy or Law.W/Certificate of Svc ML20214A9491987-05-18018 May 1987 NRC Staff Answer in Opposition to Petition for Review of Inmates of State Correctional Inst at Graterford.* Inmates Failed to Establish That Issues Raised Re ALAB-863 Warrant Review.Commission Should Deny Review.W/Certificate of Svc ML20210C1011987-05-0404 May 1987 Petition for Review.* Review of Aslab 870417 Decision ALAB-836 Requested to Determine If Reasonable Assurances Given That Sufficient Manpower Will Be Mobilized in Event of Evacuation.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20212K5141987-01-23023 January 1987 Response of NRC Staff in Opposition to Graterford Inmates Appeal of Licensing Board Suppl to Fourth Partial Initial Decision.* Certificate of Svc Encl 1993-10-22
[Table view] |
AIR and WATER gygo Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE,PA. '84 MAR 29 A11:13 March 24, 1984 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ommiss'ioh~
L :"
Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In The Matter Of PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Docket Nos. 50-352 (Limerick Generating Station and 50-353
' Units 1 and 2)
AWPP'S RESPONSE TO APPLICANT'S MOTION TO' DELETE SPECIFIC INSTANCES IN SUPPORT OF CONTENTION VI-I ADVANCED BY AIR AND WATER POLLUTION PATROL AS UNRELATED TO WELDING OR WELDING RELATED QUALITY ASSURANCE ACTIVITIES Applicant states that the Board In its Order Confirming Miscellaneous Oral Record Rulings (March 15, 1984), the Atom-ic Safety and Licensing Board confirmed its ruling made at the prehearing conference (Tr. 8326-27) that Applicant and NEC Staff may move by March 20, 1984 that one or more of AWPP's listed examples do not relate to welding or welding related quality assuranc'e, activities."
AWPP's representative sta'tes he possibly did not under -
stand such oral ruling, nor was he given an opportuinty to see transcript relating thereto.
This ia evidenced by the fact that in an AWPP telephone call on March 19, 1984 to Mr. Cullen, who supervises the Doc-ument Room at Philadelphia Electric, Mr. Wetterhahn came to g
nno the phone and surprised me with the need to discuss the weld-
?8 mn ing information examples AWPP ubmitted re VI-I contention.
I 0
3 gg informed Mr. Wetterhahn that I was occupied with work schedule oo and did not have time to discuss my contention.
No mention was om go made that "as required by that order, the NRC Staff, AWPP and g
Applicant have a.ttempted to discuss the pertinence to welding 1
Q AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.
AWPP's Response to Applicant's Motion to Delete continued:'
and welding inspection of the specified items discussed below, but have been unable to do so.2/"
At footnote 2/ it states " Staff coun-sel attempted unsuccessfully to contact Mr. Romano on Saturday, March 17, 1984.
Applicant's counsel spoke with Mr.' Romano on Mon-day, March 19, 1984.
Mr. Romano stated that he wanted to cooperate but could not discuss it on that date because of other things he had to do."
At the.very late date of Saturday, March 17, 1984 Staff tried-to reach me while I was away -- and only by accident did I inad-vertently talk to Mr. Wetterhahn on March 19, and learned a discuss-ion was to be held prior to the March 20, 1984 dead line.
It is' obvious that neither NRC nor Applicant, with all their staff; were espically concerned about the Board's order to discuss the pertin-ence of specified items AWPP submitted.
I received the Applicant's (Wetterhahn) " Motion to Delete" certain specific items the next day.
This meant any discussion that I would have held with Mr. Wetterhahn could havn been after he had already written his " Motion to Delete".
I move the Board advise Mr. Wetterhahn to not mischaracterize AWPP's effort to comply with the Board.
Further, as I stated, the instances I submitted were NRC I&E Reports describing examples of pertinent welding and QC items.
There are hundreds more examples many buried in welding logs which Mr. Wetterhehn's evasivness, as we previously described, kept AWPP from discovering.
Also it must be noted that my examples start with 1
m. _
Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.
AWPP's Response to Applicant's Motion to Delete continued:
AWPP page number 138 and many numbers skipped in between 138 and 260.
I expect to include all unsubmitted incidents, not just ex-amples already submitted.
This is necessary because those unsub-mitted incidents are necessary.to support my VI-I c6ntention.
As it related to Applicants page 2 item 1, re AWPP 141 (page 2 of Appendix A to IE Report 352/77-02) statement that "nowhere on page AWPP 141 or AWPP 144 is there any indication whatsoever that the deficienty relates to welding"_.
AWPP cites the Applicant's own statement under 1 that spent fuel. pool liner was contaminated "with slag iron residu'e from a thermal. metal cutting. process". Inasmuch as welding was taking place, the Applicant must verify that the metal deposits were not from careless dropping of molten metal from welding rods.
Further on AWPP designated page 141 the Applicant was required "upon receipt from Project Engineering of an acceptable Quality Assur ance Manual (and changes thereto) it is forwarded to Document Con-trol for logging..."
But " contrary to the above, on March 8, 1977 the latest approved amendments (Nos. 3 and 4) to Testing and In-spection Procedure 3.20.A.1 were not entered in two controlled vol-umes of the Peabody Testing Quality Assurance Plan at separate on-
Pollution Patrol BROAD AIE, PA.
AWPP's Response to Applicant's Motion to Delete continued:
site locations."
This again illustrates Applicant's lack of control.
Re AWPP 144 (IE Report 352/77-02, page 8, item 1) Applicant cor-roborates the arbitrairy and unilateral use of their " judgement"
.which the NRC properly characterizes as " narrow vie'w" and as "not being consistent with the obvious intent of the specification in the related PSAR commitments, and the governing criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B".
Further, on page 144 under 77-02-03 is another.vio-lation indicating carelessness by the Applicant of QA/QC control that could directly or indirectly involve welding.
Re AWPP 210 page 1 of Appendex A to IE Report 352/80-12)Appli-cant further indictes itself as not taking QC/QA seriously by answer-ing at item 3, page 4 of its " Move to Delete" when it states discov-ery of "one individual,who was employed as a QC inspector performing receipt inspections without being properly certified as a qualified inspector to perform such function", cannot relate to welding.
Re-ceipt and imporper inspection of material that might be used directly or indirectly in welding can affect welding quality and subsequent performance of the weld.
Re Applicant 4, page 4 of Applicant's " Motion to Delete" at AWPP 242 (page 1, of Appendex A to IE Report 352/81-01 and AWPP 245 (IE Report 352/81/01, pages 4 and 5) which report relates to an ASME Nuclear Class I pipe weld, the Applicant states "the liquid pene-trant test indications on components which were involved were in i
l l
AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE,PA.
AWPP's Response to Applicant's Motion to Delete continued:
the base metal and unrelated to welding".
Again the Applicant's OA program was accidently found as violating specified procedures on apparant arbitrary re-use of its own judgement.
Further, Applicant page 4 item 4 talks of "non-destructive indications found on the surface of,an ASME valve body casting.
Thus, this matter does not involve welding, but only indications on
the valve body itself".
But as per p.,5 of IE Report 352/81-01, the inspector noted "These indications were found while testing the pipe to valve weld"...not specificall;y on the surface of the valve
...but'on the base metal, namely, "on'the Nuclear Class I pipe weld DLA-107-1/16 FW II".
Further, Applicant improperly rationalizes that the weld was O.K.
even though the weld had been performed adjacent.to base metal
which was found rejectable by liquid penetrant indications which however, the Applicant's.0C did not. properly follow up.
As to AWPP page (260A) page 1 of 7.ppendix A to IE Report 352/
83-19 item l') discussed on page 5 of Applicant's " Motion to Delete",
Applicant states the Notice of Violation refers to (Applicant's)
" failure to provide cleanliness control following disassembly of a feed water system containment isolation valve".
The Applicant then states "There is no stated relationship to welding or welding related quality assurance".
AWPP (Romano) states that welds made in an unclean area, and
AIR and WATER Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.
AWPP's Respomse To Applicant's Motion To Delete continued:
welds to be made to re-assemble the feedwater system isolation valve could be affected by rust or other corr 9sion effects because clean-liness controls were ignored.
As to AWPP 260A, 352/83-19, item 2, the infrac' tion involves a deficiency, namely, the failure of the program established for eng-ineering and quality inspection of pipe support safetp d sted hang-Not only were the welds improperly designed and installed, but ers.
the inadequacies were not identified during the inspections.
This specifically demonstrates failure to perform welding properly, and failure of Quality Control.
The Applicant refers to an attachment 1 to their pleading, which we did not receive.
As it relates to AWPP 260B (page 2 of Appendix A to IE Report 352/83-19 (item 7 of Applicant's " Motion to Delete") Applicant's statement is prima facia admission that specified procedure follow-ing a deficiency was violat'ed.
Such skirting of required proper follow-up indicates, to gether with many such previous examples which Applicant feels were not important; less than complete l
respect for Quality Assurance.
l l
Applicant's point 8, page 6 of their "Motiore to Delete" refer-ring to AWPP p.260C (Cover letter to IE Report 352/83-19), Applicant states, "This cover letter relates to an NRC concern over perceived weakness in the Quality Assurance and Quality control programs ap-plied to systems for which construction has been essentially com-
Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE,PA.
AWPP's Response to Applicant's Motion to Delete continued:
pleted and which are then turned over to the startup organization for testing".
The Jan 10, 1984 cover letter, and the fact that it is going on to 8 years since the " Broomstick affair", with the hundreds of NRC IE reported welding infractions to Jan. 1984 sums up the inade-quacies of the Nuclear Industry's Quality Control and, therefore, Quality Assurance and, therefore, safety of the public in a probable nuclear accident at Limerick.
AWPP (Romano) sees more than " perceived weaknesses", AWPP sees that less-than harsh disciplining of the Applicant when infractions were found, has been taken advantage of by the Applicant.
As a re-sult, the NRC is deeply concerned in finding infractions even as construction is being completed and ready for turnover to the start-up organization.
As it related to Applicant's point 9 on page 6 of " Motion to Delete", identified as AWPP 180B (NRC #'13 6 6 ),
Applicant states "this non?conformance report relates to a 'non-Q' item as stated in block 19 of the NCR".
The Applicant further states "there is no l
l reason for the Board to consider this matter since the Contention is l
related only to safety related welding".
l AWPP (Romano) states that 180B was used as an example (and will l
submit many more) of the rationalizing away of improperly performed welds.
Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.
AWPP's Response To Applicant's Motion to Delete continued:
Further, as per Oct. 28, 1983 Memorandum and Order Confirming Rulings Made At Prehearing Conference,, contention was reworded by the Board as follows:
" Applicant has failed to control performance of welding and inspection thereof in accordance with Quality Con-trol and Quality Assurance procedures and requirements, and has failed to take proper and effective' corrective and preventive actions when improper welding has been discovered".
Failure to follow any specified procedure on welding, and j
failure to adequately perform Quality Control and Quality Assurance and proper follow-up reveals a characteristic of improper perfor-mance and concern for performance irrespective of the item being performed... safety or non-safety related.
Further corrobor,ating AWPP's contention that Applicant failed
in too many aspects of control of welding including inspection and qualification of welders, is their own report of Philadelphia Elect-ric Compan'y management on their involvement in welding quality at i
This report was also ordered by the Board on Oct. 28, 1983.
Primarily, the classical example was the " Broomstick Affair" l
where laxity in welder qualification, inspection including falsifi-j cation of records, statements that all welds inspected by an inspec-tor who O.K'd welds found so severely non-conforming as to indicate they were not at all inspected (re 76-06-01), and finaly repeated statements by the Applicant to the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board that all welds, accessible, and inaccesible were reinspected
Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.
AWPP's Response To Applicant's Motion To Delete continued:
with the ultimate admission that such statements were not true.
On page 37-38 in " Applicant's Q.C.
Involvement Report", it is admitted that the Applicant's audits could stand improvement in various areas.
But Applicant does not reveal those areas so that AWPP could follow up on location', type and number of welds involved.
In the second paragraph on page 37, the Applicant speaking of welding audits states, "The lack of identification of such areas in an undertaking as large as the Limerick project would raise questions regarding the effectiveness of the Audits". (AWPP underlines, and concurs).
Applicant continues:"The same audit (Applicant's) process that has identified such (welding) problems has also been used to verify that they (welding problems) have been satisfactorily resol-ved'. AWPP states that the admitted inability of the Applicant's audit process to effectively identify preldem welding areas cannot, at the same time, as the Applicant states, be used to verify such problems have been satisfactorily resolved.
Further, on page 37,in spite of the Applicant's description of 1
its three level redundancy rs inspections, the fact that there was
" poor quality welding in the safety-related HVAC systems and compon-ents...",
AWPP, in questioning how such poor cuality welding can be l
l admitted, sees it as proof the three level QA, QC has resulted in admitted poor welding, nevertheless.
Further, it was the responsibility to check and know the QA/QC
Pollution Patrol BROAD AXE, PA.
AWPP's Response To Applicant's Motion To Delete continued:
program of subcontractors met specifications.
The Applicant admits locking the barn after the horse is stolen.
In the case of a nuc-lear reactor this could be tragic.
Page 38 shows Applicant, very late # finding that, " subcontract-ors did not'have enough inspectors to handle the work load and those it had were not performing at an adequate level".
The Applicant states "this situation was remedied through increasing manpower and intensive training".
That may have taken care of the manpower and training which should have previously been part of specified require-ments, but what about the inferior welds and inspections?
Further, on page 40 the " piping and welding QC affair" came to light.
AWPP states that while Applicant tries to rationalize the careless cucurrences, no better example of QC auditing fou]-up could l
ever be manufactured on purpose.
AWPP and the Board deserve a full review of the "HVAC Affair" and the" piping and V61 ding QC Af f air"which seems to be another
" Broomstick Affair".
AWPP moves the Board require affidavits on all pertinent phases of the HVAC and $iping and'Yelding QC affair.
That is, the Applicant is to indicate number of welds involved, how.many l
l were accessible, how many inaccessible, and that all have been re-solved properly.
Pollution Patrol
AWPP's Res onse To Applicant's Motion To Delete continued:
The Applicant on page 37 and page 38, and inparticular page 40, gives a litany of faulty workmanship and faulty inspections in its report as to how Applicant assures proper performan'ce of welding.
Its report does not at all' assure there has been quality welding at Limerick.
Respectfully submitted, Air & Water P lution Patrol
Z Frank R.
Romano, Chairman 61 Forest Ave.
Ambler, Pa. 19002 FRR/jch I
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