MONTHYEARML20247L8591998-05-19019 May 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying Licenses Effective Immediately Re Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier Sys ML20203A1701998-01-30030 January 1998 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR70.24 for Limerick Generating Station,Unit 1 ML20151L3671997-08-0505 August 1997 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities (Effective Immediately).Orders That SA Blacklock Prohibited from Engaging in Activities Licensed by NRC for 5 Yrs from Date of Order ML20151L5181997-08-0505 August 1997 Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC Licensed Activities (Effective Immediately) Re SL Nevin Deliberately Falsifying Records of RECW Sample Documentation on 960207 ML20203H6891997-06-0202 June 1997 Transcript of 970602 Enforcement Conference in King of Prussia,Pa ML20083N3971995-04-26026 April 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed GL, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves ML20081B3811995-03-0101 March 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed Suppl 5 to GL 88-20, IPEEE for Severe Accident Vulnerabilities ML20080D8351994-12-22022 December 1994 Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50,App J Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors Allowing Continuation of Plant Operation within 24 Month Cycle ML20078K1441994-11-0909 November 1994 Exemtion Granted from Requirements of 10CFR73.55(d)(5) Re Returning of Picture Badges Upon Exit from Protected Area Such That Individuals Authorized Unescorted Access Into Protected Area Can Take Badges Offsite ML20058K7381993-12-0303 December 1993 Memorandum & Order CLI-93-25.* Commission Denies State of Nj Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Adjudicatory Hearing Filed on 931008.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931203 ML20059B0301993-10-22022 October 1993 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions Posed W/Respect to State of New Jersey Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing.* Denies Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20059B1111993-10-20020 October 1993 Philadelphia Electric Co Response to NRC 931014 Order.* State Failed to Demonstrate Entitlement to Hearing to Challenge Util Amend to Permit Util to Receive Shoreham Fuel ML20059A4581993-10-14014 October 1993 Order Requesting Answers to Two Questions Re State of Nj Request for Immediate Action by NRC or Alternatively, Petition for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing. Operations Plans for Marine Transportation Withheld ML20057G2141993-10-14014 October 1993 Order.* Requests for Simultaneous Responses,Not to Exceed 10 Pages to Be Filed by State,Peco & Lipa & Served on Other Specified Responders by 931020.NRC May File by 931022. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 931014 ML20059B1291993-09-14014 September 1993 Affidavit of Jh Freeman.* Discusses Transfer of Slightly Used Nuclear Fuel from Shoreham Nuclear Power Station to Limerick Generating Station.W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance ML20045D8121993-06-14014 June 1993 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 54 Re FSAR Update Submittals ML20126F2721992-12-21021 December 1992 Comment Endorsing Positions & Comments of NUMARC & BWROG Re Draft GL, Augmented Inservice Insp Requirments for Mark I & Mark II Steel Containments,Refueling Cavities & Associated Drainage Sys ML20062C6561990-10-22022 October 1990 Affidavit Requesting Withholding of Summary Rept on Evaluation of Recirculation Nozzle to Safe End Weld Indication & Proposed Disposition to Permit Unit 1 Cycle 4 Operation, from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20006D3821990-02-0606 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Policy & Procedures for Enforcement Actions;Policy Statement.Util Uncertain as to Whether Changes Necessary ML20246J4521989-08-30030 August 1989 Memorandum & Order (Terminating Proceeding).* Terminates Proceeding Per Settlement Agreement Between Limerick Ecology Action,Inc & Licensee.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890831 ML20246F1011989-08-25025 August 1989 Joint Motion for Termination of Proceedings.* Board Moved to Accept Encl Settlement Agreement,Dismiss Limerick Ecology Action,Inc (Lea) Contention W/Prejudice,Dismiss Lea as Party to Proceeding & Terminate Proceeding ML20246F0121989-08-25025 August 1989 Memorandum & Order CLI-89-17.* Staff Authorizes Issuance of Full Power License to Licensee to Operate Unit 2 After Requisite Safety Findings Under 10CFR50.57 Completed. W/Certificate of Svc ML20246F1471989-08-25025 August 1989 Settlement Agreement.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20246E8351989-08-24024 August 1989 Second Supplemental Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission & Memorandum & Order of 890807.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20246E3431989-08-22022 August 1989 Opposition of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Motion by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Set Schedule for Discovery & Hearing.* Requests That Schedule Be Replaced W/More Reasonable Schedule,As Proposed.W/Certificate of Svc ML20246C0271989-08-18018 August 1989 Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employee.* Informs That D Nash Appointed as Commission Adjudicatory Employee to Advise Commission on Issues in Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890818 ML20246B7721989-08-17017 August 1989 Correction of Memorandum & Order of 890815.* Advises That Refs to 49CFR2.730(c) on Page 1 & 49CFR2.710 & 49CFR2.711 on Page 2 Should Be Corrected to Read as 10CFR2.730(c),2.710 & 2.711,respectively.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890818 ML20246D7411989-08-17017 August 1989 Transcript of 890817 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Discussion of Full Power OL for Facility.Pp 1-58.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20246B7751989-08-16016 August 1989 Memorandum & Order.* Denies Rl Anthony 890623 Request for Hearing for Intervention in Remand Proceeding & for Stay of Low Power Authorization.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890816 ML20246B7571989-08-16016 August 1989 Order Responding to Limerick Ecology Action Motion for Reconsideration.* Denies Motion to Reconsider,Stay,Suspend or Revoke 890707 Order on Basis That Order Appropriate.W/ Certificate of Svc.Served on 890816.Re-served on 890818 ML20246B7931989-08-15015 August 1989 Memorandum & Order (Request for Expedited Answer).* Denies Licensee 890811 Request for Expedited Answer from NRC & Limerick Ecology Action on Basis That Request Lacks Good Cause.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890816 ML20245H8491989-08-14014 August 1989 Notice of Change of Address.* Advises of Council Change of Address for Svc of Documents ML20245H8061989-08-14014 August 1989 Supplemental Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action, Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission & to Memorandum & Order of 890807.* Requests Further Extension of Time in Which to Reply.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20245H5991989-08-11011 August 1989 Memorandum & Order (Terminating Proceeding).* Dismisses Graterford Inmates Contention Re Adequacy of Training for Drivers Responsible for Evacuating Graterford & Terminates Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 890814 ML20245H7341989-08-10010 August 1989 Motion by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Set Schedule for Discovery & Hearing & Request for Expedited Answer to This Motion.* Divergence in Positions of Respective Parties Emphasizes Need to Conclude Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7161989-08-0909 August 1989 Reply by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission Dtd 890726.* Environ Benefits for Operating Unit 2 Outweigh Small Risk of Severe Accident ML20245F7511989-08-0909 August 1989 Reply by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Commission Should Rely on Licensee Cost Analysis in Response to Question 5 & Rc Williams Affidavit.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7341989-08-0909 August 1989 NRC Staff Response to Commission Memorandum & Order of 890807.* Advises That NRC Will Provide Comments on Limerick Ecology Action 890814 Filing Prior to Commission Meeting Scheduled for 890817.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245F7291989-08-0808 August 1989 Affidavit.* Discusses Costs Incurred While Plant Inoperable. Allowance for Funds Used During Const,Security,Maint & Operational Costs Considered Proper for Calculating Costs for Delay ML20248D9241989-08-0707 August 1989 Memorandum & Order.* Extends Limerick Ecology Action Response Deadline to 890814 to Respond to Five Questions Re Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternatives.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890807 ML20248D7871989-08-0303 August 1989 Correction for NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Forwards Corrected Page 5 to NRC Response to Questions Filed on 890802,deleting Phrase by Nearly Factor 2.5 in Next to Last Line.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5671989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit of SE Feld.* Advises That Author Prepared Response to Question 5.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5981989-08-0202 August 1989 Response by Licensee Philadelphia Electric Co to Commission Request for Comments by Memorandum & Order Dtd 890726.* Licensee Requests Commission Issue Full Power OL for Unit 2 Conditioned Upon Outcome of Pending Litigation ML20248D7111989-08-0202 August 1989 Response of Intervenor Limerick Ecology Action,Inc to Memorandum & Order of Commission Dtd 890726.* Commission Order Fails to Provide Intervenor Adequate Time for Response & Should Therefore Be Revoked.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D5391989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit of MT Masnik.* Advises That Author Prepared Response to Question 3 ML20248D5311989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit of Rj Barrett.* Advises That Author Prepared Response to Question 2 ML20248D4971989-08-0202 August 1989 Joint Affidavit of Gy Suh & CS Hinson.* Advises That Authors Prepared Responses to Questions 1 & 4 ML20248D4721989-08-0202 August 1989 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Provides Info for Use in Commission Effectiveness Review of Plant Full Power Operation,Per Commission 890726 Memorandum & Order. Supporting Affidavits Encl ML20248D6451989-08-0202 August 1989 Affidavit.* Advises That Author Read Responses to Request for Comments by NRC & Knows Contents.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245J1321989-07-27027 July 1989 Transcript of 890727 Meeting in Rockville,Md Re Facility Severe Accident Mitigation Issues.Pp 1-130.Supporting Info Encl 1998-05-19
[Table view] Category:OTHER LEGAL DOCUMENT
MONTHYEARML20246F1471989-08-25025 August 1989 Settlement Agreement.* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20246C0271989-08-18018 August 1989 Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employee.* Informs That D Nash Appointed as Commission Adjudicatory Employee to Advise Commission on Issues in Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890818 ML20246B7721989-08-17017 August 1989 Correction of Memorandum & Order of 890815.* Advises That Refs to 49CFR2.730(c) on Page 1 & 49CFR2.710 & 49CFR2.711 on Page 2 Should Be Corrected to Read as 10CFR2.730(c),2.710 & 2.711,respectively.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890818 ML20245H8491989-08-14014 August 1989 Notice of Change of Address.* Advises of Council Change of Address for Svc of Documents ML20245F7341989-08-0909 August 1989 NRC Staff Response to Commission Memorandum & Order of 890807.* Advises That NRC Will Provide Comments on Limerick Ecology Action 890814 Filing Prior to Commission Meeting Scheduled for 890817.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D7871989-08-0303 August 1989 Correction for NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Forwards Corrected Page 5 to NRC Response to Questions Filed on 890802,deleting Phrase by Nearly Factor 2.5 in Next to Last Line.W/Certificate of Svc ML20248D4721989-08-0202 August 1989 NRC Staff Response to Commission Questions.* Provides Info for Use in Commission Effectiveness Review of Plant Full Power Operation,Per Commission 890726 Memorandum & Order. Supporting Affidavits Encl ML20247B7261989-07-20020 July 1989 Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employee.* Advises That H Vandermole Appointed to Advise Commission on Issues in Proceeding Re Severe Accident Mitigation Design Alternatives.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890720 ML20246N7701989-07-0303 July 1989 Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employees.* Advises That Jh Conran & Rl Pedersen Have Been Appointed as Commission Adjudicatory Employees to Advise Commission on Issues Re Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890705 ML20246P0871989-06-30030 June 1989 Rept of Parties.* Parties Agree That Further Exam of Large Hydrogen Recombiner Unnecessary Since Units Already Equipped W/Recombiners & Larger Recombiners Would Be Be Cost Beneficial.W/Supporting Documentation & Certificate of Svc ML20246P0791989-06-30030 June 1989 First Rept of Parties on Implementation of Stipulation for Settlement & Dismissal of Graterford Inmates Contention.* Standardized Lesson Plan for Providing Training to Dept of Corrections Personnel Approved.W/Certificate of Svc ML20245J6611989-06-22022 June 1989 Corrected Certificate of Svc.* Certifies Svc of Applicant 890621 Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Clarification Or,Alternatively,For Exemption,On 890622 ML20245A7531989-06-13013 June 1989 Notice of Substitution of Appearance.* Advises That Commonwealth of PA & Agencies Will Be Represented by Author Hereafter.W/Certificate of Svc ML20244D4861989-06-12012 June 1989 Notice of Change of Address.* States New Address for Svc of Documents.W/Certificate of Svc ML20246P0491989-05-16016 May 1989 Notice of Prehearing Conference.* Prehearing Conference Will Be Held on 890606 in Philadelphia,Pa to Consider Contention Re Design Alternatives for Mitigation of Severe Accidents at Plant.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890517 ML20246H2381989-05-0909 May 1989 Establishment of Board.* Board Will Consist of Mb Margulies, Chairman & J Harbour & Fj Shon,Members.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 890512 ML20244D6211989-04-18018 April 1989 Notice of Prehearing Conference.* Prehearing Conference Will Be Held on 890512 Re Contention Questioning Radiological Emergency Response Plan Compliance w/10CFR50.47(b)(15). Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 890419 ML20244C8761989-04-14014 April 1989 Establishment of Aslb.* Board Will Be Comprised of Mb Margulies,Chairman & J Harbour & Jr Kline,Members.W/ Certificate of Svc.Served on 890418 ML20195D0321988-06-16016 June 1988 Notice of Assignment of Listed ASLAP Members to Serve as ASLBP for OL Amend Proceeding.Served on 880616 ML20197E2531988-05-12012 May 1988 Air & Water Pollution Patrol Notice of Appeal to Memorandum & Order (Granting Licensee Motion for Summary Disposition Re ASLBP 87-550-03-LA).* Appeals ASLB 880505 Decision Re Iodine Spiking Amend ML20236P7711987-11-12012 November 1987 Memorandum (Memorializing Two Conference Calls).* Served on 871116 ML20236H2901987-10-28028 October 1987 Notice of Reconstitution of Board.* Judge Ga Ferguson Appointed in Place of Judge PA Morris.As Reconstituted,Board Comprised of Listed Judges.Served on 871029 ML20236N9431987-07-28028 July 1987 Notice of Hearing on Issuance of Amend to Facility Ol.* Page 4 Corrected to Reflect Signature of ASLB Chairman Alone ML20236E6611987-07-28028 July 1987 Notice of Hearing on Issuance of Amend to Facility Ol.* Date That Hearing Ultimately Held Dependent Upon Whether One or More Contentions Suitable for Hearing Develop in Prehearing Procedures.Served on 870729 ML20215J5451987-06-11011 June 1987 Notice of Appearance.* RM Weisman Enters Appearance Re Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20215K9111987-05-0707 May 1987 Establishment of Aslb.* Sj Wolfe,Chairman & Rf Cole & PA Morris,Members.Served on 870508 ML20207D0931986-12-23023 December 1986 Notice of Appeal of ASLB 861114 Decision Ruling on Del-Aware Unlimited,Inc Motion to Reopen Proceedings for Further Consideration of Environ Impacts of Proposed,But Not Yet Incurred.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20214H0121986-11-25025 November 1986 Notice of Appeal by Graterford Inmates Re ASLB 861110 Decision.W/Certificate of Svc ML20215L8851986-10-24024 October 1986 Notice of Aslab Reconstitution.Cn Kohl,Chairman & Gj Edles & Ha Wilber,Members.Served on 861028 ML20214R4521986-09-18018 September 1986 Notice of Appeal from ASLB 860905 Suppl to Third Partial Initial Decision Served on 860909 ML20214N5081986-09-11011 September 1986 Notice That J Asher Will Be Witness at 860922 Hearing on Remanded Issue Re Manpower Mobilization at State Correctional Institution at Graterford,Pa.W/Certificate of Svc ML20214L5091986-09-0808 September 1986 Notice of Appeal from Aslab 860828 Order ALAB-845. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20202G1961986-07-10010 July 1986 Comments & Request for Evidentiary Hearing on Util Proposal for Resolution of Remanded School Bus Driver Issue for Oj Roberts & Spring-Ford Area School Districts.Withdrawal of Appearance Encl ML20206D8901986-06-17017 June 1986 Responds to Aslab 860603 Order Requesting Response to Certain Questions Re ASLB Fourth Partial Initial Decision & 850612 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206D6521986-06-16016 June 1986 Response to Aslab 860603 Order Re State of Record on Emergency Planning for Graterford.No Procedural Irregularity Occurred for Reasons Discussed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20138B0141986-03-18018 March 1986 Certifies Svc of ASLB 860314 Notice of Prehearing Conference & Memorandum & Order,Consolidating Proceedings & Setting Schedule for Identification of Issues,On 860314.Served on 860319 ML20141N8181986-03-14014 March 1986 Notice of 860327 Prehearing Conference in Philadelphia,Pa Re Util 851218 Application for Amend to License NPF-39,allowing Extension of Time to Perform Valve Tests.Served on 860317 ML20141N7761986-03-13013 March 1986 Notice of ASLB Constitution.Iw Smith,Chairman & Rf Cole & Ga Linenberger,Members.Served on 860314 ML20137U7501986-02-12012 February 1986 Notice of ASLB Constitution.Iw Smith,Chairman & Rf Cole & Ga Linenberger,Members.Served on 860214 ML20137K9791985-12-0202 December 1985 Response Objecting to Licensee Proposal for Resolution of Remanded Issue Re Licensee Medical Arrangements for Contaminated Injured Onsite Personnel.Adjudicatory Hearing Requested.W/Certificate of Svc ML20136E1401985-11-18018 November 1985 Proposal for Resolution of Remanded Issue from Second Partial Initial Decision ALAB-819 Re Medical Arrangements for Contaminated/Injured Onsite Personnel.One Oversize Map & Certificates of Svc Encl ML20134A7871985-11-0606 November 1985 Notice of 841204 Oral Arguments in Bethesda,Md on Appeals of Graterford Inmates & Air & Water Pollution Patrol from ASLB 850722 Fourth Partial Initial Decision LBP-85-25 ML20133F7641985-10-0909 October 1985 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20133F3021985-10-0404 October 1985 Notice of Receipt of Encl 850927 Air & Water Pollution Patrol Motion to Reopen Record on New Commonwealth of PA, Div of Environ Resources Regulations Re Gross alpha,Ra-226 & Ra-228.Served on 851008 ML20134N3581985-08-30030 August 1985 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20126M8291985-07-26026 July 1985 Notice of Appeal Re Fourth Partial Initial Decision (on Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions Re Graterford). Opposes Lack of Requirement for Training Drivers Who Would Evacuate Prisoners.Served on 850801 ML20127A0171985-07-26026 July 1985 Notice of Appeal by Air & Water Pollution Patrol Re Fourth Partial Initial Decision on Offsite Emergency Planning Contentions Concerning Graterford ML20126K9821985-07-25025 July 1985 Notice of Appeal of ASLB 850722 Fourth Partial Initial Decision ASLBP 81-465-07 Ol,Dismissing Graterford Inmates 850711 Appeal Involving 5 of 6 Denied Contentions Rejected by ASLB 850702 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20128Q2211985-07-24024 July 1985 Memorandum CLI-85-13 Determining That Limerick Ecology Action Comments Do Not Warrant Staying Effectiveness of Partial Initial Decisions LBP-84-31 & LBP-85-14 Re Authorization to Issue Full Power License.Served on 850725 ML20129D1451985-07-11011 July 1985 Notice of Appeal Requesting That Aslab Review ASLB 850702 Order Re Graterford Inmates Exception to ASLB 850612 Order 81-465-07 OL Admitting Only Two of Eight Proposed Contentions.Certificate of Svc Encl 1989-08-09
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'84 MAR 26 A10 53
' ~CE CF SE C:' :,r
' m '_i m.s?tsy.
. ? M:C.'
In the Matter of
Philadelphia Electric Company
Docket Hos. 50-352
50-353 t
(Limerick Generating Statlon
Units 1 and 2)
I l
DISCOVERY 31 MARCH 21,1984 t
1 ll.
z, puE88k'JM8"pb i
b REQUEST NO. 6 For any CRAC-runs done for bad weather, please specify a) how
' t hese assumptions' were different and b) t he incremental differential in res lis.,
While no CRAC runs were perf ormed to attempt to explicitly analyze th's ef f ect s of bad weat her, t he data base for t he Sandia generic model is derived from US evacuation experience.
Included are a rain case, a fog case, and a snow case (see Reactor Safety Study (Discovery 26, Item 6a) Table VI J-il.
Hence, bad weat her is included in t he evacuation model which was applied in SARA.
I l
No specific analysis was perf ormed beyond t he use of t his model.
- However, to estimate t he effect of explicitly I
considering bad weather, it could be assumed that 4X of the time (SARA, page 10-11) the evacuation is adverseiy affected
, eat her to such an extent t hat t he assumpt ions f or by bad w
evacuation speeds for t he seismic evacuation case are appropriate (3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> delay and I sph evacuation speed).
In l
this case, an estimate of the ef fect of this change may be made by considering the source terms VRil20 and C4I and theia contribution to the public risk of early f atality.
T he base case VRH2O contribut ion to the public risk of early f atality j
due to internal initiators only in 2.09x10.s per year.
This is derived by multiplying t he results f rom the CRAC2 run
(designated' Discovery 31. Item 6a) by the point estimate frequency of _f.4x10-s (SARA, Table 12-8).
If now, for 4% of t he. t ime, weat her condit ions are so bad that it is necessary to assume t he seimsic evacuation case, a hand calculation (designated Discovery 31, Item 6b) shows t hat this quantity increases 4.9%.
For C4I, the corresponding increase is 4.5%,
again using a CRAC2 run for C4T (designated Discovery 31, Item 6c) and the above hand calculat ion (Discovery 31, Item 6b).
These calculations show that the explicit inclusion of slowing of evacuat ion due to bad weat her, in addit ion to t hat included in t he model data base, would only have a small i
(less than 5% increase) ef fect on t he results.
PARTICIPANTS IN PREPARATION OF RESPONSE V. 5. Boyer Senior Vice President - Nuclear Power l
Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 i
G. D. Kaiser, Ph.d.
Manager,' Consequence Assessment Department Consulting Division MUS Corporation I
910 Clopper Road l
Sal t hersburg, Maryland 20878-1399 S. H. Gibbon Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 O
--,-v e,.-----
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---,en,,,=-,a,-wmm w-=c-w--n-,-a wa
REGUEST No. 7 a)
A descript ion of t he dif ferent breathir.g rates, if any, assumed in the analyses.
What t he differences were in results as a function of breathing rate assumptions.
I SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE The breathing rates assumed in SARA are documented in SARA at 10.t.6.4.
The breathing rate given is 2.66x10**m3s-8 on page 10-13 and is the same as that which was used in the Reactor
Safety Study (Discovery 26, Item 6a) and documented in t he l.
PRA Procedures Guide (Discovery 26, Item 7a) at page 9-39.
The precise value or range of values chosen for the breathing 5
t i
rate is a relatively unimportant input to t he calculations.
- Based upon a preliminary-scoping execution of CRAC2 for the source term VRH2O (designated Discovery 31, Item 7a) t he breathing rate was simply doubled to 5.32 x 10-Sm3s-8 This assumption is equivalent to assuming t hat lhe entire population out to 500 mil'os was breathing at an average rate indTcative of 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> of heavy work and 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of resting.
By hand calculation (designated Discovery 31, Item 7b) and comparison to the CRAC2 base case run (Discovery 31, Item 6a)
I t he whol e-body manrem increased by 18%,
latent cancer l
fatalities increased 57%, and early f atalit ies increased 45%.
l T hese results indicate t hat even a highly conservative doubling of the breathing rate would not have a large effect f
on public risk.
SARA has indicated that other uncertaint ies,
..v r
--er. - -. = - -.,
such as variations in source
- terms, are much more significant.
PARTICIPANTS IN PREPARATION OF RESPONSE V. S. Boyer Senior Vice President - Muclear Power Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 G. D. Kaiser. Ph.d.
l Manager, Consequence Assessment Department Consulting Division NUS Corporation
. 910 Clopper Road
- Ga i t hersburg, Maryland 20878-1399
- 5. H. Gibbon Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 d
k t
o O
E e
... _, _ - ~. -. -
- r d
What assumptions were made as to percentage of populat ion that would evacuate within the ten mile EPZ.
Provide bases for the assumpt ion.
t SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE The percentage of population assumed to evacuate was 100%.
The basis for this assumpt ion is provided in SARA at page 10-10.
1 l
A rough estimate can be provided of the likaly increase in the public risk of early f atality if it is assumed that a 5%
fraction of the population does not evacuate.
The basis for 5% as t he fract ion of nonpart icipat ing people is t hat,
in actus1 evacuations.
Civil Defense Personnel obser'ved this fraction ("A Model of Public Evacuation for Atmospheric 1
Radiological Releases" by D. C. Aldrich et. al., SAND 78-0092, (1978) at page 13 (Discovery 26, Item 11a)).
From the CRAC2 runs (Discovery 31, Item 6a and Item 6c) 't he accident sequences C41f and VRH2O contribute significantly to t he point estimate pub!Ic risk of early fatality.
(1.8x10-9 per i
i year).
Two addit ional CRAC2 runs (designated Discovery 31, g
Items lla and 11b respectively), one each for VRH2O and C41f 3
were performed which assumed a delay time of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and 9
E 5
subsequent evacuation at a high speed (sufficient speed to i
s l
ensure t hat t he incremental radiation dose accumulated dering b
i g
evacuation is small cowpered to that accumulated during the 2
la delay time).
The areas under the conditional CCDFs so "a
2 5
5 5
E5 5.
obtained were used in a hand calculation (designated Discovery 31, It em.11c).
The increase in public risk is f6%.
This scoping calculat ion shows that including a nonevacuating i
fraction of the populat ion would not be expected to increase t he public risk by a large amount, and t hat other uncertainties discussed in SARA, such as variations in source term, are much more significant.
- PARTICIPANTS IN PREPARATION OF RESPONSE V. S. Boyer Senior Vice President - Huclear Power Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101
- 0. D. Kaiser, Ph.d.
Manager, Consequence Assessment Department Consulting Division NUS Corporation 910 Clopper Road Gait hersburg, Maryland 20878-1399
- 5. H. Gibbon Philadelphia Electric Company 8
2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 e
e w
--.,e,----,,..,y a
REQUEST NO. 12 It is noted t hat PECo's SARA analysis. assumed normal behavior beyond ten miles f or twelve hours then evacuat ion.
For PEco Onive b
What evacuat ion t imes were assumed?
'I f any sensitivity analyses were done with other C
l assumptions, please describe t he assumptions and t he result s.
The evacuat ion of the populace beyond 10 miles is " rapid relocation which is discussed in SARA at page 10-11.
Rapid Relocat ion assumes t he instantaneous cessation of dose accumulation.
A number of CRAC2 cases were run to specifically evaluate the sensitivity of the results to the
assumptions on behavior of the population beyond 10 C
Except for the cases discussed below no analysis i
or evaluat ion of t hese CRAC2 cases has been made.
Results for shel t er ing in basements f or 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> i
followed by Rapid Relocation indicate an 8%
decrease in early fatility risk and a 25% decrerse l
In r !?k ' of bone marrow dose greater t han 200 rems f rom the base case.
CRAC2 cases have been run showing the ef fect of a
48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> delay in relocat ion with " normal activity" C
t L
during-the 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> on the population of the City of Philadelphia.
A summary of the results of this is provided in the table on the following page based on point estimate frequencies and considering the actual dose response for early fatalitles rather than threshold values as were supplied in Applicant's Responses to Information Requests of the City of Philadelphia to t he Philadelphia Electric Company, dated February 16, 1984.
l I
1 i
o Chance Per Reactor Year That Various Radioloalcal Effects Will Occur in Philadelnhia If No Counter-measures are Taken for 48 Hours Internal Seismic 131g1 Chance that there will be one or more One in 130 One in 4 One in 3 early fatality in the City of billion billion billion Philadelphia i
Chance that there will be one or more One in3 One in i One in 750 l
persons in Philadelphia requiring billion billion million hospital treatment (bone marrow dose more than 200 rem)
Chance that there will be one or more One in 3C One in 40 One in 16 person,s in Philadelphia with whole all11on 4
million millon body dose in excess of 25 rem Chance that there will be one or more One in 2.5 One in 4 Onk in 1.5 l
persons in Philadelphia with whole million million million body dose in excess of 5 rem l
i l
I t
l e
- A number of additional CRAC2 runs were made which included changes in t he assumptions on behavior of pecple beyond 10 miles along with other changes so that t he impact of t he individual c hanges cannot be separated.
An example of t hi s is the CRAC2 runs, referred to in Response to Request No.
11 above (Discovery 31, Items Ita and lib), for no evacuation of 5% of the population which also included no relocation (until 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />) of tha population from 10 to 25 miles.
PARTICIPANTS IN PREPARATION OF RESPONSE V. S. Bayer Senior Vice President - Nuclaar Power Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 G. D. Kaiser, Ph.d.
Manager, Consequence Assessment Department Consulting Division HUS Corporation 910 Clopper Road i
Cai t hersburg, ' Maryland 20878-1399 S. H. Gibbon Philadelphia Electric Company 2301 Market Street l
Philadelphia, PA 19101 I
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COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA V. S. Boyer, being first sworn, deposes and states:
That he is Senior Vice President of Philadelphia Electric Company, the Applicant herein; that he has read the foregoing Applicant's Supplemental Responses to Information Requests of the City of Philadelphia to the Philadelphia Electric Company and knows the contents thereof; and that the statements and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.
Senior Vice PreMdent Subscribed and sworn to beforemethisik day of March,1984.
s Notary Public i
PATlDClA D. ScHOLL N**'t Pubhc. Phiu.taspLia, s xatgm n U Mb Expires Tcbwary 14 is3; I