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Nonroutine Environmental Operating rept,Jan-Mar 1983
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/23/1983
From: Fuhrman G
NUDOCS 8306020436
Download: ML20084N030 (2)


1 f s ." jQeh{f A s-DW BALTIMORE GASAND ELECTRIC CHARLES CENTER . P.O. BOX 1475 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203 ELECTRIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT May 23, 1983 The Regional Administrator U. S. HRC Region 1 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear Sir:


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units Nos. 1 and 2 License Nos. DPR-53 and 69 Nonroutine Radiological Environmental Operating Report This report is submitted to comply with the requirements of Appendix B Environmental Technical Specification Section 5.6.2.b.

Oyster samples were collected on April 12, 1983 from the Camp

. Conoy sampling location and analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides as required. The results of the analyses shoved the presence of Ag-110m with an average concentration of 416I2 4 pCi/Kg(vet). The oyster samples collected the same day from the Kenwood Beach sampling location (the background location) choved Ag-110m average concentration of 24I8 pCi/Kg(vet).

! Radioactive releases during the period of interest in 1983 for all isotopes have been within the allovable limits specified in the Environmental Technical Specifications (ETS). The natural tendency of oysters to highly concentrate environ = ental silver continues to be the cause of this event as was the cause of similar events previously reported.

! For the period of interest in 1983, the monthly per cent capacity i factors for both Units were as follows:

Period Unit 1 Unit 2 January 1983 95 73 29.48*

February 1983 89 00 84.68 March 1983 98.51 95 07

' Unit 2 was brought back on-line on January 16, 1983 following completion l of the planned maintenance work, namely, general inspection, refueling and retubing of the condensers started on October 16, 1982.

! l 8306020436 030523 DR ADOCK 05000 l

.. o The Regional Administrator May 23, 1983 During operation of Units 1 and 2, the circulating-water-punp data logs show that, on the average, at least five pumps (each rated at 200,000 GPM) per Unit were in operation. The processed radwaste from the combined vaste processing system for Units 1 and 2 was released into the circulating water prior to the discharge into the Bay. The radwaste may be released at a design rate that can range from 10 CPM to a maximum of 120 GPM. In practice, the releases are made at a predetermined rate depending upon the measured concen-tration of radionuclides in the radwaste, the ETS limits, as well as the estab-lished ALARA objectives. At the maximum release rate, the radwaste concentra-tion is decreased at least by a factor of 8 x 103 prior to discharge into the Bay.

Based on the average activity level of Ag-110m observed in oyster samples during 1983, the potential doses to the GI-Tract and the Whole Body of a maximum exposed individual (with the consumption rate of 5 Kilogram / year and the dose conversion factors as recommended in Reg. Guide 1.109, Rev. 1 October 1977) are estimated at less than 0.15 mrem /yr and less than 0.2 x 10-3, mrem /yr, respectively. These doses are small fractions (the total potential dose is less than 1%) of the permissible limit of 25 mrem / year to members of the general public as set forth in 40 CFR Part 190 " Environmental Radiation Protection Stan-dards for Nuclear Power Operations," and are therefore considered to be of insignificant consequence to the health and safety of the public.

Very truly yours, (y

. MAAW Gary "R. Fuhrman, Director Envircnmental Studies & Monitoring GRF/eml l

cc: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

, Dr. Steven M. Long l Power Plant Siting Program

! State of Maryland Mr. R. E. Architzel NRC Resident Inspector Calvert Cliffs

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