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AO 50-219/74/36:on 740710,reactor Pressure Sensor REO3D Failed to Trip at Point Corresponding to Reactor Pressure of 1060 Psig.Cause Under Investigation.Sensor Recalibr
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 07/10/1974
From: Carroll J, Menning J
To: James O'Reilly
AO-50-219-74-36, NUDOCS 8304080457
Download: ML20084D050 (3)


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.. ,o ml To: James R. O' Rei 1ly C'- /

d' Q' $3 Du ,. *. ~j<;N' Di rect:. rate of l'er.ulatory Operations '

1:e n,i en 1 631 Park Avenue /hh,Qwsg\

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Linr oi crussi a , Pe nn s y lv:m i a 19406 Fron Jcrney Central Pmzer 7; Li .r;b t Company Oyster Cicek Nuclear Generating Station Docket "50-219 l'orked River, New Je rsey 05731 Stbj ect - Ab noro ] Occurrence ReIx,rt No. 50-219/74/36 The folloding, is a prelltunary report n ei n;,, s uia mi t t e d in cor:pliance with the Technical Specifications, parar,raph 6.6.2.

Preliir.ina ry Approval:

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L IG( fcn~n p cir' 7/10/74 J. T. C.trroll,J$./ Date cc: Mr. A. Gi:cbusso h>


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8304080457 740710 PDR ADOCK 05000219 / 4 ..



Initial Telephone Date of Repo rt l'a t e . , .0/74 Occu rren t . 7/10/74 Ini t i al 11ri t t en Tiue of

I eport, Date . 7/It/74 Occu rren ce
1330 --

OYSTER CRED: ';UCLH AR Gh::EP.'.TlSG STATION 10RTEli RIVhn, NEli MidEY OG731 N>norual Occo lleport No. 50-2 E/71/ 36 ,

I DENTI FIC.\ TION OF OCCl1RW:,JE Vi olet i on of t !.c Techni ca l Spe ci fi cati ons , paragr.iph 2.3. 3, failure. of the RE03D react or high pressure sensor t o trip at a point corrcspwa!ing t o a reactor pressure of <1060 psig.  :


'llli s e ve nt is considered t o he nn abnormal occurrence as de-

, i fined in the Techoi cal Speci fi cations, paragr ph J .1';.T. ,

i CONDIT]OSS PRIOR X Steady St ate P c.< e r Itoutine Shut i TO OCCURRESCE : liot St an,?by Operation '

Cold Shutdo n 1. cad Changes Du ri ng '.

__ Mc fuM i n. h t do'en Rout ine Po',cer C; e rnt ion

~ 1:eut i: : Sta rt up Ot.her (Speci fy) v;::'::e: .:

The uajor pa e rs at the tim of the event 1:ere as foll e.:s -

1 Power: Cere, 1913 :'lt Electric, 635 Kie Flow: Recirc., 15.9 x 104 gpm Feed., 7.22 x 100 lb/hr Stack Gas : 12,430 pCi/ scc h

d DESCI:lPIION rlhi]e perforr:ing a reutine conthly surveillance test on the OF OCCURRE';CE: ,

reactor high pressure sensors, !!E03A, 11, C, and D, it was i observed that RE03D tripped at 1070 psig. This is 4 psig above i its norual trip peint of 1066 psig 1 hich reflects a sensor head correction of 6 psig. 'lhe surveillance test results were as I s

follows: i



11 Occu , m : ice 0 6

! t :;o. E n - ll o / 7.'/. , Page 2 i .


. As Found As I,e f t Nornn i l,

T. r. i .n .P o i n t

. . - . . . - Triy Point Trip Point 1

4 IS K. .\ 1063 psig 1060 psig 1068 psig

19. 0.' 1068 pai g 1068 psig 1063 psig Ic r. ]ct.1 p , 1061 psig 1066 psig PJ ith I W.70 psin 3066 psig 1066 rsig i


ICsign Procedure il G '.RE L .1 -. i:.m u fa et u re Unusin1 Service Condition tallatio;/ In c, linvi t a l Cons t ruct i un Component Failure j ,_ , Ope ra t o r Other (Speci fy) i 1 -

4 'lh e 2e>c.on for iln change in setpoint in not only these instru-nents, b u: in othe rr as we]1, is under investigation by company r

enginee ring pe r ;o::a '1, plant :.taff personnel and the General t Office 1:eview Benj d.

i 1

i d

MS OF The snfety signifi ccace of this event lien in a loss of systen l S N Cli .

] redund .n cy, llad a pressure excursion occurred, the redundant I

sensor, RT!03C, woul d have functioned properly and would have l

I t ern.i nat ed the pressure transient in conjunction with the pro-s I

per actuation of the luiO3A and B sensors.

k I


! . . r l \";

The sensor was recalibrated and returned to service. Additional j .

1 4

iten:, of corrective action to be specified following Plant Oper-

! 1 I

! ations llevleu Cou.:ittee review of this event.

l 1


?Ji DATA: Manu f act urer: Darlsdale

Type: Pro su re Actuat ed Swi tch 3

Suitch #: 112T- A12SS t


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ed by

, _- l\c t. ..,. IUte: 7/ _10/74 s 's 5 \ '3 i



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l Jersey Central Power & Light Company u -@i W


  • MORRISTOWN, N.J. 07960
  • 201-539-6111 maeun e r~u General ,( Public Utilities Corporation SF STE a July 18, 1974 g ,,,

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. q '\;-) m Mr. A. Giambusso 'c f: ,,Q/8,>f. p',/

Deputy Director for Reactor Projects { #

  1. . ,;,j..,y A (g Directorate of Licensing -

ec y* /

United States Atomic Energy Commission 'b '(, %,'

Washington, D. C. 20545 #- ,o ' '

Dear Mr. Giambusso:


Oyster Creek Station Luc.iet No. 50-219 Abnormal Occurrence Report No. 50-219/74/36 The purpose of this letter is to forward to you the attached Abnormal Occurrence Report in compliance with paragraph 6.6.2.a of the Technical Specifications.

Enclosed are forty copies of this submittal.

Very truly yours,

$W'Tf f v c}<2dl Donald A. Ross A Manager, Nuclear Generating Stations es Enclosures cc: Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Director Directorate of Regulatory Operations, Region I 4


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Jersey Central Power & Light Company MADISON AVENUE AT PUNCH BOWL ROAD = MORRISTOWN, N.J.07960

  • 201-539-6111

General ((}*, Pubhc Utihties Corporation _

.n n .

OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION FORKED RIVER, NEW JERSEY 08731 Abnormal Occurrence Report No. 50-219/74/36 Report Date July 18, 1974 I

Occurrence Date July 10, 1974

Identification of Occurrence 4

Violation of the Technical Specifications, paragraph 2.3.3, failure of the RE03D reactor high pressure sensor to trip at a point corresponding to a reactor pressure of <1060 psig. 'Ihis event is considered to be an abnormal occurrence as defined in the Technical Specifications, paragraph 1.15A.

Conditions Prior to Occurrence At the time of the event, the plant was at steady state power with the major parameters as follows:

a Power: Core, 1913 MWt Electric, 635 MWe Flow: Recirculation,15.9 x 104 gpm Feedwater, 7.22 x 106 lb/hr

. Stack Gas: 12,430 pCi/sec Description of Occurrence While performing a routine monthly surveillance test on the reactor high pressure

sensors, RE03A, B, C, and D, it was observed that RE03D tripped at 1070 psig.

This is 4 psig above its normal trip point of 1066 psig which reflects a sensor head correction of 6 psig. The surveillance test results were as follows:


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j Abnormal Occurrence No. 50-219/74/36 Page 2 i

As Found As Left Normal Trip Point Trip Point Trip Point RE03A 1068 psig 1068 psig 1068 psig RE03B 1068 psig 1068 psig 1068 psig


RE03C 1064 psig 1064 psig 1066 psig RE03D 1070 psig 1066 psig 1066 psig Apparent Cause of Occurrence The cause of this occurrence is the lack of allowance for set point tolerances in the Technical Specifications.

Analysis of Occurrence The safety significance of this event lies in a loss of system redundancy. flad a pressure excursion occurred, the redundant sensor, RE03C, would have functioned properly and would have terminated the pressure transient in conjunction with the proper actuation of the RE03A and B sensors.

i Corrective Action The sensor was recalibrated and returned to service. Set point accuracy and tolerance in not only these instruments but in others as well are under investi-gation by Jersey Central Power 6 Light Company, GPU Service Corporation, and General Electric Company personnel. This investigation was delineated in Abnormal Occurrence No. 50-219/74/35, dated (report) July 15, 1974, in the Corrective Action discussion.

l I Failure Data Manufacturer: Barksdale Type: Pressure Actuated Switch Switch No.: B2T-A12SS


Abnormal Occurrence Report No. 50-219/74/7 l





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