MONTHYEARML17059A3611994-07-0606 July 1994 Emergency Action Level Verification & Validation Rept. ML17311A0181994-05-13013 May 1994 New York State EAL Upgrade Project Verification & Validation Rept. ML20196D3011988-10-31031 October 1988 Reactor Vessel Matl Surveillance Program for Indian Point Unit 2 Analysis of Capsule V ML20155H2541988-09-30030 September 1988 Rev 2 to Indian Point Unit 2 (NRC Bulletin 88-008 Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to RCS) Indentification of Unisolable Piping & Determination of Insp Locations ML20153F9161988-04-28028 April 1988 Changes,Tests & Experiments - 1986 ML20151T4681988-01-31031 January 1988 Experimental & Finite Element Evaluation of Spent Fuel Rack Damping & Stiffness ML20151U9971986-01-31031 January 1986 Status Rept:Indian Point Special Proceeding Decision CLI-85-06 ML20211G4111985-07-0303 July 1985 Effective Max Beta Energy & Determination of RO-2,2A Response Factors ML20094E0021984-07-26026 July 1984 Evaluation of Addl Issues Raised by NRC Re New York Pirg Petition to Suspend Operation of Indian Point,Units 2 & 3 ML20094E0071984-07-26026 July 1984 Addl Info Obtained from Ny State on New York Pirg Petition Which Suppls FEMA Rept to NRC ML20024B3061983-04-30030 April 1983 Determining Portion of Regulatory Burden on Indian Point 3 Capital & O&M Expenditures 1976 - 1986:10-Yr Cost Projection Also Included ML20065J6771982-09-14014 September 1982 Testing & Repair of Siren Portion of Alert & Notification Sys for Indian Point Nuclear Power Generating Plant ML1003215451981-10-31031 October 1981 Evaluation of Indian Point Station Unit No 2. ML0934307941981-10-31031 October 1981 Evaluation of Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant. ML20063G0531981-10-26026 October 1981 Evaluation of Prompt Alerting Sys for Indian Point Nuclear Power Station. NUREG/CR-2655, Evaluation of Prompt Notification Sys... & NUREG/CR-2654, Procedures for Analyzing Effectiveness for Alerting Public Encl ML20050Y8001981-07-28028 July 1981 Incident Reporting Svc Rept 21 Re 801017 Incident at Facility ML20054A1321981-03-0303 March 1981 Incident Reporting Sys Rept 28.3,containing Excerpt from PNO-I-81-016 Re Damaged Low Pressure Turbine ML20003C1221981-01-31031 January 1981 Feasibility Study for Mod of Containment Cooling Sys. ML20050Y7421981-01-20020 January 1981 Incident Reporting Sys Rept 21 Re 801017 Svc Water Flooding Incident at Facility ML19340E7091980-11-30030 November 1980 Technical Evaluation of the Susceptibility of Safety- Related Sys to Flooding Caused by Failure of Noncategory I Sys for Indian Point 2 ML1002718271980-09-30030 September 1980 Thermal - Radiation Matls Application Data. One Oversize Drawing Encl.Aperture Card Is Available in PDR ML19331B8381980-08-31031 August 1980 Compliance Study in Response to NRC 800211 Confirmatory Order Re Ucs Petition to Suspend Operation.Demonstrates Methods by Which Safety Rules & Regulations Are Implemented. Financial & Reporting Requirements Not Addressed ML19305A7421979-09-28028 September 1979 Safety Evaluation Re Changes to Tech Specs for Mgt Titles ML1009802731979-01-31031 January 1979 Support Sys Redesign for Piping Runs on North Half of Containment. ML1002002351978-12-31031 December 1978 Evaluation of ECCS Per 10CFR50.46 & App K of 10CFR50. Describes Major Reactor Coolant Sys Pipe Ruptures on Westinghouse Model ML1009802761978-04-30030 April 1978 Rept 03-00101,Revision 0,Piping Sys Hydraulic Shock Suppressor Removal Study, & Rept 03-00102,Revision 0, Piping Sys Hydraulic Shock Suppressor Analysis for Removal. ML20079N3161977-07-31031 July 1977 Near-Field Effects of Once-Through Cooling Sys Operation on Hudson River Biota ML1002002391977-06-30030 June 1977 Reactor Vessel Material Surveillance Program,Analysis of Capsule T Submitted in Support of Amend 1 to Application for Amend to License DPR-26.Vessel Matl Surveillance Capsule Was Tested & Evaluated ML20038A4431974-09-10010 September 1974 Engineering Evaluation Rept,Summary ML20084B1221973-03-30030 March 1973 Review of Replies to AEC Questions by Con Ed on Indian Point Unit 2 Safety & Relief Valve Installation Reanalysis ML20084B2751972-10-11011 October 1972 Investigation & Consequences of Steam Generator Nozzle Debris Plug Assembly Being Inadvertently Left In-Place During Operation of Rcs 1994-07-06
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20217H8501999-10-14014 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 197 to License DPR-64 ML20206U2551999-02-0909 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 187 to License DPR-64 ML20236Y1571998-08-0303 August 1998 Part 21 Rept Re ASTM A351,GR. CF8 Matl at Indian Point Being Out of Specifications in Molybdenum & Chromium.Cause & Corrective Actions Are Not Stated ML20236V4281998-07-13013 July 1998 Safety Evaluation of TRs WCAP-14333P & WCAP-14334NP, PRA of RPS & ESFAS Test Times & Completion Times. Repts Acceptable ML20236T5511998-06-24024 June 1998 Consolidated Edison Co of Ny,Indian Point Unit 2,Drill Scenario Number 1998C ML20248B2371998-03-31031 March 1998 Revised Monthly Operating Rept for March 1998 for Indian Point Station Unit 2 ML17264A9381997-07-10010 July 1997 Deficiency Rept Re Potential Safety Hazard Associated w/FM-Alco 251 Engin,High Pressure Fuel tube-catalog: 4401031-2 in Which Dual Failure Mode Exists.Caused by Incorrect Forming Process ML18153A1431997-06-10010 June 1997 Part 21 Rept Re Possible Machining Defect in Certain Stainless Steel Swagelok Tube Fitting Bodies.Facilities Have Been Notified About Possible Problem ML20210E3591997-03-27027 March 1997 Part 21 Rept Re Sorrento Electronics Inc Has Determined Operation & Maint Manual May Not Adequately Define Requirements for Performing Periodic Surveillance of SR Applications.Caused by Hardware Failures.Revised RM-23A ML1005008001997-02-28028 February 1997 Conditional Extension of Rod Misalignment TS for Indian Point 3. ML20115J3981996-07-22022 July 1996 Interim Part 21 Rept Re 3/4 Schedule 80 Pipe Furnished to Consolidated Power Supply.Investigation Revealed Only One Nuclear Customer Involved in Sale of Matl ML20096E5101995-12-31031 December 1995 Resubmitted Rev 13 to QA Program 05000286/LER-1994-010, :on 941007,concluded That at Least Two EDGs Inoperable During June 1992 Surveillance Test of Carbon Dioxide Fire Protection Sys.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Surveillance Test Revised1994-11-0707 November 1994
- on 941007,concluded That at Least Two EDGs Inoperable During June 1992 Surveillance Test of Carbon Dioxide Fire Protection Sys.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Surveillance Test Revised
ML17059A3611994-07-0606 July 1994 Emergency Action Level Verification & Validation Rept. ML17311A0181994-05-13013 May 1994 New York State EAL Upgrade Project Verification & Validation Rept. ML20029C7801994-03-31031 March 1994 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1994 for Indian Point Unit 1. W/940415 Ltr ML20056E5171993-08-31031 August 1993 Technical Review Rept, Tardy Licensee Actions ML20062J2281993-07-23023 July 1993 Consolidated Edison Co of Ny Indian Point Unit 2,Drill Scenario 1993 ML20044B8461993-03-0404 March 1993 Part 21 Rept Re Possible Safety Implications in Motor Operated Valve Evaluation Software Program Re Use of Total Thrust Multiplier.Utils Advised of Problem & Recommended Corrective Action in Encl Customer Bulletin 92-06 ML20118A2681992-12-31031 December 1992 Consolidated Edison Co of Ny Indian Point,Unit 2 Exercise Scenario,1992 ML20125C7161992-12-0707 December 1992 Part 21 Rept Re Possibility for Malfunction of Declutching Mechanisms in SMB/SB-000 & SMB/SB/SBD-00 Actuators. Malfunction Only Occurs During Seismic Event.Balanced Levers May Be Purchased from Vendor.List of Affected Utils Encl ML20127P5861992-11-23023 November 1992 Followup to 921005 Part 21 Rept Re Potential Defect in SB/SBD-1 Housing Cover Screws.Procedure Re Replacement of SBD-1 Spring Cover Bolts Encl.All Fasteners Should Be Loosened & Removed.List of Affected Utils Encl ML20096H2301992-05-21021 May 1992 Special Rept:On 920504,south Side Lower Electrical Tunnel Detection Sys 8 Taken Out of Svc for Mod to Reposition Detection Sys Run of Conduit.Detection Sys Declared Operable on 920520 After Mod Completed & Sys Retested ML20079F9181991-05-31031 May 1991 Structural Evaluation of Indian Point,Units 2 & 3 Pressurizer Surge Lines,Considering Effects of Thermal Stratification ML20059E9461990-08-31031 August 1990 Nonproprietary Rev 2 to Indian Point 2 Tube Fatigue Reevaluation ML20059G2011990-07-31031 July 1990 Final Rept on Steam Generator Insp, Repair & Restoration Efforts During 1990 Midcycle Insp ML20058K4121990-06-30030 June 1990 Status Rept,Indian Point Unit 2 Mid-Cycle Steam Generator Insp Presentation to Nrc ML20058K4151990-06-30030 June 1990 Steam Generator Insp,Repair & Restoration Program Presentation to Nrc ML20043A4891990-05-30030 May 1990 Nonproprietary Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Insp, Repair & Restoration Program JPN-90-035, New York Power Authority Annual Rept for 19891989-12-31031 December 1989 New York Power Authority Annual Rept for 1989 ML19332B9371989-11-30030 November 1989 Nonproprietary Info Presented to NRC Re Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Secondary Side Loose Objects. ML19332D6661989-10-31031 October 1989 Nonproprietary Rev 2 to Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Girth Weld/Feedwater Nozzles Rept Spring,1989 Outage. ML20247J8161989-07-31031 July 1989 Safety Evaluation for UHS Temp Increase to 95 F at Indian Point Unit 3 05000286/LER-1989-013-01, :on 890702,contractor Security Guard Was Found Asleep at Duty Post.Caused by Cognitive Personnel Error. Contract Security Officer Involved in Event Was Dismissed. All Security Personnel Reapprised of Responsibilities1989-07-28028 July 1989
- on 890702,contractor Security Guard Was Found Asleep at Duty Post.Caused by Cognitive Personnel Error. Contract Security Officer Involved in Event Was Dismissed. All Security Personnel Reapprised of Responsibilities
ML20248D3631989-06-30030 June 1989 Rev 1,to Indian Point Unit 3 Reactor Vessel Fluence & Ref Temp PTS Evaluations ML20248B3171989-06-30030 June 1989 Rev 1 to Nonproprietary WCAP-12294, Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Girth Weld/Feedwater Nozzles Rept,Spring 1989 Outage ML20247J8071989-05-31031 May 1989 Containment Margin Improvement Analysis for Indian Point Unit 3 ML20247N5331989-05-31031 May 1989 Nonproprietary Indian Point Unit 2 Steam Generator Girth Weld/Feedwater Nozzles Rept Spring,1989 Outage ML20247G5171989-04-30030 April 1989 Monthly Maint Category I Rept Pages from Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1989 for Indian Point 05000286/LER-1989-007, :on 890321,unauthorized Access Into Protected Area by Former Employee Utilizing Photo Identification Badge of Another Contract Employee Occurred.Caused by Security Guard Error.Security Retrained1989-04-17017 April 1989
- on 890321,unauthorized Access Into Protected Area by Former Employee Utilizing Photo Identification Badge of Another Contract Employee Occurred.Caused by Security Guard Error.Security Retrained
ML20244C3311989-04-10010 April 1989 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 137 to License DPR-26 ML20248F4211989-03-31031 March 1989 NSSS Stretch Rating-3,083.4 Mwt Licensing Rept 05000286/LER-1989-001, :on 890204,initiated Safety Injection Via High Steam Flow Safety Injection Logic.Caused by Uneven Refilling of Steam Flow Instrumentation Lines.Safety Injecton Terminated & Plant Cooldown Proceeded1989-03-0303 March 1989
- on 890204,initiated Safety Injection Via High Steam Flow Safety Injection Logic.Caused by Uneven Refilling of Steam Flow Instrumentation Lines.Safety Injecton Terminated & Plant Cooldown Proceeded
ML20235V5931989-03-0202 March 1989 Special Rept:During Cycle 6/7 Refueling Outage Scheduled from Feb-May 1989,openings Will Be Made in Plant Penetration Fire Barriers in Order to Install Various Mods. Fire Watches Posted & Fire Detection Tests Completed 05000286/LER-1989-003-01, :on 890205,security Gate Found Unlocked.Caused by Cognitive Personnel Error.Upgrade of Security Procedure 4, Compensatory Measures to Clearly Define Methods of Establishing,Maintaining & Closing Posts Performed1989-02-23023 February 1989
- on 890205,security Gate Found Unlocked.Caused by Cognitive Personnel Error.Upgrade of Security Procedure 4, Compensatory Measures to Clearly Define Methods of Establishing,Maintaining & Closing Posts Performed
ML20248F3001988-12-31031 December 1988 10CFR50.59(b) Rept of Changes,Tests & Experiments Completed in 1988 ML20246E2711988-12-31031 December 1988 Con Edison 1988 Annual Rept ML20196D3011988-10-31031 October 1988 Reactor Vessel Matl Surveillance Program for Indian Point Unit 2 Analysis of Capsule V ML20155H2541988-09-30030 September 1988 Rev 2 to Indian Point Unit 2 (NRC Bulletin 88-008 Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to RCS) Indentification of Unisolable Piping & Determination of Insp Locations ML20154M5661988-08-31031 August 1988 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1988 for Indian Point Station Unit 2 1999-02-09
[Table view] |
O Oo o
1 E
i I
l Indian Point Unit No. 2 f
AEC Docket No. 50-247 1
i l
i i
1, 1
i 1
Investigation and Consequences of a i
i Steam Generator Nozzle Debris Plug Assembly 1
4 j
Being Inadvertently Left In-Place During Operation l
j of the Reactor Coolant System I
5 1
i N
l 1
October 11, 1972 i
i 4
I i
i 8304060235 721110 i
PDR ADOCK 05000247 S
.-_.,.~..-...__ _..- _...._,._._.. _
- c....
_O O OO 4.
4 Introduction j
Upon removal of the upper internals package, on the evening of Monday, j
September 11, 1972, paparatory to defueling the Uhit No. 2 reactor, a crtanpled piece of stainless steel was found in the lower flange plate of the upper internals package in front of the reactor outlet nozzle
to No. 22 steam generator. The crumpled piece of stainless steel was i
the center piece of a three-piece assembly that had been used to cover l
the reactor coolant piping nozzles in the steam Senerators. These as-l semblies had been placed in_the piping nozzles on all four steam j
generators of Unit No. 2 during inspections made May through July,1972.
Following the inspections, the Reactor ' Cooling System war closed with j
this one plug assembly in the hot leg of Ioop 22. Subsequently, a hydro-j static test of the Reactor Coolant System was perfomed. This test i
i required operation of reactor coolant pumps and the resultant flow in l
the Reactor Coolant System apparently dislodged the plug.
- l i
Description of Events i
j The three-piece plate assembly was one of four similar assemblies, one j
for each of the four steam generators. The plate assembly is made in thne sections in order to allow it to be passed into the steam generator j
via the small manway. It is assembled in place and put over the n actor j
coolant piping nozzle, after which it,is taped down to the interior of j
the waterbox of the steam generator. The purpose of this plate is to prevent foreign objects from falling into the mactor coolant piping
while work is going on in that waterbox.
t f
NThis plate assembly consists of a quasi-rectangular 16-gauge stainless steel plate, fourteen by thirty-eight inches, and two half moon sections i
j of 16 gauge stainless steel plate. The three pieces are bolted together j
with eight welded cap screws (attached to the half moon sections) and eight wing nuts to fom a circular plate assembly thirty-six inches in diameter. The quasi-rectangular piece was the one found in the upper internals package.
1 j
On September 14, 1972 the manway cover of the No. 22 steam generator inlet waterbox was removed. An inspection inside the waterbox revealed 1
the other two sections (i.e., the two half moon sections) of the assembly.
i All eight of the welded cap screws had been sheared off. The heads and a
part of the cap screws were still welded to the half moon sections.
l During this and subsequent inspections, all but one wing nut and one cap j
screw piece (approximately 1/4 inch x 3/4 inch) were found and removed.
Further inspections tre being undertaken to locate these two pieces. The j
yellow tape used to tape the three-piece assembly to the reactor outlet i
nozzle in the waterbox of the steam generator, has been found in various parts of the Reactor Coolant System.
The steam generator inlet waterbox tube sheet and tube ends were prelimi-
narily inspected and minor scoring of some tube ends was noted. No damage j
was found on the tube sheet.
k An inspection of the upper core package revealed no damage.
i i
A" O
OO An inspection of the primary coolant pipe from the reactor vessel to the waterbox of No. 22 steam generator was conducted by the Operations Engineer for Unit No. 2 on June DO,1972. During that inspection, the plate covering the steam generator inlet nozzle was in place and the Operations Engineer was therefore unable to enter the steam generator.
Two Quality Control Inspectors on July 5, 1972 using a rope ladder attached to a support frame outside the manway entry into the inlet and the outlet waterboxes of No. 22 steam generator, entered the steam generator. They inspected and cleaned the lines and the waterbox up to the reactor vessel from the reactor side of the steam generator, and to the primary coolant pump fmm the steam generator outlet side of the I
steam generator. Upon ccanpletion of this inspection, a fifty-three pound stainless steel gasket insert plate was installed in the manway opening to the steam generator inlet and outlet boxes and each was held in place with three machine scirews. On July 6, 1972, the Quality Assurance Engineer and a Unit No. 2 Watch Foreman performed the final close-out inspection on both waterboxes of No. 22 steam generator. Neither man completely l
entered either of the waterboxes, but each of them individually put their head and shoulders inside the waterbox and made an inspection with the l
aid of a light. They reported each waterbox to be clean and completely t
clear of all foreign material and authorized re-installation of the manway cover.
Prior to re-installing the manway cover, a new flexatallic gasket and the stainless steel insert plate was attached to each manway opening with three machine screws. The insert. plates and new gaskets were personally installed by the Watch Foreman in the presence of the Quality Assurance Engineer immediately following their inspection. The manway covers were installed on No. 22 steam generator on July 6 and 7, 1972.
N ased upon the above, the most probable cause of leaving the plate B
assembly in the Reactor Coclant System during the hydrostatic. test is as follows:
The inspection of the interior of the steam generator water-boxes and lines using the rope ladder on July 5 and the close-out inspection by the Quality Assurance Engineer and Watch l
Foreman on July 6 was not actually made on the boiler inlet.
side of No. 22 steam generator.
It is concluded that they inspected the same steam generator and/or waterbox twice.
Since Nos. 23 and 24 steam generator waterboxes were still open, that is to say, the manway covers were not yet installed on July 5 and 6, it is possible that Nos. 23 or 24 was actuany i
the steam generator inspected by one team in one case on July 5, and by the other team in the other case on July 6.
Corrective Action In order to assure that a similar occurrence is precluded in the future, the following changes were immediate1 r implemented. Each 0,uality Control Inspector is now required to keep on als person, while employed as an
l inspector, a diary in which he will re ard as the inspection process pro-
l ceeds, details of his observations. Later consolidation of these details i
i i
oo 1
3 are recorded in the Quality Assurance Engineer's log at the end of his 2
watch. In addition to existing inventory procedures, each steam generator j
waterbox manway access is to be labeled and color coded as to which steam 1
generator, and which waterbox, whether inlet or outlet, it provides access to. New and separate entry pemits for each opening and closure into any I
component are now required. For example, if work inside a component is
intemittent and the component is temporarily closed, that pemit must be l
closed out at that time and a new pemit issued to re-open it to complete the work. Sufficient Quality Assurance manning will be provided to insure i
total covera 6e during the time that the component is open. If a Quality 1
Control Inspector is not available at any time, then access to that com-j ponent will be denied. Lock vire and a lead seal shall be used on a i
temporary closure at the end of each shift or whenever work is interrupted l'
and/or a Quality Control Inspector is not available at the job site. A mandatory final review of all opening pemits, closing pemits and in-j ventory sheets will be made prior to final closure. Defects in that re-
view will be noted, and a search made to correct such defects before final closure is authorized. Quality Control in Nuclear Power Generation will
establish a Pipe Plug Log for all temporary pipe plugs where the interior of a component has a pipe plug instaned. A tag clearly indicating this fact will be attached to the external portion of that component. The Pipe j
Plug Log will be one of the documents reviewed and satisfied prior to j
final closure of the component. The Watch Foreman will make a final j
inspection with a Quality Control Inspector as the final closeout in-j spection, as part of the work permit completion.
Safety Implications I
'Had this condition remained undetected prior to operation, it would not j
have adversely affected the safety of the plant. Continued Reactor Coolant System operation with the plate present in a hot leg of the system j
could eventually have resulted in steam generator leakage. Such leakage j
would have immediately been detected, and the plant would have been shut down and the condition corrected. The reactor and reactor coolant system
geometry is such that the plate left in the hot leg could not have caused 1
any core flow blockage. While it is conceivable that a wing nut or cap l
screw piece or a corner of a plate could have caused control rod sticking, this is considered unlikely due to the geometry of the upper internals.
i The plant, however, is designed and operated such that it is capable of being shut down at any time with the most reactive rod stuck fully out.
k j
Hence, it is concluded that had the assembly been inadvertently left in the Reactor Coolant System, and had the reactor been operated, there j
would not have been a significant safety problem. Nonetheless, the pre-vously described corrective actions are being taken to preclude such an incident occurring again.
In addition, it should be noted that Con Edison is engaged, with Westinghouse, in a development program for a loose parts monitoring system. Prior to the discovery of the plate, plans had already i
been made to take measurements with the developmental system prior to j
initial criticality. Data obtained to date from the developmental system j
indicate that this system would have detected the presence of the plate.
l It is Con Edison's intent to proceed with the developnent work on a loose i
parts detection system. The development work will include in-plant measure-
ments during plant startup.
j t
m-a y