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Forwards Responses to 910822 Questions Re Request for License Amend for one-time Extension of Allowed out-of-svc Time for Diesel Generators 3 & 4
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/1991
From: Starkey R
Shared Package
ML20083C700 List:
NLS-91-233, NUDOCS 9109270114
Download: ML20083C696 (17)


9 CP&L '

. Carolina Power & Ught Company Brunswick S'eam Electr c P:aot P O Bot 104 '9

  • Soumport. N C N461 September 10,1991 nussttu a. sTAnncy, s n.

SERIAL: NLS-91-233 vice Presideni m U R grg 1


By letter dated August 22,1991 (Serial: NLS-91207), Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) requested a one-time revision to the Technical Specifications for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1. The proposed revision would allow a one-time-only extension of the 7 day allowed out of-service time (AOT) for one inoperable diesel generator for each of Diesel Generators Number 3 and 4, to a 14 day AOT for one inoperable diesel generator for each of Diesel Generators Number 3 and 4 during the upcoming Unit 2 refueling wtage.

On August 30,1991, a conference call was conducted with members of the NRC Staff to discuss Staff questions concoming the request. Enclosure 1 summarizes the Staff's questions and CP&L's responses.

Enclosure 2 provides the typed Technical Specification pages for the Staff's convenience in issuing the proposed request.

The Company has reviewed the 10 CFR 50.92 evaluation provided in our August 22,1991 license amendment request and has determined that the evaluation is not affected by the information provided in the enclosed responses.

Please refer any questions regarding this submittal to Mr. M. R. Oates at (919) 546-6063.

Yours very truly, R. B. Starkey, Jr.

JCP/WRM/wrm (edg-ral.wpf)


1. Summary of Staff Questions and CP&L Responses
2. Technical Specification Pages - Unit 1 9109270114 910910  ;( &

POR ADOCK 0500G?25 \ '\\


cc: Mr. Dayne H. Brown Mr. S. D. Ebneter Mr. N. B. Le Mr. R. L Prevatte R. B. Starkey, Jr., having been first duly sworn, did depose and say that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of his information, knowledge and belief; and the sources of his information are officers, employees, contractors, and agents of Carolina Power & Light Company.

MA c w k k Nota'ty (Seal) 'd My commission expires: b ja)li %

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Enclosure 1 Table 2 lists the equipment available to safely shut down Unit 1 during a worst case LOCA.

Please clarify the conditions assumed for this worst case LOCA.

CP&L Resoonse 1:

The worst caso LOCA discussed in Enclosure 1 of our August 22,1991 submittal assumes a loss of coolant accident coincident with a loss of offsite power along with an assumed single falture.

NRC Ouestion 2:

Surveillance tests satisfying Technical Specifications through were performed during the recent diesel generator outage. Since the requirements of Technical Specification will be satisfied through the performance of ihe planned diesel generator maintenance, will a mid-cycle outage be necessary to re-perform these surveillances?

CP&L Resoonse 2:

Technical Specifications through will be re-performed to demonstrate the operability of Diesel Generators Number 3 and 4 following the planned maintenance activities.

Therefore, the 18 month surveillance interval will be reset during this outage and thus will not be required to be performed again until the next Unit 2 Refueling Outage.

NRC Ouestion 3:

Provide a revised schedule for the maintenance work planned for Diesel Generators Number 3 and 4 during the outage based on a 14 day LCO.

CP&L Resoonse 3:

A revised schedule for tlie maintenance work planned for Diesel Generators Number 3 and 4 during the outage, based on a 14 day LCO is provided as Attachment 1 to this enclosure. ,

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4 NRC Ouestion 4:

Please revise the footnote proposed for Technical Specification,- Actions b.3, c.3, and e.3 to indicate that only one diesel generator (i.e., Diesel Generator Number 3 g Diesel Generator Number 4) will be removed from service at the same time for planned maintenance work.

CP&L Resoonse 4:

The typed Technical Specification pages enclosed include a revisicn to the subject footnote to clearly Indicate that only one diesel generator at a time will be removed from service for the malntenance work.

NRC Ouestion 5:

In the August 22,1991 submittal. CP&L stated that unless required by Technical Specifications, testing and maintenance that would increase the likelihood of a plant transient during the period of diesel generator ma!ntenance would be avoided. Please identify any surveillance tests scheduled for performance during the time periods that Diesel Gencntors Number 3 and 4 will be out of service for maintenance.

CPSL Responsel:

Attachment 2 to this enclosure lists those periodic tests required by Technical Specifications to be completed during periods of time that Diesel Generators Number 3 and 4 are scheduled to be out of service during Unit 2, Refueling Outage Number 9. These periodic tests will be performed as scheduled with the exception of those listed in Attachment 3 to tbJs enclosure.

NRC Ouestion 6:

l Provide the estimated man-hours required to perform suiveillance procedure OMST-DG500.

CP&L Retoonse 6:

! OMST-DG500, " Emergency Diesel Generators inspection

  • is the Brunswick Plant procedure which satisfies the inspection requirements of Technical Specification This procedure requires the tear down of the diesel generator for inspection in order to ensure that the diesel generators are functioning properly and to inspect for any potential problems. Approximately ") man-hours are l necessary to perform OMST-DG500, requiring two 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts per 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> e uver a time period of l

approximately six days.

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NRC Ouestion 7:

Provide a clarification with respect to the overlapping of the transformer work (l. e., bushing replacement) with the planned diesel generator work scheduled to be performed during the outage.

. CP&L Resnonse 7:

1 Per the current Ur F 2 outage schedule, the Unit Auxillary Transformer (UAT) work (1. e., bushing replacement) wi8 ue completed prior to entering the first 14 day AOT for diesel generator maintenance.

Additional Clarifications:

During the August 30,1991, conference call CP&L provided the following clarifications to the August 22, 1991 license amendment request:

1. During the first 14 day diesel ge 1erator maintenance outage (Diesel Generator Number 3), the reactor vessel will be defueled. During the second 14 day diesel generator maintenance outage (Diesel Generator Number 4), the reactor vessel will have been refueled; however, a!i emergency core cooling systems required by Technical Specifications to be operable during this p; ant state will be operable.


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, ONE-TIME EXTENSION OF ALLOWED OUT-OF-SERVICE TIME FOR DIESEL GENERATORS NUMBER 3 & 4 Revised Schedule for Maintenance Work Planned for DG # 3 & #4 Based on 14 Day Allowed Out of Service Time for One Inoperable Diesel Generator DIESEL GENERATOR NUMBER 3 October 2,1991 through Octob3r 13,1991 Hang Clearance for Diesel Generator Number 3, Start 14 Day LCO Take Crankshaft Deflection Readings on Diesel Generator Number 3 Hang Electrical Clearance for Overload Relay for DG Building Supply Fan Perform Preventatlve Maintenance on DG Engine Pump Add Oil to and Calibrate Engine Crankcase Vacuum Pressure indicator Check Water B% ster Pump Light inspect /Peplace Isolation Amplifier of Exciter Current Transducer Replace Fuel Oil Discharge Strainer Differential Pressure Switch Replace Fuel Oil Duplex Filter Differential Pressure Switch Install Flex Conduit Connector Perform OMST-DG500, Crankcase 7.2.1 Perform OMST DG500, Valve Gear and Injectors 7.2.2 Remove / Rework / Replace the Overload Relay for DG Building Supply Fan inspect Jacket Water Cooler Perform Preventative Maintenanca on Starting and Control Air Filters Perform OMST-DG500 for DG Traps and Strainers 7.2.3 Perform OMST-DG500 Lubrication for DG 7.2.4 Change Oil for DG Engine Air intake Filter inspect Check Valves for Service Water Inlet to DG Jacket Water Cooler Perform OMST-DG500 Generator 7.2.5 Perform OMST-DG500 Turbocharger 7.2.6 Perform OMST-DG500 Cooling Water 7.2.7 Perform OMST-DG500 Jacket Water Heat Exchanger 7.2.8 Remove Electrical Cimrance for Overload Relay for DG Building Supply Fan Perform Acceptance . act for Overload Relay for DG Building Supply Fan Perform OMST-DG500 crankcase & Bedplate 7.3.1 Perform 0MST-DG500 Cam Shaft & Drive Adjustments 7,3.2 Perform OMST-DG500 System Checks 7.4 Change Oil in DG#3 Perform 2MST-DG21R (Diesei Generator Trip Logic Test)

Replace DG Housing Bolt inspect and Raplace Cam Shaft Bearings E1 -4

l Repair Leaking Pipe Union Replace Test Valve at Engine Jacket Water Heater Circulating Pump Suction Replace Filter and Pre lube Pump Outlet Flow Control Valve Pilot Solenoid Valve Replace Filter & Pre-lube Pump Outlet Flow Control Valve Pilot Solenoid Valve investigate Chattering DG Engine Jet Assist Right Header Check Va ve Replace Run in DG Engine Control Panel Calibrate DG Engine Start Air Pressure Switch, Right Header Repair Crank Case Blower Leak Repair DG 3 Jacket Watar Cooler Outlet Temperature Control Valve Remove & Reinstall DG 3 Starting Air Tank B Pressure Relief Valve Calibrate DG Engine Start Air Pressure Switch, Left Header Repair DG 3 Lube Oil Line Union Leak Repair DG 3 Lube Oil Automatic Temperature Control Valve Trouble Shoot Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump Replace Pre-Lube Solenoid Valve in Engine Control Panet Calibrate DG Engine Lube Oil Filter Differential Pressure Switch Process Required Operability for DG#3 Repair left Bank Air Distributor Rebuild Right Bank Air Distributor Repair Jacket Water Leak Repair Union Leak Remove Clearance DG #3 Perform Valve and Electrical Uneup Fill and Vent the System Perform OPT 12.2C (No. 3 Diesel Generator Monthly Load Test) and Place DG #3 in Service DIESEL GENERATOR NUMBER 4 November 4,1991 through November 15,1991 Hang Clearance for Overload Relay for Lube Oil Filter Heater Remove / Rework / Replace Overload Relay for DG Lube Oil Filter Heater Harg Clearance for DG 4 Outage - Start 14 Day LCO Take Crankshaft Deflections on DG 4 Hang Clearance for Overload Relay for Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Perform OMST-DG500 Crankcase 7.2.1 Inspect Jacket Water Cooler Change Oil in DG 4 Add Oil to DG Engine Control Panel 1 and Calibrate Replace Panel Heater Strip Calibrate DC Timing Relay (Auxiliary Relay to DG Starter)

Calibrate DG Exciter Field Shorting Relay Replace DG Exciter Current Transducer Replace DG Fuel Oil Discharge Strainer Differential Pressure Switch Replace DG Fuel Oil Duplex Filter Pressure Switch Check Wiring on DG Oil Booster Pump Perform OMST-DG500 Valve and Gear Injectors 7.2.2 Remove / Rework / Replace Overload Relay for DG Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Perform Preventative Maintenance on Starting and Control Air Filters Perform Preventative Maintenance on Engine Pumps E l-5 I

Repair Lube Oil Cooler Flange Leak Check Vale Disassembly Test on Check Valve for Service Water inlet to Jacket Water Cooler Check Valve Inspections on Check Valve for Service Water Inlet to Jacket Water Cooler Perform OMST-DG500 Traps & Strainers 7.2.3 Perform OMST-DG500 Lubrication 7.2.4 Perform OMST-DG500 Generator 7.2.5 Perform OMST-DG500 Turbocharger 7.2.6 Remove Clearance from Overioad Relay for DG Lube Oil Filter Heater Perform OMST-DG500, Cooling Water 7.2.7 Perform OMST-DG500, Jacket Water Heat Exchanger,7.2.8 Perform Acceptance Test on Overload Relay for DG Lube Oil Filter Heater Remove Clearance from Overload Relay for DG Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Perform Acceptance Test on Overload Relay for DG Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Perform OMST-DG500, Crankcase and Bedplate,7.3.1 Perform OMST-DG500, Cam Shaft and Drive Train Adjustments,7.3.2 Perform 0MST-DG500, System Checks,7.4 Change DG Engine Air intake Filter Perform 2-MST-DG22R (DG #4 Trip Bypass Logic Test)

Inspoet/ Replace Cam Shaft Bearings Repair / Replace DG 4 Jacket Water Cooler Outlet Temperature Control Vane Replace Test Valve at DG Engine Jacket Water Heatar Check Engine Lube Oil Filter Heater Temperature Switch Flush Engine Lube Oil inlet Pressure Indicator Test Connection Replace Temperature Indicator for Engine Jacket Water Outlet Header Replace and Calibrate Pressure Switch for Service Water Engino Jacket Water Cooler Replace Run/ Shutdown Solenoid Valve on DG 4 Trouble Shoot DG 4 Engine Jet Assist Solenoid Valve Repalt 3/4" Conduit Clamp on inlet Supply Une to DG 4 Excess Fuel Oil Return To Day Tank Line Replace Handle on DG 4 Lube Oil Automatic Temperature Control Valve Repair Oil Leak on DG 4 Crankcase Vacuum Blower Calibrate Volt Meter for 4160 V Bus E4 Replace Defective Relay for DG 4 Four Day Tank Fuel Oil Inlet Replace Pre-lube Solenoid Valve in Engine Control Panel Repair DG 4 Engine Jacket Water Head Tank Demineralizer Water Fill Valve .

Evaluate Set Point Tolerance on DG Lube Oil Differential Pressure Switch Remove and Replace the Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump Remove and Replace the Jacket Water Pump Process Operability for DG #4 Pull Clearance for DG #4 Perform Valve and Electrical Lineups Fill and Vent the System Perform OPT.12.2D (No. 4 Diesel Generator Monthly Load Test) and Place DG #4 in Service Ele




REQUEST FOR LICENSE AMENDMENT ONE-TIME EXTENSION OF ALLOWED OlJT-OF-SERVICE TIME FOR DIESEL GENERATORS NUMBER 3 & 4 Surveillance Tests Required by Technical Specifications To Be Completed During AOT for DG # 3 and

  1. 4 During Unit 2 Refueling Outage Number 9 DIESEL GENERATOR NUMBER 3 OUTAGE SCHEDULE OVERDUE' PROCEDURE TITLE DATE DATE OPT-21.1 A - Control Room Emergency Filters Weekly Run Time Check 10/7/91 10/8/91 OE&RC-2003 - Reporting of Radioactive Airborne Effluent Releases 10/7/91 10/14/91 OE&RC-2009 - Radioactive Uquid Effluent Releases & Reports 10/2/91 10/9/91

~ OE&RC-3101 - Radiological Environmental Tech Spec Monitoring 10/7/91 10/8/91 OMST-BATT12W - Batteries Fire Pump Diesel Start Weekly Operability Test 10/8/91 10/9/91 P

OMST-DG24M - Emergency Bus Degraded Voltage Channel Functional Test 10/5/91 10/12/91 OPT-23.1 - Control Room Emergency Filtration Systems Operability Test 10/8/91 10/15/91 OPT- - Fire Pump Test (Motor Driven & Engine Driven) 10/5/91 10/6/91 OPT - Reactor Buildings 1 & 2, AOG and Service Water Buildings Fire Barrier Visual Inspection 10/4/91 10/11/91 OPT-34 2.3.3'- Hose Station Inspection Control Building & Radwaste - 10/4/91 10/11/91 0FT- - Hose Station inspection Diesel Generator Building 10/4/91 10/11/91 OPT- - Hose Station Inspection AOG & Service Water Buildings 10/5/91 10/12/91 OPT- - Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Testing

_ Control Building 10/5/91 10/12/91

OPT- Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Teating l Diesel Generator Building 10/5/91 10/12/91 i

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' j OPT- - Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Testing AOG Building 10/5/91 10/12/91 OPT-15.1 - Standby Gas Treatment System Filter Test - 10/9/91 2/23/92 -

OPT-15.1 A Standby Gas Treatment Filters Week 1y Run Check 10/7/91 10/8/91

j. and 10/14/91 10/15/91 OE&RC-1000 Sampling & Analysis Schedule for Tech Specs 10/7/91 10/8/91 and 10/14/91 10/15/91 OE&RC-1221 - Sampling & Analysis Procedure for Routine Swam Jet Air Elector Off Gas 10/9/91 10/16/91 OE&RC-2002 - Sampling of Radioactive Airborne Effluent Releases 10/8/91 10/9/91 and 10/15/91 10/16/91 OE&RC-2009 - Radioactive Liquid Effluent Releases and Reports 10/9/91 10/10$1 and 10/16/91 10/17/91 OE&RC-2019 - Main Condenser Steam Jet Air Ejector

( Radioactivity Monitor 10/9/91 10/16/91 l

l- 1MST-BATT11W - Batteries 125VDC Weekly Operability Test 10/9/91 10/10/91 and 10/16/91 10/17/91 1MST-APRM11W & -APRM12W - APRM Channel Functional Test 10/8/91 10/9/91 and 10/15/91 10/16/91 1MST APRM21W - APRM $5% Trip and Inoperable Channel Functional Test / Calibration 10/3/91 10/4/91 and 10/10/91 10/11S1 1MST-HPCl240 & HPCl250 - HPCI Steam Leak Detection Channel Calibration 10/2/91 10/23/91 1MST-IRM11W & -IRM12W - lRM Channel Functional Test 10/3/91 10/4/91 and 10/10/91 10/11/91 1MST-PCIS21M & -PCIS29M - PCIS Reactor Water Low Level 2 and Low Level 3 Division 1 and Division 2 Trip Logic - Channel Functional Test and Channel Calibration 10/5/91 10/12/91 1MST-PCIS24M - PCIS Low Main Steam Line Pressure Channel 10/5/91 10/12/91 Calibration l

1MST-RCIC13M, -RCIC14M & -RCIC15M - RCIC Steam Leak Detection

Channel Functional Test 10/6/91 10/7/91 l

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9 1MST-RCIC21M - RCIC Steam Line Break High Delta / Pressure Trip Logic Channel Calibration 10/5/91 10/12/91

- 1MST-RCIC22M - RCIC Steam Line Low Pressure Channel Calibration 10/8/91 10/15S1 1MST-RCIC23M - RCIC Turbine Diaphragm High Pressure Channel Calibration 10/5/91 10/12/91 1MST RCIC24Q - RCIC Steam Leak Detection Channel Calibration 10/7/91 10/28/91 1MST-RCIC26M - RCIC Reactor High Water Level Trip Logic Channel Calibration -10/5/91 10/12/91 1MST-RPS11W - Main Steam Line High Radiation Channel Functional Test 10/8/91 10/9/91 and 10/15/91 10/16/91 1MST-RPS24M RPS Reactor Vessel Water Low Level 1 Trip Logic Channel Calibration 10/7/91 10/14/91 1MST-RSDP21Q - Remote Shut Down Panel Reactor Vessel Water Level Channel Calibration 10/5/91 10/26/91 1MST-SRM11W - SRM Channel functional Test 10/3/91 10/4/91 and 10/10/91 10/11/91 CPLO3.1.22 - Reactor Coolant Recirculation System Valve Operability Test 10/5/91 10/6/91 and 10/12/91 10/13/91 OPT-08.2.4 - RHR Cervice Water System Component Test 10/6/91 10/13/91 OPT /J9.2 - HPCI System Operability Test 10/3/91 10#4/91 OPT-09.3A - HPCI System Component Test 10/3/91 10/10/91 f

OPT 10.1.1 A - RCIC System Component Test 10/9/91 10/16/91 OPT-11.3 - Drywell Drains System Valve Operability Test 10/5/91 10/6/91 and 10/12/91 10/13/91 OPT-14.0 - Control Rod Drive System Valve Operability Test 10/5/91 10/6/91 l and 10/12/91 10/13/91 OPT-15.6 - Standby Gas Treatment System Operability Test 10/3/91 10/10/91

OPT-16.1.1 - Containment Atmosphere Control System l Operability Test 10/5/91 10/6/91 l and 10/12/91 10/13/91 OPT-24.1.2 - Service Water Miscellaneous Service Water Valve Operability Test 10/7/91 10/30/91 and 10/12/91 10/13/91 l

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1PT-24.1.1 Service Water Lube Water Pump and Valve Operability Test 10/8/91 10/31/91 1PT- - Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Test 10/5/91 10/12/91 OE&RC-1231 - Sampling & Analysis for Tritiated Water 10/16/91 10/23/91 1MST-AM127M - AMI Suppression Pool Temperature Monitor Channel Functional Test 10/13/91 10/20/91 1MST-APRM11M - APRM Rod Block Functional Test 10/15/91 10/22/91 1MST-CUNT 11M -CLINT12M - Chloride Intrusion Monitor 1MST-CUNT 13M -CUNT 14M - Channel Functional Test &

- & 1MST-CUNT 15M Setpoint Calibration 10/12/91 10/19/91 1MST-CS21M - Core Spray Pump Discharge ADS Permissive Channel Functional Test 10/12/91 10/19/91 1MST-HPCl26M - HPCI Suppression Pool High Level Channel Functional Test 10/13/91 10/20$1 1MST-PCIS22M - PCIS Low Main Steam Une Pressure Trip Logic Channel Calibration 10/12/91 10/19/91 1MST-PCIS25M, -PCIS26M - PCIS High Main Steam Une Flow Trip 1MST-PM27M & -PCIS28M - Logic Channel Calibration 10/12/91 10/19/91 l 1MST-RBM11M RBM Channel Functional Test 10/12/91 10/19/91 1MST-RGE21M - Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring for Main Condenser Off-Gas Treatment System Recombiner Hydrogen Monitors Channel Functional Test 10/12/91 10/19/91 1MST-RWCU21M - RWCU High Differential Flow Trip Logic Channel Functional Test 10/12/91 10/19/91 1MST-RWCU22M - RWCU Steam Leak Detection Channel Functional Test 10/12/91 10/19/91 OPT-02.1.22 - Primary Containment ;oolation System Main Steam Line Area High Temperature Channel Functional Test 10/11/91 10/18/91 OPT-06.1 - Standby Liquid Control Operability Test 10/10/91 10/17/91 OPT-07.1.0 - Core Spray System Component Test 10/15/91 10#2/91 OPT-08.1.4A - RHR Service Wr.ter Systern Operability Test Loop A 10/10/91 10/20/91 OPT-12.2A - Diesel Generator 1 Monthly Load Test 10/14/91 10/21/91 OPT-12.3.2A - DG 1 Starting Air Receiver Check Valve 10/14/91 1101/91 E1 -10

OPT-12.4A - DG 1 Fuel Oil Transfer Pump Test 10/14/91 11A1S1 ,

l OPT 24.0 - Service Water System Valve Uneup Verification 10/11/91 10/18/91 l

DIESEL GENERATOP NUMBER 4 OUTAGE SCHEDULED OVERDUE PROCEDURE TITLE DATE DATE OPT-21.1 A - Control Room Emergency Filters Weekly Run Time Check 11/4/91 11/5/91 OE&RC-200' Reporting of Radioactive Airborne Releases 11/7/91 11/14/91 OE&RC-3101 Radiological Environmental Tech Spec Monitoring 11/4/91 11/5/91 OMST-BATT120 - Batteries Fire Pump Diesel Start Quarterly Operability Test 11/12/91 12/3/91 OMST BATT12W - Batteries Fire Pump Diesel Start Operability Test 11/5/91 11/6/91 OPT-21.3 - Control Room Emergency Filtration Systems Operability Test 11/8/91 11/15/91 OPT- - Reactor Buildings 1 & 2, AOG and Service Water Buildings Fire Barrier Penetrations Visual inspection 11/4/91 11/11/91 OPT- - Hose Station inspection Control Building & Radwaste 11/4/91 11/11/91 OPT- - Hose Station inspection Diesel Generator Building 11/4/91 11/11/91 OPT- - Hose Station inspection AOG & Service Water Buildings 11/5/91 11/12/91 OPT- - Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Testing Control Building 11/5/91 11/12/91 OPT- Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Testing Diesel Generator Building 11/5/91 11/12/91 OPT- - Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Testing AOG Building 11/5/91 11/12/91 OPT-15.1 A - Standby Gas Treatment Filters Weekly Run Check 11/4/91 11/5/91 and 11/11/91 '1/12/91 OE&RC-1000 - Sampling & Analysis Schedule for Tech Specs 11/4/91 11/5/91 and 11/11/91 11/12/91 OE&RC-2002 - Sampling of Radioactive Airborne Effluent Releases 11/5/91 11/6/91 and 11/12/91 11/13/91 El-11

OE&RC-2009 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Releases and Reports 11/6/91 11/7/91 and 11/13/91 11/14/91 OPT-77.3 - Condensate Pump Discharge Chlorido intrusion Monitor Channel Calibration 11/7/91 12/23/91 1MST-BATT11W - Batteries 125VDC Weekly Operability Test 11/6/91 11/7/91 and 11/13/91 11/14/91 1MST-APRM11W & -APRM12W - APRM Channel Functional Test 11/5/91 11/6/91 and 11/12/91 11/13/91 1MST-APRM21W - APRM 15% Trip and inoperable Channel Functional Test / Calibration 11/7/91 11/8/91 and 11/14/91 11/15/91 1MST-APRM230, -APRM240 & -APRM260 - APRM Channel Calibration

& Functional Test 11/3/91 11/ES/91 1MST-APRM280 - APRF' Flow Bias Flow Units A & B Channel Calibration 11/3/91 11/26/91 1MST-CAC260 - CAC Division 1 Drywell Hydrogen & Oxygen Monitors Channel Calibration 11/5/91 11/28/91 1MST-CUNT 15M - Chlorido intrusion Monitor Channel Functional Test and Setpoint Calibration 11/8/91 11/15 S 1 1MST-IRM11W & -IRM12W - IRM Channel Functional Test 11/7/91 11/8/91 and 11/14/91 11/15/91 1MST-RCIC13M, -RCIC14M & -RCIC15M - RCIC Steam Leak Detection Channel Functional Test 11/3/91 11/10S1 ,

1MST-RCIC22M - RCIC Steam Lino Low P essure Channel Calibration 11/5/91 11/12/91 1MST-RGE110 - Radioactive Gaseous Eff. n: N1onitoring for AOG Effluent Nobic Gas Radiation Monitor Channel Functional Test 11/6/91 11/29/91 IMST-RPS11W - Main Steam Line High Radiation Channel Functional Test 11/5/91 1/6/91 and 11/12/91 11/13/91 1MST-RPS24M - RPS Reactor Vessel Water Low Level 1 Trip Logic Channel Calibration 11/4/91 11/11/91 1MST-SRM11W - SRM Channel Functional Test 11/7/91 11/8/91 and 11/14/91 11/15/91 El-12

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OPT-06.1 Standby IJquid Control Operability lest 11/7/91 11/14/91 OPT-08.2.4 RHR Service Water Fystem Component Test 11/0/91 11/13$1 OPT 49.2.3 HPCI System Short Operability Test 11/7/91 11A8/91 OPT 10.1.1 A RCIC System Component Test 11/0/91 11/13/91 1PT Fire Detection System Nonsupervised Circuit Test 11/5/91 11/12/91 OE&RC 1221 Sampling & AnalyAocedure for Routine Steam Jet Air Ejector Off Gas 11/9/91 11/16/91 OE&RC-2019 Main Condenser Steam Jet Alr Ejector Radioactivity Monitor 11/9/91 11/10/91 IMST-AMl27M AM! Suppression Poni T^mporature Monitor Channel Functional * .!:,1 11/10/91 11/17/91 1MST-APAM11M APR' ~ Pod Bica : fr x:tional Test 11/12/91 11/19/91 1MST APRM290 APRI * .v Blat t ;ow Uni's C & D Channel 11/12/91 12S5/91 Calibration 1MST CLINT11M. -CUNT 12M. Chloride Intrusion Monitor Channel 1MST-CUNT 13M -CUNT 14M - Functional Test & Sotpoint Calibratio1 11/9/91 11/10/91 l

1MST-CS21M Coro Spray Pump Discharge ADS Permissive Channel Forctional Test 11/9/91 11/10/91 1 MST-CS21' Core Spray Sparpr High Differential Pressure Channel Calibration 11/10/91 12/1/91 l

l 1MST-HPCl; .1 HPCI St.opression Pool High Level Channel Functional Test 11/13/91 11/20S1 IMST-PCIS22M PCIS Low Main Steam Line Pressure Trip

! mic Channel Calibration 11/9/91 11/16/91 1MST-PCIS20V -PCIS2GM - PCIS High Main Steam Une Flow Trip l 1MST-PCIS27M & -PCIS28M - Logic Channel Calibration 11/9/91 11/10/91 l

-1MST-RBM11M - RBM Channel Functional Test 11/9/91 11/16/91 1MST-RGE21M Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring for Main Condenser Off-Gas Treatment System Explosive Gas Monitoring System Recombiner Hydrogen Monitors Channel Functional Test 11/9/91 11/16/91 l E1-13 i

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1MST.RWCluiM RWCU High Differential Flow Trip Logle Channel Functional Test 11/9/91- 11/10$1 1MST-RWCU22M - RWCU Steam Loak Detection Channel Functional 11/9/91 11/10/91 Test OPT-02.1.22 Primary Containment isolation System Main Steam Uno Arca High Temperature Channel Functional Test 11/11/91 11/18/91 OPT-03.1.22 Roactor Coolant Rocirculation System Valvo Operability Test 11/9/91 11/10/91 and 11/16/91 11/17S1 OPT 47.1.8 - Coro Spray System Component Test 11/12/91 11/19/91 OPT 11.3 - Drywell Drains System Valvo Operability Test 11/9/91 11/10/91 and 11/10/91 11/17/91 OPT 12.2A - Diosol Generator 1 Monthly Load Test 11/11/91 11/18/91 OPT 14.0 Control Rod Drive System Valve Operability Test 11/9/91 11/10/91-and 11/10/91 11/17S1 OPT 16.1.1 Containment Atmosphoto Control System Operability Test 11/9/91 12/2/91 OPT.::4.0 - Service Water System Valve Lineup Verification 11/11/91 11/18/91 OPT-24.1.2 - Service Water Miscellaneous Servico Water Valve Operab!4ty Test 11/9/91 11/10/91 and 11/16/91 11/17/91 OPT-40.2.8 - Main Steam Line isolation Valvo Closure Testing 11/9/91 11/16S1 OPT 40.2.9 Turbine Control Valve /Stop Valve Closuro Testing 11/9/91 11/10/91 i 1PT-24.11 Service Water t' ump and Discharge Valva l Operab;lity Test 11/10/91 11/13S1 l

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= 1 ATTACHMENT 3 TO ENCLOSURE 1 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT 1 NRC DOCKET NO,50-325 OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR 71 REQUEST FOR LICENSE AMENDMENT ONE TIME EXTENSION OF ALLOWED OUT-OF SERVICE TIME FOR DIESEL GENERATORS NUMBER 3 & 4 Surveillance Tests Listed in Attachmont 2 That Will Be Performed Outside Of The 14 Day Allowed Out-Of-Service Tirres (AOTs)For Diesel Generators Number 3 & 4 PROCEDURE TITLE 1MST-RSDP210 Remote Shut Down Panoi Reactor Water Level Channel Calibration 1MST-APRM230 APRM C Channel Calibration and Channel Functional Test 1MST APRM240 APRM D Channel Calibration and Channel Functional Test 1MST-APRM260 - APRM F Channel Calibratlon and Channel Functional Test 1MST APRM280 APRM Flow Blas Flow Units A and B Channel Calibration OMST-BATT120 - Batteries Fire Pump Diesel Start Quarterly Operability Test 1MST-APRM290 APRM Flow Blas Flow Units C and D Channel Calibration i

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