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Forwards Application for Amend to License NPF-69,adding Footnote to TS 3/ That Exludes Drywell Purge Supply Valve from Leak Rate Requirements of TS & Action Statement B of LCO
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1991
From: Sylvia B
Shared Package
ML20081E780 List:
NMP2L-1296, NUDOCS 9105020143
Download: ML20081E779 (2)


l NMatM NIA0 AMA MoH AWK PoWE R CORPORATION r301 PL AINF tr LD HoAD. SYRAcVEL NEW YORK 13?t2/10LE FHONE (315) 428:7494 B. Ralph SvMa Executive wce hesident Nuclw April 29,1991 tNP2L 1296 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 RE:

Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Docket No. 50 410 NPF 69 Gentlemen:

On April 24,1991, following discussions with the NRC Staff, a Temporary Walver of Compilance was granted by the Staff to allow continued operation of Nine Mlle Point Unit 2 by temporarily suspending Surveillance Requirement and action statement "b" of Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) for containment purge inboard Isolation valve 2 CPS *AOV106.

On April 25, 1991, i

Niagara Mohawk Power corporation submitted a letter (NMP2L 1295) documenting its request for the Temporary Walver of Compliance. As previously discussed with the Staff, it is Niagara Mohawk's intention to continue operation in this manner until-the next shutdown, but not later than September 30,1901. A change to Technical Specification 3/ is required to allow this continued operation.

Therefore, Niagara Mohawk hereby transmits an Application for an Amendment to Nine Mlle Point Unit 2 Operating License NPF.69. Also enclosed in Attachment A are the proposed changes to the Technical Specifications set forth in Appendix A to the above mentioned license. Supporting information and analyses demonstrating that the proposed changes involve no significant hazards consideration pursuant to 10CFR50.92 are _ included as - Attachment B.

_ Niagara Mohawk requests this AppIlcation for Amendment be considered as an emergency situation as defined in

'10CFR50.91. Information contained in Attachment C demonstrates that the criteria contained in 10CFR50.91 (a)(5) for issuance of the license Amendment without prior notice and opportunity for a hearing or public comment are met. Attachment D

. presents the environmental considerations for the proposed Technical Specification changes and concludes that no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared.

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t Pursuant to 10CFR50.91 (b)(1), Niagara Mohawk is providing a copy of this letter to the appropriato state representative by overnight mossonger.




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B. Ralph Sylvia Exec. Vice President Nuclear JBlmis 001177GG pc:

Regional Administrator, Region i Mr. W. A. Cook, Senior Resident inspector Mr. R. A. Capra, Project Olroctorate No.11, NRR Mr. D. S. Brinkman, Project Manager, NRR Ms. Donna Ross Division Policy Analysis and Planning New York State Energy Office Agoney Building 2 Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223 Records Management
