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Forwards Proposed Changes to PANTHERS-IC Test Matrix
Person / Time
Site: 05200004
Issue date: 03/16/1995
From: Quinn J
To: Borchardt R
MFN-042-95, MFN-42-95, NUDOCS 9503210181
Download: ML20081E176 (10)



k' GENuclearEnergy

. J E Quinn, Projects Manager  : GeneralElectric Company . .

LMR and SBWR Programs 175 Curtner Avenue. AVC 165 San Jose, CA 95125-1014 406 925-1005 (phone) 406 925-3991 (facsimile)

..g' March 16,1995 - MFN 042 '

Docket STN 52-004 -

Document Control Desk "

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 Attention: Richard W. Borchardt, Director Standardization Project Directorate


PANTHERS-IC Testing Reorientation


1) SBWR Test and Analysis Program Description, B. S. Shiralkar, '

., et al., Licensing Topical Report NEDO-32391, Revision A, September 1994

' 2) DSER to TAPD .

3) Isolation Condenser & Passive Containment CondenserTest Requirements,23A6999, Revision 3 1 i

This aresented letterintransmits proposed 1.

the TAPD (Reference chang)es The attachedto thepaperPANTHERS-IC (IC Testing test matrix from that i Reorientation) describes these changes which are in response to the NRC request for tests at lower pressure (Reference 2) and also due to GE's desire to reduce the -

number of structural cyclic tests. The changes do not impact the primary objectives of the test program as described in the TAPD.

GE needs the review and approval from its three Italian partners (Ansaldo, ENEA, and ENEL) before incorporating these changes in the next revision of the PANTHERS Test Specification (Reference 3). We would also like to request NRC's ,

concurrence to these changes. 1 Sincerely, u-es E. Quinn, Projects Manager LMR and SBWR Programs Enclosure l

cc: P. A. Boehnert (NRC/ACRS) )

1. Catton (ACRS)  ;

S. Q. Ninh (NRC) 1 J. H. Wilson (NRC) j l- I sk kDO $4

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Attachment to MFN 042-95 :

PANTHERSIC TESTING REORIENTATION Introduction In order to comolete the PANTHERS-IC test program in a timely manner and with .

minimum cost, a reorientation of the test matrix is needed. The reorientation involves (1) a reduction in the total number of tests, (2) changes in the test matrix, and (3) modification of the test schedule to best utilize available resources at SIET.

Test Objectives The PANTHERS-IC test objectives, as stated in the SBWR Test Analysis and Program Description (NEDO-32391, Rev. A) remain unchanged. For the Thermal-Hydraulic Tests these objectives are:

1. Demonstrate that the prototype IC heat exchanger is capable of meeting its design requirements for heat rejection. (Component Performance)
2. Provide a sufficient data base to confirm the adequacy of TRACG to predict the quasi-steady heat rejection performance of a prototype IC 1: cat exchanger, over a range of operating pressures that span and bound the -

SBWR range. (SteadystateSeparateEffects)

3. Demonstrate the startup of the IC unit under accident conditions. (Concept Demonstratiors)
4. Demonstrate the noncondensable venting capability of the SBWR IC design, and condensation restart capability following venting. (Concept Demonstration)

For the Component Demonstration Test the objective is:

1. Confirm that the mechanical design of the IC heat exchanger is adequate to assure its structural integrity over a period of time between SBWR In-Service Inspections (ISI).

While the objectives remain the same, the approach used to satisfy them has changed. For the Thermal-Ilydraulic Tests, the test conditions in the matrix have been modified. For the Component Demonstration Tests, the number of test cycles has been reduced. Both of these changes are discussed below.

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Attachment to h1FN 042-95 l

. . i Matrix Chances The test matrix is given in Appendix B of the Test Specification (23A6999, Rev. 3).

Tables la - le (attached) show a revised matrix. The major changes are:

1. Structural tests are separated from thermal-hydraulic performance tests. In the current Test Specification, each steady-state performance test cycle (Type 2) represents a structural test cycle (Type 1). The matrix is revised to show that the Type 2 tests do not include steady-state operation at normal reactor pressure (8.618 kPa g). However,if steady-state operation at nonnal reactor pressure is included, then that test could represent one normal 1C operation cycle (Type 1) or one reactor heatup/cooldown cycle (Type 4), depending on the conditions tested. This allows flexibility by SIET to gather performance data without the need of the test being a structural test.
2. Steady-steady data can be collected at more than one pressure during a given test. The also allows flexibility by SIET to run thermal-performance tests together.
3. Steady-state performance pressures are revised to collect data at lower pressures. This broadens the performance of the IC to covei effects during postulated LOCAs. This change was made at the request of the USNRC.
4. Only one cycle is required for each performance pressure test condition.
5. Venting test conditions for Type 3 tests (non-condensable gas effects) have been revised to better reflect actual plant conditions during design basis transients. Specifically, the tests call for a mixture of air and helium to match the ratio of radiolytic gases (oxygen and hydrogen) which could be generated in the core during an isolation transient. In addition, since these tests are not designed to match the transieu system behavior of SBWR (e.g., steam flows are constant), there is no specific required flow. However, the flow requirements have been given such that useful data will be collected to understand the thermal performance degradation caused by non-condensable gas buildup.
6. Pool water level effects test conditions have also been revised to better reficct actual plant conditions (i.e., lower steam flowrates). As with the non-condensable gas effects tests, these tests will not match the actual transient performance of the IC system, but will supply data to understand the thermal performance degradation caused by the tubes becoming uncovered.

Test Reduction The structural design objective of the full 4cale IC test is to assure that the loads used in the design envelop the loads expected during the SBWR senice conditions. To meet this objective:

a. The IC will be subjected to a range of pressure and thermal transients enveloping the loads expected during the senice.



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Attachment to MFN 042-95 .l i



' '.' a 1 b. Temperatures and strains will be monitored with thermocouples and strain-gages at critical locations identified through heat transfer and stress - ]

analyses. Comparison of the measured temperatures and strains will be j used to verify and envelop the thermalloads used in the analyses.

c. - The ASME Code limits thermal rachetting through limits on thermal' stress j

. cycles calculated using elastic or simplified inelastic ana. lyses. The cyclic _

stresses are used to calculate fatigue design margins, and the' cumulative :

inelastic strains are used to meet any functional deformation limits. While ]

no functional deformation limits exist for the IC design, changes in  ;

distances bet'veen scribe marks at locations identified through analyses'will - j bc used to estimate permanent deformations which will be then used to 3 verify and envelop cyclic loads used in the analyses.' :i

~d. Acceleron.eters will be included to uncover any flow-induced or ' .

condensation-induced vibrations.

e. The ASME Code design rules are formulated to prevent detectable crack .[

initiation by appropriate stress and cycle limits and by limiting the material ~ q operation to high ductility, large fracture toughness regimes. . The large .  ;

design margins against these rules and the large ductility and fracture . l toughness ofInconel 600 predicate no crack initiation or growth in the IC 4 design. This will be verified through pre- and post-test non-destructive  ;

. examination of selected header / tube weldjoints in this test.-

The test matrix required to m'eet the structural test objectives is designed to. .

1. Envelop all the thermal-hydraulic loading conditions expected during the j tests to assure that load estimates from the tests include the largest  !

temperature gradients an'd the fastest thermal transients with prototype pressure loads.  :

2. Include sufficient number ofload cycles to reveal any thermal rachetting _. l where the clastically calculated stress levels exceed the ASME Code j shakedown limits so that the measured deformations can be used to envelop the ASME alternative shakedown analysis approach.

GE has determined that 20 load cycles, with a large fraction of the cycles to [

include thermal transients, will be sufficient to meet the above criteria as well as -!

uncover unexpected vibrations or crack initiations at welds. .Therefore, the number of"nonnal" IC operation cycles has been reduced from 45 to 20. In -

addition, the number of reactor heatup/cooldown cycles has been reduced from  !

85 to 5. The purpose of these tests is to gather structural measurementt to j' demonstrate conservatism in the structural analyses. ,

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,. . Attachment to MFN 042-95 l-

  • Test Schedule -

Originally, PANTHERS-IC tests were to be run using steam from the neighboring ENEL power station and energy generated from an on-site boiler. The existing .

steam line from the power station is not sufficiently sized to operate the condenser .[

at maximum pressures.- 'i It has now been decided to only use steam from the power plant. In order to test at peak pressures, the existing 3 inch s' team line at SIET will be augmented with a  ;

5 inch line. The larger line is expected to be in place approximately September 1..  ;

To make the most efficient use of the facility, the test program has been divided . ]

into four phases. These phases can be characterized as the following:

Phase: }

1. Thermal-hydraulic performance tests using the 3 inch steam line. -[
2. Reactor heatup/cooldown tests r
3. Thermal-hydraulic perfonnance tests using the 5 inch steam line.
4. Remaining structural and ATWS tests.

Table 2 shows the test conditions and schedule for each of the four phases.

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Attachment to MFN 042-95 l

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. Table la Steady-State Performance Test Conditions (Type 2) - ,

Test Condition Inlet Pressure Number [MPag (psig)]

2 7.920 (1150) 3 7.240 (1050) 4 6.21 (900) l 5 5.52 (800) 6 4.83 (700) _

7 4.14 (600) 8 2.76 (400) 9 1.38 (200) 10 0.69 (100) 11 0.21 (30)


1. Measure steady-state data for 15 minutes.
2. More than one Test Condition can be collected in a single test.
3. To qualify as a structural Type 1 test cycle:

3.1. Initial pool temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F), ,

3.2. Initial inlet pressure (P1) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig),

3.3. Maintain inlet pressure for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (P2) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig).

4. To qualify as a structural Type 4 test cycle:

4.1. Initial pool temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F),

4.2. Initial inlet pressure (P1) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig),

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  • Attachment to MFN 042-95 , ,

Table Ib ~-

Non-condensable Gas Effects Test Conditions ' .f (Type 3)  :

Test . Inlet Pressure, P3 ,

Condition [MPag (psig)] l Number ,

12-- 0.48 (70) 13- 2.07 (300)-  :


1. Hold pressure at P3 for 15 minutes. 1
2. Inject air / helium mixture until pressure reaches 7.653 MPag (1110 psig).

2.1. Nominal (i 10%) ratio of air to helium = 3.6 2.2. Total flow rate sufficient to conduct a test within one test day. ..

3. Vent from bottom vent until pressure returns to P3 or remains constant.  ;
4. If pressure does not return to P3, vent from top vent until pressure returns .;

- to P3 or remains con'stant.


5. To qualify as a structural Type 1 test cycle: .

5.1. Init ial pool temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F),- ,

5.2. Initial inlet pressure (P1) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig),  ?

5.3. Maintain initial inlet pressure for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (P2) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig). t

6. To qualify as a structural Type 4 test cycle: -i 6.1. Initial pool temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F), t 6.2. Initial inlet pressure (P1) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig). .

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, Attachment to MFN042 .

1 Table Ic _


Pool Water Level Effects Test Conditions '

(Type Sm)

Test Condition Inlet Pressure, P3 Number [MPag (psig)]

14 0.48 (70) 15 2.07 (300)


1. Ifold pressure at P3 for 15 minutes.
2. Lower water level to mid-height of condenser tubes or until pressure reaches 8.618 MPag (1250 psig).
3. Raise water level to normal level and hold for 15 minutes. ,
4. To qualify as a structural Type 1 test cycle:

4.1. Initial pool temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F),

4.2. Initial inlet pressure (P1) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig), . ,

4.3. Maintain initial inlet pressure for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (P2) = 8.618 MPag (1250 ;-

psig). l

5. To qualify as a structural Type 4 test cycle:

5.1. Initial poo! temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F), ,

5.2. Initial inlet pressure (PI) = 8.618 MPag (1250 psig),

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! Attachmer 'FN 042-95 Table ld Startup Demonstration Test Conditions Test No. of Initial Inlet Inlet Inlet Initial Condition Cycle Cycles Pressure, P1 Pressure, P2 Pressure, P3 Pool Number Type MPag (psig) MPag (psig) MPag (psig) Temp.

[*C (*F)]

1 1 3 9.480(1375) 8.618(1250) < 21 (70) 18 5 1 8.618(1250) 9.480(1375) 8.618(1250) < 32 (90)


1. In Test Condition 1, the inlet pressure P1 can be reduced in accordance with Test Specification Figure 6-2 if the initial pool temperature is less than 17 "C (62 "F). Hold pressure P2 for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
2. Test Condition 18 should be done at the end of the test series. Hold pressure P3 for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Table le Structural Cyclic Test Conditions Test No. of InitialInlet Inlet Condition Cycle Cycles Pressure, P1 Pressure, P2 Number Type MPag (psig) MPag (psig) Notes

  • 16 1 20 8.618 (1250) 8.618 (1250) 1,2,3 17 4 5 8.618 (1250) 1,4 Notes:
1. Initial pool temperature < 32 degrees C (90 degrees F).
2. Iloid pressure P2 for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
3. Number of cycles of Test Condition 16 can be reduced by number of earlier tests (including shakedown) which meet these criteria. However, at least 2 tests must be done at these conditions with the critical structural instrumentation operational.
4. Number of cycles of Test Condition 17 can be reduced by number of l earlier tests which meet these criteria, but not Test Condition 16. However, at least 2 tests must be done at these conditions with the critical structural instrumentation operational.

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. Attachment to MFN 042-95 s*

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Table 2 Test Phases and Schedule Test Phase Test Condition Tentative Start Tentative End Number Number Date Date 1* 8** July 1,1995 July 20,1995 -

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 17. July 21,1995 August 31,1995 Install 5" line Ongoing August 31,1995 3 1 September 1,1995 September 28, 2 1995 3 '

4 5

6 7

4 16 September 29, December 31, 18- 1995 1995 Test period includes a shutdown of the ENEL power station scheduled to startJune 16 and last r;. proximately two weeks. During the shutdmyn, no steam will be available for testing. The shutdmm may be extended beyond the planned two weeks.

    • If specified pressure cannot be reach with maximum steam flow, then perform the test at the maximum sustainable pressure up to 2.62 MPag (380 psig). Otherwise, perform the test during Phase 3.

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