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Brief Re ASLB Inquiry on Applicability of Aws & ASME Codes to Welding of Pipe Supports.Asme Code,Not Aws Code,Should Govern Welding Procedures.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1983
From: Horin W, Reynolds N
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8311010308
Download: ML20081D709 (54)



                                                 )    Docket Nos. 50-445 and TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING              )                     50-446 COMPANY,  -~et al.                    )
                                                 )    (Application for (Comanche Peak Steam Electric           )     Operating Licenses)

Station, Units 1 and 2) ) APPLICANTS' BRIEF REGARDING BOARD INQUIRY INTO APPLICABILITY OF AWS AND ASME CODES TO WELDING ON PIPE SUPPORTS AT COMANCHE PEAK The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (" Board") in the captioned proceeding has requested briefs from the Applicants (Texas Utilities Generating Company, et al.) and the NRC Staff regarding the applicability of the American Helding Society ("AWS") Code and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ("ASME") Code to welding of pipe supports at Comanche Peak. The Board requested that these briefs be served by October 28, 1983. Accordingly, Applicants provide below their brief in response to the Board's inquiry. I. Background In August 1982, intervenor CASE deposed Mr.JJack Doyle, a former employee of Applicants, with respect to certain allegations Mr. Doyle had regarding the design of pipe supports at Comanche Peak. Mr. Doyle's deposition was subsequently admitted into the record in this proceeding as his testimony 8311010308 831028 ' PDR ADOCK 05000445 Q _ PDR . q l


 = p 2-l (CASE Exhibit 669: Tr. 3631). At the September 1982, hearing session Applicants presented a panel of witnesses to respond to Mr. Doyle's allegations (Applicants' Exhibit 142F). One allegation made by Mr. Doyle was that certain portions of the AWS code should be employed at Comanche Peak in the design of welds on pipe supports (CASE Exhibit 669 at 111-118). Applicants' witnesses testified that welding on safety-related pipe supports at Comanche Peak was performed in accordance with the provisions of the ASME Code, and that the particular portions of the AUS Code referenced by Mr. Doyle were either not applicable to or were properly considered in the welding of pipe supports at Comanche Peak (Applicants' Exhibit 142P at 3, 7-8).

In May 1983, the NRC Staff also presented a panel of witnesses to respond to Mr. Doyle's allegations, including the applicability of the AWS Code to welding at Comanche Peak. The Staff's witnesses testified that Mr. Doyle's allegations regarding the applicability of the provisions of the AWS Code to welding on pipe supports at Comanche Peak were in error (NRC Exhibit 207 at 49-51). Following litigation of the pipe support design allegations, each of the parties submitted proposed findings addressing, inter alia, the issues regarding the applicability of the AWS Code (see Applicants' Proposed Findings of Fact Concerning Pipe Support Design Questions (August 5, 1983) at 68-71; NRC Staff Proposed Findings of Fact (August 30, 1983) a t 77-82; and CASE Proposed i Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (August 22, 1983), i

Section V). In accordance with 10 C.F.R. $ 2.754(a)(3), Applicants submitted a reply to CASE's proposed findings. Therein Applicants addressed CASE's discussion of these particular allegations (see Applicants' Reply to CASE's Proposed Findings (September 6, 1983) at 20-22). I Following receipt of all proposed findings, the Board requested that Applicants and the Staff provide a brief regarding the arguments raised by CASE in its proposed findings with respect to the applicability of the AWS Code to welding at Comanche Peak. For the reasons discussed below, Applicants assume the Board's inquiry relates only to matters previously raised by CASE and not to new issues or information presented for the first time in its proposed findings.1 In any event, Applicants' discussion of this issue touches on both the matters previously raised (and addressed by Applicants and Staff in their proposed findings) and, to the extent necessary to illustrate the fallacy of CASE's arguments, aspects of the new material raised for the first time in CASE's proposed findings. Applicants believe this information is responsive to the Board's question 1 Applicants addressed in their Reply to CASE's proposed. findings the matters raised therein that concerned issues previously raised and litigated. Applicants did not address those aspects of CASE's Proposed Findings which raised new issues or presented arguments based on extra-record material (not otherwise subject to judicial notice). The question regarding the applicability of the AWS welding of pipe supports at Comanche Peak was previously raised only in the context of particular provisions of the AWS Code, and Applicants addressed those allegations in their Proposed Findings and Reply to CASE's proposed findings. I l l

i i l and demonstrates that the welding of pipe supports at Comanche Peak has been performed in accordance with appropriate regulatory requirements. II. Discussion A. General It is axiomatic that the decision of this Board, as well as any other Federal administrative or judicial body, may rest only on material properly admitted into the record. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2), ALAB-580, 11 NRC 227, 230-31 (1980). Thus, to the extent CASE has raised in its proposed findings new arguments founded on extra-record material, the Board should not consider those a rgumen ts in reaching its decision. In addition, a party to an NRC licensing proceeding is obligated to spell out clearly in its proposed findings its position on any given issue. Specifically, proposed findings must " clearly and concisely" set forth a party's position on the material issues of fact, including " exact citations" to the record in support of each proposed finding. 10 C.P.R. $ 2.754(c). It is not acceptable to force the decision-maker, or the other parties, to guess as to the thrust of or basis for the party's position on a given issue. Accordingly, to the extent CASE's arguments are vague or are not supported by record evidence, the Board should not rely on those arguments in reaching its decision.

i i It is apparent to Applicants, however, that the Board's questions regarding this issue arise because of' CASE's failure to ' adhere to the above principles. Not only has CASE presented in its proposed findings several new arguments not previously raised in the proceeding, but it provides no record citations (or citations to material of which the Board may properly take judicial notice) in support of many of its arguments. Further, except for the most general of discussions regarding weld integrity as a consequence of alleged undersized fillet welds (founded in substantial part on extra-record material), there is no specification of particular defects (or their significance) which CASE believes could be avoided by application of the welding criteria CASE describes or which would arise as a result l of the welding practices employed by Applicants.2 Given such vague and unsupported allegations, the Board in fairness should find that CASE has not satisfied its burden of going forward to establish a prima facie case.3 Even assuming, however, that CASE established a prima facie case that Applicants improperly did not 2 For example, CASE cites numerous " items" (weld criteria) allegedly included in the AUS Code which it argues are not included in the ASME Code (specifically Appendix XVII) and which it apparently believes should be applied to welding of pipe supports at Comanche Peak. See CASE Proposed Findings at V-3 to V-4. However, CASE does not describe the purpose of these provisions (let alone provide a citation to.the particular sections of the AWS Code establishing those criteria), the consequences of failure to use the particular criterit or the consequences of using Applicants' welding procedures in lieu of those criteria. 3 Applicants have previously addressed the standard to which CASE must be held to establish a prima facie case, and will not repeat that discussion here. See Applicants' Objections to Proposed Initial Decision (August 27, 1983) at 13-14.

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l { employ portions of the AWS Code and that the result was deficient welding, Applicants' and Staff's expert witnesses fully rebutted those claims and demonstrated that there were no deficiencies in Applicants' welding practices.4 Those witnesses addressed each of the allegations regarding the use of particular provisions of the AWS Code, and demonstrated that those provisions were inapplicable to Comanche Peak. Given this status of the record, we believe that further inquiry into this matter is unnecessary. In any event, to facilitate the prompt resolution of the issue, Applicants address the Board's question below and demonstrate that Applicants properly employ applicable Code provisions governing welding on pipe supports. l l 4 We also note that CASE's witness regarding this matter had no responsibility or duty relating to weld design. His function was limited to the modelling of pipe supports with the STRUDL computer code, a task not requiring the application of any knowledge or expertise in welding. In addition, he claimed no expertise is welding. (Applicants' Exhibit 142 at 9-10: CASE Exhibit 669 at 316; Yr. 3095, 3867-68, 3887.) Thus, not only was this witness not in a position where he would be aware of Applicants' welding practices, but he had no special expertise to comment on those practices even if he had been aware of them. In this regard we note that the witness did not know that all Applicants' welding procedures were qualified procedures (see n. 6, infra for discussion of qualified procedures), a fact crucial to he assessment of those welding practices and a fact which the witness acknowledged alleviated his concerns. (See discussion infra, Sections II.B.2 and 3.)

l B. Applicability of ASME Code to Welding of Pipe Supports at Comanche Peak

1. CAj{'s Interpretation of Applicants' Testimony CASE begins its discussion of the applicability of the AWS Code by mischaracterizing Applicants' testimony regarding the role of the AWS and ASME Codes in establishing procedures and criteria for welding on safety-related pipe supports at Comanche Peak. CASE implies that Applicants' testimony that the AWS Code is not applicable to such welding conflicts with Applicants' engineering guidelines in that those guidelines reference the AWS Code. (CASE Proposed Findings at V-1.) However, as Applicants' noted in their reply to CASE's proposed findings, CASE has overlooked Applicants' testimony on this very point which established that the reference to the AWS Code in the guidelines was strictly for reference purposes and that Applicants' prior testimony that the AWS Code does not govern the welding of safety-related pipe supports at Comanche Peak remains correct (Tr. 6979). Accordingly, the question to be addressed in resolving the issue of welding criteria applicability is not whether the ASME Code provisions governing welding or the AWS Code should be used. The issue is'not a simple "either/or" matter. Rather it is a question of the nature and sufficiency of the ASME Code provisions governing welding.

As will be demonstrated below, the methodology employed by the ASME Code to establish appropriate welding procedures is entirely different from that of the AWS Code. The ASME methodology (procedure and welder qualification) assures that

appropriate welding procedures are established (and welders are qualified to use each such procedure) for the specific purposes for which the welding will be used. The AWS Code itself provides for and approves the use of that same methodology. In fact, the welding " criteria" CASE argues should be employed are for the most part not even relevant (by the terms of the AWS Code itself) given that Applicants employ the ASME methodology.

2. Applicable Welding Standards Specific minimum requirements for the welding of safety-related pipe supports are not expressly mandated by NRC
     . regulations. However, Staff review guidelines set forth in the Standard Review Plan (see NUREG-75/087, Section 3.9.3, Part II.4) provide that Section III, Subsection NF of the ASME Code establishes appropriate design criteria for component supports.

To this end, Applicants have committed to utilizing the provisions of Subsection NP (FSAR $$ 3.9N.3 and 3.9B.3) and the Staff has accepted that commitment as establishing criteria which assure the adequacy of the design of those supports (SER I In addition, the design and fabrication of piping which is part of the reactor coolant pressure boundary is subject to the provisions of the ASME Code, Section III. 10 C.F.R. 50.55a(d). In order to satisfy the Code provisions governing the design and fabrication of that piping, Section III, Subsection NA-2131 of the ASME Code directs that component supports be designed and fabricated in accordance with the

e s provisions of Subsection NF of the code. Article 3000 of Subsection NF governs the design of pipe supports. With respect to the welding of support materials or attachments thereto, Article 4000 of Subsection NF contains welding requirements for each type and class of support addressed in Article 3000. See ASME Code Subsections NF-4200 through 4600. Further, permissible types of welded joints to be used in linear type supports are set forth in Appendix XVII of the Code, Section XVII-2450 (See ASME Code Subsection NF-3292) and allowable stress limits for welds in linear type supports are set forth in Table NF-3292.1-1 (See ASME Code Subsection NP-3292.1-1).5 Further, as discussed in more detail below, Section IX of the Code establishes standards governing qualification and testing of welding procedure specifications and welder performance qualification applicable to welds on supports. (See ASME Code Subsection NP-4311) In short, to satisfy ASME Code provisions made applicable to the design and , fabrication of pipe supports by MRC guidance and regulation, it is necessary to follow the welding provisions also set forth in the Code. Although CASE generally acknowledges the existence of the above described ASME Code provisions, it argues that weld criteria in the AMS Code which are not expressly set forth in the ASME Code should be employed by Applicants in the design of welds for pipe supports. However, CASE does not address either the nature or purpose of the ASME Code provisions governing welding, 5 Specific provisions of the ASME Code which are cited herein are included in Attachment A.

i . including the qualification of welding procedures. In fact, CASE fails to acknowledge (see n. 9, infra) Applicants' use of qualified welding procedures and welders in accordance with ASME Section IX and the significance of this fact to CASE's own allegations. Consequently, CASE misconstrues the applicability of the AWS Code provisions to welding on pipe supports at Comanche Peak.

3. Welding Qualification Under ASME and AWS Codes The basic dif ference between the ASME and AWS Codes is that the ASME Code provisions governing welding require that all welding procedures used for the fabrication and construction of supports be qualified. Specifically, ASME Code Subsection NF-4311 (Types of [ Welding] Processes Permitted) states as follows:

i Only those welding processes which are capable of producing welds in accordance with the welding procedure qualification requirements of Section IX and this Subsection [ Subsection NF] shall be used for welding Component Support materials or attachments thereto. [ASME Code Section III, Subsection NF-4311.] Simila rly, all welders and welding operators must be qualified to apply each welding procedure qualified in accordance with Subsection NF-4311. In order to satisfy these requirements, each manufacturer or installer must establish procedures and conduct tests necessary to qualify the welding processes and the welders and welding operators. See ASME Code Subsection NF-4321(a).6 On 6 Oualified weld procedures are those for which prescribed tests and examinations have been performed by the manufacturer (which includes the installer or assembler) for j (footnote continued) . l I

                                     >      the other hand, the AWS Code establishes criteria for prequalified (i.e., not requiring further procedures or testing prior to application) welding, in addition to permitting welding processes and procedures to be qualified. The difference in philosophy stems from the fact that the iWS Code is a general welding code, written for use in the construction of buildings, bridges and architectural tubular structures. Thus, although its provisions for prequalification are generally applicable to any steel structure, the drafters of the AWS Code have acknowledged the limitations of that Code in stating that "when using the code for other structures, owners, architects and engineers should recognize that not all of its provisions may be applicable or suitable to their particular structure."   (See Commentary on l

Structural Welding Code-Steel at 253, Sections 1.1 and 1.3.)7 In contrast to the ASME requirements for qualification of weld procedures and welders (See ASME Code Subsections NF-4311 and 4321), the AWS Code allows welding procedures to be written without qualification. Specifically, Article 5.1.1 of AWS Dl.1 provides, as fo llowr. : Welding procedures which conform in all respects to the provisions of Section 2, Design of Welded Connections, Sectica 3, Workmanship, Section 4, Technique, as well as (footnote continued from previous page) the specific welding processes to be employed and the welders who will apply the procedures. See ASME Code Section IX, Article 1, Subsections OW-103.1, QW-201 and 201.1 (Attachment A). Examples of qualified (in accordance with ASME Section IX) welding procedure specifications, for a variety of weld configurations, are in evidence as Applicants' Exhibits 141N-V. 7 Referenced portions of the AWS Code and AWS Commentary are attached as Attachment B.

12 - . l pertinent provisions of Section 8, Design of new Buildings, Section 9, Design of Bridges, or Section 10, Design of Tubular Structures, whichever is applicable, shall be deemed as prequalified and shall be exempt from tests or qualification, , . . (emphasis added.) The purpose of establishing prequalified welding procedures in the AWS Code is to avoid the need for qualification of procedures on a case-by-case basis (as is required by the ASME Code), relying instead on certain standard welding techniques which by prior testing and practice have been found to be satisfactory.8 Thus, the particular prequalified joint welding procedures do not require any additional testing or qualification if welding is performed in strict accocdance with those provisions. Significantly, the Commentary on Structural Welding Code-Steel, Section 1.3, states as follows: The use of prequalified joints and procedures does not necessarily guarantee sound welds. Fabrication capability is still required together with effective and knowledgeable welding supervision to consistently produce sound welds. 8 See Commentary on Structural Welding Code-Steel, Section 1.3, which states, as follows: Certain shielded metal arc, submerged arc, gas metal arc (excluding the short circuiting mode of metal transfer across the arc), and flux cored are welding procedures in conjunction with certain related types of joints have been thoroughly tested and have a long record of proven satisfactory performance. These welding procedures and joints are designated as prequalified and may be used without tests or qualifications (see 5.1 and 5'.2).

l l Thus, the AWS Code recognizes that even its prequalified welding procedures do not assure weld integrity in all instances and that particular care must still be taken in the supervision of welders utilizing those procedures. Perhaps even more significant is the fact that the AWS recognizes that any welding process may be qualified by appropriate testing, and that its own Code provisions establishing prequalified procedures are not ma nda to ry. Specifically, the Commentary on AWS Dl.1 states, as follows: The Code does not prohibit the use of any welding process. It also imposes no limitation on the use of any other type of joint nor does it impose any procedural restrictions on any of the welding processes. It provides for the acceptance of such joints, welding processes, and procedures on the basis of a successful qualification by the contractor conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Code (see 5.2). Further, Section 5.1 of the Code notes as follows: The use of a prequalified joint welding procedure is not intended as a substitute for engineering judgment in the suitability of application of these joint welding procedures to a welded assembly or connection. Thus, even under the AWS Code, qualification of welding procedures is permitted and the AUS prequalified procedures are acknowledged not to be absolute requirements. As will be discussed below (see discussion infra, Section II.B.4), because Applicants use only qualified welding procedures (in accordance with the ASME Code) for the welding of pipe supports and, for the most part, the particular provisions of the AWS Code cited by CASE apply only to prequalified weld procedures, CASE's arguments concerning the applicability of those particular welding criteria

are inapplicable by the terms of the AWS Code itself. Further, as also discussed below, AWS weld criteria referenced by CASE i which are not prequalified involve welding parameters which are adequately considered by Applicants.

4. Applicability of Prequalified Welding Procedures to Comanche Peak The thrust of CASE's argument regarding the applicability of provisions of the AWS Code to welding of pipe supports is that certain procedures in the AWS Code (which it characterizes as
   " design criteria") s houlti be applied at Comanche Peak because there are no similar procedures expressly set forth in the ASME Code. CASE fails to acknowledge, however, that the welding
   " criteria" CASE would have apply to Comanche Peak are for the most part prequalified procedures. Such procedures are not applicable (even by the terms of the AWS Code) to the welding of cafety-related pipe supports at Comanche Peak because all site welding procedures for safety-related pipe supports are cualified. In fact, CASE's own witness, Mr. Doyle, acknowledged under oath that welding procedures employed by Applicants would be acceptable if they were, in fact, qualified, regardless of the AWS prequalified procedures (CASE Exhibit 669 at 116, 118).9 9    In this regard, the Board should note that all site welding procedures for safety-related supports are qualified (Applicants' Exhibit 142F at 7 (emphasis added)). While CASE cites a portion of that same testimony in its proposed findings (at p. V-1), it did not bring this fact to the Board's attention. We would think CASE would be olligated to address this matter, particularly because when read in conjunction with its own witness' testimony, it so completely.

refuted its arguments.

t Further, to the extent that CASE's " criteria" are not applicable strictly to prequalified welding, they concern welding processes which Applicants nonetheless adequately address even though there is no ASME provision expressly governing those procedures. CASE describes ten AWS welding criteria which it argues should be applied at Comanche Peak because there are no comparable provisions in the ASME Code sections that govern welding (CASE Proposed Findings at V-3 to V-4). Although CASE does not identify the particular sections of the AWS Code which it believes establishes most of those criteria, Applicants have nonetheless attempted to determine on their own the applicable provisions. It appears that seven of these ten provisions are imposed only on prequalified welding procedures and the AWS Code expressly excludes them from applicability to welding procedures which are qualified by tests. To demonstrate this, we have attached the applicable provisions of the AWS Code, as well as the table (Table E2) in the AWS code listing the requirements that may be altered by procedure qualification tests, i.e., prequalified requirements. The applicable AWS Code provisions for each of CASE's welding criteria, and the reference in Table E2 are, as follows: (1) " pre-heat requirements for welds on plates over 3/4 inch thick"; see AWS Code Section 4.2 and Table 4.2; Table E2: Section 4.2, Preheat and Interpass Temperature Requirements. (2) " drag angle and work angles (which limits (sic) the space allowed for the welder to function)"; Applicants have been unable to identify any provision of the AWS code which refers to " drag" or " work" angles. However, if CASE is referring to groove angles, those angles are

considered by the Code to be prequalified requirements. See AWS Code Section; Table E2: Section 2, Part C, Details of Welded Joints. (3) " Beta factor for tube-to-tube welds"; see AWS Code Section 10.12.5, Note: Table E2: Section 10, part D, Details of Welded Joints. (4) " multiplication factor and reduction factors for skewed "T" weld jeints," and (5) " limitations on angularity for skewed "T" joints"; see AWS Code Section, Figure 2.7.1, Note; Table E2: Section 2, Part C, Details of Welded Joints. (7) " lap joint requirements"; see AWS Code Section 2.6; Table E2: Section 2, Part C, Details of Welded Joints. (10) " limitations on weld sizes relative to plate thicknesses"; see Table 2.7; Table E2: Section 2, Part C, Details of Welded Joints. The three remaining weld " criteria" referred to by CASE ("(6) calculations for punching (actually a reduction factor for the weld) shear on step tube joints . . . (8) design procedure for i joint of tube to tube with Beta equal to 1.0, (9) calculation for effective throat of flair level welds,") concern items which, although not expressly excluded by the AUS Code from application to qualified welding processes, involve concerns which are nonetheless considered by Applicants. s Uith respect to tube-to-tube joint designs (items (6) and (8)) the NRC Special Inspection Team found that Applicants' tube-to-tube joint designs " represent connections which will perform the design intent, a:A their use is acceptable" (NRC Exhibit 207 at 50). With respect to the effective throat for i flare bevel welds, the criteria set forth in CASE's own exhibit (CASE Exhibit 716, an excerpt from Applicants' Engineering , t Guidelines) are, in fact, equivalent to those of the AWS Code

4 . . with respect to establishing effective throats for flare bevel welds. At page 7 of CASE Exhibit 716, Applicants specify the effective throat (te) as .625 t2, where t2 is the thickness of the structural tube element which has a rounded corner in the welded joint.10 That thickness (t2) is equal to R/2, where R is the corner radius of the tube steel. Thus, te is equal to i .3125R, which is the decimal equivalent of 5/16R. The value of 5/16F is the recommended effective throat for flare bevel welds in the AWS Code. See AWS Code, Table - In sum, Applicants consideration of the weld design concerns expressed by CASE satisfy not only applicable ASME Code requirements but are wholly consistent with the AWS Code provisions referred to by CASE. The evidence of record, as more fully explained in this brief, demonstrates Applicants have carefully and properly considered applicable welding considerations in the design of safety-related pipe supports. Accordingly, the Board should find a high level of confidence in the adequacy of Applicants' support designs, including welding thereon. i i 10 If the thickness of the other structural tube element (tl) is l less than .625 t2, Applicants have assumed (conservatively) tl to be the effective throat.

5. Weld Cracking In addition to its arguments regarding the applicability of AWS welding " design criteria," CASE discusses at some length alleged undersized welds on pipe supports and the supposed consequences of having undersized welds. In support of its arguments CASE relies on the unsupported assertions of its witness as to the purpose of minimum weld requirements and a general discussion of weld cracking in a twenty year old welding handbook (not admitted in the record of this proceeding).

Although Applicants previously objected (and continue to object) l to the Board's consideration on such extra-record material (see Applicants' Reply to CASE's Proposed Findings at 22, n. 8), we comment below on this matter because CASE's discussion provides a perfect example of the need, in resolving this issue, to understand the significance of welding procedure qualification. CASE quotes extensively from a 1963 AMS welding handbook, apparently to support its position regarding the potential for weld cracking in undersized welds and the need for considering certain factors in the design of welds. The quoted portion of the handbook is a very general discussion which CASE concludes demonstrates that undersized welds can only be repaired by grinding out the weld, and rewelding, or by " proving" that the weld practice did not result in internal weld cracking. (CASE proposed Findings at V-8 to V-9). It is clear nonetheless that CASE recognizes that " cookbook" criteria for welding (e.g., the

minimum weld size CASE would applyll) are not absolute standards, but that other criteria may apply given suf ficient demonstration , of the soundness of the weld. Such a demonstration is the precise purpose of the weld procedure qualification requirements of the ASME Code. As discussed above, those provisions require the qualification of every welding procedure by extensive testing and examination to assure adequate strength and integrity of the weld. This testing and examination assures the soundness and strength of all welds by physical testing, irrespective of whether the welding process may satisfy other weld " criteria". For example, tests applicable to fillet welds require testing of all welds to the point of fracture or complete bending with subsequent examination of the welds for, inter alia, cracking, inclusions or gas pockets, and fusion. See ASME Code Section IX, 1 11 The Board should note that there is extensivo record evidence regarding the satisfaction of applicable minimum weld criteria on pipe supports at Comanche Peak. See Applicants' Exhibits 142F at 8, 170 at 2; NRC Exhibit 207 at 50-51.- This evidence demonstrates that there is an extremely high level of confidence that the welds on pipe supports at Comanche Peak satisfy applicable minimum weld size criteria.

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Section QW-180.12 Thus, the qualification of'all welding c,u . procedures in accordance with ASME Code Sectio'n IX assures the

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handbook comments regarding weld integrity is, therefore; inappropriate and does not raise any concern regarding the


adequacy of welding at Comanche Peak. .  ? IV. CONCLUSIONS For the foregoing reasons, theBoardshould'findthat Applicants' use of qualified welding procedures.p$r uant to_the ASME Code for all welding on safety-related pipe sbpportsat

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s I / , 12 f Fillet weld procedure qualification may also b'e /p'ehformed by / tests on groove welds using reduced section tension specimens and guided-bend specimens (see ASME Code Section IX,'Section 202.2). Both tension and bending tests are also perfortr7ed on these specimens to assure satisfactory strength and'soundriess and ductility, of the welds. See ASME Code Section 'IX, Sections OW-141.1, 141.2, 140 and 160. , s 13 We have already demonstrated that such wel( qualif) cation in- . ' accordance with the ASME Code satisfies applifable NRC guidance and requirements and is also consihtent with the'AWS -3 Code. We note again that CASE's witness has* tent.ified that [ ' if the weld procedures he addresses were t qualified he would have no concern with the welding (CASE Exhibit 669 at 116). (! l

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4 s NF 3000 DESIGN N F.3275-N F.3292.1 l l included in the stress analysis of the piping system for types shown in Fig. NF 3291(a) l and described in (1) allof thespecifiedconditions, through (6)below. p . (/) Full penetration butt welded groove joint, sketch (a), NF.3276 Sauetural At*=ch== - (2) Double fillet welded lapjoint, sketch (b), Structural attachments (NF 1221) may be of either (3) Full penetration groove welded tee joint, the integral or nonintegral type. NF 3276,11stegral Ate =%ets (4) Full penetration groove welded corner joint, sketch (d), ! (a) Integral attachments include ears, shoes, lugs, cylindrical attachments, nngs, and skirts that are (J) Full fillet welded teejoints, sketch (e), fabricated so the attachment is an integral part of the (6) Anglejoints, sketch (f). When anglejoints are used for connecting a transition piping component. Integral attachments shall be used in conjunction with restraints or braces when mul- in diameter to a cylinder, the angle, a, of Fig. NF-tiaxial restraint in a single member is required to be 3291(a) l sketch (f) shall not exceed 30* mamtained. (b) A tapered transition having a length not less (b) Integral lugs. plates, and angle clips, used as than 3 times the offset between the adjacent surfaces of abutting sections, as shown in Fig. NF-3291(b)-1, part of an assembly forthesupportorguidingof pipe may be welded directly to the pipe, provided the shall be provided atjoints between sections that differ ma'terials are compatible for welding and the design is in thickness by more than % of the thickness of the adequate for the temperature and load. thinner section or by more than % in., whichever is less. The transition may be formed by any process NF 3276.2 Nonintegral Attachments that will provide a uniform taper. The wel'd may be (af Nonintegral attachments include clamps, partly or entirely in the tapered section or adjacent to slings, cradles, saddles, straps, and clevises. it. This paragraph also applies when there is a (b) When clamps are used tosupportverticallines. reduction in thickness within a spherical shell or it is recommended that shear lugs be welded to the cylindrical couts: or plate. pipe to prevent shppage. (c) When the tae of backing nngs will result in (c) In addition to the provision of (b) above. undesirable conditions such as severe stress, cor-clamps to support vertical lines shall be designed to rosion, or erosion, the requirements of NF-4240 shall support the total load on either arm in the event the be met. load shifts because of pipe or hanger movement or t- 'i . NF 3291.1 Design Stress latensity and Allowable Stress Limits for Welded Joints De limits of design NF-3280 DESIGN OF BOLTS stress intensity for welded joints for plate and shell type supports shall not exceed the applicable design NF 3281 Design for Nonnal and Upset stress intensity value or allowable stress value for the gg base metal being joined or the electrode being used. The number and cross sectional area of bolts Temperature differences between the component and required for the design conditions of NF-3112 shall be its support and, where applicable, expansion or determined in accordance with the procedures of contraction of a vessel produced by internal or Appendix XVil. He allowable bolt design stress external pressure. shall be considered. values shall be the yield strength values of Table 1 13.3 of Appendix 1 multiplied by the applicable design NF 3292 Perndssible Types of Welded Joints factors of Table XVII 2461.1 1. in IJaear Type Welded Supports l NF 3290 DESIGN OF WELDED JOINTS The permissible types of welded joints used in l linear type supports shall be as stipulated in XVil- I NF-3291 Perunissible Types of Welded Joints 2450.

           -                       la Plate and Shell Type Welded Supports                                            NF 3292.1 Allowable Strees 1Jadts.De allowable (a) All welded joints in plate and shell type              stress limits for welds in linear type supports shall be supports shall be continuous and shall be one of the           as set forth in Table NF-3292.1-1.

l R V 41 l 1




                                                                                                        --- R s *
                                                                                                   "r t

FILLET W2LDED T JOINT i tel UR g ANGLE JOINT (f) FIG. NF 3291(a).1 PERMISSIBLE WELDED JOINTS FOR COMPONENT SUPPORTS NF 3293 Permissible T3 pes of Welded Joints NF 3300 DESIGN OF CLASS 2 AND la Component Standard Supports CLASS MC COMPONENT The permissible types of welded joints used in SUPPORTS component standard supports and connections shall be as stipulaied in NF-329!(a) and NF 3292. NF-3310 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS NF 3293.1 Design Strem Intensity and Allowable NF 3311 Acceptability Stress Lismits for Weided Joints. The limit of design stress-intensity or of allowable stress for weldedjomts The requirements for acceptability of Class 2 and , for component standard supports shall not exceed the Class MC component support design are given in (a) l cpplicable design stress-intensity value or allowable through (c) below. stress value for the base metal being joined. Temp- (a) The design shall be such that the design stresses erature differences between the component and its will not exceed the limits given in this Subarticle. support and, where applicable, expansion or con. Table NF-3132.l(b)-l indicates the rules to be used traction of a component produced by internal or for the various classes and types of design procedures, p external pressure, shall be considered. The applicable table of allowable stresses for a given .U 42 4 l


NF 4232.1-NF-43211 SECTION Ill, DIVISION 1-SUBSECTION NF . TABLE NF42321 NF 4320 O MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OFFSET IN WELDING QUALIFICATION AND RECORDS FINAL BUTT WELDED JOINTS I 9""UN'* section n.can in. umum M w. oe, , g (a) Each Manufacturer or Installer is responsible r

                   ,', inci ,                    % .n.              for the welding done by his organization and shall to oar 1% to 2. .nci.                        %,                 establish the procedure and conduct the tests required owe 2                            L. m r o, % ,o, % in,       by Section IX and as modified by this Article in order to qualify both the welding procedures and the

( performance of welders and welding operators who NF-4232.1 Fairing of Offsets. Any offset within the apply these procedures. allowable tolerance of Table NF-4232-1 shall be (b) Procedures, welders, and welding operators blended uniformly over the width of the finished weld used to join support elements and to make permanent or, if necessary, by adding additional weld metal or temporary tack welds used in such welding shall beyond w hat would otherwise be the edge of the weld. also meet the qualification requirements of this Article. (c) When makmg procedure test plates for butt NF 4240 REQUIREMENTS FOR WELDED welds, it is recommended that consideration be given JOINTS to the effect of angular, lateral, and end restraint on Butt welds may be made with or without backing or the weldment. This applies particularly to material insert nngs. When the use of permanent backing rings and weld metal of 80,000 psi tensile strength or higher is understrable(NF-3291(c)): and heavy sections of both low and high tensile strength matenal. The addition of restraint dunng (a) The backing ring shall be removed and the welding may result in cracking difficulties that inside of thejoint ground smooth- otherwise might not axus. or (b) Thejoint shall be welded without backing rings' NF422 minum W mdos d c) Consumable msert nngs shall be used. The Manufacturer or Installer shs!! maintain a record of his qualified weldmg procedures and of the NF-4300 WELDING QUALIFICATIONS welders and welding operators qualdied and em-ployed by him, showing the data and results of tests NF-4310 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS and the identification mark assigned to each welder. These records shall be reviewed, verified, and signed NF-4311 Types of Processes Permitted by any authonzed individual assigned by the Man-ufacturer or Installer and shall be accessible to the Only those welding processes which are capable of Owner (or his agent). producing welds in accordance with the welding procedure quahfication requirements of Section IX NF-4322.1 Identification of Joints and this Subsection shall be used for welding (a) For Class I and plate and shell type and linear Component Support materials or attachments there- type supports, the welder or welding operator shall to. Any process used shall be such that the records apply the identification mark assigned to him by the required by NF-4320 can be made with the exception Manufacturer or Installer on or adjacent to all of the stud welding processes which shall be restricted permanent welds, including fillet welds, at 3 ft to the applications stipulated in NF-4311.1. intervals or less, with marking that meets the

                                                                  . requirements of NF-2150 or, as an alternative, the NF-4311.1 Stud Welding Restrictions. Stud welding           Manufacturer or Installer shall keep a record of is acceptable for insulation supports, nameplates and          permanent welded joints in a component support and locating lugs. When uds,gg,% in. infiametsr pr               _.g the wahgrs and welding operators used in making        ,

less, postweld heat eatment, qualified welding eachof thejoints. procedures,,and certified welding materials are not (b) For all types of Class 2,3, and MC supports and O' required. for all classes of component standard supports, the 54 - 1


XVil.2431-XVil.2452.4 SECTION 111, DIVISION I - SUBSECTION NA less than I in. Lap joints joining plates or bars XVil 2450

  /           subjected to axial striss shall be fillet welded along the                    DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR WELDS end of both lapped paru except where the deflection of the tapped parts is sufficiently restrained to prevent opening of thejoint under maximum loading.                      XVII 2451 General Requirements XVII.2432 Filler Design                                           Welds shall be proportioned to meet the stress requirements given m Table NF-3292.1 1 for Class I,
2. 3.and MClinear supports.

XVII.2432.1 Bolted Construction. When bolts carrying computed stress pass through fillers thicker than % in. except m fnction type connections XVII 2452 Fillet Welds assembled with high strength bolts. the fillers shall be extended beyond the sphce matenal and the filter XVII 2452.1 Minimum Size of Fi!!et Welds. In extension jomts connected only by fillet welds, the mmimum shall be secured by enough bolts t distnbute the total stress in the member uniformly size of fillet weld to be used shall be as shown m XVil 2452.1-1. Weld size is determined by the thicker over the combmed section of the member and the of the two parts joined, except that the weld size need filler or an equivalent number of fasteners shall be included m the connection. not exceed the thickness of the thinner part joined unless a larger size is required by calculated stress. XVil.2432.2 Welded Construction. In welded con. struction. any filler % m. or more in thickness shall XVII 2452.2 Maximum Effectise Size of Fillet j extend beyond the edges of the splice plate and shall Welds. De maximum size of a fillet weld that may be ' be welded to the part on which it is fitted with assumed in the design of a connection shall be such that the stresses m the adjacent base matenal do not sufficient weld to transmit the splice plate stress. apphed at the surface of the filler as an eccer.tne load. exceed the values ilowed ir Table NF-3292.1-1. De De welds jomir; the sphce plate to the fi!!er shall be maximum size that may be used along edges of sufficient to transmit the splice p: ate stress and shall connected below, parts shall be as stipu!ated in (a) cnd (b) be long enough to avoid oserstressmg the filier along the toe of the weld. Any filter less than % in. thick /a/ Along edges of matenal less than % in. thick, the maximum site may be equal te the thickness of the shall have its edges made flush w1th the edges of ti e matenat. sphce plate and the we!d size shal! be the sum of the (b) Along edges of matenal % in or more h size recessary to carry the splice plate stress plus the thickness of the fi!!er plate. thickness, the maximum size shall be %s m.less than the thickness of the material, unless the weld is especially designated on the drawings to be built out XVII.2440 JOINT COMBINATIONS to obtain full throat thickne;s. XVil-2441 Combinations of Welds " ' if two or more of the general types of weld groove, (a) De effective length of a fillet weld shallbe the fillet, plug. or slot weld are combined in a singlejoint. overalliength of full size fillet including returns. the effective capacity of each shall be separately (b) The minimum effective length of a strength computed with reference to the axis of the group, in fillet weld shall be not less than 4 times the nominal order to determine the allowable capacity of the size or else the size of the weld shall be considered n combination. to exceed % ofits effective length. (e) If longitudinal fillet welds are used alone in end XVII 2442 Bolts In Combinatloa With Welds connections of flat bar tension members, the length of each fillet weld shall be not less than the per-SA-307 bolts or high strength bolts usedin bearing Pendicular distance between them. De transverse type connections shall not be considered as sharing spacing of longitudinal fillet welds used m end the stress in ccmbination with welds. Welds,if used, shall be provided to carry the entire stress in the c nnecti ns shall not exceed 8 in., unless the design therwise prevents excessive transverse bending in the connection. High strength bolts installed in ac- #""***'"~ cordance with the provisions of XVII-2460 as a i friction type connection prior to welding may be XVII 2452.4 Effective Droet Dickness of Fillet 1 considered as sharing the stress with the welds. Welds. The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld shall be the shortest distance from the root to the fac 384 J

i e APPENDIX XVil XVil.245 2.4-XVil.2453.5 TABLE XVil.2452.11

       ./                                                                   MINIMUM SIZE OF FILLET WELDS Meteral Theknees of                          Mwn. Sise of                        Motorist Thschness of            M ., g,,, ,,

Thecker Port Jomed Fillet Wold Thecker Port Jomed Fdlet Weld

m. en. in. in,
  • To 1/4 mciusive 1/8 Owr 1 1/2 to 21/4 3:8 Over 1/4 to 1/2 3/16 Owr 21/4 to 6 ti2 Owr 1/2 to 3/4 1/4 Over 6 5. 8 Owr 3/4 to 11/2 5/16 9

of the diagrammatic weld, except that for fillet welds top fillet welds connecting brackets. beam seats and made by the submerged are process the effectise similar connections on the plane about w hich bendmg 7 throat thickness shall be taken equal to the leg size for moments are computed. g

                   % m. and smaller fillet welds and equal to the                                                 VII 2452.10 Fillet Welds in Holes and Slots. Fillet g

theoretical throat plus 0.11 m. for fillet welds oser , ,; gg

                           **'                                                                              in lap joints or to prevent the buckhng or separation 3

XVil-2452.5 Effectise Area of Fillet Welds. The of lapped parts and to jom components of built up > effective area of fillet welds shall be considered as the members. Such fillet welds may oserlap subject to the


effectne length of the weld times the effective throat provisions of XVil-2452.5. Fillet welds m holes or 5 thickness. slots are not to be considered plug or slot welds. b r XVII-2452.6 Efftetise Area of Fillet Weldsin Holes

 ,                   and Slots. The effecove area of fillet welds in boles                                  XVil2453 Plug and Slot Welds and slots shall be computed as above speciSed for fillet welds usmg. for effective lengtn. *.he length of                                    XVII 24E2.1 Use of P'.sg anJ Slot Welds. P!ug and
-                    centerhne of the weld through the center of the pbr.e                                  th welds .nay be used to transmit shear in a lap jomt through the throat. Howemr. m the case of ov-                                          er to prevent bt.ckhng of lapped parts and to jcin erf appmg fil! cts, the ef.'ective area shall not escerd the                           component parts of bm!t up members.

nonunal cross-sectional area of '.he hole et slotivi the plane of the faying surface. XYli 2453.2 Diameter of Hoics for Plug Welds. The

                                                                                                               .amete: cf the hol:s for a plug weld shall be not less XVil-2452.7 Effecti+e Shearing Ares of Plug and                                            t uckness of the part contaming it plus     in..

an Slot Welds. The effective sheanng area of plug and r unded to the next greater odd N in., nor greater slot welds shall be cansidered as the nominal cross- than 2% times the thickness of the weld metal. sectional area of the hole or slot in the plane of the faying surface. XVII-2453.3 Spacing of Plug Welds.The mmimum center to center spacing of plugwelds shall be4 times XVII-2452.8 Intermittent Fillet Welds. Intermittent the diameter of the hole. fillet welds may be used to transfer calculated stresses across a joint or faying surface, when the strength XVII-2453.4 length of Slot Welds. The length of I required is less than that developed by a continuous slot for a slot weld shall not exceed 10 times the fillet weld of the smallest permitted size and tojoin thickness of the weld. The width of the slot shall be components of built-up members. The effective not less than the thickness of the part containing it I length of any segment of intermittent fillet welding plus in.. rounded to the next greater odd % in.. shall not be less than 4 times the weld size with a nor shall it be greater than 2% times the thickness of i minimum of I % in. the weld. The ends of the slot shall be semicircular or shall have the corners rounded to a radius not less XVII 2452.9 End Returns of Fillet Welds. Side or than the thickness of the part containing it, except i end fillet welds terminating at ends or sides, re- those ends which extend to the edge of the part. l spectively, of parts or members shall, whenever

           .y            practicable, be returned continuously around the                                        XVil 2453.5 Specing of Slot Welds. The minimum 4             corners for a distance not less than twice the nominal                               spacing of lines of slot welds in a direction transverse l

bm , size of the weld.This provision shall apply to side and to their length shall be 4 times the width of the slot. l I  ! 385

  .h             6                                        .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ..

( XYll.2453.5-XVII.2462.2 SECTION III, DIVISION I - SUBSECTION NA The minimum center to cefiter spacing in a long- XVII 2461.2 Bearing Stresses. Allowable beanng

 #    itudinal direction on any line shall be 2 times the          stress on projected area of bolts in beanng type length of the slot.                                          connections shall be:

XVII 2453.6 Thickness of Plug and Slot Welds.The F, = 1.35S, thickness of plug and slot welds in matenal % in. or where less in thickness shall be equal to the thickness of the matenal. In matenal over % in. m thickness,it shall F. = yield stress of the connected part be at least one-half the thickness of the matenal but n t less than Ya in. Beanng stress is not rest Wed in inction ty pe connections assembled with $A-325. SA 449. or SA-XVII 2454 Butt and Groove Welds The effective area of butt and groose welds shsll bc XVII 2461.3 Combined Tension and Shear Stresses the effective weld length multiphed by the effective fa) Bolts subjected to combined shear and tension throat thickness. shall be so proportioned that the tensmn stress m kips (a) The effective weld length~ for anygroove weld. per square inch. produced by forces apphed to square or skewed, shall be the width of the partjoined, connected parts. shall not exceed those denved from perpendicular to the direction of stress. the followmg: (b) The effective throat thickness of a complete- For SA 307 bolts applied to stress area penetration groove weld which shall conform to the requirements of NF-4000 shall be the thickness of the F' - 28.0 - 1'6f, < 20'0 thinner part jomed. No mcrease is permitted for weld For SA 325 bolts in bearing typejoints reinforcement.

                                                                                     ~        ~
         /c) The effectne throat thickness of smgle and                            '                 I' I doubie parual penetration groosc weids shall be the          where f, the shear stress prcduced by the same forces.

depth of the groove. except that the effecnvc throat shal1 not exceed the value for shear gaen m Table thickness of a beseljomt made by manual shielded XVil-2461.1 1. metal are meldirg shall be % in. lcss than the depth of (b/ For bol st used in friction type joints, the shear the groove and the effective throat thickness of each stress allowed in Table XVil 2461.1 1 shtll be we:d shall be not less than v~T'T i whe.e ri si the reduced so that: thickness of the thmner part connected by' the weld. For 3 A-325 bolts F, < 15.0 (1 - f,A,/T,) XVII 2460 DESIGN REQUIRE 31ESTS FOR BOLTS where f, is the average tensile stress due to a direct loaJ apphed to all of the bolts m a connection and T3 XVII 2461 Allowable Stresses is the specified pretension load of the bolt. XVII 2461.1 Tension and Shear Stres es. Allowable tension and shear stresses m bolts and threaded parts. XVII 2462 311nimum Edge Distance ksi of area of unthreahd body area of Solts and XVil 2462.1 For Friction Type Connections in Line threaded parts except as noted. shall be as given in Table XVil-2461.1-I. High strength bolts required t of Stress. In connections of tension members. when support applied load by means of direct tension shall there are not more than two bolts in a line parallel to be so proportioned that their aserage tensile stress the direction of stress the distance from the center of computed on the basis of nommal bolt area and the end bolt to that end of the connected part toward independent of any initial tightenmg force, will not which the stress is directed shall be not less then the exceed the appropriate stress given m Table XVil- area tf the bolt divided by the thickness of the  ! g  ; ,; g g i 2461.1-1. The applied load shall be the sum of the distance for bolts in double shear. cxternal load and any tension resulting from prying tction produced by deformation of the connected XVII 2462.2 For Bearing Type Connections in Line ) parts. Bolts subjected to combined tension and shear of Stress In bearing type connections of tension , shall be designed in accordance with XVII-2461.3. members, when there are not more than two high l 386 l a




9 PART QW WELDING ARTICLE I WELDING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6 Code, and the performance of welders and welding QW 100 GENERAL operators who apply these p ocedures. All pages in this article are identified by the number QW-103.2 Records. Each manufacturer. or con-

1. followed by the specific page identifying number. tractor, shall maintain a record of the results obtained w hich is indicated at the bottom of each page, n welding procedure and welder and welding operator performance qualifications. These records QW 101 Scope shall be certified by the manufacturer. or contractor, and shall be accessible to the authorized inspector.

The rules in this Section of the Code app!y to the Refer :o recommended Forms in QW-4SO. preparation of welding procedure specif. cations. and

      -     the qualification of welding procedures, welders, and              gw.110 WELD ORIENTATION welding operators for all types of manual and machine weldir.g processes permitted in other Sec-                    The orientations of welds are illustrated in QW-tions of the Code. These ru! s rra also be arplied,in              461.1.

so far r.s they are appab:e. to mn :nanual ar machine processes. QW-120 TEST POSITIONS FOR GROOVE WELDS QW 102 Terms and Definitions Groove welos may be made in test material Some of the more common terms relating to oriented in any of the positions in QW 461.2 or QW-welding are defined in QW 492. These are in 461.3 and as described in the following paragraphs, substantial agreement with the definitions of the except that an angular deviation of plus or mmus 15 Amencan Welding Society given in its document, degrees from the specified horizontal and vertical "A3.0-69 Terms and Defimtions." Pl anes, and an angular deviation of plus or minus 5 C- Wherever the word pipe is designated, tubes shall degrees from the specified inclined planeis permitted also be applicable. during welding. QW-121 Plate Positions Q 103 RWW QW-121.1 Flat Position IG. Plate in a horizontal W74 QW 103.1 Welding. Each manufacturer 8 or plane with the weld metal deposited from above. contractor 8 is responsible for the welding done by his Refer to QW-461.2(a). organization and shall conduct the tests required in QW 121.2 Horizootal Position 2G. Plate in a this Section to qualify the welding procedures he uses vertical plane with the axis of the weld horizontal. in the construction of the weldments built under this I Refer to QW-461.2(b). W74 nWherever these words are used in Secuon IX. they shallinclude , i l instaner or asumbler. QW 121.3 Vertical Position 3G. Plate m a vertical 11 i

l qw.131.3-QW.141.3 SECTION IX - PART QW CELDING 1 l plane with the axis of the weld vertical. Refer to QW. that the weld is deposited with its axis vertical. Refer 461.2(c). to QW-461.4(c). i QW 121.4 Oserhead Position 4G. Plate in a QW 131.4 Overhead Position 4F. I'lates so placed l honzontal plane with the weld metal deposited from that the weld is deposited with its axis horizontal. on ! underneath. Refer to QW-461.2(d). the underside of the honzontal surface and agamst the vertical surface. Refer to QW-461.4(d). QW 122.1 Flat Position IG. Pipe with its axis QW.132 Pipe Positions S75 honzontal and rolled dunng welding so that the weld Q W 132.1 Flat Position IF. Pipe with its aus S75 metal is deposited from above. Refer to QW-461.3(a). inclined at 45 deg. to horizon:al and rotated dunng QW 122.2 Horizontal Position 2G. Pipe with its axis welding so that the weld metal is deposited from vertical and the axis of the weldin a honzontal plane. above and at the pomt of deposition the axis of the Pipe shall not be rotated dunng welding. Refer to weld is honzontal and the throat sertical. [ Refer to QW-461.3(b). QW-461.5(a).] QW-122.3 31ultiple Positions SG. Pipe with its axis QW 132.2 llorizontal Position 2F and 2FR S75 honzontal and with the welding groove m a vertical /aiPosition 2F. pipe with its aus sertical so that the plane. Welding shall be done without rotating the weld is deposited on the upper side of the honzontal pipe. Refer to QW-461.3t c). surface and against the vertical surface. The axis of QW 122.4 Sluitiple Positions 6G. Pipe with its axis the weld will be horizontal and the pipe is not to be mclined at 45 degrees to honzontal. Welding shall be r t ted dunng welding.[ Refer to QW-461.5(b)]; or done without rotating the pipe. Refer to QW-461.3(d). ibjPosition 2FR. pipe with its axis honzontal and the aus of *.e deposited weld in the serticsl plane. S75 QW-123 Test Positions for Stud Welds The p:pe is rotated dunng welding. [ Refer to QW-461.5(c).] S75 QW 123.1 Stud Welding. Stud welds mas be made , m test matenal onented m any of the positions . , QW 132.3 Oserhead Position 4F. Pipe with its axis S75 desented in QW 121 for plate and QW-122 for pipe scrucals that the we!d is deposited on the undersiae (excludme QW-122.1t la all cases. the stud shall be f the honzontal surface and agamst the sertical


perpendicular to the wface of the plate or pipe. See surface. The sxis of the weld will be horizontal and the Fie. QW-461.6. P pe is not to be rotsted during weiding. [Reser to QW-461.5(d).] QW-132.4 A1ultiP ie Position 5F. Pipe with its axis S75 S75 QW 130 TEST POSITIONS FOR FILLET WELDS horizontal and the axis of the deposited weld in the sertical plane. The pipe is not to be rotated dunng Fillet welds may be made m test matenal onented w eldmg. [ Refer to QW-461.5(e t] m any of the positions of QW-461.4 or QW-461.5, and as desenbed in the followmg paragraphs. except that an angular desianon of plus or mmus 15 deg. from the QW-140 TYPES AND PURPOSES OF TESTS specified honzontal and sertical planes is permitted AND EXA511 NATIONS dunng weldmg. QW 131 Plate Positions N e hanical tests used in procedure or performance QW 131.1 Flat Position IF Plates so Pl aced that qualification are as follows: the weld is deposited with its axis honzontal and its QW-141.1 Tension Tests. Tension tests as de-throat vertical. Refer to QW-461.4(a). scnbed in QW-150 are used to determine the ultimate QW 131.2 Horizontal Position 2F. Plates so placed strength of groove-weldjoints. that the weld is deposited with its axis honzontal on QW-141.2 Guided-Bend Tests. Guided-bend tests the upper side of the honzontal surface and against as desenbed in QW-160 are used to detennine the the vertical surface. Refer to QW-461.4(b). degree of soundness and ductility of groove-weld QW 131.3 Vertical Position 3F. Plates so placed joints. 1-2

A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS QW 141.3_qw.151.1 QW 141.3 Flast WeW Teses. Tests as described in QW-180 are used to determine the size, contour, and these processes), to prove the ability of welders to degree of soundness offillet welds. make sound welds. QW 141.4 Noech Tougheses Teses. Tests as de, QW 143 Exw-h tw W% Operates scribed in QW-171 and QW-172 are used to determine the notch toughness of the weldment. An examination of a weld by radiography may be S75 substituted foi mechanical testing of QW-141 for QW 141.5 Stud Weld Test. Deflection bend, ham. W75 Performance qualification as permittedin QW-305 to ' mering, torque, or tension tests as shown in QW. Prove the ability of welding operators to make sound 466.4. QW-466.5, and QW-466.6 respectively, are welds. used to determine soundness of stud welds. For studs welded to other than P-1 material, five welds shall be subjected to a macro-examination, except that this is QW 150 TENSION 1TSTS not required for studs used for extended heating QW 151 Specismens QW 142 Special Examinations for Weiders Tension test specimens shall conform to one of the types illustrated in QW-462.1, and shall meet the Radiographic examination may be substituted for reqmrements of QW-153. mechanical testmg of QW-141 for groove-weld performance qualification as permitted in QW-304 QW 151.1 Reduced-Section-Plate. Reduced-sec-made with the shielded roetal arc welding process or tion specimens conforming to the requirements given the gas tungsten-arc process (or a combination of in QW-462.l(a) may be used for tension tests on all thicknesses of plate. s 1 l l I-2.1 l

4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS QW 151.1-QW.161 (a) A singlespecimen of full plate thickness shallbe (c) When multiple specimens are used, each set shall used for thicknesses up to and including 1 in. represent a single required tension test. Collectively, (b) For plate thickness greater than I in., single or all the specimens required to represent the full j multiple specimens may be used,provided(c)and(d) thickness of the weld at one location shall comprise a are complied with. set. (c1When multiple specimens ate used, each set shall (d) Each specimen shall be tested and meet the represent a single required tension test. Collectively, requirements of QW-153. all of the specimens required to represent the full QW 151.4 Full-Section Specimens for Pipe. Ten-thickness of the weld at one location shall compnse a sion specimens conforming to the dimensions given m QW-462.l(e) may be used for testmg pipe with an [d/ When multiple specimens are necessary, the utside diameter of 3 m.or less. entire thickness shall be mechanically cut into a mmimum number of approumately equal stnps of a size that can be tested in the available equipment. QW 152 Tension Test Mwe Each specimen shall be tested and meet the re- De tension test specimen shall be ruptured under C) quirements of QW-153. tensile load. The tensile strength shall be computed by dividing~ the maximum load by the least cross sec-QW 151.2 Reduced-Section-Pipe. Reduced-sec- tional area of the specimen as' measured before the tion specimens. conformmg to the requirements given I dinpplied in QW-462.l(b). may be used for tension tests on all thicknesses of pipe hasing an outside diameter greater .g. Te than 3 ir (a) A single specimen of full pipe thickness shall be qw.153.1 Tensile Strength, in order to pass the W75 used for thicknesses up to and meludmg i in. tension test the specimen shallhave a tennie strength (b> For pipe thicknesses greater than I in.,smgle or that is not less thar.: multiple specimens may be used.provided(c)and(di (a) The spec;fied minimum tensile strength of the are ccmplied with. base ractalor g (c/When multiple specimens are used.each set shall represent a sing'e required tension test. Collectisely-(N The specified min.mam tensile st7ergth of the meker of the tac, if base inctas c.f d.fferent all of the spenmens cet tarci to represent the fel' i minimum tennie strengths are used. or thickness of the weld at one location shallcompnse a (c) The specified minimum tensile strengt of tae set. weld metal when the applicable Secticn of the Code (d) When mritsple specimens are necessary, the provides for the use of we!d rr.etalhasir:g' roem enttre thickness shall be mechanically cut into 2 temperature strengtn than the base metu. minimum number of approumately equal strips of a (da If the specimen breaksin the base metal outside size tnat can be tested m the available equipment of the weld or fusion line, the test shall be accepted as Each specimen shall be tested and meet the re- meetmg the requirements. provided the strength is not quirements of QW-153. more than 5 percent below the specified mimmum For pipe havmg an outside diameter of 3 in.or less. tensile strength of the base metal. reduced-section specimens conforming to the re-quirements given m QW-462.l(c) may be used for tension tests. QW 160 GUIDED-BEND TESTS QW-161 Specimens

  • W75 QW 1513 Turned Specimens. Turned specimens conforming to the requirements given in QW-462.l(d) Guided bend test specimens shall be prepared by may be used for tension tests. cuttma the test plate or pipe to form specimens of (a) For thicknesses up to and including i in., a approlimately rectangular cross section. He cut single turned specimen may be used. surf aces shall be designated the sides of the specimen.

(b) For thicknesses over I in multiple specimens The other two surfaces shall be called the face and shall be cut through the full thickness of the weld wi h root surfaces: the face surface having the greater their centers parallel to the metal surface and not over 8For metals of P-23 and P-35 in QW-422. and for any element W75 1 in. apart. The centers of the specimens adjacent to made mth F-23 electrode of QW-432.2, the bend test specunens W76 the metal surfaces shall not exceed % m.. from the or QW-462.3(a) and (b) shall be % in. us tluckness, and the l i surface. corner radius "R" shall be W in. maximum. 1-3 l


   . o Qw.161--Qw 163                         SEC. TION IX - PART QW WELDING width of weld. Guided-bend specimens are of five              face, and root-bend tests, for testing weld metal or        ,i types, depending on whether the axis of the weld is transverse or parallel to the longitudinal axis of the base metal combinations which differ markedly in bending properties between (a) the two base metals, j

specimen, and which surface (side, face, or root)is on or (b) the weld metal and the base metal. the convex (outer) side of bent specimen. The five types are defined as follows: QW-161.6 begitudinal Face-Bend. The weld is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen which

 ,              QW 161.1 Transverse Side Bend. The weld is                is bent so that the face surface becomes the convex transverse to the longitudinal axis of the specimen          surface of the bent specimen. Longitudinal face-bend which is bent so that one of the side surfaces becomes        test specimens shall conform to the dimensions shown the convex surface of the bent specimen. Transverse           in QW 462.3(b).

side bend test specimens shall conform to the di-QW 161.7 longitudinal Root. Bend. The weld is mensions shown m QW-462.2(a). Specimens of base metal thickness over 1 % in. may parallel to thelongitudinalaxisof thespecimen which be cut into approximately equal stnps between % in. s bent so that the root surface becomes the convex and 1% m. wide for testing. or the specimens may be bent at full width. (See requirements on jig width in side of the bent specimen. Longitudinal root-bend test specimens shall conform to the dimensions shown m h QW-466.) If multiple specimens are used, one QW-462.3(b). complete set shall be made for each required test. Each specimen shall be tested and meet the re- QW 162 Guided-Bend Test Procedure S74 quirements in QW-163. QW-162.1 Jigs. Guided-bend specimens shall be For metals of P-23 and P-35 m QW-422. and for bent in testjigs that are in substantial accordance with any weldment made with F-23 electrodeof QW-432.2. QW-466. When using the jigs illustratedin QW-466.1 the side-bend test specimen of QW-462.2ta, shal! be cr QW-466.2, the side of the specimen turned toward reduced from % in. m thickness to % tnickness the gap of the jig shall be the face for face-bend and the corner radius "R" reduced to in. specimens, the root for root-bend specimens.and the maximum. side with the grestre defects, if any, for side ber.d QW 161.2 Transierse Face-Bend. The weld is SPeccen h gedmen sM & forced into & &c 3 transverse to the lonatudinal

                                   '        axis of the specimen        by applymg load on the plunger until the curvature of the specimen is such that a % in. diameter wire cannot
           *hich n bent so that the face surface becomes the consex surface of the bent specimen. Transverse face-              ***'**       * * * " ' 'E'#' * * " *" '     '

bend test specimens shall conform to the dimensions ' #' '" *

  • N"** **'. I shown in QW 462.3(a). For subsize transverse face, t)Pe ofjig,QW 466.2 :s used.

bends.see QW 161.4. When using the wrap around jig, QW-466.3, the side of the specimen turned toward the roller shall be QW-1613 Transierse Root. Bend. The weld is the face for the face-bend specimens, the root for the transserse to the longitudinal axis of the specimen root-bend specimens. and the side with the greater which is bent so that the root surface becomes the defects.if any.for side-bend specimens. consex surface of the bent specimen. Transverse root- When specimens wider than I % in. are to oc bent as bend test specimens shall conform to the dimensions permitted m QW-462.2(a), the test jig mandrel must shown m QW-462.3(a) For substze transverse root- be at least % in. wider than the specimen width.  ; bends, see QW-161.4. QW 161.4 Subsize Transwerse Face and Root. QW 163 Acceptance Criteria-Bend Tests W74 Bends. For pipe of 3 in. outside diameter or less, the width of the bend specimen of QW-462.3(a) may be The weld and heat-affected zone of a transverse- I

         % m., measured around the outside surface. Al-                 weld bend specimen shall be completely within the ternauvely, for pipe of less than 2% in outside                bent portion of the specimen af ter testing.

diameter, the width of the bend specimens may be The guided-bend specimens shall have no open l that obtamed by cutting the pipe into quarter sections defects exceeding %in. measuredin any direction on less the allowance for cuttmg. the convex surface of the specimen after bending, except that cracks occurring on the corners of the l QW-161.5 Imagitudinal Bend Tests. Longitudinal specimen during testing shall not be considered,  ! bend tests may be used in lieu of the transverse side, unless there is definite evidence that they result from I l-4

                               ,                              GENERAL REQUIREMENTS                                 QW 163-QW 184

sisg inclumons or other internal defaces. For corromon QW 181.2 Perferunece De dunenmons and prep- 875 v reestant weld overlay e8-8% no open defect aration of the fillet weld test Tad-as for per. 376 exceedtng %e in. measured in any duection shall be formance qualification shall conform to the re-permitted in the cladding, and no open defects quarements in QW-462.4(b) or QW-462.4(c). De test exceeding % in. shall be permitted in the bond line. specunen shall not contain any visible cracks. For plate, it shall be cut transversely to provide a center section 4 in. long and two end sections, each approximately I in. long. For pipe or tube, it shati be QW 179 NOTCH TOUGHNESS 1TSTS cut to provide two quarter sections as shown in QW-QW 171 Notch Toughness Tests-Charyy V-Noach QW 171.1 GenereL Charpy V notch impact tests QW 182 Fractwe Tests S75 shall be made when required by other sections of the O Code. Test procedures and apparatus shall conform to the De stem of the 4 in. performance specimen center section in QW-462.4(b) or the stem of the quarter requirements of SA-370. section in QW-462.4(c), as applicable. shall be loaded

                                                                            '* #'* I " *        * **Y *         '         **       "

I QW 171.2 Arawye==rea ne acceptance criteria tensi n. The load shall be steadily increased until the shall be in accordance with that Section of the Code specimen fractures or bends flat upon itself. spectfyingimpact requirements. If the specimen fractures, the fractured surface QW 171.3 Iararia= and Orlestation of Test Spec- shall show no evidence of cracks or incomplete root lanen. De impact test specimen and notch location fusion, and the sum of the lengths of inclusions and and orientation shall be as given in the sec*. ion of the gas pocketz visible on the fractured surface shall not Code requiring such tests. exceed % in. to pass the test.

         -     QW 172 Notch Iomstams Tests-Drop Weight QW 183 MacroSv==d==ela=-Ptucedure w            QW-172.1 Gceeral Drop weight tests shall be made                    Specianees when requ; red by other sections of the Code.                                                                                            l Test procedures and apparatus sha'l conform to the One face of each cross section shall be smoothed

requirements of ASTM Specification E 208. and etcaed with a vsable etchant (See QW-470) to gwi a clear definition of the weld metal and heat-QW 172.2 Acceptance. The acceptance criteria affected zone. In order to pass the test: shall be in accordance with that section of the Code Visual examination of the cross sections of the weld requiring drop weight tests. metal and heat-affected zone shall show complete fusion and freedom from cracks; and QW 172 3 Imcation and Orientation of Test Spec-imes. The drop weight test specimen, the crack starter here shall not be more than % in. difference in the location, and the onentation shall be as given in the length of thelegsof the fillet. section of the Code requiring such tests. QW 184 Macro Exanni 4L Performance S75 S,eci-QW-ISS FnJrr-WEIE TESTS He cut end of one of the end sections from the QW 181 Procedme and Performance Qualipe=ela= Pl ate or the cut end of the quarter section from the pipe, as applicable, shall be smoothed and etched with p a suitable etchant (See QW-47th to give a clear QW 181.1 Procedure. The dimensions and prep- definition of the weld metal and heaaffectea zone. aration of the fillet-weld test specunens for procedure In order to pass the test: qualification as required in QW-202 shall conform to Visual examination of the cross section of the weld the requirements in QW-462.4(a).The test specimen metal and heat-affected zone shall show complete shall not contain any visible cracks. It shall be cut fusion and freedom from cracks, except that linear transversely to provide five sections, each ap- indications at the root, not exceeding %s in., shall be

        ,,      proximately 2 in.long,                                      acceptable;and I5 t

' , , . . - , -,,--..n

   , e gy,gy              SECTION IX - FART QW WELDING

ne weld shan not have a concavity or convexity greater than %ein.;and j here shall be not more than % in, difference in the lengthsof thelegsof thefillet. S N. M, r v e I-5.1

i e

  • Qw.190-Qw.192.3 SECTION IX - PART QW WELDING
                                -                                                                                                              i W74 QW 190 OTHER TESTS AND                                                 (2) For welds in material less than % in. in EXAMINATIONS                                       thickness, the maxiinum number of acceptable rounded indications shall not exceed 12 in a 6 in.

W74 QW 191 R- "-y 7'- Examinarian length of weld. A proportionately fewer number of W76 r unded indications shall be permitted in welds less ne radiographic examination in QW-142 for than 6 in. in length. welders and m QW-143 for welding operators shall (3) For welds in material % in. or greater in meet the technique requirements of Article 2, Section thickness, the charts in Appendix I represent the

    .           V. except as given in QW-191.1. and shall meet the maximum acceptable types of rounded indications acceptance standard of QW-191.2.                                               ,

illustrated m typically clustered, assorted, and

    .       W76      QW-191.1 Exception to Article 2, Section V. He             randomly dispersed configurations. Rounded indica-requirements of T 250 Article 2. Section V, are to be          tions less than % in. in maximum diameter shall not used only as a guide. Final acceptance of radio-               be considered in the radiographic acceptance tests of graphs shall be based on the ability to see the                welders and welding operators. in these ranges of p/

G presenbed penetrameter image and the specified material thicknesses. hole' QW 191.2.3 Production Welds.The acceptance standard for welding operators who qualify on pro-duction welds shall be those speciDed in the refer-W76 QW-191.2 Radiographic Acceptance Criteria encing Code Section. QW-191.2.1 Teramology QW-191.3 Record of Tests. The results of welder W76 Lmear Indicanom: Cracks. incomplete fusion. and welding operator performance tests by radiogra- ~ inadequate penetration, and slag are represented on phy shall be recorded m accordance with'QW-301.4. the radiograph as hnear mdications in which the lenctn is more than three times the mdth. Eowided Indicanom: Porosity and inclusions such QW 192 Siud-Weld Tests-Procedure and 575 Performance Qualification Speci:nens A as slag or tungsten are represented on the radiograph as rounded indications with a length three tanes the

         ~                                              ~

width or less. These indications may be circular. QW-192.1 Required Tests. Ten stud. weld tests are S75 requ red to qualify each procedure and stud.*elding elliptical or irregular m shape, may ' liave tails, and


may va:v in der.sity. perator. The equipmer.t used for stud welding shall he completely automatic except for manual stsrtmg. QW 191.2.2 Acceptance Standards. Welder and Every other welding stud ($ jomts) shall be tested welding operator performance tests by radiography by either hammenng over until one-fourth of its of welds in test assembhes shall be judged unaccepta- length is flat on the test piece or by bendmg the stud to ble when the radiograph exhibits any imperfections an ang'e of at least 15 deg. and returmng it to its in excess of the linuts specified below. ongmal position usmg a testjig and adapter location

                     /a/ LinearIndicanos                                         dimension that are in accordance with QW-466.4.

(1) Any type of crack or zone of incomplete The remammg fne welded stui joints shall be fusion or penetration. tested in torque usmg a torque testmg arrangement (,- (2) Any elongated slag inclusion which has a that is substantially m accordance with QW.466.5. Alternatnely, where torqumg is not feasible. tensile length greater than: (a) % in. for t up to % in., inclusive testing may be used. and the fixture for tensile testing (b) %t for i over % in. to 2% in.. inclusive shall be similar to that shown in QW-466.6 except that (c) % in. for i over 2% in, studs without heads may be gripped on the unwelded (3) Any group of slag inclusions in line that end in thejaws of the tensile testmg machine. have an aggregate length greater than in a length of QW 192.2 Acceptance Criteria-Bend and Hammer S75 12t, except when the distance between the successive .,. ggg gg g imperfections exceeds 6L where L is the length of the welds and heat-affected zones shall be free of sisible longest imperfection in the group. separation or fracture after bending and return (b) RoundedInhtion bending or af ter hammenng. (1) The maximum permissible dimension for rounded indications shall be 20% of i or % in., QW 192.3 Acceptance Criteria-Torque Tests. in S75 whichever is smaller. order to pass the test (s), each of the five stud welds l 14 l l l 4

w ARTICLE II WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATIONS QW-200 GENERAL companies involved must establish this to the sat-isfaction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel O) (. All pages in this article are identified by the number Committee, in which case separate welding procedure

2. followed by the specific page identifying number, quahfications are not required.

which is indicated at the bottom of each page. A WPS may require the support of more than one PQR, while alternatively, one PQR may support a W74 QW-201 Manufacturer's or Contractor's number of WPS's. Respoes% QW 201.1 Welding Procedure Specification Each manufacturer or contractor shall list the (WPS). The welding procedure specification (WPS) parameters apphcable to welding that he performsin shall list in detail the various base metal P Numbers construction of weldm:nts built in accordance with to be joined by welding, the fillar metals to be used, tais Code. These prameters shall be iisted in a the range of prehest and postweld heat treatmerit. document kncwn as a " Welding Procedure Spec- thickness, and other variables described for each ifica: en"(WPS). welding process as either essential or nonessential. q; Each manufacturer or contractor shall qualify the (See QW-252 through QW-281.) Copies of the WPS WPS by the welding of test coupons, and the testing of shall be available for reference by the welders or sr>ecimens, as required in 6is Code. and recording the welding operators and the autho:ued irspector. A weldmg datz and test results to a document known as reccmmended form for this WPS is given in QW-482. a " Procedure Quahfication Record" (PQR). The Changes may be made in the nonessential variables welders or welding operators used to prodt.ce weld- to suit production requirements without re-ments to be tested for qualification of procedures qualification of the procedur:.provided such changes shall be under the full supervision and control of the are documented with respect to both essential and manufacturer. contractor, assembler, or installer non-essential variables of the specific welding process during the production of these test weldments. It is or processes, either in an amendment to the onginal not permissible for the manufacturer, contractor, WPS. or a new WPS. assembler. or installer to have the welding of the test The manufacturer or contractor shall certify that he weldments performed by another organization. It is has qualified each welding procedure specification; C permissible. however, to subcontract any or allof the work of preparation of test matenals for welding and that he has performed the procedure quahfication test (s): and that he has documented it with the subsequent work on preparation of test specimens necessary Procedure Qualification Record (s)(PQR). from the completed weldment, performance of nondestructive examination, and mechanical tests. QW-201.2 Procedare Q "M-: Record (PQR). W7C provided the manufacturer, contractor, assembler, or The specific facts involved in qualifying a WPS shall installer accepts the responsibility for any such work. be recorded in a form called Procedure Qualification The Code recognizes a manufacturer, contractor, Record (PQR). This form shall document the assembler, or installer as the crganization which has essential variables of the specific welding process or respcasible operational control of the production of processes (as listed in QW-252 through QW-281), the the weldments to be made in accordance with this deposited weld metal thickness involved with each Code. If in an organization effective operational welding process as described in QW-201.3, and the control of welding procedure qualification for two or test results. These documents shall be certified by the more companies of different names exists, the manufacturer or contractor and shall be available for 2-1

QW.201.2-QW.201.3 SECTION IX - PART QW WELDING nammation by the authorned mspector. Recom-mended forms a e givenin QW 483.

                                                                                       )li A change in any essential variable shall require requalification to be recorded in another PQR.

QW 201.3 Combination of Welding Processes or s74 Procedures. More than one process or procedure may ] be used in a single production joint. Each welding process or procedure shall be qualified either sep-arately or in combination with other processes or a precedures (within the thickness li nits specified in QW-202.2. QW-403, and QW.4S I) for the base metal thickness and for the deposited weld metal thickness _. range for each of the processes or procedures to be used in the production joint. For multiprocess or multiprocedure apphcations the qualified thickness of each process or procedure shall not be additive in determining the maximum thickness of the pro-duction joint to be welded. One or more processes or procedures may be deleted from a productionjoint

,                       quahfied by a combination of processes or procedures provided each remaining process or procedere has

,' been. in the specific combination weldmg process or procedure quahfication. qualified Iwithin the thick- ,l nns hmits specified in QW 202.2.QW-403, and QW-i 451) fx the depcsited weld metal t} ickness for - each of the processes or procedures to be used in the I produ: tion joint. 2-1.1



QW 202 Type of Tests Required dissimilar thickness, and groove weld procedure qualification made in base metal having a thickness of S75 QW 202.1 Mare ==3e=8 Teess ne type and number 3 in. or more shall be applicable for production use for l of test specimens that must be tested to qualify a deposited weld metal thickness up to the maximum l welding procedure are given in QW-451, except that, given m QW 451 for: l where qualification is for fillet welds only, the (a) Repair or " built-up" welds in any thickness requirements are given in QW 202.2 and, where f bar.e or weld metal, mth no hmit on the mimmum quahfication is for stud welds only, the requirements depth of deposited weld metal.and are gnen in QW 202.3. (b) Welds joining dissimilar thicknesses of base S74 metals in which the base metal on ore side is equal to QW 202.2 Base Metals-Groove and Fillet Welds. W76 Except for vessels or parts of vessels constructed of or less than the maximum thickness quahfied m the P il (excluding P-llA Subgroup I and 2) metals. PQR. the base metal on the other side may be of any WPS qualificanon tests for groove and fillet welds greater thickness. s may N made on groove welds using reduced-section QW 202.3 Procedure qualification tests for stud S75 tension specimens and guided-bend specimens. He welds shall be made in acccrdance with QW 192. The groove-weld tests shall qualify the WPS for use with g ;gg , g g groove welds mthm the range of essential vanables procedures for use withm the range of the essential hsted. Groove-weld tests shall also quahfy for use sanables of QW-261. and the studs and test piece mth fillet welds in all thicknesses of metal, sizes of matenal shall be of the same type and grade to be ftllet welds, and diameters of pipe or tube, mthin the used for construction. other remaining applicable essential vanables. Where a WPS qualification of fillet welds only is required. W75 QW 203 Li' nits of Qualified li'ositions for tests shall be made in accordance uth Q%-180. The Procedum tests shall qualify the ftllet WPS for use only with fillet welds m all thicknesses of metal, sizes of fillet Unless specifically required othe-wise by the welds, and diameters of pipe or tube, fo. use within welding vanables (QW 250). a qualification m any f the other remainmg applicable essential variables. position qualifies the procedure for all positions.The For vessels, or par s of vessels, ccnstructed of P-1I welding process must be compatible.and the welding (e(cluding P-!! A S* group 1 and 2) metals. WPS rods electrodes, and filler metals sucn as defmed m quali6 cation tetts for groove welds shall be made 9n the specifications of Section 11. Part C must be groove welds, using reduced section tension speci- suitable for their use m specific postions. A welder. or mens and guided-bend speciment. He groove-weld welding operator. making and passmg the WPS tests shall quahfy the WPS for use only with groove qualification test is thereby qualified for the position welds within the range of essential variables listed. tested. see QW 301.2. WPS quali5 cation tests for fillet welds shall be made in accordance with QW-180. The tests shall qualify QW 210 PREPARATION OF TEST JOINT the fillet WPS for use only with fillet welds in all thicknesses of metal stzes of fillet welds, and QW-211 Base Metal and Filler Metal S75 diameters of pipe or tube, for use within the other The base metals, and filler metals. shall be one or C remaining applicable essential variables. Groove weld procedure qualifications shall en-more of those hsted in the WPS. The dimenswns of the test assembly shall be sufficient to proude the compass thickness ranges to be used in production. required test spec'imens. for both the base metals to be joined or repaired and The base metals may consist of either plate. pipe or the deposited weld metal to be used except as allowed other product forms' Qualification m plate also in (1) below for both the base metal and the deposited quahfies for pipe w elding and vice versa. weld metal. (1) For welding procedure qualifications made QW 212 Type and Dimension of Groose Welds f with the SMAW. SAW, GTAW, GMAW, or PAW welding processes. using weld layer (s) of % in. or less The test joint shall be welded using a type of in thickness, there is no limit on the minimum depth welding groove proposed in the WPS for use m of deposited weld metal for repair or "b:ilt-up" construction. Except as otherwise provided in QW-

     -           welding, nor on the minimum thickness of the thinner                                                                   250. the type and dimensions of the welding groose of the base metals being joined where iby are of                                                                       are not essential vanables.


u . ! l 1

                                                                                                             -ATTACHMENT B                         -       i Commentary on Structural Welding Code-Steel
1. General Provisions Note:All references to numbered paragraphs, tables, andjigures, unless otherwise indicated, refer to paragraphs, table.2, orjigures in A WS D11, Structural Welding Code-Steel. References to paragraphs, tables, or figures in this commentary are prefixed with a C. Hence, Fig. 8.8.5 is in AWS DJJ, while Fig. C8.8.5 is in this commentary.

1.1 Application nished in the as-rolled condition. The Engineer should recogrdze. that surface imperfections (seams, scabs etc.) The StructuralWe: ding Code,he.ers fter referred to as acceptable under A6 and A20 may be present on the ma-the Cade, pro. ices weidrig requitements for the construc- terial received at the fabricating shop. Special surface tion cf steel str;ctures. :t is intended to be complementary finish quality, w hen needed in as-rolled products, should w:tn any general code er speci6 canon for dergn and con- be spec. tied in the information furnished to the bidders. struct.on of st:el stmetures This Code was spec:5ca !y written for use in the cen- I.3 WCIdlHg Processes strxtion os butidings, brtcges. or't.bular structures, but its proustons are generally aph:abic to any steel stmeture Certain shielded metal arc submerged arc. gas metal When using tr: Code for other >tructures, owners, arc (excluding the short circutting mede of metal transfer architects, and engmeers should recogmze that not all of 2 cross the arci, and flux cored arc welding procedures in its provisions may be applicable or suitable to their conjunction with certain related types of joints have been parncular structure. Howeser. any mod 6 canons of the thoroughly tested and have a long record of proven satis. CNe deemed necessan oy these authorities should be factory performance.These welding procedures andjoints deari) re:erenced in me untractual agreement between are designated as prequalified and may be used without the owner and the contractor. tests or qualification ( see 5.1 and 5.2). Prequalitied provisions are given in Section 2. Pre-quali6ed Joint Details; Section 3. Workmanship; and 1.2 Base Metal 2 Secnon 4. Technique. Section 4 includes welding pro-cedures, with specific reference to preheat, filler metals, The ASTN! A6 and A20 specifications gosem the de- " 'I* * * * ' P'""*"* requirements. Add - livery requirements for steels, provide for dimensional ti n21 ft9ulrement5 f r prequalified j.omts in tubular con-tolerances delineate the quality requirements, and out- " *

                !ine the t)pe of mill condittorun'g.                                  "**""**I'""

The use of parqualified joints and procedures does not N!atertal used for structural applications is usually fur- necessarily guarantee sound welds. Fabrication capability is still required together with effective and knowledgeable

1. As used in this commentary, contractor designates the party weldmg supervision to consistently produce sound welds.

responsible for performing :he 2elding under the Code. The term is used eocectneiy to mean contractor. fabncator. erector. The Code does not prohibit the use of any welding manufactuer. etc. process. It also imposes no limitation on the use of any other type of joint nor does it impose any procedural re.

2. Since all steel speciticanons approved by the Code for use urictions on any of the welding processes. It provides for in t'u11 dings. bndges, and tubular structures are listed in 10.2 the general provmons for approved base metals will be dis. the acceptance of such joints, welding processes, and cussed in C10.2. As an exception. specific provisions appli. procedures on the basis of a successful qualification by the cable only to buildings or bndges are discussed-in C3.2 or contractor conducted in accordance with the requirements C9 2 respecrisely. of the Code (see 5.2).


a s Details of WeldedJointsI$ Table 2 t Effective throats of flere groove we;ds d4.l g .' d,_ i Flare-besel- Flare-V- h h groose we!ds groose welds . . i "I lP a 1 1 ( ,f All diam bars 2 1

                                                                                                                                     \ riewerse T

I ** 'C 5 " * ' 1'2 R' *p ,j a useo e, erg 5.16 R y , , E ffective -

                                                                                            '4                .;           _        > toese enes Note. R = radius of war.                                                                     ,
      *Escept 1i R for CMAW ietceet short circuiting transfen      si2e process oth 5ar sizes i n i25 a mmidiam and oser.
  • Actual li2e Note: The ef feCtnte area of weld 2 $ Pail ecyal (Fat of weld 1, but ett lite shall be its effective $i2 D ut l t*e th'Ch' Jess of *Pt filler T.

Fig. 2.4.2-Fillers less than 1/4 in. thick p Details of WeldedJoints 2 2.6 Joint Qualification 3 < - - - +

                                                                                                              '               I 2.6.1 Jomts meenng the followmg requirements are des-                             b                                                b
   .gasted as prequahried:
      ~ < li Conformance mth the details specified in 2.7      k'                     (= b -         '=le. 4 '            I
hrough 2.10 and 10.13 '[' \ \

t 2) L'se of one of the fo6lowmg weldmg processes in Tranwerse l' N j\ N f, iN V '4 act.ordance uth the requirements of Sections 3. 4. and 3.

4. or 10 as apt)licat!e: shieldea metal arc, submerged arc.

["$ ,, ' $b ' >3/ ' Y/

4. ' ' '. q
                                                               ,.or's tese gas metal arc icteept short circuiting transfers. or flux   e,,e,                                   .            .

cored are welding. , , Jomts meeting these requirements may be used without performing the jomt welding procedure qualifi. cation tests presenbed in 5 2. The jomt welding procedure for all joints wc!ded by short circumne transfer gas metal arc welding 1 ' *"*c t i'* 8 9 ^d 2 5' 8 'cu

  • F i? 9 ' *' : I ~~*

nee Appendis Di shall N qualified by tests presenbed in '"F^"2"*""""*t'*'*'"'0'"54~~ 8 zg-- I e' 'i $'eJr 3 CM 0: Ar'e14 8

2. T e e 'utae irn af 4. a 3 raa n ust ma. : u : .- 2 2.6.2 Joint details may depart from the details presenbed *"dt'""*""* "'5""5 3' "' *-es :t an: 3 n. : ;

in 2.9 and 2.10 and in !0.13 only if the contractor submits " "'" '**'""'" '"*"**"i*""" to the Engineer his proposed joints and joint welding Fig. 2.4.3-Fillers 1/4 in, or thicker procedures and at his own expense demonstrates their adequacy in accordance with the requirements of 5.2 of this Code and their conformance with applicable provi- The mmimum fillet we!d size. except for ti!!et sions of Sections 3 and 4 welds used to reinforce groove welds, < hall be as show n m Table 22 The maximum fillet weld size permitted along ~ 2.7 Details of Fillet Welds edges of matenal shall be t I) the thickness of the base metal for metalless than 2.7.1 The details of fillet welds made by shiefded metal 1,4 in. t 6.4 mm) thick hee Fig. 2.7.1. detail A >. arc. submerged arc. gas metal arc (etcept short circuiting (2) 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) less than the thickness of base transfen. or flux cored are welding to be used without metal, for metal I/4 in. (6.4 mm) or more in thickness jomt welding procedure qualitications are listed in (see Fig. 2.7.1 detail B). unless the weld is designated on through and detailed in Figs. 2.7.1 and 10.13.5. the drawing to be built out to obtain full throat thickness.

e s l r ( l - 6/ DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS 1/16 h b_ - 3ase r' etal 'es Baes metal 1/4 or man 1 4 tm.ct more en thickness

                                                       !Al                                                     (81 Maaimuna 'ite of fillet weld along edges
                                                   #                                                                  0 1
                                                                        *2                                                                &4 125' *as              g. ,,, .                                     135*3ras            60* m,n.

L t l 4

                                              'N/ W,             W2                                                                W.


               .l_ '.                                                      h          h           t                                   h      h
                '4 1 W    ,     W            W3       W                          W      Wg
                 . ,       t-                               -
t. I
                                                                                                  .-                        l=        i      r 3*    s s
                                         /               s% \                    %
                                                                                                  \ V V


                                                                                                                  ' k i

( E', ) -iE,1

  • iE's T tE )

3 s a,i NE ,i s m.i ym. , , (C3 (On Skewed T ioints

               *. C'e    'El ,     'Ef,   * *'**ctive thecats decendent on magt tude Of iJo %i See 3.3.1. Sucice'ot int representi 1. 2. 3. or 4.
  • a'*g'es smal er man iC .*egrees are permitted. however, in sucM cases, t*e weld s considered !3 be a partial goent peefrattCO j'00ve he 1 Fig. 2.7.1-Details for prequalified fillet welds The distance between the edee of the base metal and the The minimum length of an intermittent til'et toe of the weld may be 'ess than i 16 in iI 6 mm). weld shall be I-l 2 in. (38.1 mm).

pros:ded the edge is ulcarly isih!e and the wcld size Minimum spacing and dimensions of holes or elearly sentiable. slots when tillet welding is used shall conform to the Fillet welds :n holes or slots in lap jomts may be requirements of 2.8. used to transfer shear or to prevent bucklmg or separation of lapped parts. These tillet welds may oscrlap. subject to l the provivon, of 2 3 2.2. Fillet welds m holes or slots are not to be considered as plug or slot welds. 2.8 Details of Plug and Slot Welds . I Fillet welds may be used in skewed T. joints hasmg a dihedral angle (4) of not less than 60 deg nor 2.8.1 The details of plug and slot welds made by the j more than 135 deg (see Fig. 2.7.1. details C and D). shielded metal are, gas metal arc (execpt short circuiting l

 ,o s Details of WeldedJointsl7 transfer). or flux cored are welding processes are listed in    thickness of the part containing it, except those ends 2.8.2 through 2.3.S and 3.3.1 and may be used *ithout           which extend to the edge of the part.

performing the joint welding procedure qualification pre-2J.7 The minimum spacing of lines of slot welds in a senbed in 5.2. prosided the technique provisions of 4.21 . direction transserse to their length shall be four times the or 4.22. as applicable, are complied with. width of the slot. The minimum spacing 2.8.2 The minimum diameter of the hole for a plug weld in a longitudinal direction on any line shall be two times shall be no less than the thickness of the part containing it the length of the slot. plus Sil6 in.18.0 mm). preferably rounded to the next .

                                                                        .8.8 The depth of filling of plug or slot welds in metal greater odd til6 in. 41.6 mmi. The ma.timum diameter of
                                                                      $<S m. (15.9 mm) thick or less shall be equal to the thick.

tne hole for a plug weld shall not be greater than 2 l!4 ness of the matenal. In metal over Se8 in. thick. it shall times the depth of tilling. - be at least one. half the thickness of the matenal but no 2.8.3 The minimum spacmg of plug less than 5,3 in. welds shall be four times the diameter of the hole.

                              .                                                    Legend for Figs. 2.9.1 through 2.10.1 2.3.4 The length or the slot for a slot weld shall not exceed ten times the thickr ess of the part containing it. The width   Symbols forjoint types of the slot shall be no :ess than the thickness of the part            B-butt jomt containing it plus 5 h m. i8 0 mmt. preferably rounded                 C-cornerJomt to the next greater odd I 16 in. iI 6 mm), nor shall it be             T-T-;oint creater than'214 times " depth of tilling.                           BC-butt or corner joint

TC T.orcornerjomt 2.8.5 Plug 2nd lot we!as are not pe mitted in quenched BTC-butt. T . or corner mmt and tempered steels Sy mbois for base metal thickness and penetration L-limited thickness-complete Jomt penetration 7g y U-unlimited thickness-complete joint penetration Minimum fillet weld size for prequalified joints Sy mbols for weld ty pes Base metal thicknew of Niinimum size I-quare. groove thicker part i T) of fillet weld *  :-single-V-groove 3-double.V groose in. rn in. mm 4-single-bevel groose T51/4 T564 1/S " 3 5-double-besel-groove 1/4<Ts il: 64<T512.7 3/l6 3 Single pass 6-smgle-U groose 1/2<T53/4 l!.7<T519 0 1/4 6 welds must 7-double U.groose 3/4< T 19 0<T 5/16 8 be used 3-smgle-J-groose 4-doubie.J-groose

         'Eseept that the 4eid + ze need not esceed the thickness of tre thinner part ;omed For this etception. particular care  Sy mbols for welding processes if not shielded metal are should he then to prouJe sutticient preheat to ensure weld         3-submerged are aciding j          soundnew                                                           G-125 metal arc we! ding
       '$1mimum size for : r:dge applications is 3/16 in.                    F-clut cored are we!dmg The lower case letters e.g a. b c. etc.. are used to ditierent;a:e 2.8.6 The ends of the slot shall be semicircular or shall     Ntween j mts that would otherwise have the <ame ;oint hase the corners rounded to a radius not less than the        *8"*"    "

.O 6 8 / DE5'GN OF WELDED CONNECTtONS 2 '2.4 Double grmse welds may have grooves of un. 2.9 Complete Joint Penetration equal depth, but the depth of the shallower groose shall Groove Welds be no less than 1/4 of the thickness of the thmner part

                                                                ;emed, unless otherw i>e designated in Fig. 2.91.

2.9.1 Complete joint penetration groose welds maJe by shielded metal arc. iabr erged arc. gas metal are tescept The rmt face of it e joint shall be as dimen. short circuit:ng transteri or tlus cured arc acidmg in stoned m fig. 2.91 with the followmg variations p rmitted, i11 For SMAW.GMAW.or FCAW it may be det.iiled butt, and T.;omts whish may be used without to eseced the specified dimenuon by no mere than 1 16 performme the joint we;dmg procedure qualitication test

m. t 1.6 mm), it may not be detatied less than the specitled prewnbed m 3 2 are detaded m Fig. 2 ill and are subject to the limitations speettied m 212 dimension. All complete jo:nt penetration groove welds i2) For submerged are weldmg the specified root made by shert circuitm; transfer ea metal are weldimt ~ face of thejoint is maximum. nee Appendis De sh.i!! 5e quahtie'd 5s the weld:ng pro. The root opening of the jomts is mmimum It cedure quanticanon test' pressrbed in 3 may be detaded to eseced the specified dimenuon by no more than I,16 in. (1.6 mmi. escept that the nvt openme 2.9.2 Dimensional roterances. D:menuens et goose .# e!osed jomes for submerged arc welding shall be del welds spec: tied en d: sign . r Metailed drawmgs may sar) tailed as zero a no vanationi. from the dimenuens sh.iwn m be 2M I only withm the For the suggested mmimum nominal thickness l! followin:: limits of backing bars, see 3.13 2. I The specitied insknew of base metal or weld etfedne throat is the m iurumi r. mmat thisknew that  ;,.13 Gnue preparations detailed for pecquahtied shielded may N used- metal are welded jomts may be used for prequahtled ;as T he g%e 2nge s mimmum. it m.ty be de* metal arc or ilus cored are Eciding. tailed to e=ceed tne .hmenwns .ho sn by no more than 10 degrees. 2.9.4 Corner joints. For comer joints the outude grome The radiui on J ere.nes and U.grooses a mim. preparition may be m either or both members, presided mum. It may N detaded ta esceed the dimenuuns shown the basic groove contiguration is not changed and ade-t'y no more than 5 :n O mmt U gromes may be quate edge distance is maintained to support the weld.n; prepared before or atter ti'e operations withcut escessive melting.

U - l O l I ,, .

4. ,J CC, e 0IQlle I
                                            /hrtA                                    may be made using an F7X.EXXX electrode.Oux combination.
 !                                                                            Gas Sletal Arc Wel< ling. Single. paw 611et
w c!ds up to 5 16 in. (S 0 mm) maximum and groove we!Js made with a single pass. or a single pan exh side may be
!                 4.1 Filler Metal Requirements                                     made using an E705-X electrode. Flux Cored Are Welding. Single pass tillet 4.1.1 When matching wcid metal is required in Tables welds up to 5/16 in. (8.0 mm) maximum and grouse welds 8.4.1. 9 31. er 10 4.1, the cleurode. ciectrode.Dux com. made w ith a single pass; or a sin;te pass each side may be bination. or grade of weld metal shall be in accordance made using an E70 T.X electrode. w ith Table 4.1.1-4.1.6 For electroslag and electrogas welding of exposed. 4.1.2 The c!es trode, electr,,de.Dus combination, or grade base, nnpainted applications of AST51 A242 and A588 of wcid metal for emnpfete joint ;wnetration or partial steel requiring weld metal with atmospheric corrosion joint pendration greo,e welds, and for fillet welds shall resistance and coloring characteristics similar to that of be as specified in Takles 8.4.1, 911, and 10.4.1, as the base metal and the chemical composition require, j 3ppi;c,,bie. ments of Table 4.1.4. 4.1.3 After filler metal has been removed from its original package, it shall be protected or stored so that its charac-tenstics or weldinc properties are not affected. 4.1.4 For exposed. bare unpainted applications of ASTst 4.2 Preheat and Interpass A242 ar.d A5S8 steel requinng weld metal with atmos-pheric corrosion resistance and coloring characteristics Temperature Requirements similar to that of the base metal, the electrode, electrode. ' Dus combination, or crade of weld metal shall be in With the exclus. ion of stud welding (see 4.24.7) and elec. a cordance with Table'4.1.4. In muhiple-pass welds, the troslag and ciectropas welding (see 4.20.5), the minimum weld metal may be deposited so that at least two lasers on preheat and interpass temperatures shall be m accordance all esposed surfaces and edges are deposited with'one of with Table 4.2 for the weldmg process being used and for f the 611er metals listed in Table 4.1.4, pros ided the under- the higher strength steel bemg welded. Welding shall not tving lasers are deposited with one of the filter metals done when the ambient temperature is lower than 0* F s'pecified in Table 4.1.1. (- 18 C). (Zero F does not mean the ambient environ-mental temperature but the temperature m the immediate 4.1.5 For single-pass welding, other than electroslag or vicinity of the weld. The ambient environmental temper-electropas, of exposed, bare, unpainted applications of ature may be below 0*F but a heated structure or shelter AST51 A242 and A588 steel requiring weld metal with around the area being welded could maintain the temper-atmospheric corrosion resistance and coloring character- ature adjacent to the weldment at 0* F or higher. When the istics similar to that of the base metal, the following base metal temperature is below the temperature listed in sariations from Table 4.1.4 may be made. Table 4.2 for the welding process being used and the 4.I.5.1 Shielded Sletal Arc Welding, Single-pass fillet thickness of material being welded, it shall be preheated welds up to I/4 in. (6.4 mm) maximum and I/4 in. groove (except as otherwise provided) in such manner that the welds made with a single pass; or a single pass each side parts on which the weld metal is being deposited are above may be made by using an E70XX low hydro;en electrode. the specified minimum temperature for a distance equal Submerged Arc Welding. Single-pass fillet to the thickness of the part being welded but not less than welds up to 5/16 in. (8.0 mm) maximum and groove 3 in. (76.2 mm), in all directions from the point of welds made with a sin;le pass; or a single pass each side welding. 43 m _.

1 d E 2 Table 4.2 , Minimum preheat and interpass temperature'd G r o Thx kncu ofihn Lest part Minimum u Welding at p, int of wekling, temperature, p Steel specification pn eu mm *F in. *C ASTM A36' ASTM ASI6 Grales 55 & 60 1 Up to 3/4 19 irkl. None' ASTM A53 Grale B ASlM A524 Grales I& si ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A529 I over '/4 19 ASTM A131 Grades A, B, ASTM A%70 All grmics Shchied metal arc thru l-1/2 38 anc!. u, 150 CS.D.DS.E ASTM A573 Grmic65 mehling wit h other I ASTM A139 Grmle B ASTM A709 Grale 36' than low hydrogen Over 11/2 18 ASTM A381 Grmic Y35 Al'15L Grmte 11 electrimin l thru 21/2 64 225 107 ASTM A500 Grale A API SLX Grmles X42 l Grmle B All5 Grmles A, II, D, CS, DS l

  • ASTM A501 Grmic E Over 2-1/2 64 300 l 150 ASTM A36' ASTM A570 Allgrades i ASTM A53 Grade 11 ASTM A572 Grades 42.50

{ ASTM A106 Grade B ASTM A573 Grade 65 ASTM A131 Grades A, B, ASTM A58R CS,D.DS,E ASTM A595 Grales A B C. Up to 3/4 19 mcl. None' All 32 & 36 ASTM A606 Dil32 & 36 ASTM A607 Grales 45,50,55 Eli 32 & 36 ASTM A618 Shielded metal arc ASTM A139 Grade B ASTM A633 Grales A. II welding with kiw ASTM A242 Grales C, D hydrogen electrodes. Over 3/4 19 il ASTM A3RI Grade Y35 ASTM A709 Grales 36. 50. 50W submerged arc thru l-1/2 38 incl. 50 10 l ASTM A441 API SL Ormfe 11 weklinr, gas metal arc ASTM A500 Grale A API SLX Grale X42 wehhng flus cored arc Grade h Al'I Spee. 211 welding Over I-I/2 1x

!                ASTM A501                                 All5           Grales All32 & 36                                     thru 2-1/2 ( 4 :ncl.      15 0                 66 ASTM A516  Grades 55 & 60                                Dil 12 & M 65 & 70                                       i II 32 & 36                                      '

ASTM A524 Graies I & 11 Alls Grm?cs A II, D. ASTM A529 k CS,DN Owr 2-1/2 64 225 107 ASTM A537 Classes I & 2 Grmle li l jgg;; p $. O - -- -- C'

a s ,

                                                                                                                                         ./ '



r _ v

5. Qualification PartA 5.2 Other Procedures GeneralRequirements Except for the procedures exempted in 5.1, joint welding procedures which are to be employed in esewing :en.

tract work und:r this Code shall be qualified pnor to use s.1 Approved Procedures to the satisfsccon of the Engineer, by tests as presenbed in Part B of this Section. The Engineer, at his disEretion. 5.1.1 Welding procedures which conform in all respects may accept evidence of previous qualification of the jomt to the provisions of Section 2. Design of Welded Connec- welding procedures to be employed."' tions. Section 3. Workmanship. Section 4. Technique, as - well as pertinent provisions of Section 8. Design of New ' Buildings. Section 4. Design of Bndges, or Section 10. . . Tabular Structures whichewr is applicable, shall be 3.3 Welders, Welding Operators, - deemed as prequah6ed 2nd shall be exempt from tests or and Tackers _ quali6 cation. except that all poose and fillet weld proce-dures for weld metal and base metal with a minimum 5.3.1 Welders welding oper: tors, and tackers to be em-specifisd yield strength of 90.000 psi 1620 StPa) or higher ployed under this Code. ard using the shielded met d arc. 3 hall be quali6ed pner to use by tests as presenbed in 5.2 submerged arc. gas metal arc. tiux cored arc, electroslag, of this Section to the sausfaction of the Engineer. Pre- or electrogas welding prtresses, shall have been qualided s qualitied joint welding procedures shall meet all of the by the applicable tests as prescr. bed in hrts C. D. cr E of requirements listed in Appendix E. Table El-Standatory this Section. See Commentary. - Code Requirement, Nr Prequali6ed Joint Welding 5.3.2 Radiographic exammation of a welder's or welding Procedures. opemor's quali6 canon test plate or test pipe may be made Lte: The use of 2 prequanned joint welding procedure is in lieu of the guided bend tests presenbed in Parts C and net inte :ded as a suost:tute for engineenng Judgment in D of this Section. , c te suitatihty c.f applicatmn et these joint welding proce. ' Jures to a welded anemeiy or connection. ' 5.4 Qualification Responsibility ~ 5.1.2 All prequali6ed jo. int welding procedures to be used shall be prepared by the manufacturer, fabncator, or con- 5.4.1 Each manufacturer or contractor shall conduct the tractor as wntren procedure speciGcations and shall be tests required by this Codevo qualify the welding ' ' asatlable to those authonzed to examine them. A sug-procedures. ' gested form showing the information required in the pro- ., , cedure specification is gisen in Appendix E. 5.4.2 The Engmeer. at his discretion, may accept evidence / '"'.

                                         .                             of previous qualitication of welders. welding operators.'

5.1.3 A combination of quahtied or prequalified joint and tackers to be einployed.*' welding procedures may be used without quali6 cation , provided the limitation of essential vanables applicable to 16. The Engineer should accept properly documented esidence each process is obsersed. of previous qualification tests. .

17. Only the requirements listed in Appendix E. Table EL Code
15. Allof the provisions listed in Appendix E. Table El.mustbe Requirements That May be Changed by Pcoe dure Qralification observed for a joint welding procedure to be deemed prequali- Tests may be vaned when the proced_ure is qualified by tests.

Ged. All other provisions of the Code, even though they do not No other code requirement may be changed by procedure relate to joint welding procedures, are also mandatory. qualification. m  ; _ y - 59 I ~ ' -

                                                                                                                  ,               d   -


i u . .. -

                                                                                                               ,                                                  2

4 e 168/ AU.OWABt.EOstrSudSSE5

                                       !                                                      general types of welds (groove. fillet, plug. slot) are 3+                                                                 combined lia single joint. the allowable capacity of each

^ sm o f rpunching K= 4 5* g ftEsdu%e shall be separately computed with ttference to the axis of m plane bending the grot,o. in order to determine the allowable capacity of the combination.


I* far punchmg 103.2 Welds in Combination with Rivets and Bolts.

                                     =m d K., =              -

4 *

  • h#if t. y, Risets or bolts used la hearing type connections shall not
                                                   . hending                                   N considexd n sharing the stress in combination with wEids. Wilea s'. if used. shall be provided to carry the entre 1-                            sor weld stress,                        stress in the connection. However, connections that art
                                  ""                   dea to out-of./                          welded to one member and riseted or bolted to the other K' =                          -

4 plar:e 'ending member are permitted. High strength bolts (properly in-stalled as a frictice type connection prior to welding) may

                                                                                            ~ ""                          "8                    "

10.8.5 Bos Connwtions ' ength of weids and intenection length in BOX CONNFCriONS -ull be lemmined as K. umes the perimeter or the tube. wnere' 10.10 Fillet Weld Details

                         . _ 2, -6 10.10.1 In:ermittent 61!ct welds may be used to carry
                       ' '~                      for aual load 4.b                          -

calculated s*nss. 10.10.2 For lap joints, the minimum amount of lap shall with a and b tha hmensions as defined,in F:g. be Sve times the thickness of the thinner part joined but

       !0 t atBs.and                                                      ,

not less than iin. (25.4 mmi(see Fig.10.10.3). h* jn 10.10.3 Lap joints of telescoping tubes in which the load is tr- -sferred via the weld *8 may be single Gliet welded in For bending, the sedtion modulus of the ** * '" bI' actual intenection shall be taken as K3 times the secnon 10.10.4 'the maximum size of Gilet weld that may be used modulut of the tube. where along edges of material shall be equal to the thickness of the base metal. a, [ 10.10.5 Boxing shall be indicated on the drawings, K= {h

  • 3 -
                                                    - far punching sheat or (b -         3            *'yo7n7 n

d 10.11 Transition of Thicknesses S a, . . Tensten butt jomts in aually aligned ; r: mary memtsers t 3 .

                                                                                                  !.!ferent instenal triekresses ar size . hall be made .n
        ' K, =                  -~                -                       -
                                                                                                  .u .- 5i a m. inner tnat the xope through the transition rnre a     a .                         ue o ut-o -p a e                 >

3 i.>cnding Piished by chamtering the thick part. > loping the we!d metal, or by any combmation of these methods aee Fig. 3 10.11). a, 6 3 .t Ke " for welJ stress due' ~ b to outrof.piane ParfD 3 bendirig - SpecialPr0Visionfor Welding i

                                                                                      ,                                 TubularJoints
                                                                                          'I PartC                                                 '

10.12 Procedures and Welder StructuralDetails .

                                                                                                        / Requirements for'Ibbular Joints 0.12.1 Where welding from both sides or when the use of 10.9 Combination
42. As opposed to an interference slip on joint as used in 10.9.1 Combination of Welds. If two or more of the tapered poles.

E j - 4

                                                                    &                               h

a -

  • SpecialPmvisionfor Welding TubularJointsI 169 backing is possible, the provisions of Sections 2 through 5 ified by an approptiate test in accordance with 5.2.

of this Code shall apply. (2) The welders have been qualified to weld pipe or 10.12.2 Preq=WW Complete Joint Phetration Groove Welds in Butt Joints. Where welding from both sides or

                                                                              )ff t e roo          sign          d r sf      Fig.

5.20A, the actual groove design used in construction welding from one side with backing is possible, any pro-shall be used for the tests required by (1) and (2). cedure and groove detail that ts appropnately prequalified (4) All completed welds shall be examined nonde-in accordance with 5.1 may be used, except that sub-structively, either by radiographic testing or ultrasonic merged are welding is only prequalified for diameters testing, and the weld quality shall conform to 10.17.3 greater than or equal to 24 m. (610 mm). and 10.17.4, as applicable. Welding joint details shall be in accordance with Sec-tion 2, Part C. of this Code. Gas Metal Arc Welding (short circuiting transfer). For T , Y., and K-connections, where gas 10.12.3 Where size or contieuration prevents access to the metal arc welding (short circuiting transfer) is used, qual-root side of the weld, the provisions of Table 10.12 and the ification in accordance with Section 5 shall be required following paragraphs shall apply. Complete joint penetra- Prior to welding the standard joint configurations detailed tion, partial joint penetration, or fillet weld provisions in 10.13. shall apply where these respective weld types are speci. Process and Procedures without Pre-tied on the design drawine or in governing general codes. qualified Status. Forprocesses which are not prequalified and for procedures whose essential variables are outside 10.12.4 Pre 9ualified CornPlete Joint Penetration Tubu-lar Groove Welds in T., Y., and K. Connections Made the prequalified range, qualification for complete joint penetration tubular groove welds shall require the prepara-by Shielded Metal Arc or Self-Shielded Flux Cored tion and testing of the sample joints described in (1) and Arc Welding (2) below, in addition to qualification in accordance with A complete joint penetration tubular groose Section 5. weld made from one side only without backing is permit-ted where the size or contiguration prevents access to the (1) Sample joint or tubular mock up. The sample root side of the weld. Special skill is required for single- joint for tubular mock-up shall provide at least one mac-side welding of complete joint penetration tubular welds. roetched test section for each of the following conditions: Welders shall be qualified by welding the speci~al joint configuration in accordance with 5.21. depth with the smallest groove angle, or combination of Complete joint penetration tubular groove grooves to be used; test with welding position vertical. welds made by shielded metal are or self-shielded flux (b) De narrowest root opening to be used with a cored arc welding that may be used without performing 37.5 deg groove angle; one test each with the welding position flat and overhead. the jomt welding procedure qualification tests are detailed in Fig.10.13.! A and B and are subject to limitations (c) De widest root opening to be used with a 37.5 specified in these figures and in Table 10.12. deg groove angle; one test each with a welding position flat and overhead. 10.12.5 Partial Joint Penetration and Fillet Welds (d) For matched box connections only, the Partial joint penetration tubular groove welds minimum groose angle and comer radius to be used in made by shielded metal arc or flux cored arc welding that combination; one test in the honzontal position. may be used without performing the joint welding proce- (2) De macroetched test specimens required in e is dure qualification tests are shown in Fig.10.13.3 A and B. above shall be examined for discontinuities and shall: The corner radius of the main tube must be greater than or iat have no cracks. 4 equal to two times the thickness of the branch tube in (b) have thorough fusion between adjacent layers matched box connections. (See of weld metal and between weld metal and base metal. Fillet welded tubular connections made by (c) have weld details conforming to the intended shielded metal arc or flux cored arc welding that may be. detail with none of the variations prohibited in 3.6. used without performing joint welding procedure qualifi- (d) have no undercut exceeding the values pemut-cation tests are detailed in Section 2, Part C, of this Code ted in and in Fig.10.13.5. Those specimens not conforming to (a) through (d) shall be c d unace Note: Prequalified fillet weld detaillimited to:#

  • I/3 for 0 g,_ y d I Connections Having Groove circular and 4 0.8 for box connections.

Angles Less Than 30 Degrees. For T , Y , and K-con-10.12.6 Tubular Joints Which Require Tests nections having groove angles less than 30 degrees, the Butt Joints Welded from One Side, without sample joint described in (1) (a) shalI be Backing. Butt joints welded from one side, without required, even where the joint is otherwise prequalified. backing, shall not be considered as complete joint pene- Dree test sections shall be prepared and the macroetched tration groove welds unless all of the following provisions test specimen shall not exhibit discontinuities prohibited are complied with: _ by, and shall show the required theoretical (1) De joint detail and welding procedure are qual- weld (with due allowance for the back-up welds to be dis-

Lb _ _ _ . . - - . e b 170 / SPEctAL Paovisx)N FOR WEDim Tuat;t.Aa JOtNTS I 5 ti min (not less then 1 in.) i I g

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                                      % e- '. sue as reouired Fig.10.10.3 - Fillet welded lap joint

d 'N 2*2 N


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Transation by sloping moid surface N Perove il N after ae' ding nm 2I2

[ g 21/2 after welding

                                                             'N Aemove                                          E(            +

g --- y- after weicing Mnsition by sioping weld surf ace and ctsamforing Cham *v 1j te*cre weMing Gamfor

                                ,,                                                   3l                      before wedity 21/2 i

2t2 ,/ q3,, ,,, (  ? l before weidmq Treneation by chemforing thicker part Center line alignment Offset elignment Notes:

1. Groove may be any permitted or qualified type and detail.
2. Transition slopes snown are the maximum permitted.

Fig.10.11A-Transition of thickness of butt joints in parts of unequal thickness l welded from two sides

                                                                                                       . u.                             .1 r ,.

Appendit EI201 Table E2 Code requirements that may be changed by procedure qualification tests Notes:

1. The code provisions listed below may be modified, changed, or disregarded when the joint welding procedure is established by rests (see 5.2 and Section 5. Part B). provided that m prepanng the we' ding procedure specification specific values for each essen-tial vanable for the weldmg process listed in 5.5 are addressed, and any change of essential vanables m 5.5.2 shall be withm pre-scnbed lirruts.
2. No other code requirements a not listed m Table E2) may be changed when the procedure is establidied by tests.

Code prosision Subject 1.2 Base N1etal 1.3.4 Weidmg Processes Details of Welced Jomts

             #[0         D ~
3. I I Weld Cleanmg 4.1 Filler stetal Requirements 4.2 P eneat 2nd Interpass Temperature Requirements- Electrodes for SNtAW 4.6 Pmeedures for SNtAW 4.7.3 \taumum diameter of electrode for S AW 4.7 7 Cross section of SAW groove or fillet weld 4.3.I Electrodes and flux for SAW 4.9. 4.10. Procedures for SAW with single electrode, parallel e!ectrodes.

4 11 and multiple electrodes 4.12 Electrodes for GNtAW and FCAW Procedures for GNt AW and FCAW with ungle c!ectrode t Note: GNIAW and FCAW with multiple e!ectrodes. GNI AW S. EGW. and ESW do not have f prequattried status.) 4.14.2 / 3.2.1 I Base metal for buildings g 4 , 9.2.1 Base metal for bridges 9 10.2.1 ', 10.2.4 q Base metal for tuMar stmetures

1. The preheat anil interpass temperature used dunng the procedure qualification is applicable only to that matenal thickness. When the matenal thickness to be welded in construction is other than the thickness used m qualificauon. the followmg provisions shall be observed: (1) When the steel is listed in 10.2. the requirements of Table 4.2 shall apply; 12) for other steels. the procedure specification shall include preheat and interpass temperatures applicable to varying matenal thickness in increments similar to those in Table 4.2.



TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING ) Docket Nos. 50-445 and COMPANY, et al. ) 50-446 (Comanche Peak Steam Electric ) (Application for Station, Units 1 and 2) ) Operating Licenses) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing " Applicants' Brief Regarding Board Inquiry Into Applicability of AWS and ASME Codes to Welding on Pipe Supports at Comanche Peak" in the above-captioned matter were served upon the following persons by deposit in the United States mail on the 28th of October, 1983. Peter B. Bloch, Esq. Chairman, Atomic Safety and Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Scott W. Stucky Dr. Walter H. Jordan Docketing & Service Branch 881 W. Outer Drive U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Kenneth A. McCollom Dean, Division of Engineering Architecture and Technology Stuart A. Treby, Esq. Oklahoma State University Office of the Executive Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 Legal Director U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Mr. John Collins Commission Regional Administrator, Washington, D.C. 20555 Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Chairman, Atomic Safety and Commission Licensing Board Panel 611 Ryan Plaza Drive U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Suite 1000 Commission Arlington, Texas 76011 Washington, D.C. 20555

w. r.n l David J. Preister, Esq. Mrs. Juanita Ellis Assistant Attorney General President, CASE ! Environmental Protection 1426 South Polk Street l Division Dallas, Texas 75224

P.O. Box 12548 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 Lanny A. Sinkin 114 W. 7th Street Suite 220 Austin, Texas 78701
                                           \[-             f bl          [hh William A. Horin  '

cc: Homer C. Schmidt Spencer C. Relyea, Esq. 1

               .__       _                         _,           .}}