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Forwards Table Entitled, Sbwr Test Submittals, Listing Sbwr Test Submittals & Relating Submittals to Item Number in Attachment 2 to GE Re Approach to Achieve Closure of Items Related to GE Sbwr Tapd
Person / Time
Site: 05200004
Issue date: 02/21/1995
From: Quinn J
To: Borchardt R
MFN-030-95, MFN-30-95, NUDOCS 9503010133
Download: ML20080K491 (4)


. _

y l [* I GENuclearEnergy .

B nn Y165 San Jose, CA 95125-1014 406 925-1005 (phone) 400 925 3991 (facsimae) -

Febmary 21,1995 MFN No. 030-95 Docket STN 52-004 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Replatory Commission Washington DC 20555 Attention: Richard W. Borchardt, Director Standardization Project Directorate


SBWR Test Submittals


GE Letter hfFN 018-95, J. E. Quinn (GE) to R. W. Borchardt (NRC),

" Approach to Achieve Closure ofItems Related to the GE SBWR TAPD", dated February 14,1995.

Attached is a table entitled "SBWR Test Submittals" which lists SBWR Test Submittals and relates them to the Item No. in Attachment 2 to the referenced letter.' As you can see, many of the submittals have already been delivered. The schedule dates on those -

submittals not already delivered are of course somewhat dependent on " surprises" which ,

could develop during preparation / conduct /results of the tests themselves. The GE '

Owner of this list of SLWR Test Submittals is Terry McIntyre who can be reached as follows: '

Telephone: 408-925-1441 FAX: 408-925-1193 E-hfail: hfCIND' RET Please call Terry directly should you have any questions regarding the tests or test schedule. Terry has regularly scheduled "Testmg Status" telephone conference calls with the NRC Staff on Tuesday mornings.

Sincerely, gf


ja . Quinn, Projects hianager

. LhiR and SBWR Programs


"SBWR Test Submittals," Rev. 0 (20 Feb. 95) cc: P. A. Boehnert (NRC/ACRS)

1. Catton (NRC)

A. Drozd (NRC)

S. Q. Ninh (NRC)

J. H. Wilson (NRC) 9503010133 950221 Dl PDR ADOCK 05200004 .



  • f u SBWR Test Sutmttals ,

Item Scheduled Actual Transmettal MFN 018-95 No. Test SubmittalTitle Document No. Submittal Date Submittal Date MFN No. Item No.


1 Test Specification 22A5587 Rev 1 15-Feb-95 024-95 2 As-Built Drawing Package 31-Mar-95 33 3 Instrumentation Drawing Package 31-Mar-95 34 4 QA implementation Procedures PPCP-QA-01 16-Feb-95 028-95 36 5 Pre-Test Analysis (S1-S6) 40315-NUC-94-7034 27-Sep-94 114-94 6 Test Plan and Procedures (S1-S9) 10-Mar-95 28,34,35 7 Apparent Test Results (S1-S6) 31-Mar-95 8 Apparent Test Results (S7-S9) 14-Apr-95 9 Data Transmittal Report (S1-S9) 26-May-95 28,33,35 10  ! Test Plan and Procedure (M3,4,7) 304un-95 28,34,35,46 11 Pre-Test Analysis M3 later 12 Apparent Test Results (M3,4,7) 1-Sep-95 13 Data Transmittal Report (M3,4,7) 13-Oct-95 28,33,35 14 Test Plan and Procedure (MS,6,8) 18-AuG-95 28,34,35,46 15 Pre-Test Analysis M5 later 16 Apparent Test Results (MS,6,8) 13-Oct-95 17 Data Transmittal Report (MS,6,8) 24 Nov-95 28,33,35-18 Test Specification (update for M189) 22A5587 Rev 2 29-Sep-95 19 Test Plan and Procedure (M1,2,9) 29-Sep-95 i28,34,35,46 20 Pre-Test Analysis M2,M9 later ,

21 Apparent Test Results (M1,2,9) 1-Dec-95 22 Data Transmittal Report (M1,2.9) 29-Dec-95 28,33,35 l 23 PANDA Data Analysis Report 27-Jan-96

  • j i

Page 1 Rev.0 (20 Feb 95) m _

x3 ATTACHMENT TO MFM No.: 030-951c.: .

SBWR Test Submrttais ..

Item Scheduled Actual Transmitta! ' MFN 018-95 No. Test SubmittalTitle Document No. Submittal Date Submrttal Date MFN No. Item No.

GIRAFFE / Helium 24 Test Specification 25A5677 15-Feb-95 023-95 25 As-Built Drawing Package 31-Mar-95 33 26 Instrumentation Drawing Package 31-Mar 34 27 QA Plan TOGE110-T01 3-Mar-95 36 28 Test Plan and Procedures (T1 H1-H4,T2) TOGE110-T07 3-Mar-95 28,34,35-29 Apparent Test Results (T1,H1,H2) 19-Apr-95 30 Data Transmittal Report (T1,H1.H2) 17-May-95 28,35 31 Apparent Test Results (H3,H4) 12-May-95 32 Data Transmittal Report (H3,H4) 9-Jun-95 28,35 33 Apparent Test Results (T2) 26-May-95 34 Data Transmittal Report (T2) 23-Jun-95 28,35 GIRAFFE / SIT 35 Test Specification 25A5677 Rev 1 7-Mar-95 36 Test Plan and Procedures (11-14) TOGE110-T07 Rev 1 14-Apr-95 28,34,35 37 Apparent Test Results 3-Jun-95 38 Data Transmittal Report 14-Jul-95 28,35 39 GIRAFFE Data Analysis Report 31-Aug-95 Page 2 Rev.0 (20 Feb 95)

ATTACHMENT TO MFN No.: 030-95' SBWR Test Submittals .

Item Scheduled Actual Transmittal MFN 018-95 No. Test SubmittalTitle Document No. Submittal Date Submittal Date MFN No. Item No.

PANTHERS /PCC 40 Test Specification 23A6999 Rev. 3 15-Feb-95 025-95 41 As-Built Drawing Package many 30 Jun-94 086-94 33 42 QA Plan 0006-QQ-92 8-Sep-94 107-94 36 43 instrument Installation Spec. 00157ST92 Rev.1 30-Jun-94 086-94 34 44 Pre-Test Analyses RAI 900.35 31-May-94 078-94 45 Data Acquisition Spec. 00095RS91 Rev 1 30-Jun-94 086-94 34 46 Test Plan and Procedure 00098PP91 Rev 1 16-Aug-94 098-94 28,33,35 47 Process & Instrument Drawing 00209DD93 Rev 4 12-Dec-94 156-94 33 48 Data Transmittal Report 14-Apr-95 28,33 49 PANTHERS /PCC Data Analysis Report 31-May-95 PANTHERS /IC 50 Test Specification 23A6999 Rev 4 30-Apr-95 51 As-Built Drawing Package 30-Jun-95 33 52 Test Plan 00097PP91 30-Apr-95 28,33 53 Test Procedures 15-May-95 35 54 Data Acquisition Spec. 00306RS94 15-May-95 34 55 Process & Instrument Drawing 00210DD93 31-Mar-95 33 56 Apparent Rest Results (Phase 1) 1-Aug-95 57 Pre-Test Analysis Package later 58 Apparent Test Results (Phase 3) 27-Oct-95 59 Data Transmittal Report 29-Dec-95 28,33 60 PANTHERSIIC Data Analysis Report 31-Jan-96 Page 3 Rev.0 (20 Feb 95)