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Forwards Proprietary & Nonproprietary Reload Core Analysis Methodology Repts Supporting Util Use of Safety Analysis Computer Codes,Per Cycle 8 SER Request.Application for Withholding (Ref 10CFR2.790) Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/1983
From: William Jones
To: John Miller
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19268E058 List:
LIC-83-246, NUDOCS 8310050230
Download: ML20078D936 (4)


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l Omaha Public Power District 1623 Harney Omaha. Nebraska 68102

! 402/536 4000 l

September 26, 1983 LIC-83-246 Mr. James R. Miller, Chief U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Licensing Operating Reactors Branch No. 3 Washington, D.C. 20555


Docke t No. 50-285

Dear Mr. Miller:

Submittal of Reload Core Analysis Methodology Reports The Cycle 8 Safety Evaluation Report (SER) requested that the District submit methodology reports to support the Dis-trict's use of safety analysis computer codes in the support of reload licensing actions. The District's letter of July 28, 1983 provided a schedule for submitting these re-ports to support our licensing actions related to the Cycle 9 reload. Your letter of August 29, 1983 provided ac-ceptance of this schedule. This letter transmits the Dis-trict's reload core methodology reports.

The District's reload core analysis methodology is docu-mented in three reports. The Reload Core Analysis Method-ology Overview Report (OP?D-NA-8301-P) provides an overview of the various analyses currently used by the District to support reload core licensing. Analyses performed by the District and analyses performed by consultants and "endors I for the District are identified and discussed. Also in- j cluded in this report is documentation related to the Dis- )

trict's thermal hydraulic analysis methodology, which was  ;

previously transmitted as a part of the Cycle 8 submittal  :

and was approved in the Cycle 8 SER. The Neutronics Design Methods and Verification Report (OPPD-NA-8302-P) discusses the District's neutronics design methods, their application to the Fort Calhoun Station, their use in reload core analy-sis, ar.d the verification of these methods. The Transient 4H fncL en QN $$ }bo I


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, 3-Mr. James R. Miller I

Page Two i

and Accident Methods and Verification Report (OPPD-NA-8303-P) discusses the District's transient and accident analysis methodology, identification of USAR, Chapter 14, events considered in a reload analysis, the application of these methods to those events in a reload analysis, and the

, verification of the District's NSSS simulation computer code.

Enclosed are the necessary proprietary and non-proprietary versions of these reports. These methods are currently being utilized to prepare the District's Cycle 9 reload core j submittal pursuant to our letter of July 28, 1983.

Please note that pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(b)(1), certain portions of the attached information has been deemed trade secrets and/or privileged commercial informa tion by Com-bustion Engineering, Inc. (CE) and Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc. (ENC). Accordingly, please find attached the Dis-trict's application for withholding this information from public disclosure.

Sincerely, ll jgj .pDivision C. Jones Manager Production Operations WCJ/JKG:jmm 1

Enclosures cc: LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 l Mr. E. G. Tourigr.y, Project Manager Mr. L. A. Yandell, Senior Resident Inspector i

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OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT ) Docket No. 50-285 (Fort Calhoun Station, )

Unit No. 1) )

APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDING INFORMATION FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Pursuant to Section 2.790(b)(1) of the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("the Commission"), Omaha Public Power Dis-trict ("the District") submits this application to withhold cer-tain information from public dicclosure. Applicant has obtained this information from documents which identify this information as being owned by Combustion Engineering, Inc. (CE) or by Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc. (ENC). It is the opinion of CE and ENC that the information in question contains trade secrets and/or privi-leged or confidential commercial or financial information. The CE and ENC informa tion was purchased by the District under a proprie-tary information agreement.

The information for which proprietary treatment is sought is con-tained in the following doc 1ments:

OPPD-NA-8301-P, Reload Core Analysis Methodology Overview, September, 1983.

OPPD-NA-8302-P, Reload Core Analysis Methodology, Neutronics Design Methods and Verification, September, 1983.



OPPD-NA-8303-P, Reload Core Analysis Methodology, Transient and Accident Methods and Verification, September, 1983.

These documents have been appropriately designated as proprietary.

1 This information was obtained by the Listrict from documents for which CE and ENC have executed affidavits which set forth the bases on which the information may be withheld from public dis-closure by the Commission.

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l Respectfully submitted, 1



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Production Operations Sworn to before me on this day of September, 1983.

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