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Suppls 811130 Response Re Chemical & Radiation Protection Technician Staffing,Per IE Insp Rept 50-285/80-16.Net Gain of One Qualified Health Physics Technician Since Beginning of 1981.Six Trainees in Program
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/1982
From: William Jones
To: Seidle W
LIC-82-411, NUDOCS 8301250105
Download: ML20072B009 (2)



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DMB Omaha Public Power District -

1623 HARNEY a OMAHA. NEBRASMA 68102 s TELEPHONE 536 4000 AREA CODE 402 December 30, 1982

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hI JM - 3 % h I Mr. W. C. Seidle, Chief ' i LJ Reactor Project Branch 2 U. S. % clear Regulatory Comission Region IV 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011


Docket No. 50-285

Dear Mr. Seidle:

Chemical and Radiation Protection (C/RP)

Technician Staffing at the Fort Calhoun Station Omaha Public Power District's letter to the Commission dated January 30, 1981 provided the District's response to the five signi-ficant appraisal findings identified in IE Inspection Report 80-16.

Inspection Report 80-16 detailed the results of an inspection of the Fort Calhoun Station health physics program. Specifically, one item identified as a significant appraisal finding included the observation that the number cf qualified health physics (HP) technicians employed by the District was insufficient and thus required extensive use of con-tract HP's. In response to this item, the District comitted to in-creasing the HP staff by hiring additional C/RP technicians (i.e., two in 1981, two in 1982, and one in 1983). The District's letter dated January 14, 1982 provided a status update regarding our efforts in this area for 1981 and this letter provides an update for 1982.

The District has continued to aggressively pursue the employment of C/RP technicians as evidenced by the hiring of four qualified HP technicians in 1982. However, due to attrition and promotion, four qualified HP technicians were also lost during this same period. Thus, the District has had a net gain of one qualified HP technician to our C/RP group since the beginning of 1981.

The District wants to emphasize that the continuing difficulty of hiring and maintaining qualified HP's is believed to be due to the nationwide shortage of these specialized individuals. Because of this concern, the District decided to implement an in-house HP training program in 1982 which encompasses the hiring and training of individuah with limited or no previous HP experience. This program's goal is to add cualified HP's throuah in-house training and experience gained while 8301250105 821230 PDR ADOCK 05000285 PDR G



Mr. W. C. Seidle LIC-82-411 Page Two working at the Fort Calhoun Station. The District presently has six C/RP trainees in this training program. The District believes this program will provide the necessary resources to significantly increase the on-shift staffing of District emoloyed, qualified C/RP technicians and thus reduce our reliance on contract personnel for on-shift staffing during normal operations.

Please note that the District also presently has two approved C/RP technician openings which we hope to fill with qualified personnel during 1983.

Sincerely, l) -lllh W. C. ilones Divi ion Manager Production Operations WCJ/TLP:jmm cc: LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036

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