ML20067B529 | |
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Site: | Peach Bottom ![]() |
Issue date: | 12/31/1976 |
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ML20067B523 | List: |
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FOIA-90-452 NUDOCS 9102080279 | |
Download: ML20067B529 (99) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:_ ... ~ ~.. - ,7 PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY f 1 l 2301 M ARKET STREET PHILADELPHI A; PA.19101 tatc) eu 4ooo i Re: License iios. O PR -41, .0PR-56 i L Mr. James P. O'Reilly. Director, Regien 1 Office of Inspection and Enf orcement I United States Nuclear Regulatory Comnission j 631 Park Avenue f King of Prussia, PA 19406
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Dear Mr. O'Reilly:
Annual Operating Report Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278 i i EnclosedL are two copies of the Peach Bottom Atomic I Power Station Annual Operating Report, No.1, for Unit 2 and Unit 3. This-repor t covers the period January 1,1976. through Decembe r 31, 1976 and replaces the preliminary copies you on February 28, 1977 Very truly.yours, t M.dA' f W. M. Alden Engineer-In-Charge l Nuclear-Section - Generation Division - Nuclear._ -j [ cc: Mr. ' John G. Davis, NRC w/ enclosures. (40) 'l Mr. William G. Mcdonald, MC w/ enclosures (2) 9102000279 901211 l-o# 3 PDR FOIA CARLSON90-452 PDR ,(p V t
i l 1 i PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY PHILADELPHIA ~ PEACl! BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION U1IT :10. 2 A'1D (RIIT 140. 3 1 ANNUAL OPERATING REPOR. f i 11 0. 1 Jenuary 1, 1976 through December 31, 1976 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission . Pursuant to 1 racility Operating Licenso !!o. DPR-44 & '56' 1 1 i j. >g i gy
l .i 4 Pl!ILADCLPl!IA ELECTRIC CO"PN1Y PCACl! 130TTON ATO!!IC POWER STATION U 11T 110. 2 and 11:117 !!O. 3 ANI4UAL OPERATING. REPOR"' MO. 1 January 1, 1976-through Decembor M, 1976 s . Submitted to The Itnited States-fluclear Regulatory Cor,uaission Pursuant to racility OperatLng Licenso No. DPR-44 & d6 Preparation-Director 1'by: ..- tillrich, Superintendent ' W. Peach nottom Arotaic Power Station a
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( TADLE Ol' CONTENTS - + f .PAGE - y INTRODUCTION 51-ay I. OPERATIONS. A.- Summary 1 D. Unit 2? Operations _2 N g C. ' Unit 3 Operationa 16, d -i s .c
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D. Common Plant Operations 27-E. Reactor Shutdowns,. Power ~ Rod tction i Ir ,md Maintenanco - Summarios - E28 -E II. ftODIFICATIONS 7G 1T 4 -III. PERSON"EL EXPOSURES 1 s A. - Personnel'Exposuro by Job Function 81 U. (1holobody..- Exposuro 81'- 4 C. -Single"In-plant Personnol~ Exposure Due to an'Outago-'which Resulted, (- -in 10%.of'the' Annual" Limit-81"- h s D. SingloJGaseous-.Roloasos, Duo'to ~ an Outago.which..Resulted in 10t-of the Annual Limit- '81 -L.- JLiquid RadioactiveLRolease-82i " t I d E a v .[, s ...j,..-,.-,+-,v-.
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4 i PDAPS TABI.E OP COMTE 11TS I PfGE l'. Isotopic Analysis of Liquid Radioactivo Relonnes 82 O. Isotopic Analysis of Gasoous Radioactivo Effluents 92 11. Gaseous Radioactive Release Data 82 l I. Golid Radioactive Wasto Shipments 82 I It'. IPRAD7ATED PUEL EX71UtiATIONS 90 APPENDIM A A-1 4, ..,y. q.g <** ****************<* * *< *****S. \\ s 1
PBAPS INTRODUCTION This first Annual Operating Report for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station is being issued in accordance with Amendmente No. 12 and 10, issued on November 10,_.1975,- to License Number DPR-44 dnd DPR-56 respectively, and is-intended to fulfill the annual repcrting requirements of those-amendments.. Prior;to these-license amendments, five Semi-Annual Operating Reporta.were issued in accordance with the -licenses in. effect at that time. the material included!in. this ' report is intended; to meet, but-is not necessarily limited to, the: Peach Bottom Technical-Specifications now in effect and the guidance of U. S. Nr-lear Regulatory Commission Regulatory _ Guide 1.16, Revision 4,-wnere-applicable. Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station consists' of two Boiling Water Nuclear Power Units with each-having'a licensed capacity of 3293 MWt and is-located within the opcrating territory of the - Philadelphia Electric Company. The facility is', and licensed ' to, Philadelphia Electric Company, Puhlic, Service Electric and Gas Company, Delmarva Power and Light Con.pany, and s Atlantic City Electric Company. Philadelphia Electric _ Company is. the factility operator. I. OPERATIONS A. summary Un! ' 9 'xperianced 11 forced outages, five power' reductions and. cne major refueling outage duringD1976. Forced outages were caused: by isteald _ leaks in the drywell-(2), turbine generator /EHC difficulties: (5), relief valve malfunctions (2), recombinerl dif ficulties (1), andi trouble-shooting error'(1)'. The refuelingJoutage-duration was approximately. three months. During this outage the feedwater spargers were: replaced ~and an integrsted leak rate test was performed. Unit 3 experienced 17 forced outages,1 1.1 power reductions and-two major-outages. Forced outages'were 1 1 i l I s.,mmx.,uxmmmmmm~~mmmauum4susumm&A.wwmcre m - e-- m - -w
1 PBAPS I 1 caused by recirculation system vibration (6), primary coolant leaks (2), surveillance testing (2), i, recombiner/ vacuum pump dif ficulties (2), surveillance testing (2), relief valve malfunctions (2), and turbine generator /EHC difficultiec (2). Core plugging in order to eliminate LPRM/ channel box interaction was accomplished during a one month outage in January,1976. The first refueling outage was started on December 24, 1976 and continued into 1977. Operating Unit Status Reports for_ Peach Bottom-Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3 are published = on a monthly basis by the Nuclear. Regulatory Commission, as-part of' " Operating Unit Status Report" MUREG 0020 Series. Plant performance data is giveu in Table-I-A, and Reactor Shutdowns, Power Reductions and Maintenance Summaries are tabulated in I-E+1 (a) through (c) and I-E-2 (a) through (e). B. Unit 2 Operations Following the Unit 2 start-up near the end of 1975, Unit-2 continued to increase power in accordance with the f uel preconditioning program. Full load was achieved on January 2.- Load was ulowly dropping through January 8, as Xenon built-in and reactivity decreased. On January 8, a blown fuse in the 125 volt d.c.Leontrol system associated with the EHC tripped the turbine and scrammed the-reactor. An investigation that followed identified several grounds on the 24 volt d.c. system, but none on s the 125 volt d.c. system. The raactor was returned to S - - --" c a Ut t a on January A. 9&artup was delayed because of the f ailure of the 2SB RHR valve on the previous day. The motor on this valve was replaced prior to startup. On January 9, the turbine generator was synchronized, but then removed from service when a severe' icing condition resulted in breaking of the shear pins on all 3 inner circulating water pump screens. Following-the replacement of the shear pins, the reactor was again increased in power and the unit synchronized. Only one circulating water pump was operated during the startup in order to increase the. temperature in the discharge pond. Once a large volume of warmer water was
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3i i 8 5 2 0 6 0 6 5 0 7 4, 5, 8, 0, 9 0 6 1 I 3 4 4 4 8 3 3 2 2 0 1 1 2 7 0 8 8 6 1 t 0, 9, 5, i n 7 1 1 e U 3 2 1 ~ v i s t a l 4 9 3 0 7 u 3 4 3 1 8 m 9, 0, 9, 5 1 5 7 9 0 u C 2 6 6 0 4 7 5 1 9 1 1 8 2 7 7 6 t 5, 2, t i _.~ n 5 4 4 U 4 1 1 S 6 9 6 0 4 R 5 2 0 2 4 E 0, 8, 2, 6, 7 5 0 5 3 T d 3 7 V 6 8 8 9 0 7 6 2 5 8 4 8 7 6 1 A t 4, 2, 0, R i A n 9 6 6 P U 1 E C 6 N 7 A 9 7 8 5 0 3 ~ M 1 4 9 7 0 3 R 1 O 9, 8, 3, 6, 0 3 3 4 F 2 6 5 9 3 9 0 8 0 6 R 3 9 6 7 6 6 E t 7, 7, 5 P i A n 7 5 5 3 U 1 I D E N L A B A 2 T T ) I 1 N 1h ) U I M I ) IW M WI ( M O M 1 ( F ( ? Y1 t f X d a e E e r t n l t e a r o i l a n r o i C a r e e t t A c e G n c r a E i e n e a o 9 e r P t n e r G F t t e G e c i i i 1 w r y a r h p r O C r o e t F o t n e P w i t e l s O w o l y c g a a o l P i t a a i r P a b t t c 1 o c l a l u r r t l i a l i y e J o a a r c i b t m t r m t i a a i 1 m c e r c r v l c o a n e e t A i c C e e h l c a r q R G T E e r v a o m l o A C F o s s s s E t r r r s s c 't t t F u u o o t a i i i lo o r r e e n n n 1 G G N R U U U I 1 } t a :. 4. T; it4 i i i'.
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______m k i, 4 PBAPS h accumula ted, the cooling towers ~ were placediin-service. Because-of the: severe weather conditions Lthe# coolina tower' fans were not started Luntil-January tenth. :The-unit continued to increasezinLpower in accordence with 3 the fuel preconditioning program and ~was operating at approximately;875 MWe on January 12._ 3 h -oniJanuary113,1 a1 core monitor alarm on the-maine generator-occurred. The'shif t responded ?by uimmediatley reducing load. cInvestigation quickly' determinedLthat-the generator = core'monitorEalarm wassfalse.- Load-was. recovered i to itsl original value1within.approximately ) ten minutes.. : Later = on. January - 13, the-offgas; activity!at the air. ejector increased significantly. .'A second significant: increase occurred on-._the morning of ! January ~14. Maximum activityElevels measured?at1the air ejector were in-the order ofs100,000cuci/sec. This activity-eventually resultedLin-an; increase release 1toLthe environment.- On January.15, with the plant operating at essentially: full load, maintenance progress on. the 154Bl valve..:TheseLoperationsfrequired the(154B. j valve to be closed.t surveillance testing Lon. the x "A" LRHR loop required; by! this 'maintena.nce ' operation' identified : anLinoperable:25A: valve. :Thielessentially made both RHR-loops inoperable. 'When thisTconditioniwasTrec0gnized, the' 154B valve was immediately opened 1and :the 'B'iloop-i returned to an operable status. Prior L to ' thi s -. occurrence, t theLfour diesel ' generators 1and bath core spray loops had1been proven operable' : The?25A valve was J l returned; operable status ~ at 2:30 p'.~m. on? January ,( i 16. I Late on January 17, the. pump-out ratejfrom-the:drywell-increased. Various systems were-isolated, ani valves backseatednin.an1 attempt 1to reducetthe unidentified ] leakage.. These Jef fo-ts -were unsuccessful'. ' Unit n shu*down was initiated at 4 : 30 a.m. on January i8, and a-hot-standby condition was noon'of the same-day. A drywell entry succeeded in identifying'itheileak j -l on the packing-of the.54A valve.- This leak was corrected by backseating-the-valve. The unit was 1 returned to power operation with the generator be_ng-1 synchronized at 2:24:p.m. From January 118:through 23, . j s 1 U .... =
} PBAPS -l plant load was increased in accorance _with the fuel: preconditioning program.- The_unitiachieved full power on January 22. Of fgas' activity decr eased to approximately 60,000fuci/sec. at the air ejector. On January 23, 'a leak _ occurred in the recombiner building whichxincreased the Unit 3 vent. stack-release. rate-to approximately-1500 uci/sec. which is-approximately 24% of_MPC.. Total-gaseous-release Cacrtasedito approximately 50% of MPC on January 24. A significant, leak on the packing :of - one of thec mechanical -compressor discharge valves::in the recombiner 'was identified and corrected on this date. This reduced.theLtotal release _ rate to less tha* '%.. On January 25 - a .o.2ical_ upsuc _in the reactor water 5 chemistry followirg the return.of the 9eactor. Water-Cleanup System to: service increased the conductivity (and i resulted in a power reduction :of approximately(25MWe. As the conductivity decreased, power was slowlyLreturned' to its original vJue. Unit 2 continued to coerate at essentially' full' power through February 6. .Loadsslowly-decreased ~at' approximatelyf 4.KWe per_ day due to fueli burnup, l creating an end of cycle coastdown ; situation. On February 16,: load was reduced to 47S MWe 'inTorder to change _ control V rod sequence. Power was being: increased ~in.accordance with the-preconditioning program,on February 9.- LateLon j February.9,. load was reduced'to approximately 350 MWe in i, order to repair t'e? RCIC outboard isolation: valve MO-16.- Following this' repair, power was again-increased?in (I accordance with the-fuel. preconditioning program._ Full. load was reached on February.14.: On thisidate power was .%r n % 463 MWa for curoine valve testing;L.No prolte.e resulted from the testing and the-unit was retu ,J to-10631MWeyby February 16. ' Xenon build-in and, fuel.burnup caused power reduction ^to.1021xMWe by February 20. During the weekend of February'21, powerLwas reduced in order. to perform ~ additional ; turbine stop? valve and - control valve 1 tests. During.this power reduction, the fifth feedwater-heaters.were removed from servicenin order to increase reactor power during'the end-of-cycle-5
PBAPS coa stdown. Power was increased to essentially full load by February 26. Late on February 26, reactor power was reduced by 50 MWe to permit routine turbine stop. valve testing. Power was reduced, the stop valves tested and power was returned to its original value within _15 - minutes. - Approxima tely one hour later reactor power was again reduced, this time by 100 MWe, the turbine control valves were' tested and the power recovered to its original value again within 15 minutes. During each of these tests, offgas activity at the air ejector showed a significant increase.- Pollowing these tests, the of fgas continued-to ramp upward at a very slow rate. This slow increase may actually have started prior to turbine valve. testing. The increase in offgas activity leveled off on March 2, at approximately 130,000 uCi/sec. Data indicated that this increased activity was from fission products'being released from elements which had previously failed. The slow ramp increase was not indicative of additional failures. On February 26, the drywell on Unit 2 was pressurized to 1 psi and the Standby Gas Treatment system was placed in service to maintain a slight vacuum of 2" to-3" of water in the torus compartment. This differential pressure continues to be maintained in conservative consideration of the Mark I pool swell ef fects. Gaseous release rate as of March 3 was approximately 19%. This is a decrease from the 32% total release rate shich was experienced on March 2, prior to correcting j several leaks in the 2B mechanical compressor. On sacca 5, power was reduced to 900 MWe in order to repack the "A" and "C" condensate pump shaf t seals thereby reducing the leakage into the Radwaste System. During the power reduction, the turbine stop valves were tested full stroke with no apparent increase in offgas a c tivity. The unit returned to maximum load operation on March 8. By March 19, load had decreased to approximately 1000MWe gross. Offgas activity had stabilized at approximately 130,000 uC1/sec. 7t i approximately 9:00 p.m. on Friday, March-26, load on Unit 2 was reduced preparatory to removing the unit from l P
~. i PBAPS service for the first refueling outage.- ' During the-q shutdown at approximately 45% power, a special. recirculation pump trip:and restart test was performed in order to provide data which would-indicate the-ability to start a recirculation pump following the removal of _ the 4 inch-recirculation pump discharge valve bypass line. The test showed that a recirculation pump could be started with the reactor at power without' producing excessively high flux spikes. The test'also showed that a jogging circuit for the pump discharge valve-was unnecessary. Priori to removing the1 turbine generator from service,- various testing was performed on the turbine. This: included a turbine.overspeed test, as well as-a test =to-determine excessive through leakage-of stop valves and control valves. Depressurization of thefprimary coolant system was ~ delayed until 12:30 p.m., on Saturday, March 27, in order to minimize the release of gaseous activity from the fuel. The; reactor remained critical until 11:30 p.m., in order to control the rate of'depressurization. 1 With the reactor pressure lessEthan ' 50.psig,o the main steam isolation valves were closed and an attempt made-to place the 2A RHR heat - exchanger in servicet - Alleak on this heat exchanger was quickly identified. .This leak an increase in: reactor level' and. l conductivity when the heat exchanger was'first placed in l service. The heat exchanger was removed from service-and isolated. The delay in placing the.RHR system'in service permitted.the reactor pressure to againEincrease
- .be?: TO lic., resulting in the automatic isoldtion;of the shutdown Oooling suction valves.
-In order to l - depressurize the reactor, the,MSIV's"were opened.- A l bypass valve was_then opened using the test.. circuitry. At this time, there.was no vacuum in the condenser and - the vacuum breakers were open.- Opening of the bypass valve.therefore resulted in a transport of gaseous activity from the reactor through - the main-steam piping, condenser and turbine-building to the-Unit 2 reactor. building vent stack. (LER 2-76-18/1P)< .A. condenser vacuum was established and the reactor depressurized to. 8%' Y- "m u 18 fP l AP m 9''f F-R' *'t# TT F9-'-? d -4# 9P 1*- T T
__~ w a -j f PBAPS the condenser. Subsequently the 'D'1 RHR heat exchanger? t was placed-in service, t once. shutdown l cooling had been erEablished,- the primary. = coolant was further cooled to 'less! than 2120F. The-reactor was, then pressurized using : instrument l air. in'. order to. perform local: leak-rate.testsTon,the'M3IV's.- During. thief same period,. testing. of the feedwater check valves was; accomplished. This; testing'. continued through March 30.~- Results =of. these tests indicated that - one inner MSIV,-. and all four outer MSIV'.s: had excessive. leakage._- All) four _ feedwater, check ' valves =-also showed-unacceptable-leakage. With the completion of the 50-poig t'esting,oreactor-~ . pressure = vessel-head removal; operations were started. The head.was-removed on?Aprilu2. Removal' of the1 steam -separator and: dryer was completed by April 13. Floodh? of the dryer separator pool was' initiated'following' replacement of the. shielding _ plugs.- _ ; Hydro-lazer) operationsL on the< reactor pressure > vessel walls was : begun in; preparation for'installationiofftheifeedwater-L sparger work platform.- This; platform..was: installed and the-spargers removed'on April,6. The11nspection7of thei feedwater sparger nozzles.-showed approximatelyc150- ' indications on' the nozzle? cladding.. ? Detailed = reports were presented to the~NRC, Divisionjof Reactori ~ r Operations, on May: 14 and August 118. The feedwater sparger work _ platform was removed and the 9 service: platform installed. An inspection of L theijet? pump hold- .down nut tack. welds-was 'performedi using a TV ? camera. z j-All welds were intact. AushutdownLmarginLtestnwasJ l perftrmed on? April _9,1 preliminary to1 control rodidrive J .. int en:nc 5.- Werk. then continued ' on installation of. the jet pump plugs:as a" preliminary requirementLfor' starting' removal:of the 4 inch bypass piping.-' Jet pump plugs were installed inethe 'B1 .c jet pumps _by late April 115. The-service! platform was then removed and the reactor L '-head cavity flooded.- Check-off-lists;;were completed and- ? fuel movement initiated on April 1.7 - l Fuel relocation and-sipping _ continued.from April!17-through May 1. ' Fuel 1 sipping-identifiediat.least 17' Type t ll II leaking fuel elements. LA pattern of31eaking: fuel-ele.ments-was noted which= correlated the leaking: fuel s l + t H -..z. 2... ....--- :...:.w...-.. a
PBAPS with control rod manipulations associated with the January 12 return to power.-.By May 1,= fuel: handling-had~ progressed to the point where LPRM replacements could be made. Prior to start of - f uel handling, threeL control rod - drives were replaced.,The last of these drives was not latched successfully. An investigation.via. TV camera of the control blade'associatedLwith this drive 1 unit indicated a latchihandle stuck in theLup position.4 This problem was. corrected on May 5 by replacing?the control blade with a new blade. During Unit 2 refueling outage, April 1976, control aod drive serial-number 2773 was removed for routine inspection and maintenance. - The CRD collet housing was liquid dye penetrant inspected as recommended by the NSS Supplier. An approximate 1" long circumferential crack was the "allet housing adjacent to the attachment. weld to the main housing' assembly (" flange and-tube assembly"). It.was the opinion of the NSS Supplier that the-CRD could oc reused if required, but' that replacement of colle+. hcosing'is recommended. The CRD serial No.- 277 3 will: no'.be reused, however, until the collet' housing can be replaced.. 1 Po11owing the completion of LPRM replacement, the' remaining cycle two fuel in the. fuel pool was transferred to the core. Core verification was completed and fuel handling activities terminated on May' 7. Head cavity level was then lowered and hydro-lazer cleaning of'the head cavity walls initiated. This cleaning effort was completed by May-10.. Other major areas of work during the outage = include modifications to the torus supports,. repairs in the condenser steam space, recoating of.the circulating l water' inlet piping, snubber inspection and ' rebuilding, inservice inspection of primary coolant welds, reactor vessel stabilizer.1 modification and repeir,= lapping of various containment valves and a-major turbine a inspection program.- From May^11 through May 15,.the, j start-up' vibration instrumentation in the-reactor vessel was-removed. Concurrent with-this operation, a significant number of-Type I fuel elements were : sipped- ) _p.
r f PBAPS 4 1 in order-to-Identify _ leakers.- This activity:was-j completed'on MtyJ12.- J In order: to support removal' of; theIfourj inchEbypass piping, the. jet pumpLplugs were-transferred.from the.'B' jet pumps-to-the 'A' jet pumps. fThistwork was; completed on May 17.- -- The - reactor c vessel levelL was ' then lowered and the. vesself walls decontaminated. : Theffeedwater; .sparger_ work 1 platform was installed ~and work proceeded: a to, grind =out Lthe" indications 11ndentified.onlthe f eedwater nozzles : and ' install 1the Enew J feedwater spargers. Removal of the-'sparger indications?- necessitated removal-of about: 1/16":to~ 1/8" ofJ base. metal in approximatelyLfive locations.: LFeedwater spa;qer. work;activitieu were completedon Mayf28. With the ' completion cf the_ feedwater spargerL work, operations, associated with.reinstallf ng the vessel internals were-initiated on May 29. _The: jet pump plugs-were removed-and-the dryer and separator; installed by: ~ t June 32. During this operation =,;the: main steam isolation valves were_ tested. Sevenfof,the_eight MSIV's;were found to befacceptable. -The eighth valve was-1 disassembled, ; reworked,--and t successfullyctested. on _ June ~ 8, follow!ng the-reactor vessel hydro, j The reactor vessel:headLwas_ set on Juneo2.; Tensioning 'j c was completed ~on June'5. A hydrostatic test was: started-on June 7,'and completed on June 8. 1Duringlthe hydro, all control rods were acrametested and-all excess flow check valves were checked for operability. The integrated leak rate-test was startedLearly.ot. June 11. Following pressurization of the containment, several . ac.u ecro. identified and :ccrrected. The-magnitude of these leaks was sufficient to causeLa leak rate in excess of allowable _ limits. Following the. correction of. l these leaks, the ILRT was conducted. Data taken i inoicated that a negative Lleak; rate or in-leakage was -occurring. A great'dealLof effort was_ exerted-in trying 1 to identify the-source oftin-leakage. No source was identified. On June 15, the investigation disclosed that.the reactor head-was not properly vented to'the containment. Since there _ was a continuous water. transfer from the reactor vessel to the.dryuell sump, the test data indicated a negativelleak rate. Vent _in_ ( ~ f ~ ..L. ., A _. s ......-,,,,-....m,,,,. ,,--.,y ,,.,,,b, ; -
PBAPS-J \\ piping external to the-containment was installed between - instrument lines from the reactor to the containment. Additional test' data was taken which show a successful-1 1c:k rate. A validation test following the ILRT:was completed-on June ~16. The containment was subsequently .depressurized and the drywell to torus bypass: test-perf o rmed. This test was successfully cornleted by 8:15 - a.m.,.on June 17.. A detailed ; report, "h- . tor-Containment Building Integrated Leakage Rate Test-Report" was issued to Docket No. 50-277-for.this test.. i Following comoletion of the 1LRT, check-off-lists'and surveillance tests required prior to startup were ini tiatod. The surveillance tests associated with-the 4 stroking of the MSIV's indicated that the closing time of the 'C' and 'D' outer isolation valves'was<too fast.- -The: f ast-operation was caused by leakage of air from the operatorLthrough a defective-shaft-seal into an oil dash. pot in the hydraulic circuit. Dismantling oflthe operators was required.- The seal was replaced in the 86D valve. Difficulty in1 dismantling.of the 86C valve. resulted in damage to the.origiani stem.- A new : stem wa s. not available until June. 24 Plant.startup'was-th9refere authorized withithe 'C' main steam line isolation valves closed. Unit 2 reactor was made critical on June 22,~following an extended refueling outage. Testing indicated that a sufficient shutdown margin existed with thefreload-core. Startup testing and surveillance testing in;accordance with the Startup Program were succee9 fully ' completed on t June 23 and June 24, resulting in synchronizing the I generator at 3:33 a.m.~on June 24, 1976.- " Report of Plant Start-up Following - First Refueling Outage June 1976" was issued to Docket No.-50-277. Power was subsequently increased in accordance=with the Puel ~ Preconditioning Program. A power' level of 75%, or approximately 828 MWe, was reached on June 29. At 5:03 i p, . on this-date, the 71L. relief valve spontaneously opened, resulting in a primary coolant ' blowdown from. operating preneure to approximately-'350 puig. The reactor was scrammed manually.following: the opening of the r elf ef valve. ! L 1: ~ -. - -
PBAPS= During this shutdown,1the 71L relief; valve was' replaced with a rebuilt valve recently removed from another location'on Unit 2.. Additional _ work. accomplished during: the outage included the. replacement of the_ operator _ stem on the 86C-MSIV. This valve was stroked satisfactori'ly, following repair. Following.the replacement _of Relief Valve 71L, Le,+ 2' was made critical at 4:40 p.m., on-July'2< The-generator was synchronized at.2:54 a.m.,Jon July _3. Load was _then -increased: in accordenae with: the preconditioning program.- By July 4)~the,loadLon Unit 12-had been increased to approximately > 912 MWe.. on;this .date,.an'"a" switch-'in the 2AJcondensateapump: breaker compartment. malfunctiened, causing a runback of both-recirculation-pumps. -The."a"fswitch was repaired and-power level recovered. Maximum load of approximately;1000 MWe 'was achieved on July 8. Power was limited by the preconditioning envelope which existed prior-to startup. on. July _9,- load was reduced to. repocition _ control. rods. -Power. was again increased and full load ' achieved Lon July 14. on July;18, a ~ 300cMWe load reductionLwas initiated ~ to prevent loss of condenser vacaur when.the air 1 ejector-malfunctioned. The air ejector l malfunction was traced to low steam pressure iupplied-to the. adr - ejector.
- This condition -was, corrected and the load, again:-increased in accordance with the preconditioning-limitation.:
Surveillance testing on July 19,Lidentified-electronic ~ component failures in-the ramp generator associated-with =the HPCI speed control.- The nicI was declared inoperable and the require surveillance testing on other engineered saf eguard systema _ initiated. Repairs were completed' and.the HPCI _ quick-start ~ testcd on July 21. On July' 26, Lthe reactor buidling ventilation. fans ~ tripped because of a supply damper 1 malfunction.. Loss of-ventilation rapidly increased the' main steam tunnel-temperature. In order to prevent a_ scram' associated ~ with thistproblam, the setpoints on-the temperature switches were' temporarily increased-until the-ventilation systemfcould be re-established. Tunnell .( " N
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PBAPP temperatures were monitored frequently during this period of time. Within J15 min %te0,- the-ventilation system was re-established and the setpoint s restored to their original values. These instruments were:then recalibrated. Repairs to the supply dampers have been accomplished.L Full load continued through August 5,. when a scram occurred. .This scram was caused by.a f atigue failure of the EHC: hydraulic tubing connected:to the number 4 control valve. The tubing failtre was-immediately repaired and the reactor was made critical on August 6, at 1: 00 a.m. The generator was synchronized at 7:50-a.m. on the same_date. Power was increased in accordance with thei fuel preconditioning ^ limitations. On August 9, with the unit operating at 870 MWe, Unit 2 again scrammed at 2:35 p.m. _The' scram'was caused by' low reactor level. Investigation into the=cause of scram indicated -that while troubleshooting within the static inverter cubical associated with,therncn-interruptable a.c. supply, the neutral conductor was Jnadvertently opened. This resulted in a fictitions high level output from the reactor level-instrumentation which subsequently tripped the-main turbine And.111--three f eedwater pumps.' An immediate restart was authorized. The reactor was again critical tt 8:32 p.m.-on August 9, and the generator was synchronized at 12:43.a.m. on August 10. On August 11, with the unit at approximately.600 MWe, the main generator stator cooling pump tripped. Before the standby pump could come upLto' speed,1the< pressure in-the system decayed to initiate a load' runback resulting in tripping of' reacto2 recirculation pumps. The pump was successrully restarted and the load: recovered in accordance with the preconditioning program. Pull load was reached on August 15. Folloving the ' tripping of the stator: cooling pump, immediate repair operations were iritiated. The' failed pump was returned to service.on. August,16. Shortly thereaf ter, the operating stator cooling pump (2B) t ripped'. - This again resulted, in a-system pret sure decay and the tripping of one reactor recirculation pump. 1 Load was subsequently reduced and the recirculation ' pump / -1 1r-g e-r-+rVe yWg wr-** $'L. M e- -p.- W e fi-e # O
PBAPS i successfully restarted.- Power was increased in accordance with the ' preconditioning program 'and full load was achieved;on August 10..Later on August 18, Unit 2 again scrammed. -This scram:was caused by.a. second EHC tubingffailure in the samejline as the original failure which occurred on' August 5. The unit was shutdown and depressurized in order to permit repair of a recombiner mechanical compressor and to correct. leaks:on several_ drain. cooler manways. Additionally, an electrical connection atJthe recirculation' pump MG set-transformer was renewed following its flash-over to g round. This maintenance-work extendedithe outage" through Augast 20. 'The unit was returned to service' at 4: 24 p.m. on'this date. Power level was increased:to approximately 780 MWe by-August 23,1 following; the normalt fuel preconditioning requirements, i surveillance testing on _ August 23,- indicated _ a primary-coolant leak inside the-drywell in-excess of the Technical Specifications-limit. The unit wase subsequently shutdown at 11:23 p.m., un this date. Following purging of the drywell, a packing leak - on the 'A' recirculation pump suction-valve was identified as the cause of the; excessive leakage.- Following depressurization'of the reactor, the packing en-this valve was replaced. Additional maintenance work was performed on various equipment, including correction of a diaphragm-leak on the 96A feedwater ' check valve. - Maintenance work was completed on August L 26', and : the - unit resynchronized_at'7:06 a.m., on August 27.- Full-load operation was established on September 1.- on September 21, the'NSS_ Supplier _ informed Philadelphia uluutalc Ccmpany of an. inconsistency 'in the ' ECCS [ calculations submitted to the Nuclear Roqulatory l Commission as part of the reload dacument. These calculations assumed that: the Core Spray.and RHR l injection valves received an opening signsl as reactor pressure : decreased-to 450 psig ar.d 'that -the - recirculation pump discharge valves received a closing-signal-at 250 psig. In reality, both these circuits were actuated at a pressure setpoint somewhere between 350 and 300 psig. This was reported to the Nuclear i Regulatory Commission, :and power reduction was. initiated as a conservative measure until the full implications.-of ! i l
PBAPS this error could - be evaluated.. Later on the,same; day, it was determined that the unit could be returned to f ull. power, with the MAPL 11GR limits established at less than 0.98 of; the Technical _ Spec 1 fication limits, appropriately. conservative measure. On September-24, loss of the 2A'mechanicalErecombiner-compressor, because of a faultyf discharge relief valve, resulted in a' slow loss of condenser vacuum which eventually resulted in a. plant scram. During.the outage-
- that followed, the'recombiner relief valves were rebuilt.
The reactor was ' taken critical 'on September, 25, and the turbine = generator-synchronized on September '26, at 2:15 a.m. Power 'was. increased <in ' accordance.with-the ~ fuel preconditioning' program and ifullf loadf achieve'd - on September 30. On the same date additional difficultiesiwith the relief 1 valve on the 2A mechanical recombiner-compressor again resulted in a decreasing vacuum condition 1 on the mainL 1 condenser. -In order to-recover vacuum while relief' valve repairs,were being made, unitLload was. reduced = to 300 MWe, The unit: returned-to full power operation in accordance with fuel preconditioning requirements.; Pull load was achieved-on Octobers3. 1 on october 9, Unit.2 was reducedLin power in ordersto perform a control. rod sequence exchange. _ Power 11evel was recovered 11n accordance with~ fuel preconditioning requirements until-full load was achieved lon October 16. On october 17, theLunit experienced aLacram.due to c. turbine trip. The' turbine trip.was-caused;byfa loss of-2 ,:~r mpply 1.~. he E!!C System. The 125V d.c. fuse ble'.f-during.a thrust bearing wear detector surveillance test. The excessive current was-caused by a defective motor in the : thrust bearing wearLdetector circuitry. Scram recovery operationsLwereLinitiated-immediately. The reactor was again_critica11at-5:30 a.m. on4 0c tober 18. The; genera tor-was synchronizedzat-l 9:52 a.m. on the With-the unit in servicei the thrust bearino-wear detector motor was. replaced.. L Testing of the replacement motor ' at 2: 05 l p.m. on L the -1 again' resulted in a thrust. bearing turbine trip ' and reactor scram. - Turbine this' case was-l,
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l PBAPS i caused by the improper rotation of the replacement The reactor was again recovered and criticality motor. established at 9: 3 3 p.m. The main generator was synchronized at 8:25 a.m. on October 19. Power was increased in accordance with the tuel preconditioning program with full load being achieved on October 23. With the. completion of maintenanc6 work on November 25, the reactor was taken critical and the generator synchronized at 12:50 p.m. on November 26. The four relief valve 9 which had been maintained or eplaced during the outage were successfully. surveillance tested at approximately 170 psig reactor pressure prior to synchronizing the unit. Power was subsequently increased and full load operation achieved on December 3. During the month of December 1976, Unit 2 operated at essentially full power except for load changes in response to high Susquahana River differential temperatures as measured between Holtwood and the Maryland-Pennsylvania State line. Unit 2 war operating at full load at the end of the year. C. Unit 3 Onerations As of December 31, 1975, Unit 3 reactor was critical in the hot standby condition, while an investigation into the source of the condenser vacuum leak was in progress. This investigation proved unsuccessful, on January 1, 1976, a decision was made to start the core plugging outage to eliminate LPRM/ channel box interaction. Operations associated with caining access to the top of the core were started on January 2. Head removal and vessel internal removal progressed satisfactorily. The reactor 'nead cavity was flooded on January 6, but the water was very cloudy, cleanup of the cloudy water conditions delayed fuel movement until Friday, January O. Concurrent with fuel handling-operatienc, local leak rate testing and repair of leaking containment isolation valves were in progress. By January 23, refueling floor operations had progressed to the point where all channels had been inspected and -li-b
PBApS those which were not acceptable replaced with new channels. Core plugging had been completed. All fuel had been returned to the core. Core verification was complete and rod operability testing was in progress. During the outage, three control rods were removed and replaced with new blades. The removed blades were shioped to General Electric Company for analysis. By January 30, the steam separator and dryer had been installed. The reactor vessel head was installed and the reactor prepared for hydro. The major-work associated with repair of containment isolation valves and leak testing of these valves was completed. Total local leak rate test leakage was less than allowable. The reactor vessel hydro was completed on January 30. Drywell head and shield plugs were installed by February 1. Check-off-list prior to startup were completed on February 2. The reactor was critical at 1:53 p.m. on the same day, and the unit synchronized by 10:09 a.m. on February 3. Power was then increased in accordance with the preconditioning program and reached approximately 900 MWe on February 9. The unit continued-at this load until late February 13, when power was reduced to as low as 420 MWe for rod sequence exhange and special turbine valve testing. No problems resulted f rom the testing and power was increasing in accordance with the preconditioning program when the Unit scrammed on February 18, due to action of the power-load unbalance instrumentation. This is believed to have been caused by a momentary partial closure of the CIV's but no cause of the failure could be found. An immediate restart was authorized. The Unit war critical l st 3:00 a.n. cn February 19, synchronir.ed at 6 : 23 a.m., and power increased in accordance with the preconditioning program. The unit was removed from service on February 22 in order to correct a significant packing leak on a jet l pump differential pressure sensing line manual block valve. Repair of this valve required a depressurization and cooldown of the primary system. The. unit was returned to power operation on February 23. On February l 26, the drywell on Unit 3 was pressurized and the ) Standby Gas Treatment System was placed in service to 1 l l \\
.-.-n. g H l PBAPS i maintain a ; slight-' vacuum in : the1torusL compartmente - This 3 differential; pressure; contin'ues'to be maintained in~ conservative conPideration: of the. Mark IEpoo1Fewell-J effects.: Power.was; increased in:accordance with;the-4 fuel preconditioning program:through February 27, when-- L .the unitswas removed'from serviceJin order to correct a5- ~ ground in the : control' circuit for f the 7"B" loop, _ l recirculation ipump dischargecvalves. ThisL ground Lwasi j . identified oni February 25, and. essentially cmadeLone-half of the LRHR-LPCI; system inoperable.,This.outagefwas? y j
- extended whent the disc on thel"B" Loop 1RHRLthrottleable
-angle valve-154B was foundito;be separated?from-the1 r Lstem? Temporary repairs were - madeland the!.unitTreturned to: service'on: March,7. ;oncMarch 8,!thefunittwasf 1 shutdown due-to.a valve error:and resynchronized'the: a same day. - On the morning of Marchi13,/ leakage inside) 1 Unit 3 drywell. increased rapidly: between18: 00 a.m. ; and' ~ -_ noon to approximately 6.5Lgpm. Shutdowntwa_s started at n -12:30'p.m.--_on-the sane day. Later! on LtheTsame date, a c drywell entry identified:the' leak asea cracked 1" pipe-j Lon the suction side --of; the: "B" recirculatic pump. " t t upstreamLof the pump inletovalve. iThe reactor)was: placed-in cold shuto e.n. On the morning sof Marche 14,-leakage: rate was_~about 1-1 gpa with the' reactor.depressurized.i The"crackLexisted at 10 o' clock in:the heat affected zone-of,thetsocket! weld-made en the:end ofea-half < coupling which was~. welded; to the 29" recirculation-line. ' TheElea/_was repaired.by_. reducing the' point offleakage!to-a; minimum < by pullingf25".Hg.?on'the. reactor,; removing the~ cracked-pipe, installing a tapered stainlessNsteel-plug, seali welding the place, installing l a/ socket. weld cap over the plug with-a_ full penetrationeweldito the:
- i existing half coupling,. and dye? penetrant testingl.the.
L weld. -Dye-penetrant; tests were alsoiperformed on the 9 "A" recirculttion pipe, : half coupling'weldsto - the ' 28" OD - l recirc'11ation ' pipe and the :pocketTweld: toL the '1' inch a pipe.- No-defects'were identified. l. 'On March 15, an inspectionL wasL.made of' the closure on. the "B" recirculation pipe withithe primary coolant = at-f ull -operating: temperature. and Upressure. 1 No leaks were - i noted.: The-unit was returned:to-power on' March 15, and' e reached >fullsload by March 19.= 'Afterrreaching fulliload-i - 1 '.a - .4... ~... _, - _.a._.. ...a... n..? ' .~.-..._._J..._..-.._.,
y Ji PBAPS L T., on March'19, thE plant continutedito operatetat maximum power ' level through March 20.1 -onsthisidate, an -instability -in the 3BJrecirculationipump voltage! regulator _ caused the: recirculationEpump; to tript : The i operating-pump -was: reduced in speed and load; reduced to: 536 MWe. With the: pump' tripped,:an' attempt.was made:to close the-discharge 1 valve MO-538 prior to attempting a1. re start".. A11' position; indication ons thesvalve was tlosti during the attempt-to:close:the valvei An investigatione determined that the difficulty wasLinntheLlimitorque. operator. -Since.this-valveLisipartiofothe LPCI.Llogic, circuitry,.the unit was shutdown..Aidrywellientry1was' made and two broken wires on1the limitorquefoperator, repaired. .During. this. time, = the voltage regulatorz-on; i the.MG set was alsofrepaired. The 1 gen erator twasi. . returned to servicesat 8:24 a.m., on March:22_and increased in-power in accordance:with~the' fuel
- preconditioning i limits... By; March ( 24, reactor-load-had been increased'to1.924!MWe.
Ato11:05-a.m.-on1thieLdate, - the 'B8 Target Rock ~ relief -valveJmomentarily: opened-and ruclosed. Electrical < tests wereiruniwhichidetermined the electrical circuitry.for thisivalvefwas<not-q -d6fective. In preventDrecurrence,. reactor .t rreesure was-1imitedLto about_985_-psig.'l-Full-load' operation _was essentially; reached oncMarchL26. On April = 13, a reactoriscram occurred! duel tot alleakingfinstrument- ~ bypass. valve associated,with therdifferential-: pressure ~ switch which. monitors mainisteamEline flow. The valve ] i. block associated with'the differential; pressures switch - was replaced. During the outage, information wascreceivedithatLa' recent review of:the'RHR_ System.logicEindicated a deficiency: wnich would ! resulti ini only L 21 of ? the ?4L RHR pumps starting during;ailoss of offsite1 power accident. simultaneous'with aLLOCA. ~ The1 estDcircuitry1 review was t conducted inLeonjunction withL a1 review :of the lossfof outside power surveillance-test.-.The logic; deficiency 1 was discusssa with PhiladelphiacElectric Company-Engineering Department and agreementoreacht1 on_-the deficiency... The - Engineerin g T x partment' provided: a ' circuitry change. fTheseichangesLinfcircuitry were i completed by April 114, Land a Unit 1T loss ofopower-LOCA test performed. This test functionally. verified that j all.RHR pumps would-operate under such'an accident.: } N 'd 4
.~ PBAPS With the completion-of 'the loss ot power test following: the LPCI modification on Aril 14,- the reactor was returned to service. The-reactor wasimade critical on-April 15, and the generator synchronized at 11:30-a.m., on. April 16. Power was increased in accordance with the-fuel preconditioning-program. The reactor operated through April,29,Lwhen a scram-occurred at 9:00 p.m. .The scram was-caused by a high flux trip which is believed to have been' caused by a- . rapid flow increase in the? recirculating water system.- At the time of : scram, an : electrical' feed to the 3B recirculation. pump MG set control circuit was reclosed-after being inadvertently opened. The unit was returned to service, with the-generator being resynchronized at 8:14 a.m., on April 30. lon May-1, during an investigation of 'some dif ficulty in: the level control system -of Unit 3, an inoperable discharge check valve on the 3h reactor-feedpump was identified. The 3A foedpump was. subsequently.removedEfrom service until repairs.could be :made..This limited. maximum power to approximately 930 MWe. On-May 2, the-:3B-recirculation pump; a.m. The pump was returned to service at 10:45 a.m. on the same day. .No difficulties in returning'the pump'to service were experienced. On,May-3, the 3B recirculationipump again tripped; Investigation again showed no pump difficulty. .However, the pump discharge valve (53B) failed to close. This. required a plant shutdown. The unit was removed 1from.the bus at 2:191 p.m. on May 4 A drywellfentry.was made and'several l broken. wires in the valve operator were repaired or renl aced. The unit was resynchronized at-7:22 a.m. on May 5. L On May 6, the HPCI System was determined to be inoperable because of-high steam flow condition which occurred during automatic' initiation of.the turbine start.- Surveillance testingfrequired by the l inoperability of the HPCI System was initiated. This testing-identified an ADS timer <which was slightly-outside the Technical-Specification limits. A power reduction was~ initiated.' Repairs to. the timer were completed in a short period of time and power level i ! l
PBAPS recovered. HPCI Hydraulic System repairs were completed and operability proven on May 8. On May 8, the 3B i recirculation pump again tripped. Electrical-testing of. the~ recirculation pump motor circuitry identified'no deficiencies.- The pump discharge valve closed properly ' but would not open after the recirculation pump was y restarted. The plant was removed.from service at 9:00 ~ p.m. on May 8, and a drywell entry made.' Inspection .inside the drywell indicated a - grounded motor lead ort the 53B valve,-a loose wire on the, current transformer circuitry on the 3B recirculation pump-motor protective. relaying, and a leak in a one inch instrument-line between the pump and the discharge valve. The primary system was subsequently depressurized to make repairs. During the outage, vibration instrumentation was installed on the 'B'-and 'A' recirculation loops in order to investigate tb3'cause ofLthe recurring. difficulties in-this area. During the outage which started on May 8, an investigation into the 'B'. recirculation loop vibration identified a defective bearing-in the 3B recirculation-pump motor. The upper guide bearing:in this motor was replaced on May 11. Repairs were also made to the balance plate in this motor. Vibration instrumentation was installed on the motor ' connection box, as well as the pump discharge valve limitorque operator. - i Additional vibration instrumentation was inotalled cnt a. one -inch pipe which connects-to the recirculation -loop - between the 'B' pump and its discharge -valve. .A crack near the-socket weld in this-pipe was repaired?during this outage. L The reacter was started up cn May 13, and the generator synchronized on May 14. ~ Power of this unit Wasilimited to 20% because of the inoperabilty of all three. cooling towers. Permission to operate above 20%~without' cooling towers was received from the NRC via a' Technical. Specification Change on May 15. On May 17, readings taken from the vibration instrumentation installed on the recirculation loop indicated excessive' vibration. on the 3B recirculation motor and discharge' valve with pump L speed in excess of-52%. -Pump speed was subsequently reduced to get vibration: levels.down to 1 mi1Lon the. pump connection box and approximately 3 mils on the L 8 l l
\\ PBAPF discharge valve motor operator. This limited plant output to approximately 760 MWe. On May 21, Unit 3 was shutdown to investigate the cause of recirculation system vibration. The 3B recirculation pump motor was uncoupled and data taken to permit balancing of the motor. Following rebalancing the reactor was started up on May 23, and the generator synchronized on May P.4. Approximately four hours later, a water slug from the air ejectors into the recombiner-suf ficiently reduced recombiner temperature to the point where hydrogen concentratione downstream of the recombiner tripped the mechanical compressors. Since the system could not be returned to service in a short period of time, the plant was removed from service by scramming the reactor. A restart was attempted later in the day. At this time, a ground detector in the generator field annunciated. After a significatn amount of investigation, a decision was made to synchronize the genera tor. Several hours later, however, a generator core monitor alarm annunciated and the turbine was manually tripped. The pressure pulse to the reactor caused a scram on high flux level. The unit was subsequently cooled down, the condenser vacuum broken, the generator hydrogen purged, and the generator field partially disassembled. The field ground was eventually located in the generator rotor bridging stud insulating
- collar, Repairs were made; the generator was reassembled and resynchronized on May 31.
During this outage, additional balancing was performed on the recirculation pump motor. Following return to service, the unit was increased to full power, while vibration l was monitored. At maximum speed, pump vibration appears to be 1 to 2 mile and discharge valve operator vibration l was approximately 2 to 3 mile. f Unit 3 operated at essentially full power from June 5 l through June 18. On June 18, power was reduced to l approximately 400 MWe in order to perform a rod sequence i exchange. During the low power period, the brushes in the recirculation pump MG sets were replaced, a damaged bus duct cooling f an was removed from the bus for repair ~ offsite, and the generator stator liquid cooling system heat exchangers were cleaned, on June 19, power level was again increased in accordance with fuel l l i
PBAPS preconditioning requirements. Pu11' load-was reached on June 24, and continued through July 19. During_this period,' power slowly decreased due to fuel burn-up. Power was limited during this period because of the restrictions associated with rod motion imposed by fuel preconditioning requirements. Siirveillance testing on July 5, identified - electronic problems in the RcIc speed _ control system. Repairs were accomplished and'the system quick-start tested on July 7. .The necessary_ surveillance testing associated with the inoperability of the RCIC system was accomplished during this period. On July 9,1 Unit 3 power was reduced to reposition control rods in order to return the unit to full load operation. During the recovery from this load drop, a lightning storm disrupted the offsite system sufficiently to cause the loss of the number 3 startup feed. Toss of this feed at'3:08 a.m. on July 11, resulted'in a Unit 3 reactor-scram. During this lightning strike the main stack flow monitoring system was lost for approximately twelve hours and the radioactive effluent monttoring system was lost for about six hours. Following the re-establishment of both startup feeds and return to service of the : stack flow monitoring and sampling system, Unit 3 reactor was made critical at 1:40 a.m. on July 12. Reactor pressure was increased. With the reactor power at approximatelyL9%, the 71B relief valve spontaneously opened at-approximately 6:00 a.m.,_ resulting in a reactor blowdown to approximately 2Gu psig._ Following primary coolant depressurization and reactor shutdown, the ' B', 'F', and 'K' relief valve operators-were replaced. A torus inspection was made which indicated that no damage -had occurred inside the torus. Following replacement of the relief valves, the reactor was returned to critical at 3: 51 p.m. on July 14. Primary coolant pressure was increased during several attempts to restart the 'A' recirculation pump. During each attempt, the scoop tube arm knuckle joint broke. A decision was then made to bring the reactor sub-critical and inspect the internals. of the hydraulic coupling. This inspection identified two ball joints -?3-
PBAPS inside the hydraulic coupling which had excessive clearance. These ball joints were replaced and the i recirculation pump returned to service. The reactor was again made critical at 8:55 a.m. on July 15, and pressure increased to approximately 400 psig. A drywell inspection at this time identified a plug leak on the bottom of MO-18 of the RHR shutdown cooling q suction valve. The manual block valve upstream of MO-10 was subsequently closed to stop this leakage. The generator was synchronized at 6:15 p.m. on the same date and load increased in accordance with the preconditioning program. Full load was achieved on July 19. on July 20, at 10:50 p.m., the 71G relief valve spontaneously opened, requiring a manual scram of the reactor. Following shutdown and depressurization, the 'G', 'D', 'E', 'H' and 'J' valve operators were 4 replaced. These valve operators were replaced based on high temperatures monitored downstream of these-valves prior to shutdown and a leak test of the pilot valve assemblies performed during the shutdown. A torus inspection made during this outage again identified no i internal damage. Following maintenance operations on the relief valves and other miscellaneous work, the reactor was returned to service on July 25, and the unit synchronized at 10:55 a.m. Following synchronizing, power was increased and full load achieved on July 29. Unit 3 has operated through August 13, at essentially full power. A rod sequence exchange was initiated on this date requiring a load reduction to approximately 400 MWe. Following the sequence exchange load was again increased in accordance with the fuel preconditioning limits. Full load was agaia achieved on August 19. On September 6, control rod 06-23 scrammed-in the reactor because of failure of the inlet scram valve to the drive unit. This resulted in a load decrease of approximately 20 MWe. The failed diaphragm was repaired. In order to again withdraw the rod, power was reduced to less than 800 MWe. At the same time, additional deep control rods were withdrawn one or two notches. Load was then again increased at the normal 1 -?a-l l l
PBAPS preconditioning rate of 5 MW/HR, resulting in a return to full load operation on September 9. Unit 3 operated at essentially full load from September 9 through September 18. On this date, a high unidentified leakage in the Unit 3 drywell required Unit 3 to be removed from service. The source of this leakage was identified as a leaking packing on the shaf t of die ' B' recirculation pump discharge bypass. valve (!40-54B). This valve was repacked, the reactor taken critical and the unit resynchronized by 4:00 a.m. on September 20. Immediately after synchronizing, difficulty maintaining condenser vacuum was experienced. This required the removal of the unit from service at 1:00 p.m. on the same date. The source of vacuum _ leak was traced to the startup vacuum pump. seals. The pump was valved out and the unit resynchronized at 8:12 p.m. on the same date. Power level was increased in accordance with preconditioning requirements and full load achieved on September 25. During this power increase, starting on October 7, the air flow through the recombiner system showed a steady increase. On October 8, difficulties with one of the mechanical recombiner compressors resulted in a partial loss of condenser vacuum. A load reduction of 200 MWe was taken in order to re-establish vacuum following maintenance on the mechanical compressor. An investigation into the source of leakage did identify a minor leak on the manway in the upper portion of the B1 condenser. This leak was temproarily corrected. The unit continued in operation with air flow through the recombiner. The PORC noted that Unit 3 appears to be starting the end of cycle coastdown. It was estimated that two to three megawatts per day would be lost as a result of fuel burnup. On October 19, the source of the B1 Condenser inleakage was identified as a failed bellows on a steam jet air ejector relief valve. The problem was immediately corrected by inserting a pipe plug in a vent connection on the relief valve bonnet.,
PBAPS On October 19, Unit 3 load was significantly reduced in order to remove the 5th heaters from service. Operation in this mode provides for a cooler feedwater temperature which would extend the core life. Following removal of the 5th heaters, the control rods were repositioned and load increased in conformance with the fuel preconditioning requirements. A maximum load of 1048 MWe was achieved on October 21. Operation at essentially this load continued until October 28, when load was reduced by 60 MWe immediately following operation of the Reactor Water Cleanup System in a vessel-to-vessel mode. There was no increase in main steam activity or reactor water conductivity noted immediately following this power decrease. Full load was again reached on October 29. By November 24, reactor power was reduced to 936 MWe due to fuel burnup. On this date, a rod sequence exchange was initiated. This required a power reduction to approximately 450 MWe. Power was subsequently increased to a maximum of 944 MWe by December 5. Power reduction was initiated because of high river differential temperatures starting on December 3. Unit 3 operated from December 3 through December 24, at approximately 880 MWe, Load reductions were required during this period in response to high susquehanna River differential temperatures, as measured between Holtwood and the Maryland-Pennsylvania State Line. Maximum load was limited by the reactivity available at the end of the first core. The fi*st refueling outage for Unit 3 was started on l I December 24. Shutdown cooling was established on l December 25. Following cooldown, the reactor was pressurized to approximately 50 psig, using instrument air in order to do an ILRT on the MSIV's.- This test resulted in the determination of leaks on the A, C, and D inner MSIV's. Following the valve testing, outage work continued with the drywell head being removed on December 27, and the reactor vessel head being removed l on December 30, 1976. l l t l -?6-l
.. ~. - _ - i 1 t -1l PBAPS-4 D.. Common Plant ODerations 4 Iodine Release i During: thefsecond.and-third: quarters of 1976, thelplanti j operated with iodine releases in excess. of the' 85 ~ average release permissible in the Technical u Specifications.- An.NRC-inspectioniin; October,- ( identified this operating _ parameter as, unacceptable; to q -Nuclear Regulatory ~ Commission Licensing.~-A meeting 1wasJ held on site during the-last week ofLOctober.with representatives of the: NRC Licensing and Region : 1 At this. meeting, the~ plant'was_ informed"that'both: unit.
- shall be -shutdown when the-average iodine release for the fourth! quarter. reaches - 85 of Ethe 2 instantaneous :
1 limit. Mis value is approximately 71,000 uci; total' release.- In order to reduceithe total plant releases:off iodine andoparticulate,s the. reactor building ventilation-i systems on lboth. units were rebalanced 'auch that the-equipment cell exhaust-was ~ processed through one xtrain of the Standby' Gas Treatment : System. - Rebalancing lof d these _ ventilation systems was performed:during'the' week of October 25.: The iodine:: releases-were significantly - reduced. ' Average release-followingErebalancing ofTthe ventilation systemswas approximately 200 to'300-Luci'per 4 1 day.. These low values of. release continued through -_the ; end of11976. River Temperatures q - As of E December - 1, 1976, the. confidence :lindt of the : measured-river temperatures 1was reduced 1to 1. 5'F.: This 1 i lower State limit,. coupled with low river flows.during i therlast part-of-. November andLearly December,-resulted' in differential temperatures which-_ exceeded.the 6.50F:on numerous occa sions-: starting December 3.- The= load on: bothlreactors-was?subsequentlycreduced inLaccordance-with ' procedure. :It' appears that'the large variation in i temperatures being. experienced Lis 1primarily ' a ' result ;of flow variations' caused byltheLoperationiof' Muddy Run"and i Conowingo and is not significantly affectedL by the- ' l actual power: 1evel-ofithe: Peach : Bottom facility. Because of the differential-' temperature problems, i significant. power reductions were taken during1 periods 4 when high differentialitemperatures were present.- 4. 4 1 J 3 W,a
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a J i PBAPS Reactor. power was again increased-in accordance with. i preconditioning requirementsLduring-periodsLwhen'the differential ~ temperatures were below-6.50F. E. Reactor Shutdowns; Power. Reductions'and-Maintenance' i summaries: Ta bles -- I-E-1 (a ):_ through -(c) ~:and I-r-2 -(a); through (e) list-the -shutdowns and forced reductions for Unit 2 -and' Unit 3 respectively; The tables. provide. the cause of 3 the' shutdown or reduction and :1istithe_ component that ! was the cause.- l For. shutdowns, thei duratien was z determined by the time that the main generator 3 was_off-the-line.. For forced reductions,- the - duration was = ~ determined by estimating. the time-the' generator _ operated ; at less than 840 MW for. greater than four-nours.- If a - Reportable Occurrence was associated with a shutdown,-or. forced reduction,_ the identifying' number,of the Reportable-Occurrence _;is included ' in the table.. corrective action taken to reduce? the' probability of recurrence and-a description of majorfsafety-related corrective maintenance performed _during'each: shutdown or forced-reduction are~ included-in Tables;:I-E-3((a) _ through (k) = -and I-E-4 -(a) through' (g), " Peach Bottom significant-Maintenance Summary." Tables I-E-S E(a)- through (1) and I-E (a) :through - (1) are a __ l chronological listing of nuclear. safety or plant reliability related-instrument failures repaired during-1976. l l' l-t- l - l -l f l .,..a.
TABLE I-E-1 (a) UNIT 2 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURATION CAUSE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE 1-08-76 12:09 A.M. Loss of EHC Power 125 VOC ruse blew. to (Forced shutdown) 1-09-76 7:44 A.M. 1-10-/6 7:42 A.n. High dryweII pump-ou t rate. Reci rc. pump discharge bypass valve to (Controlled shutdown) packing leak. 1-10-75 2:24 P.M. 2-06-76 8:00 P.M. Controlled reduction for rod to swap. 2-11-76 7:00 P.M. 2-14-76 2:30 P.M. Controlled reduction for turbine to valve testing. 2-15-76 2:00 A.M. 2-21-76 12:30 A.M. Controlled reduction for turbine to valve surveillance testing by 2-23-76 6:00 P.M. G.E. I i 3-27-76 1:45 A.M. Controlled shutdown for' refuel to outage. 6-24-76 3:33 A.M. 6-29-76 5:03 P.M. Relief valve blowdown and scram. Target rock relief valve pilot valve. 2-76-47/IP to leakage. /-03-76 2:54 A.M. 7-09-16 11:00 P.M. Power reduction to adjust rod to pattern. 7-11-76 9:00 A.M. ~
f TABLE I-E-1 (b) UNIT 2 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURATION CAUSE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE 8-05-76 11:59 A.M. Loss of ETS Pressure. EHC tubing to #4 control velve. to (Forced shutdown) For repairs. 8-06-76 7:50 8-09-76 2:35 P.M. Ficti tious rtr. high level Static inverter neutral lead fi f ted. to. signal. 3-10-76 12:43 A.M. (Shutdown) 8-18-76 7: 16 A.M. Loss of ETS pressure. EHC tubing to #4 control valve. to (Forced Shutdown) For repairs. t 8-20-76 4:24 P.M. 8-23-76 l 1' :03 High drywell pump-out. 'A' recirc pump suction valve packing to (Controlled shutdown) For - leak. S-27-76 7:06 A.M. repairs. 9-24-76 3:43 P.M. Condersser. low vacuum scram. Recombiner compressor dischar je relief t to valve. i 9-26-76 2:15 A.M. 9-30-76 1:35 P.M. Con trol led. reduc tion-condenser Recombiner compressor 1st stage relief to i low vacuum. valve. 10-01-76 5:00 A.M. 10-17-76 8:25 P.M. Loss of EHC power. _ Thrust bearing wear detector motor to - (Forced shutdown) For repairs. de fec ti ve. 10-18-76 9:52 A.M.
TABLE I-E-1 (c) UNIT 2 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURAT10N cal:SE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE 10-13-76 2:05 P.M. Thrust bearing wear detector Thrust bearing wear detector circui t to turbine trip. ma l func ti on. 10-19-76 8:25 A.M. 11-14-76 11:23 A.M. Relief valve blowdown and scram. Target rock relief valve pilot.. 2-76-77/IP 11-25-75 12:50 P.M. [ ] 1 i
i TABLE I-E-2 (a) 'l ' UNIT 3 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS -p January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 'l
- )
REPORTABLE DUPATION CAUSE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE Continuous From Flow' induced LPRM vibration LPRMs' 3-76-4/IP-1-01-76 12:01 AM ! caused fuel damage.
- Outage initiated by loss of vacuum to scram.
2- 03-76 10:10 AM i i 2-13-76' 8:30 AM Controlled reduction for rod to swap. 2-16-76 12:00 AM 4 i ' 2-18-76 7:27 PM Turbine trip. Probable cause was electronic to malfunction in.EHC caused CIV. closure s 2-19-76 8523 AM initiating a power load unbalance._ trip. j '2-22-76 5:39 FM Controlled shutdown to repairf Packing leak on #9: Jet pump. sensing to instrument.line leak. line excess flow: check valve (31J) 2-23-76' 1:53 PM-manual block valve'(30J)'- 2-27-76 ' 10:15 PM RHR inop.. Recire. 53 B and 54'B valve lost ~ 3-76-24/3L to (Forced ~ shutdown) indication. 3-07-76 9:12 AM
- Outage-extended due to Radwaste" 3-76-29/3L problems. and 154 3 valve ' stem disc
~ l separation. 1 3-08-76 .3:22'PM. Instrument surve111ance testing. Instrument' tech valving' error during-to (Forced shutdown) RPV level ST.' 3-08-76 10:17 PM + . 3-13-76 3:00 PM - Steam leak in drywell. PX4447B' leaking on' B recirc. pump 3-76-33/IP ~ [ to (Forced shutdown) For repa' irs.' suction line. 3-15--76 2:58 PM i ..s... .,,m. --m._ g '~=' ~ ' ' " " ' "
TABLE I-E-2 (b) UNIT 3 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURATION CAUSE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE 3-21-76 12:10 AM Inoperable recire, valve. M053B lost indication due to' broken 3-76-34/3L to (Forced Shutdown) For repairs. wires in operator. '3-22-76 8:24 AM 4-13-76 10:51 AM Instrument. surveillance testing. Leaking instrument' valve on DPS 116B to (Forced Shutdown) (Main steam flow)- 4-15-76 11:30 AM 4-29-76 9:01 PM APRM Hi flux. 3B recire. pump tripped accidentally, -to (Forced Shutdown) recovered immediately resulting in.APRM-4-30-76 8:14 AM high trip. 5-02-76 8:23 AM Recire. pump' trip. Cause ' for trip unknown, restart delayed to (Forced Shutdown) by linkage. ball ' failure. 5-02-76 10:45 AM 5-03-76 11:40 AM Recirc. pump trip and loss of-' Pump C.T. inoperable'and broken ~ wire ~ to M053B indi aclon. found. on M053B. 5-05-76 7:22 AM' (Forced Shutdown) 5-08-76 -8:58 PM Recire. pump trip and MO-53B - Broken. wires to pump C.T..and MO-53B. 3-76-44/3L l-to failure l 5-14-76 9:01 AM (Forced Chutdown) 5-17-76 5:33 PM Recire. pump hi vibration-trip. Recirc.. pump _ motor: required. balancing. to Reduction f( 'lu#A by. shutdown' 5-24-76 2:04 AM-5-22-76. =
TABLE I-E-2 (c) UNIT 3 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS Janua ry 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURATION CAUSE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE 5-24-76 10:35 AM Ia.7 vacuum. Water in recombiner caused hi hydrogen to (Forced Shutdown) trip. i 5-25-76 2:40 AM 5-25-76 4:00 AM Generator core monitor alarm. Generator field ground. to (Forced Shutdown) 5-31-76 6:39 AM + 6-18-76 11:30 PM ' Controlled reduction for rod -to swap. 6-22-76' 5:00 AM ~t 7-11-76 3:08 AM Lightning strike followed by. -Target rock relief valve pilot valve.. 3-76-53/IP.. .l '4 to relief valve malfunction during 7-15-76 6:15 FM restart. -(Forced Shutdown) l 7-20-76 10:50 PM Relief valve malfunction. Target rock relief valve pilot valve. '3-76-56/IP to (Forced Shutdown) i 7-25-76 10: 55 AM. 8-13-76 '11':20 PM Controlled. reduction for rod l to 8-17-76 5:30 AM. swap. 9-07-76 .7:30 AM Controlled reduction'to reset -.CRD scram valve diaphragm. to rod' pattern.. ~ 9-07-76 2:00 PM .- m __u
TABLE I-E-2 (d) UNIT 3 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS Janua ry 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURATION CAUSE COMPONENT OCCURRENCE 9-18-76 9:20 PM Steam leak in darwell. Recirc. discharge valve packing leak. to (Forced Shutdown) 9-20-76 4:00 AM 9-20-76 1:00 PM Controlled shutdown due to low Main condenser mechanical vacuum pump. to vacuum. 9-20-76 8:12 PM (Forced Shutdown) 10-02-76 4:30 AM Controlled reduction for rod to swap. 10-06-76 12:00 PM 10-16-76 4:30 AM Remove 5th heaters from service. to Controlled Power Reduction. 10-18-76 11:00 PM 11-24-76 6:20 AM Controlled reductirn for rod to swap. 11-29-76 7:00 PM 12-03-76 3:30 PM River temperature limitationt l to Controlled power reduction. 12-03-76 8:30 PM 12-04-76 S:00 PM River temperature limitations. to Controlled power reduction. 12-05-76 7:00 AM
. TABLE I-E-2 (e) UNIT 3 SHUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976 REPORTABLE DURATION CAUSE COMPONENT ~ OCCURRENCE 12-05-76 11:00 m River temperature limitations. to Controlled power reductions. 12-08-76 2:00 IM 12-24'-76 3:47 m Controlled ' shutdown for to re fueling outage. 1-01-77 12iU0 Mt . c r r I L-
- ,.,.~_.4.-.
1976 PRECAGTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR TIPI ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR DATE SYSTEM C0:4PONENT S CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFLNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. 1/07 RIIR 30-21025B Motor w ndings - over Valve failed to close Motor replaced and Replacement motor 36 hrs. R0-2-76-1/3L heated & damaged as a tested. Overload installed during result a f 3007. ove r protection reactor shutdown.
- Ioad, circuitry changed.
1/08 E!!C Blown fuse in Several grounds on the Turbine trip and Grounds repaired. Reactor shutdown. 25 hre. the 125V DC 24 volt DC system. reactor scram, control system. 1 1'" M rculai ti inne Severa icing, nditions.. Turbine gen, rencue' lboly I e t r -- pq E. re: psf i. f f v j sne ware pan s c ree.. s. !froa service; shear j o pe rn t.: l
- r
.u pina broken on all I { temper:d e fr screens.- discharge pon.i. g i 1/18 Reactor MO-2-2 54A Packing leak. Increase in unidenti-Valve initially Reacter shutdown. 17 hrs. Recircula fled leak in drywell. backseated and tion ultimately repacked with new type material. 2/09 RCIC 10-2-13-16 valve recently repacked. Valve would not close. Loosen packing & Power was reduce 4 hrs. RO-2-76-8/3L Packing apparently over readjust torque to 1200 Iw tightened. switch setting. thermal. 3/15 IIPSW 22 pump. Excessive impeller Low capacity. Pump rebuilt, re-Other 3 pumps 250 hrs clearance. and veri fied Installed,isfacto ope rabl e. g ed sat y .s
a TABLE I-E-3 (b) PEACM BOTTOM UNIT 2 SIGNIFICANT MAINTENANCE StMMARY 1976 I PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DL8 TING FOR DATF SYSTEM COMPONENTS CAUSE OF MALFU'JCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT REttRRENCE REPAIR COMP. 3/27 Re ci rcula-4 inch Not Applicable Not Applicable Piping & associated Reactor shutdown 436 hr. tion discharge valve were removed, for refueling. valve bypass Caps were installed piping. & inspected & found sati s factory. 3/27 Reactor LPR'4 Recirculation flow Fuel channel wear due Lower core plate Reactor shutdown 375 hr. Induced vibration, to LPRM. interaction. cooling holes for refueling. plugged & 100 mil channels installed on fuel. 3/28 RHR 2A RHR heat' Flow induced vibration. 2 leaking tubes and Heat exchanger Reactor shutdoun 2138 hr. exchanger failed internal bellows. repaired & success-for refueling. RO-2-76-8/3L cessfully leak tested. Improved water monitoring system initiated. 3/29 Feedwater CV-28A & 28B Rust scale on valve Excessive thru leakage. Seating surfaces Reactor shutdown 576 hr, inboard check seating ncfaces. relapped and valves for refueling. valves & CV-tested satisfactori 96A & 96B Iy. outboard check valves R0-2-76-21/30
i .i Table I-E-3 (c) PEACH BOTTOM tralT 2 'SIGNIFICANT MAINTENANCE StrtMARY 1976 PRECAUTION.TAKEN i FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR OATE SYSTEM COMPONENTS _CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFtf4CTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. 3/30 Main MSIV's?86A, Slight distortion on Failed LLRT. Excessive Valve seats were-Reactor shutdown 950 hr Steam 86B, 86C, valve seat. thru leakage. relapped & retested for : re fueling. l 86D,.& 80D R0-2-76-20/30 successfully.- .j 4/02-CRD 3 drive Routine: Refueling Outage Inspection Maintenance ' 320 hr } units. 2 e i -4/08 Reactor Feeduater Cladding cracks Cladding cracks in Crack indications Reactor shutdown d nozzles. -RO-2-76-25/. apparently caused by nozzle blend radius-were removed & new for refueling.. 0 thermal cycling caused areas. interference fit i L IP. by; coolant' leakage past- 'feedwater spargers the thermal sleeve in were' installed. the nozzle.: I i l 4/17 Reactor Fuel See -"IV. - Irradiated 17 type 2 leaking fuel Fuel' assemblies Reactor shutdown ,5 hr 'l Fuel Examinations" elements.i
- replaced. (8x8).
for. refueling. 4/23 RHR MO-2-10-31B value: Internals. Repeated operation of. . Motor' replaced, Reactor shutdown .40 hr, i. Containment binding. valve; caused failure - to valve-interlocksL for refueling. I i apray nner valve. stroke. --proven, LLRT successfully: completed'- 'j 4 1 i .1 ). f d
- I h
_a .u'- .... ~.
- a...
i-1976 i PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TC-SAFETY Ot. RING FOR DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT 5 CAUSE - CF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECLHRENCE REPAIR COMP. 4/28 11PCI Snubte rs Leaking seals 6 'O' Empty fluid reservoirs. Defective seals & Reactor shutdown 24 hr, 23-DBN-S-3 & rings. 'O' rings replaced; for refueling. 23-DEN-S-2's repaired snubbers l R0-2-76-30/IP tested satisfactori ly in test stand. 'O' ring material changed to ethylene propylene. 4/28 Main Main Steam Defective seals & 'O' ' Empty reservoirs. Defective seals & Reactor shutdoun 120 hr. Steam relief valve rings. 'O' rings replaced; for refueling. discharge repaired snubbers line _ hydrauli tested anubbers satisfactorily in 1-G G-S-2 3, test stand. 'O' 1-GC-S-25, ring material 1-GG-S-27, changed to ethylene 1-GG-S-28, propylene. 1-GG-S-29, 1-GG-S-33, 1-GG-S-74,. 1-GG-S-77 & 1-GG-S-82 R0-2-76-31/1T ~ I i l I
1976 PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR. TIFI ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURIN^. FOR- -DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT 3 CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT ' 0F MA1 FUNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR C0rtP. 4/28 Recircula. Snubbers Defective seals & 'O' Empty reservoirs. Defective seals 6. Reactor' shutdown 24 hr-tion-SS-2-B . rings. 'O' rings replaced; for. re fueling. R0-2-76-33/II ' repalred snubbers tested satisfactorily in test' stand. 'O ring material changed to ethylem propylene.. 4/28~ ICJCU Snubbers. Defective - seals & 'O' ~ ' Empty; reservoirs ' Defective: seals'& Reactor-shutdown 24 hr 12-DCN-S-7 rings. 'O' rings replaced; for refueling.- RO-2-76-34/11 .. repaired snubbers ~ tested satisfactorily in .. test stand. 'O' ring material ~ changed to' ethylem -propylene. 4/28-Core. Snubbers Reservoirs found Position precluded -Reservoirs. Reactor shutdown 48 hr. spray 14-DCN-S-24 rotated in horizontal fluid from entering-rotated into ' for refueling. 14-DCN-S-27 position. valve blocks. ..' proper pos t on &- ii RO-2-76-35/11 -tested satisfactorily in I test stand.. . u l l -..-.----.~2 a_
1976 l PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR 1 MTE SYSTEM COMPONENTS CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFELT OF MALFUNCTION' PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. -4/28 Feedwater Snubbers 2 due to defective seals 2 empty reservoirs; 1 Defective seals & Reactor shutdosn 48 hr. 6-GDDNL-SS, 'O' rings; 1 because of position precluded fluti 'O' rings replaced; for refueling. ~ ' 6-GDDNL-14, rotated reservoir. from entering valve repaired snubbers 6-GDDNL-12 blocks. tested satisfactorily in ( test stand.- 'O' ring material changed:to ethylene ^ propylene.- I 5/19 RecirculaiMO-2-2-53A Broken wire in valve Prevented ' valve closure. Wire repaired. Reactor shutdown' 8 br. tion 'A' reactor control circuit Valve stroked for refueling. recirculation (apparently occurred sa tis fa ctorily. _. pump discharge during circuit valve modi fication) L R0-2-76-41/30 6/18 RHR MD-2-10-18 Insufficient thread Valve stem bent & Valve stem. replaced, Reactor shutdown -2'40 hr. ~ R11R shutdown ~. engagement of-bolt jammed ~in closed thread engagement for refueling. l cooling inner connecting valve' yoke position.. improved,' valve. isolation. to operator.. stroked, & leak valve. tested' R0-2-76-48/30 ' satis factorily. t _6/20 Main MO-2-1-74: Failure of internal Valve failed to stroke. Torque switch Reactor shutdown '14 hr. i Steam - Main steam spring to maintain proper replaced. and valve for, refueling. line inboard tension.. -tested- 'I drain satis factorily. l R0-2-76-43/30 i [ 1 ,A i
1976 4 PRELAUTION TAKE N FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY D'JRING FOR OATE SYSTEM C OMPONENTS CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVE'4T RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. 6/20 Torus MO-2-14-71 Motor control cable Valved failed to stroke. Ground was repaired Reactor shutdown 8 hr, 3 water Pump suction harness ground caused by & valve tested for refueling. cleanup isolation pinching e-kle during sati s factorily. valve-breaker racking in & RO-2-76-44/30 out operators. 6/22 Main MSIV-86C & Defective shaft seal Valve closing time Operator dismantle < Reactor shutdown 48 hr Steam ,86D into oil dash pot in too fast. & repaired. for refueling. the hydraulic circuit. Operator stem on 86C replaced. 6/29 Main RV-2-1-71L Pilot valve seat leakage. Valve spontaneously Relief valve was Reactor manually 62 hr Steam RO-2-76-47/IP' opened & reduced replaced with a scrammed. operating pressure to rebuilt valve. approximately 350 psig. 7/11 Off-Gas R0-2-76-51/IP Lightning strike. Reduced sample flow. Lightning arrestor Sample 12 hr Sampling installed on main monitoring l . i stack. remained sati s factory. 7/18 O f f-Gas Air ejector. Iow steam supply pressure Reduction of condenser Low steam pressure Reactor power 4 hr.
- vacuum, condition reduced.
,1976 PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR . TIME ACTIGN TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR-MTE SYSTEM COMPONENTS CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF PLLFUNCTION PREVE'4T RECURRENCE REPAIR- ' COMP. 8/05 Main EHC tubing. L71bration associated Tubing failed causing Tubing replaced & Reactor shutdown. '19 hr. turbine. tubing fatigue, turbine trip and re-supported. reactor scram. 8/09 Non-Static' Trouble' shooting which Fictitious'high reactor Procedural. control. Reactor shutdown. 9 hr. interrup-inverte r.. inadvertently opened level,which tripped table AC the neutral conductor. turbine.. .i 8/11 Main Start circuit Pump ; failure & standby Tripping of one reactor Failed pump was Reactor power-6 '. hr. generator coolant pump.. pump did not get up ' recire. pump. repaired. reduced. stator to speed in time. .j coolant. 8/16 Main. Starting. - Pump tripped & standby' Tripping of one reactor Standby pressure. Reactor power' '4 hr. 2 generator circuit start pressure' switch-recirc. pump, switch was
- reduced, stator.
coolant sut of: calibration. recalibrated & coolant. pump. pump repaired. 8/18 Main EHC tubing. Vibration associated Tubing, failed causing l Tubing.. replaced & Reactor shutdown. '57 hr. turbine.- tubing : fatigue. - turbine trip. re-supported.. 8/23-Reactor MD-2-43A Packing failure. High-drywell in Valve was. repacked. Reactor shutdown. '80 hr. ~ recircula-recire;' pump unidentified leakage.: tion suction valve. S __ _ u __ J.2 i 'i
1976 PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR MTE _ SYSTEM COMPONENTS CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. B/24 Drywell AO-2507 dry-R0-2-76-59/3L Alignment Valve failed to close. New key installed. Plant was 16 hr. ventila-well purge key between actuator Valve tested previously shut-tion. exhaust. and valve failed. satisfactorily. down. 8/25 Main Snubber Unknown. Empty reservoir. Reservoir refilled Plant was 20hr.l Steam. 1-GG-S-27 snubber valve block,previously shut-on 'C' main cylinder, & down. steam valve reservoir were leak discharge 11ne tested successfully R0-2-76-62/IP 8/25 Reactor Snubber SS-1-B Broke sight gla'sI. Empty reservoir. Sight glass - Plant was ~24 hr. recircula-on 'B' react or re pla ced. Leak previously shut- ~ ~
- tion, recirc. pu:n;.
tested satisfactori -down. -ly. 9/24 O f f-ga s 2A recombiner Defective seating Loss of vacuum resulting Relief valves were Reactor shutdown. 35 hr. mechanical surface. in plant scram.
- rebuilt, compressor.
discharge relief valve. 9/30 O f f-gas 2A recombim r Defective seating loss of vacuum resu~ ting Relief valves were Reactor shutdown. 12 hr. mechanical surface. in plant scram. rebuilt. compres sor discharge ~ relief valve. 9
- }
1976 t i PRECAUTION TAKEN l FOR ' R EACTOR TIME j ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING F00 'l i. MTE SYSTEM C onPONENT S CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR CGMP. 10/17 Main EllC thrust . Defective motor in Turbine trip & reactor Replaced defective. Reactor shutdown. 13 hh. turbine. bearing wear thrust bearing wear scram.- motor in thrust detector. detector circuitry bearing wear caused 125 VDC fuse to detector' circuitry.
- blow, i
4 HC thrust-Improper rotation of Turbine trip & reactor Corrected wiring-Reactor shutdown. 18 hr. j 10/18 ; Main { nearing wear g urbine. thrust bearing. wear scram. discrepancy. l l t g detector. I .ldetectormotor.~ 4 11/14 Main RV-71F Dirt under pilot disc Manual re' actor scram 6 Replaced reldf. Reactor shutdown' ~'289 hr. steam. relief valve. caused. seat : leakage & turbine trip. valve. cutting which-. precipitated valve ,:l i liftingi. I RO-2-76-77/IP J d 1 1 i 11/15 Feedwater CV-28A Leak in' diaphram Diaphram leak at. head-Diaphram replaced, Reactor shutdown. 124 hr. feedwater. corregation. Joint. leak tested.- 4-check valve.. -e i SS-3D-('D'" Leaking fittings.. Empty. reservoir - Leaking. reservoirs Reactor shutdown. .20,hr. 11/17 Snubbers- + i main steam-snubber inoperable.. were repaired'&' i header) SS-2B leakiry fittings- + ('Brecir-'. were replaced.: culation pump) t L2-DCN-S-5' ,j 1 (IWCU' system)_ l { ] n
1976 PRECAUTION TAKEN 3 FOR REACTOR TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR MTE SYSTEM COMPONENTS CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECtERENCE REPAIR ' COMP. 11/20 Main MSIV-86B Back seat deformation valve failed to close Back seat was Reactor shutdown. 64 hr. Steam outboard main caused valve stem during surveillance machined & valve steam gourging thus preventing test. stem was replaced. isolation free valve movement valve. R0-2-76-80/3L. 11/21 Main Relief valves Potential pilot valve High discharge line Valve or operating Reactor shutdown. 72 hr. Steam 71B, 71J, & leakage. temperature. mechanism was 71L. replaced. m l t e e
r i PRECAUTION TAKEN [ . FOR REACTOR TIME i ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY DURING FOR DATE SYSTEM COMPONENTS- ' CAUSC OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR' . COM.P. { 1/5/76 Core MO 14-12B Magnetic trip setpoint Valve fai led to open Trip device was Shutdown for Spray 'of valve motor breaker-during routine system recalibrated & LPRM fix. 16 Hrs. dri f ted low. operation. valve was retested R0-3-76-18/3L sa ti s facto ri l y. l I/7/78 HPCI A0-5248, HPCI Poor mating between Excessive leakage. Valve plug Shutdown for exhaust line valve plug & seat machined, valve LPRM fix. 24 Hrs, drain valve. R0-3-76-14/3L. seat relapped & retested success ful l y.. 1/7/76 HPCI' Check valves Poor mating between Excessive leakage. Flapper & seat were Shutdown for 3-23-65, HPCI flapper & seating relapped & retested LPRM fix. 48 Hrs. exhaust line su r face. R0-3-76-16/3L success fu l l y. checked. -1/8/76 Reactor Stabi li zers Binding.. 3.of 8 slightly Repai rs 'schedu led Safety analysis Vessel R0-3-76-%/I P. deformed. for fi rst refuel-by GE based on ing outage. significant-cycles of Unit 3 ) .y operation permit postponement. M/A i Bye penetrant tests made on ,the welds on the bumper pads show no signs of excessive' stress or crack. I I l ~~ ---V a
PRECAUTIO** lN FOR Rt 7' TIME ACTION TAKEN TO SAFETY 1,..aNG FOR. MTE SYSTEM ' COMPONENTS 'CAUSE OF MALFUNCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PRFVENT-RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. I/9/76 Feed-Check valve Rust scale on va lve Excessive leakage. Valve flapper &. Shutdown for.. water CV-6-28A, seat & flapper seat wees Iapped LPRM fix. 145 Hrs, feedwater in-R0-3-76-10/3L & retesteo board check successfully valve. 1/9/76 Feed-CV-6-28B, Rust scale.on valve Excessive leakage. Valve flapper & Shutdown for I water feedwa ter ' i n-sea t' & flapper. - seat were lapped & LPRM fix. 145 Hrs board check R0-3-76-11/3L retested l valve. success fu l ly. .t 1/9/76 Feed-CV-6-96A Rus t scale 'on valve. Excessive' leakage.. Valve flapper &l Shu t down fo r-- 3 water feedwater' seat 6 fla R0-3-76-12/pper seat were relapped L PRM ' fi x. 145" Hrs outboard 3L check valve. . &. retested ' success fully. J . 7 1/9/75 Feed-CV-6-968 ' Rust; scale on: valve Excessive leakage. Valve flapper..& Shutdown for l water feedwater-seat &, flapper, seat were relapped LPRM fix. - 145 Hrs ou tboa rd -'RO-3-76-13/3L check valve, & retested ~successfully. - _l - 1/9/76 Instru-1" - 276Y.- Poor mating between Excessive l leakage. Valve flapper',was Shutdown for ment-check valve, ' valve - flapper & seat. lapped G retested LPRM fixi 24 Hrs. f nitrogen-drywell R0-3-76-15/3L sa tisfactori t y. supply i outboard " i check valve. i c 9 4 e -w., ..c..e .., _ w.a c -.m'._ a.. 6 ..s.p ,- +. _ _ - _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .m.E.--
- c,.-.
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PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTCR T IME ACTION TMEN TO SAFETY DURINS FOR MTE SYSTEM C CMPONEN T S CAUSt OF MALFtriCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVE*4T RE iRRENCE REPAI; COMP. 1/10/76l Feed-MO-3663 Damay; to sea ting Excersive leakage. Vaive seat & plug Shutdown for water fee <fwa t sr surface caused by were lapped, LPRM fix. 60 Hrs. flush valte. rust scale. reassembled, & ) R0-3-76-9/3L retested success fu 1 T y. 1/10/76 Core SV-52248, Seat damage f rom Excessive leakage. Va l ve sea t wa s Shutdown for 3 e spray fill system foreign material replaced & LFRM fix. 16 Hrs. accumulater during previous valve retested ver.t valve. closure. R0-3-76-17/3L succe ss fu l ly. i I/II/76 Main Hydraulic . Leaks in valve block Empty reservoirs. Defective parts Shutdown fer Steam snubbers fittings, lenz fi tting were replaced in LFRM fix. 100 Hrs. 1-GG-S-23, 'O' ring joints & kind. 1-GG-S-30, valve cylinder thread I-GG-S-32, seat gaskets. SS-D-3, l R0-3-76-5/IP SS-S-2 Ru-3-76-6/IP R0-3-76-7/I P l 1/17/76 S tandby Refueling Unknown Duct collapsed. Section of duct Shutdown for t gas floor replaced wi th LPRM fix. 24 Hrs. treat-exhaust heavier gagd, ment. SBGTS. ma terial. V/20/76 Drywell 'B' HSIV in-Misalignment of bellows Leaks. Belles replaced Shutdown for board bellows in horizontal plane. and lear tested LFRM fix. 570 Hrs. sa ti s fact ori ly. l j
TABLE I-E 4 (d) PEACH OTTOM U"4IT 3 SIGNIFICANT MAINTENANCE Ste.ARY ~ PRECAUTION TAKEN F OR ' R EACT CR T Ire ACTIGN TAP,EN TO SAFETY DtRING FOR MTE SYSTEM C O.1P D*:ENTS C Af35E OF MALF U'4CT ION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTIO*4 PREVE*4T RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. 'I/26/76 Ins t ru-I" - 276Y Paor ma'_ing surface Excessive leakage. Valve flapper & Shutdown for ment check valve, between flapper & seat were tapped LPRM fix. 24 Hrs. nitrogen instrument seat. RO-3-76-20/3L & retested nitrogen sa t i sfa ctori t y., supply to torus. 2/l/76 Main MSIV-3-I-66A Dirt & scale on pivot Valve will not open. Pilot & pistons Shutdown for steam. pins, seats, & flappers cleaned. LPRM fi x. 8 Hrs. precluded posi tive closure. 2/27/76 Contain-Torus to Dirt & scale on pivot LPCI system Vacuum breaker Reactor was 16-Hrs. ment drywell pins, seats & flappers inoperable. hinge pins were shutdown. vacuum precluded posi tive cleaned & breakers. closu re. Tubricated & vacutrw seating surfaces werr. cleaned. 3/1/76 RHR MO-3-10-1549 Attempting to open Motor failure & Operation of this Reactor was , 153 Hrs. valve with a damage to the operator. valve is no long+r shutdown. di frerential pressure required darim a of 1000 lbs. during a hydrostatic test; reactor vesset procedure was pressure bydro. revised. R0-3-76-29/3L
PREC AUT104 T AKEN FOR REACTOR TIME ACTI;:*i TAKEN TO SAFETY GW ING FOR MTE SYSTEM C 01 PONE NT S CAUSE OF MALFtECTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION FREVE'4T RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. 3/2/76 Main Snubber Leaking fi ttings & 'O' Empty reservoi r. Defective parts Reactor was 8 Hrs. steam 3-1-GG-S-35 rings. were replaced in shutdown. 71a relief kind & snubber was valve line. tested I sa ti s factori l y. 3/2/76 Main Snubber Defective 'O' rings. Empty reservoir. Defecti ve par ts Reactor was steam 3-1-GG-S-2/ were replaced in shutdown. 8 Hrs. on 71C relief kind & snubber was valve lire. tested sa ti sfactori t y. 3/2/76 HPCI Snubber 'O' rings & fi ttings. Empty reservoir. Defective parts Reactor was 3-23-DBN were replaced in shutdown. 8 Hrs. 23 on the kind & snubber HPCI steam was tested line. sa ti sfactori t y. 3/3/76 Recircu-MD-3-2-54A Defective torque Valve failed to open. Torque swi tch was Reactor was lation switch. R0-3-76-30/3L replaced & valve shutdown. 16 Hrs. was repacked. 3/22/76 Reci rcu-3B reci rc. CT mal function. Pump tripped. Voltage regulator Reactor was > Hrs. la ti on pump voltage was repaired. shutdowes. i regulator. { I e
4 l PRECAUTION TAKEN g FOR REACTOR TIME ACTIGN TAKEN TO SAFETY DtRIN5 FOR MTE SYSTEM C O iPONENT 5 CA'JSE OF MAL FthCTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR COMP. 5/8/76 Reci rcu-8B' pump Appa ren t vi b ra ti on. Leak in 1" instrtrent Line was repaired. Reactor was 24 Hrs. lation di scha rge line. Repair was dye shutdown. line penetran t tested Primary system R0-3-76-43/I P sa ti s f a c t ori l y. depressu ri zed. Vibration i ns t rumen ta ti on being installed to determine cause. 7/12 /76 tiai n RV-3-I-71F Possible pilot valve High disch. Iine Relief salve Reactor was 24 Hrs. steam Rv-3-2-71K leakage. temtera ture. operators shutdown. replaced. 7/I4/76 Recircu-3A fig set. Excessive clearance on 'A' reci rc. pump could Ball joints were Reactor made 16 Hrs. la ti on 2 ball joints inside not be started in replaced. sub-cri ti ca l. hydraulic coupling. several attempts. 7/15/76 Main MSIV-3-1-808 Undetermined. Slow closure time. Hydraulic fluid Reactor was 6 Hrs. 2 ~ R0-3-76-54/3L needle control put cri tical. steam. valve on valve Power ascension operator adjusted halted. to decrease valve closure time. ~ t
TABLE I-E-4 (g) PEACH 9OTTOM M41T 3 SIGNIFICANT MAINTENANCE Str$RY PRECAUTION TAKEN FOR REACTCR TIPI ACTION TArIN TO SAFETY DLRINS F07 MTE SYSTEM C OMPONE NTS CAUSE OF MALFm4CTION EFFECT OF MALFUNCTION PREVENT RECURRENCE REPAIR CCMP. 7/22/76 Main Snubbers Defec ti ve sea l s & 'O ' Empty reservoirs. Defective parts Reactor was steam I-GG-S-18, rings. 1-GG-5-32 no were replaced & shutdown 1-GG-S-32, & apparent cause. snubbers were previ cu s l y. 43 Hrs. 1 -GG-S-3 5, tested sati sfactor-relief valve ily. di scha rge lines. 7/22/76 Recircu-3B reci rc. Improper installation Loss of attachment of Cotter pins were Reacter was 4 Hrs. lation pump snubber of cottoa pin. snubber to support. Installed properly. shutdown SS-6-8 previ ous ly. 7/22/76 Control Snubber 3-HC-Defective adjustive Empty reservoi r. Seals were Reactor was 12 ' Hrs. rod 5-1 on CRD screw seals. replaced & snubber shutdown dri ve. return line. tested satisfactor-previ ous l y. fly. 9/6/76 Control Rod 06-23 Diaphram failure. ,. To withdraw rod power Diaphram was Reactor power 56 Hrs. rod. scram was reduced to less
- replaced, was reduced.
inlet valve." than 800 megawatts. O .. _ ~ m m_____._
(_____________ i TABLE I-E-5 (a) 'k FEACH BOTTOM UNIT 2 MAINTENANCE
\\ INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS j CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE ? 1/12/76 Core Spray DPIS-2-14-43A Broken mounting screw made core spray to core plate No differential pressure switch inoperable. (LER 2-76-3/3L) 1/15/76 RHR PI-2381 A & B No HPSM pressure indication due to blocked snubbers. No 1/15/76 Containment FT-2-20-354 Dryvell floor drain smp integrator moved No continously due to loss of water leg. 1/20/76 HPSW FT-2330A Calibration shi ft on HPSW pump discharge pressure No transmitter. 1/29/76 Radiation RIS-0760 A Control room radiation montter downscale due to No Monitoring dirty circuit board contacts. 2/02/76 Recombiner PR-4043 Hold up pipe pressure recorder inoperative due to No defective amplifier. 2/05/76 RCIC DPIS-2-13-83 Setpoint shift on RCIC steam line high flow No switch. (TER 2-76-9/3L) 2/05/76 RCIC DPIS-2-13-84 Setpoint shift on RCIC steam line high flow No switch. (LER 2-76-10/3L) ~ 2/06/76 TIP Machine No. 5 Inderer failed to stop at selected channel due to No defective switch.
INSTRUMENTS & CDP.TROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPOP.ENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 2/08/76 TIP Machine No. 4 Machine overtravel. (LER 2-76-6/3L) No 2/09/76 Nuclear NR-2-07-045A "C" SRM indication out of calibration due to No Instrumentation defective capacitor. 2/17/76 Radiation RIS-4131 Drywell 12 renitor inoperable due to defective No Monitoring voltage regulator. 2/23/76 Reactor LR-2-08-096 No response on reactor level recorder due to No Instrumentation bad amplifier. 2/26/76 CRD DPIS-4473 Suction filter alarm out of calibration. No 3/03/76 CRD PS-2-3-201B Setpoint shift caused drive water pump trips. No f 3/09/76 Condensate LS-2167 Condensate storage tank low level alarm No inoperative due to ground. 3/23/76 Containment FT-2-20-354 Drywell floor drain sump integrator moved No continously due to loss of water leg. 3/24/76 Radwaste FR-0-20-441 Radwaste discharge flow recorder had faIIed No amplifier. 3/26/76 NMS LPRM-56-25B Defective LFRM card caused Hi flux lamp to light No 4 with LFRM bypassed.
TABLE I-E-5 (c) 'EACH BOTTOM UNIT 2 MINTENANCE SttEARY INSTRUMENTS & CONTR01.5 CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? 3/29/76 Containment FT-2-20-354 Drr ell floor drain sunp integrator moved No continously due to loss of water leg. f I t 3/31/76 RPIS CR-34-43 No. 9,19, 29, or 39 indication due to de fective No reed switch. L 4/08/76 Radiation RIS-0760A Defective IC chip caused control room radiation No Monitoring monitor to read downscale. l 4/09/76 Relief Valves PS-2-2-71L Bellows leak detector switch failed to trip during No i test. (LER 2-76-27/3L) i 4/09/76 Relief Valves PS-2-2-71J Bellows leak detector switch failed to reset after No test trip. 4/09/76 Of f Gas FR-0470 Main stack flow recorder pen hard upscale due to No loose circuit board. 4/12/76 O f f Gas RR-0-17-051 Calibration shift on channel "A" main stack gas No radiation monitor. L I 4/26/76 RPS LIS-2-2-3-101B Contacts bounced when trip-signal was applied No to switch during test. (LER 2-76-37/3L) i l l N
INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS l CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMP 0t.E NT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE ? 1 5/02/76 RPS PS-2-5-11A Setpoint shift on condenser vacuum switch. No (LER 2-76-38/3L) 5/10/76 Off Gas H E-4084 Recombiner HiHi Hydrogen alarm up due to broken No 2 terminal board. 5/11/76 Diesel DPS-0593A Strainer AP switch inoperable due to defective No diaphram. 5/28/76 Radwaste RR-0-17-337 Radwaste radiation discharge recorder out of No calibration due to bad amplifier. (LER 2-76-42/3L) 6/06/76 !aG LPRM-24-33C Shorted transformer on Ion chamber power supply. No 6/07/76 RPS PS-2-2-3-55D Setpoint drift la conservative direction caused by No i defective diode. 6/07/76 CRD: DPIS-2-03-202 Setpoint shift caused false CRD filter failure No alams. 6/13/76 CRD CR-58-31 Accumulatt,r alarm light would not operate due to No dirty relay contracts. 6/19/76 Radiation RIS-2-17-4580 Loss of reactor building / refuel floor monitors due No Monitoring RIS-2-17-4520 to defective power supply. iLER 2-76-49/3L)
INS!RUMENTS & CONTRDLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM _ COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 6/20/76 Of f Gas FR-0470 Loss of off gas flow indication due to lightning No strike. (LER 2-76-45/3L) 6/21/76 Feedwater CV-2558 Bypass control valve positioner coil open. No 6/23/76 TIP Machine No. 4 Shear valve alarm up due to loose plug. No 6/23/76 Of f Gas FT-4042 Off gas flow to hold up pipe indication inaccurate No due to plugged sensing lines and calibration shift. 6/23/76 HPCI PT-2-23-100 Calibration shift on HPCI pump suction transmitter. No 6/23/76 Of f Ga s FT-4042 No off gas flou to hold up pipe indication due to No blocked sensing line and calibration shift. 6/27/76 PCIS Indicator Lamp TIP isolation indicator inoperable due to blown fuse. No 6/28/76 PCIS DPIS-2-2-116A Setpoint shift on high main steam flow sensing No switch. (LER 2-76-50/3L) 7/01/76 Recombiner H 4047 Hydrogen analyzer inoperative due to defective No 2 bridge element. 7/02/76 NMS IRME Failed downscale due to loose connector pin. No
INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS f CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTICN OUTAGE 7 j t .'7/02/76 PCIS MSIV 2-2-86C 907. open limit. switch failed to reset. No l s t 7/06/76. NMS NR-2-07-046A "C" APRM recorder calibration shitt. No } t i- [ 7/07/76 Main Steam FT-2-6-$1A Calibration shift on maln stean line flow No-transmitter. l I 7/08/76 . Radiation RIS-2-17-351 Service water effluent radiation monitor No l 3 Monitoring calibration shift. t 7/08/76 RMC-CR 58-43 No position input to cotrputer due to dirty No j connectors. l 7/10/76 TIP. Machine No. 1 Ball valve failed to close automatically when TIP No f was withdrawn. - (LER 2-76-52/3L) I. f .7/12/76 TI P -. Machine No. 2 Ball valve indicator. lights inoperative due to No blown fuse. -l 7/16/76
- TIP, Machine No. 4 Shear. valve alarm up due to shorted pins on valve No assembly.
I 4 i [. i 7/17/76 Off Gas Purge' Circuit Stack purge circuit lnoperative due to bad ' relay. No coil. I l f l -l L /19/76-11PCI Speed. Controller-Speed controller inoperative 'due to defective No 7 { integrated circuit and diodes. '(LER 2-76-54/3L) l 1 t i
i l I 4 h J. 1 TABLE I-E-5 (g) i PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 2 MAINTENANCE SLMMARY INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS I CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMP 0NEffr MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 \\ 7/19/76 CAD LIS 65":0 A & B Calibration shift caused false N2 storage tank No j low. level alarm. 3 i... l 7/20/76 RPIS CR 42-19 No position 45 indication caused by bad pin No l connection. ) 7/23/76 Radiation RR 3-17-455 Calibration shift on reactor zone ventilation No { Monitoring l exhaust radiation recorder caused by; defective resistors. ) 7/25/76 NMS NR 2-07-046C . Calibration shift on APRM E indication due to No bad capacitor. ( i 2. 1 7/26/76 NMS. LPRM 56-25.- Defective LPRM card prevented' high alarm from No { clearing. i 4 1 7/27/76 Radiation RIS-6111 Recombiner radiation. ventilation monitor erratic No i due to defective' diodes. -- { 7/30/76' CAD 2DS215-Precipitate on a node. prevented analyzer No I calibration. 't l 4 j ~8/01/76, Radiation RIS-2-17-351-Service water radiation' monitor l downscale 'due to. No Monitoring blown' fuse. . 8/02/76: -. Standby Liquid LI-2-11-46' . Calibration shift caused by ~ defective ' amplifier. No 5 j. Control. I ~ = _... =. ,,. = n.
INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE ? 8/03/76 Radiation RIS-0160A Defective integrated circuit made control room No Monitoring ventilation monitor inoperative. (LER 2-76-56-3L) 8/12/76 PCIS MSIV-2-2-86C MSIV 907, open switch failed to reset due to shorted No 1ead and blown fuse. 8/12/76 SBLC TS-2-11-30 calibration shiEt caused false high temperature No a la rm. 8/15/76 RPIS CR 42-19 No 06 position indication caused by bad pin No connections. 8/23/76 Radiation 63 ISO-2A Relay Defective relay made drywell 02 sample system pumps No Monitoring inoperative. (LER 2-76-61/3L) 8/23/76 RPIS CR 34-43 No 06 position due to broken wire. No 8/25/76 CAD 2A/D^) 215 Bad analyzer cells caused erratic readings. No 8/28/76 NMS "A" APRM Setpoint drift. (T.En 2-76-65/3L) No 8/30/76 Feedwater TE-2-2-140 A-D Feedwater temperature input to computer inoperative No due to blown fuse. 9/08/76 CAD 2A,B,C 215 Dry analyzer cell saturators caused low readings. No i
TABLE I-E-5 (O ~ PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 2 MAINTENANCE SLMMARY i' INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS t CAUSED COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 DATE SYSTEM 9/08/76 RHR LIS-2-2-3-73A Cracked bellows made containment spray permissive No switch inoperative. (LER 2-76-67/3L) 9/08/76 Of f Gas H E 4084 Analyzer readings erratic due to loose amplifier No 2 connection. 9/11/76 RMC Control Rod Slipping clutch caused abnormally long insert No Movement Timer signal. 9/14/76 Recombiner PIC-4035B Compressor recycle valve controller not No operating due to blocked sensing line. I 9/14/76 HPSW FI-2-10-132A Calibration shift on HPSM flow indicator. No ) 9/14/76 HPSW PT-2330A HPSW pump discharge pressure transmitter out of No calibration. 9/1V76 0ff Gas 11
- ""** """ 7**#
2 9/17/76 Recire. FT-2-2-1100 Rectre, drive flow indication spiking due to loose No ground connection. 9/20/76 O f f Ga s FR-0470 Recorder pen inoperative due to defective MV/1 No and summing units. 9/24/76 NMS NR-2-07-046B APPM "D" recorder pen inoperative due to No broken string. 1 I
1 TABLE I-E-5 (j) PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 2 MAINTENANCE StNMARY INSTRUMENTS & C0flTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE ? 9/27/76 Reactor. TR-2-02-3-89 Vessel skin temperature recorder inoperative due No Instrumentation to defective print drive motor. 9/27/76 NMS NR-2-07-046C IRM/RBM Recorder inoperative due to loose plug. No 9/29/76 Recirc. DPI-2-3-78 H & P Calibration shift on jet pumpd p indicators. No 10/05/76 ADS LIS-2-2-3-83A Calibration shift on ADS permissive switch. No 10/13/76' NMS RBM A Dirty contacts on averaging card caused RBM A No inoperable alarm malfunction. 10/19/76 RPIS CR 54-23 No red back light or RSCS input due to shorts and No an open circuit. 10/19/76 RPIS CR 30-15 No RSC " full out" input due to loose RPIS card. No 10/19/76 RPIS CP. 02-35 No 48 display due to bad connection. No 10/19/76 Computer Power Supply Defective logic power supply made B computer No inoperative. 10/25/76 CAD 2BS215 Analyzer meter inoperative due to loose connection. No 11/01/76 Radiation FS-0760 A & B Wiring error at switch defeated isolation signal No Monitoring caused by low sample flow.
TABLE I-E-5 (k) ?EACH BOTTOM UNIT 2 MAINTENANCE SLEMARY INSTRUME NTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPCNENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? 11/01/76 NMS LPRM 32-57D LPRM read hard upscale due to moisture in signal No cable. 11/03/76 Of f Ga s FT-6534A Standby gas flow indication out of service due to No I defective MV/I unit. 11/04/76 NMS NR 2-07-046A IRM/APRM recorder pen inoperative due to open No resistor. 11/15/76 Recire. Controller Brake Electric brake failed on 2B recire. pump speed No controller. 11/15/76-PCIS PS-2-2-134 A & B Calibration shift on Main steam line low pressure no isolation switches. 11/20/76 NMS SRM C
- SRV read full upscale due to defective pulse No ampli fier.
11/28/76 TIP Machine No. 3 Computer would not accept TIP data due to defective No veeder root counter. 1 11/29/76 Recire. Relay Scoop tube lock up on 2A recire. pump inoperative No due to defective relay. 12/03/76 HPSW P7-2330A HPSW pump discharge pr, essure transmitter out of No calibration. I i
INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONEtiT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? 12/06/76 atC Rod Select Switch Dirty contact on rod select pushbutton prevented No rod selection. 12/07/76 TIF Machine No. 2 TIF probe stopped incore due to spurious operation No of shield limit switch. 12/17/76 HPCI DFIS-2-23-76 Calibration shift on HFCI steam line high flow No
- switch, i
i i 5 e i l 3 4 a
= I f TABLE I-E-6 (a) 4 PEACH o0TTOM UNIT 3 MAINTENANCE SUM?ARY f INSTRUPENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED 4 DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? 1/04/76 Reci rc. PS-3-2-3 '02B Setpoint shi f t on ATWOS recirc pump trip swi tch. No (LER 3-76-2/3L) i e5/76 Containment FT-3-20-354 Drywell floor drain sump integrator moved con-No i tinuously due to loss of water leg. l 4 1/06//6 RPS/PCIS RIS 3-17-251A Setpoint shift on main steam line radiation monitor. No I (LER 3-76-3/3L) 1/06/76 Feedwater FF-2-6-1228 "B" RFPT lock-out control inoperative due to function No generator calibration shif t. a 1/06/76' RPIS CR 54-19 No posi tion 00 indication due to broken wire. No 1 I/06/76-Con tainmen t FT-3-20-36'4 Drywell. equipment sump integrator moves con ' Ho. I tinuously,due to'1oss of water leg. 1/09/76 RMC Track Swi tch. Failure of refuel bridge. rod block interlock due to - No swi tch misalignment. l (LER 3-76-8/3L) ).- 1/17/76 RMC CR 18-59, 34-51, Failure.of one rod withdrawal refuel interlock due No '42-51, 50-51, to defective integrated ci rcui ts, a. ground, and a 26-59, 34-59, wi ring error. (LER ' 3-76-19/3L) 42-59, 02-27, 10-47 1/21/76' .RPIS CR:30-55 No posi tion 41 indication due to defective swi tch. 'No I 4 i } t 1 .-.m. __ ~
INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 1/22/76 RPIS CR 30-03 No 6 indication in uni ts column caused by bad pin No connection. 1/22/76 RPIS CR 30-15 No 3 indication in units column caused by bad No connector plug. ( 1/22/76 Radia ti on RR-3-17-456 Refuel floor ventila tion radiation recorder No Moni toring inoperative due to blown fuse. 1/23/76 Radi a ti on RIS-39798 Roof ventilation radiation Hi Hi alarm up due to No Monitoring dirty integrated ci rcui t contacts. 1/23/76 RPIS CR 42-15 No posi tion 04, 14, 24, or 34 indication due to No Broken wire. 1/23/76 RPIS CR 58-57 No 9 indication in units column due to bad pin No connecti on. 1 1/27/76 RHR FT-3-10-1118 Calibration shi f t on containment spray flow No transmi tter. 1/27/76 Radiation Drywell 12 Radiation D rywel l 12 radiation monitor display inoperative due No Moni toring Monitor to loose integrated circui t. 2/1/76 Main Steam MSIV 80A Defective 90% posi tion limi t swi tch. No r 2/2/76 Ra di a ti on Drywell 12 Radiation Drywell 12 radiation alarm would not reset due to No Monitoring Monitor i defective integrated circuit chip.
INSTRUMt4TS & CONTROLS DATE SYSTEM-COMPONENT CAUSED i MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? 2/04/76 TIP Machine No. I Slow probe movement caused by clutch slippage. No 2/09/76 Recire. Sq.RT. 3-2-2-74J Recirc jet pump flow loop inoperative due to bad No power supply diode s 2/10/76 TIP Machine No. 2 Ball valve failed to auto close due to lubricant No buiIdup. (LER 3-76-22/3L) 2/17/76 Feedwater SP3H-3-6-102 A,B,C Calibration shif t on feedwater high signal limiters. No 2/20/76 RMC CRD 38-07 Dirty switch prevented rod select from latching in. No 2/25/76 TIP Machine No. 2 Machine cha,nged speeds at wrong times due to bad diodes. No l 3/03/76 Recirc 38 MG Set Dirty pot caused eiciter voltage oscillation. No i 3/10/76 RPIS CR 18-11 No position 03 indicat^on due to bad pin connection. No 3/16/76 RMC Control Rod Timer Timer malfunction alarm up due to erratic timing No caused by worn clutch. \\,~ 3/17/76 RHR LPCI Recire Valve Defective relay contact assembly prevented alarm Voltage Lost Alarm from annunciating during test. No 3/22/76 Relief Valves. TE 113 A,G,H, & K Relief valve thermo couples open. ~ No 4
TABLE I-E-6 (d) ~ PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 3 MAINTENANCE StMMARY INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE-SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? '4/20/76 Feedwater MGU Motor RFPT failure alarm caused by bad MGU motor. No 6/23/76 NMS LPRM 32-57C Defective high gain pot. No 4/23/76 TIP Machine No. 1 Erractic flux. indication caused by shorted cable. No 4/24/76 PCIS: TS-5931A Lost steam tunnel temperature indication due to No shorted wire. 4/27/76 Off Gas Recombiner Iov Alarm would not clear due to blown fuse. No Steam Flow Alann 4/28/76 Reactor PI-3-06-90C Calibration shift caused reactor pressure indicator No Instrumentation to read high. 5/05/76 HPCI LS 3-23-98 Failed to drain HPCI turbine exhaust 'line due to No defective switch. :(LER 3-76-38/3L) 5/06/76 ADS B Logic Timer' Setpoint shift on ADS logic timer. -{LER 3-76-39/3L) No 5/06/76 SBLC TS 3-11-59 s Calibration shift caused Hi temperature alarm. No 5/06/76 Relief Valves RV 71 I, Failed to swap to alternate feed during test due No to defective relay contact arm. ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - ' - - - ~ ~~~ '~ ~-
Table I-E.6 (e) ~ PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 3 MAINTENANCE StMMARY INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 5/07/76 RPS "E" APRM Defective diode prevented rod. block during test. No (LER 3-76-41/3L) 5/08/76 Recire. 3B MG Set Tripped due to broken wire on C.T. Yes 5/11/76. CRD CR 14 Scrammed on "A" half scram due to blown scram No solenoid fuse. 5/12/76 FCIS TE-TS 5932C Main ~ steam line'H1 temperature isolation switch' No failed to trip during test due to dirty printed circuit board' contacts. (LER 3-76-46/3L) 5/13/76 Recire. High Vibration ' "B" recirc. high vibration alarm up due to No Alarm defective switch.. 6/02/76 Reactor LR-3-6-96 Reactor level recorder unresponsive due to No Instrum atation defective slide wire contacts. '6/02/76 RCIC TS-5936, 37, 38 'RCIC channel "D" steam leak detection inoperat*ve-No 39.D due to loose printed-circuit board.(LER 3-76-48/3L) 6/06/76 Radiation RIS-3-17-458D Erratic indication on refuel _ floor exhaust No Monitoring.. ventilation radiation monitor. j 6/07/76 RPS PS 2-2-3-55B Failed to trip during_ test due to defective diode. No = _ _ - - - =
INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTICN OUTAGE 7 i i 6/12/76 RPS "F" APRM Failed to obtain rod block due to defectim relay. No (LER 3-76-50/3L) 6/16/76 Containment FR-3508 Drywell pressure recorder unresponsive due to No bad amplifier. 6/20/76 Off Cas FT-5042 Loss of off gas flow indication due to lightning No strike. 6/2'i/76 Radiation Drywell I Radiation Drywell 12 radiation monitor inoperative due to No 2 Monitoring Monitor bad integrated circuit. 7/05/76 RCIC Speed Control Failed resistor prohibited RCIC turbine speed No control. (LER 3-76-52/3L) 7/06/76 Containment PR-3508 Drywell pressure recorder narrow range pen No movement erratic due to defective balance motor. j 7/07/76 Containment FT-3-20-354 Drywell floor drain sump integrator moves No continuously due to loss of water leg. 7/21/76 Resctor TR-3-02-3-89 Reactor vessel skin temperature recorder No Inntrumentation inoperative due to defective print drive mechanism. l 7/21/76 Relief Valve TE 3-2-113G Open relief valve thermocouple. No l
TABLE I-E-6 (gl PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 3 MAINTENANCE StMtARY INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE? 7/23/76 Radiation RR 3-17-453 Bad capacitors caused calibration shift on reactor No Monitoring area ventilation exhaust radiation recorder. 8/03/76 Radiation RIS-0160A Defective integrated circuit made control room No Monitoring ventilation radiation monitor inoperative. 8/13/76 SBLC TS-3-11-59B Standby liquid temperature alarm up due to No calibration shift on TS-3-1159B. 8/16/76 TIP Machine No. 2 Defective diode made core limit indication No inoperative. 8/16/75 Radiation Drywell Particulate No read-out on monitor caused by defective diode. No Monitoring Radiation Monitor 8/18/76 TIP Machine No. 3 Defective diode made core limit indication No inoperative. 8/18/76 RCIC TS-5936-39D No RCIC channel "D" steam leak detection temperature No indication due to dirty indicator switch contacts. 9/01/76 Reactor PR-3-6-96 Calibration shift on reactor pressure recorder. No Instrumentation 9/02/76 HPSW LI-3604B Bay level indicator read downscale due to blown No fuse. l L_
TABLE I-E-6 (b) PEACH BOTTOM UNIT 3 MAINTENANCE StftMARY INSTRUMENTS & CONTROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPONEr(T MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 9/13/76 Reactor TR-3-02-3-89 Vessel skin temperature recorder inoperative due No Instrumentation to stripped gear, bent shaft, and worn bearing. 9/16/76 SBLC LT-3-11-45 High level alarm up due to calibration shift. No 9/19/76 13tS "D" SRM Read downscale due to bad connections in preamp. No 9/19/76 NMS "B" SRM Read downscale due to dirty connection in preamp. No -9/29/76 RPS PS-3-5-11A Setpoint shift on cotdenser low vacuum switch. No (LER 3-76-67/3L) 10/05/76 NMS APRM B Calibration shift on rod block setpoint. No 10/08/76 Recire. Pump Speed Control Manual speed control of B recire. pump erratic due No to dirty control pot. 10/09/76 faiS NR-3-07-046B IRM/APRM recorder indication erratic due to No slipping clutch. 10/13/76 SBIE Pilot Lamp Standby liquii control loss of continuity alarm up No due to defective pilot lamp. 10/21/76 TIP Machine No. 1 Loss of signcl from TIP detector due to shorted 'No cable. l
INSTRUME NTS & C0t.TROLS CAUSED DATE SYSTEM COMPUNENT MALFUNCTION OUTAGE 7 10/11/76 tmS Channel A APRMs An offset in a flow bias proportional amplifier No caused a calibration shift on channel A APRMs. 10/14/76 PCIS DPIS 3-2-118D Setpoint shift on main steam IIne high flow switch No 10/22/76 RCIC FS-13-57 RCIC minimum flow bypass valve failed to open No following reset of an isolation signal due to defective flow seitch. 10/22/76 TI P Machine No. 5 Failed relay caused constant TIP isolation signal. No 10/28/76 Core Spray LS-5224 B core spray stay full system alarm did not operate No during test due to faulty alarm connection. 11/01/76 NMS RBM B Ground applied to RBM*B' power supply during testing No damaged several REM components. i 12/03/76 TIP Machine No. 3 Detector exceeded upper travel limit due to dirty No selectro switch contacts, r 12/17/76 HPCI DPIS 3-23-76 & 77 Setpoint shift on HPCI steam line high flow switchee No
PBAPS II. MODIFICATTONS Modification 76-005 Motor operated circuit change (Units 2 and 3) This change affects safety related valves previously equipped with 300% thermal overload devices. It involves replacing 300% overload with 100% overload and adding circuity and a relay so that the 100% overload will trip the valve motor if the valve motor operation is initiated normally from the control room. The relay will bypass the overload trip, if the valve motor is energized automatically, or-if the spring-return-to-normal hand switch is manually held in the open or close position. The 100%, overload element will last longer than the motor in an actual overload condition and, therefore, its failure is not a safety problem. The change is intended to reduce the large number of motor f ailures, has been designed by Philadelphia Electric company Engineering Department, and does not involve an unreviewed safety question. Modification 76-004 steam Line Bellows Repair (Unit 3) This modification consists of installing a new bellows around the outer bellows and was required because the inner bellows failed, thus precluding bellows testing in the normal manner. The modification will return the bellows to norma 1 ' service, the design the origianl manufacturer Tube Turns, Philadelphia Electric company Engineering Department had approved the modification, and it' was determined than an unreviewed safety question is not involved-even though the physical j arrangement is slightly changed. l Modification 76-14 Removal of the Recire. 4" Bypass i Li_n_es, (Unit 2) This change involves removal of highly stressed stainless steel pipe to preclude cracking in that pipe. l It is not an unreviewed safety question, and poses no l operating problems for starting-the recirculation pump. i , L ~
PBAPS Modification 71-15 Venting of the RWCU Backwash Tank to the Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) (Unit 2) This change adds piping to-permit direct venting of the -tank to the SGTS so as to preclude radiation relases from the vent stacks. It is not an unreviewed safety question. Modification 76-010 RWCU Return Path to Vessel (common Plant) This modification adds a valve in radwaste on a line discharging to the waste collector tank. Closing this valve combined with other appropriate valving will permit RWCU_ ef fluent return to the vessel vi the RHR system when the normal return path through the feedwater lines is unavailable due to valve testing and maintenance. An unreviewed safety question was not involved. Modification 75-019 TIP prive Interlock Addition (Units 2 and 3) This change involves the addition of a solid state circuit to the TIP system to back up the limit switch > which stops TIP withdraw. On several previous occasions, the limit switch.has f ailed' to stop TIP withdrawal. - This can. result in retracting the TIP chamber back into' the cable reel housing, resulting in a very-high radiation and, possibly, contamination condition.1 The new circuit results in preventing TIP overrun during withdrawal by preventing withdrawal if TIPS exceed a given withdraw position. To provide a method of obtaining withdraw in the event of -the failure of the new circuit, a DPDT pushbutton is used as a resett one half to reset the logic, the other to interrupt the output. Thus, even if the logic fails so as to prevent withdrawal, the operator may withdraw the - TIP manually while holding in the reset pushbutton. An unreviewed safety question was not involved. : 1
PBAPS Modification 76-31 Radwaste Piping Change - (Common Plant) This change involves the addition of a 2 inch pipe and valves between the waste dmineralizer and the waste sludge tank. This line permits processing waste demineralizer resin to the centrifuge via the waste ciudge tank and the condensate _ phase separators through large pipes instead of directly. to ths-centrifuge - through a one inch line. This change should reduce time - and water consumptien, and preclude the_ line plugging. An unreviewed safety question-was not involved. Modification 76-19 Torus Support' Addition (Unit 2) The addition of supports to the torus was necessary to upgrade the torus to account for pool swell effects, was engineered by the original designers, was-reviewed by Bechtel and Philadelphia Electric Company Engineering Department, was a committment to the NRC as a result of the Mark I containment studies, and was not an unreviewed safety question.- Modification 76-22 RSCS Group Notch (Unit 2) The RSCS was changed to incorporate '" group notch" instead of a " Group c" between 50%_ rod density and 30% power. This change will permit 1startup in either the ' A' or ' B' sequence yet prevent peak enthalples from-exceeding 280 cal /gm *'aring-the rod drop accident. .The: change was previously approved by the NRC. Modification 76-26 RPV Stabilizers (Unit 2) Changes to be made during the repair of the bent reactor pressure vessel stabilizers: 1) increase-clearance gap for 0.010 to 0.053 2) minimum clearance of 2" over nuts-at ends 3) retension in accordance with GE 730E853 4) repair removed stablizer per M4.34 l This was recommended-by-General LElectric Company, l approved by Philadelphia Electric Company Engineering - De partment, and was not an unreviewed safety question. l l __
i PBAPS 1 Modification 76-33 RWCU Ch'eck Valve Installation (Unit 2)- This change involves the installation of a -new.-check valve in the RWCU return line between valves 62 and 68. This valve was-installed because of: the inability _ to _ i repair the. 62 check valve which had' excessive through leakage. The 62 valve has had the; internals removed and the new valve - essentially replaces it. LThe valve meets the piping design, the installation was in accordance; with the design,-and it was determined that:an-uitreviewed safety question was not involved.- Modification 76-35 Radwaste Freeze Protection (Common 1 Plant) This change. involves the addition of a:one-inch crosstie-with orifice, chec 3. valves, ' and block valve-from the service water the radwaste discharge.line to provide continuous-flow and thus prevent ~line freezeup during winter. The change was not an unreviewed safety question and had beenL approvedL by the-Engineering and Research Department. '6 Modification 76-053 LPCI & Core Sprav Logic (Units 2 and 3) Wiring and calibration changes were made to the LPCI and Core Spray initiationilogic to' permit different pressure switch setpoints to be used to open the injection valves j and to close the recirculation pumps valves. The change to the Technical Specifications _had previously been approved by the NRC, as Amendment Nos. 28'and'27 respectively. i l-Modification 76-48 Analog Switch 1 Installation (Units 2 and 3) This change involves the replacement of-various switch-type primary instruments with analog transmitter-electronics switch-type devices. This had been. designed by the Engineering and Research1 Department, and was similar to a change on the Reactor Pressure. Switches, and involves a Technical Specification change approved by,the NRC as Amendment Nos. 30 and 29 respectively. 1
PBAPS-Modification 76-58 RWCU Piping Modifications (Unit 2) A line is installed bypassing the pumps and-the regenerative heat exchanger on the reactor water outlet side and a valve is to be installed in-the return line to the regenerative heat exchanger. The purpose is to permit total isolation of the regenerative heat exchanger and thus stop leakage of radioactive reactor water. -The change had been designed by the Engineering Department, and is not an unreviewed safety - question, because the system-is still isolatable from the reactor. Modification 76-65 Target Rock Relief' Valve Pilot FiJters (Unit 2) The reinstallation of these filters should reduce the potential for pilot valve leakage which, when large enough, causes valve operator'and reactor blowdown. General Electric Company had originally recommended-removal of these filters to obtain the-required valve response. Subsequent. modifications to valve vent and drain grooves and additional testing has resulted in acceptable valve performance even with a partially plugged filter. General Electric Company has informed us that the vent and drain modification were made on our valves. This modification should reduce blowdown-accident probability, did not change Technical-Specifications, and was not an_unreviewed safety i question because valve response would not be affected. Modification 76-68 Rod Worth Minimizer - (Unit 2) i This change involves a modification to the-Rod-Worth Minimizer which -deletes the rod select block. The new program for the RWM which-is compatable with the. Rod Notch change to the RSCS contains no select block. The RWM still -implements rod withdraw and insert blocks. (which were also initiated whenever a select Block was initiated) could-be replaced'by a second-operator if necessary,- and will still acceptably limit;the. rod drop accionnt consequences. Because the RWM can implement no sele blocks, it cannot clear-then either, and the seier block relays were eletrically disarmed to prevent inadvertent latchup action.,
PBAPS III PERSONNEI EXPOSURES & RADIOACTIVE RELEASES 4 A, Personnel Exposure By, Job Function A tabulation of station, utility, and other personnel receiving exposures greater than 100 mrem / year, and their associated man rem exposure according to work and job function is presented for Units 2 and 3 in Table III-A. B. Wholebody Exposures Annual wholebody exposures for the year are presented in Table III-B, in accordance with 10CFR20.407(b). C. Single In-plant Personnel Exposure Due to an Outage Which Resulted in 10% of the Annual Limit A review of the radiation work permit (RWP) logs for the Peach Bottom Units 2 6 3 was made to determine which RWP's had a potential of producing an exposure of 400-500 mrem in a single entry. This determination was based on site HP personnel's evaluation of the radiation conditions and work performed under each RWP. These RWP's were then reviewed to determine if any individuals received a whole body exposure of greater than 10% of annual limitt (12 Rem exposure with NRC Form 4, or 5 Rem exposure without NRC form 4 being used as the annual limits). No single exposures were found in access of 10% of these annual limits for the year 1976. D. Single Gaseous Releases, Due to an Outage which Resulted in 10% of the Annual Limit A review of the gaseous, particulate and iodine (with half-lives of 8 days) and liquid radioactive releases for the year 1976 has determined that no single release was made that was greater than or equal to 10% of the annual limit. l l
.~. ] PBAPS 1 1 E. Licuid Radioactive Release Data See Table III-C. F. Isotopic Analysis _ o_f, Liquid -Radioactive Releases See Table D. G. Isotopic Analysis g Gaseous' Radioactive Effluents See Table III-E. H. Gaseious Radioactive Release Data See Table III-F. I. Solid Radioactive Waste Shipments-See-Table III-G. i 1 e , 3 v-v x-r w- ,n-,- g +-- w. e = + e + ne - v-m---
- 1.14
-30.11 23 68? Operating Personnel 37. 18 . 12. 17.18-4 39-1.75 ' Health Physics.Per. =8-0- 2 75 .00 47 00 Supervisory Personnel 1 .- 0 2 . 13 :
- .00
..24i Engineering Personnel..17 18 12 12.01 - 4.61L 4.20-Melntenance Personnel -466 .290 Routine Maintenance -.75 238.03i '172.54 l 10perating Personnel - 4 5 .88 L.591 1.22T Health Physics Par. 0 0 5 .00. .00 .73 ~ Supervi sory Personnel O' O O '400' .00 '.00 ' Engineering Personne) -2 5 11' .23' 2.05 3 18_' Inne rvi ce ' In s pec ti on ~htntenance Personnel 0. 22 1 31'
- .00
- 5 97 ~ 24.88: '.0perating Personnel 0 l 2- =.00- . 16 !.76o c Heat th Physics Per. 0 0
- 2
.00 ' .00' -. 32 : Supervi sory Personnel 0 0 11 r =.00- ' 00' .13 Engineering Personnel -- O 0
- 1
.00 .00 .22; J Special Maintenance Maintenance Personnel 0 0 .76 -.00- .00 54.09 o ' Operating Personnel 0 0 0 .00 .00 -.00 l Heal th Physics Per. 0 0 t .00 1 .00 . 31. Supervi sory Personne1 0 0 0 ~~.00 - .00 . 00 - Engineering Personnel 0 0 13 ' 00 - .00 -6.67-Waste Proces sing Maintenance Personnel 1 10 7. .14 - 1 75 .l.25 Operating Personnel 7
- 0 1
7 54 . 00 .10 Health Physic s Per. 0
- 0 6
.00 . 00
- 1 34.
Supervi sory - Personne l 0 0-0 .00 _.00- .00 = Engineering Personnel 0 0 0 .00 '. 0 0 -.00 - l l= Refuelino l Maintenance Personnel 0 20 '32 -.00 .5 95 12.42 Operating Personnel 5 0 1 .65 _.00 .18 Heal th: Physics Per. 0-0 7 .00 .00 ~ 3 62 Supervi sory Personnel 0 0 0 .00 .00 .00 i Intal (See Notes 1 & 2) Maintenance Personnel 4 538 439 2.30- :307.17_ 301.68 Operatino Personnel 43 21 22-29 36.: 6.41- . 4 38 Heal th Physic s Per. 8 '0-' 91. - 2.94 ; ' 00. 57 35 Supervi sor y Personnel 2' O 6 31 .00
- .73 Engineering Personnel 17-22 35
-12 78 7.52! 20.75 GRAND TOTAL 74 581 593 47.69 321.10 384.81 Hotest 1, The totals for " Numbers of Personnel)l00 MREM" represent the total number of -individuals accounted for in the work & job function categories of the report - -(where an individual my be accounted for.- more than once) plus individuals with total exposures >l00 MREM who are not' accounted for in the work & Job function categories of the report because'they did not accumulate >100 MREM in any one work - function. 4 l 2. The total s for " Total Man Rem" represent the-total dose for all individuals reported - not only those doses >100 MREM in a specific work - f unction. Tw1r w m -v r- ,y yp1 -g.emy.w y -w-yy p y. yg y 4wrc,,vg m.g.7 g y 9y-.AyyyA p=,ww=g 9- .q. g gw44
i TABLE III-B~ RECORDED ANNUAL WHOLEBODY EXPOSURE FOR CALENDAR-YEAR - 1976 PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION UNITS 2 G 3 LICENSE NOS.: OPR-44 & DPR-56 ANNUAL DOSE RANGES NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS (REM) IN EACH RANGE NO HE ASURABLE EXPOSURE 1349-MEASURABLE EXPOSURE LESS THAN.100 855 .100 .250 356 .230 500 341 .500 .750 215 750 1.0 173 1.0 2.0 173 2.0 30 19 4.0 4 30 4.0 50 0 6.0 0 50 6.0 7.0 0 8.0 0 7.0 8.0 90 0 90 10.0 0 10.0 11.0 0 11.0 12.0 0 12.0 + 0 TOTAL NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS REPORTED 3485 l
.i .[ ^ TABLE III-C .I 1 PEACH BOTTOP1 UNITS 2 6 3 - LIQUID RADIDACTIVE RELEASE DATA 1976 f f JULY 'AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ' TOTA L' Gross Activity (S)). Total Curies Except Tritium 2E 01 9E- 03 3.85E- 03 1.49E- 02 ' 5.93E- 02
- 4. 3E- 02 3.30E- 01 Average uCi/ml Gross Activity (except Tritium) at Point of Release 6.87E- 09 3.1E-10 1.54E-10 9.887E-10
- 2. 56E- 09 2.90E- 09 2.30E-og Total Curies of Tritium 4.95 8.46.
9.64 7.68 ^16.1 3.29 5.01E'01 Average pCi/ml Tritium'at Point of Release 1.7E 2.9E-07 . 3E- 07 -2.64E-07 5.5E-07 2.19 E- 07 3.04E-07 4 Total Curies, Alpha (1) '1.36E-06 2.67E-Od 5.15E-06 '7.16E 1.24E-06 < 1. 83 E- 08 1.06E-05 4 2 Average pCi/mi Alpha at Point -i 4 of Release (1) 4.68E-14 9.18E-15 'I.77E-14 2.46E 4.26E-14 1.22E-15 - 6. 06E-14 '- i Total Curies of Dissolved Noble 1 Gases
- 5. 69E-01 6.73E-02~
'4. 84 E-01 1.93E-04 2.97E-04' 3.6E-02 1.45E+00 Average pCi/ml of Noble Gases 4 + f at Point of Release l'.96E 08 -2.32E-09 1.66E-08 6.6E-12 1.02E-08 2.4E 8.52E-09 ataximum pCi/ml Released except (43-Tritium - at. Point of Release 1.'38E 07." 3.34 E 1.63E-09' 1.99E-08 -1.4E 6.55E-08 ' 1. 4 E-07 q Total L 9e Gallons:
- 6. 7E+05 9.9E+05 8.18 E+05 '
' 6. 03E+05 1.04 E+ 06' ' 4.19E+05
- 4. 54E+06 of Waste:
- 2. 54 E+ 06
- 3. 74E+ 06 3;1 E+06
- 2. 28 E+06
- 1. 50E+66 1.72E+07 Total _ Volume Gallons:-
- 7. 685E+09
- 7.6685&O9 6.603E+09 3.98E+09 6.116E+09 e.
4.09E +09 . 3. 61 E + 10 of Dilution: ' Liters: 2.909E +10 ' 2.903E +10-
- 2. 499E + 10 1.507E +10 '
'2.315E +10 1.50E +10
- 1. 37E + 11 (2) % of Tech. Spec. Curie Limit-3.00E+0
- 1. 35E- 01 L
- 5. 78E- 02
~ 2. 24 E- 01 -- (3) : 4 , 8. 90E- 01 6245E 101 ' 8.~ 25E-01 i -+ .(1) Determined by using a ' ratic method - (3) Average for 6L eonth period 4 (2) Basic Tech. Spec. 3.8.B.2 .(4) Maximum for 6 monthjperiod.
- a..--
. _. _,. 2 _ _
- 1. 39 E-94 1.08E-GS
- 1. 5 8 E -05
- 2. 5 7E-OS 3.18E-Og 1.58E15
- 2. 39E- 04 Strontium-90 9.73E 06 5.16E 06
- 5. 2 4 E -05 4.15 E- 06 5.91E 06
- 5. 37E- 06
- 3. 56E- 05.
- 3. 4 4 E -02
- 5. 82E -04
- 1. 9 7 E - 03 9.9E- 04 7.3E- 03
- 4. 5 2E 02 bsium-137 5.1E-02
- 9. 54 9E- 04
- 3. 2 7 E- 04 2.7E-03
- 1. 8E- 03
- 9. 8E 02 6.66E 02 Iodine-131 i
- 8. 87E- 04 5. 2 E - 04 7.9E-03 3.5E 03 l'. 51 E 02 -
Cobalt-58 e-Cobalt-60 6.61E-04 8.6E-05
- 6. 4 5 E- 04
- 2. 2E 04 1.61E 03 Zinc-65 3.17E-03
- 4. 5 E -04
- 8. 5E- 04
- 4. 5 E 04 4'.92E 03:
1 Manganese-54 Chromium-51 4 9.1 E - 04 9.1E 04 Zirconium-95 ' 3. 0 E- 04 " 4
- 3. 0E 04 Molybdenum-90
- 4. 0E- 04 4.' 0 E 04 '
2r Lanthanum-140 4 E-n4 1.- 7 E-04 5.7E 04 Arsenic-76 '1. 4 E 2.04E-03 8.'4 E - 04' '4.28E 03 Sodium-24
- 1. 05 E- 01
- 5. 3E -03 '
- 1. 2E- 02
- 6. 5E- 03 1.29E-01 t
. Neptunium-239 2.99E-03
- 4. 7 E -04 2.1E- 03 5.56E-03 a
- 1. 2E- 04.
1.' 2 E - 04~ - Iodine-133 ' 6.6E- 04 6. 3 E- 05
- 3. 2 2 E 1. 3E- 04 c l ~.18 E- 03 Iodine-135 1.9E-04
- 1. 9 E Total (Curies) 2.02E 01 5.85E-03'
- 6. 04 E-04
- 1.16 E-02
- 2. 7 3 E-02
- 2. 88E 02 2.76E-OI
- Less-than minimum detectable activity /.
- - - ~- - - ~ ~
TABLE III-E Peach Bottom Units 2 6 3. Isotopic Analysis of Gaseous R adioactive Effluents (in Curtes) -1976 l !$0 TOPE JULY AUG. SEPT. OC T. N 0l. OEC. Cl Total Krypton 85M
- 1. 2 E +0 !
3.41E+0i 1.14E +0 2 8.7E+00
- 8. 45 +00
- 1. 7 7E+0 2 Xe non.13 3
- 4. 3 E +0 3 5.51E+03 8.lE+03 9.0E+03 1.0 9E+04 9.2E+03 4.70E+04 tenon-135
- 1. 4.E +0 2 5 3 2E +0 2 5.62E+02 -
1.64E +03 2.8t +0 2 3 5E+02 3.5lE+03 Kr.88 5 3E+00 1.lE+02 6.8E+00
- 1. 2 2E +0 2 Total 4.44E+03 6.06E+03 8.70E+03 1.0 9E +04 1.12E +0 4 9.56E+03 5 0 9E +04 Iodine 131 7.77E-02
- 9. 93 E-0 2 1.38E.01 4.lE.02 1.85E-02 1.64E 02 3.91E 01 lodine 133 4.54'-02 3.6 3 E.0 2 4.54E 02 1.Ilt-01 1.llE-01 1 3 9E-01 4.88E 01 1
todine 135 2.78Ew2
- 2. 23 E -0 2
- 2. 78 E-0 2 4.10E-02 4.10E.02 5 13 E-0 2 2.llE 01 Total 1.51E.01 1.58E 01
- 2. l l E.01 1.93E-01
- 1. 71E -01 2.07E Ol I.0 9E *00 Strontium.89 4.67E.5 6.40E-05 1.03 E -04 1.35E.04 1.5 f t.04 1 70 E-04 6.07 E -04 S t r ont i um-90 1.72E.06
- 1. 76 E-06 2.66E 06 2.43E.06 9.82E.06 6.54E-06 2.49E-05 Cesium.134
- 4. 42E.04
- 4. 5 l E.0 3 3.59E.03
- 9. 2 5 E.0 4 -
- 9. 56 E -0 5 9.77E 0)
Casium-137 6.42E.04 5.83E.03 4.57E-03 1 3 2E-03 2 36E-04
- 1. 4. E.0 4
- 1. 27 E-0 2 Lanthanum-140 1.83E.05 3 03E-05 2.3 l E-0 5 5 37E-05 1.25E.04 Cobalt.58
- 1. 33 E.0 4 2.63E 05 5.07E.05 2.10 E.0 4 Cobelt 60 3 3lE.04 2.59E 04
- 3. 23E-04
- 7. 28 E -04
- 4. 54E -0 4 7.85E.04 2.88E -03 '
- 1. 25 E.04 1.07E-03 6.0 l t.04 7.6 9E.04 4 35E.04 7.4 E 04
- 3. 74E -03 l
Manganese.54 5.llE 05 2.12E 04 2.63E.04 Chronlun-51 4.60E.04 3 75E.04 8 35E.04 fircontum 95
- 9. 56 E -0 5 6.27E.05 7.86E-05 1.04E-04 3.41E 04 Molybdenum.99 1.04E-0 4 3.17E-03 3.20E 04
- 1. 44E -04 2.57E.05
- 3. 76 E -0 3 Sodium-24 5.58E 05 3.47E.05 7.92E-05 3.45E-05 2.03t 04 Neptuntum-239 7.23E 05 2 30E 04 3 02E.04 As-76 2.86E-04
- 2. 99E 04 5.85E 04 Ag-110m
- 3. 4 9E-05 3 49E-05 RB.88 2.19E -05 2.19E-L5 Total 1.88E-03 1 50E 02 1.06E 02 4.68E-03 1.65E 03 2.63 E.0 3 3 64E.0 2 Less than minimm detectable activity
Li 'l TABLE III-F PEACH BOTTOM UNITS 2 AND 3 GASEOUS RADI0 ACTIVE RELEASE DATA 1976. ~ J ULY AUG. S E PT. OCT. N OV. DEC. T OTAL 1 Mixed Noble Gases Ci 9.81E+04 9.74E+03 1 90E+04 1.26E+04 7.80E+03 1.04E+04 6.94E+04 % of Tech. -Spec. Limi t (1) 1.51E+00 3.01E+00' 2.84E+00 1 34E+00 7.48E-01 8.78E-01 1.72E+00 Iodine 131 Ci 7.77E 9 93E 1.3SE-01 4'.10E-02 1.85E-02 1.64E-02 3 91E-01. % of Tech. Spec. Limi t. (2) 1.67E+01 : -3.24E+01 ~ 3.80E+01 1.24E+01 3.84E+00 3 92E+00 1.81E+01. Particulates>8 Day Half-Life 1.68E-03 1.18E-02 9.73E-03 '4.20s-03' 1 52E-03 12.52E-03 3 15E-02. A lpha Ci (6) (6.92E-08 (8.98E-07 41.17E-06 (2.94E-06 (2.20 E-Ol ' <1.16E-09 (5 30E-06 % of Tech. : Spec. Limi t ' (2)- 4.79E-01 5 00E+00 2.84E+00 1.50E+00' 4.41 E-01' '1.59E+00 '1 94E+C0; Tri ti um Ci (3) 1.20E+00 1.03E+00 1.28E+00' '2.12E+00 1.91E+00-2.16E+00 9 70E+00' ebx. Noble Gas Release Rate Ci/sec 1.00E+05 3 75E+04 7 5E+04: 1.80E+04' 5.8E404 '3 05E+03 .1.00E405 Date: 7-11-76 8-18-76 9-19-76 10-8-76 11-15-76 12-18-76 7-11 - ' % of Tech. Spec. Limit 'for Maximum I Noble Gas. Release (1) 3.06E+01 1 32E+01 2.40E+01 5.94E+00 1.81E+0i-1.56E+00 3.06E+01 Maximum % of Tech. Spec. Limit (1) 3 06E+01-3 00E+02 7.09E+01 3 18E+01' 2.95+01 -1.42E+01 - 3 00E+02 (1) Basi s: Tech. Spec. 3 8.C.1 (4); Average'for 6 month period. (2)- Basi s: Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.2 (5) Maximum for 6 month period. ( 3) Quarterly (6) Determined by ratio method. si l
4 5 A TABLE III-G 1 PEACH BOTTOM UNITS 2 & 3 - SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE SHIPMENT 1976 j JUL~ -AUG SEPT OCT NOV -DEC TOTAL-Number of shipments 8 20 17 21 31 30 127 Volume of waste (ft)J 7.64E+02 3.13E+03
- 2. 85 E+03
- 2. 36 E + 03 3.86E+03 3.63E+03 1.66E+D4 Activity, curies 5.19E+01 1.2E+'02
- 6. 3 9 E + 02
- 8. 7 9 E + 01 7.35E+01 6.26E+01 4.60E+02 Shipping dates / disposition 2 / (1) 2/(1)-
.1/ ( 1) 5/ (1)' 1/(1) 2/(1) 7/ (1) 2/(1) 3/ (1) 5/(1) 1/ (1)- 5/ (1) 13/ (1)' 3/ (1) 3/(1) 8/ (1) 1/ (1) 6/ (1) 16/ (1) 4/(1) 6/ (1) 10/(1) 1/ (1)- 7/ (1) - .. ) 4 20/(1) 5/(1) 8/ (1) 12/(1) 2/ (1) 7/ (1) s 22/ (1) 6/(1)- 8/(1) 12/(1) 2/(1) 7/ (1) -26/ (1) 9/ (1) 10/(1) 13/(1) 2/ (1) 7/ (1) 29/(1) 10/ (1) -13/(1) 17/(1) 3/(1) 9/ (1) 12/(1) - 14 / ( 1) 18/ (1) 5/(1). -12/ (1) i 12/ (1) 16/(1) 19/(1) 7/(1) 13/(1) a 16/(1) 16/(1) 25/(1) 8/(1)' 13/(1) 16/(1) 20/(1) 25/(1) 10/ (1) 15/ (1) .17 / ( 1) 22/ (1) -26/ (1)' 10/ (1) - 15/ (1) 19/ (1). 26/(1) --26/ (1) 12/(1)- 17/(1) 20/ (1) 27/(1) 26/(1) 14 / (1) 19/ (1) . 2 3/ ( 1 ) -- 29/(1) 27/(1) 14/(1) 19/(1) 26/ (1) 29/(1) 28/(1) 14/(1) -19/ (1) 1 27/(1)- 29/(1). 16/ (1) 20/(1) 1 1 31/ (1) 29/(1) 16/ (1) 20/ (1) p-31/ (1) - 29/ (1). 18/(1) 22/(1) 31/(1) 19/(1)- 22/(1)- i 19/(1)- -22/(1) 19/(1). 22/ (1) 4 19/ (1) - 24/(1) 22/ (1) - 2 9/ ( 1) 23/ (1) 30/ (1). (1) Shipped by liittman 24/(1) 3 0/ ( 1) - Nuclear'and Development 28/(1) 30/ (1) Corporation -in trucks. -28/(1) 30/(1). to the Chem. Nuclear "2 8/ (1) 30/ (1) Corporation,.Barnwell,
- 30/(1)
South Carolina. j -a _=
PBAPS IV IRRADIATED FUEL EXAMINATIONS Ouring the Unit 2 refueling outage of March 27 to June 24, 1976, 277 fuel bundles were sipped using the out-of-core wet technique. Of these 277 bundle s, 231 were of the improved 7x7 type. of this group, 19 were determined to be leaking. "A detailed fuel inspection of 10 of the improved _7x7 leaker bundles was performed at the site and included overall-bundle visual examination, bundle disassembly and eddy current and ultrasonic non-destructive test (NDT) of each fuel rod,_and detailed visual examination-of all perforated rods as well-as other selected rods. The inspections performed resulted in the detection fo 15 perforated rods.- The locations of the perorated rods-in the bundles, visible characteristics of the perforations (short tight cracks), and the _ NDT signal response all indicate that the primary -mode of rod perforation was Pellet Clad Interaction. Visible evidence of minor secondary hydriding was observed on most rods. "A similar detailed pool-side examination was performed-l on two of the four unimproved 7x7 leaker _ bundles. The results of this inspection revealed a= total of 3 leaker rods. Two _of the: leaker rode (both in one bundle) sustained open long splits characteristic of_the PCI mechanism. These rods were in the higher duty locations l of the bundle. The third leaker rod (in the second l bundle inspected) exhibited a typically. hydrided I appearance and was in a relatively low duty location of L the bundle. The apparent severity of the PCI cracks' in the unimproved 7x7 fuel was significantly worse than that observed in the improved 7x7 fuel." Samples of leaking and sound fuel rods have been retrieved and have been sent to the General Electric hot cell f acility for further analysis. i.
- ve-
"e a w a --e v== r -w f +
PBAPS Two-tables included in the' Peach. Bottom Atomic Power Station " Semi-Annual Effluent Releases Report No.f1,-January 1, 1976 through June 30,-1976," contained errors resulting from erronious sample. flow. rates. This Appendix contains a revised Table A " Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 - Gaseous Radioactive Release-Data - 1976" and a revised Table B " Peach Bottom-Units 2 and 3 - Isotopic Analysis. of Gaseous Radioactive Ef fluent (in : Curies) 1976". These' revised tables reflect corrected release rates-resulting from a recalculation using maximum attainable sample flow rates. The matter was also the subject of a _ letter dated January 3, 1977 submitted under License Numbers DPR-44 'and ' DPR-56 to the -- Puel Facilities and Materials Safety' Branch, Region I, - NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement in response to1 Inspection Numbers 50-277/76-39 and 50-278/76-29. l A-1 i ,,.,.~,y a w n,-4
\\ S TABLE A PEACH BOTTOM UNITS 2 AND 3 GASEOUS RADI0 ACTIVE RELEASE DATA 1976 i JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE TOTAL Mixed Noble Gases Ci 4.28E+04 2.84E+04 5.17E+04 9 36E+03 4.83 E+03 3 19E+03 1.40E+05 4 of Tech. Spec. Limit (1) 3.65E+00 3.89E+00 4.78E+00 1.30E+00 6.55E-01
- 6. 96E-01 2.49E+00 (4)
Iodine 131 Ci
- 2. 43 E-02 2.27E-02 9.64E-02 1.7 9E-01 1.08E-01 1.16E-01 5.46E-01 l
1> of Tech. Spec. Limit (2) 6.32E+00 7.80 E+00 1.04E+01 4.32E+01 3.65E+01 4.21E+01 2.44E+01 (4) Particulates with Half-lives Greater than Eight Days Ci 1.57E-03 3.71E-04 7.60E-04 1.96E-03 1.20E-03 1.01E-03 6.87E-03 Alpha Ci (6) G.56E-u/ $1.26E-0 9 53.33E-08
- 66. 90E-08 59.89E-08 E1.52E-08 53 74E-07
% of Tech. Spec. Limit -(2) 3.76E-01 7.70E-02 1.70E-01 8.80E-01' 3 96E-01
- 1. 90 E-01 3 70E-01 (4)
Tritium Ci (3) 9.46E-01 7.46E-01 7 49E-01 5.61E+00' 4.37E+00 4.48E+00 1.6 9E+01 ~ Maxo Noble Gas Release Rate a Ci/sec 5.01E+04 1.014E+05' 2.003E+05 1.004E+05-3 52E+04 1.04E+04 2.003E+05 ' cate: 1-9 2-23-76 3-2.8-76 4-30-76' 5-24-76 6-23-76 3-28-76 i %'of Tech. Spec. Limit for Max-imum Noble Gas Release -(1) 1.58E+01 5.0E+01 6.23E+01 3.58E+01 1.23E+01 5.13E+00 6.23E+0i (5) Max imtsn % of Tech. Spec. Limit (1) 3.4E+01 4.0 E+02 (7) 1.19E+03 (8) 3.58E+01-I.25E+01 5.13E+00 1.19E+03 (5) (1) Basis: Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.1 (5) Maximum for 6 month period F (2) Basis: Tech. Spec. 3.8.C.2 (6) Determined by ratio method' (3) Quarterly (8) L.E.R. No. 2-76-18/1T (7) L.E.R. No. 2-76-12/IT (4) Average for 6 month period 7 Revised November '22, 1976
D = i TABLE B Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3 - Isotopic Analysis of Gaseous Radioactive Effluente (in Curies) 1776 Isotope JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY Jum:, Ci TOTAL Krypton-85M j 9.68E+01
- 3. 3E CO 1.OCE T2 Ienon-133 6.96E+ 02 3.03E+04 4.27E 4L 2.59E M3 7.72E+01 9.37E 92 7.73E t4 _
Ienon-135 8.08E7
- 6. 41 E+01 3.31E 43
~ 6.77E*01 3.52E+03 Total (C1) 7.77E*02 2 03E+04 4.61E+04 2.54E @3 7.72E+01 1.00E+03 8.00E* 04 Iodine 131 2.43E-02
- 2. 27E-02 9.64E-02 1."9E-01 1.08E-01 1.16E-01 5.4 5-01 Iodine 133 1.27E-01 1.01 5-01 1.01E-01 1.27FA 1 1.01E-01 1.01E-01 6.58E-01 Iodine 135 1.02E-01 8.18E-02 8.18 M 2 1,02E-01 8.18E-02 B.18E-02 5.31E-01 Total 2.53E-01
- 2. 06F-01 2.79E-01 L.08E-01 2.91E-Ot -
2.99E-01 1.7LE+00 Strentium-89 2.55E-04 1.485-0L 2.84E-04 3.20E-05 L 35E-05 '2.47E-05 7.57E-04' Strontium 90 1.12E-O' 1.07E-05 5.10E-06
- 1. 50E-06 8.9E-07
- 1. 50Txy, 3.09E-05 Cesius-134 4.43E-04 1.68E-OL 1.77rAL 7_L1E-OL
?_95E-CL 1_L4E-01 Ce sium-137 7.22E-04 3.64E-05 1.99E-04 2.81E-04 4.30E-04 3.35E-04 2.01E-03 Lant u e 140 5.43E-05 1.20E-05 4.23E-05 2.43E-05 1.33E-04 Cobalt -58 i t 1.73E-04 1.73E-04 Cobalt ~60 1.54E-05 C.00E-05 3.80E-05 6.97E-04 1.02E-04 2.56E-04 1.19E-03 Zine -65 5.00E-05
- 6. 41 E-05 4.24E-05 5.26E-04 2.76E-OL 2.10E-05 9.90E-04 Marsanese-54 2.22E-05 2.22E-05 Chroniuw ST 6.LCE-05 6.LDE-OS Zirconiuw95 3.1LE-05
-2. h E-05 7.63E-05 3.83E-05 5.26E-05 2.26E-04 Molybdenum-99 1.20E-03 L.145-04 1.66E-05 1.63E-03 Sodium-24 3.15E-05 3.15E-05 Neptunium-239 2.81E-04
- 7. 39E-05 3.55E-04 Total 3.10E-03 4.14E-04 1.29E-O?
1.985-03 '1.2DE-03 1.03E-03 9.03E-03 +
- Less than minimum detectable activity Revised November 22,15"6