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Annual Plant Mod Rept,1981
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/19/1982
From: Ullrich W
Shared Package
ML20058C313 List:
NUDOCS 8207260315
Download: ML20058C318 (9)


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PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION UNIT NOS. 2 AND 3 ANNUAL PLANT MODIFICATION REPORT January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1981 Submitted to The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pursuant to Facility Operating Licenses Nos. DPR-Id4 & DPR-56 Preparation Directed By:

W. T. Ullrich, Superintendent Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station i

8207260315 820719 PDR ADOCK 05000277 R



PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION ANNUAL PLAIE MODIFICATION REPORT 1981 This report for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units No. 2 and 3, License Nos. DPR-M and DPR-56, is issued in fulfillment of the reporting requirements of 10 CFR 50 59 It describes changes made to the facility as the facility is described in the safety analysis report. The report covers modifications that were complete in 1981.

For each of the modifications, tests or experiments included in this report, the safety evaluation performed indicated that an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59(a)(2) was not created; in that (i) the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report was not increased, or (ii) a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report was not created, or (iii) the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification was not reduced.

9 Page 1 Common Control Poom Interior Doors Changen were made to doorc 321, 32?, 326 which include sel f-cloning nochanisms for the doore and louvers and edge Palr.

The ourpose of this modification in to prevent nmoke infiltration into the main control room in the event of a fire in one of the adjacent roomr.

Pocombiner Samole Connection A cample connection has been installed in the nuction line of the recombiner sample pump in order that manual nampl es of the recombiner dircharge can be gatbered for chemical anal yn i r.

Soinmic Unoradina of Mirco11aneour Fans "odificatione were undertaken to provide arsurance that the fans (17 total) in the following systems will be operable in the event of a design earthquake or a naximum credible earthquake.

Standby Gar Treatment Syntem Control Foom Energency Frenh Air Supp]y Fmerqency Switchgear Exhaust Battery Poom FMhauct Cardox Poom Sunnly, Diesel Generator Buildinc Diesel Generator Supnly Control Poom Frenh Air Supoly The modification included addition of structural bracing to come of the fan frames and deflection limitern to all fan franos.

Control Poem Emercency Vent Fann Shift reals haen installed on control room emergency vont fann OAV-30 and and 09t7-30 in order to nrevert nullina of unfiltered air into the rysten.


Pace 2 l

Hot-Snot Tndicatorn for Emercency I,oad Centern Due to the inaccornibility of the existing hot spot indicatorr, which are inci?e the transformer tank, a modification har been compl eted and innta11ed, external temperature sencors on transformers E-134 and E-324 of the emergency load centerr.

Roniace Radwaste Floor Drain Filter Transmitter The existing floor Frain filter trancmitter (dpt 425), a GE"AC GCE52, has been replaced with a Ronemont IISID-PGB?2Mn.

The GEMAC instrument f ailed and no partc are availabic.

i ESW Seicnic Uncrade A modification has been conpleted in order to bring the i

Emergency Service Water booster pump up to the recuired ceismic capability.

Thin modification involved the installation of dowel pinn at the end Chiclan.

l Unitn 2& 3 i-nefuel Frane Dont Cover Drain Hol e l

l A modification to the roFuel crcnen har been completed in order to nrevert the builduo of qreare inside the dust covers on both enar of the main hoict braken.

The modificatior cc listed of drilling a 1/4 inch hole in the aunt covers to

'froute the oil drainage back to the main oil reservoir.

I i

i HPCT/RCTC Inolation Lonic l.

1 In order to prevent cpurious isolation of the UPCI and PCIC ryrtem due to a hich eteam flow trancient experienced during synten rtart-up, timo delay relays have heon added to the steam lino high Flow isolation locic.

Thin in a MUREG 0660 recuirement (II.F. 3.15).


Page 3 Torus Vent Header Doflectorn Deflectors have been added to the torus vent headers to minimize the nwell impact loading during the inital clearing of air.

Toruc Vent Header Downcomer Ties Downcomer tier were added to the torun header in order to nupport lateral loads which may occur during a LOCA.

74ain Stear Felief Valve Diccharne Ouenchers and Sunnorts Thin modification var nade in order to withstand the loadina idontified during the Mark I studies.

The cuenchern and rupnorts serve to mitigate the initial pressure surge resulting from air in the liner and to minimize condenration caused instabilitier.

Unit 2 Oniv Scram Svntem 7 sir Dumn In responno to IE Pulletin 80-17, a system was installed to automatically scram the reactor unon low air pressure in the scram system air supply header.

This modification involved the installation of prersure nwitches on the supply header which activate the back-up scram valves upon a low oressure condition.

The nodification will be removed uron completion of the modifications to Fcram systen diccharce pining.

Pefuel Bridae Pod Block Interlock The refuel bridge truck switch, a sincie contact mechanirm, war replaced with a two contact rwitch in order to permit the bridge to remain de-energized with the roactor mode switch in the ntart-up position.

This rodification wan performed in response to GECo. SIL -2 4 8.

Page 4 Cardox Batterien A modification was completed vhich installed a protective screen around the cardox fire protection system batterien to provide protection from inadvertent contact.

Mante Demineralizerr Due to oncoino di f ficul tien, nipina has been modified and a rentricting orifice innta11ed on the waste demin line to prevent damane to the renin bed during filling operations.

Recirculation Pumn vG Set Ventiletion A modification to prevent nide movenent of the vane hourino and to ntrencthen the entire anrembly was completed.

Thin modification consinted of the installation of 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 anqle iron to the sides of the vane houring and tuo tic rods through the siden of the annemSly.

RCTC Pumn Suction Prensure Trannnitter A General Electric nodel 55IPT han boon replaced by a Fonemount Al pha Line Transmitter Model 115P7B22 for the RCIr pump suction pressure transmitter.

This wan necennitated an a recul t of damaqe and lack of parts availability.

Unit 3 Only RHR Loon Selection Tnstrument Lino The one inch RHR loon celection inntrument line was cut and capped due to leakago in a portion of the line botveen the connection to the 270 degree recirculation riner and penetration M52-E.

The leakage van dotected durino the ISI proaram.

Loop nelection looic in no Ioncer utilized, therefore, thin line is no longer necernary.


Page 5 4KV Control Cable Pe-route A -odification was nerforned in order to bring the unit into compliance with the FSAP with recard to safequardn separation.

This modification involved re-routing of nome control cables to the 4FV emergency buses, canning of control switches, relocation of other control switches and the installation of auxiliary relays as interposing contacts in some control circuitc.

Reactor Recirculatina Pumn Seal Pressure Sennino Line j

A 1/4" restricting orifice har been installed in the reactor recirculation nump real oreneure nenning line in order tc meet FSAR committment regarding inntrument lines which penetrate nrimary containment.

HPCI emnerature Switch An obrolete ASHrPOP" temnerature switch han been replaced with a Fenwal 50 to 250 dearee r tenperature rwitch.

Radi ation 'toni torinc Batteries i

l The 14V batteries 3AD27 and 3CD7 have been replaced with batterica of an improved design.

Autotransfer of PCIC A modification han boen connleted in response to NUREG 0737 item II.K.3.22 which transfers the PCIC ruction to the "oruc when the condenrate storace tank leval falls to 10,000 callone.

"ain Steam Irolation Valve i

Due to ntripped threadn, a hel icoil innert has hoon inctalled on the B r,D MSIV cyl inder block.

-hir action annures that the manifold will stay afixed to the cylinder block.

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Page 6 Reactor Water Levol Recorder In response to a t!UREG 0737 requiroment, a two pen recorder has been installed to monitor reactor water level over the normal ooerating range and the bottom of the active fuel.

The wide rance rection on the recorder covers -165 to +50 inchen wherean the fuel zone nection covern -325 to 0 incher.

Grannle TTead Modification, A new mountino hole for the crapple head light han been drilled and tanped in the oranole head.

This new hole was nocencitated due to ntripping of one of the oriainal holes and i

will provide poritive mounting of the light.

Scram nincharce volume Modification In responne to TE Bulletinq 80-17 concerning the failure of control rodn to fully innert neveral modificationn have been made to the neram aircharge piping including:

1) neplacement of existino piping f rom dircharge volume to instrument volume with 9" pine.


Addition of redundant icolation valves on the instrument volume vent and drain.

i 3)

Removal of relief valve nV34 l


Re-routing of the level detection piping i

Reactor Buildinc Wall Penetrations Eight nenetrationn were made through the reactor j

building uall.

Six of tho penetrationn (10 inchen in diameter) vere temporarv and have been pluqqed and 2 (9 inches in diameter) are pernanent.

The permanont penetrationn were clored and leak tented.

Thono penetrations were used to provide pathwayr for the introduction of compressed ganes, cornrenred air, electrical leadr and welding connectionn required durina modification work within the drywell and torun.


Page 7 Control Rod Drive Coolina Water Header Flow "ransmittor Renlaccment FT-3-03-217, a CatAC "odel 555111BCAA3B har heen renlacod by a Ponomont 1151-982? m0002-PB due to the fact that the GFMAC unit was defective and is no longer manufactured.

Scram Discharoe Header Water Level notectorr Ultrasonic detectorn were installed in the low noint of the two ceram discharge henaern in order to detect any accumulation or water.

Thin work war done in responce to TE Sulletin 80-17.

D PUR Suction nrain Pinino The drain pininc on the nuction of the D R99 pumn has been rero"ed and the connection noint repaired.

This modification van nerformed in order to secure a leakina pipe and return the pipino to the oricinal confiquration.

RHR Elbown on nincharon to Torun A modification was connleted which added elbows to the PHR dincharge linen to the toruc.

The purpose of this rodification ir to induce uater circulation within the torus, thereby prevonting thornal ntrati fication and local heat concentration.

O Pon1acement of Core 9nray Pinino A modification to the core scrav pipino war completed which replaced all of the pipina Eron the roactor vencel nafe ende to #irnt valve.

The purnose of this modification is to renlace nipinn uhich may be susceptibio to interqranular rtrens corrorion crackino wi th material which in lenn succentible.