ML20062B331 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Davis Besse |
Issue date: | 07/08/1982 |
From: | Doyel C, Green W TOLEDO EDISON CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20062B312 | List: |
References | |
AD-1827.12-01, AD-1827.12-1, NUDOCS 8208040452 | |
Download: ML20062B331 (17) | |
5 HP 1602.01 10 T-6393 HP 1604.01 2
AD 1827.01 3
AD 1827.02 8
AD 1827.03 1
AD 1827.04 1
T-6019 AD 1827.05 2
AD 1827.06 2
AD 1827.07 2
AD 1827.08 1
AD 1827.09 1
AD 1827.12 8
AD 1827.13 4
AD 1827.14 1
AD 1827.15 3,
AD 1827.16 1
AD 1827.17 1
3 AD 1850.04 -
4 AD 1850.05 5
ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 - ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 26 No. 38 - First Aid Team 11 i
No. 39 - Fire Brigade 12 No. 43 - Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 24 No. 42 - Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMI) 16 Revision ' 145 -
July, 1982 I
O208040452 820728 PDR ADOCK 05000346 F
'AD 1827 12 Davic-Ecsse Nucicar Power Station Unit No. 1 Administrative Procedure AD 1827.12 Protective Action Guidelines NUCRSEIRED Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by C. Doyel/W. Green 2/23/76 Date Submitted by E. {;3.
3 /I l / ~7 fe.
Recomme,nded by SRB Chairman bate AMMA
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1 AD 1827.12.6 1.
To define a specific set of guidelines to be followed in determin-ing protective actions to be taken in the event of emergencies involving radioactivity releases at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DUNPS).
REFERENCES 2.1 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 2.2 10 CFR 100, Reactor Site Criteria 6
2.3 USAEC TID-14844, Calculation of Distance Factors for Power and Test Reactor Sites 2.4 AD 1808.00, Industrial Security Plan 2.5 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan 2.6 AD 1827.10, Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimates 2.7 SAND 77-1725, Public Protection Strategies for Potential Nuclear Reactor Accidents - Sheltering Concepts with Existing Public and Private Structures p
2.8 EPA Guidelines - September 1975, EPA-520/1-75-001 2.9 U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Federal Register, Vol.
43, No. 242, Dec. 15, 1978 2.10 Reg Guide 1.109, Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50 /.ppendix I 3.
3.1 Decision Dose That value of projected thyroid dose above which evacua-Lion is beneficial.
3.2 Evacuation Dose That dose that a potential evacuee would receive if he were openly exposed during the evacuation.
3.3 Evacuation Exposure Period The period during which the evacuee is exposed to the radioactive plume.
2 AD 1827.12.7 3.4 Off-Site The area outside the Owner Controlled Area as defined in AD 1808.00, Industrial Security Plan.
3.5 Projected Exposure Time That period of time in which the population surrounding DBNPS will be exposed to radiatiou as a result of an accidental airborne radioactive release.
Projected Exposure Time starts when the airborne radioactivity released crosses the Owner Controlled Area Boundary and ends when radiation levels off-site return to normal.
3.6 Sheltering Dose That' dose that an individual would receive if he were to remain within a shelter having ventilation control during the passage of the plume. The method of calculating the sheltering dose is significantly different for the whole body and thyroid dose.
This is because a ventilation controlled shelter, i.e. door, windows and ventilation shut, provides thyroid protection for only two hours.
After two hoprs the inhabitant receives the full thyroid dose.
For the whole body exposure there is no limit on the resident's time in the shelter.
RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 In the event an emergency is declared at DBNPS that involves the release of radioactivity or radiation, the Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) and his assisting personnel g
shall use the calculating methods found in AD 1827.10, g
Emergency Off-Site Dose Estimates, to calculate the instantaneous radiation exposure rates for various offsite loca tions.
(In the event of an emergency during off-normal hours, this calculation is the responsibility of the Shift Supervisor while acting as EDO until such time as he is relieved by the EDO.)
The results of these calculations should be utilized as specified in Section 6. for evacuation and shelter recom-3 I
mendations, and compared with the guidelines given in g
Sections 5. and 7. to determine the proper protective actions required to protect the healLh and safety of 7
Station personnel and the general public.
However, in the event that time does not permit the use of the Section 6 Data Sheets (i.e., if the plume is moving relatively fast towards the public and especially large population centers),
l protective actions should be based on an immediate com-a j
parison of the dose projections calculated in AD 1827.10 with the criteria given in Section 5.1 of this procedure.
3 AD 1827.12.7 The EDO shall then implement those actions for Station s
personnel and communicate the recommended off-site actions to the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department (or the State and County Emergency Operations Centers if they have been activated).
4.2 In order to simplify evacuation instructions for the public, evacuation "subarcas" (see Figure 1) have been established by municipal and geographical boundaries.
When making evacuation decisions in an emergency situa-tion, the EDO shall consider the time available (based on plume travel speed) to evacuate the affected subarea (s),
in comparison to the estimated evacuation times as given in Table 1.
The data sheets used in Section 6. assist in this process.
5.1 Recommended Protective Actions for the Plume Exposure I
Pathway (10 mile) Emergency Planning Zone to avoid whole body and thyroid dose from exposure to a gaseous plume:
Projected Do,se (Rem) to the Population Recommended Actions (,) Comments Whole body
<1 j
Noplann{g) protective Previously actions.
Issue an recommended Thyroid
<5, advisory to seek protective shelter and await actions may I
further instructions.
be recon-Monitor environmental sidered or radiation levels.
I Whole body 1 to
<5 Seek shelter as a min-If con-imum.
Consider evacu-straints ation. Evacuate unless exists, Thyroid 5 to
<25 constraints make it special I
impractical. Monitor considera-environmental radia-should be tion levels.
Control given for access.
evacuation of children and preg-I nant women.
Whole body 5 and above Conduct mandatory Seeking evacuation.
Monitor shelter environmental radia-would be an Thyroid 25 and above tion levels and adjust alternative area for mandatory if evacua-evacuation based on tion were these levels.
not immedi-Control access.
ately pos-sible.
4 AD 1827.12.7
These actions are recommended for planning purposes.
Protective action decisions at the time of the incident must take existing conditions into con-sideration.
At the time of the incident, officials may implement low-impact protection actions in keeping with the principle of maintaining radiation exposures as j
low as reasonably achievable.
5.2 Guidelines for protection against ingestion of contamina-7 tion for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway (50 mile) Emergency i
Planning Zone:
Ground Contamination A.
Action Levels
- 1. Projected whole body dose above the ground 2 rem 2
- 2. Ground Contamination levels 22000 pCi/m at.
t = 1 hr post-accident
- 3. Exposure rate 212 mR/Hr at I meter above ground at t = 1 br post-accident B.
Recommended Protective Actions
- 1. Evacuation of affected areas 1
- 2. Restriction of entry to contaminated off-site areas until radiation level has decreased to i
State approved levels II.
Food and Water Contamination A.
Action Levels Concentration in Milk or Water (0.5 (5
or bone:
Total Intake 1.5 rem 15 rem via all Pasture thyroid)
Food & Water Grass Preventive Emergency Pa thways (Fresh Wei g )
Level Levei Preventive Emergency Preventive Emergency Nuclide*
(mci /kg) 1-131 (thyroid) 0.012 0.12 0.09 0.9 0.27 2.7 If other nuclides are present, Reg. Guide 1.109 will be used to I
5 AD 1827.12.7 calculate the dose to the critical organ (s).
Infants are the critical segment of the population Concentration in Milk or Water (0.5 (5
or bone:
Total Intake 1.5 rem 15 rem via all Pasture thyroid) thyroid)
Food & Water Grass Preventive Emergency Pathways (Fresh Weight)
Level Level Preventive Emergency Preventive Emergency I
Cs-137 (Whole Body) 0.34 3.4 7.0 70 3.5 35 Sr-90 (bone) 0.007 0.08 0.2 2.0 0.7 7.0 Sr-89 (bone) 0.13 1.3 2.6 25 13 130 h.
Recommended Protective Actions Preventive Emergency y
- 1. Removal of lactating Isolate food and water dairy cows from con-from its introduction taminated pasture and into commerce after substitution of uncon-considering:
I taminated stored feed.
- 2. Substitute source of
- a. availability of uncontaminated water.
other possible
- 3. Withhold contaminated actions; i
milk from market to
- b. importance of par-allow radioactive decay.
ticular food in I
- 4. Divert fluid milk to nutrition; production of dry whole
- c. time and effort to milk, butter, etc.
take action; I
- d. availability of other foods.
7 5.3 Representative shielding factors from airborne radio-nuclides:
Shielding (*) Representative Range Structure or Location Factor Outside 1.0 Vehicles 1.0 Wood-frame house 0.9 (no basement)
l l
6 AD 1827.12.7 I
l Shielding (*) Representative Range l
Structure or Location Factor Basement of wood house 0.6 0.1 to 0.7(c)
Masonry House (no base-0.6 0.4 to 0.7(c) ment)
Basement of masonry house 0.4 0.1 to 0.5(c)
Large office or indus-0.2 0.1 to 0.3(c, d) trial building (a)
The radio of the dose received inside the structure E
.to the dose that would be received outside the 3
A wood frame house with brick or stone vencer is approximately equivalent to a masonry house for shield-ing purposes.
This range is mainly due to different wall materials and different geometries.
The shielding factor depends on where the personnel are located within the building (e.g., the basement or an inside room).
I 7
5.4 Representative shielding factors for surface deposited radionuclides:
Representative Shielding Factor,) Representative g
Structure or Location Range E
1 m above an infinite 1.00 E
smooth surface 1 m above ordinary ground 0.70 0.47-0.85 1 m above center of 50-ft 0.55 0.4-0.6 roadways, 50% decontam-inated Cars on 50-f t road:
Road fully contaminated 0.5 0.4-0.7 Road 50% decontaminated 0.5 0.4-0.6 Road fully decontaminated 0.25 0.2-0.5 Trains 0.40 0.3-0.5
7 AD 1827.12.7 A\\]
Representative Shielding Factor [,) Representative Structure or Location Range One and two-story wood-0.4(D) 0.2-0.5 frame house (no basement)
One and two-story block 0.2(b) 0.04-0.40 and brick house (no base-ment)
House basement, one or two 0.1(b) 0.03-0.15 walls fully exposed:
I g)
One story, less than 2 0.05 0.03-0.7 ft of basement, walls exposed g)
Two. stories, less than 2 0.03 0.02-0.05 ft of basement, walls exposed I
Three-or four-story structures, 5000 to 2
10,000 ft per floer:
First and second floors:
I 0.01-0.08
- 0. 0 F 0.001-0.07 Miltistory structures, 2
>10,000 ft per floor:
Upper floors 0.01(
0.001-0.02 Basement 0-005 0.001-0.015
The ratio of dose received'inside the structure to the dose that would be received outside the structure.
Away from doors and windows.
7 5.5 Distribution of Potassium Iodide Tablets I
The EDO will direct Station personnel to tche a KI tabletif,(a}5the known iodine concentration will exceed I x 10 pCi/cc for greater than one hour, or (b) the total known dose to an adult thyroid will exceed 10 rems.
Base the distribution of KI on actual thyroid doses, not projected doses.
KI is 90% effective if admin-intered within one hour afthe the uptake, and 50%
effective if administered within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> after uptake.
,g 3.
Call Radiation Management Corporation if KI is E
administered for further directions regarding usage.
8 AD 1827.12.7 6.
PROCEDURE 6.1 Whole Body Dose t
Complete Data Sheet 1.
l 7
6.2 Thyroid Dose Complete Data Sheet 2.
6.3 Protective actions should be recommended as developed by Data Sheet I and 2.
Additional guidance is as follows:
Inhalation of Evacuation, shelter, EMERGENCY gases, radio-access control, res-i PILASE1 iodine, or par-piratory protection, (0.5 to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)* ticulate prophylaxis (thyroid protection)
Direct whole body Evacuation, shelter, exposure access control Ingestion of Take cows off pas-milk ture, prevent cows from drinking sur-(
contaminated milk, face water, discard or divert to stored products such as cheese INTERMEDIATE Ingestion of Wash all produce, or PIIASE2 fruits and impound produce, g
vegetables delay harvest until g
approved, substitute uncontaminated pro-duce Ingestion of Cut off contaminated water supplies, substitute from other sources, l
filter, demineralize W
(24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to Whole body expo-Relocation, decon-30 days)*
sure and inhala-tamination, fixing tion of contamination, i
deep plowing 1
1 Emergency phase - Time period of major release and subsequent plume exposure.
2 Intermediate phase - Time period of moderate con-tinuous release with plume exposure and contamination of environment.
I 9
AD 1827.12.7
EXAMPLES OF ACTIONS ACCIDENT PHASE EXPOSURE PATHWAYS TO BE RECOMMENDED Ingestion of food Decontamination, and water con-condemnation, or taminated from destruction of food;
LONG TERM the soil either deep plowing, con-6.w PHASE 3 by resuspension demnation, or al-
- S $ " '
or uptake ternate use of land
's through roots
.3 Whole body expo-Relocation, access
sure from deposi-control, decontam-(over 30 days)*
tion material or ination, fixing of f ,
inhalation of re-contamination, deep
- l.,,,
suspended plowing
, I" ',?
material 3
Long Term Phase - Recovery period.
" Typical" Post-accident time periods.
6.4 Small Children and Pregnant Women
- %Rii;;
7 y }g.3 Any, time the projected whole body does is expected to E*4ffm exceed 500 mrem or the projected thyroid dose is expected MMi Department to conduct an evacuation in the area of exposure to exceed 1.5 rem, advise the Ottawa County Sheriff's 2-of families in which there are pregnant women or small a-children.
l l
1 f
I i
10 AD 1827.12.7 DATA SHEET 1 Evacuation vs Shelter Decision Guide For Whole Body Exposure 1.
Evacuation Subarca from Figure 1 2.
Approximate Distance to Population of Interest (1, 2, 5, or 10 miles) miles 7
Use the distance in which the projected exposure levels calculated in AD 1827.10 are above the Protective Action Guidelines given in Section 5.1.
A data sheet should be calculated for each affected radii.
Calculate Whole Body Dose Rate:
(D=MR/HR from Step 14, Data Sheet 1 of AD 1827.10, Emergency Off-site Dose Rate Estimate)=
Release Durat. ion (If not known assume 10 hrs.)
hours 5.
Projected dose = dose rate x duration = Items 3 x 4 =
REM 1000 1000 6.
Wind Speed MPil Distance (item 2) 7 7,.
Plume Travel Time = Wind Speed (item 6) =
hours 8.
Time since, or till, beginning of release.
If release has begun:
Release has been in progress hours b.
If release will begin later:
Release will start in hours f
Time till exposure begins:
If release has begun:
Time = Item 7 - Item 8a =
hours NOTE:
Show minus sign in answer if Item 8a is greater than Item 7.
If release will begin later:
Time = Item 7 + Item Eb(=
hours 10.
Evacuation Weather Conditions:
Norma 1 Adverse Severe (Circle One)
11 AD 1827.12.7 DATA SHEET 1 (Continued) 11.
Use information from Items 1 and 10 to get Estimated Evacuation Time from Table 1.
hours 12.
Exposure Time:
Item II - Item 9 =
hours NOTE:
If Item 9 is negative, keep in mind that minus a negative number gives a positive result.
If Item 9 is larger than Item 11, enter zero hours.
I 13.
Evacuation Exposure Period (EEP):
Take the smaller of Exposure Time (Item 12) or Release Duration (Item 4) hours 7
Evacuation Dose = EEP hours x Dose Rate = (Item 13) x (Item 3) =
REM 1000 1000 15.
Sheltering Dose =
Projected Dose x Structure Shielding Factor (from 5.3) =
RE8 7
Since the housing in the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone is basically wood homes, a structure shielding factor of 0.9 should normally be used.
G 16.
Using the above information and following table, determine the protective actions to be recommended:
1.1 THEN a.
Projected Dose (Item 5) less than a.
NO ACTION 1 rem 7
Sheltering Dose (Item 16) is greater b.
SKELTER than 1 rem but less than 5 rem c.
Sheltering Dose greater than 5 c.
EVACUATE rem, and Evacuation Dose (Item
- 15) less than Sheltering Dose d.
Sheltering Dose greater than 5 rem d.
SHELTER and Evacuation Dose greater than or equal to Shelter Dose
f 8/ 8 FIGURE 1 h
ERIE atiusatts ;nr. -
b I
h AUg sinte= i r.
L.l I
sia.fism sitt L
t L,
1, [
h S-1952,
P-3231 W
P-Permanent Residents S-0 T-7475
d S-Seasonal Residents T-Transients g
j I
P-877 l
S-239 T-1575
3 1
C888.0tt itP, P-1518
[,,,,j sattu tur.
socar aiott
S-1828 i
!!!ason T-1570 tatt
^~Y y,
, m-P...
P-1815 T-0 S-0 T-70
.e s
iisont h,
_ _ __ _. /
' " =. " -
b N -
- r==
~ i
13 AD 1827.12.8
TME 1 Evacuation Time Estimates Land Sub-Areas Population
- Normal Adverse Severe **
1 2,781 2 hr. 55 min.
829 4 hr. 10 min.
829 15-20 hr.
I 2
2,681 3 hr. 5 min.
877 4 hr. 50 min.
877 30-40 hr.
3 10,706 3 br. 35 min.
, I 3,231 6 hr. 30 min.
3,231 35-45 br.
4 608 2 hr. 50 min.
608 4 hr. 15 min.
608 10-15 br.
8 5
4,934 3 hr. 30 min.
4,934 4 hr. 30 min.
4,934 40-45 hr.
EO 4,916 3 hr. 30 min.
By 6
1,518 5 br. 10 min.
1,518 30-40 hr.
7 1,885 4 hr.
1,815 6 br. 25 min.
1,815 50-60 hr.
TOTAL EPZ 28,511 5 hr. 15 min.
13,812 10 hr. 55 min.
13,812 75-100 hr.
Lake Sub-Areas Boaters No rmal Adverse Severe l
8 thru 13 Varies 4 hr.
N/A N/A Special Case Popu1ation Normal Adverse Severe Port Clinton 10,328 4 hr. 45 min.
8 7,223 6 br.
7,223 24-30 hr.
- Population varies due to location and transient resident variations due I
to season and unfavorable weather conditions.
- Time ranges are provided due to the uncertain nature of severe weather
conditions (e.g., during a severe snow fall or blizzard, the time it takes to evacuate can vary depending on the direction and speed of the wind).
l g:
14 AD 1827.12.7 DATA SHEET 2 Evacuation vs Shelter Decision Guide For Thyroid Dose 1.
Evacuation subarca from Figure 1 2.
Complete Data Sheet 1 3.
Release Duration from Data Sheet 1, Item 4 (If not known assume 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />) hours 4.
Evacuation Exposure Period (EEP) from Data Sheet 1, Item 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> 7
Calculated Thyroid Dose Rate (Step 12, Data mR/HR Adult Sheet 2, AD 1827.10) mR/HR Child 6.
Projected Thyroid Dose = Item 3 x Item 5 =
Decision Dose is that value of Projected Thyroid Dose above which evacuation is beneficial. The Decision Dose depends on the Release Duration as follows:
Release Duration Decision Dose (hours)
(rem) 2 75 3
45 l
4 38 5
34 l
6 32 8
30 12 28 24 27 above 24 25 1
Decision Dose =
i 8.
Using the above information and following table, determine the protective actions to be recommended:
7 a.
Projected Thyroid Dose (Item 6) less a.
NO ACTION than 5 rem O
15 AD 1827.12.7 DATA SEET 2 (Continted) g THEN 7
Projected Thyroid Dose greater than b.
EVACUATE iE 5 re. dut 1ess than 25 re.
Projected Thyroid Dose greater than c.
25 rem, but less than the POSSIBLE OR i
7 Decision Dose (Itera 7)
- d.
Projected Thyroid Dose greater than d.
Perform action Decision Dose, then as follows:
If EEP less than Release 1.
EVACUATE Duration 2.
If EEP equal to Release 2.
_ - - _ _ _ _ _ _